Hiraeth 2002 - Notice: The author gives permission to download, print, duplicate, and share this book for personal use only; with the proviso that no alteration is made to the contents of this book. Other use of this book is with the express permission being granted by the author or agent.


1. Daniel's Chapters -The Oracles of God
Daniel - Hebrews. Chapter 5, Verse 11 to 14

2. Daniel Chapter 2, Verses 40,41,42, -Ten Toes- Verse 43, and Miry Clay

3. Ecclesiastes Chapter 4, Verse 15: The Path of the Second Child

4. Romans Chapter 9 - Verses 2 to 33: Path of the Kinsmen

5. Isaiah Chapter 43, Verse 8: The Path of Zion and Jerusalem
and the Controversy

6. Hosea chapter 11, Verse 1: The Path of "Out of Egypt I Called My Son".
Exodus Chapter 33, Verse 16 and Leviticus Chapter 20, Verse 24: -
-The Separated Lineage.
Genesis Chapter 23: -Machpelah

7. Daniel Chapter 2, Verses 33-45: The Ten Toes of Iron and Clay
of Nebuchadnezzar's Dream Image

8. From Genesis Chapters 48 and 49: The History of Israel's Sons
in The Last Days. (Ten Toes of Clay). -INDEX-

9. (1st son) Reuben - William of Normandy AD 1066 -
France. -House of Normandy - or Norsemen

10. (2nd son) Simeon - House of Anjou (Plantagenet) AD 1154, - France. -AND-
(3rd son) Levi - House of Judah and Jacob

11. (4th son) Judah - son of Jacob, of the House of Judah. (Jew)

12. (5th son) Zebulun - House of Lancaster, Henry IV etc. AD1399 - 1471

13. (6th son) Issachar - House of York, Edward IV, etc. AD1461-70,
1471-83, & 1485

14. (7th son) Dan - House of Tudor, Henry VII to Elizabeth I..
AD1457 to 1603

15. (8th son) Gad - House of Stuart, James I, AD 1603-1625,
to Queen Anne, AD1702-14

16. (9th son) Asher - House of Hanover, AD 1714 to 1901, George I, George II,
George III, George IV, William IV, Queen Victoria

17. (10th son) Naphtali - House of Sax-Coburg-Gotha, Edward VII,

18. (11th son) Joseph - House of Windsor and the United States of America,
George V, AD1910. George IV, Elizabeth II

19. (12th son) The Tribe of Benjamin, House of Judah, (in the Jew)

20. INDEX- Secular history which involved the twelve tribes of Israel and the
Biblical History of Israel's "Carcase"
(Ten Toes explained in secular history, etc,)

21. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 1: "Darius the Mede" ruler of Babylon.
BC 621 - 535?

22. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 2: Four kings of Persia, Darius I to Darius III
Persia BC 521 - 331

23. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 3: "Alexander the Great"

24. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 4: Four winds and others, and those of
Alexander's Empire

25. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 5: Alexander's "South Wind",
Ptolemy III Euergetes of Egypt. BC 246- 221

26. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 6: Ptolemy VI Philometor BC180-45
and Cleopatra Thea, etc.

27. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 7: Ptolemy IX Soter II "Lathyrus",
BC 116-110 and Cleopatra III, BC 109-107 to BC 88-80

28. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 8: Ptolemy IX Soter II "Lathyrus",
Cleopatra III, Alexander Jannaeus "King of the Jews"
and Seleucid Dynasty BC 107-64

29. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 9: Ptolemy IX Soter II "Lathyrus",
and his Kingdom Egypt BC 107-81

30. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 10: Civil War in Palestine.
Sons of Maccabees BC 168. Aristobulus and Hyrcanus,
Pompey of Rome BC 77-63

31. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 11: Egypt and Judea now under
Mark Antony and Cleopatra VII. Rome: Rebellion of Hasmoneans
Antigonus II, Herod the Great BC 44-33

32. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 12: -The Slaughter of the Jews-
Antony, Herod, Octavian, and Judea BC 38-32

33. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 13: War between Antony, Cleopatra and
Octavian. -Rome enters Judea

34. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 14: Herod - Judea - Octavian - Rome-
Jesus the Christ BC 31-BC 4

35. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 15: Judea - Rome - Nero- Vespasian-
and Titus AD 54-AD 70

36. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 16: Judea - Bar-Kokhba.
Emperor Hadrian and Julius Severus AD 132-135

37. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 17: Jerusalem closed. Ten Toed Britain Opens.
Nero's Rome and Queen Boudicca (Boadicea), of the British Isles.
AD 54-68

38. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 18: (This Verse "only" out of historical sequence)
Beginning of British History under Emperor Claudius I - King Caractacus
(Prince Caradoc) AD 43-54

39. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 19: Agricola - British Isles.
Emperors - Nero, Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian AD 59-93?

40. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 20: (Raiser of Taxes), Diocletian
AD 284-305

41. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 21: Constantine the Great AD 306-337

42. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 22: Saxon Invasion of Roman Britain
Germanic Invasion of Rome. The Vandals, Visigoths, etc,
Saxons, Picts and Scots AD 410

43. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 23: Pope Gregory, Rome, Britain,
and Augustine AD 596

44. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 24: Rome, Britain, Augustine, Paulinus, etc,
from AD 596 to AD 956

45. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 25: Vikings and Alfred the Great King
of the West Saxons? -865-AD 899

46. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 26: Vikings - King Edward and Ethelfleda
Alfred's children AD 899-939

47. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 27: William of Normandy AD 1066.
Normandy - France. King of England

48. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 28: Richard the Lionheart
Plantagenet - Anjou France/England AD 1189-1199

49. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 29: France/England, 100 Years War,
War of the Roses - Henry VII (Tudor) James II to VI (Scotland)

50. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 30: From AD 1821 to 1856.
Greece, Turkey, Great Britain, Russia, France -The Covenant

51. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 31: The Sanctuary - Sacrifice-
and "The Abomination"- Pope Pious IX AD1848-1869

52. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 32: Leading up to World War I.
During 19th and 20th centuries, Britain - Germany - The Covenant

53. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 33: World War I, 1914-1918.

54. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 34: World War I, 1914-1921.
-A Little Help - Armistice - League of nations

55. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 35: End of World War I, 1914-1918.
and looking towards World War II, 1939-1945.
Understand - Purge- Time of End, 1918 - 1945

56. Revelation Chapter 6, Verses 2 to 8: Four Horses and Riders-
The Beginning of the End Time of Man's Rule

57. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 36: World War II, 1939-45.
Magnified King Hitler. "Indignation of the Jews" and Britain

58. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 37: World War II, Hitler - God - Women

59. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 38: World War II, 1939-45.
Hitler - Forces - Treasure

60. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 39: World War II, Hitler - Strange God -
Rule and Gain

61. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 40: World War II, Time of the End,
King of North and South

62. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 41: Glorious Land - Edom - Moab
Ammon - Russia

63. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 42: Russia and Egypt

64. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 43: Russia - Libya - Ethiopia - Egypt

65. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 44: Conventional and Nuclear War

66. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 45: End of Russian Power and Man's Ruling

67. Valley of the Dry Bones, Ezekiel 37. -Where The Carcase Is, Matthew 24/28. The "Sign" of the Tile, Ezekiel 4:1-17 and Ezekiel 5:1-6.
3 Overturns, Ezekiel 21:27. - The Breach in Judah, Genesis 38.
Thou Art My People, Hosea 2:23

68. Ezekiel Chapter 37 to 39: Prophecy of the "End Time" of 2 feet of
"Iron and Clay". -INCLUDING- A Short Historical Description of
Sheba and Dedan, Ezekiel 38:13. Phoenicia/Tarshish - Young Lions

69. Daniel Chapter 12: "The Kingdom of Our Lord on Earth". -The Stone

70. The "Stone". The 6th Kingdom on Earth. Daniel Chapters 2,7,8,9,12

71. Revelation 12. - The "woman" Rachel (Israel) and her baby (Jesus) at war with the Roman Dragon.
Revelation 13. - The haunting number 666.
Revelation 17. - The "whore" of power.
Revelation 18. - The destruction in the earth from a comet or meteorite.

72. Epilogue

73. Bibliography