16. (9th Son) Asher - House of Hanover,
AD 1714 to 1901, George I,- George II,- George III,- George IV, - William IV, - Victoria.
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Asher is the House of Hanover, whose time zone of reigning on the throne of Great Britain covered the elegant Georgian and Victorian periods of secular history.

Let's unravel these prophetic words of Genesis.

George 1 - Click to Enlarge

"HIS BREAD SHALL BE FAT",- means:- bread, is, as everyone knows, is called the "staff of life". It is man's sustenance for his well-being. The word "loaf" which we use alternatively for bread, is the original Teutonic (or peoples of Germanic race), word for bread. So, this "bread" of the words from prophecy,- "shall be fat"- means:- Asher/Hanover's house will become dull, heavy, abundant food, obese, rich, fruitful, and producing a large income. All these words can be used during Asher's time of

This lineage of Asher/Hanover was to become synonymous with the ever-growing corpulent rich Britain, which Asher's house was to reign over, and eventually blossom into Victorian times. Then, that ruling power would slowly die down into Saxony and Windsor, later.

To unravel the latter part of the sentence for Asher/Hanover's blessing of Gen. 49:20. "AND HE SHALL YIELD ROYAL DAINTIES". The "he" of these words is of course Asher/George I, whose lineage and house performed in this way.

To "yield" something is to produce, give in return, or to bring forth, etc,

"Royal" is pertaining to the king and his family.

"Dainties", mean something agreeable in dignity, and indelicate taste of selecting what is tender, or effeminately beautiful. Or in other words Asher/Hanover's lineage will produce a royal family of many children (dainties) which will gradually select, and thereby effecting the tenderest effeminate one. Which was seen in history as Queen Victoria, a young girl. She was a "royal dainty" of 18 years old.

George I came to the British throne in 1714. He was also the Elector of Hanover from 1698-1727, son of Ernest August, Elector of Hanover, and Sophia granddaughter of James I, of England. He succeeded Queen Anne of the House of Stuart/Gad on the British throne, by the terms of the "Act of Settlement" (1701). -("At the last", taking Gad's/James I, name with him, as prophesied)- George I, was the eldest of 7 children, (Or royal dainties). This first son on Israel's throne of Asher's "Teutonic bread", called
George I, -it is said- was cold, selfish, proud, lazy, and mean. Yet, during his reign Britain was to embark on a new wave of peace and prosperity. Or Britain's corpulence of "fatness" of riches began to grow with Hanover/Asher's line, which Stuart/Gad's house had all but destroyed Great Britain in civil war, etc.

I have purposefully used the word "Teutonic Bread" for this strain of Israel's sons.

because the word Teutonic gathers within itself the peoples of the Germanic races, through which Israel was driven in history. The word is pertaining to the languages spoken by them, which includes Gothic, Angle/Saxon, English, Dutch, German, Norse Icelandic, Danish and Swedish.

These Hanoverian princes, like the other princes of the British Isles, had intermingled themselves in Europe picking up these strains of people. History records their movements before William the Conqueror's time as, Anglo Saxons etc, moving into the Isles. Before and after 1066 with William himself, etc, came Nordic, Danish influx into the British Isles. All these nations and more, making up England's peoples.

The migration of the Celts also went through Europe picking up various strains of nations. This is "why" Hosea has prophesied where the House of Israel went after Assyria fell. (Hosea 8:8-10, 11:10).

The Hanoverian's it seems, had plenty of good living before they became kings of Great Britain. History records that the German courts held masked balls, banquets, Italian operas and French comedies were played out.

George I had married twice, his first wife was his cousin Sophia Dorothea Zell. Whom he divorced through infidelity, who George had imprisoned until her death.

George I was 54 years old when he came to Britain's throne and was absent from England on lengthy visits to Hanover. Therefore, an effective government of Britain was carried out by Robert Walpole and parliament.

George I/Asher was thoroughly German in taste and habits, being used to the Germanic feudal system of governing, which helped to inspire his unpopularity earlier in his reign. Coupled with the fact he had brought with him many German advisers and 2 German mistresses. His reign was marked by Jacobite plots to place James Stuart/Gad, -called the Old Pretender- on England's throne instead of George I, which failed.

Nevertheless, sound foreign and domestic policies were established by his ministers,

which was to guarantee the House of Hanover/Asher, his place in the lineages of the crown.

George I, looked upon Britain as a great country for prestige to enhance Hanover's position in Europe, and a place for himself and his German friends to fill their pockets with gold, - so the story goes!

George I/Asher, King of Great Britain situation in life now began to "grow fat". He, coming from a position as ruler of Hanover, which was a Duchy in Germanic lands.

His position in life was growing "fatter", when he also became the sovereign of the British Isles. Then the British Isles was to grow "fatter" with its dominions. Britain had a strong navy, and financial expertise to back up its potential in the world.

History tells us about George I, and of his hatred for his own son. Which hatred was only outmatched by that of his imprisoned wife Sophia. England however would not put up with such hatred, because the country was now too busy thriving and growing in pace. It was a bursting at the seams country, with colonial investments. Its people forever thinking up new ideas in industry and agriculture, making Hanover/Asher's bread very fat indeed! Asher's "bread" was to become fatter and fatter. When Britain's key phrases throughout the land were of higher efficiency and grow rich quick!

The famous Prime Minister Sir Robert Walpole worked wonders for Britain towards peace and prosperity.

Eventually George I died in 1727, during one of his trips to Hanover. Where he was buried, and it seems still hated by all and sundry.

George II's, only son of George I, succeeded to the throne of Great Britain and Ireland in 1727, who was called the last of the fighting kings by leading his troops into battle.

In 1705 George II, had been on bad terms with his father during his reign, which was to prove to be the normal thing with Asher/Hanover. He, like his father before him, was more interested in Hanover than England. During a European rebellion England's interests were subordinated to those of Hanover.
This time George II was also to hate his eldest son, Frederick.

It was said George II was a man of method, with a marvellous memory. For the most part of his reign it was quiet, through the guidance of his ministers and Walpole. Who gave the country much needed peace. Though the king and Walpole were on bad terms which situation became difficult, especially after the death of the Queen, who had helped Walpole's cause, so Walpole resigned.

However, it was under George II's reign that Bonnie Prince Charlie of the House of Stuart (Gad), made an unsuccessful attempt for the British throne. But once more being "overcome", because prophecy for Gad was now Past. Other than the Stuart name to be carried over into the following prophecies.
History records the Duke of Cumberland who butchered the Jacobite's. (The Hebrew name for James' seed). At the never to be forgotten Battle of Culloden in Scotland.

The Bonny Stuart returned to France, defeated, which was necessary to Asher/Hanover's line, and Britain progressing in "fatness".

Under George II, came remarkable ministers of England such as William Pitt, the Elder. Who were under Asher's/Hanover's star of plenty for Britain's "fatness".

The 7 years' war between France and Britain came to a successful end.

The "fattening" of British power was seen everywhere!

In Canada in 1754 James Wolfe stormed the plains of Abraham outside Quebec, marking the end of French rule and emerged triumphant. He was also the founder of the British Empire in India, in 1752.

At sea Admiral Edward Hawke destroyed the French fleet at Quiberon Bay, and completely smashed it in 1759. So "gross was the royal bread" of Britain's growing that the saying recorded went, "We are forced to ask every morning what victory there is for fear of missing one."

George II dropped dead in his palace in 1760, and 9 years before him the son that he hated, Frederick Prince of Wales had died. So, Frederick's son was to become George III from 1760 to 1820.

George III was the first of Asher/Hanover House to be born and educated in England. Here was an obstinate man who was obsessed with the power of kings. He refused to listen to common sense from others, therefore, it is said misrule followed misrule. His private life however was very staid. Poor George III suffered from a mental illness that made him unstable, which gave him bouts of madness.

George III was married to Princess Charlotte of Mecklenburg - Strelitz, and they had 15 children. The House of Hanover had bountiful children, yielding "royal" (dainties) as is their prophecy. So, unlike the Tudors/Dan and Gad/Stuart houses, whose children were few and far between with many dying in infancy.

George III/Asher was 22 years old when he came to the throne and had inherited one of the most powerful kingdoms in the then world. So much can be written of his long reign and times, one can only touch on a few things here.

The "Treaty of Paris" brought war to an end in 1763.

The war with the fledgling America in 1776-83,- with France and Spain joining sides against Britain in the colonies. -This is a large story which time and space in this book would not permit. All one can say is Britain lost her colonies in America, and like so many times before in ancient biblical history of the tribes of Israel, brother fought brother.

Nevertheless, losing the American colonies was "right" in the sight of the Lord. Just as the Stuarts/Gad drove some of Manasseh's children out of England. So, George III/Asher in his stubbornness gave Manasseh his right to his own prophecy from Genesis 48/13-19, and of his freedom to run the course for his own power and greatness to be. Both in biblical and secular history. Nothing is ever done in vain, and nothing is ever brought about by the desires of man alone.

Despite George III's misrule on times and bouts of madness, by the time of his death Britain was a thriving industrial nation. Bustling with mines, factories, and great engineering projects.

William Pitt the younger was Prime Minister, he making the independence of the Cabinet from the rule of kings.

Waterloo had been fought and won, and Lord Nelson's name had been enshrined in British naval history.

The war against France had been fought, when the Duke of Wellington defeated Napoleon at Waterloo, in 1815 etc.

George III's madness became more acute, who just wandered about the palace. So, his son -whom he disliked- became Prince Regent in 1811.

George III, one of the longest to reign in history died in 1820 too old and too mad to appreciate his new found popularity with the people.

George IV,-(Prince Regent) was the eldest son of George III and by the time he had become King in his own right, he had become an extravagant morally ruined man, with many mistresses to his name. Indeed, this Hanover/Asher, son's bread was very fat and obese.

Parliament would brook no interference from the King, Parliament ruling in no uncertain terms.

Standing in the wings of the stage for Hanover/Asher were 7 royal "dainties" to take the throne when necessary. The King, George IV, William Duke of Clarence, who became William IV, and the Dukes of York, Kent, Cumberland, Sussex, and Cambridge. History tells us that the whole 7 "dainties" of Asher/Hanover were cast in the same mould, they loved the luxury of their "gross" position and were worthless.

George IV was nicknamed "The first Gentleman of Europe" having a gracious manner, and an artistic temperament. He was also fat and unhealthy, loving wine, women and song. He had an insatiable taste for expensive buildings and extravagances of all sorts. Everything had to be in the best of taste and deliciously expensive. Making, this princely line of Asher's bread very fat indeed!

George IV had also become king of Hanover (1820-30) by a decision of the Congress of Vienna, passed within George III's reign.

When George IV was Prince of Wales, he secretly married his mistress Mrs Maria Fitzherbert, who was 6 years his senior. This marriage almost toppled the throne when it was known. Because of his debts in 1795, and after parliament declared his marriage illegal. He was made to marry his cousin Princess Caroline of Brunswick. Who it was said, brought on nausea and revulsion to George because of her bad manners, and roughness of speech and taste.

By the time the old King George III had died, his son George IV, was nearly 60 years old and prematurely old because of his fast-living. Which conduct made him extremely unpopular to the people. Perhaps he was no better or worse than past kings who represented each of the individual tribes of Israel?

George had loved and squandered his position in the fast-growing times approaching the 19th century. His extravagance contrasted sharply with the appalling poverty and grinding slavery of the labourers of Britain's Industrial Revolution. George IV reigned for 10 years. His heir, Princess Charlotte had died in 1817.

George died in 1830, so the crown passed to his brother Duke of Clarence. Who became William IV and was to reign until 1837.

William IV was called "Sailor Bill", having entered the British navy in 1779, eventually attaining the rank of rear admiral. He was also nicknamed "Silly Billy", being the least of Hanover/Asher's line he was 65 years old when he came to the throne. He had served under Admiral Rodney, Admiral Hood, and the great Lord Nelson. In 1791 his liaison with an Irish actress Dorothea Jordan (1762-1816) brought forth 10 children (more royal dainties). In 1818 he married Adelaide daughter of the Duke of Saxe-Meiningen, having 2 daughters who died in infancy.

William IV came to the throne when Britain was a seething changing restless country, and for a while it stood on the brink of civil war over politics. In June 1832 the Reform Bill was passed, which was the most important piece of paper in the 19th century. For centuries the monarchs had been the strongest force in Britain's government now however, in one brief reign under William IV, sweeping changes
transferred the nations power to the people.

Man's freedom of mind and spirit gained a lot more ground on which to think for himself, and in an individual manner. During William IV's reign the first locomotive, built by Stephenson came into being.

For all his age and bad start as king, William's good nature, which was well intentioned, with some unexpected common sense, averted a national disaster in handling the constitutional crisis of 1830-32.

He died in 1837, his crown went to a woman of the Hanoverian line, the greatest "royal dainty" of Asher, -whose name was Victoria,- Who was to become the world's most powerful woman.

During these times the throne of Hanover Germany was passed to William IV's brother Ernest Augustus (1771-1857).

Victoria, the last of Hanoverian/Asher's line was the embodiment and fulfilment of "every word" spoken by Jacob/Israel, for Asher's blessing from Genesis 49:20. This indeed was a "royal dainty" of 18 years old, when she came to the throne of Britain/Israel. Who was to reign for 63 years, in an era when the British Empire was the passport to the world. Such "gross fatness" was Britain's "bread" in that age of unparalleled progress and change! From Daniel's prophecy also, the toed foot stood firm as a ruling kingdom (Daniel 2:41-43). Victoria's father was Edward Duke of Kent, 4th son of George IV. Her mother was Victoria daughter of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg, she was born in 1819.

After the extremes of her uncles on England's throne, these times needed a great young monarch for the people to believe in, Victoria fitted the bill for Britain.

Moses spoke of Asher/Hanover in prophecy from Deuteronomy 33:24,25. "LET ASHER BE BLESSED WITH CHILDREN; LET HIM BE ACCEPTABLE TO HIS BRETHREN, AND LET HIM DIP HIS FOOT IN OIL".

The Hanoverians/Asher were indeed fulfillers of their blessing, to the letter of the Law. We have seen Asher was blessed with children in secular history. George I was the eldest of 7 children, and the multiplying of children inside and outside of wedlock went on, as each king of this house took the crown. Now it was Victoria's turn and this "dainty" of Asher/Hanover had 9 children. Who eventually were married into other European royalty, when Victoria was to be called the "grandmother of Europe". Indeed, Asher was acceptable to his brethren, because of the power of this Kingdom. Dipping
his foot in the oil or wealth of many countries. Within that anointing of kings and queens from Asher's lineage of Victoria.

The "strength" of power the iron and brass of Royal Victoria and the Empire she ruled was very great and went with her progeny to the European thrones and would last through the era of Victorian Britain. Then Asher's strength would be fulfilled. As a young queen (1837-1901), Victoria was queen of Great Britain, Ireland, etc, and the "bread" grew in fatness into Empress of India, which was acceptable to a vast empire. Which all the Israelite tribes had helped mankind to bow the neck to her.

The Victorian name was used as far as the gold fields of Australia, to the riches of Africa. She held in her hands the key to almost every gateway of other nations, wherever the tribes went. Victoria was anointed with the "oil" of glory and grace. With the strength of iron and brass she portrayed "power" to many a nation under her heel. With the iron fist of arrogance, she held firm the vast British Empire.
Britain remained great at that time in history, because of Asher's prophecies, both from Jacob/Israel and Moses.

Victoria had married Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, to whom she was devoted. Eventually her husband was made Prince Consort, the Queen leaving the affairs of state more and more in his hands, and it seems he was King in every way but name.

Victoria like most of the Hanoverian line held a dislike for her eldest son, Edward.

Prince Albert died of typhoid fever in 1861, leaving Victoria prostrate with grief for many a long year.

In 1887 the country celebrated her Golden Jubilee, and 10 years later her Diamond Jubilee. She continued on the throne until 1901.

Victoria's life and reign and what took place during that time zone in secular history is an open book, one can read and hear it many times. Excerpts from her powerful times are taught in schools, books, films, and TV.

Even the Bible explains more of this period of history of the British Empire in Daniel 11:30-32 and in Naphtali's prophecy in Genesis 49:21, which we will read of later in this book, therefore, there is no need to go further into Victoria's reign.

Asher/Hanover's line now passes to the next prince of the tribes of Israel/Britain, representing the crown, that of Naphtali. To recap on these "royal dainties" of children born to Asher/Hanover, George I, had 2 children,-son and daughter by his wife Sophia Dorothea, who he imprisoned for 32 years.

George II and his wife Caroline had 8 children, with 2 sons and 5 daughters surviving.

George III and his wife Charlotte had 15 children.

George IV and second wife Caroline, 1 daughter, a few months after her birth they separated.

William IV had 10 children out of wedlock and 2 daughters when married to Adelaide.

Victoria had 9 children. The marriages of her children, and their immediate descendants linked the British royal family to practically every royal House of Europe, from Russia to Spain. Therefore they "dipped the foot in oil" of anointing.

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