63. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 42.
Russia and Egypt.

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Hiraeth 2002 - Notice: The author gives permission to download, print, duplicate, and share this book for personal use only; with the proviso that no alteration is made to the contents of this book. Other use of this book is with the express permission being granted by the author or agent.

This is the second verse of the last block of verses dealing with the King of the North; First "HE" entered into the Holy Land and the Middle East in verse 41. Prophecy in verse 42 now goes on with another act in the widening story of Russian advancement.

Daniel 11:42. "HE SHALL STRETCH FORTH HIS HAND ALSO, UPON THE COUNTRIES; AND THE LAND OF EGYPT SHALL NOT ESCAPE". The "HE" in this verse represents the same type of greedy leader of verse 41, "OVERTHROWING" nations in the earth with his Russian hordes from the North. These nations "HE" is gathering under the banner of Imperial power of Communism/Socialism or any other name he's leading under along the way. Including those nations who were overthrown, those who have been subverted, and those who are too weak to say yea, or nay!

Let us unravel the first line of verse 42 which says,- "HE SHALL STRETCH FORTH HIS HAND ALSO UPON THE COUNTRIES".

"SHALL" implies control and authority on the part of the "speaker" -Daniel,- saying it will be done in secular history no matter what the circumstances are! "STRETCH" is to extend to a great length, or utmost reach of power in a continued period of action.

"FORTH" means to be forward in place or order, going beyond the boundary of a place.

"HAND" is the extremity of the arm towards power and performance, it is to reach out to seize or assault.

"ALSO" means in like manner, and in addition to.

"UPON" is an emphatic expression meaning to rest up and on.

"COUNTRIES" are the different large tracts of land, kingdoms, or states, belonging to various other peoples of one's birth.

The prophet Daniel is making a statement in secular history on behalf of God, that no matter what man thinks, does, or tries to perform otherwise in opposition to this prophecy, that this Russian "HE" will fulfil these words step by step because "His" greed for power and control is insatiable. That Russian leader with his followers will "Ride his Pale Horse" of death into the earth and will extend in great length a continued period of action, going beyond a boundary of his own land. In the same manner as was "His" Overflowing of the other nations at the end of World War II. One "country" after another of kingdoms or principalities, will have no strength or will to stop his march!

If we read a few verses in Holy Scripture, we will get the clear meaning of "STRETCHING FORTH THE ARM OR HAND". Ezekiel 35:3 "AND SAY UNTO IT, THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD; BEHOLD O MOUNT SEIR, (Edom) I AM AGAINST THEE, AND I WILL STRETCH OUT MINE HAND AGAINST THEE, AND I WILL MAKE THEE MOST DESOLATE". In this verse you will have noted reader, that to "stretch out the hand" is to be "against" that person or country.

In Ezekiel 30:25, we read. "BUT I WILL STRENGTHEN THE "ARMS" OF THE KING OF BABYLON, AND THE ARMS OF PHARAOH SHALL FALL DOWN; AND THEY SHALL KNOW THAT I AM THE LORD, WHEN I SHALL PUT MY SWORD INTO THE HAND OF THE KING OF BABYLON, AND HE SHALL "STRETCH IT OUT" UPON THE LAND OF EGYPT". In this verse you will have noted that God was fighting on "behalf" of the King of Babylon so that he might fulfil God's desire in history. The king of Babylon's arms were strong and stretched over Egypt with a sword in his hand, to kill and cut asunder. Whereas Egypt's arms fell down to their sides unable to counterattack Babylon's destruction.

A last quote from Scripture, we read in Isaiah 5:25. "THEREFORE IS THE ANGER OF THE LORD KINDLED AGAINST HIS PEOPLE -(which is the 2 houses of Israel-Judah/Israel). AND HE HATH "STRETCHED FORTH HIS HAND AGAINST THEM," AND HATH SMITTEN THEM; AND THE HILLS DID TREMBLE, AND THEIR CARCASES WERE TORN IN THE MIDST OF THE STREETS. FOR ALL THIS HIS ANGER IS NOT TURNED AWAY, BUT HIS HAND IS STRETCHED OUT STILL". Here we have the great anger of the Lord God against the whole nation of Israel because of their evil ways. They were chosen a special people and were obliged to honour that choice by being better than other nations, as an example to all. "He" killed them in His anger stretching out His hand, or His arm, to strike them down, using other nations to do His work throughout history. Because "He" struck them in anger "He" is still furious with their evil ways therefore, leaving "His" arm stretched out to strike further on in the years of their following secular history.

Back we go now to Daniel 11:42, and the King of the North, Russia, also "stretches" forth his hand in anger, killing, and devastating as "HE" goes through, and upon surrounding countries HE has chosen to enter.

In verse 41 it is written of Edom, Moab and the chief of the children of Ammon, (Arabs, Jordanians, within these land areas) partially escaped his "outstretched hand" of power, seizure, and assault, and were not devastated. In verse 42 however the other countries invaded are seeing much terror and devastation.

The Russian "HE" prophecy began with the man Stalin in verse 41, "OVERFLOWING" as far as Germany. The new Russian "HE" in verse 42 picks up "power" where the other "HE" (Stalin) left off. "HE" now going further into Europe and elsewhere gathering nations as "HE" goes. The Russian Eagle now turning east and heading down the Mediterranean. Verse 42 sees Russia widening his field in the Middle East, having gone into Israel and surrounding Arab countries. Then continues his "OVERFLOWING" and "PASSING OVER" which was begun in verse 40. So, up to this point the Russian "HE" has gained most of Europe to his cause, the Middle East, and "His" HAND is stretching SOUTH through the land of Israel and into Egypt.

Verse 42; "AND THE LAND OF EGYPT SHALL NOT ESCAPE". The word "AND" is connecting the previous line in verse 42 dealing with other countries: thus, introducing a further clause to this story. "THE" is a word representing the single thing to follow, namely Egypt. "LAND" is the fixed part of the surface of the earth, as distinct from another, and is a domain.

"OF" is used as possession of ownership and relating to. "EGYPT" a land of renown and antiquity. "SHALL" means it will have to pay under an obligation. "NOT" expresses denial or refusal. "ESCAPE" to get out of the way or avoid evil and danger. In other words, Russia's anger and greed has gone beyond its limits in many ways, almost patterning itself upon the ways of Hitler before and during World War II. When Hitler saw fit to take country after country under the Nazi umbrella. So, in like manner, Russia is "OVERPOURING" also, "He" has singled Egypt out however for special attention. Because Daniel had written Egypt as a single clause in introducing the prophetic story. The "domain" of Egypt who has possession of its own land and not under the rule of another, - as in times past,- has to "pay" under an obligation however, to Russia. Egypt can't escape the threat of evil nor can it avoid the dangerous situation it is in, because it will fall and be taken over completely!

We all know or have heard about classical Egypt and its fascinating past in history. Those ancients have left behind its treasures for all to see the greatness that Egypt once was. The remnant of its great architecture is spreadeagled in its land, bringing to nothing modern ideas of great edifices. What mysteries, what legends this country has held for centuries for man to marvel at! Therefore, there is no need to give a quick "run-down" in secular history "who" Egypt is, as I have done with other nations.

At first there will be much fighting or subservience between Egypt and Russia, because Egypt cannot, or is unable, to escape from the fear of Russian domination, as verse 42 implies. The HAND of anger and destruction is well and truly stretched over them! It seems from Daniel's words that Russia is taking the map of the Middle Eastern countries and is systematically enveloping them all into the Russian Communist Socialist/Imperial world. It is necessary here however to have a quick look into the history of "modern" EGYPT, to try and understand EGYPT'S roll, and "why" EGYPT'S obligation to Russia "has to be paid", as Daniel implies which must be understood! The land of Egypt is bounded by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, By Israel, the Gulf of Aqaba, and the Red Sea to the east, the Sudan in the south, and Libya west.

In 1914 on the eve of the World War I Egypt was proclaimed a Protectorate under the British government, regarded by the strategists of the day, as a "key" position in their defence system. In 1922 Egypt became an independent monarchy under King Fuad, Britain retaining its military defence position however in Egyptian Sudan, Cairo, Alexandria, and other Egyptian cities. In 1936 King Farouk, (Fuad's son) became King, and Britain withdrew its troops, all except those guarding the Suez Canal zone. World War II saw allied troops back in Alexandria, when Italy invaded Libya 1940, and their warplanes bombed Alexandria, Cairo and other Egyptian cities. Nevertheless, Egypt retained its peculiar neutrality throughout the war. In 1942 the Germans advanced and threatened to engulf Alexandria, and the Suez Canal. After the war in 1946 Great Britain ended its military occupation of Alexandria.

In 1948 after the establishment of a homeland for the Jews in the land of Israel, Egypt began its hostilities towards them.

In 1952 Lieutenant Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser ousted the then government of Egypt, and proclaimed Major General Mohamed Naguib as Commander in Chief- because he was a war hero, -and King Farouk was forced to abdicate, and Naguib then became Premier.

In 1954 Lt: Col: Nasser emerged as the real power and ruler of Egypt, and placed Naguib under arrest. The Sudan proclaimed itself an Independent Republic. Egypt under Nasser's rule showed open hostility towards the west. Opening negotiations, - (and also buying military hardware)- with the Soviet Union, thereby, giving Russia its first major penetration into Egypt.

The Egyptian door opening to Russia allowing them to enter would never be forgotten, though many years have rolled by, and circumstances changed. In July 1956 Nasser nationalised the Suez Canal and seized it. When, during this time Britain and France were joint holders of a treaty with Egypt for the Suez Canal. Again, Egypt had, had Soviet backing all the way! Also, in 1956 Israel and Egypt were fighting along the Suez Canal and Sinai Peninsula areas. This situation hotted up somewhat because the Soviet Union coupled with Red China were willing to help Egypt fight against Britain, France, and Israel over Suez "rights" calling these countries the "aggressors".

In 1957 Egypt and Syria relied heavily on the Soviet Union for increased military and economic assistance.

Since 1945 there have been many formations of the Arab League, -which included Egypt,- in one guise or another. Some Arab members were pro-western others pro- Soviet Russia, some members leaving the league only to return at a later date. The Arab league seemed to agree on one thing alone, and that was their opposition to Jewish Israel.

In 1967 United Nations observers were withdrawn from the United Arab Republic frontiers, on Nasser's demand, and Israel fearing the dark shadows of war approaching struck first upon the United Arab Republic and Jordan. In that famous "6 days war", and occupying the whole of the Sinai Peninsula, -Israel won with pride against overwhelming odds. The years followed and the United Arab Republic became more dependent on the Soviet Union. Then, Nasser died in 1970 after ruling since 1954. Anwar Sadat became president in his stead, who did not have an easy time for a while after eighteen years of Nasser's dictatorship of ruling. In 1971 the Soviet Union joined Sadat in the opening of the Aswan High Dam, which had been started under Nasser's rule with Russian backing and "know how". In 1972 Sadat announced the withdrawal of all Soviet military advisers and personnel. Which was a bitter pill for Russia to swallow with the world watching.

Russia's long memory will never forget those years in Egypt, only waiting its time to humble Egypt, at a later date!

In 1973, again Egypt and Syria attacked Israel on both fronts, eventually however Israel was to surround the Egyptian Third Army on the West Bank of the Suez Canal. Then driving Syria back to within 20 miles of Damascus. After the closing of the Suez Canal for 8 years through these wars, it was reopened in 1975.

In 1977-78 peace negotiations between President Sadat of Egypt and Premier Menahem Begin of Israel,-supported by the United States of America,- were opened. Under Sadat as President of the ever-growing population of Egypt, he was responsible for many freedoms for his people and towards international affairs, freeing them also from Soviet pressures. But sadly, he was assassinated by his own troops at a parade. Hosni Mubarak, who was vice-president, was nominated as his successor. When one considers secular history as a whole, or researching into "why" nations continually do things a certain way at various times in history, something stands out when it comes to Russia gobbling up more and more space into its empire, and it is this:-

Once an independent country is said to be part of the Soviet block it is then taken under their eagle's wings for that countries own good.

Russia does not give away its aid in money, technical abilities, armaments, and advice without asking for that countries blood in return. Someday soon Russia will fulfil the legend of which vampires are made, and that is, casting a longing eye greedily upon the jugular veins for the blood of each country they have looked upon that owes them something.

When Daniel's verse 42 said, EGYPT SHALL NOT ESCAPE from the "king of the NORTH", Egypt's death warrant was sealed when Gamal Nasser opened the door for the Soviet Union to enter Egypt, way back in 1954-56. The rolling years of history would gradually unfurl to see the predominant various "He's" of Russia march. Eventually take that which HE had mapped out for himself and had considered Russian. All in due time!

To control Egypt is to control the Mediterranean coastline, the Suez Canal, the Red Sea, and its outlet into the Pacific Ocean, and the Nile River into Ethiopia. Thereby, threatening other national ships their right to sail in waters undisputed. Russia has never been in this all-powerful position before in history, because the motherland of Russia had been boxed in her own land mass, using outlets to the oceans that had been hotly disputed by other countries.

This "HE" of Russia in Daniel's prophecies has now taken his pronounced enemies "sea-gates", one by one, as each country falls beneath its grasping iron fist. Let us now go to verse 43 of Daniel 11 to fill in some more history of this invading force from the North.

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