14. (7th Son) Dan- House of Tudor,
Henry VII- to Elizabeth I, AD 1457 to 1603.
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Genesis 49:16-18


Henry VII - Click to Enlarge

Dan's, blessing/birthright, is a 2-fold prophecy, which one must contemplate upon firstly in a condensed fashion. He inherited secular judgements upon his people of the "House of Israel" during his reign under the crown of England with the name of Tudor. Dan taking his place in history as did the other sons of Israel before him, from William of Normandy.

The first part of Dan's blessing says, from Genesis 49:16.

"DAN SHALL JUDGE HIS PEOPLE"- (He does so in 2 ways, 1 role was achieved with our remembered clarity written of the Tudors within secular history. In another way through his knowledge" of the ways and words of God).

Genesis 49:16:- "AS ONE OF THE TRIBES OF ISRAEL".-(These latter few words of verse 16, is endorsing "who" the lineage of England's princes of the crown were and are. The Tudors -in other words- were also one of the tribes of Israel partaking of these "latter days" prophecies. In the same fashion within British history as some of the other tribes had achieved.


This verse 17 is Dan/Tudors first role in secular history and the manner of his character, which he will perform in British history.

Verse Genesis 49:18, is the second role of Dan/Tudor of the Welsh lineage that he will perform for spiritual history.

Dan will "also" continue to perform within their spiritual history" within these people, from the past, present, and future, until our Lord and Saviour returns. Which is long after the actual Tudor dynasty has gone from the crown of British sovereigns.

Dan's role within the "House of Israel" is very deep in prophecy, which needs a lot of attention.

Let us begin with Dan's first role as a "judge", and as a prince of the crown of England, and of the tribes of Israel within the British Isles.

The name Dan means "judge". Because of Rachel's torment of yearning for a son, God heard her voice, and judgement was passed upon Israel's wife, Rachel. She, adopting Bilhah's child from the moment of his birth as Israel's first son, (and not as Jacob's fifth son). So, for Dan a special place was set for him within the tribes (Genesis 30:1-6) From that moment Dan's lineage was set, and biblical prophecy picks up his role from time to time within the stories about the tribes of Israel.

Dan's "dual" nature was also noted who at times forecast feelings in depth "towards" God, and other times forgetting the God of Israel. Thus, turning away into idolatry. (1 Kings 12:25-33).

Samson was a Danite, so was Aholiab who constructed the tabernacle by divine grace. (Exodus 31:6) these men chosen by God in judgement.

After the Assyrians carried away the tribes into oblivion, the tribe of Dan from that time on little is known of them.

Because we are unravelling first Dan's/Tudor dynasty, under the crown of England we will begin with Henry VII first king of this lineage, and out of the "House of Israel".When Genesis 49:17 says:- "DAN SHALL BE A SERPENT BY THE WAY, AN ADDER IN THE PATH, THAT BITETH THE HORSE HEELS, SO THAT HIS RIDER SHALL FALL BACKWARD."

This sentence captures the very basics of the Tudor Character, which defied any other man or woman to have rule over them or question their authority. They were venomous when aroused, especially to those mortals who riding high within the Tudor's land, and upon the back of a horse called, "status or rank and grandeur"! Their arrogance of posture was suddenly brought low and heading for the executioner's block.

To "fall backward" from a great height in this action, is to be unable to defend oneself after sprawling on the ground, being at the mercy of the adder, who toppled one in the first place.

Dan's prophecy from Genesis states two ways that the Tudors will strike, "as a serpent" or snake in a subtle or malicious way also "an adder in the path" or a venomous viper that lays across a course or track stopping access to a place, that causes much problems for those persons who are taking a prideful journey.

A "rider falling backwards" from a very high horse indeed, who was struck down by the Tudor "serpent", that readily comes to mind, was Cardinal Thomas Wolsey.

Whose power within the church and great wealth, which was acquired under Henry VII and Henry VIII. Wolsey's failure to secure a divorce under Henry VIII, from Katherine of Aragon, and power politics, was Wolsey's undoing, so the Tudor Serpent struck him down.

It is rather apt that the figures of heraldry for the "House of Tudor", was a "red dragon" serpent. Whose tongue and claws are raised in defence and defiance.

-(The "red dragon" of Cadwallader of Wales, was changed to gold under Elizabeth I).-The strike of the Tudor adder/dragon when angry was death! The Tudor Serpent took on the beast-dragon of Rome for a fight to the death, and "Dan" won that "judgement" upon Rome, towards itself, and its people.(Daniel's 7:7-Beast/Dragon)-(Revelation 12 & 13:3-4 - Roman dragon).

Henry VII King of England was born at Pembroke Castle Wales and was the son of Edmond Tudor, and Margaret Beaufort. His father was descended from Owen Tudor and Catherine of Valois, who was the widow of Henry V.

Because of the murders of princes etc, during the times of the War of the Roses, Henry was the sole survivor of any note for the Lancastrian cause, so he was sent to live in Brittany for safety.

He returned in 1485 when he invaded England with an army, defeating and killing Richard III at Bosworth.

Indeed, Henry was to possess the nature of a "serpent" hiding, and waiting his chance, to strike at the right time to achieve his goal before making his run for England's throne.

History says of him that he was an astute man of nature and business, making claim to the throne on the thinnest and poorest claims of all.

History also says, he was a shrewd and cold man with an ever-watchful eye for detail, making his crown an object of respect and fear to his subjects. He set himself heavy work to build a secure throne and government, after the anarchy of his predecessors of the fifteenth century.

There were still uprisings by many Yorkists claimants to the throne, but they perished on the block or the gallows, when that Serpent struck.

When Henry Tudor, Duke of Richmond, took the throne of England at the age of 28 years, a new dynasty and a new era in English history began. He had brought to his powerful monarchy a statesmanship of ruthless political ideas learned in Europe during his 14 years of exile as a youth in foreign courts.

Indeed, Henry had learned the hard way, to be "judge" and "jury" (as his name Dan implies), dealing with people and situations in his young life. Living through the Chaotic bloodletting of the 15th century, thus making Henry's life expectancy fraught with danger.

Under that Welsh facade of being comfortable with its Saxon/English conquerors, lay the deep Welsh tradition of its own nationalism. With its long memory of its Celtic proudful ancient history.

Henry had spent most of his early life in Wales, so it was to the Welsh he turned for an army, when he made his attempt for the crown of England. He had landed at Milford Haven, Wales, from France in 1485, and there he composed his troops largely of Welshmen. Who were eager to place one of their own sons in power. Then went on to face Richard III at Bosworth.

Henry had a typical Welsh shrewdness, which helped to sharpen his wits in practical politics. His Welshness also helped him in thriftiness towards wealth, thereby making his achievements large and durable. Like a "serpent" and "judge" of Dan his character was fulfilled.

Henry's diplomacy of "judgement" was helped by a large spy system, which was set up in England, along with a foreign intelligence in Europe, which gained him much fear on the continent. The "serpent" called Dan/Tudor, was hunting in a "subtle way" in people's paths, causing them to be unseated, because of his judgement upon them.

Because Henry VII was always aware of his own weak claim to the English throne, a genealogy was made for him, whereby his ancestry was shown to go back to Japheth, the biblical son of Noah,- also the Viking God Woden,- and Rollo of Normandy.

Which, looking back with hindsight seems a waste of effort. Instead, Henry's "right" to the crown of England/Israel was his and was set by prophecy. Not through Japheth, but Noah's son Shem. Henry's God was not the mythical Woden, but he "Holy One of Israel". His genetic lineage was not of Rollo of Normandy, because that was Reuben's lineage. Henry's lineage was through the ancient Britons of the Celtic family of tribes, and of Dan from the Israelites.

This Tudor "serpent" of Dan was ever wearing his subtleties to confirm his position.

In 1485 Richard III had 7,000 men to fight at Bosworth field, and it was double the size of Henry VII's army, yet Richard lost the battle, because it was not only the predetermined prophetic time for "Dan Tudor" to take the crown of England, but Henry used "symbolism" upon men also, to consolidate his position. Richard III had worn his golden coronet into battle, and it had been knocked off his head landing in a bush, from where it was retrieved by Lord Stanley. Who placed it on Henry's head, and by this act Henry had said that it "symbolised" that Richard's crown had been given to him by right.
Henry's cautious ever working mind realised that only one of the battles had been won, he now had to acquire dynastic assurance. So, he married Elizabeth of York, heiress of Edward IV. Henry sent messengers throughout the kingdom to Scotland, Cornwall, London, Dover, Wales, and parts beyond the seas to Ireland, and the many islands surrounding Britain. With news of his victory, and to proclaim to the people he was indeed King. He titled himself as, Henry by the grace of God, King of England, of France, Prince of Wales, and Lord of Ireland.

As a "judge" Dan in Israel, Henry used reason and deliberations of the mind to avert controversy of his position. Whether true or false he was a skilful advocate.

Though history has called to question how much Welsh blood Henry VII had in his veins, believing the amount to be slight. Biblical prophecy however ensures his bloodline as correct. Genetic bloodline was kept correctly from the male lineage, and his spiritual/blessing lineage was kept through the women, to fulfil 2 paths for prophecies sake, thereby endorsing God's words, throughout many, many centuries of predestined children.

The Tudor dynasty themselves, besides introducing Welsh blood into England's royal line from 1066. Also encouraged the first significant movement of Welsh immigration back into England, since their ancient times.

The Tudor's "judgement" as an "adder in the path" upon the peerage was to tame it, using its own system by introducing men whose loyalty to the throne outweighed their own dignity upon "high horses"!

Up to Henry VII's time England had failed to extend her dominion completely over the British Isles. Wales had been bludgeoned into submission to England. Scotland's submission was only on paper. England's rule over Ireland was only effective around Dublin. Now, it was all going to be swallowed up into a false "United Kingdom". When the 3 divisions of the Celts were going to continue to smart under English rule into the centuries ahead, but while the Tudor's ruled their "judgement" upon the "House of Israel" it was to be obeyed!

Henry VII first son was called by the ancient British name of Arthur, in honour of the land of his forefathers of Wales, he indeed was a "real" Prince of Wales but was to die in manhood.

Henry VII had 8 children and of that 1 son and 2 daughters survived, the surviving son of course was Henry VIII.

So completely had the royal Blood of Zebulun and Issachar disappear under "Dan" of Henry Tudor, that a Spanish ambassador of the times wrote, "that Henry left not a doubtful drop of royal blood in the kingdom".

So exacting was the "judgement" of Dan, upon England and the "riders of high horses", which this serpent and "adder in the path" had struck down, that the Tudors were free to become autocratic rulers in their own right.

The Tudors serpent/dragon was so skilful in their art of ruling and duties of state, they have been called "masters of their craft". Their "judging" showed the people of the British Isles and elsewhere, they were not "usurpers" but kings and queens to be reckoned with. The Welsh "serpent" struck hard and fast with immense authority given to its lineage, and in accordance with Genesis 49:16-18.
Henry VII brought England to wealth and honour, being the best businessman to sit on the English throne.

The Tudors scorned others of royal blood or those "sitting on high horses". Henry VIII scorned and sat in judgement on the Roman Papacy. The Bloody Mary scorned Protestantism, and Elizabeth I scorned the Spanish and the French.

Henry VII had begun his reign as a "pretender", and had inherited a lot of debt. He began his reign by penny pinching and scraping his way to balancing England's budget. Then went on to affluence and great wealth.

He laid up a fortune in gold plate and jewels and was to lend large sums of money to other sovereigns, nobles, and merchants alike. Meanwhile, exacting an unsurpassed obedience from all his subjects, a force indeed to be reckoned with! It was these early years of the Tudors of the "Golden Age", which forged for England a sure royal crown with a "horn of plenty".

Henry VII died in 1509 AD completely worn out by his enormous work in "judging" his people of the "House of Israel".

Henry VIII the famous, or infamous son, of Henry VII, came to the throne that was rich and secure, yet it had left him a legacy from his father which had a terrible effect on Henry VIII's life.

Henry VII had died a wizened toothless old man, unchanged by success and wealth, but his greed for wealth caused Henry VIII to marry Catherine of Aragon of Spain. She, a young princess with a large dowry was married to Arthur the elder son of Henry VII, who had died. Rather than lose all the Spanish wealth Henry VII betrothed her instead to Henry VIII, and as history records it set in place future problems.

Henry VIII, an accomplished prince, tall, attractive of person, with military prowess, a fondness for sport and the hunt, with a hearty personality endeared himself to his subjects in his early years. They called him "Bluff King Hal". He was also a great student of the Renaissance, and devoutly religious. Who was given the title of "Defender of the Faith" by Pope Leo X.

Catherine of Aragon had 6 children, the 6th child was the "Bloody Mary" who was to be Queen of England. Catherine also had many miscarriages, and with the other children dying in infancy and no male heir, their contemporaries saw the hand of God in this dilemma. Our modern age would most probably look for evidence of disease, but for this throne it was alarming.

The marrying of his brother's wife, -instigated by Henry VII- and no male heir, by 1529 this separated Henry VIII's reign into 2 parts. Which this date was the critical year of the divorce from Catherine.
Henry's determination to have his own will in all things, history certainly witnessed a "serpent in the way" and "an adder in the path". When "he" unseated many a "rider upon high horses". He struck with the full bite of a "serpent", which meant death to high and low born of mankind. He sacrificed everything and anybody that wrongly crossed his path.

As most of us know reader, Henry VIII eventually had 6 wives, which were Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn (Elizabeth I mother) Jane Seymour (mother of his only son Edward VI) Anne of Cleaves, Catherine Howard, and Catherine Parr, Anne Boleyn was executed in 1536. Jane Seymour died in childbirth. Anne of Cleaves ended in an annulment. Catherine Howard was executed in 1542. Catherine Parr survived Henry.

For all the Tudor dynasties absolute ruling -Judgement of Dan- and determination of self will, no matter how many they struck down, they, had to be strong enough to be the "wedge" to break the Chains of the "iron" of the Roman church upon the "House of Israel" in the Isles. It is as Daniel 2 tells us that the "clay of Israel" under the 10 toes/horns - was mingled with the seed of men, yet that clay could not be held together with the "iron" of Rome.

In its many guises of Imperial Rome etc, or Roman Papacy.

The British Isles under the crown of Israel's princes had to break free, breathe the air of freedom and seek God at an intellectual level, instead of Roman fables and ritual.

Dan/Tudor being a "judge" in Israel laid the foundation stone, that others had longed for. Future generations would seek God in their own ways. Henry VIII's legacy was to leave a tug of war between the Roman Catholic Mary; (his daughter by Catherine of Aragon) and the Protestant Elizabeth I (daughter of Anne Boleyn).

Though history recalls Henry VIII had been a devout Roman Catholic in the first instance, as the years rolled on, he changed his position through politics and dynastic security. Eventually he was to destroy the Roman monasteries, thereby feathering his own nest with their wealth. Though, some of those monasteries educated some of the people and fed the poor. Other monasteries however had harboured monks and nuns of very lazy, materialistic, and licentious reputations. The celibate priests kept concubines, and nuns had illegitimate children galore.

The Tudor "dawn" was breaking over a land of evil, lies, deceit and conniving against the people's souls, all done in Christ's name!

The then Roman Cardinal Wolsey's total income, towards the end of his life was little short of £50,000- a year a vast sum in those days. Then add to these 4 palaces, of which Hampton Court is the most famous, and one can see the gulf between the "Lamb of God," -Jesus- who had nothing, and this wolf of Rome.

Henry VIII had been caught in a web of intrigue in political Europe, at the time of seeking a divorce. In 1534 Pope Clement VII refused to sanction Henry's divorce, and in 1538 Pope Paul III excommunicated Henry. Though he had secretly married Anne Boleyn meanwhile, established by -the twice married Archbishop Crammer, and Elizabeth I was born in 1533.- When one looks back on Tudor history with a general view of power struggles around the throne, Henry's lusts were no better or worse than the clerics who denounced him for his divorce. In fact, he was better than many. He did not hide behind priestly robes of hypocrisy, which were all done in the name of God. Much of the sanctimonious priesthood with hands clasped in prayer, were not shepherds of the flock of God, but wolves who scattered the sheep's trust, with the people's sensitivities torn apart.

No man in the "full knowledge" of the Holy One's needs can take on priestly duties lightly, without first loathing his own thoughts and deeds. Humbleness of heart and mind are essential in dealing with God. There should be no craving for worldly palaces and political positions in the priesthood in the world of men. As one reads when dealing with Tudor history.

Few biblical students today realise to the full what Henry VIII's act of breaking away from the Roman Church means! The mention of Henry VIII, people think in terms of a womaniser, and selfishness in breaking from Rome. When in fact he was fulfilling the prophetic scriptures for Israel. When keeping in mind that, "God ruleth in the kingdoms of men" as Scripture tells us!

One must not count it a strange thing that the serpent/dragon of Wales should be so placed in secular history.

Henry VIII's life is an open book in history, and in modern times repeated in films.

Therefore, we sum up by saying, Henry had established his kingdom, his church, and his crown towards his children to come.

At the close of his reign Henry was gross, egotistical and despotic. He was always racked in pain from gout etc, which accounted for many of his violent outbursts. However, he retained the loyalty, if not the love of his subjects, when he died in 1547.

Edward VI, son of Henry VIII and Jane Seymour, was born at Hampton Court in 1537, and succeeded to the crown of England in 1547. Because he was so young his maternal uncle Edward Seymour, 1st Earl of Hertford, was named Lord Protector.

Both Edward and the Protector strongly favoured the principle of Reformation and did much to establish Protestantism in England.

Of course, when there is a young King on the throne the ambitions of others start to control the throne.

The young boy always had a frail constitution, who became seriously ill with tuberculosis, and died in 1553.

Edward's half sister Mary, known as Mary Tudor, came to the throne in 1553. She was the daughter of Catherine of Aragon and Henry VIII. Born in Greenwich, England.

Though a woman, nevertheless she was entitled to the crown by her father's testament and Parliamentary settlement.

Mary began her reign by sweeping away the religious innovations of her father and brother, and the authority of the Roman Pope re-established.

Her marriage in 1554 to the Catholic Philip of Spain was disastrous, which caused a rebellion. She determined herself to marry him no matter how unpopular in England.

She joined the unpopular Philip in a war against France in 1558, resulting in the loss of Calais in France, which was the last remnant of English territory.

Many writers of the day wrote against Mary with great ferocity, nicknaming her the "Bloody Mary", because of the large number of religious persecutions under her reign.

She was a terrible "serpent", and "adder in the path" of many peoples.

History also says, "she was one of the more likeable of the Tudor Monarchs and had many virtues but lacked common sense and political acumen. She had inherited Tudor determination and devotion to her country, and to her Roman Catholic religion. The latter she pursued with the single-minded fervour of a fanatic, using every means at her disposal to turn her country back to Rome.

This Tudor "adder in the path" was deadly, to the people seeking religious freedoms of spirit and intellect. She began her campaign against English Protestants by re-enacting old heresy laws, and new treason laws. As far as she was concerned the Pope reigned, and the Protestant faith was dead.

For many of her people their faith was a deep conviction, with their principles sincerely held firm. For these people that Tudor "serpent" struck them down, either in persecution or to be burned at the stake, and 300 people were to see those flames in 3 years. The sight of people burning had been seen in Europe, but not in England, so those burnings were to leave an indelible mark upon English history!

The Tudor "serpent" not only burned the "riders of high horses", but humble folk suffered the same agony.

Instead of turning England to Roman Catholicism, it created an undying hatred for all things Roman, also Mary. This hatred never to be forgotten by future princes of Israel, who were to take the crown of England. The hatred served only to "seal" the conversion of the English people to a new faith, in learning about God and His ways, and not Roman.

Mary had died childless, a disappointed woman in 1558, with few people mourning her passing.

This Tudor "adder in the path" had a short murderous reign of 5 years, sometimes using "subtlety and charm", as a serpent or adder, to secure England for the "iron" of Rome's embrace.

Mary has remained in history as the most unhappy and unsuccessful of England's sovereigns, having had all the obstinacy of the Tudors, but none of their political common-sense.

Mary indeed was a "serpent in the way" and an "adder in the path", and the ferocity of this Tudor "serpent" had the bite of death. She wanted to restore England to the chains of darkness, which had smothered the British/Israelite peoples for so long. It was as if the Roman dragon was in its death struggles in England and was fighting for its life. With the transfusion of Bloody Mary, Queen of England, gave it.

In November 1558 another fiery dragon of the Tudors took the throne, the great Elizabeth I, was to become Queen of England. She was heralded with much rejoicing by the people, who felt they were coming out of dark days towards a new beginning!

Even Spain was to call her "El Draco", the dragon. Not only because her emblem was the serpent-dragon of Wales, but because she was fierce, formidable and the all-seeing one. A true judge of Dan's people.

The Tudors were so unlike the other tribes of Israel who had taken up the crown of Britain. When one reads of princes that had been weak, and another strong. Each incoming Tudor had stood strong and defiant as the one before it, and each one had set himself or herself, up as absolute jury and "judge" of its people!

So, Elizabeth I, was to hold the reins of power in the Isles, as her grandfather and father had done before her, and hold it she did for a very long time, and at times against very heavy odds.

So much has been written and spoken of her Elizabethan times, it seems almost a waste of paper repeating here the story of her life, nevertheless for prophecies sake it must be done!

Elizabeth was 25 years old when she ascended to the throne, with a fire of great hopes from the people in general. She was dignified of person (with lovely auburn hair) and eloquent in speech. She had much courage in crisis, with great energy.

Like her grandfather Henry VII, she had learned the hard way in her youth to tread very carefully in the courts of men and sovereigns. Whether they were of Roman Catholic or of Protestant. She had often walked in the shadows of danger, she had a love for sport and dancing, as her father had done, and had inherited the same devious calculating spirit.

History tells us that in the eyes of many a Roman Catholic she had been an illegitimate child of an unlawful marriage, of her father Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn

Therefore, was not entitled to the throne.

Being also a woman to rule in those days was frowned upon, and with Mary's disastrous reign, which was no example for women. Even the Celtic people she represented didn't like it.

This so called, unlawful rule of the throne by Elizabeth I, did not displease the "Almighty" however, because it was a "right" given to her by God, and none other!

"He" gave her that heavy crown to wear in longevity of 45 years, showing "He" is no respecter of persons nor gender, nor how one is born. "He" chooses whomsoever "He" wills to fulfil prophecy!

At this point of remembering prophetic situations in Israel, Elizabeth I "judged" the tribes within the Isles, as was her "right" being born of Dan, and as an "adder in the path", she unseated many a man or woman from its "lofty horse")!

The factions of religions amongst the people, great and small, was the most dangerous of all the problems Elizabeth I had to face. Because it was to control her independence to marry, and for a future heir to her throne. A Protestant heir would indeed face a hostile Roman Catholic Europe. Therefore, for the sake of peace, security, and her duty to her country, she kept her personal desires for marriage within herself. Though she had admitted to remain the Virgin Queen.

Elizabeth I, had 2 natural enemies from the start both France and Spain (Zidon), and these 2 Roman Catholic countries were to be a continuous thorn in her side.-(Even Ezekiel laments their latter-day role. Ezekiel 26:15-18, 28:20-26). -This new great Tudor "adder in the path" was to stand "judgement" upon many issues and was a force to be reckoned with!

The 2 great powers of Spain and France had joined forces signing a "peace pact" against England, and foreign domination stared her in the face.

Elizabeth had to restore prestige and strength to the throne, when many a man wanted to challenge her right to rule. She had to tame many mischief making people around her, making sure her ministers were her servants and not her masters.

But the great problem of internal anarchy above all, was the Protestant-Catholic question, which had to be solved, as a -national issue.

This Tudor woman was not her father's daughter for nothing, her iron will was absolute! Her flashing eyes spoke well for her, and her vanity strengthened her self-will. She was very well educated, speaking Greek, Latin, French, Italian and German.

History tells us her childhood was spent away from the royal court, and as a young woman she walked a tightrope amongst political intrigue. At one time she was even imprisoned by her half sister Mary.

When she came to the throne Elizabeth I chose the road to Protestantism. Though it would have been much simpler to have embraced the Roman Papacy. She could not desert the people who had put all their faith and hopes in her, not to forget the burnings at the stake because of Rome. It is said, her Bible, which she read much of, told her Rome's road led to destruction. Therefore, she reverted to Protestantism after she was crowned in 1558. Having sworn loyalty to Rome during her fear for her life under Queen Mary.

She was under "prophecies charge" from Genesis 49-18 to fulfil the matters of "Salvation" for the House of Israel within the Isles. Her road to protesting Rome's influence of iron over Israel's clay was put into effect.

Elizabeth's pride, loyalty, a staunch heart, and courage were her greatest assets, and she would need them all to lead her people on another road to God, and away from the Papacy and religious strife tearing the "Isles" apart. Laws were passed making Elizabeth Supreme head of the Protestant Church.

She set to work, for the "Salvation" of Britain/Israel, taking many Roman bishops into custody, or they had their "living" taken away from them. Others were executed, perhaps in reprisal for Queen Mary's days of terror?

Under Queen Mary many people had left England's shores as exiles from Roman persecution, but now with Elizabeth on the throne they came flooding back.

Scotland was also a large problem at this time through Catholic France and Mary Queen of Scots, who Elizabeth I reluctantly executed, while making peaceful overtures to Scotland as well.

Elizabeth's state craft was also due to her choice of wise advisers whose opinions she valued, then she made up her own mind about things.

The second role within Dan's birthright/blessing from Genesis 49/18. "I HAVE WAITED FOR THY SALVATION, O LORD"; was put into motion by the Tudors, especially Elizabeth I.

We must now question the words "I have waited," and what they mean;- So we must go back to early history to understand these words.

History tells us that when the "Isles" became Roman Britain, there were many varieties of religions adopted therein, with some Celtic gods worshipped by Roman soldiers. In addition, the old Celtic Christian religion was also flourishing long before the Roman religion was brought into the "Isles" by Augustine, etc, in 596 AD. It is recorded that the first Christian martyr in ancient Britain was Saint Alban who was executed, probably during Christian persecution by the Emperor Diocletian in 286-303
AD, though some other historians say Saint Alban died earlier.

There is no accurate date fixed for the original coming of Christianity to Britain. British bishops and deacons were well established by the third century, having also crossed the Channel to France to attend councils.

It was the savage barbarian attacks, which tore Britain apart, and the Roman legions leaving those shores, which seemed to send Christianity into hiding. So, British Christianity was alive and well hidden from incoming conquerors to the Isles over the years, and most certainly taken to the hills of Wales and elsewhere.

Indeed, the love of Christ and the word of God, was the nectar of life and hope to poverty-stricken peoples of Wales, throughout the centuries to follow. They "waited" for freedom to worship, without the ritual of Rome, and fear of death.

When one "waits", it is to rest in expectation till something happens, or a period of time expires, and "someone" performs a duty. That period of time, and that someone came out of Wales, and it was "Dan" of the Tudors who brought into being that expectation of freedom to worship God and his Christ, -Our Lord.- Without the political "iron" influence or Rome's interference in spiritual matters.

The "Salvation" of which Genesis 49, speaks, is the act of saving and preserving an ideal, and the people, from destruction. It is the deliverance from one's enemies.

During the reign of Elizabeth I, that act of "deliverance" from Rome's "iron" will and persecution of spirit, released the "clay" of the "House of Israel" to breathe fresh air. To think and reorganise itself towards the 20th century. When those modern times will show "all" Israel who will know to the full the prophecies concerning themselves and their Messiah, the Great "Salvation" of all peoples!

During the reign of Elizabeth I, she had been excommunicated by the Roman Church. She gave the people freedom to speak, to read the gospel for themselves, and worship. Which history calls the "English Reformation", and the "Salvation" of that country.

The beginning of the "Salvation" of Britain, or the "judging" brought about by Dan/Tudor was the "leaven" to raise the whole lump of peoples to greater heights. The "leaven"-Salvation- worked gradually over the years, slowly rising the spirits out of the idolatrous nature of the "iron" of Rome. Forming the people into Protestants, Puritans, and Separatists. Which was to go on and on forming many breakaway denominations and sects, until, that British bread finished its rising to maturity. Today, we are free to choose and worship God as we wish. Many of us not knowing, nor caring, about
Dan's/Tudor "judging" upon the House of Israel within British stock, during that walk into the "light" of that freedom. To understand this is to understand "why" there are so many different denominations today.

The "leaven" called "Salvation" gave mankind freedom of thought and action, and a chance to rise up and seek new heights in understanding the words of God in the Bible. Knowing also, that every great man or woman searching for "truth" started from this breaking away from Rome. Started by this "adder in the path" called Dan/Tudor.

There remains however a church of God within all churches, for whom I write to find. These children are the "elect" being "called" from a different premise from the beginning, and for a different purpose. These are searching people, and believers, always turning to the "light" always seeking, always thirsting for knowledge and truth, desiring to understand more of the mysteries of God, which seem to be closed in the Bible. They want to do what Saint Paul told us to do, when he said, "Prove all things,"- "Quench not the Spirit," - Despise not prophesyings". -(I Thessalonians 5/19-21).

Without the Tudors, through Dan's blessing in Genesis 49, the "leaven" called "Salvation" could not have done its work in history, and the people of our times could not have talked together openly discussing the things of God. Under the strangle hold of the "iron" of Rome we would have had to accept without question fables, lies, ritual, and a bludgeoning of spirit and mind of those seeking the true God, and His ways.

Dan's lineage in prophecy forced truth along its path for the "House of Israel". The great High Priest of Salvation for all Israel was, and is Jesus the Christ, whose paths go into, and away from both secular and spiritual history/prophecy.

No church within Israel's lands has the "right" to set uniformity before "truth", nor conformity before conscience, these two rigid shackles are the chains of the "iron" of the Roman church.

The emerging Protestants of the Church of England of Tudor times now seem to be going down the same path of ritual and emptiness. Which they came out of and are once more Rome bound.

The word "Salvation" means:- a preserving from destruction, and Elizabeth Tudor cemented the "House of Israel" upon that road. The "salvation" of Israel is the spirit of the Law and the prophetic letter of the Law, which go hand in hand.

Much can be written of Dan's lineage, he not only gave us the Tudor lineage which has been called the flower of its time, Dan gave us "judgement" upon spiritual matters which leads to knowledge and The Holy One of Israel.

Dan continues to hold the "judging" upon Israel and the tribes, ancient and modern, and will continue to do so until all prophecy is fulfilled. Dan's role is unique bringing about "truth" through the woman's lineage as the "second choice" in the patterns of the Law.

Understand this verse:- Jeremiah Chapter 4, Verse 15."FOR A VOICE DECLARETH FROM DAN, AND PUBLISHETH AFFLICTION FROM MOUNT EPHRAIM". This is the voice warning of destruction in the "last days" in our modern world! - Read also Jeremiah chapters 4 to 8.

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