66. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 45.
End of Russian Power and Man's Ruling.
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Hiraeth 2002 - Notice: The author gives permission to download, print, duplicate, and share this book for personal use only; with the proviso that no alteration is made to the contents of this book. Other use of this book is with the express permission being granted by the author or agent.


Verse 45 is going to be a very involved set of words to unravel. Because, we have to pick up many biblical verses to help to "fill in" this ever-widening world picture marked for the "end" of secular history.

In verse 45 you will note reader that by the mention of the word "HE" we are still talking about the same "type" of leader of Russia, who is seen in verses 44, and back to verse 40. The Russian all powerful "HE" that turned his eyes towards world domination, had begun when "HE" came against Adolf Hitlers Germany like a "Whirlwind", in verse 40.

The act of this Russian power in verse 45 is to subdue and to overwhelm the so- called arrogant capitalist's powers. In the very cradle of the Israelite nations, that of the British Isles itself. This leader of Russia is trying to overcome the long-held throne of England, which would be the very pinnacle of his fame.

It is here in the Isles in Highgate London, that Karl Marx, -who came from a German Jewish family,- is buried, and to this day Marxists followers meet to remember his death and glory in his dream.

Russian Communism, whose doctrine is a form of Imperial, Marxist, Leninism with overtones of Capitalism, have been and are going to move deeper into the Isles. Where else would the Marxist doctrine be more finally displayed and honoured, by bringing those peoples to their knees more than in Britain? Thereby subverting and subduing Western Capitalism and Imperialism in one fell swoop. Despite Britain's own power flower fading. It was in the British Isles that Karl Marx -foundation builders of Communism- lived for many years of his life, and with Friedrich Engels worked at his book "Das Kapital". (Or the bible of the working class). The "theory" of Communism upholds the absorption of all proprietary rights in the community, to the exclusion of private ownership. Secular history has shown that humans are incapable of this high-sounding exercise, and that Communism rode slip shod over millions of people in the last 69 years or so. To go into the British Isles and the USA and overlord its peoples with a new form of Russian politics, would fulfil a dream held for so long. Other notable leaders of nations have desired to subdue the Isles but have failed. Let us unravel the first line of verse 45. "AND "HE" SHALL PLANT THE TABERNACLES OF HIS PALACE BETWEEN THE SEAS IN THE GLORIOUS HOLY MOUNTAIN".

To "PLANT" something has several meanings apart from the organic vegetable kingdom, or the collective name for machinery and tools. It also means to "plant" the sole of the foot, or to set firmly in the ground as a flag, or to establish a colony to introduce and to settle, which we see happening in verse 45.

The word "TABERNACLES" (it is plural), are tents, huts, or booths. Daniel speaks of only a "temporary" habitation, because Russian power comes to "ITS END" after this situation seen at the end of verse 45.

During the wanderings of the Israelites in the wilderness, a TABERNACLE was a portable structure for religious purposes. To "TABERNACLE" also means to sojourn in a foreign land.

The word "PALACE" in verse 45, means a splendid house, or residence where a king or distinguished person resides, as a central point of power.

So, from unravelling these 3 words, we see that the leader of Russia will come out of his Northern abode, and "set foot" as a "foreigner" on British and North American, etc. soil, "HE" will place his "temporary" dwellings (TABERNACLES) here and there throughout these lands; But he will be driven out eventually.

How will Russia rule? After the manner to which his "PALACE" called the "Kremlin" in Moscow dictates. Because from this "PALACE" comes forth the law of all the Russians.

This planting of "temporary dwellings" (TABERNACLES) by Russia as a dweller in a foreign land; has been subtlety happening for years in today's world, in all the Western Democratic and other countries. Russia has planted its "Embassy TABERNACLES" in every country it can get a foot hold in. Within those Embassies the thoughts of world domination would have taken place, and sometimes applied with peaceful overtures. Why else would these "TABERNACLES" have secret police, spies of all descriptions, -political agitators, etc. Using communication systems that eve's drop on all and sundry, which can tap telephones, computers, etc. which one reads of in journalistic articles. It seems that no stone is left unturned in their endeavours to send back to their governing "PALACE" -the Kremlin- information that can destroy the countries of the Western Alliances. Today, as I put pen to paper Russian infiltration in the "houses of Israel's" cradle lands of the British Isles, USA etc. would have its fingers in all government departments. Including policing and intelligence centres, foreign policy and all matters dealing with those lands. It has been stated that the Labour unions especially, and the Labour party, would be overflowing with Russian oriented men in their great plan towards a "take over" of those lands. The other political parties are also laced with intelligence collectors, who have Russian sympathies and desires, or people motivated by greed.

The past historical dramas of spying for Russia by the now British infamous names of Burgess, McLean, Philby and Blunt are no doubt a mere spying flea bite compared with the infiltration today into the Western Alliance governments. It is said, in many articles one reads, that spying is rampant at this point of time and will increase into the future. The Western governments will collapse in their governing powers immediately Russia decides to move to take over the world. Even though at times Russia put on a democratic face to allay fears. Or it seems to be on its knees with its own internal problems.

These European and other governments are so well sown up by the Russians, that a veneer of respectability covers a very dirty garment indeed, and it seems governments are unable or unwilling to do much about it.

Because of Russia's infiltration and subversion activities in the British Isles especially, this will affect the throne of England and will help to put an end to the long-held monarchy within the Isles.

Other prophecies from the Bible also cross check the end of that British throne which have told us to expect this. For example,- Gad's blessing in Genesis 49:19, which lineage comes through the Scots and James I, upon Britain's throne. His blessing for the last days was to "OVERCOME AT THE LAST", Or when his own and all the lineages of the crown are fulfilled within Genesis. The latter under the crown of England, (Ephraim). The Scots (Gad) heritage will predominate into the "last days". From the Queen into the children of Prince Charles and Princess Diana, whose lineages both count from James I. This last blessing lineage has then been fulfilled to the letter of the Law.

All "blessings" by Jacob/Israel for the crown of England are then finished, fulfilled, and performed in secular history, and there will be no more kings either after Charles III or his son William.

The second half of the first line of verse 45 says, "BETWEEN THE SEAS IN THE GLORIOUS HOLY MOUNTAIN". The word "BETWEEN" is of course a space or place of any kind separating, as to affect both parts.

The word "SEAS" has a few meanings, it's a continuous mass of salt water which covers a great part of the earth. Or a special portion of it, a name given to certain lakes, it is a surge or swell given to the ocean, a flood, or set of waves. The word "GLORIOUS" which we have had before, is a word meaning exalted, excellence and splendour, Resplendent in majesty and glory, magnificent and grand. The words "HOLY" and "MOUNTAIN" are of course "HOLY" meaning free from sin and godly, sanctified and consecrated.

"MOUNTAIN" is a large mass of rock and earth, rising above the common level of the earth of the adjacent land, it's an elevated mass larger than a hill. When one reads in the Bible of a "HOLY MOUNTAIN" as in Daniel's verse 45, one automatically thinks of the mountains of Jerusalem, or Mount Sinai, Horeb, Hermon, Moriah, etc. But in the context of unravelling the truth of Scripture to do, with the "House of Israel", within the English speaking nations, we must look for a deeper meaning than our thoughts first call to mind.

We have already said, Russia is going to come out of his northern land to build "Temporary dwellings" throughout a land, Where? "BETWEEN", or a place which separates the "SEAS" one from the other of a mass of salt water. We are all aware that the North American continent is almost surrounded by oceans separating the mass of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic.

The British Isles also, sits on her throne alone out in the midst of the seas, to her right is the North Sea, to the south the English Channel which pours out into the Atlantic Ocean. To her west is the Irish Sea, and again the Atlantic Ocean, and to her north the Atlantic Ocean and the Norwegian Sea, then on into the Arctic Circle. In other words, she sits "separating the Seas", or "BETWEEN" the Atlantic Ocean.

In the British Isles, under the words "GLORIOUS HOLY MOUNTAIN" there is an "excellence in majesty and glory". Or where the glory of the Israelite crown resides through history in splendour, elevated to a consecrated throne through the channels of prophecy by God. It has been a "sanctified mountain" because some of the people represented therein are of the Israelite nation. (Apart from Judah's House). Within them is Joseph's governing hand, which has helped them for centuries with many of this nation going over the sea wall, seen in prophecy. Within them are Joseph's children Ephraim and Manasseh also, and within them is, and has been, the holy seed of "Mount Zion", to be delivered from the people in the last days.

God's sacred blessing was pronounced thousands of years ago upon the progeny of Ephraim and Manasseh especially. When through Jacob's hand planted upon their heads in blessing that it should be so. (Genesis 48:13-22) and these 2 powerful feet came into being as the British Isles and USA. Joel 3/16-17-21 tells us though the 2 cities of Jerusalem and Zion are classed as holy, it is in the city of Zion God "dwells"! Jerusalem has become a secular city through history. Its holy name restored when all is finished. Zion however is classed as GLORIOUS, because it has the seeds of Israelite chosen children which proof is named as each prince of Israel took the majesty of Britain's throne in "glory" seen in Daniel's 10 toes of clay, whose 2 arms of Ephraim and Manasseh, Joseph holds in power. Added to Joseph's seed is also The Christ! These mountains are people not only land mass.

Like all biblical prophecies and the words of Daniel, they have a deeper meaning that one sees on the surface, which is the "Meat" of our Heavenly Father's Law. It is to this "deep" lying underneath we must now go, because we are facing the "end" of men's power-hungry machinations.

Some biblical students believe that verse 45 of Daniel means that it is referring to the "holy mountain of Jerusalem", spoken by Isaiah 66:20. "AND THEY SHALL BRING ALL YOUR BRETHREN FOR AN OFFERING UNTO THE LORD OUT OF ALL NATIONS UPON HORSES, AND IN CHARIOTS, AND IN LITTERS, AND UPON MULES, AND UPON SWIFT BEASTS, TO "MY HOLY MOUNTAIN" JERUSALEM, SAITH THE LORD, AS THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL BRING AN OFFERING IN A CLEAN VESSEL INTO THE HOUSE OF THE LORD". This verse of Isaiah's stating Jerusalem as the "HOLY MOUNTAIN" at this point of time in man's history, is not pertaining to the secular history we are unravelling in Daniel. The interpretation in Isaiah is alluding to the "New Jerusalem" after all the tribulations upon nations are over. When man will relearn how to bring his oblation under the ordinances of God, set up when Zion and Jerusalem are one "holy mountain" again, which verse 22 of the same chapter of Isaiah tells us.

You will note reader that Isaiah verse 20 says the children of Israel are now Christians as one nation, because the "clean vessel" of the offering is our Lord Jesus. He is no longer questioned, nor held in contempt.

Let us look at verses which give us understanding of what, "GLORIOUS HOLY MOUNTAIN" means.

In Isaiah 65:25, we have the "Kingdom age" of The Lord Jesus when Jerusalem and Zion are "one" again, and the land is sanctified hence the finger points to Jerusalem and will once more be holy.

We must read other verses describing the "HOLY MOUNTAIN". In the beautiful verses of the Bible namely, Psalm 48:1,2. "GREAT IS THE LORD, AND GREATLY TO BE PRAISED IN THE CITY OF OUR GOD,IN THE "MOUNTAIN OF HIS HOLINESS".

Verse 2:- "BEAUTIFUL FOR SITUATION, THE JOY OF THE WHOLE EARTH, IS MOUNT ZION, ON THE SIDES OF THE NORTH, THE CITY OF THE GREAT KING". Here we have Jerusalem the "holy mountain", but Mount Zion as the greater joy. In this city of Zion, King David placed the Ark. This same verse adds a rider to itself explaining the situation of the 2 holy mountains which says,- and on the side, and to the north is Zion. This is the city of the King, "Jerusalem". This division of the 2 parts is topographically correct as a map will show, and biblically born out in Matthew 5:35.

Bear in mind continually reader there are 2 holy cities and "2 holy mountains". Isaiah 64:10 tells us of the 2 Cities. THY HOLY CITIES ARE A WILDERNESS, ZION IS A WILDERNESS, JERUSALEM A DESOLATION".

In Zechariah 1:17 we read again. "CRY YET, SAYING, THUS SAITH THE LORD OF HOSTS, MY CITIES THROUGH PROSPERITY SHALL YET BE SPREAD ABROAD; AND THE LORD SHALL YET COMFORT ZION, AND SHALL YET CHOOSE JERUSALEM". On those 2 cities or mountains throughout secular history are people. They driven out of the glorious land lost in the wilderness of the earth, that no man sought after, Zion's people, which are in the Gentiles are unidentified and lost. Jerusalem's people are in other nations being the Jew. These 2 peoples have been wasted and ruined by other nations, yet! Something else happened to them, they were spread around widely through good fortune, so they may flourish! We go once more to Psalm 87:1-3. "HIS (God) FOUNDATION (Or laying a strong base to fulfil prophecy) IS IN THE "HOLY MOUNTAINS" (Or the chosen people of these 2 remnants).

Verse 2:- "THE LORD LOVETH THE GATES OF ZION (Or a large door which opens to reveal a walled protected city of Zion, showing much love for them) MORE THAN ALL THE DWELLINGS (Or a place for people to linger and live) OF JACOB". (Whose city is Jerusalem of the Jew).


In Psalm 87, the plural "HOLY MOUNTAINS" are spoken of namely, Jerusalem and Zion, and of which Zion is the most cherished by God. "Holy Mountains", Holy Cities, as remnants of people are interchangeable at times. Why may one ask is Zion's remnant so special to God? Because they are not only the predestined lineage from Abraham; But the "spirit" that guides them is The Lord Jesus Christ, which this remnant has believed and accepted. Whereas Jerusalem's children from the lineage of Abraham, and the Jew has not.

"He" is the "stone" or foundation for Zion spoken in Psalm 87. Though Jesus and most of the disciples, etc. came out of the Jew to give them all a hold onto truth, nevertheless, the people eventually rejected them. The Jew lost their first place in the scheme of things.

We cannot understand prophecy fully, until this "meat" of the word is acknowledged through the "foundation stones". The "foundation" or laying of a strong base for all to understand is laid on an hereditary lineage caused to work in 2 ways, flesh and spirit. As we have seen previously, Abraham began as the "base" for these 2 paths. Jacob became the hereditary father of the flesh. Jacob himself was divided into 2 parts or camps: the other part being called Israel of the spirit. Eventually, those 2 camps were divided into 2 houses or kingdoms. Then divided again from those 2 houses into holy seeds, called "Zion out of the Israelite Gentiles", and "fleshly holy seed" called Jerusalem out of Judah. These 2 camps brought about the 2 holy Cities or "Mountains", and so their foundation was laid This is a reason "why" the bible lays so much emphasis upon these lineages and of who was born in which tribe!

It seems rather involved continually dividing Jacob's progeny in this way, but, when one gets used to the idea, it all becomes very simple indeed!

But without this premise of knowledge to work upon, a "last day" prophecy cannot come to pass ever! For example, Revelation 7:4-14, gives us the Sealed remnants of the 12 tribes of Israel. The word Sealed means those children were marked from the "beginning" as authentic, confirmed, and ratified upon a "base" that is laid in fact and truth. -Have you never read and understood the verses in Psalm 87:1-7? -

Verse 5:- "AND OF ZION IT SHALL (Future emphasis) BE SAID. THIS AND THAT MAN WAS BORN IN HER; (Daughter of Zion as a people) AND THE HIGHEST HIMSELF (Through God, and Jesus), SHALL ESTABLISH (Foundation) HER".

Verse 6:- "THE LORD SHALL COUNT, WHEN HE WRITETH UP HIS PEOPLE. (As Revelation 7 tells) THAT THIS MAN WAS BORN THERE". Of course, Scripture also calls a "Kingdom" a Mountain in its symbolism. In Daniel 2, verse 35, etc. one reads of the "Stone" that became a "great mountain" and filled the whole earth. Which is understood to be a symbol of the kingdom of God on earth, with Jesus as the Promised King.

In Revelation 17:9 etc. we have Rome as the 7 mountained kingdom, each of its 7 heads (mountains) became a symbol of a separate kingdom in its own right. So, using this symbolism also for Zion and Jerusalem as "holy mountains" it also means kingdoms, cities of people chosen for their elect children. To continue with the last words of Daniel 45, the leader called "He" of Russia, is the same "chief Prince" of which Ezekiel speaks in his descriptive verses. This prophecy of Daniel's having written Russia's death warrant in no uncertain terms. Daniel 11:45, "YET HE SHALL COME TO HIS END, AND NONE SHALL HELP HIM".

"YET", is a word meaning however, over and above the rest of events that is happening at this time in secular history. "HE", "SHALL" or a word meaning that "he" will have to pay for what devastation he has done to the nations.

"COME" is to advance nearer from a distance or to arrive.

"TO" is a notion towards a place or thing.

"END" is the extreme point or limit of that final state.

So, the "chief leader of Russia" who has brought so much trouble upon the world, especially upon the 12 tribes of Israel, will have to pay with his life, and many of the lives of the people of Russia. With those nations who have befriended and accompanied him, bringing them all to their final state!

"AND" is a word which is now introducing another clause to the Russian leader's state.

"NONE", or not one person or things from the multitude of people who accompanied the Russian lead.

"SHALL" is to pay for what he's done.

"HELP" means to lend strength or means towards effecting a purpose. In other words, the Russian leader will not be given any remedy by his friends to relieve him of the terrible situation "HE" finds himself in. "He" is doomed by God through prophecy, doomed by his friends, doomed by his enemies, and finally He, also knows he's reached his final state.

The words Daniel wrote:- "HE SHALL COME TO HIS END, AND NONE SHALL HELP HIM". Reminds one of the "end" of Hitler in World War II. No other nation of peoples came to Germany's aid, during that time, because they had inflicted such havoc on others. Hitler committed suicide in a bunker in Berlin.

Mussolini the Italian dictator, who had joined with Hitler, ended up hanging in Milan on public display. After being executed by the partisans. So, it remains to be seen with this Russian leader. Will history repeat itself?

And so ends man's "final" power struggle to try and dominate the world, because man forgot that God rules in the kingdoms of men", (Daniel 4:17). Man's ruling was set for a period of 6,000 years, when mankind had to prove himself worthy to have dominion over the earth. Instead, man has tried to master the world through evil means and now it is finished!

We must go to other prophets especially Ezekiel to help bring out the words, -COME TO HIS END, AND NONE SHALL HELP HIM.

Let us first ask the question "where" will Russia come to his "FINAL END"? The "answer" is, through the understanding upon the road this man stands, in prophetic utterances in the Holy Scriptures! Which cross check from one prophet to the other. If we read Ezekiel 39:11-17, it will give us the "place" of destruction within the Middle East, -that of the holy land of Israel,- and the lands of the "House of Israel"- the British Isles, USA etc. "AND IT SHALL COME TO PASS IN THAT DAY, (The end of World War III) THAT I WILL GIVE UNTO GOG (Russia, the prince of Moscow, and Tobolsk, Ezk. 39:1) A PLACE THERE OF GRAVES IN ISRAEL, THE VALLEY OF THE PASSENGERS; ON THE EAST OF THE SEA: AND IT SHALL STOP THE NOSES OF THE PASSENGERS; AND THERE SHALL THEY BURY GOG AND ALL HIS MULTITUDE; AND THEY SHALL CALL IT THE VALLEY OF HAMON-GOG".

We know this verse and interpretation is dealing with the British Isles and America, because the following verse 12 of Ezekiel says; "AND SEVEN MONTHS SHALL THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL (Those of the Gentile nations of 10 tribes within Britain, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc.) BE BURYING THEM, THAT THEY MAY CLEANSE THE LAND".

The "VALLEY OF PASSENGERS EAST OF THE SEA", is not the same valley of "decision" that we read of in Joel 3:14. "MULTITUDES, MULTITUDES IN THE VALLEY OF DECISION; FOR THE DAY OF THE LORD IS NEAR IN THE VALLEY OF DECISION". The valley in Joel 3, is the same valley of Jezreel, which is overlooked by Mount Megiddo, which Revelation 16:16 calls "Armageddon". Therefore, there is killing on a grand scale, started by the rider of the "Pale horse" of Russia.

So, from Daniel's prophecy in chapter 11:42, when the Russian "He" stretched out his hand in the Middle East in anger against Egypt, "He" then went into and affected the lands of all Israel, (Both houses). His time in history is heading towards a terrible climax, for now He is within the realms of God's fury also! It is God who is the Supreme authority upon earth, "He" can install or remove any human ruler. The killing brought about by man has to stop or no life would be spared. For the "holy seed" of peoples or "elect's" sake, it must not go on unheeded as our Lord told us in Matthew 24:21,22.

If we recap quickly in history of the gradual build up towards this situation by Russia, we can see the power of those TABERNACLES at a glance, seen in Daniel 11:45.

During the 1920's and into the thirties, Russian Communism was the "light at the end of the tunnel" because of the failing autocratic leaderships in the European countries. Class distinction was a gulf that the working class could not cross. The elite of the pampered ruling classes (seen in Daniel 11/verses 32 to 35), did not wish to bend down to them for fear of some form of infection, whether biologically or emotionally. The great universities of the day both in Britain and the Continent of Europe, spawned notorious men who were later on to become household names, Philby, Burgess, McLean, Blunt, Willi Munzenberg, Otto Katz, etc. Whose internal egotistical subversion tactics were to have far reaching effects within Intelligences of Britain, Europe, and the United States. These men, -along with others- set up some other types of "TABERNACLES" for the Russian intelligence to grow and mature. Under the names of their own organisations that were started at Cambridge university and elsewhere.

Joseph Stalin used the subversion tactics within Russia itself, which purged the army, the peasants, and the upper classes.

The Tabernacle of "Subversion" it seemed was the name of the game in Europe which was an "arm" to holding power firmly.

These favourable young men mentioned, with extravagant backgrounds to their lives. With heads full of learning and the willingness of youth to try something new, did that which was treasonable in their rarefied thoughts. They became Russian agents for subverting of the very cradle which had already given them life and hope for a better future; than the working classes could ever have hoped for under Imperialism or Communism.

Why? One may ask, would large superpower Russia of the time be interested enough to subvert a tiny Island such as the British Isles, when 2 world wars had brought her to her knees?

Why? During the sixties did Russia burrow its way through and into the British establishment with those traitors to that country, and any other subversives known and unknown. What was, and is, the long-term purpose to all this intrigue, was it just for military secrets? Or was it for a more sinister view to eventually taking over the British Isles completely?

Why? Would Russia be so interested in the workings of not only the British intelligence agencies. But how Britain itself as an old curiosity worked? Over the years one reads of such unimportant articles in general that seemed to have fascinated the KGB, of Russia. It is as if the Russian personality was unable to grasp the British and American way of life and psychology.

Or is it that we, mere mundane naive mortals outside this way of life of the intelligencer, have no idea at all of what goes on in the deep workings at the heart of the British interest by the Russians?

As I said before, some of the "Russian TABERNACLES" are set up under the guise of embassies, trade missions, consulates, banks, news agencies, commercial enterprises, the arts and sport etc. The greater mass of TABERNACLES within Britain, America, Europe, etc. are within the trade union movement of an ever moving changing Marxist- Leninism persuasion. With the Parliamentary or Senate Labour parties propping the whole structure up with a sense of democratic respectability. One day Britain, -apart from her daughter countries,- may wake up to find that the people have voted to power a new type of Marxist -Leninist Prime Minister, who will take orders from the "PALACE" of the Kremlin masters. This act will surely bring upon these apathetic peoples of the "Isles", and other countries, a time when a reawakening to their problems will bring a lift to overcome a situation of their own making. Bringing men to their knees in traumatic times.

So, the "PALE HORSE" of Russia and Asia will ride over them and through them, until man's powers come to an end, through God's intervention!

We could be seeing here in Daniel's prophecy a scenario of a manipulated Britain by a Russian government, under the guise of a hard left Labour Party. Thus, causing a British revolution akin to civil war, and then a move by Russia for complete take over. Soon we shall see and read Ezekiel's prophecy in this regard!

The Russians through their spies and defectors, would have by now gathered massive files on the workings of Britain and America in all walks of life. Watch the "peace movements" and disarmament marches reader, these are subject to infiltration by Russian sympathisers. Who will use these movements towards mass fear of an all-out nuclear war, feeding the peoples with emotional outpourings of the unknown; All through man's power and not understanding through "hope" in God's power!

There is no such thing as "peace and safety" with mankind at the helm of power. Therefore, man "must" move towards God and "His" prophetic utterances for truth. Which prophecies have already fulfilled themselves in secular events of history. It has been said many times before, within today's nations and the movements spoken of above, Russia will use much propaganda and disinformation to achieve its goal. Which is a "take over" of those nations.

The ex-Soviet Union under the leadership of Chairman Mikhail Gorbachev has achieved more from Europe with a hand outstretched in peaceful overtures, than it did in its "cold war" stance. The European continent had begun dropping its various barriers, which were erected after World War II. The suspicion and fear of the Russian man-of-war coming from the east in Germany itself, has been gradually changing from the times of Gorbachev. Who, smiled his way into their hearts, weakening their historical fears.

Because of the uncertain changing place, the world has become, and the volatile nature of the international political situation around one. This makes nations clutch at peaceful straws no matter who is holding them. Man talks empty words of peace, proclaiming a certain year for peace, going through mile upon mile of rhetoric. Flag waving, badge wearing, doves flying, balloons soaring into the air, and thousands of people marching with placards, and at the same time a few of them would knock someone's teeth out for disagreeing with them. Man's will power towards peace is weak, because his spirit and heart are weak, so these latter two things must first change into God orientated.

Peace amongst men is proclaimed only when nations are licking their wounds from a recent war. Or their economic and social problems are getting the better of them. Or nations utter greed for another objective, are pushing peoples forward in all walks of life. This is seen from the persons who instruct the people in their many enterprises. We see the shallow priest with his long face, clasped hands, in a pose of prayer to God, who are dealing falsely with our Heavenly Father's people. These things the prophet Jeremiah taught us all to learn. (Jeremiah, chapters 3 to 8).

Remember always the "SPOILER", (or the act of a plunderer with violence), first of all lulls other nations to slumber with peaceful overtures and soft words. Therefore reader, don't hear our Heavenly Father's words with uncircumcised ears but, be alert to danger and take note of the various stages and signs in history, which we are passing through as the days come and go.

Europe is once again amalgamating for strength, which it has done many times over the centuries, under various civilisation that have come and gone with leaders of men. Under Roman Imperialism, the Roman church, days of Charlamagne, Napoleon and Hitler etc.

The Union of Russia today needs much assistance from the European Economic alliance, with more stress put on unifying as the years pass. The Russians have got their sights fixed on that European bloc of nations, which will include themselves. This in turn will lead to the complete domination by Russia over this area, which the prophet Daniel has implied in his prophecy!

The once "Worldwide Church of God" under the Late Herbert Armstrong for many years have ardently pronounced the unity of the nations of Europe that we see taking place today. Though, these good people have seen it come to pass erroneously from the prophecy of Daniel and the 10 toes within chapter 2. They, coupling these 10 toes to the 10 nationed European Economic Community, which, up to this time of writing have combined into 12 nations.

However, it is through Daniel chapter 11, who have given the gradual amalgamation of the European continent within histories story. Also, the commonwealth of Israelite tribes in their many guises in history into the last days, then taking us eventually towards the Russian power umbrella.

It seems through Daniel's prophecy, Russia is moving on all fronts at once, Europe, Egypt, the Middle East, Africa, British Isles, and USA. For Russia the removal of a threat from Europe and the USA is paramount. The alliances between them would be cancelled very quickly if a complete invasion of this area arose. After much subversion (TABERNACLES-placed) had taken place which would have weakened Europe's resolve to stand firm as one.

To the older generations of Russia and Germany, who had experienced the horrors of World War II, there have remained deep within them the seeds of "revenge" of the memories of that war. Which revenge thoughts we have already seen with Hitlers Germany after losing the First World War.

Therefore, to the Russian memory it would be of necessity to neutralise the ever- growing might of Germany first and foremost. If the British Isles were involved in World War III against Russia, most probably that "Island" would be used as an ammunition and land-based equipment depot, for the USA as much for the "Isles" herself.

Which I, personally, remember this type of situation in Britain, with the build-up of forces before the Normandy landing of World War II.

The expanse of the Atlantic Ocean for shipping, bringing necessities to European forces, would pose a very dangerous threat to life and military supplies. Because of the Russian nuclear and diesel submarines etc. roaming the oceans.

The British Isles would play an important role in World War III, as a springboard for war on the continent of Europe, because of its situation in the seas, and of course she is able to supply herself and Europe with oil and gas from the North Sea. When perhaps Russia would have straddled the oil fields of the Middle East.

Russian entry into the Atlantic Ocean from Murmansk in the Kola Inlet was important in World War II and will be just as important again. The seas of the Arctic Ocean, Norwegian Sea, North Sea, English Channel, are all very dangerous to shipping whether through man-made catastrophes in war, or the might of God in the seas roaring.

Let us now go to Ezekiel's prophecy which helps to fill out Daniel's prophecy, out of the realms of "perhaps or maybe's" onto a surer footing.

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