70. The "Stone".
The 6th Kingdom on Earth.
Daniel Chapters 2,7,8,9 and 12.
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Hiraeth 2002 - Notice: The author gives permission to download, print, duplicate, and share this book for personal use only; with the proviso that no alteration is made to the contents of this book. Other use of this book is with the express permission being granted by the author or agent.

Daniel 2:31 to 35.

Verse 31:- "THOU O KING, (Nebuchadnezzar) SAWEST, AND BEHOLD A GREAT IMAGE, (the idol of the kings dream of World Empires). THE GREAT IMAGE, WHOSE BRIGHTNESS WAS EXCELLENT (or an illustrious, distinguished manner, seen and audible), STOOD BEFORE THEE, AND THE FORM THERE OF WAS TERRIBLE". (Extraordinary or adapted to arouse "fear" in man).

Verse 32:- "THIS IMAGE'S HEAD WAS OF FINE GOLD, (Chaldean-Babylon) HIS BREAST AND ARMS OF SILVER. (breast:- Persian Empire, -arms:- Medes and Persians). HIS BELLY AND HIS THIGHS OF BRASS". (Belly:- Grecian Empire -Thighs:- Greek Ptolemy and Seleucid).

Verse 33:- "HIS LEGS OF IRON, (Roman Empire, -2 legs:- Western Roman and Eastern Byzantium. 2 ruling cities Rome and Constantinople), HIS FEET PART IRON, PART CLAY". (10 Kingdomed "iron" of Roman Britain, - 10 Kingdomed "clay" of House of Israel).

Verse 34:- "THOU SAWEST TILL THAT A "STONE" WAS CUT OUT WITHOUT HANDS, (The Kingdom of heaven of the Lord Jesus), WHICH SMOTE THE IMAGE UPON HIS FEET (it strikes the 10 Kingdomed Roman Britain first) THAT WERE OF THE IRON AND CLAY, AND BROKE THEM TO PIECES". (The power of men of the Roman Papacy and the clay of Israelite secular history, will feel the impact first).

Verse 35:- "THEN WAS THE IRON, THE CLAY, THE BRASS, THE SILVER, THE GOLD, BROKEN TO PIECES TOGETHER, (all secular powers of the earth will feel the impact the same time from the "Stone") AND BECAME LIKE THE CHAFF OF THE SUMMER THRESHING FLOORS, (the refuse of the season of "end time", and will be beaten soundly), AND THE WIND CARRIED THEM AWAY, (no memory of their beginning) THAT NO PLACE WAS FOUND FOR THEM; (men's secular powers finished)AND THE STONE THAT SMOTE THE IMAGE BECAME A GREAT MOUNTAIN, AND FILLED THE WHOLE EARTH". (The Lord's Kingdom grew in power and might, until no other earthly power could stand against it). (The emphasis of the words within the verses are mine).

Here in Daniel Chapter 2 is the first mention of the "Kingdom of the Stone", and it is the 6th Kingdom that is to reign on earth. One cannot leave the picture of the "Stone" out of the picture of the Image within this dream.

The dream Image was given to a Babylonian man of the powers of the earth, for men of the earth to understand. Each part of the dream Image became a powerful empire of men. So, it is with the "Stone" also, it will become part of the powers within the earth. This is "why" a part of the earth from a "mountain" was chosen, because a mountain is part of the earth, yet! Has its head above the clouds into heaven.

In the dream Image the "Stone" struck the historical, factual men's Kingdoms within the earth. It wore down men's terrible and excellent powers into dust of the earth and caused the winds of the earth to carry the remembrance of them away. Then the "Stone's" Kingdom grew so large it filled the earth, from east to west! Note that expression well reader, -that it fills the whole earth!- Many human beings have ideas about living in heaven before all is finished, this is an erroneous assumption brought about by the self-conceit and lack of understanding by mankind.

Daniel chapter 7 again repeats this scenario in a different way.

1:- (Verse 4)- Chaldean empires of Assyria/Babylon. LION WITH EAGLES WINGS.

2:- (Verse 5)- Persia BEAR swallowed (3 bones) Median - Elam/Babylonian/Israelite, peoples flesh.

3:- (Verse 6)- Greece, (LEOPARD) Alexander carried 4 Macedonian wings, who became 4 heads with dominion. 1-Ptolemy. 2- Seleucid. 3- Greece-Macedonia. 4-Bactria.

4:- (Verse 7)- (DRAGON) Beast with feet, claws, teeth, and horns. The Roman world Empire.

5:- (Verse 8)- 10 horns which grew upon the beast Rome, - Roman 10 Kingdomed Britain. Powers of which grew with the feet, Empire of Britain and United States of America.

6:- (Verse 9)- Stones Kingdom receives the Ancient of Days, (Melchizedek) and Son of Man. The Lord Jesus. This Kingdom brings into the earth, The King of all these Kings and Lord of all lords.

Let's go deeper into the "Stone" and understand it. Because it may be easier for me to say the "Stone" is the 6th Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ returning to the earth. But! Because it's "more" than that, we'll unravel it very carefully.

The "Stones" material itself is of the earth which stones are all around us, Yet! It's only made by God. A stone can either be a hard solid mass of earthly material such as rock, or of a mineral substance found in precious stones. The other empires before the Stones Kingdom, had as their materials, mineral - metals of gold, silver, brass, iron, clay. The 6th Kingdom is not of a precious metal such as gold or silver, but one of common stone, which is a solid mass of hard earthly material, yet! It can hide all the other metals within its mass.

Daniel 2:45, tells us a bit more. "THE STONE WAS CUT OUT OF THE MOUNTAIN WITHOUT HANDS". In other words, there would be natural, or divine intervention needed to cut the Stone loose. Daniel says the Stone at first is not large, then after it hits the feet of the image it begins to grow larger and larger, until it fills the whole earth, and has consumed all the powers of men. The "Stone" and the "Mountain" from whence it came are 2 natural things that God made and have no part within the rest of Nebuchadnezzar's dream image of the powers of men. We must call to mind reader the mountains of the earth, made by God, which are lofty places where they secret the source of life that of life-giving water! A mountain is also a place where at times the spirit of God descends to contend with man, with the Son of God, and with angels in ancient times past. The worthies of old, such as Moses for instance, when he wanted to be alone with God sought out a mountain for refuge and help.

Therefore, the pattern of the Law remains, with the 6th Kingdom of our Lord coming from the refuge of a mountain, bringing with Him the waters of life for the earth and its peoples. The Old and New Testaments bear each other out in this regard, they tell of "where" to find the "water of life", coming out of the Stone or Rock of Israel.


The 2 houses of the people Israel, within both Jew and Gentile, over the centuries have smote Jesus the rock and crucified Him, and when His side was pierced with a Roman sword water came out. So, that the people might live who drank and received the waters flowing from that rock, which is the baptism of life.

The Stone and the Rock are one and the same person. (See John 19:34, - Psalm 118:22). I Corinthians 10:4, "AND DID ALL DRINK THE SAME SPIRITUAL DRINK, FOR THEY DRANK OF THAT SPIRITUAL ROCK THAT FOLLOWED THEM AND THAT ROCK WAS CHRIST".

I Peter Ch: 2, verse 8. "AND A STONE OF STUMBLING, AND A ROCK OF OFFENCE, EVEN TO THEM WHICH STUMBLE AT THE WORD. (Indeed, so many students and so-called teachers of the words of the Bible, fall over my Fathers words for lack of understanding). BEING DISOBEDIENT WHEREUNTO ALSO THEY ARE APPOINTED". (Therefore, if one is called, baptised in the waters of Christ, one must continually hear my Fathers words, and not satisfy ourselves in our own conceits).


I have explained this "Stone" or rock, to you in a way that will have allowed the Bible to bring Old and New Testaments together, for the sake of both Jew and Christian. For all to know the rock of Moses, is also the "Stone" and the Messiah. Which is also the same "Stone" coming in the 6th Kingdom upon earth, CUT OUT OF THE MOUNTAIN! The division of Old and New Testaments is in man, not in the words of God!


-The Stone-

Let us examine the expression from Daniel 2:45, "CUT OUT WITHOUT HANDS". On the face of these words, it does not need to be explained. If however, it's "not" with hands of man, how can the stone be loosed. Perhaps it's divine, or natural intervention that is needed to cut it loose? Nature's way is an earthquake, or struck by lightning, to shake a stone loose from a mountain.

The earth has been filled with the willpower of man for millenniums and each dominating power had its emblem of tenacity. From the "Stones" time of ruling we are faced with a "grinding" power emblem, and mighty forces of angels that will come into effect. It is a "life force" outside earths boundaries and all the power of the Holy spirit will come together in great strength, to forge the "Stone" from the mountain. Which will eventually become God's Kingdom upon earth. Which will be prepared for the second coming of God's Beloved Son The Lord Jesus Christ, The King!

If this explanation seems far-fetched to you reader, then remember the times of the mortal man Moses. He received of God the "Stone" 10 Commandments, they were first written without the hand of man, but only with the spiritual power of the finger of God. (Exodus 32:16, 31:18). This writing was "without hands" as such, but rather by fire, which man knows nothing of. (Like all things in the Law, the "Second pattern" of things remain and the second stone 10 commandments were written by Moses, Exodus 34:27-29).

That "Stone" cut from the mountain, is done so by God, who is a "consuming fire," or is able to reduce matter into nothing by intense heat. (Deuteronomy 4:24).

That which pertains to God's work through the Spirit in the earth, is accomplished with a vastly different structure of laws than that of the earth, which pertains to mass and matter. There have always been 2 worlds working side by side in the earth, one of man, and one of angels. Each is given a "time and season" to perform its works, and the earth is a cradle for both at times. Because both worlds are slowly unfolding the scroll of Laws that govern all life!

That which is the works of men is done by hands. (Psalm 115:4). That which is of the works of God are done without hands, and His works can be done by winds, water, or volcanoes etc. It can come with silent death from angels. (Exodus 12:29). Or putting a "thought" into a man's mind. As was the case, when dealing with the Assyrian Sennacherib's army (Isaiah 37:7). The latter works done by evil angels. (Psalm 78:49).

Other things are done "without hands" (Colossians 2:11). There are temples and houses made by man with hands, supposedly for God. There are houses and temples on earth made "without hands" within man's sphere (2 Corinthians 5:1, -Hebrews 9:11, -Acts 17:24).

Who, or what causes these things to be accomplished "without hands"? It is the Holy Spirit, (Hebrews 2:4).

The builders of mankind's churches, temples, or houses have largely rejected the prophecies of the "Stone" of the 6th Kingdom upon earth in their teachings of the Christ. They are not looking for His Kingdom upon earth at all but rather in heaven. The Messiah, The Lord Jesus, is the "Chief Corner Stone" which holds up a new temple upon earth, made "without hands". (Psalm 118:22).

The "Kingdom of the Stone" WILL come to pass, despite mankind's ferocious struggles for power over each other in the earth. Men have always been seeking world domination as a goal in life. These power struggles of individuals have been from the time of the beginning of history. The biblical story of the Tower of Babel was built to unite man's power under one leader, called Nimrod, -son of mankind- for to consolidate that power over all men, (Genesis 10:8-10, 11:1-9).

Daniel's visions and Nebuchadnezzar's dream are certain, because they all have mainly come to pass in secular history being fulfilled to the last detail. -Or- jot and title, as our Lord Jesus said it would, (Matthew 5:17-18).

Secular history belonging to the Israelites, -both houses- and other nations, have been written as Law for them to experience in that history, and it's also called prophecy. All things have a purpose under a Law set down by God, it's up to man's self-will to acknowledge that!

The Stone's Kingdom is yet another power but is vastly different from men's greedy power struggles. It will be a permanent power set up to be an eventual peaceful ruling power. Though at first it will chastise with ferocity, towards unruly powers of men.

The Kingdom of the Stone is not some airy-fairy dream, or wishful thinking on the part of biblically minded goodly people. It is in essence as tangible factual, logical, and seen as natural in its time, as all the other powers that have ruled mankind seen in prophecy. Mankind feels sceptical about this, because it all sounds so different from other powers of the earth. He's afraid to face or accept the supernatural, which the Stone's Kingdom represents! Usually, man runs away or kills what he doesn't understand. With the STONES power however man cannot do either! The strange thing is, man builds a rocket and unnaturally flies to the moon and beyond, today, its accepted as natural from the proceeds of his clever brain. But it's not natural at all because man's survival belongs to the earth, he cannot govern space to live naturally. The coming of future events will see to that, and earlier biblical events saw to that, when man was given the earth only as his abode, (Genesis 1:28-31).

The "Kingdom of the Stone" is set up by God as a Kingdom of heaven, upon earth, and it is "that" concept which makes it vastly different from man's kingdoms. If one looks around the world, -whether on television or otherwise- in this day and age, one sees in it a seething mass of power- hungry humans. The nations have problems they are unable to work out for themselves, because of someone's greed to control power. It would take superhuman efforts to teach war mongering men a lesson, that it doesn't pay to kill the innocents of mankind. We have diseases accumulating in strength and many forms of starvation, from food, or knowledge of "why" all this is so! It cannot be set right because mankind is too busy looking over his shoulder at other things!

The world in our "end time" of secular history, is likened to a large cauldron and the contents are boiling and boiling. It has a closely fitted lid, with no safety valve for an escape of steam. The only relief from the great pressures within, is for a "hand" from outside that cauldron to lift the lid and sort out those troubles. This is "why" we "must" have the 6th Kingdom of the Stone forged from Outer space, as a Kingdom of God set up here on earth, to put matters right and solve explosive problems!

God took 6 days to make the heavens and earth belonging to our world's purposeful age. From Adam to the Stone's Kingdom, are 6 days and the 7th day He will rest. So, it is in the patterns of the written law for the earth and mankind, they have run the course. The earth waits hoping for a type of man God had in His mind for the earth in the first place. Sadly, from Adam and Eve greed still reigns supreme!

God gave dominion over the earth to man and the power of man's self-will. This is "Why" the power of men over angels has been so strong in the earth for millenniums. God set in motion a dual role for the earth which could not be relinquished until the righteous seed of men, and the precepts of the law to guide that seed had been accomplished. Hence the "call" of Abraham out of men, and the righteous seed out of the Hebrew nation to fulfil that role, (Isaiah 41:8-10, Galatians 3:16). The King came to that "seed", and they did not understand Him. The second time however, that "King of the Stone" has massive power and cannot be put down!

The 6th Kingdom was envisaged before the dreams and visions out of Babylon of the Chaldees. When history all began God "repented" he had made man, and gave him so much power, (Genesis 6:5-7). So, a second lineage towards the Heavenly Father and His son, was begun.

This Kingdom of the "Stone" is a Kingdom that is a very involved one, subject to channels of prophetic Law and order. It is not a Kingdom conquering another in confusion, relying on the power of one nation over another. We are dealing here with an absolute King of heaven, who obeys the will and laws of God in perfection.

Which same King is strong enough to destroy the earth and all mankind if He so wished. Because His power is mighty, which enables Him to grind conniving evil mankind into powder, as chaff from the threshing floor. Man will be unable to talk or think his way around "this" King, because the times and seasons of men's power over angels will have finished. The situation of power is now reversed. Let us read back to Daniel 2:34, which says, "WHICH SMOTE (struck) THE IMAGE (of the idol) UPON HIS -FEET THAT WERE OF IRON (Roman-Britain) CLAY, (House of Israel) AND BRAKE THEM TO PIECES".

The "Stone Kingdom" of Jesus strikes the feet first, it does not strike the belly or headfirst. This action is in reverse to the story of David striking a giant called Goliath in the headfirst. The King Jesus fulfils King David's lineage in absolute power to the uttermost. In this destruction to powder of the great image of unbelieving men's armies, is starting at the feet! David's story is seen in I Samuel 17:31-51. David's battle cry is the same as the Lord Jesus.


David voiced in words, what the 6th Kingdom of our Lord Jesus in its turn, will do to "save" the called remnant of all Israel, and other nations who will listen and believe. It is the "battle cry" of the Day of the Lord!

The "Stone" strikes the feet first, and it is because within the worldwide power of those 2 feet today, is moulded, the Clay of the "House of Israel" of the 10 mingling tribes. Many of the families of Israel within the feet, will be slaughtered by the "Stones" advance. No different to other powers within the earth who will oppose this incoming 6th, Kingdom. Israel's death cry however will be far greater, because they did not listen to the words of the Lord their God, - The Holy One of Israel- whose voice is in the Bible! Much of Israel listens rather to their own wilful secular ways. Only the "righteous seed" within those 10 tribes will hear, understand, and escape the wrath to come! God will bring them out of the nations of Israel, 1 of a city, 2 of a family! (Isaiah 27:12, Jeremiah 3:14-15).

The feet of Nebuchadnezzar's idol are struck first, not only to undermine the whole image's structure, but because we are dealing here within these 2 feet with Christian nations of the "House of Israel". Whose people forged both their nations in God's name and called upon The Lord Jesus as their Saviour. The people of these nations "cannot" make a vow before God in baptismal waters, through the name of the Messiah, The Lord Jesus, without the people being called upon to "accept" their responsibilities and pay back that vow! The 2 feet "will" be called upon to weigh their own actions in the balances!

Prophetic biblical words look at these "end time" 2 powers in the earth and they are both described, as careless women with many lovers, who would sell their souls for craft, power and corruption. Whose running sores of evil and cruelty can't heal, nor hide under the pretence of brightness. God has written to them the great things within Biblical Law, and they have counted it a "strange thing" to understand.

All these things and more are written for the "House of Israel" in, Hosea, chapters 6 to 14. The 2 feet of the Image became a multitude of nations, or an Israelite Commonwealth, promised to Joseph's sons. (Genesis 48:19, -Ephesians 2:11-13). In their beginning within history and in the "end time" of history, they were a "separated" nation, with the House of Judah.

They were born and called under the nation of Hebrew, for to "glorify" the great God of the Universe, in their lives and actions. In return for that obedience, they were given a "special place" amongst mankind, to become kings, priests and a holy people. (Exodus 33:16-17). These 2 nations of Judah/Israel have forgotten to perform these special duties of grace and favour and should have realised fully to be born with authority over others, one is also obliged to carry it out! The nobility of mankind of the earth calls it "noblesse oblige," which means:- rank imposes obligations and much is expected from one in that position! Our Lord Jesus when on earth practised that edict to his last breath on the cross.

So, the great impact of the "Stone" coming into the earth smashes into the 2 feet, whose nations out of the 10 toes have sworn in the name of the "Stone". In historical and social times past, calling the "Stone" Lord and King. In these 2 feet also is the righteous seed of Zion. In these 2 feet is their protection towards life nurtured by righteous Joseph. In these 2 feet are also some of the righteous seed of Judah, called Jerusalem. (Isaiah 2:16). "THEREFORE THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD, BEHOLD, I LAY IN ZION FOR A FOUNDATION STONE, A TRIED STONE, A PRECIOUS CORNER STONE, A SURE FOUNDATION HE THAT BELIEVETH SHALL NOT MAKE HASTE".

(Isaiah 59:19-20). "SO SHALL THEY FEAR THE NAME OF THE LORD FROM THE WEST, AND HIS GLORY FROM THE RISING OF THE SUN. WHEN THE ENEMY SHALL COME IN LIKE A FLOOD, THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD SHALL LIFT UP A STANDARD AGAINST HIM". (Or- another flag of authority is set up establishing rule against the enemy of the children in the West).


(The Redeemer is the "Stone" of the 6th Kingdom, coming to the earth, first to Zion in the Gentiles of the 2 feet of the image. Because these children have waited for their King Jesus. And to Jacob's son Judah the olive branch of knowledge is also extended to him. Though Jacob's sons wait for Elijah and the Messiah in violation of the law of the prophets of God, because they wilfully turn their backs to the Lord Jesus as the Messiah!)

Daniel 2:35:- "THEN WAS THE IRON, THE CLAY, THE BRASS, THE SILVER, AND THE GOLD, BROKEN TO PIECES TOGETHER, AND BECAME LIKE THE CHAFF OF THE SUMMER THRESHING FLOORS; AND THE WIND CARRIED THEM AWAY, THAT NO PLACE WAS FOUND FOR THEM AND THE STONE THAT SMOTE THE IMAGE BECAME A GREAT MOUNTAIN AND FILLED THE WHOLE EARTH". The Clay and the Iron are still ruling in the earth today! Verse 35 tells us that they will not escape the "end time" destruction prophesied. The Stone will crush the Iron of Rome's influence in the earth, leaving the Clay in pieces.

The Roman church is still powerful in the "House of Israel's" Western nations of clay, many people hate it and question its authority yet tolerate it, not knowing what to do about it! As for Jacob's son of the House of Judah when will they hear correctly?

When Jesus was last on the earth walking amongst them, "He" taught them the same thing as Daniel wrote:- Matthew 21:42-44. "JESUS SAITH UNTO THEM, DID YE NEVER READ IN THE SCRIPTURES. THE STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED, THE SAME IS BECOME THE HEAD OF THE CORNER; THIS IS THE LORD'S DOING AND IT IS MARVELLOUS IN OUR EYES"!



This is the same Stone Kingdom, which Daniel has been telling us all about. It is "not" a Kingdom set up in heaven but on earth, because it makes a massive impact on all peoples. Jesus was speaking not only to the Levitical priesthood of his times on earth, but to all the Jew of the "House of Judah" then and now.

The Jew brought forth into the world, Jesus, of the lineage of the House of David. It was His "Right" in flesh and blood to be King. Yet! The Jew as a people held fast to many ancient rituals and fables, and supposedly the Mosaic laws. They always look in another direction for a soldier Messiah. Moses himself was commanded to speak to a Rock at Meribah, from which came forth out of that Rock, water. Which Rock was Jesus who would put down sin by being nailed to a tree. Moses raised the serpent of brass on a pole, which serpent was a tempter of death at that time. The serpent of brass was a type of our Lord bearing our sins on a pole. (John 3:14-16).

Out of Judah came forth so much, yet! The words still fall on many deaf ears! So, the chance of the Kingdom of God going to Judah was taken from this people and given to the "House of Israel" as foreigners within the Gentiles. Which is the "other" nation spoken of in Matthew.

(And it's not as many other nations of the Gentiles think either, that these biblical words speak of a church, or a united number of churches)! This "other one" nation, is protected under Joseph's banner, and that nation was given "chosen" children called the "daughter of Zion" who will bring forth the "fruits" of the Laws of God required by this nation. The prophets tell this story over and over, but no one listens!





Though Isaiah wrote before our Lord appeared on earth, and before all Israel had gone into captivity, these verses speak of the 2 houses of Israel within the world. Both during the times of Christ's ministry to the people in Jerusalem, and as the centuries past into the 20th century. Our Lord is still a "Stone of Stumbling" to Christian Israel, and a "Rock of Offence" to the Jew, because they are too stiff necked to say they have got things all wrong! Christian Israel has strange priests teaching rituals, dogmas, centuries old fables, which set traps and snares for the people. There are many pathways to errors, running straight into snares of our own ideas and machinations. Both houses of Israel refuse to see Him as He really is!

All Israel -both houses- when they were taken into other nations were enticed into all sorts of idolatries, swearing allegiance to them first. Thereby, covering their bodies in uniforms of shawls, many hats and gowns, with robes of white, purple etc. holding pray wheels, wearing crosses and rings. Chanting ever chanting to the wind!

Few people have questioned what they are learning and doing, and like sheep each followed these attitudes as if normal things to do. Real prophetic truth was cast to the ground, as our King The Lord Jesus' role lessened.

When both Daniel and Matthew says that mankind's "powers will be ground to powder", it is an action applicable to the earth, when our Lord's Kingdom comes to full power within the earthly nations. The "Stone" falls on mankind who rejects Him and fights the "Stones" power. Consequently the "Stone" completely destroys this type of man, even the memory of him will be like dust carried away on the wind as if he never existed!

Isaiah however suggests that some people fall over our King and his role in the earth, never learning stumbling along on the path they have chosen for themselves. This is an individual's rejection of finding truth.

Or to coin a modern saying; "they are so blind you wouldn't know the "Stone" was there until you fell over it"!

Nevertheless, this act of falling over the Stone, might give some people a second chance to go back and "study" that Stone instead.

Many denominations past and present, send out written leaflets for the thinker of mankind to read about our Lord Jesus Christ's "second" coming. They say, "no doctrine is more prominent than this in the Bible". They are correct of course; one could write on and on just proving that point from our Heavenly Father's Law. But what many do not perceive is the "manner" in which His 6th Kingdom is to be set up. Many think His appearance is quiet and unheralded, perhaps it will come today, or tomorrow secretly. Perhaps it's already in the earth?

As I said before, we are dealing with the 6th Kingdom which has precepts of protocol, which is a written mandate of legal proceedings, serving as a diplomatic record for heaven and earth to acknowledge. These types of proceedings are practised in the lower and higher systems of mankind's law within the earth. When receiving their kings and queens, or the assembling of the courts of peoples, law and order prevails! Members of British stock would never dream of meeting Kings and Queens of Great Britain without law and order. Neither would people be allowed to go into their presence except first they were carefully examined, through various channels of welcoming procedures.

One sees dear Joseph in Egypt in Genesis 41:14, when summoned to the Pharaoh's presence to interpret a dream. In a mark of respect Joseph shaved and put on clean raiment to appear before him. One cannot expect less respect towards the King of Kings, especially now at the "end time" of secular history. When He will return a conquering King with a Kingdom of His own. He will not return as a weak "babe in a manger", or a peaceable King for men's power to overwhelm Him. "He" will rule with a rod of iron, and His servants will fight for Him. (Revelation 2:27 - John 18:36).

This is the "time" for the powers of heaven and not of the earth! This is the "time" when the shout and praise of "Hosanna" towards the highest King of Israel, and towards the honour and glory of the Great God! Thereby, vindicating the truth of His words within the Bible and the Holy mouth that spoke them. The "little book" the Bible, teaches us all the patterns, precepts, and laws of the earth, are akin to that of the heavens. Why then do men look for chaos? The patterns of the earth run almost parallel to the heavens, because here on earth is laid down the "first" dominion of power for mankind. (Hebrews chapters 5 to 10). The "second" dominion is to come!

The Lord Jesus' Kingdom is here on earth, not heaven, here are a few proofs:-

1:- The Lord shall be King over all the earth (Zechariah 14:9).

2:- This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in-like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. (Acts 1:11).

3:- Because He hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom He hath ordained; whereof He hath given assurance unto all men, in that He hath raised Him from the dead. (Acts 17:31).

4:- Then cometh the end, when He shall have delivered up the Kingdom of God, even the Father, when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. (I Corinthians 15:24-25)
Verse 25:- For He must reign, till He hath put all enemies under his feet..

5:- And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. (Zechariah 12:9-10)
Verse 10:- And I will pour upon the House of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications and they shall look upon Me whom they have pierced and they shall mourn for Him, as one mourneth for his only son and shall be in bitterness for Him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn. .

6:- And the seventh angel sounded and there were great voices in heaven saying, The Kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ and He shall reign forever and ever. (Revelation 11:15).

These verses are read by many churches, and the people with a sincere heart knows this, yet! The whole story is not gone into enough by them. Jesus returns to the earth absolutely, but not haphazardly! He does not come without warning us through His words. Or one day we wake up and perhaps there He is! He does not come to the Gentiles because they are Christians and the Jews are forsaken. He does not come to the Jew as the Messiah, because they are called Israelites and the chosen people. He does not come to a particular religious sect, because they consider they are the chosen 144,000 people seen in Revelation. These man-made conditions make people to try and inherit a chaotic Kingdom, and one that has not been set in order to receive the Majesty of The King of Kings.

The 6th Kingdom is to be set up first, then Jesus comes! That "Stone" smashes into the 2 feet of the image first, and "before" it becomes a great mountain to fill the whole earth, as Daniel 2:35 says. Then will begin and people will know, the Precepts of Law and Order within the courts of God are put into practice on the earth. It all happens step by step for to convene the great court of assembly, which sets up this throne and to appoint ministers for this court. A "new song" will be sung for the King and preparation to be attended to for the "bride", the daughter of Zion! (Revelation 14:1-3). All these things Daniel and all other prophecies have told us, of the preparations being made to receive the King.

There are many wrinkles in the garment of truth to be ironed out in our thinking processes, which today are unresolved. We must all stop thinking how right we are, and every other person is wrong. We must make sense of everything; our very lives depend on it! Because of the great grief and misery that will be felt when the impact of the "Stone" upon the 2 feet strikes. The impact and violence at the "end time" of years will be catastrophic. It is to all Israel (both houses) to know truth of God's judgements, as says Micah 3:1-10. "AND I SAID, HEAR, I PRAY YOU, O HEADS OF JACOB, (rabbis, or teachers of the law) AND YE PRINCES OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL, (supreme rulers of royalty) IS IT NOT FOR YOU TO KNOW JUDGEMENT"?

Verse 9:- "HEAR THIS I PRAY YOU, YE HEADS OF THE HOUSE OF JACOB, (within the Jew) AND PRINCES OF THE HOUSES OF ISRAEL, (2 separate nations ruled 2 different ways) THAT ABHOR JUDGEMENT AND PERVERT ALL EQUITY". (That which is right and just, founded upon the law and Principles).

Verse 10:- "THEY BUILD UP ZION WITH BLOOD, AND JERUSALEM WITH INIQUITY". (Zion is a spiritual movement and not brought on by killing each other. Jerusalem in an act of injustice to the law and righteousness).

If these 2 nations of Israel, who have been nurtured in their lives through the Great Words of their God, cannot understand simple logic of biblical truth, how can you ask other nations to understand your ways and motives? These 2 nations want God to help them in their troubles, Yet! Many do not know The Holy One at all, nor bother to seek Him out through His words.

The "Stone" that became a great mountain seen in Daniel 2:34-35, is the Biblical symbol for an actual Kingdom ruling upon earth! This promise for the last days the great prophet Isaiah also told us about. (Isaiah 2:2-4).





Daniel Chapters 7-8-9.

Melchizedek - Ancient of Days - Son of Man - Stones Kingdom.

Because we are dealing with the Kingdom of the "Stone" and the entry into the earth of our King, -The Lord Jesus Christ,- it is essential we go over and over the relevant verses in biblical prophecy that tells this story. We must glean all the essential details into our minds, to give us proof and understanding. One thing must be remembered though, no person, no matter how knowledgeable that person is, will know, or prophecy, the exact date -in our time scale,- of our Lord's arrival into this earth. That date is only known to our Heavenly Father, The Holy One of Israel. (Mark 13:28-33) We must take much notice of things happening around us and "watch" carefully. (Mark 13:34-37).

We must all hear the Voice of God, reader, as we have never heard it before. Much too long have we been asleep, or our ears have become attuned to the turning of things upside down. Because of "strange" shepherd's teaching or leading our heavenly Father's flock, have become paramount over the years. (Isaiah 29:9-24). So, we must contemplate Daniel's words very carefully indeed.

Of all the Kingdoms and nations prophesied throughout the Bible which have come to power, then gone, the remnants of which remain with us today. None is more different or of more importance than the 6th Kingdom of the "Stone". We must therefore go back to learn more and into Daniel's other chapters within the prophetic verses to do with the "Stones Kingdom", and deal with other secular powers affecting it.

We will begin again with,(Daniel 7:9-14) words which are assembling a picture of a totally different Kingdom and Throne within which is a person called THE ANCIENT OF DAYS. This prophecy is fulfilled and comes about within mankind's history after "considering the 10 horns, and a little horn" seen in Daniel 7:8.

Daniel 7:9, now takes us to a realm of absolute authority of power, which comes to unbelieving mankind, which is not of earth's making. This absolute power of law and order, comes amongst men whether they like it or not! And is set up during the power of the 6th Kingdom of the Stone upon earth. Daniel 7:9, "I BEHELD TILL THE THRONES WERE CAST DOWN AND THE ANCIENT OF DAYS DID SIT, WHOSE GARMENT WAS WHITE AS SNOW, AND THE HAIR OF HIS HEAD LIKE THE PURE WOOL; HIS THRONE WAS LIKE THE FIERY FLAME AND HIS WHEELS AS BURNING FIRE".

In other words, Daniel had concentrated his eyes and mind with great attention towards the secular historical powers of mankind. Now however another powerful throne was forming and approaching. Daniel had already seen all previous thrones of the powers of men thrown down in grief, dejected and discouraged, which the words "cast down" means.

Verse 9:- "AND THE ANCIENT OF DAYS DID SIT". - Here in these few words, we begin to read, imagine and enter a realm out of another dimension!

We have read and understood about many a man's throne within the earth. Because secular historians have written about them and set them down over the centuries for us to acknowledge as historical experience, or fact, historical conjecture and legend. Here however in Daniel's chapter 7, we must now try and learn words in unbelief about a throne, and a court of persons, the like of which we can only guess at! Or try to unravel a situation belonging to "outer space", of an unknown paranormal situation and technology in picture form. Therefore, we are now stepping onto the threshold of extra-terrestrials and UFO's, which names mankind have coined in modern years.

Let us first try and find out "who" the Ancient of Days is? The first answer that springs to our carnal minds is that we are reading of God Himself, or perhaps His son, The Lord Jesus? This is not so! Because, God cannot set foot on this earth while mankind has made it a cesspool, and mankind is in the situation of the judgements of good and evil. God, (Yahweh) during the time of the approach of the 6th Kingdom, exists absolutely and manifests His existence and character in many ways. He is "seen" in fulfilment of revelation and prophecy. He is "seen" through grace upon guiding His people and delivering them despite themselves. He is "seen" during the lifetime of our Lord Jesus on earth. He is "seen" in the unusual happenings of secular history, told from the beginning in their time zones. He is "there" in the intricate patterns, which make up the creations of life in this earth and the heavens. He is "there" in the still small voice within us, who makes us think and believe outside ourselves. All these things and more, tell us we have a God out there somewhere, perhaps in the third heaven. (II Corinthians 12:2).

But the "Ancient of Days" is "not" He/God, who has been the Potter/Creator from the beginning of time in memorial. (Isaiah 29:16).

We are dealing in Daniel 7:9, with the enormous hierarchy of angels, who are ministers, priests, messengers and workers, between heaven and earth and life and death, etc. There are in biblical prophecy differences in rank and dignity of heavenly persons, which are implied when speaking of them as holy ones, archangels, princes, evil angels, cherubim and seraphim etc. They can present themselves in human form, change their appearances, or are invisible to the naked eye. They are sometimes classed as God but are "not" of His actual person.

The "Ancient of Days" belongs to the hierarchy of the heavenly priesthood of angels, which priest is absolutely necessary for the anointing of the King of Kings, upon the head of The Lord Jesus, when He approaches His throne of the 6th Kingdom upon earth. The "shout" of the King by all persons of heaven and earth must be seen to take place, understood absolutely by unbelieving man. The fear generated by these happenings upon mortal man, will set mankind back into feelings of inferior mortality. Instead of his now arrogant murderous power of self will.

The "Ancient of Days" is the High Priest of God from the heavens, and His name is Melchizedek. Let us look deeper into that statement!

The first mention and story in the Bible of Melchizedek, is in Genesis 14:17-24, when Abraham was then called Abram. Who had been fighting the kings within the valley of Siddim, (Around Sodom and Gomorrah, today's Dead Sea area).

Melchizedek in these verses was called the King of Salem, or King of Peace.

Some scholars say Salem was Jerusalem at the time, of which Melchizedek was a Gentile King. Which is not so, when it comes to "Him" being King of that city! Because, an earthly "man" cannot be a priest of the Most High God, as Genesis says. The "man" Abram was chosen for a special earthly nation. This special man then called Abraham, would bring forth, down the centuries, God's plan of the "reserved seed" from a chosen people.

The city chosen by God's High Priest Melchizedek, to meet Abram, was indeed Jerusalem, because it was a "pointer" for things to come.

Over the years one reads of many interpretations of the word Jerusalem. Some Jews say that Jerusalem is derived from Shalom, meaning Peace.

Some historians say Jerusalem's name is supposed to mean "vision" or "abode of peace". Others say, the name Jerusalem comes from the word "Sharleem" of the Jebusites who lived a very long time at the sight of Jerusalem.

The Bible tells us they were a tribe out of the Canaanites, according to the table of nations begun in Genesis 10/15-16 and seen in many stories, such as Exodus3/8 and that indeed they were in that area a long time. A Canaanite king would not have been chosen to bless Abram outside Jerusalem's walls, as that would have been in complete opposition that God set for the nations. Because it was out of the lineage of Seth and Shem, from which Abraham came. Canaan was the son of Ham, who was cursed to be a servant to his brothers by Noah. One cannot change these vows to suit a theory.

The "bread and wine" in the story was a symbol of Christ to come to Abraham's seed, which had to follow the correct lineage. Therefore, Melchizedek would certainly not have been a Jebusite king out of Canaan! Offering Abram "bread and wine" towards a new beginning for the coming Israelites. Jerusalem, with its name of Peace, has known less peace than almost any other city upon earth and has been destroyed and re-built again and again. For instance, to see the foundations of the Roman pavements from Christ's time, it is necessary to go down into a cellar to see the "real" Via Dolorosa, 30 feet below the present road.

Melchizedek met Abram (Abraham) "outside" the walls of Jerusalem (Jebus), with the bread and wine, thereby, making a Path of the Law run straight to the Messiah. In the same manner The Lord Jesus was crucified at Calvary "outside" Jerusalem's walls, and "He" was the offering of "bread and wine" in remembrance!

In the New Testament John, the Baptist was set aside by God before his birth, he could then be as perfect as any human could be, so he could baptise the Lord. So, it was, and is, with Melchizedek; He was, and is set aside to pronounce the "atonement" offering of the Messiah during Abraham's time; Also, he will receive the Lord at the "end time" of days.

Melchizedek was of no human origin, nor a Jebusite out of Jerusalem. Neither of these types of people could stand between heaven and earth as he did, -and will do-, to envisage the coming Messiah. Or to receive the Son of Almighty God, as King of Kings of the earth at the "end time" of days.

A whole "new path" of the "called" children of God was forged when Melchizedek met Abram. It was for an explicit purpose, as a messenger from The Most High God. Which purpose was to separate, bless, and anoint Abram for the purpose of walking with God in life. Abram was the "called" son to fulfil God's first design with man, which originally was to be through Adam and Eve.

Two things of importance happened at this meeting. Abram was given "bread and wine" as an offering of his first communion with God. It also foreshadowed a Saviour to come for Abram's progeny of "called" children, -as Abram himself was "called",- to safeguard God's first design for man. In return Abram gave Melchizedek tithes of all the goods he had, thereby, acknowledging his tribute was consecrated to God alone.

In Genesis chapter 15, which is the following part of this story, The Lord God appeared to Abram in a vision, giving him the foreshadowed blessing of Genesis chapter 14. It was for himself and towards the seed of his lineage to come. Who would be eventually faced with the "Saviour" of his people, namely The Lord Jesus Christ. Who was handed to Abram by Melchizedek "outside" Jerusalem's walls. In Genesis chapter 17, Abram's covenant with God was completed and his name changed to Abraham, (father of many nations).

No earthly man was, or could be, in Melchizedek's position standing "for" God in the earth as High Priest of the Most High God. That position is quite untenable for mankind and that position cannot be maintained, because this person cannot die, as we do in our mortality. The latter Roman Papacy has tried to elevate itself to this position and earned itself the name of the "Abomination" within biblical prophecy.

Why was Melchizedek called the "Ancient of Days" in Daniel 7:9?

It's impossible to fix an early date, but if we take into consideration the birth and choosing of Abram by God in Genesis, scholars fixed it as 1996 BC to 2,000 BC approx.

We then consider the birth of the Saviour (bread and wine)! The Lord Jesus. With our Lord's death in approx. 27 AD as The Prince of Peace, he was now joined to His earthly children and also to the heavenly Priesthood, through the "King of Peace", of the "High Priesthood", called Melchizedek. (Hebrews 7:1,2).

Melchizedek appeared to Abram, bringing heaven and earth together as High Priest of God. Jesus Christ was also bringing heaven and earth together when He was "transfigured", before the disciples, in another realm of the Priesthood. (Matthew 17:1-7).

So, from the first entry of Melchizedek before Abraham to Jesus, was almost 2,000 years. From Jesus to our "end time" historical days is also 2,000 years, almost. Thereby, making the story of Melchizedek an ancient one.

If we read Psalm 110, penned by King David of all Israel, this chapter is a remarkable finger pointing to the deity of both our Lord Jesus, and of His entry into the "forever order" of the priesthood, after the order of Melchizedek. Pointing a finger towards the New Testament, centuries ahead of King David's time.

The New Testament then goes on to explain how Melchizedek is the "Ancient of Days", and His priesthood is a "forever one". Jesus Christ was "Called" to that "forever" priesthood by God, in another step towards His personal Tithes. The priesthood did not come upon "Him", without the pattern of that situation being set in protocol from the beginning of earthly time. The Creator God does nothing haphazardly!

When the children of Israel were in the wilderness under Moses, their priesthood began with the "called" man Aaron, but his lineage wasn't sufficient to hold heaven and earth together in supplication before God. Therefore, the "ark of the covenant" with the presence of God therein had to do that work.

According to that old order of Aaronic priests and after the House of Judah's return from captivity, if their lineage was broken and their names "not" found in the register, they were classed as polluted and put out from that priesthood. (Ezra 2:62) Yet! Many years later King David pointed to a "forever order" of priests under Melchizedek. Which had nothing to do with any priesthood starting with Aaron. When we read Hebrew's chapters 6 and 7 these words tell us plainly that Melchizedek, though classed as looking like a man, (as some angels would, and do), He was a Priest of The Most High God, He was King of Righteousness, and King of Salem/Peace. He was without a mother, father, or a descent of lineage.

Which mortal lineages men have, and mortal priests have!

He has no beginning set down in the Law for us to read and has no end of days. He remains a priest of God continually, unchangeable and was made in the likeness of the Son of God.

Some biblical scholars offer other explanations upon the state of Melchizedek's parenthood. Some say He was just a mystery, because His pedigree was not recorded in Ezra. Other scholars say Melchizedek's situation is a mode of expression used by the ancient Chaldeans to hide any usurping of a throne.

Some peoples say, and argue, whether the contents of the book Hebrews were written by Paul, Luke, or Timothy. Disregarding the magnificent contents, which is not an important argument in this context.

Well! It's up to you reader whether you think the book of Hebrews is using poetic license etc., and for what reason? What matters always is the contents written by men of God in the book, called Holy, they, knowing full well their words must be exact in detail and truthfulness!

We have read from Daniel 7:9, that the Ancient of Days, who did sit, was Melchizedek. To continue verse 9, "WHOSE GARMENT WAS WHITE AS SNOW, AND THE HAIR ON HIS HEAD LIKE THE PURE WOOL"! The description of His person is in a pure white garment, akin to all the "holy ones" dressed throughout prophecy. (Matthew 17:2, 28:3).

The hair of Melchizedek's head was like pure wool. Which is a picture of a person of great age. The description was also apt for its time. A sheep is an accepted offering to God, and many sheep in Palestine were usually very white, so it's understandable to use this expression.

Daniel 7:9, "HIS THRONE WAS LIKE A FIERY FLAME, AND HIS WHEELS AS BURNING FIRE". The description of Melchizedek's throne with wheels, sets before us today a picture of an unidentified vehicle. Which is seen and propelled by a form of light or fire.

Here is a ticklish question for our imagination to handle!

Where once we assumed if angels flew, they had wings, or, we read of heavenly beings in the Bible but were unable to grasp a picture of them. Today, in our modern space age world we can have another picture of them, because of our own technological advances.

God, throughout time has always worked through kings, prophets, wind and water, etc., to give us a factual picture to grasp. But "Fire", has always been there also, and is of far more importance than all other mediums.

Daniel 7:10, "A FIERY STREAM ISSUED AND CAME FORTH BEFORE HIM; THOUSAND THOUSANDS MINISTERED UNTO HIM, AND TEN THOUSAND TIMES TEN THOUSAND STOOD BEFORE HIM; THE JUDGEMENT WAS SET AND THE BOOKS WERE OPENED". In these words, we stand on a threshold in the earth, of an unidentified flying object, that carried this great personage. Which today, though we are educated in many unbelievable technologies, there are many persons who are too afraid to come to terms with extra-terrestrial flying objects of fire. They are rather sceptical of "other" beings from outer space actually existing! Some peoples would laugh at the believer of extra-terrestrials with scorn, or class them as fables. Our "real" problem in facing unidentified vehicles and beings from outer space, is, because we are arrogant in our own forms of intelligence, habits and thoughts. Which are steeped in centuries of lies, myths, legends, and fear of the unknown. We believe what we see, touch, and then question, then throw out that which we do not understand beyond our own senses and intellect. Yet! The Bible is full of God's servants as an intangible power light-force, affecting mankind. If one takes the supernatural out of the Bible, we will be left only with the covers of that Book!

We must try and understand the "wider" description of Melchizedek's throne etc., from Daniel's prophecies and other prophets.

In Daniel 7:10, we read of "a fiery stream issued, which came forth from before Melchizedek". If we do a bit of lateral thinking we can imagine, and then visualise a scene similar to this in our era of the 20th century. We can begin to assemble in our minds a factual picture of a space vehicle flying faster than the speed of sound, that other generations before us could not. Other prophets in the Bible have given us many pictures akin to space travel with fire, that we read of with Daniel.

Today, we watch TV the tremendous power of space rockets carrying men, with a great "fiery stream" pouring from that vehicle as it lifts off from the ground. We see jet propulsion planes taxing along a runway and taking off into the air with "fire" streaming from it. These heavenly chariots return to the ground in like manner, with great speed and sometimes smoke and dust as they hit the ground. To see the pilots inside these planes or the astronauts in their garments, sometimes hide the fact that inside those weird suits are ordinary men. Sometimes their suits are white or silver, their heads covered with helmets which the facial substance of vision reflecting rainbow colours etc. Other biblical stories at times have shown us similar pictures and that we are definitely not alone on this earth.

There is a fundamental truth that God is Light or Fire. (I John 1:5- Hebrews 12:29), and all that governs the heavenly bodies is of fire.

The children of Israel during their time in the wilderness were led by a pillar of fire. (Exodus 14:19-24).

The story of the prophet Elijah tells us how there appeared a chariot and horses of fire, and Elijah was taken to heaven in whirlwind. (2 Kings 2:11). When the prophet Elisha took the reigns of a prophet from Elijah, he spoke to a young man with him. Telling him not to fear and God opened the man's eyes, and he saw the mountain full of chariots and horses of fire. (2 Kings 6:17).

It has been prophesied by Malachi 3:2, that the day of the Lord and "His" coming, "He" will be like refiners fire.

The Lord Jesus and His angels will be revealed in flaming fire taking vengeance. (II Thessalonians 1:7-8).

There are so many examples of types of space craft and peoples in fire, coming from heaven for us to study.

So, because of our man-made space chariots, we can identify with Daniel's and other prophets explanations of space travel. Though in olden days the mind would accept horses with those chariots, today, we would think horses were foolish. Daniel 7/10 tells us of the thousands upon thousands of persons who attended this scene with Melchizedek, and of those thousands of persons who stood waiting before Him to proceed within this situation.

It says Melchizedek "DID SIT" which means that He sat on a special throne ready to receive the court before Him. The books are opened for attention waiting for a grand purpose to receive someone else and many persons.

The throne of Melchizedek spoken of in Daniel's prophecies, is almost the same scene that we can read in Revelation chapter 5 but spoken of in a different way. Two different men saw this scene of this throne, with thousands in attendance waiting for another Great person to arrive to sit on that throne. The 2 Great men who penned this scene were Daniel and Saint John, who lived centuries apart.

We must always bear in mind reader, that we -are seeing a throne being set up upon earth,- during the "end time" of years, -unlike the frail fleeting thrones of men. Which throne is being prepared during the times of mankind's secular history. That "Stone Kingdom" throne is rushing towards us from high up in the heavenly mountain in outer space. That Kingdom has within it its own outer world of another dimension, of thousands of angelic ministers and peoples, ready to partake in the services of God, towards man.

In Daniel 7:10 it says, "THE JUDGEMENT WAS SET AND THE BOOKS WERE OPENED". Or this situation surrounding that throne, is deliberately arranged and established beforehand. This pattern and situation are not much different from an earthly courtroom scene, with ministers of the crown law who wait with books opened. A throne for a judge is set, many waiting people are in silence and anticipation for the entry into court of that judge. Who, like Melchizedek, would represent someone higher than himself. -Revelation 5, describes that higher person and "who" He is! The description is of a LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH, of the rootstock of King David. He was also the Lamb of God slain for an atonement between God and His people. He has prevailed over all the Beasts of thrones in the earth, seen in Daniel 7, (Lion, Bear, Leopard, Dragon). Revelation 5:7. "AND HE CAME AND TOOK THE BOOK OUT OF THE RIGHT HAND OF HIM THAT SAT UPON THE THRONE". So, this heavenly court, set up on earth, has a judge called Melchizedek sitting on a throne holding a book with 7 seals, waiting for a great person to arrive upon earth. The Book is the work of "Life" of many beings, such as prophets, chosen people, and believers and scribes of the ways of God. The 7 seals are holding the 7,000 years from Adam and Eve's time. To the period of rest of 1,000 years after our Lord's 6th Kingdom upon earth. The act of the Lord taking the Book from the "right hand" of Melchizedek, is to show that this Lord is Royalty, and is of Higher Deity than the one sitting on the throne.

Daniel 7:11. "I BEHELD THEN BECAUSE OF THE VOICE OF THE GREAT WORDS WHICH THE HORN SPAKE; I BEHELD EVEN TILL THE BEAST WAS SLAIN AND HIS BODY DESTROYED AND GIVEN TO THE BURNING FLAME". This verse 11 once more backtracks as it were, to prove to us we are indeed seeing a historical picture of both heaven and earth fulfilling their roles, within mankind's world of powerful Kingdoms. This verse calls to mind what we have already read previously in Daniel 7/8, which was the iron horn of the Roman Empire, having also 10 horns. Amongst the 10 horns of the Roman 10 Kingdomed Britain, also came another "little horn", namely the power of the Roman Papacy in the earth. The mouth of a man of the Papacy was speaking great words in verses 8 and 11. In verse 8 the Roman Papacy was at its "beginning" of power in Roman Britain, and it uprooted 3 horns therein, namely England, Scotland, and Ireland.

By the time history reaches verse 11, the "end time" of Roman Papacy power is occurring. The "Great Words" spoken by this throne of Roman power, is that they say they sit in the seat of God, as High Priest for millions of people. Which is including Roman Catholic British Isles, who belong to the "House of Israel", who the "Stone" will strike!

Daniel continued to watch the secular history of the power of the Roman Papacy in the "last days" and saw it was mighty! Nevertheless, though it was pouring out judgements of words upon the high and lowly peoples within the earth etc. Daniel gave it great care and attention (BEHELD) until that body of Roman Papacy was destroyed. This Roman Papacy power has polluted the throne of The High Priest of God, -Melchizedek-, who alone must sit in the High Seat at the "end time" of days. The heavens cannot have 2 High Priests representing God to the whole nation of Israel, and other nations. So, this earthly power throne must go.

Daniel 7:11 tells us in no uncertain terms what will happen to the "Beast". The identity of the "Beast", -is the creature like a dragon with claws, feet, teeth, horns and great strength seen in Daniel 7/7, which became Roman power. The "Beast" was the city of Rome itself, and the story of this Dragon/Beast is written in Revelation chapter 13. Rome/Beast city will be overturned and ruined (slain), putting an end to its long rule over peoples in the earth. Verse 11 says, Rome will be given up to the burning flame, which implies that God will strike through natural phenomena. In other words, great volcanic activity etc. causing immense fires, which will utterly destroy its power in the earth, and that eternal city will be no more!

This same prediction of destruction is repeated in Revelation chapter 18.


This verse is saying; In respect with interest, (concerning) the other Beasts which Daniel dreamed and had visions of, -namely; 4 beasts coming out of the sea, (Daniel 7:2-3) or the land mass that prevailed after Noah's flood. The beasts were:-

1:- Lion with eagle's wings.

2:- Bear with 3 ribs in its mouth.

3:- Leopard with 4 wings and 4 heads.

4:- A strong beast like a dragon, large and dreadful, with iron teeth and 10 horns, bringing great fear, anger and destruction. These beasts in the earth, wielding lordship and sovereignty within their own dominions, had their ruling powers "Taken Away" from them. Which past secular history stands as proof to that prophecy of Daniel's words.

The powers are gone off:-

1:- Assyria/Babylon Chaldeans.

2:- Medes and Persians.

3:- Greece, Egypt, Syria, India.

4:- Roman Empire.

5:- 10 horns of Roman, British Empire, with 2 feet with USA.

All these ancient and modern world-ruling powers are but a shadow of their former power. Their "lives are prolonged" in written by gone history, and past glories celebrated of yesteryear. The season and time the prolonging of these powers happens is during a portion when "Time" is Divided, as it were, marked by special activity. "Time" is like a year divided into 4 parts and each part, or season, has in it a time to be born, to grow to be old, and to die. The seasonal "summer" of glory for these past Empires of power has past, now they survive in their "winter" season of memory in discontent! For instance, because the power and glory of the 2 feet of Nebuchadnezzar's dream image, contained the House of Israel's children in the British Isles etc. and the United States of America, their modern situation of loss of power from the words of God - have been explained. Their "season of time" has reached winter; their power has passed, which is written in, Hosea 7:8-11, 9:11.

The season of the winter of death is upon all mankind in our 20th century. Yet, that season is prolonged, because we are waiting for God to intervene on our behalf!

Daniel 7:13. "I SAW IN THE NIGHT VISIONS, AND BEHOLD, ONE LIKE THE SON OF MAN CAME WITH THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN AND CAME TO THE ANCIENT OF DAYS, AND THEY BROUGHT HIM NEAR BEFORE HIM". Here is a picture of a Person advancing to be received into a position of great power. It is a ceremony akin to the rituals of earthly nobility, but of a far superior lineage of authority that we mortals can only guess at!

The man Daniel, saw this vision of greatness which his mortal mind could not grasp, so great was the seeing of it! Though Daniel had dwelt in the powerful royal court of Babylon, whose king was classed as the head of gold in the image. Yet! This vision of the "Ancient of Days", and the "Son Of Man" far exceeded anything his mortal eyes and mind could comprehend in splendour. A person approached the earth in the clouds of heaven and was called the Son of Man. Who was he? His detailed appearance was like a man. Yet! Daniel knew He was more than a man! Let us go to Holy Scripture for the answer.

Throughout the Bible of Old and New Testaments, the expression, Son of Man, has been used very many times. Which in many cases has been spoken towards the generations of mankind itself. In Ezekiel's prophecies the prophet himself is addressed by God's angel ninety-one times, as the Son of Man. For example, Ezekiel Ch: 2,


Not only is the expression "son of man" used to explain Ezekiel's gender, but it also explains that Ezekiel was especially chosen from humans, so angels could speak to him.

Ezekiel was forged from mankind as someone special as a prophet, therefore, the emphasis of the expression, Son of Man was greater than an ordinary man.

The Lord Jesus was born through the lineage of Mary out of mankind, therefore became a son out of the earthly gender of the House of Judah. But The Lord God Almighty was His Father, therefore, as His son He became larger than life's gender of the earth. The Lord Jesus as the second choice of "Son of Man", fulfilled the role in the earth that the first man Adam's children should have become, before their father's fall. Adam was classed as a son of God, and made a special man, but it didn't work out that way. (Luke 3:38).

So, the emphasis towards Jesus should really be the "Greater Son of Man", because He did all that was asked of Him, and more!

Because there are 2 separate roles for the "Son of Man" in the earth to perform, we have this emphasis on 2 different types of men. One type of "son of man" fell under the spell of the flesh and self-will. The second type of "Son of Man" listened to His spirit and the ways of God, as Ezekiel did, and Jesus, son out of Judah.

Though The Lord Jesus was born of the spirit also, He was the fulfilled idea of righteousness and obedience, that God had envisaged for the human man at the beginning in the Garden of Eden. In Daniel 7:13, The Lord Jesus Christ, looking like the "Son of Man" in appearance, and lineage; (Or image and likeness of Genesis 1:26) advanced towards the earth and coming in with the clouds of heaven. -Why is He coming in the clouds of heaven? This saying and answer is in Matthew 24:27, 30. "FOR AS THE LIGHTNING COMETH OUT OF THE EAST AND SHINETH EVEN UNTO THE WEST; SO SHALL ALSO THE COMING OF THE "SON OF MAN" BE".


Again, we know the "Son of Man" is Jesus, because Mark 14:62 says so. The last book of the bible says so. Revelation Ch: 1, verse 7, "BEHOLD, HE COMETH WITH CLOUDS; AND EVERY EYE SHALL SEE HIM, AND THEY ALSO WHICH PIERCED HIM; AN ALL KINDREDS OF THE EARTH SHALL WAIL BECAUSE OF HIM. EVEN SO, AMEN".

One must look at this scene of the Lord's return to the earth, in a factual manner as is possible for us to do so.

In the 20th century, unlike previous centuries gone before, we can picture a scene of spaceships filling the sky. Looking up at them we will see Beings, some looking like ourselves yet, different from us. They are entering the heavens above us from one end of the earth to the other, as a great armada of Unidentified Flying Objects. They approach, with thousands upon thousands of Beings within them, as Daniel tells us. What will the remnants of the nations do, after their Third world war is over, which they had fought amongst themselves? Will the nations try and fire missiles at these spaceships also thinking and fearing an invasion from the unknown?

Today, when one is flying high in a plane in the sky and looking down upon the clouds below, sometimes it looks like an almost impenetrable mass of white or grey balls of wool, hiding the land mass below. So much is going on up there above those clouds within that plane, which mankind on the landmass knows nothing of which is a similar scenario.

During the Second World War many people, like me, will always remember a bright night sky from a shining full moon, with great clumps of clouds silhouetted white against that sky passing overhead. Only for those clouds to part and open again, to reveal in the sky wave after wave of black shapes of enemy planes flying high, against the bright night. Who were set and determined for another target to bomb.

Clouds can hide so much until a moment in time is reached, and people will look up to the heavens and see some awesome sight hovering towards one, that defies the imagination! So, the same picture could be with our Lord's coming to this earth in the clouds of heaven and with the entry of Melchizedek. Both being accompanied with a very great army of unknown persons. (Matthew 25/31). Daniel 7:13, has told us that the "Son of Man" (Jesus) "CAME IN THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN, AND CAME TO THE "Ancient of Days", AND THEY (ministers and angels) BROUGHT HIM (Jesus) NEAR BEFORE HIM", (Melchizedek). The words spell out a picture of great authority of persons from the heavens, who are waiting here on earth to receive the Son of The Most High God. It is a very great solemn ceremony which the High Priest of the "Forever Priesthood", of Almighty God, is used for the anointing purposes of The King of Kings. All persons of heaven and earth will see, know, understand and accept this situation. Our Lord Jesus "Must" have a representative of God to meet Him, for His ordination. He "Must" have witnesses to prove His presence before men, and that He holds the Highest rank of Sovereign/Priest. Then all laws of ceremony are truly fulfilled!


This picture of the "Kingdom of the Stone", is very much like the crowning we have witnessed on television or cinema of Queen Elizabeth II, or her father King George VI, etc. in our time. With the same procedures of many monarchs gone before them. These soon to be sovereigns of mankind, approached their high priest - who was the Archbishop of Canterbury,- robed in special garments, and with the head uncovered. They would be seated on an ancient throne, then anointed, the great crown placed upon the head, orb and sceptre placed in the hands. Glory was given through the name of God, then the shout of the people presents with, "God save the King or Queen". The trumpets joyously proclaim the new sovereign coming into its kingdom. All the people of the then British world-wide dominions, speaking many languages, acknowledging the sovereign as theirs!

In like manner so it will be with our King, "The Lord Jesus Christ". However, His throne, dominion, glory, and power, will not be conquered by others, nor His power slowly diminished to fade away and die. Because it is an Everlasting throne set up upon earth, to change mankind's life-style from its murderous past.

The first "dominion", or supreme power of sovereignty, was given to the man of flesh, Adam; (Genesis 1:26) but it failed miserably. So, there became a situation when a "second dominion", to enable man to live correctly had to be found. So the Man of the Spirit, called Jesus, will be given glory and dominion! But certainly not during the situation of confusion, greed, and destruction that the earth and its peoples finds itself in now. This known world or age of almost 6,000 years, since Adam, will have to be changed to accommodate the absolute rule of the heavens as predicted in holy Scripture. That is "why" Jesus did say, 2,000 years ago, that His Kingdom was not of this world or age of 6,000 years, (John 18:36). Or it has no part in man ruling man, which has always been the case in our histories, that slate must be wiped clean for a new start or age to begin!

Our King The Lord Jesus does not want to condemn our evil world, but to save it. (John 3:17). It is a mistake for peoples to say, that the actual Kingdom of God through Jesus is only for the invisible church saved. Or a particular church will go into the heavens to be saved. Or many other declarations that various churches satisfy themselves with.

This picture in the earth from Daniel's prophecy is of the judgement of nations and peoples, when all secular history has finished and stands on the cross-roads of eternal life and death. Many things will have happened in the world before the fulfilment of Daniel 7:14 takes place, and the 6th Kingdom of the dream image of Nebuchadnezzar will have arrived on this earth.

When we read in the Bible what's called the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24, -apart from other prophecies- we will note that our "known" world of heaven and earth will be drastically altered; After a great tribulation brought about by mankind's way of living and fighting. The tribulation brings great darkness and will destroy millions of people, it will affect the equilibrium of the heavens and earth and its dimensions, upon which we live and depend. This picture takes place until the "Sign" of the coming of a better future through the "Son of Man", Jesus Christ.

Again, I repeat, it is an absolute "MUST" that our Lord Jesus entering this earth is received by "witnesses", to prove who He is. Our King returns the second time to the earth, for His Coronation of an ancient crown, at the hands of the High Priest of God, Melchizedek! Witnesses are important, and the Bible has already told us in its stories, of some of the witnesses during His fleshly life on earth, and of His mighty position.

1:- Luke wrote of those eyewitnesses in Luke 1:12.

2:- The angel Gabriel witnessed to the greatness of Mary's son to be, in Luke 1:30-35.

3:- The baby John the Baptist in the womb of his mother Elizabeth, leaped with recognition at the unborn Jesus in Mary's womb, Luke 1:39-45.

4:- The shepherds and 3 wise men came to witness the birth of the Lord (Luke 2:8,20 and Matthew 2:1-11).

5:- At Jerusalem a man called Simeon witnesses in the temple, that Mary's baby was The Lord God's Christ, and a light for the Gentiles and the glory of Israel, (Luke 2:25-30). Also, a woman of the tribe of Asher of the "House of Israel", who had been preserved by God from captivity, "witnessed" that Jesus, the baby, was the Redeemer of Israel. (Luke 2:36-38). Thus fulfilling 2 witnesses for both houses of Israel.

The great man John the Baptist was set aside and "separated" from mankind, to keep him as pure as possible. As a fleshly Priest for The Most High God, Saint John the Baptist was kept waiting patiently, until he "witnessed" and baptised Jesus with water.

Because all had to be witnessed and fulfilled correctly, making all paths of the heavenly Law run straight to the expected Lord. The words of "witness" were as follows. Matthew 3:13-15.






Again, John the Baptist "witnessed" who Jesus was and the role He was to play in the earth, and that "He" was the Son of God. (John 1:29,34).

The biblical rule of evidence which required 2 or 3 witnesses to prove a claim, is set in the law from the beginning. (Deuteronomy 17:6).

In John 8:16-18, John endorses the fact that Jesus is the expected Christ, Son of God, He bearing witness to Himself as such. The Holy Father, The Lord God, also bear witness to that fact.

Verse 17:- "IT IS ALSO WRITTEN IN YOUR LAW, THAT THE TESTIMONY OF TWO MEN IS TRUE". When Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist, the water of the earth was that witness also. The second witness was God Himself. When the heavens opened and the Spirit of God descended and a voice said, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased". (Matthew 3:16-17). This was the baptism of the Spirit/Fire of heaven.

When Jesus rose from the dead leaving an empty sepulchre, 2 women were witnesses to the fact. A great angel who had rolled back the stone from the doorway spoke to them, showing proof of the Lord overcoming death of the flesh. (Matthew 28:1-8).

When Jesus's blood was shed on the cross, that spilling of blood was the "third witness" in the earth that He was the Lamb of God.

There are 3 witnesses in the earth for mankind to fulfil when they are chosen by God. Both Jesus and His followers fulfilled all. There are 3 witnesses to fulfil the law of heaven also, -which are The Father, His Law in the words of the Bible fulfilled- the word in Jesus and the Holy Spirit as the Power, which set all in motion and combines all things. (I John 5:1-11).

After all these proofs of circumstances surrounding Jesus during His first stay on earth, and that of His second return to the earth. Why must mankind expect Jesus to come back to the earth unannounced, and not receive His Kingdom without "witnesses" to prove who He is?

The High Priest of Almighty God, called Melchizedek will anoint Jesus Christ the second time, as the great man John the Baptist did the first time. The first anointing was of water and the flesh. The second anointing is of fire and the spirit, brought from heaven for such a cause!

The "sign" of Our Lord's birth, -given in Matthew and Luke,- which the 3 wisemen witnessed, was a star in the east. The second sign of Our Lord's return will be given again, and the "Star" will be Melchizedek coming to the earth in the clouds of heaven, bringing incense to anoint the King. The Laws of correctness, and righteousness, must be fulfilled according to the dual patterns set down. Saint Paul set this question of duality in all things in I Corinthians 15:39-50. The first man Adam was a fleshly person of the earth, with a living soul or spirit, (2 parts) but the flesh ruled the spirit. The second man Jesus was made a spiritual person from the heavens, which overruled the body of flesh, (2 parts). Therefore, the situation was reversed So the second part could overcome the first and death!


Daniel Chapter 7 - Then Verses 17 to 27.

Roman Power - 4 Beasts - Ancient of Days.

These other short prophecies of Daniel verify again and again, in a condensed fashion, the situation in history before and during the end time when the "Ancient of Days" will set up the judgement of God upon earth. Though there is much repeating in historical situations for us to read and take in, it is to make sure there are no mistakes and not to take matters out of context. The biggest emphasis in prophecy is always being placed on the last of the 4 beasts, Rome!

Daniel 7:17. "THESE GREAT BEASTS, WHICH ARE FOUR ARE FOUR KINGS, WHICH SHALL ARISE OUT OF THE EARTH". These 4 beasts became the 4 world powers under 4 strong Kings, namely Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus the Great, Alexander the Great, and Octavian Augustus. All of these kings reaching for world domination.

Daniel 7:18. "BUT THE SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH SHALL TAKE THE KINGDOM, AND POSSESS THE KINGDOM FOREVER, EVEN FOR EVER AND EVER". These saints do not belong to the church as a whole, nor any individual church. These saints are known only to the Most High God, who have lived out their lives in many, many, centuries throughout the histories of mankind. They are not saints made after the manner of men's idea of saints, but God's idea of saints. Their secrets of the heart and yearnings of the spirit were lived between them and God alone. They include saints from the time of righteous Abel, and those entering into the earth in the last days. When the graves will open and the saints walk out of death into everlasting life, and a kingdom that lasts forever and ever. (Matthew 27:52). The whole nation of Israel, past and present, have many saints and they come "first" in the scheme of things. Because they are a "separated" nation from other nations, who have suffered greatly for their sins of leaving God. The Holy One of Israel. (Ezekiel 37:11-14).

Daniel 7:19. "THEN I WOULD KNOW THE TRUTH OF THE FOURTH BEAST, WHICH WAS DIVERSE FROM ALL THE OTHERS, EXCEEDING DREADFUL, WHOSE TEETH WERE IRON, AND HIS NAILS OF BRASS; WHICH DEVOURED, BRAKE IN PIECES AND STAMPED THE RESIDUE WITH HIS FEET". Daniel wanted to know the "truth" seen in his prophecy, and we too want to know truth. In this dangerous, weak world, we must face the "truth", or we perish forever! The 4th beast was established as the Roman World Empire of Imperial Rome, set up by Octavian Augustus Caesar. -Which we first read of in Daniel 2:40-43.

The power of Rome from its beginning was to be different, and multiform, (DIVERSE) giving it a longevity the other beasts would not have. Rome became to a very great degree, (EXCEEDINGLY DREADFUL). In that DREADFUL appearance it would strike fear and apprehension into many hearts, over a long period of time in its DIVERSE forms. When Roman power entered other nations on its iron legs, it marched, burned, subdued and stamped other people's lives and customs into the ground. Those TEETH tore off great chunks of other nations and swallowed them whole. Rome's NAILS of BRASS sank into peoples with strength and with impudence covered themselves in glory. (As BRASS is used to coat over). Rome BROKE people's hearts and minds, then destroyed their homes and land, and what was left of them was taken or removed in some way, (RESIDUE), under those marching feet. Which is also a picture of what it did to the Holy Land in AD 70, and then incorporated into itself the 10 Kingdomed British Isles for 400 years. (The 2 nations of Israel).

Daniel 7:20. "AND OF THE TEN HORNS THAT WERE IT ITS HEAD AND OF THE OTHER WHICH CAME UP, AND BEFORE WHOM THREE FELL; EVEN OF THAT HORN THAT HAD EYES, AND A MOUTH THAT SPAKE VERY GREAT THINGS, WHOSE LOOK WAS MORE STOUT THAN HIS FELLOWS". Because this prophecy is continuing the picture in which the 10 Horns of Roman Britain are involved, we see another Horn come up amongst them. This is the Horn of the Roman Papacy, when it forged its way, and fashioned itself upon 3 of its peoples within the 10 horns of the British Isles. The 3 HORNS that FELL under the new Roman Horn, was upon the peoples of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Celtic Wales did not fall to the Roman brand of Christianity as easily as these other lands, because they had their own brand of worship, and of course they smarted under the Saxon yoke. (Seen in Daniel 11:18-22).

The Roman Papacy type of leadership held these 3 peoples in their political/spiritual matters. The description of the "Horn" that HAD EYES OF A MAN AND A MOUTH, is a picture of this new Horn, who would set a determined "strong gaze" upon these peoples of this land. This picture, history itself has told us much about.

The fall of Imperial Rome culminated into the Roman legions leaving the British Isles to its fate, against the incoming Angles, Saxons and Vikings. Rome then eventually put on the coat of Christianity and turned its attention and "gaze" back to the British Isles. Wanting to rule it again sending its missionaries to convert the people, and once more hold those reigns and control them. Which Daniel 11:17-29 tells us about.

The "MOUTH" of this Roman (Horn) Papacy, was teaching the spiritually uneducated people that it had a great mandate from God, from Jesus, from the Saints, and that it could destroy or save, both body and soul of those peoples, with its lying words.

The remaining words of Daniel 7:20, of,- WHOSE LOOK WAS MORE STOUT THAN HIS FELLOWS, -seems not to make much sense when first reading it. But, when one realises it is speaking of the various forms of government Rome has used in its long history, then understanding comes. Which Revelation tells us all about. (Revelation 17:9-18).

The "Horn" in verse 20 who has a "STOUT LOOK" means, that this particular coat that Rome will use within history, has far more going for it in power than the other divisions of power within its long history, of kingdoms and republics; Stout means to be bulky, brave, bold, proud, haughty and vigorous. All these things have the Roman Papacy shown in its history.

"Fellows" means, that it is an associated peoples to one another, of a community in nature and circumstances. It is a "membership" of people that have shared the power of Rome over the centuries, but in different forms. Therefore, the Roman Papacy though allied with the power that came out of the Roman city itself, with its Imperial/Republic times, has yielded far more power than any of the other "bed fellows" over the centuries. Because it held mankind in IRON-SHINING BRASS coated, TEETH and CLAWS,- always threatening to destroy people's body and soul. It remains more so to this day, vigorous and bold in its attempts of ruling power!

Daniel 7:21. "I BEHELD, AND THE SAME HORN MADE WAR WITH THE SAINTS AND PREVAILED AGAINST THEM". This verse 21, is telling us, Daniel gave all his "attention" to these horns of the beast before him. He directed his gaze upon the subject and to contemplate upon it which the word BEHELD means. The powerful horn which verse 20 and 21 told us about, has the power to war against the living and dead Saints. Because Rome's powerful words killed the simple and true memories and paths, which Jesus, Peter, John, Paul etc., had stood upon. Thus, making the Laws of God a destructive and accursed ceremony for many of mankind into the following centuries. The Roman Papacy "Horn", made war against anyone that they classed as a heretic, even into our so-called enlightened era of the 20th century. Its Papal throne has prevailed over other men and churches because of its cunning longevity. This is "why" Daniel contemplated so much upon that Horn!

Daniel 7:23-26, now repeats the same situation in history of the powers of the earth and heaven, which we have read of in verses 8 to 14 of the same chapter 7. The picture is as follows:- The power of the Roman "horn", and of the other 10 Horns in the head of the dragon, will fight each other, even until the powers of heaven are shaken and seen coming upon the earth. The 6th kingdom of our Lord will come, with Melchizedek and the saints, to await our Lord's return.

The 4th beast of Nebuchadnezzar's dream image was in the power of the 2 iron legs of Roman supremacy upon the earth. It is as verse 23 repeats, Roman power is different from the other powers of mankind gone before it, because it's capable of effecting every nation upon earth worldwide. The iron legs, horns, claws, teeth and the last Roman Horn especially, can stamp anyone under its feet. It can brake nations to pieces, because they are afraid of the "Little Horn" of the Papacy, whose power holds millions of people in its claws, of every nation and tongue upon earth.

Again, we see in verse 24 that the 10 Roman Horns of British history, -out of that one now existing kingdom,- also had 10 Kings ruling those 10 kingdoms of the British Isles. First came the great Celtic Invasion to that Island, Then the Roman invasion and when the Romans left, the Island had changed its 10 kingdoms of the Romans. Into 10 Saxon kingdoms. Then 10 Danish kingdoms, finally into 10 ruling princes of the House of Israel. Verse 24 goes on to tell us that the Horn that shall arise or emerge over the horizon and begin to grow. Amongst these 10 Kingdomed Isles came later in times,(AFTER) during the Saxon kingdoms and AFTER Imperial Rome left the Isles. This horn that arose was "different" (DIVERSE) from the "first" time the Romans held control over the 10 kingdomed Isles. This little DIVERSE horn of Rome had the power to subdue or render submissive under another dominion 3 of those Island kingdoms, of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Also 3 of the ruling peoples of Anglo/Saxon,-Dane, and into the princes of the House of Israel, such as the kings of Normandy and on into the Tudors. (1066 AD into the 16th century).


Today's world who are seeing, and hearing, the changing of Roman Popes over the years, would be unable to grasp the fact, that they are SPEAKING GREAT WORDS "AGAINST" Almighty God, which verse 25 tells us. We see the Popes dressed in white of the saints, seated on a throne of antiquity, blessing the high and lowly people. Mankind speaks in hushed reverence to these men and questions none of it. Yet! Here in Daniel's prophecies of mankind's history, he tells us the truth of another story and line of thinking and begs us over and over to listen hard to reality!

The Roman Papacy each day speaks words "AGAINST" THE MOST HIGH GOD, calling itself the Holy Father, when that title is God's only! The Papacy has "taken away" the Daily Sacrifice of heaven and earth and placed itself as "Mediator" and High Priest between God and mankind. Which place belongs to our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Papacy has said it is Infallible in all things spiritual and cannot make mistakes. The Roman church has "WORN OUT" THE SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH", continually calling upon the names of Mary, Joseph, Peter, John, Paul, Mark, etc., even calling upon the great angels of Princes Michael and Gabriel. Always to intercede for this, or that, which verse 25 explains that picture.

When verse 25 says, "that Rome THINKS TO CHANGE TIMES AND LAWS", indeed, it has been done to a very great degree. The Roman Church has interfered with the calendar of times, giving us the Julian and Gregorian days to live by. The "laws" of Israelite holy days have been changed out of recognition, by Gentile pagan Rome.

Daniel called Constantine, "THAT VILE PERSON", who helped to shape "times and laws" of God in the Nicene Creed which was full of pagan ideas, seen in Daniel 11:21.

Roman laws have given us Sundays to worship God, instead of the Sabbath Saturday. Many denominations today know that the Emperor Constantine in the 4th century, was a cunning politician and a pagan worshipper of many Roman gods. So, he united the peoples within his Empire, whether Christians or pagans under one roof, so to speak. The pagans worshipped "Sol" the sun god on Sunday, so Constantine decreed that everyone should keep Sunday as a holy day in honour of Christ's resurrection. That decree of the Sabbath on Sunday was enforced at the council of Nicaea (325 AD), which was a crafty move to placate both pagans and Christians, in one fell swoop! So then, it followed that Easter also was to be kept on a Sunday, which the Roman church nurtured throughout the following centuries.

The Sabbath keeping is of great importance, because it was a divinely instituted day of rest, ordained for all men as a holy day. (Genesis 2:1-3). The Sabbath day was also the Lord's day, who is the Greater Son of Man. (Matthew 12:8). No other man can alter the Sabbath because it is set for man to remember the Lord God, when all other days of the week are set for mundane purposes. To cut across a Divine Law by pagan man's laws is an insult, to "He" who created it!

Many articles are written today explaining this error in keeping the first day of the week Sunday, as a day of worship before God. Many so-called Christians still observe Sunday without questioning why? All because it is a habit held for centuries. To worship God on the Saturday Sabbath is a matter of loyalty, to "He" who first made it!

Pagan tradition must never conflict with truth, which Rome set for the known world to live and worship by, Yet! Errors continued as fact century after century, because it was called Christian.

Many of us know December and Christmas celebrations have nothing to do with the birth of Jesus Christ. Many Christians note the description of the times and weather written in Luke 2/8, which is telling us that the shepherds were out in the fields with their flocks by night. During December in the land of Palestine/Israel, it is winter, and a time of storms, rain and even snow. It is a time when the flocks are penned in shelters to protect them from the cold, and winds from the north. Some writers suggest that early autumn would be more realistic for the birth of Jesus and in the year 4 BC when King Herod died. Even the system of BC and AD reckoning, which we use is in error, it was devised in the 6th century and these errors were never corrected.

December 25th was the winter solstice and the worship of the "invincible sun". The Roman calendar in the 4th century established these formulas for public worship.

Then there is the times of Good Friday and Easter, which are in conflict with truth. The Bible doesn't mention good Friday, and mentions Easter once in Acts 12:4. Which scholars tell us is a mistranslation, which should have read Passover. Again, the council of Nicaea, under Constantine gave authority that Passover of the Jews must be utterly forbidden and Easter celebrated instead.

Originally this was a spring festival to the Teutonic goddess of light, known to the Anglo Saxons as Eastre, which in the 8th century became a Christian festival to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. To celebrate the Passover should have been endorsed, because Jesus was the sacrificial lamb of the Passover, (I Corinthians 5:7). Like the ancient Paschal lamb, "He" was without blemish. (Exodus 12:5 - I Peter 1:18-19), not a bone was broken (John 19:36). The festival of Passover began on the 14th of Abib at evening. Abib was also called Nisan, and it is approximately the month of March, sometimes moving into April.

Rome gave us their own man-made Saints days, and the eating and drinking of various foods on certain days.

The law of the "Daily Sacrifice" has changed. The breaking of bread and drinking of the wine, which signifies our Lord's offer of His Being for the Redeeming of His people, which Saint Paul called the Lord's Supper (I Corinthians 11:23-30). This was to be a remembrance only and carried out in a proper manner as written by Saint Paul! Communion is the state of giving and receiving, Our Lord gave, we receive, which the disciples, at the table of the Last Supper learned when "He" was very much alive! The disciples did not eat His actual body, nor drink His real blood then, nor should we now. Rome adopted as a dogma called transubstantiation, or the actual substance presence, of the body and blood of Christ coexisting in that bread and wine!

Rome teaches the erroneous belief of the Trinity, hellfire, and the immortality of the soul which goes to heaven when we die. The Roman concept of purgatory for some people, which takes place immediately after death, is a sentence of instant judgement; Thereby, depriving mankind of a fair trial! Which brings to nought the "last" judgement, when the books of life and death are opened at the end time, which prophecy tells us; Rome, adds that the state of purgatory can be lessened by a Roman Catholic beneficial mass, alms giving, or indulgences for the dead. By these means Rome sets itself up as God, with power over life and death.

The Roman Catholic Augustine wrote many ideas for the church, during the years 413-426 AD and for him the new Rome (after its fall to the Goths) was the Catholic Church. Which Church for him was an institution created by Christ as the historical image of God's Kingdom on earth.

The expected Kingdom of God on earth with Jesus as its King, has been weakened over the centuries within the organised church. The formation of the Catholic church worldwide with its hierarchy, its ritualistic institution of theology, its age-old traditional beliefs, are at variance with the truth written in the Bible. Rome has declared that the Kingdom of God has already begun in this world with the formation of that church. With the baptism of its members entering into this earthly kingdom of God, with its presence in the sacraments offered. The last judgement sees the gift of resurrection of the faithful to those Roman doctrines.

Cutting across the real laws of God with man-made traditional beliefs, has caused great harm to peoples for centuries, and brings to mind what Jesus and the prophets have told us. (Matthew 15:7-9).




The latter part of Daniel 7:25 states:- "AND THEY SHALL BE GIVEN INTO HIS HAND UNTIL A TIME AND TIMES, AND THE DIVIDING OF TIME". The "they" spoken of in Daniel's sentence is still the many people of the "HOUSE OF ISRAEL" in many Gentile nations of the West. Ever being pushed along into the British Isles, etc. and ever being ruled, firstly by the Roman legions, then the Roman Papacy. The Israelite Tribal Princes are noted and seen, starting from Daniel 11:27 until the end of that royal lineage into the 21st century and Daniel 11:45.

Indeed, "THEY WERE GIVEN INTO THE HAND" of the historical ruling Romans, body and soul for centuries, as prophecy foretold. History tells us that much of Israel's princes before and after 1066 AD and William the Conqueror, fought for their positions on Britain's throne backed by the Roman Papacy. Indeed, the "HAND" of the Popes throughout the centuries guided their secular and spiritual paths and dominated Israel's thinking!

The expression from Daniel 7:25, of TIME, TIMES, AND DIVIDING OF TIME (half) is also 3 and a half days, years, or 3 and a half thousand years.

We have already read and noted the period of 3 and a half thousand years from Daniel 12:7, when during that time period all secular and spiritual histories, which have effected all Israel, was set in motion and then finished. In other words, this TIME, TIMES, AND A HALF TIME condenses all Israel's punishments and redemption into a block, for us to take stock of and following many paths. The "timing block" started from Cyrus the Great of the Medes and Persians (539 BC) into our Lord's returning Kingdom after the years of 2,000 AD.

The data given for mankind's history is very short and clipped in Daniel chapter 7, because the main subject therein is the "Kingdom of the Stone" entering the earth, and the False Priest of the "Horn" who is speaking words against The Most High God!

The process of TIME, TIMES, AND DIVIDING OF TIME, written in verse 25, is a 3 and a half thousand-year period for all Israel to be submerged under other secular powers. It is also a particular length of TIME of 1,260 days or years, when the Roman Papacy has, and will, hold the "House OF Israel" in its power; Before that nation starts to break the chains that have bound it for so long. The starting point for this particular time sequence of 1,260 years, is given in Daniel 7:20, when 3 Horns fell under the Roman "Horn" Papacy, within British history, namely England, Scotland, and Ireland.

History tells us about the FALLING of the 3 Horns under the spell of Rome, which completed its task into the 8th and 9th centuries. These times brought the early medieval Papacy stronger in the Western nations, after the march of Islam in the Roman eastern orbit. The 12th century more than any other was an age of so-called faith, all men good or bad were believers of the Roman Papacy and its magnified position. It was the time for building large churches and the unholy Crusades, seen in Daniel 11:28 .

Because King Alfred of the British Isles was a great king, and strong in the belief of the Papacy, -seen in Daniel 11:25,- the countdown for TIME, TIMES, AND HALF, started in the 9th century. Therefore, 900 AD adding 1,260 years gives us 2,160 AD and into the 21st century. These early medieval years saw the 3 HORNS FALL, during those strong years of the Papacy within the British Isles. Daniel 7:26. "BUT THE JUDGEMENT SHALL SIT, AND THEY SHALL TAKE AWAY HIS DOMINION, TO CONSUME AND TO DESTROY IT UNTO THE END".

This verse 26, now takes us into the realms of a judgement upon peoples in the earth, set up by a Kingdom not of men's puny powers, and will "SIT" during the early years of the 21st century. Because, the Roman Papacy will then have its dominion taken away!

A "DOMINION" is the act of supreme authority, it is a lordship acting as a sovereign on a throne, which is a picture of the power wielded by the Roman Papacy throughout the centuries. The Sitting of this JUDGEMENT we have already read of in verses 9 and 10 of Daniel's chapter 7.

The JUDGEMENT is in the court of the Great King, The Lord Jesus Christ, with the High Priest, Melchizedek, who "TAKES AWAY" Rome's power in the earth. Just as Rome "TOOK AWAY" the priesthood of heaven and earth and made it, its own. The "Dominion of Lordship" of Rome will be "CONSUMED" and waste away or burned up in its destruction. Just as Imperial Rome consumed other nations and Jerusalem in AD 70. The years of this powerful "Horn" will come to an end. The full story of this CONSUMING is seen in Revelation.

Daniel 7:27. "AND THE KINGDOM AND DOMINION, AND THE GREATNESS OF THE KINGDOM UNDER THE WHOLE HEAVEN, SHALL BE GIVEN TO THE PEOPLE OF THE SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH, WHOSE KINGDOM IS AN EVERLASTING KINGDOM, AND ALL DOMINIONS SHALL SERVE AND OBEY HIM". The Kingdom of the whole nation of Israel -both houses- will be in the hands of peoples chosen by our Lord, the Most High. The power of supreme authority is under another sovereign than mans. The greatness of the Kingdom under heaven, upon earth, shall be given to the worthies who will be judges, priests, and princes within that Kingdom. All the powers of nations left in the earth amongst men shall serve our Lord the King, without question, because "He" rules with a rod of iron!


Daniel Chapter 8 - Verses 3 to 8.

(Persia-Greece) - Verses 9 to 14. (Rome) - Verses 20 to 25.

Repeated History of Greece to Rome.

We come now to Daniel chapter 8, which is an important chapter for measuring condensed history. Many pamphlets from different denominations have been written about this chapter.

However, before we go into unravelling Daniel 8, we must once more pay attention to the fact that Daniel's prophetic chapters are "not" disjointed in any way! Each chapter tells us a little bit more of spiritual and secular histories, than the one before it. Until we get to Daniel chapter 11, and then, history starts unfolding in sequence setting up waymarks of historical events for us to follow, cross check, and see facts emerge that seals our understanding of prophecy within those words! The main purpose here however must always lead us to our Lord's 6th Kingdom upon earth.


The answer to this "vision" of Daniel's is in verse 20 of the same chapter 8. The ram coming from the east, had 2 horns of the Medes and Persians. The horn that became "last" and higher in power and greatness, grew out of the Persians and King Cyrus the Great led that "horn".

Daniel 8:4. "I SAW THE RAM PUSHING WESTWARD, AND NORTHWARD AND SOUTHWARD; SO THAT NO BEASTS MIGHT STAND BEFORE HIM, NEITHER WAS THERE ANY THAT COULD DELIVER OUT OF HIS HAND; BUT HE DID ACCORDING TO HIS WILL AND BECAME GREAT". This verse 4 qualifies further to verse 3 the situation of the Ram of Persia, which came last in power after the Medes. The "HIM" of this verse was indeed King Cyrus, leaving the east and going first westward. The same Cyrus who Isaiah the prophet speaks of, (Isaiah 45:1-14) and who Daniel was to see entering Babylon.

Daniel 8:5. "AND AS I WAS CONSIDERING, BEHOLD, AN HE GOAT CAME FROM THE WEST ON THE FACE OF THE WHOLE EARTH AND TOUCHED NOT THE GROUND; AND THE GOAT HAD A NOTABLE HORN BETWEEN HIS EYES". The explanation of this GOAT is also translated in verse 21. Which explains this sure-footed GOAT, which moved so fast, and it was King Philip of Macedonia, Greece. The NOTABLE HORN was his son, Alexander, who became a great fast-moving King, the first and only of Philip's lineage.

Daniel 8:6. "AND HE CAME TO THE RAM THAT HAD 2 HORNS, WHICH I HAD SEEN STANDING BEFORE THE RIVER, AND RAN UNTO HIM IN THE FURY OF HIS POWER". This verse now explains how the GOAT with the NOTABLE HORN full of vigour moved so fast towards the Persians who were at the River Granicus.

Daniel 8:7. "AND I SAW HIM COME CLOSE UNTO THE RAM, AND HE WAS MOVED WITH CHOLER AGAINST HIM, AND SMOTE THE RAM, AND BRAKE HIS TWO HORNS; AND THERE WAS NO POWER IN THE RAM TO STAND BEFORE HIM, BUT HE CAST HIM DOWN TO THE GROUND AND STAMPED UPON HIM; AND THERE WAS NONE THAT COULD DELIVER THE RAM OUT OF HIS HAND". The last two verses are "not" a continuation of verse 5 and the same battle scenes, nor the same kings on the Persian throne. King Cyrus started his reign in Babylon approx. 539 BC. King Philip of Macedon took the monarchy approx. 359 BC and was assassinated in 336 BC and Alexander began to reign afterwards. Many years had elapsed by the time verse 6 and 7 were reached at the River Granicus etc. when Alexander fought the Persian Darius Codomannus; Which story is in Daniel 11/verses 2 and 3.

Indeed, it was as Daniel 8:7 says, Alexander's anger (CHOLER) was very great towards the Persians. History tells, Alexander broke the power of the throne of the 2 horned Medes/Persians, and Darius was no more!


This is the prophecy applicable to the GREAT HORN called Alexander, who died in Babylon in 323 BC and the FOUR NOTABLE Horns or leaders, who took and divided up his kingdom. These Greeks who shared Alexander's power, carved up the kingdom for themselves, and the winds blew them North, South, East, and West. This whole story of Alexander and his kingdom is repeated in Daniel 8/22 and Daniel 11/3-4. When the dividing of that empire took place, (with great power struggles going on around the leopard's territory for many years).


When verse 9, says, "OUT OF ONE" of the 4 NOTABLE Horns seen in verse 8, comes forth a "LITTLE HORN". The power of the "city" of Rome itself was that "LITTLE HORN", because it was only beginning to flex its IRON muscles at that time.

The complicated Greek tragedy of infighting within Egypt, Syria and Greek territories, drew into its cauldron the pleasant land of Judea, and the city of Roman power. The Greek Antigonids dynasty of Macedon of the West wind, fell to the Roman HORN, approx. 168 BC.

Antiochus III the Great, of Syria, was defeated in a battle with Rome 190 BC and had to pay an enormous tribute, plus sending 20 hostages to Rome, including his son.

The "LITTLE HORN" in Daniel 8:9"definitely" speaks of Roman power, whose legs and feet are holding up Nebuchadnezzar's dream image. Whose power is standing up to be counted as IRON. Those marching Iron Legs captured the west wind of Greece as its own territory.

Many bible scholars say this "LITTLE HORN" in verse 9, is the little known, power- seeking man Antiochus Epiphanes of Syria. Much of the emphasis upon the words in verse 9 does not bear that translation out; Because, by no stretch of the imagination did Antiochus "WAXED EXCEEDINGLY GREAT TOWARDS THE SOUTH, EAST, and the PLEASANT LAND of Judea". He certainly left his mark in Judah's land for a short while and left the remembrance of him within the Jew for centuries. But he couldn't have become "EXCEEDINGLY GREAT" because Rome curtailed Antiochus's activities, with their ambitions! Rome, continued to "WAX GREAT", while Greek lands were being swallowed up. Which verse 10 of Daniel 8 goes further with this story of Greatness.

Daniel 8:10. "AND IT WAXED GREAT, EVEN TO THE HOST OF HEAVEN; AND IT CAST DOWN SOME OF THE HOST AND OF THE STARS TO THE GROUND, AND IT STAMPED UPON THEM". The power of the "LITTLE HORN" of the city of Rome is now unstoppable! Its eyes seek out other nation's lands, and its feet are on the march everywhere. In its swelling power it shed one coat after the other, first the Monarchy, then a Republic, and swelled into Imperial Rome in this verse 10 and ruled from the British Isles in the west, to Africa, etc. in the east. It cemented its power in Egypt and governed the Holy Land of Israel/Judah. Then it proceeded into HEAVENLY realms, and the worship of many gods, with an Emperor god. Imperial Rome under its continuing Emperors, then turned its attention to our Lord, the Disciples, and Followers of the Christ, who were the enemy and strangers in their midst (HOST). Who were to shine like the STARS forever and ever! In the killing and butchering of these holy people, it "STAMPED" them to death, always wanting them to take the blame for Rome's own errors and desires towards power!

Daniel 8:11. "YEA HE MAGNIFIED HIMSELF EVEN TO THE PRINCE OF THE HOST, AND BY HIM THEY DAILY SACRIFICE WAS TAKEN AWAY AND THE PLACE OF HIS SANCTUARY WAS CAST DOWN". Rome's Imperial power had died, but Rome's Church power now began to rear its head out of those ashes, (seen in Daniel 11:21-24). The Roman Papacy power then "MAGNIFIED" HIMSELF, which means to amplify and make oneself greater in power and glory. The "amplification" took on the robes of the HOST of HEAVEN, -seen in verse 10.- It captured and bound Saint Peter to itself. They pierced Mary's heart and spirit, by using her in paganistic rituals. They climbed the heavenly ladder over the Disciples and Archangels, until they reached the same position in the earth as the Prince of that host of heaven, The Lord Jesus Christ. Taking His place as Mediator between God and man in all spiritual matters. Then placing 3 crowns upon its Roman head made itself lord of heaven and earth and below the earth!

The position of the "DAILY SACRIFICE" (Jesus), was no more as Rome whittled away over the years the place of HIS SANCTUARY, which no earthly man had the right to enter! The SANCTUARY was polluted and made off limits to ordinary man, all except the Roman priests. (Daniel 11:31).


The host, as a large body of men, became the Roman Curia, using a Roman consecrated wafer for the "Lord's Supper" or sacrament in the mass, called transubstantiation, (also called the host). Or meaning, the changing of the bread and wine "actually" into the body and blood of Christ! The Roman men's traditions are the reason "why" it is against, or the TRANSGRESSION of the Law of God, as stated in verse 12. To TRANSGRESS is to do wrong, violating and overpassing a limit set by the Law, laid down by God and Jesus Christ.

I Corinthians 11:23-29, tells us the "simple truth" if we partake wrongly of this SACRIFICE, we do so towards damnation of ourselves! This manner of partaking of the bread and wine must be followed correctly! The bread is not in wafer form,- as with the Roman Church,- but in form of bread, then broken, to resemble Jesus's broken body. The bread resembling the staff of life, as He was! This procedure is a "REMEMBRANCE", it does not become Jesus's actual body, that "He" must die over and over, each time the ritual occurs, as with the Roman Eucharist.

The MAN Jesus, of the House of Judah, was the "SACRIFICE" to die "Once" for us. Just as all mankind's flesh can only die once. Which is explained in the book of Hebrews 7:23-28 and 9:27-28.

It was the other half of Him, called The Christ (or of the spirit) who overcame that death of the flesh, and rose again bringing body and soul together again! He who is still alive and cannot die any more. Therefore, Christ is alive, so is Jesus of the flesh who died once. Who was the "SACRIFICE" as a LAMB slain on the altar of God, and not men's altars. We must "REMEMBER" what He did with "great solemnity", because this is "why" so much is said of the "DAILY SACRIFICE" within the Law and prophecy!

When Daniel 8:12 says,- Rome PRACTISED AND PROSPERED,- so it did, and still does, because its rituals of its own MAGNIFICATION has dulled men's senses to another story in the little book, "The Bible".

Over the centuries the PRACTISING AND PROSPERING of Rome, had its beginning in an old form of worship involving pagan gods. It became dogmatic in its habitual rituals, then, overdressed it all in biblical words; With its longevity of PRACTICE over centuries, forged it all together and called it faith of the one true church, which Daniel tells us about.


The obsession always in these chapters of Daniel's prophecies, is, what happened to the "DAILY SACRIFICE" in mankind's history and state of worship? Prophecy questions, why was it changed? Who changed it? And where is the TRANSGRESSOR who have TRODDEN simple faith UNDERFOOT? The big question is also asked, HOW LONG SHALL BE THE VISION CONCERNING THAT SACRIFICE? How many years will it take? How long will DESOLATION upon the truth of God's words be perpetrated, by those who TRANSGRESS the Law set down? Or what length of time in biblical and secular history will it take for all these things in prophecy to happen?

The answer to these questions is in Daniel 8:14. "AND HE SAID UNTO ME, UNTO TWO THOUSAND AND THREE HUNDRED DAYS; THEN SHALL THE SANCTUARY BE CLEANSED". We must pay great attention to this 2,300 days or years! This is a time factor when violent mankind will dominate the SANCTUARY in secular history. Then, after 2,300 years the SANCTUARY will return to its "rightful" priesthood, and that's when the "Kingdom of the Stone" is set up!

Daniel 8:14, tells us only "THEN" will the SANCTUARY BE "CLEANSED", or to free it from the crime its suffered and to remove the filth of men's usage and the filth of foul matter it now suffers! The SANCTUARY must be made clean and pure as was intended, first under the Old Testament with Moses/Aaron and that priesthood. Then under the New Testament of its High Priest Melchizedek and the Prince, our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the angels that minister there!

We must have a closer look at these 2,300 years (days) and it must have a "beginning" and an "end" within secular history. These years are written continually within Daniel's chapters over and over again. These profound years of 2,300 days are explained further along in chapter 8 verses 19 to 26. So, we must jump from verse 14 to verse 19, because the verses in between in this chapter, have nothing to do with secular history, only of Daniel's problems.


The whole "INDIGNATION" spoken of in verse 19 is when both houses of Israel have been taken prisoner, torn apart, with faces changed, through intermingling with other nations. Which was the lamentation prayed by Daniel in chapter 9. They, of this whole nation being long held prisoners serving a sentence, almost in the same position as Daniel, who belonged to the House of Judah. Daniel was held a palace prisoner by the Babylonians and Persians, and unable to return home to his own land. The whole 2 houses of Israel suffered mightily under succeeding secular historical powers, spoken of in prophecy.

In our "END TIME" of historical modern days, we saw the Jew of the "House of Judah", suffer terrible "INDIGNATION" under Germany in World War II. (Daniel 11:36 ). The "House of Israel" suffered also with its Commonwealth of peoples, who came out of the British Isles, which acted as their cradle for growing purposes.

When Daniel 8:19 speaks of the "TIME APPOINTED" of the last END of all our days, and of this INDIGNATION within secular histories, it continually gives the answers also! After the Medes/Persians and Alexander the Great have fought each other in verses 20 and 21, the "TIMING" for the centuries ahead of them begins. Because then is fulfilled, the prophecy of Japheth (Greece),who had gone into the tents of Shem (Persia), foretold from the beginning. (Genesis 9:27). Because all Israel is now being pushed into the West!

We cross back to Daniel 8:9, which have also told us that out of the West Wind, came the "LITTLE HORN" of the city of Rome itself. Eventually wielding the power of IRON for centuries, seen in Daniel 2:40-44, whilst putting on "diverse" coats to rule by. Then all Israel (12 tribes) will come under the ever-growing Western power of Rome.

In other words, chapter 8 of Daniel, and its TIMING process of 2,300 days (years) identifies for us "who" the LITTLE HORN is. How it began from the TIME of the fall of Greek power and the various ways the "LITTLE HORN" was to have Great Power over the nations in the West.

The words in Daniel 8:19 secretly hide the arrow pointing towards the LAST END of the "INDIGNATION", when these would be the years for both houses of Israel, who will experience violent displeasure through those centuries ahead. The last sentence of verse 19 says "AT THE TIME APPOINTED THE END SHALL BE". That APPOINTED TIME is set within those words; Which are put in another way written in verse Daniel 8:23. Which says, "IN THE LATTER TIME, or last end of verse 19,- of their Kingdom". That kingdom spoken of here is at the "end time" of the 4 Greek Kingdoms, which were set up in verse 22, namely, Macedonia, Egypt Babylonia/Syria, Thrace/Bactria.



Daniel 8:22. "NOW THAT BEING BROKEN, WHEREAS FOUR STOOD UP FOR IT, FOUR KINGDOMS SHALL STAND UP OUT OF THE NATION, BUT NOT IN HIS POWER". We have already read in the previous verses in, the translation of these 3 verses; So, we will now go to verse 23.

Daniel 8:23, "AND IN THE LATTER TIME OF THEIR KINGDOM, WHEN THE TRANSGRESSORS ARE COME TO THE FULL, A KING OF FIERCE COUNTENANCE, AND UNDERSTANDING DARK SENTENCES, SHALL STAND UP". In other words, at the "END TIME" of these 4 kingdoms of Greek power (THEIR). When these kingdoms who have continually done wrong, violating laws with their power, will be faced with someone stronger than themselves. Who is another TRANSGRESSOR of the laws of men and God. Who has just begun flexing his muscles in that known world and he is known as the "LITTLE HORN"!

So, the "LATTER TIME" of the 4 Greek kingdoms of verse 23, is the "LAST END" also of the Persian and Greek kingdoms, whose power will fall to the "IRON" of Rome. This "LAST END" power of Rome has many "diverse guises" set for destruction upon all Israel in many ways, and its longevity of power will continue for many centuries! Seen in Daniel 7:20.

The counting for 2,300 days (years) from verse 14, now starts from the "LAST END" of Greek power, and Rome now has power over all Israel, no matter what nation those 12 tribes reside in! The "LITTLE HORN" of the power of the Roman city itself, is on the march, it took Macedonia (West wind), in 168 BC, bringing the Antigonid Dynasty of Greece to an end. In 148 BC Rome organised this Greek kingdom into a province of Asia.

Therefore, it is the "LAST END" of Greek power, when the "LITTLE HORN" of Rome begins to dominate that power in the West, that the 2,300 days/years begins. Which timing starts 168-148 BC, and the timing sequence of 2,300 days ends approx. 2,132 AD during the time of the incoming of the "Kingdom of the Stone". Only the Lord's return CLEANSES THE "SANCTUARY" and the "real" priesthood is set up, as Daniel 8:14 states.

Many biblical writers say the 2,300 years is counted from 457 BC or 444 BC, when Cyrus the Great, Darius the Mede, and Artaxerxes, issues 3 decrees for the rebuilding of Jerusalem, and the sanctuary. (Noted in Daniel 11:1-2). Though these 3 decrees were very important for Jerusalem and the Jew, it was not the "LATTER TIME" or "LAST END" of Greek power which prophecy is pointing to. Other writers say the "LITTLE HORN" was Antiochus Epiphanes of Greek Syrian power (Seleucia), who destroyed Jerusalem's peoples and desecrated the temple, and it is "he" who is counted in this timing process. (171/63 BC).

During these times other nations willingly acknowledged Rome's superiority, therefore Antiochus's ambitions were thwarted. Antiochus Epiphanes terrified the Jew but were no match for the marching iron legs of Rome. Rome was a far greater TRANSGRESSOR than Antiochus, and very much over a longer period of time than him. Roman desecration of Jerusalem and its people in AD 70, was terrible, and absolute! They lost their lives, their land, their roots and became wanderers over the earth. The power of Rome is seen in the following verses of Daniel 8:23-25.

Daniel 8:23, is Roman power in a very condensed fashion, and by the time this verse is reached, Roman city power under the leadership of its ancient kings has gone. The new Roman coat is called, Roman Republic, which is seen in the first line of verse 23, which happened during the "LATTER TIME" of the Greek kingdoms.

Roman Kingdom power then became the Roman Republic and one of its eventual famous leaders was Julius Caesar, who was assassinated in 44 BC.

The early Roman Republic between 509-265 BC was a period of struggle for power inside Italy and outside, with wars between various powers, including the Punic Wars with Carthage. (Between 265-133 BC Rome became a world power). Daniel 8/23 is setting the stage for the entry of the power of the Roman Empire, which was to govern monarchically for more than 200 years, starting with Augustus.

When verse 23 says, "WHEN THE TRANSGRESSORS ARE COME TO THE FULL", it is speaking of power abounding, having within its limits all it can contain to its utmost extent. This "FULLNESS" of power was with the Greeks before they fell; Then the Roman TRANSGRESSOR was to march to that "FULLNESS" of power with its trampling feet and into the lands that held the 12 tribes of Israel. That FULLNESS of power of Rome is seen in history, and Daniel 11:10, which tells of civil war in Palestine and Pompey of Rome asserting his power in 77-63 BC.

In Daniel 11:11 we read of Egypt and Judea under Mark Antony and Cleopatra. Also, Herod the Great 44-30 BC.

Daniel 11:12 tells us the story of Herod the Great, and the Roman army slaying thousands. With Antony, Herod, and Octavian in Judea, 38-22 BC.

Now the Roman "TRANSGRESSORS" (or those people who did wrong, violating a limit to their aggression), are coming to the FULL. Because next comes Octavian Augustus who is on the world stage of Rome, who was to change the Roman Republic into Imperial Rome. Now the Roman Republic was "FULL", or it reached its limits!

Daniel 8:23 . "A KING OF FIERCE COUNTENANCE AND UNDERSTANDING DARK SENTENCES, SHALL STAND UP". That king of "FIERCE COUNTENANCE" in this sentence, was Octavian, who became Augustus Caesar the first Roman emperor, in 31 BC. Noted in Daniel 11:14 and Luke 2:1. Octavian took the title Augustus, or Revered one, in 27 BC. Rome was now an Empire and Octavian carefully set himself up as its Emperor and by this means he was to "STAND UP" for biblical and secular history to be fulfilled!

Roman historians say, he was the greatest Emperor of all, and his 41 years on that throne was the golden age of Imperial Rome. (27 BC-14 AD). Indeed, Octavian "STOOD UP", or was taken note of strongly in history within Roman power, for all to remember!

Just as Alexander the Great "STOOD UP" in his prophecy, before Octavian. (Daniel 11:3). So, the last word of that sentence in verse 23 came to pass!

Let us go back to the expression "A KING OF FIERCE COUNTENANCE", from verse 23. When translated the words mean, that he was passionate for power, rushing, savage and ardent. His system of features, (or COUNTENANCE) in the human face, was one of favour and goodwill, Yet! Beyond that face was a "FIERCE person", determined for that power no matter who got in his way! When Daniel 8:23 says, "UNDERSTANDING DARK SENTENCES". What does this mean, when these words are used against Octavian Augustus? During his time on Rome's throne, Octavian called himself the son of God, and to him was great homage paid by the people. Yet! The real son of God, The Lord Jesus, was born during his reign.

The "DARK SENTENCES" surrounded Octavian, because religion in Rome wore many, many, faces, with many names for their gods and goddesses. There were many dark spirits living with Roman families in towns and on farms. Rome took on Grecian and Persian gods, adding many other nations gods. They worshipped Jupiter, Venus, Aphrodite, Mars, Apollo, Isis, Mithras, etc. There was the college of Vestal Virgins, who guarded the sacred fire of Vesta. The Sibylline oracles, which was a religious institution. Therefore, the Emperor was the spiritual head for all religions and institutions, being called Pontifex Maximus, (high priest) and he was worshipped as a quasi-deity. Therefore, Octavian carefully staged managed for himself, these "DARK SENTENCES" of pagan worship and self-worship. Knowing full well what he was doing, leaning towards his elevated status in life, and understanding his own role in that darkness!

Pontifex Maximus meant that this was a member of the official priesthood of bridge making, regarded as a magical activity. In ancient Rome, Augustus was the high priest. Today that title is used by the Popes of Rome.


The first words of verse 24, are telling us how Imperial Rome climbed the ladder of success, power, and growth. The "MIGHTY" IRON of Roman power spread North, South, East and West. Into the British Isles, France, Spain, across Germanic lands and on into present day Russia. Rome spread down into Asia Minor across to Mesopotamia, Persia, Judea, Arabia, Egypt and across to North Africa, where all roads led back to Rome!

This was the power of the "LITTLE HORN" who became Exceeding Great, seen in Daniel 8/9.

The next words of verse 24 says, "BUT NOT IN HIS OWN POWER". We have read and understood this expression before, in Daniel 8:22, when prophecy was telling us how Alexander the Great was broken and 4 leaders stood up for his empire to carve it up between them. But! none of these 4 empires was built from Alexander's personal power, nor did his son or family inherit any power. Alexander inherited his power from his father Philip, but there was no one to inherit Alexander's because, they were murdered.

So it was, with Octavian Augustus Caesar. The enormous expanse of the Imperial Roman Empire was gradually attained by other Emperors of Rome also. Though Octavian had been married 3 times he had no son; therefore, he was forced to leave his throne to his stepson Tiberius. Who Augustus reluctantly had chosen in advance of his death. Tiberius was very unpopular and nearly 55 years old at the time of his succession. So, Octavian's own growing power of ruling an enormous expanse of territory, was to be left to others, and his crown passed to a man he disliked, and not the direct bloodline of his son.

Octavian had ruled under the name of Caesar, history tells us that he assumed that name being the grandnephew of Julius Caesar. It was a family name, being a branch of the Julian house in Rome. The succession of Emperors that followed Octavian were all entitled by relationship, no matter how remote, to bear that name, Caesar. It is said 12 following emperors were entitled to hold that name, from the infamous Tiberius, Caligula, and Nero, - to Vespasian Titus and Domitian. Though eventually, the name Caesar was to become a symbol of general power. These noted names, and others, have gone down in history as perpetrators of terrible crimes against humanity as a whole, and the "just of God" that walked amongst them! Therefore, verse 24 is presenting to us some of the House of Julius Caesar, who ruled over many years within Imperial Rome.

The latter part of Daniel 8:24 says, "AND HE SHALL DESTROY WONDERFULLY AND SHALL PROSPER AND PRACTISE AND SHALL DESTROY THE MIGHTY AND HOLY PEOPLE". The latter half of this verse is a quick resume of how Imperial Roman power ruled into the years ahead, as each Emperor came onto the stage and went.

To "DESTROY WONDERFULLY" means, Imperial Rome under its Emperors, from Tiberius onwards, had an insatiable appetite to ruin, subvert, overturn and annihilate (DESTROY) individuals, peoples and nations.

When the word "WONDERFULLY" is used in this context of destruction, it means Rome used surprising, strange and astonishing methods to DESTROY.

If one opens a history book on Imperial Roman methods of destruction, one will find they were given the title of "Masters of War". The keystone of their foreign policy, was "He who desires peace, should prepare for War". The Romans were bred for warfare, their army was unequalled for its time. They possessed assault towers as siege machines to enter fortified towns. They had catapult machines, which hurled missiles over the walls of the town they were bombarding. Flaming projectiles started fires within the towns. The army possessed javelin hurlers, slingers, archers and men with swords and shields. If the enemy possessed an article of war the Romans did not have, they eventually used it also. They even salted the earth, so mankind could not use the soil for growing food. Indeed, those Romans "Masters of War" DESTROYED WONDERFULLY!

Rome indeed "PROSPERED AND PRACTISED", everywhere, as Daniel 8/24 says. Today, mankind can still see monuments and ruins of their prosperity of yesteryear, whereever the Roman Iron legs marched and straddled that old world.

Daniel 8:24, the latter sentence of this verse says, "AND SHALL DESTROY THE MIGHTY AND HOLY PEOPLE".

Roman paganism and arrogance of self worth could not recognise great and honourable people in their midst, because they had their own gods, goddesses and an emperor god. They have carried that arrogance of self-worth through the centuries, even into our present day, within the all-consuming Roman Papacy.

We have already read in Daniel 8/10 how the HOST and those who shone like the STARS of heaven, were cast to the GROUND and STAMPED on. Now Daniel 8:24 speaks further with Rome's destruction of the Holy people in their midst. So, we must ask the question "who" were the MIGHTY, and Holy People during the times of Imperial Roman power? Some verses in the New Testament during Rome's rule tell us in Matthew 14:1-3, - Luke 24:19, and Romans 15:19, written by Paul, who were the "MIGHTY" of those days with other disciples. The eventual remnant of the predestined children of God throughout the ages, are also classed as the "Holy People" seen in Isaiah 62:11-12. Many Holy People were dying in the arenas of Imperial Rome. Many Holy People were classed as heretics under the Roman Papacy.

Indeed, as we have read previously the great ones of the MIGHTY, such as our Lord Jesus Christ, Saint Peter, John, Paul, John the Baptist etc. and the followers of our one only God, fell to the Imperial Romans. Terror reigned for them under the reign of Tiberius, Caligula, Nero, Domitian, Diocletian, etc. etc. They destroyed those of mankind whose thoughts and actions were superior to the Romans. This condensed Imperial Roman history from Daniel chapter 8 and the horror perpetrated upon the MIGHTY AND HOLY PEOPLE, by these Emperors with its ruling power, is explained to us in a larger fashion within Daniel chapter 11. Which chapter gives us the times of the Roman Republic and Imperial Rome. Seen in verses 10-21 and Constantine, spelled out in the relentless fashion of Rome's might!


The first line of verse 25 says, "AND THROUGH HIS POLICY ALSO HE SHALL CAUSE CRAFT TO PROSPER IN HIS HAND". Who are we now talking about in the translation of this verse? Condensed Roman history has already taken us from Octavian and the setting up of Imperial Rome, through the times of many Emperors who murdered the Holy People. Now it seems we have a sudden change under an Emperor within those Imperial times! This noted new POLICY is in the art and manner of governing a nation in the interest of that nation, through prudence in internal and foreign affairs. This was a "POLICY" which was to change Roman ideas previously held for centuries, and that change was to go forward and interfere in the centuries ahead of their policies in governing!

That "POLICY of CRAFT" maker was the Roman Emperor Constantine, who was to emerge in history battling for power with rival claimants for Rome's throne, in its declining years. The political "CRAFT" he used to "PROSPER" in that strength, which verse 25 quotes, was written by his biographer. It was claimed Constantine had a vision of a cross in the sky, with the inscription,- "In hoc signo vinces".- Or by this sign win your victory. Constantine "CRAFTILY" ordered a so-called Christian monogram of the first 2 letters of Christ's name, Chi and Rho, emblazoned on the soldier's shields and standards. By this method of "POLICY AND CRAFT" he was to become known as the first Christian Emperor. When he wedded church and state as one, yet! He was a pagan and Rome was seeped in paganism and superstition!

To use "CRAFT" is to have the ability to be cunning and skilful in duplicity and Constantine was a master of that!

It was also through Constantine that the second leg of Roman power was set up in Constantinople (Turkey). Thus, completing the 2 iron legs of Nebuchadnezzar's dream statue. This second iron leg was to have eventual rulers lasting into another period of many, many, centuries.

This "CRAFTY" Constantine is written of in Daniel 11:21 as the "VILE PERSON", obtaining his kingdom by FLATTERIES, in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ. Thereby, bringing the wrath of God down upon Rome's head!

The implication by writers in the fourth century was that Rome had been divinely ordained, ever since the time of Octavian Caesar, only the name of their god was changed to Christianity. Rome in the past had accepted the other gods, goddesses and oracles of fertility etc. So this new form of worship was just another avenue to venture upon, and man's form of Christianity started by Constantine's "POLICY PROSPERED AND PRACTISED" into many centuries ahead of its beginning, as Daniel 8/25 said it would. Now the stage was set for the PROSPERITY of the Roman church and Papacy, to wear the crown of ruling nations as the emperors had done before them.


This sentence is explaining the situation of Roman "changing" power into the following centuries ahead, after the fall of Imperial Rome. Into the rise of power wielded by the Roman church which Constantine set in motion with his "POLICY".

Constantine now helped to establish that power with the bishops of that city. Roman power no longer had an Emperor god to help steer its path to glory in the world. Another power was for the peoples to look up to and worship.

After Constantine, Rome's power was very sick and Germanic hordes was to be their death knell. So, the Roman church with the Pope at its head, took upon itself both secular and spiritual powers. For the purpose of ruling with authority over many nations, it once held under Imperial Rome. Now another man "MAGNIFIED" his position and role in the earth, appearing larger than reality, and thereby causes an increase in power and glory. This appearance of greatness the Roman Papacy has always been a "master" of self-worth. Or the Papacy became more STOUT THAN HIS FELLOWS Before Him seen in Daniel 7:20 .

Hitler must have taken a leaf out of the Roman book, because he did the same "MAGNIFYING" of himself, seen in World War II and Daniel 11:37.

The "MAGNIFICATION OF THE HEART" of the men in the Roman church, sort to establish their power in many ways. From the "POLICY OF CRAFT" set up in Constantine's time, it continued when he sat with Roman priests in 325 AD. Who then adopted a confession of faith, at the council of Nicaea, called, The Nicene Creed. This Creed was received by many a church as a universal confession of faith.

The "MAGNIFICATION OF THE HEART", -written by Daniel so long ago, -was felt by Roman bishops, who brought about the first universal pope, who Constantine recognised, that of the Roman born Sylvester I (314-35 AD). The Roman church was then recognised as a lawful society, bringing poor Saint Peter into this "MAGNIFICATION OF HEART", as their first bishop/pope. The genealogical table of Bishop/Popes gives 34 men in that lineage from Sylvester I, back to Peter, and each one had been "MAGNIFIED" as canonised popes and saints. Rome acknowledged Sylvester I who also was "MAGNIFIED" by making him a saint. This indeed is personal "HEART MAGNIFICATION" at its highest order! The "MAGNIFYING" of the men in the Roman church with its popes and saints, continued into the centuries ahead of Constantine's rule, and into our present day unabated.

The claiming of Saint Peter by the Roman priests as their own from early times, was the foundation stone of their building. According to Roman traditions it was because of the part set for Saint Peter in the New Testament records. (Matthew 16:18-19).

Also, of the alleged residence of Peter at Rome as bishop of the Christian community there! Rome says, Peter was given 3 attributes, that of king, priest and teacher. Poor Saint Peter would have recoiled in horror at these attributes, knowing the simple guidelines The Lord Jesus gave his disciples to follow Him by. Which would instantly refute 2 of these titles. Peter would have known there was only 1 king for Christ's followers, and it was The Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Again, Peter would have known, we already have a High Priest in our Lord, standing as Mediator for us, there was no need of another. Which Peter saw with his own eyes at the Transfiguration, when our Lord stood between heaven and earth as Mediator between God and Man. Peter would not have been able to suffer mankind bowing to him as king, or high priest, which we read in Acts 10:25-26.

Saint Peter, like all true followers of our Lord's teachings, would have only accepted that he was a specially chosen teacher of the true words of God, and of His Christ. With no other embellishments to that situation thought up by the temporal power of men. Saint Peter could not, nor would not, think of himself in any other terms it would have been an anathema to him.

Daniel 8:25 and the last part of this verse is, "AND BY PEACE SHALL DESTROY MANY". This sentence seems to be a few words of contradiction within itself, because, if one has "PEACE" there's no "destruction". History however will show one that the Roman church did ride through many nations dressed in the peaceful robes of Saintly white, in "MAGNIFICATION" of itself as saints, in the name of "The Prince of Peace", The Lord Jesus Christ. The Roman Papacy has held in its hand a bow of "fear and destruction" towards mankind, threatening those people's souls who opposed Rome, saying the people would perish forever as heretics!


This WHITE HORSE in Revelation is listed "first" in this chapter of other horses, because it came out of Imperial Rome and became more "STOUT" than its bedfellows eventually; seen in Daniel 7:20. Imperial Rome destroyed the MIGHTY AND HOLY PEOPLE for hundreds of years. But the killing went on, this time under the name of "PEACE", of Jesus, Prince of Peace, were they destroyed! History tells us that Imperial Roman authorities used the Christians as political scapegoats, for three centuries, until the reign of Constantine in 337 A.D. From that time onwards Rome assumed a dual role as seat of Empire and seat of the Christian church. The organisation of this new church was constructed largely on the Imperial Roman model of ruling. Regional dioceses corresponded to the empire's territorial divisions. The hierarchy of the church was a replica of the Roman administration system, etc. So, with the decline of Imperial Rome, the church now began its IRON march into its long history ahead, and into men's lives completely swallowing up all before it, in the name of The Prince of Peace!

Rome's church did much to herald the destruction of mankind called, the "dark ages". Within only 80 years of Christian persecution under Imperial Rome the church itself was now executing so called heretics in the name of "Peace".

The clerics of the church, calling themselves princes of Peace, were wielding great power, almost akin to the late emperors, and under their leadership the massacres grew, as the centuries came and went. So was fulfilled to the letter of the law, the words of Daniel, "WITH PEACE THEY DESTROYED MANY"!

Daniel 8:25 continues with the words, "HE SHALL ALSO STAND UP AGAINST THE Prince of princes; BUT HE SHALL BE BROKEN WITHOUT HAND".

This sentence now hurries on through the centuries and takes us to a picture of the "end time" of the Roman Papacy. In this one verse 25 alone, is how the Roman church began, how it PROSPERED AND PRACTISED, how it DESTROYED with PEACE in the ages of mankind, and now it has reached final curtain call on this saga of iron Roman power.

What does it mean when verse 25 says "HE SHALL STAND UP AGAINST THE Prince of Princes"? We have read a few times before, what the expression "SHALL STAND UP" means. It is when a particular person makes himself known above others to the full in history, performing in a different way than others.

The word "AGAINST" is in opposition to, and in a bearing down upon position. Here we have the final consummation of Roman Papacy power and "where" it was to elevate itself.

Daniel 11:31 cross checks this sentence in Daniel 8:25, giving us the full story. It was to "STAND UP" in Roman power for all mankind to see that power, when it ascended on high into heavenly realms, with the "Infallibility" of Pope Pious IX in 1869 AD. Thus, taking the remaining Popes into the 21st century, under this title. Indeed, now Roman Papacy power was blatantly "STANDING UP" as the Holy Father, Prince of heavenly and earthly thrones, Mediator between God and man, the one and only true church unable to err in all things spiritual. The throne of the Pope was now "bearing down" (AGAINST) upon the position of God and of Jesus Prince of Princes, and the High Priesthood! At the "end time" of man's history, and the "end time" of Rome's heavenly story from the beginning. With its own situation amongst its gods and goddesses, Rome's role in the scheme of things in the earth completed its circle. The "MAGNIFICATION" of the Roman man has been worshipped and elevated to a "STAND UP" position!

The last sentence of verse 25 is:- "HE SHALL BE BROKEN WITHOUT HAND". Here now are a few words that cover the demise and destruction of the power of all things Roman, whether secular or so called spiritual!

The words, "HE SHALL BE BROKEN WITHOUT HAND", is towards the forever disintegration and death of a distinguished, (STAND UP) individual, who represents the modern (END TIME) power of the Roman Papacy. Then the power of rule in the earth Rome represents, goes with him.

When a man or system of ruling brought about by the machinations of men is "BROKEN" it is to experience a parting and crushing by violence. Therefore, the Roman Papacy will be humbled and made bankrupt in power and the "HE" that controls this power will disappear into the pages of history. Just as the Roman Republic and Imperial Rome has done before.

The "BREAKING" of this power will not be of mankind's desire, nor by the hand of man himself. Only through the power of God will destiny play its hand! The heavens have been at "War" with Rome, suffering much indignation throughout history. Which has led to abusing God's name, or worshipping mankind at the throne of the abomination of Rome.

We see that same destruction of Rome's power,-without man's interference in that destruction,- in Revelation chapters 17 and 18 (which translation we will look at later on).

In prophecy, we are dealing with terrible punishment upon this "mother" church of Rome, as seen in these momentous chapters. No matter how we feel about it, or are anxious over it, none of us can stop the power of retribution by God, because, "He" has always told us the END of history from the BEGINNING. (Isaiah 46:9-10).


To be "BROKEN WITHOUT HAND" as Daniel 8:25 says, is a destruction that nature itself will be used in this purpose, and mankind can only stand and stare in utter astonishment at that destruction. The history of the whole nation of Israel -both houses- knows to the full what the word "BROKEN" has meant to them when punishment by God was upon them throughout the ages. The House of Judah has had a misery of persecution, and the House of Israel went into the "Valley Of Dry Bones" and confusion of face! (Ezekiel 37-Daniel 9:7).

The destroying of the "Scarlet Woman" of Rome and all churches who are her lovers, must be satisfied in fact seen in Revelation 17, because this is the last form of Gentile world power. The entry upon the earth of the "Stones Kingdom" brings with it the High Priest, The King, His Princes, His Ministers, and His court of thousands of adherents to that special throne. There is no room in the earth for another high priesthood, which is man-made like the Roman church. The "Stone's Kingdom" rules with a rod of iron in the earth upon those who are opposed to these facts, within prophecy. The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is in Glory, told to us in the Olivet discourse of Matthew 24:16-31 and Revelation 19:11-16. All this is historical prophecy, just as Daniel's writings are! Why should Roman Papacy powers be an exception to the rule of mankind's disappearing powers?

1:- Assyria/Babylon rule of Nebuchadnezzar's dream image has fallen.

2:- The Medes/Persians lost their ruling power.

3:- Greece lost its world power and its 4 wings.

4:- Imperial Rome lost its power of the 2 legs.

5:- The 1 foot of the United Kingdom's world Empire lost its power. The 2nd foot of the United States of America is gradually losing its power, disintegrating from within at the "end time" of all our days. The image and power of the Roman Papacy is also disintegrating around the world, at this present time. But, because the Roman dragon has teeth of iron, and claws of brass, it will hang on to his prey for all its worth, which are the many peoples in the world. Therefore, the "Beast" must be destroyed from its devouring destruction, also seen in Daniel 7:19.

To sum up on factual historical prophecy seen in Daniel chapter 8, we read in verse 26 the stamp of truth and authenticity to these visions. These two things cannot be undone into all these long years of world history!



Daniel Chapter 8, verse 14. 2,300 Days -or- Years.

It is essential that I emphasise, where the 2,300 years begins and ends. Because many denominations within their written pamphlets on prophecy, have assured peoples that this time phase of 2,300 days/years, begins from 457 BC. This date was when 3 decrees were issued to rebuild Jerusalem under Persian power. Therefore, they say, the finishing date for the 2,300 years ended in 1844 AD, when the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary began. This finishing date and explanation doesn't mean a thing to we beings on earth. Because how can we "see" and "know" it's taking place? One can't hold fast to written prophetic history which has definitely taken place in the earth, in secular history with Cyrus the Great and Alexander of Greece. Then guess on with dates that have no meaning, only because counting of times finishes there. This date of 1844 can only be associated with the times, when Roman power was desiring to elevate its position into the Sanctuary,-which Pope Pious IX did in 1869. Seen in Daniel 11:31. Then the sanctuary was not "cleansed" as verse 14 states but polluted! With desolation, as verse 13 states.

There are those biblical students who look to Antiochus Epiphanes for answers to the pollution of the sanctuary, between verses 10-14 of Daniel chapter 8. This idea cannot hold up in fact because they have Antiochus casting down the Sanctuary in these verses. Which is also cleansed in verse 14, who then cleansed it in those days, prior to Jesus' coming. These biblical students continually blend the "little horn" and its power with Antiochus, which all remains an assumption! The Bible is factual history and always remains as such, verse after terrible verse, of the horrors man has perpetrated in his ruling powers!

So let us remind ourselves of these verses in these chapters.

The "TIME" of 2,300 Days/Years begins, -when?- from the "LATTER TIME" of the West Wind (Greece) and starts 168-148 BC when Rome "the LITTLE HORN" took the West wind and made it its own. (Daniel 8:23).

Daniel 8:8 gives way to Daniel 8:9, which "Begins" the Power Growth of the "LITTLE HORN" itself, that of the ancient city of Rome, during the times of their Kings and of the Republic.

The "LITTLE HORN" spoken of in Daniel 7:7-8, is the same domination of Roman world power which has grown! Verse 7 speaks of the Roman Imperial Dragon with great teeth, strong feet with claws of brass, and 10 Horns growing out of its head. (Which Horns covered 400 years of rule in the 10 Kingdomed Roman Britain).

These 10 horns must be "CONSIDERED", or much thought about, as verse 8 emphasises. Because they possessed some of the "House of Israel" (clay) within the Gentiles. The "LITTLE HORN" that was to grow upon those 10 Horns, was to be the Roman Papacy, whose power grew and grew amongst the 10 horns for over a 1,000 years and overcame 3 of them!

Now we cross over again to Daniel 8:9 which tells us a bit more of the "LITTLE HORN" of that ancient Roman world power.

Daniel 8:10-12, tells how Roman power desires took them into heaven, thus interfering with the "DAILY SACRIFICE", with the Great Words they were speaking; Under the rule of the Roman Papacy they were calling themselves the Holy Father, with their words, which title belongs to God alone.

Daniel 8:13. Now sets the question of the "VISION" of the "DAILY SACRIFICE" and the interference in it. How long shall these things go on, when truth is trodden under foot?

When did it begin and when does it end? The question is "not" asked about Persia or Greece, but when the "DAILY SACRIFICE" was under Roman power? When it "MAGNIFIED" its position in the earth as the Roman Papacy. Who put itself as kings on a throne in heaven and earth.

Daniel 8:14. Is the "answer" to verse 13, and the questioning of the "VISION" of Roman grandeur in history, with its long years of power in many guises. This Roman power will last 2,300 days/years. Daniel 8:23. These words verify the "time set" for the mighty Roman power to begin IN THE "LATTER TIME" OF VERSE 22. It is pronounced and started during the time of the Greek 4 Kingdoms/Winds of power. When Rome took the West wind of Greece into its power, then its legs marched towards Egypt, Syria, and east winds and Bactria. This is factual predestined prophetic history!

The Roman Papacy then became the "TRANSGRESSOR or ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION", who affects the Sanctuary, seen in Daniel 8:13.- Who our Lord Jesus during Roman Imperial days reminded us about,- who is "STANDING IN THE HOLY PLACE", where it ought not. (Matthew 24:15). We must "do" what our Lord says, "READ AND UNDERSTAND" what Daniel says!

The "time" of 2,300 days/year's ends, approx. 2,132 AD into the times of the 6th "Kingdom of the Stone" of Jesus Christ, when Roman power is no more. The SANCTUARY is then cleansed and "seen" to be taken back and given to its rightful priest and owner of the laws therein! Which we read of in Daniel 7:9-14. Which tells us that Melchizedek, the Ancient of Days, waits for the Great Son of God and Man -Jesus- to arrive in the clouds of heaven. Then, the SANCTUARY is CLEANSED of the hypocrisy and filth it has endured for such a long time over the centuries of man's histories. This 2,300 years of mankind's rule is spelled out in detail in Daniel chapters 11 to 12, where it begins and ends. Because it deals with the history of both nations of Israel in that history, and of the STRENGTH that Rome has held in the ancient and modern worlds. Daniel'sì's book is open wide now for us to understand, The seal is broken to save our miserable lives from extinction!


Daniel Chapter 9, Verses 24-27. The "Sacrifice" our Lord Jesus.

Daniel 9:1-23, is a heart-rending prayer from Daniel, to God Almighty, for the sins of all the nation of Israel. With lamentation and mourning for the evil that Israel has brought upon itself, Daniel is confessing their sins. The nation had been driven into other countries, thereby, losing their roots of identification at that time, and into the centuries ahead of them. The sins of all Israel began because the people lost faith in their "vision" within the LAWS set down for them to follow, which LAWS helped them obey the voice of God. The people desired the gods of other nations and the rituals of evil, which followed them. God gave them a "self-will" so they may choose for themselves the paths upon which to stand. Israel chose wrongly, and God allowed the evil in both houses to flourish, so they could learn individual lessons themselves in the years ahead of them. Nevertheless, God had to take a hand in saving them despite themselves and as the generations unfolded in their walk through-life and the centuries ahead, "He" would give them a Redeemer, who would pay a Ransom for their miserable lives!

In the Old Testament God gave Israel a fleshly man called Moses who was to Deliver them out of Egyptian sins. In the New Testament God gave Israel a man born of the Spirit, called Jesus, for the second time to Deliver them from worldly sins. So great was the sin of all Israel, -now scattered throughout the world-, that Spiritual blood had to be spilled for them as an act of Atonement and love. So, the Great Personage Jesus the Christ deliberately walked onto the earthly stage to fulfil that role, knowing full well what "He" had to endure for them!

So great was the love and yearning God held for His people, that this terrible road towards torment and death through Jesus had to be accomplished. For the Spiritual man to be triumphant over the power of the flesh. And so we see the unfolding of that walk of the Spirit, within this chapter of Daniel 9:24-27. In these verses is a complicated timing process set in prophecy, pointing the finger of affirmation towards that "Daily Sacrifice" called, The Lord Jesus Christ, as an Atonement for those sins of Israel.

The power of Rome is ruling during the times of the "Daily Sacrifice". Jesus, son of God, was fulfilling a ritual of the Offering or Sacrifice set down in early times, -with a difference.- In Genesis 4:4 righteous Abel offered to God in sacrifice, "the firstling of his flock", which meant it was ordained, strong, and nurtured as a special offspring.

The "firstling" of a beast is the Lord's absolutely, in an offering seen in Leviticus 27:26. The "separated lineage" of Israel was blessed through Joseph, whose glory before God in Jacob's blessing of him, was as like a "firstling of his bullock". Therefore, a special offering in life on behalf of Israel, seen in Deuteronomy 33:16-17.

Jesus became the "Firstling Sacrifice" for the lineage of the Spiritual man, this Sacrifice also was the Lord God's absolutely! Thus, remaining a "Daily Sacrifice" only offered once!


Here we have another "timing process" of 70 weeks, therefore, if we take a 7-day week to equal 7 years (a day for a year) we then multiply the number of weeks into 490 years. These 490 years is the length of time, which will go forward in secular/spiritual histories, for something very great to happen within those years, "after" Daniel's time.

From Daniel's time of Babylon's power, 3 more Beasts of Daniel's vision in chapter 7, were to come to power, namely Media/Persia, Greece, and Rome. So, the 490 years will have begun and covered events from those latter eras.

The word "DETERMINED" in Daniel 9:24, means this prophecy forecast has a fixed unflinching purpose to fulfil in its march through those years; Its goal is set towards all Daniel's people of Israel and the holy city of Jerusalem. The "vision" would be received first, by Daniel's people of the House of Judah. This "DETERMINATION" of prophecy had to be written down for the blind of mankind to see these events unfurl clearly.

To "TRANSGRESS" as verse 24 notes is to violate known laws and principles set down for all Israel to follow. This path of "TRANSGRESSION" led to crime and offences against God and man, and so all Israel was punished and peeled apart.

God's laws of prophecy have always been frowned upon by man and set aside as nought, or just stories read in unbelief, within ancient and modern history.

To make RECONCILIATION FOR INIQUITY, noted in verse 24, is to make an agreement, or atonement, in a renewal of friendship between God and all Israel. Which will, and must, happen for all things to be put right.

The "INIQUITY" of this verse is an act of crime and injustice on all Israel's part, which hurt God to the heart; After "He" had raised all Israel to the situation of royalty amongst nations, in the earth. To "BRING IN EVERLASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS" as verse 24 explains, is a condition foreign to mankind. By himself man is incapable of such a walk-through life, because the desires and will of his flesh is too strong. He always does the things that perhaps on reflection, he doesn't wish to do. Just as Saint Paul realised and wrote of (2 Corinthians 1:17-18 - Romans 7:7-25).

Continuing Daniel 9:24, which says, "AND TO SEAL UP THE VISION AND TO PROPHECY AND TO ANOINT THE MOST HOLY". There has been many "Visions" spoken by the prophets in the Bible, especially Daniel's Visions. The greatest Vision of all which God's prophets knew and foretold, is God's offering of peace and atonement for Israel's and mankind's sins, and His name was the Prince of Peace, The Lord Jesus Christ, Son of man, Son of God!

Daniel always referred to Jesus as the "DAILY SACRIFICE", or ATONEMENT. The build-up in prophecy from Daniel chapter 2 onward into and explained in chapter 11, gradually explains this Great "Vision" over and over again. So that no mistake in our learning can be used as an excuse for ignorance!

A "Vision" has 2 implications, it is the act of seeing an external object positively, it is also something seen in a dream or trance as a mental picture. Both these ways of a "Vision" Daniel saw The Lord Jesus, in a prophetic mental picture, taught by the angels, which was to be years ahead of Daniel's time on earth. He positively set down in words, -in a factual manner- within secular history, that "Vision" which was eventually fulfilled. The words became factual in the eventual person of Jesus Christ, so the "seal", or mark of authenticity of the prophetic Vision was secured in Him. No other man who has walked the earth could fill that Vision from prophecy!

Our Lord Jesus was called the "MOST HIGH" in verse 24, because He came from the heavens born of the Spirit of God. He overcame His fleshly person and became only the paramount person of His spirit. He was free from all sinful affections and was set apart for sacred use, and His principles were just, honourable and good, which is what the word "Holy" means.

Daniel verse 24 says, "TO ANOINT THE MOST HOLY". To be "ANOINTED" is to have special oil poured upon the head or feet, to consecrate that person for a special office. Which sets them apart from others and it expresses devotion to duty.

During the Lord's walk in the Holy Land, almost 2,000 years ago. He was "ANOINTED" to His high office, which is written about in the New Testament.

The "ANOINTING" of the head or feet with oil during the time of Jesus was sometimes extended as a courtesy to special guests. Official ANOINTING was conferred on prophets, priests and kings and Jesus was all these types of people rolled into one person, which the law verifies!

In Luke 7/36 to 50 is the story of a poor sinful woman who "ANOINTS" Jesus's feet with her tears and with ointment. She, being overcome with love and faith in Him, seeing beyond the man of flesh in this special person "Standing Up" in the earth.

Jesus "knew" from the beginning of His life, that He was the "ANOINTED ONE" of the flesh. (Luke 4:18). This prophetic saying by our Lord, was written by the prophet, Isaiah 61:1-2, many years previously to the Lord speaking these words in the synagogue, within Luke's chapter.

In the book of Acts 4:26-27, we read how mankind's rulers, the Gentiles and Israel were against God's "ANOINTED" child Jesus.

Again in Acts 10:38, we read how God "ANOINTED" Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost, and power. The "Oil" of God's Holy Spirit is greater than the natural oil of earthly substance. God "ANOINTED" Jesus with His Spirit, which descended like a dove upon Him, when Jesus came out of the waters of baptism, seen in Matthew 3:16-17.

So, the "Vision" of a Saviour to Redeem Israel and the nations was fulfilled in Him, through the righteousness of His walk upon the earth. Thus giving us an example to live our lives by, as a lamp to follow in the darkness of our sins and iniquities, spoken of in Daniel 9:24.

The rest of the verses of 25,26,27, Daniel 9, are a quick summary of what will happen in those 490 years spoken of earlier in this chapter, and where these times of the "Vision" will take mankind in secular history.

The first few words of verse 25, "KNOW THEREFORE AND UNDERSTAND", are a few words of instruction for both Daniel, and us, to look deeply into this "time zone" given for secular and spiritual histories. When we must count the years towards the Great Prince's entry into the earth and His life. For the first advent upon earth in the Holy Land, and the part He would play into the years ahead of that fixed time zone of 490 years.


During this "fixed time zone" of SEVEN WEEKS,- or 49 YEARS,- and 62 WEEKS- or 434 years,- which makes 483 years in all, much is going to happen "for" Jerusalem and "in" Jerusalem, for the 2 nations of Israel.

The House of Judah had been in captivity under the Babylonians and Persians, and the House of Israel submerged in other nations. They should eventually feel the impact of this prophecy through Christ. Between the first "time frame" in verse 24 of 490 years, and the second "time frame" of 483 years in verse 25, 7 years seem to have been lost. That 7-year loss in counting has been shown in the verse 27 prophecy, as to what importance was given to that 7 years. Before we go further into that 7 years let us first unravel verse 25.

The commandment or mandate, spoken of in verse 25, was set down as a precept of moral law towards the children of Israel, who had been captured by other nations. That commandment was written down during the time of the Persian Cyrus II. In 2 Chronicles 36:22-23, the proclamation to restore God's House and Jerusalem went forth.

In the book of Ezra 6:14-15 we read how that same commandment was put into effect, under Cyrus, Darius and Artaxerxes of Persia, thus taking a long time to accomplish. Though a token building of a few foundations went on, nothing more happened after Cyrus II's death. That "commandment" to build was set aside in "the troublesome times", which ebbed and flowed in the years ahead within Persian territories and peoples. As Daniel 9:25 is telling us.

It is said, at one stage Jerusalem stagnated for a 100 years and little is known about it. Indeed, "TROUBLESOME TIMES" was the order of the day!

The Bible also calls that "COMMANDMENT" a "Decree", which we read of in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah.

Though the Decree was written under Cyrus II, the scroll that the "decree" was written upon had been set aside. Therefore, it had to be searched for in the House of the Rolls in Babylon, during the second year of Darius, King of Persia. (Ezra 5:16-17, 6:1-3).

We have already read some of this story in Daniel chapter 11, which tells us the beginning of the historical record of all Israel's troubles and journeys. Through the powers of Nebuchadnezzar's dream image. Within Daniel 11:1-2 are the 3 kings of Persia who were to reaffirm Cyrus II decree written many years previously. -(Daniel stood before Darius the Mede in Babylon and not Darius the Persian, known as Hystaspes).-

The 3 kings who were plainly recorded in Scripture to present the building decree, or the "COMMANDMENT to RESTORE" seen in Daniel 9:25, were recorded in Ezra chapter 4. They are Darius I Hystaspes, his own son Ahasuerus, also known as Xerxes I, and Xerxes third son called Artaxerxes I nicknamed Longimanus.

Under each Persian king the work to restore and build Jerusalem, was stopped and started again through jealousies towards the House of Judah. This being some of the TROUBLOUS TIMES which Daniel records.

Darius Hystapes "The Great", reigned 36 years (522-486 BC), and under him concessions were made to the House of Judah, to rebuild the House of God and walls of Jerusalem. (Ezra 4-6). The "house" was finished in the 6th year of Darius I, 516 BC. (Ezra 6:15).

By the time King Ahasuerus came to the throne of Persia, (Esther 1:1-7) in 486-464 BC and during his reign much deterioration of the Jews in Persia and Jerusalem had occurred, and it seems very few Jews had returned to Jerusalem. So, the "TROUBLOUS TIMES" went on, which was mainly through the intrigues of the people in the court of the kings.

Not until we get to Artaxerxes Longimanus, who reigned for 40 years, (464-424 BC) did the building of Jerusalem's streets and wall really take off seriously.

Daniel 9:25 "then" starts the countdown to "MESSIAH THE PRINCE". Because the STREETS and its great protecting "WALL" around Jerusalem, had to be finished. With the "WALL" in place, restoration within would once more give life to the city, and the people. They could return to the city feeling more secure behind that "WALL"!

Nehemiah the Jew was the cupbearer to King Artaxerxes, and in his record of events he tells us. In 444 BC under Artaxerxes, repairs to the existing WALL were finished in 52 days. (Nehemiah 6:15, 1:1-4, - chapter 3).

The "WALL" was of paramount importance in its building, because it gave the people heart to go on with the rest of the repairs and helped to keep watch over Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 7:1-4). The "WALL" and its building repairs were to stand when Alexander of Greece ran through the holy land. The "WALL" faced the invasions of the Ptolemies, Seleucids and the siege machines of the Romans.

Even when "MESSIAH THE PRINCE" walked the streets of Jerusalem, the people felt safe therein; By pointing to the immense protection the "WALL" gave the buildings and the people. (Mark 13:1-2). The dedication of the "WALL" and its great gates brought gladness to Judah, which brought forth their princes, priests and people upon the WALL in thanksgiving to God. (Nehemiah 12:27-43). Only a short time before the building of the "WALL" and its GATES, Nehemiah had gone out secretly at night and viewed the broken-down WALL, the GATES of which had been burned down with fire. He had felt the reproach of other people against this scene of the siege of Jerusalem, because of the "WALL". (Nehemiah 2:11-20).

The "WALL" was of paramount importance in those days against invaders. Buildings couldn't be constructed in an open place, because they would soon be destroyed by others. For these reasons Daniel 9:25 remarks on the restoration of Jerusalem, but only if the debris is cleared from the streets, for the "WALL" to be built again.

So the prophecy in Daniel 9:25 has 2 important items to take into consideration in the understanding of it.


2:- The STREET AND WALL of Jerusalem to be built.

Again, it must be emphasised, it is not the buildings within Jerusalem that are important in this prophecy, but the finishing of the WALL. Because this "WALL" would mean the return of many of the "House of Judah" out of captivity from Persian territory. With the counting and setting up once more of the lineages of the House of King David, and the priestly cast, which would give back to the people their roots. The "GOING FORTH OF THE COMMANDMENT TO BUILD AND RESTORE", stated in verse 25, is worthless unless it is all put into operation and finalised.

In Daniel 9:24 one will notice the prophecy is written and counted in a straightforward manner, during those 490 years. The people's problems, the holy city, and the TRANSGRESSIONS would be finished, because of a RECONCILIATION between God and people, would be brought about by the "ANOINTING" of someone different! So, the prophetic years, 490, will unfold naturally step by step until those years have completed itself.

In Daniel 9:25 however, those 490 years are disjointed in a breaking down process of timing, which also points to "why" it is so! Therefore, the pivot point of this verse is the identification of the MESSIAH first, then the times are counted backwards. From the "ANOINTING" OF THE PRINCE to the "WALL" of Jerusalem being built under Persian rule. As Daniel 9:24 says, that "ANOINTING" in that time zone puts a "seal" of approval upon the vision, and prophecy, written by Daniel so long ago. The breaking down of the 490-year time factor, also hides all the prophecy during mankind's histories. Again, it will do so into the end of all time in our modern world.


Because the relevance of the PRINCES "ANOINTING" is the most important thing for all Israel. Here in verse 25, the counting of years is split up. We note that seven weeks is 49 years, and 3 score and 2 weeks is 434 years, making 483 years together. In other words, though the restoration to build Jerusalem and the WALL, will be counted in these 483 years, 49 of those years will be set apart towards the path leading to the MESSIAH THE PRINCE. Those 49 years were set aside in the counting, for the Royal lineage and paths of the "House of David" to be established in prophecy; Before and during the life of Jesus, to prove beyond doubt His credentials, written down in the lineages of the Jews returning from Persia, as the prophets foretold, into the land of Israel. The register of the priests, and the remnant of the House of Judah of peoples, the register of Solomon's servants, and of Levites, sons of the priests that had taken strange wives, etc. are all recorded by Ezra and Nehemiah. Then, why expect anything less that there should not be a fleshly register of the lineage of the Prince? This is the reason "why" 49 years was set aside for that purpose!


Therefore, the CERTAINTY and register of the Prince as a son of Israel, and lineage of the royal House of David, Luke goes on to establish that for us. He records that in the days of King Herod certain people of Judea, known as Zacharias and Elizabeth, who were John the Baptist's parents, were there. He establishes the situation of Mary, Jesus's mother, and stepfather Joseph. In Luke 3:23-38 is the genealogy of Mary, whose fathers were descended from King David. In Matthew chapter 1, we have the generations of Jesus, who, as the son of the flesh was descended from both Abraham and David. It is also the genealogy of Joseph (verse 16), thus making sure all paths of Jesus THE PRINCE are without blemish!

So, the 49 years written by Daniel 9:25, includes not only Jesus ministry upon earth, but the certainty of his parents before his birth!

Because of the "ANOINTING OF THE MOST HIGH", seen in Daniel's verse 24 and the time of 7 weeks (49 years) in verse 25, His historical record must be seen as a "CERTAINTY" in both Old and New Testaments, with the words of God in the Bible. The 49 years "must" include all aspects towards that great life of His with that time zone!

The "ANOINTING" OF THE PRINCE as the Messiah, can be approximately fixed. Scholars tell us Jesus was born approx. at the close of 5/BC or the beginning of 4/BC. We read in the Bible that "He" was born during the reign of Herod the Great. King Herod reigned for 32 years, from 37 BC to 4 BC and Herod's life covered the years of Pompey, Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, Cleopatra VII, and into the reign of Octavian Caesar Augustus.

In the final years of King Herod's days of madness, he tried to find the King born for the Judean throne. Therefore, had all the little babes murdered from birth to 2 years, to make sure he had the prophesied king killed. (Matthew 2).

Octavian Caesar Augustus was on the throne of Rome, and because of his edict, Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem to be taxed. (Luke 2:1-5). Octavian died at the age of 67 years in AD 14. Then Judea, and all peoples were under the Emperor Tiberius, and the Roman governors were Valerius Gratus and Pontius Pilate. As most of us know, the latter governor with the infamous name of Pilate, our Lord Jesus stood before during His trial, and before His crucifixion. (Matthew 27:11-14). The Bible establishes more facts, both secular and spiritual and the times surrounding the 49 years seen in Daniel 9:25. The Bible says, "He" would be the Son of God, born of the Holy Spirit, and would also be known as the son of Joseph the carpenter thereby establishing His adopted line of His fleshly existence. Jesus as a Jew of the lineage of Judah, was beyond doubt a practising Jew, for a while. His mother Mary had Him circumcised on the eighth day, and His name was given as Jesus. Mary's days of purification were accomplished according to the Mosaic law, and 2 birds were offered up as a sacrifice (Luke 2:21-24).

Jesus was blessed in the temple by a devout Jew, Simeon, and Anna a prophetess. Then Mary returned to Galilee and Nazareth after performing all things, according to the law of Israel. (Luke 2:25-39).

Jesus worshipped in the synagogue with His parents and went to Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover. At 12 years of age, Jesus stayed to ask questions of the men therein. (Luke 2:41-50). Jesus indeed reverenced the Law written down as the Torah, or the first 5 books of Moses.

Scholars tell us that Jesus would have spoken in Hebrew in the synagogue and school, and spoken Aramaic, which was the everyday speech of the Jews. He lived out His whole life and work in Palestine. In other words, before He changed the minds of people around Him, and His own lifestyle, He was in every sense a good Jew.

One reads over the years writings of an historian, or even a cleric, question as to whether factual Jesus existed? Well! If "He" didn't exist, we, as part of mankind are in trouble! Because no matter how good, bad, rich, poor, or indifferent any of us are, our lives are empty and without hope, and in death we become a rotting, smelly flesh, or pile of dust only! Therefore, if we want to accept the fact that Jesus existed, we must establish something very ordinary about Him at His beginning, before moving on to His role of the Spirit.

To those disbelievers of the Bible, who say there is no evidence of "His" existence, or "His" work, other than in the New Testament, obviously haven't seen Old Testament prophecies about "Him". Such as we are unravelling in Daniel's prophecies all the time, which were written for our edification centuries before Jesus walked the earth!

Isaiah wrote of Cyrus the Great, it was believed, and it came to pass in history. Daniel, has given us times of factual history for all the centuries, from Babylon and onwards into the "end time" of men's history, and it has been proven! One cannot refute secular history, because it has been played out in time sequences. Now in Daniel's prophecies we have seen many facets of "The Prince, Messiah", in verse after verse, and in large letters. Then why not believe?

The 49 years or seven weeks spoken of in Daniel 9:25 goes on to include the baptism in the Jordan River of Jesus, and His Anointing. His death however is not included in the 49years, it belongs to a separate timing process, cut away from these other happenings.

Scholars tell us that Jesus baptism by John the Baptist, took place approx. 27 AD, because John was beheaded by Herod Antipas, son of Herod the Great. This happened approx. AD 27 or early AD 28. (Matthew 14). Thus, making The Lord Jesus "Anointing" by God, during his baptism approx. AD 27. We know Jesus started His public ministry at about 30 years of age. (Luke 3:23).

During this special time zone of 49 years, John the Baptist "knew" Jesus was the Messiah, because John preached the Kingdom of heaven was amongst the people John being there to make the paths of prophecy run straight to Him. (Matthew 3:1-3). John was fully aware of the awesome power of distinction Jesus possessed, especially when Jesus approached him. (Matthew 3:11-15). John's conscious knowledge recoiled at the thought of his own audacity to baptise this great personage, "The Prince Jesus". But it had to happen according to the Law set down before hand in prophecy. Jesus of Nazareth born of the flesh from out of Judah, went into the waters of baptism and the hold of the flesh was about to leave him. When Jesus walked out of the water the "ANOINTING" of the heavenly Prince began, the Oil of "ANOINTING" came from the Spirit of God, which descended like a dove upon Him and He was blessed by the Voice of God. Who acknowledged in the earth who this man Being was. This was The Messiah -CHRIST- of the power of the Spirit. The Prince of all Princes of heaven and earth; Thus, receiving the orb, sceptre and crown of Majesty at His ANOINTING.

Then the paths of trial began in the wilderness, and it was to be the struggle of the 2 persons, that everyone of us is made up of though in a smaller form. He had to separate the Will of the flesh (Satan) from the Will of the Spirit (God). (Matthew 3:15-17, 4:1-11).

The act of baptism immersed in water for men and women of the earth, bears some similarity. The person of the flesh enters the waters to wash away past sins of self will. Then that person walks out of the water towards God's Will and starts a new set of trials towards a new life!

To explain the "trial" after baptism of Jesus Christ of both flesh and spirit, calling the "flesh" Satan, may be confusion to some, or in opposition to the majority of peoples in many churches. They believe a fallen angel called Lucifer, the devil, as this Tempter. This "trial" between flesh and spirit I will explain at the end of Daniel chapter 9, which we are unravelling here.


This verse 26 covers a number of tumultuous years, which will be seen in these last.

2 verses of 26 and 27.

Verse 26, now explains and verifies the fact that the Messiah's death is "not" included in the threescore and 2 weeks (434 years), nor the 483 years (with 49 years added), seen in verse 25; But only "after" these years are counted in biblical history. These 483 years started from the time the serious building of the "Wall" of Jerusalem and the streets were accomplished. We have seen that the countdown began under the 3rd decree attempt to restore Jerusalem under Artaxerxes Longimanus, who reigned 464-424 BC which was unravelled in Daniel 9:24-25. The full 483 years began from Artaxerxes in BC into AD finishing when 27 AD is reached at Christ's ANOINTING.

When verse 26 gives us threescore and 2 weeks -or 434 years-, it is again splitting up the years, putting Messiah's life first, as it did in previous verses.

At this stage in prophecy the "cut off" point towards the 7 years, -that have not been identified yet,- out of the 490 years- first spoken of in verse 24, goes into more detail on this subject in Daniel 9:27. When the expression is used in verse 26 "BUT NOT FOR HIMSELF", it means:- However, the Messiah expresses refusal on this prophetic account to live, because this person is in complete command of Himself, and of His natural frame of mind and temper. He is obedient to Daniel's prophecy of Him, in a very exact Timing manner with its purpose and reason; So He is "CUT OFF" because of it!

The latter half of Daniel 9:26 is a few words of secular history that follow in the wake of the Messiah's demise. Nevertheless, linking His death of another to the "PEOPLE OF THE PRINCE". The PRINCE in question here is of Pontius Pilate, who was governor and ruling prince of Judea, who had determined the "CUT OFF" point for the Messiah, and of course "HIS PEOPLE" are the Romans.

Daniel 9:26 goes on to explain that the Romans, who are THE PEOPLE OF THE PRINCE, WILL DESTROY THE CITY AND THE SANCTUARY. Now Rome's iron fist and marching iron legs, smashed down upon every Jew in Judea, there was no respecter of persons, whether they were good or bad Jews. The uprising was to bring Jerusalem to its knees in the siege, with starvation and death to follow. We have read about the destruction of Jerusalem and the sanctuary, in the War of AD 66-70, which is written for our learning in Daniel 11:15-17. Thus, making biblical and secular prophecies continually cross-checking itself to seal absolute truth.

Daniel 11/15, has told how this war of destruction between the Roman Prince Titus and the Jews, has gone down in history as almost unparalleled for its carnage and destruction.

Flavious Vespasian entered Judea with his legions in 66 AD when the infamous Emperor Nero was then on the throne of Rome.

When Vespasian became the new Emperor of Rome, then his son the Prince Titus, who was in sole command of Rome's forces, marched relentlessly upon Jerusalem and its inhabitants. It was as Daniel says, it was a "flood" of soldiers. The Jews were faced with 800,000 men coming towards them, plus the cavalry, engineers, and many auxiliary forces complete with war machines.

Another source of cross checking these pictures within Daniel's prophecies, our Lord Jesus Himself warned the Jews of His day; This picture of misery that was to befall them and the city of Jerusalem. (Luke 19:41-44).

The "DESOLATION'S THAT WERE DETERMINED" from prophecy upon Jerusalem and its peoples, as Daniel 9:26 states, were all consuming! Gone were the trees, vineyards, olive groves, and gardens, in their place was a forest of crucified peoples, Great columns of smoke rose up over the city from fires, with soldiers burning and looting in their rage. The temple and sanctuary were set on fire and Roman sacrifices were offered there instead. Then the whole city and temple were razed to the ground, and thousands of corpses taken through the gates. With thousands more people as prisoners for the triumphant parade in Rome. It was as Daniel said, all that was left were "DESOLATIONS", and Jerusalem lay prostrate!


From Daniel 9:23, we are told,-with Daniel,- TO UNDERSTAND THE MATTER AND CONSIDER THIS VISION. Because each chapter or verse following verse 23 has given the "time factors" with more and more information about that prophetic "VISION" which VISION was, and is, Jesus Christ the Messiah.

Verse 24, started with seventy weeks of years, or 490 years, for all these momentous happenings to occur.

Verse 25, broke down the timing processes towards this "vision" into seven weeks (49 years), and threescore and two weeks, (434 years). Thus making a total of 483 years in all but, 1 week or 7 years is missing to make up the first total of 490 years, given in verse 24.

Verse 26, tells us that "after" 483 years was reached the Messiah would be "CUT OFF", or His special role in the earth would start and finish in Jerusalem after this time.

Verse 27, now tells us what happened during that special 7-year period set aside, for the Messiah to accomplish something enormous!

After the 434 years, plus 49 years, -before, during and after His birth,- was accomplished, then the Lord Jesus ministry started towards the future years in history.

The Lord Jesus came out of the waters of baptism and was "ANOINTED" by God. Then, to enter a trial period in the wilderness being tempted with the power of the flesh against the power of the Spirit. Then the final week of 7 years began for Him!

The Lord Jesus had to settle and establish by additional evidence, -which the word "CONFIRM" means,- seen in verse 27. That the ANOINTED Messiah now had to enter into a "COVENANT" between God and his people. Because of the unbreakable promises made to the worthies of old. A "COVENANT" is an agreement which binds 2 or more parties to do some special act and to bind oneself to this contract.

There have been many covenants written down in the Bible, such as the 10 commandments between God and the nation of Israel. There was a covenant between God and Noah, and between Abraham and God, and between man and man etc.

However, because of man's disobedience these covenants were broken by man. None of these other covenants were as solid and far reaching as the "CONFIRMATION" of the COVENANT between God and His son The Prince. This COVENANT had to be fleshly and spiritually absolute and seen to be absolute, in the information given and seen by peoples, that it was written down by prophets and great men like Daniel. This is "why" it had to be "CONFIRMED", as verse 27 says by other evidence, which The Lord Jesus had to endure for the sake of the words and promises of God given to the people in earlier times.

That "COVENANT" between God and The Prince, had to contain, -in other words,- a special revelation in action and put into prophetic writing, for the hope of salvation for mankind.

So, during this 1 week period of 7 years, seen in Daniel 9:27. The Anointed Messiah had to achieve much, before the final act of offering Himself as a Sacrifice of ATONEMENT, at His crucifixion. Therefore, this "CONFIRMATION" brought about by the Prince was deliberate towards the weakness of His flesh, and the power of His Spirit.

His inner-power of the Spirit was awesome, and He could have achieved anything He wished with it, without going through what He did. He could have destroyed everything in His path with the brightness of His inner being. But He chose the path of obedience to God by being subjected to overcoming the weakness of His flesh, which body housed that awesome spirit.

Now let us begin and try and understand what He did in order to "CONFIRM" that COVENANT within the 7 years allotted. Which included His "trial" in the wilderness.

Jesus was born the Son of God, firstly, through the Spirit. So was Adam made the Son of God but was adopted through the flesh. When Adam was innocent, he was given Eve as company, which we read of in Genesis.

Adam's "trial" began when the Tempter questioned his strength of flesh and spirit.

The Tempter then, was not a snake, but a beast of the field, so flesh was tempting flesh!

Adam and Eve's flesh was to be proved weak; they were unable to assert themselves in the words of God, which said, "YE SHALL NOT EAT, -NEITHER TOUCH THE TREE IN THE MIDST OF THE GARDEN"-. (Genesis 3:2-3). Their flesh failed miserably, because the desire of self will to satisfy their taste and stomachs was stronger.

Even the great Saint Paul knew how the desire of the flesh was an agony to the spirit!

The flesh of mankind is always at "War" with the other half of his being, which is spirit. No matter how good the desire of the heart and mind to do the right thing, the evil of the flesh wants to have its own way to sin always. This is the "War" within a person striving with 2 natures pulling here and there. (Romans 7:7-25).

So then, God's special "Second Son Jesus", born of the Second power of the spirit, and not the first power of the flesh, also had to be tried and tempted in all things like Adam and man. (Hebrews 4:14-16). It is written that the first son of God, Adam, was made a living, (Fleshly) soul. -(or a live body with a quiet spirit).- The second son of God, Jesus, was made a quickening, (alive) spirit -(or a strong spirit, in a quiet body).- (I Corinthians 15:45-47).

Because of all this we see "why" Jesus had to be tempted also.

At first The Lord's strong Spirit guided Him into the wilderness alone, facing all the Laws laid down for Him, and the problems He would encounter, within the 7-year period allotted to those Laws. He knew beyond all doubt what lay before Him, and the agony His flesh had to suffer.

When Saint Matthew wrote of His temptation in chapter 4, the Lord Jesus' "Tempter" was first towards His own flesh. Then the "Tempter" was an angel, sent by God to challenge the strength of His spirit over flesh. The second part of Him was from the heavens and had to be Tempted by a Being of the heavens, as Corinthians tries to tell us.

This "Tempter" was`"not", as ancient and modern man's idea of Satan, the Devil, or Lucifer, with horns and hoofs of a goat. -The word Satan means "adversary" and it is either in the form of a speaking beast to fleshly Adam, or a heavenly spiritual being, speaking, or tempting, a heavenly spiritual man called Messiah The Prince.-

The Prince in His "trial" had to denounce everything His flesh desired of Him at first. It was the pangs of terrible hunger, after fasting 40 days and nights, when every fibre of His human body would have screamed out for sustenance. He would have gone through days of dreaming of things to eat, days of perhaps weeping, feeling sorry for one's fleshly starvation. There would be days of desiring to eat any living creature that moved in front of Him. Above all He would have been thin and weak with energy at its lowest ebb and like all human beings starving to death. All desires had to be overcome or loose the fight by death or eating something.

When the "Tempter Being" came to Him to test Him, The Lord refused to hear the distress of His own body satisfying it, by changing the stones into bread so He could eat His fill. He, knowing all the while he was the Son of God, and could change this situation very simply, by allowing His spirit to take command. Once upon a time He had changed water into wine, when His mother asked Him to. (John 2:1-11). He had fed 5,000 people with 2 small fish and 5 barley loaves. (John 6:5-14). Yet! He refused to allow His Spirit to help Himself, and rule of the flesh to take over. Nor did He hear the voice of the Tempter, as Adam had done.

In the weak state of His hungry body, and the suppression of His powerful spirit, the Tempter angel took Him up into Jerusalem and upon a high structure of the Temple and again taunted Him with the words, "IF THOU BE THE SON OF GOD", throw yourself off this building, nothing will happen to you. (Matthew 4:5-7). Jesus knew that this act would be tempting God's love for Him, and that would be the cruellest thing of all!

The Tempter however, didn't give up easily, because he took Jesus up into a high mountain. Jesus fleshly body would have been too weak to go up there Himself, and His Spirit had refused to be used. Our Lord was shown the power kingdoms of world prophecy. Both the Tempter and The Lord, knowing full well He was earmarked anyway to be King of all these kingdoms. Because He had been born, Anointed, as The Prince, Son of God. His coming 6th Kingdom already written in historical prophecy. If Jesus at that moment had succumbed to pride and audacity, in His own human and heavenly conceit of His already position in heaven and earth. He could have done anything He wanted without obedience to God's wishes for mankind. But our Lord's Spiritual Strength triumphed over His own Satanic fleshly wishes, and "that" was the Tempter. So, His Father sent Him other angels to help in His needs, by giving Him relief from all His pain and trials. (Matthew 4:1-11). Unlike Adam, this Second Son of God, didn't hear the needs of his stomach, nor the desire to choose for Himself. Nor did He succumb to the voice of His Tempter taunting Him. His Spirit triumphed wonderfully over both. Which we may deeply thank Him for, because of the "strength" of His trials we are saved!


The "MANY" who had the new covenant, -brought about by our Lord,- "CONFIRMED" for them, during this special, -1 week of 7 years,- were those persons at that time who believed in HIM. From HIS BAPTISM and "ANOINTING" by God, the beginning of that -1 week of 7 years- began, thus calling those "MANY" persons to follow Him. It began with John the Baptist's, and the Special 12 Disciples who had believed and chosen for a purpose.

Many, many people who Jesus healed of their infirmities believed in Him. The Lord appointed and sent 70 persons into every city, and place, teaching others of His coming, believed in Him, etc. (Luke 6:13-16, 10:1-17).

Over the centuries the Jews were persecuted and blamed for The Lord Jesus's death, it was a so-called Christian understanding that the Jews killed Jesus. Which with the full understanding of biblical prophecy is a tragic lie! His death occurred through "fear" of the unknown and the turmoil of those times. From the time of His birth, and of John the Baptists preaching that another King was in their midst, both Herod the Great, and Herod Antipas "feared" Him. The Roman Legions with their Governors ruled in power, which set up much "fear". There was "fear" of the ruling Jewish priests of Pharisee and Sadducee, whose easy living, ritual, and dogma, refused point blank to hear another voice.

Jesus as a Jew gave mankind love and hope! It was Jewish disciples like Peter and Paul who gave the Gentiles their Christianity. Many Jewish believers seen in Daniel 9:27, gave their lives for Israel and the Gentiles over the years; They teaching peoples how to live in the name of Jesus, son of Mary a Jewess! Mary was of the lineage of King David a Jew! How can peoples be so blind in their thinking processes?

When Daniel 9:27, speaks of the "CONFIRMATION OF THE COVENANT", it not only refers to what HE did, but "who" HE really was! The CONFIRMATION came about when HE took, Peter, John and James up into a mountain to pray, and HIS appearance altered, HIS robes became white and shone with glory, being "transfigured" with Elijah and Moses, with whom HE spoke. These men were assumed dead centuries previously, yet! They all appeared in glory, and they spoke of the Lord's death to come in Jerusalem. (Luke 9:27-36).

So, The Lord Prince Jesus Christ's position in heaven and earth was "CONFIRMED" before the 3 disciples as witnesses, verified and written down for our learning! The "COVENANT" between God the Father, and His Son THE LORD was "CONFIRMED", thus bringing heaven and earth together; With men of the flesh witnessing MEN of the Spirit coming from another dimension!

All these things and more, took place from 27 AD approx. He was about 30 years of age after He came out of the waters of baptism. (Luke 3:22-23). From that time 7 years or 1 week was "set aside" for Him in prophecy, to achieve His ministry. Yet! HE was only to accomplish 3 and a half years of that time span, because His life and ministry would come to an abrupt end. Or be "CUT OFF" as Daniel 9:27 tells us. It was, as the prophets and disciples tell us, HE was taken into custody, judged, tormented and crucified in a hurried space of time. The Romans and the Jewish Sanhedrin, of the assembly of government, couldn't get rid of Him fast enough, labelling Him a troublemaker. The people who crucified Him weren't fit to touch His shoes!


Again, Daniel is bringing to mind the "DAILY SACRIFICE", who was and is, Jesus! So we must ask, ourselves what is THE SACRIFICE AND OBLATION?

Most of us know that a SACRIFICE is an offering of something to God, which is offered up as an act of service and worship. It is a desirable object given up for the sake of a higher purpose.

An "OBLATION" is also a form of SACRIFICE, and is presented to God as an offering, but is usually offered by a secular person as an act of worship. Thus covering 2 paths for spiritual and secular peoples.

An animal sacrifice as an "atonement" for sins, was usually offered up by the priestly caste upon an altar. The strange thing is, that, the priestly caste of the Sanhedrin, unbeknown to them, offered up Jesus the Christ as an Offering of animal ATONEMENT upon the altar of secular Roman crucifixion. HIS SACRIFICIAL blood and water were sprinkled upon the altar of the cross, from His side that had been thrust through with a sword. He was indeed a LAMB to the slaughter!

At the moment of His death, -AS THE SACRIFICE AND OBLATION,- all the old sacrifices that the priestly caste of orthodox Jews performed, under the Mosaic laws of old, ceased to exist. Because the death of such a high-born Spiritual person as the Messiah, -The Anointed One,- blanketed out all other sacrifices and offerings. No secular, or earthly offering of any sort could match this offering!

Indeed, our Lord packed so "many" duties into the 3 and a half years allotted to Him. His life as a whole was so brief, His ministry so short, the geographical orbit of His world so small. Yet! His impact upon the world and human history so enormous, it has influenced mankind ever since.

He was a divider of men amongst the Jews of His time and remains to this day and always a divider of mankind, thus separating the sheep from the goats. He was called The Prince of Peace, yet! His words and actions were set to separate good from evil amongst mankind. Luke 12:51-53. "SUPPOSE YE I AM COME TO GIVE PEACE ON EARTH? I TELL YOU NAY, BUT RATHER DIVISION". Matthew 10:34. "THINK NOT THAT I AM COME TO SEND PEACE ON EARTH. I CAME NOT TO SEND PEACE, BUT A SWORD". Also, Matthew 25:32.

The Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead after 3 days and nights and appeared to many people afterwards for 40 days. Proving He had overcome all obstacles of His Flesh and Spirit, and all the unseen dimensions that rules the earth. (Acts 1:2-3).


This last paragraph of verse 27 we have unravelled before, which has been seen and established piece by piece in Daniel's chapters of, 2-7-and 8. The same story is spelled out in Daniel Dan 11:21, 23, 24, 31; 12:11; Matt 24:15.

This "OVERSPREADING OF ABOMINATION" has been the ever-increasing destroyer of men's thinking processes and actions. It has subtly woven itself into ancient and modern mankind's mode of living, in all walks of life, until its almost impossible to separate truth from fiction!

From the time of Jesus crucifixion, the "OVERSPREADING" began, which Roman paganism brought to birth within that world power. We know prophecy is speaking about Rome, because Daniel 9 verse 26 tells us about the "PEOPLE" of the Roman Prince Titus, who went on to destroy Jerusalem in AD 70; After our Lord's sacrifice, death, and resurrection we are unravelling in verse 27. As the years passed Rome started to take upon itself the new mantles of the son of God and use it for secular power! This deliberate action occurred from the times of the Roman "VILE PERSON" Constantine, seen in Daniel 11:21.

What we read of in Daniel 9:27 is a quick summary over many centuries of years, how that "ABOMINATION was to OVERSPREAD" and grow and grow, until the "CONSUMMATION" of their secular desires was reached; Wearing a mantle of heaven and our Lord Jesus in their "DETERMINATION" to rule is fulfilled!

The word "CONSUMMATION" is the act of perfecting a scheme to its limit, which Rome has done in the guise of the Papacy. Roman "DESOLATIONS", were set in motion for the need for power throughout the centuries of history, who have twisted facts of truth in holy writ out of all proportion! The "DESOLATE CONSUMMATION" was completed within Daniel 11:31 -or the perfection of that Roman work, -which was heralded to millions of people, that of the Infallibility of the Popes, From that time and forward in the years. From this CONSUMMATION a Roman man is God, The Holy Father. Sitting on the throne of God in the earth and Mediator between God and man. Which place belongs to Messiah the Prince. "HE" who suffered so terribly, fulfilling all Laws, to Prove that position in heaven and earth. For almost 2,000 years the "DESOLATIONS" have been poured upon the people, who have given their hearts, minds, actions and souls to Rome. Our Lord told us in Matthew 24/15 to read prophecy and UNDERSTAND, which means to question, seek, knock the door, which takes us to truth, and leave ritual and dogma outside!

Time is now running out for Rome and its DESOLATIONS, because Our Lord's Kingdom is at hand, and the "Watchers" in the world wait! When "HE" returns, can there be 2 Mediators in the earth? or 2 High Priests between God and man? Sitting on an earthly throne? Again I must repeat, Daniel 9:25-27 are verses pertaining to the Messiah, Jesus! Verse 27 tells us that IN THE MIDST OF 1 terrible WEEK of 7 years, set for this SACRIFICIAL Prince, "HE" fulfilled all things asked of Him. Afterwards to sit at the right hand of God! His chosen children were sent out into the wolf ridden world, to preach the risen Lord!

Many biblical scholars have no idea who these words of "DESOLATION and ABOMINATION" refer to. They tentatively stab at the translation in the dark and hope it all works out all right. For instance, my Scofield reference Bible says; "THE EXPRESSION OF ABOMINATION OCCURS IN DANIEL 3 TIMES, AND IS A REFERENCE TO THE "BEAST", -MAN OF SIN, (2Thess 2:3-4), AND IS IDENTICAL WITH MATTHEW 24/15. IN DANIEL 11/31, THE REFERENCE IS TO THE ACT OF ANTIOCHUS EPIPHANES, THE PROTOTYPE OF THE MAN OF SIN, WHO SACRIFICED A SOW UPON THE ALTAR, AND ENTERED THE HOLY OF HOLIES".

This "Beast" quoted here, is, plainly spelled out in the books of Daniel and Revelation, apart from other prophecies and it is a dragon! In Revelation chapter 13 is a quick summary of its world power at the beginning and ending of that Beast.

When John in Revelation 13:1, "STOOD UPON THE SAND OF THE SEA", he saw the Roman dragon come out of the Adriatic Sea. That Leviathan, or great aquatic animal grew 7 heads, or 7 different types of power, one following the other. From Kings, to Republics, to Empire, etc. It also grew 10 horns with 10 crowns, which became the 10 Kingdomed Roman Britannic Isles, for 400 years. The HEADS were to bear the name of blasphemy then however, by submerging itself first in pagan rituals, coating itself later with Christianity.

This chapter 13 of Revelation we will look into much deeper later on.

If we go back to Scofield reference of 2Thess. 2:3-4, we will note and read about the "MAN OF SIN". 2Thess. 2:3-4. "LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU BY ANY MEANS; FOR THAT DAY SHALL NOT COME, EXCEPT THERE COME A FALLING AWAY FIRST AND THAT MAN OF SIN BE REVEALED, THE SON OF PERDITION".


2 Thessalonians 2, is warning us all not to be led falsely in a fraudulent way, using various ways to capture our minds and hearts. The day of the Lord returning to this earth shall NOT COME, until something else happens in history. The situation in the world amongst peoples will be one of uncertainty, because of that deception which held unthinking peoples for centuries. This verse warns us not to be led astray by men who say, the words of God don't matter. Or they give us another incorrect version, teaching things brought about by mankind's power-hungry ways. Watch, read, God's words carefully and take note of what's going on around one, and "think" for yourself!

When Thessalonians says, there will be a FALLING AWAY FIRST, already in our modern times we see organised churches emptying everywhere. Which started with the Protestant reformation from the Roman church centuries ago. Today, people are fed up with ritual and dogma and are leaving religions, some turning to sport or other forms of entertainment, or others are longing for truth! The "man of sin" quoted, has nothing to do with Antiochus Epiphanes, nor a model of him in the cross-references given by Scofield. Antiochus is a mere fleabite upon Israel's person, through entering the holy of holies in Jerusalem in his day.

The "MAN OF SIN" is the long-held heritage of predominate men, which that "Vile Person" Constantine, set up in the Roman Papacy. This centuries old lineage would bring misery and eternal death upon men, which is the meaning of the word "PERDITION". Spoken of in Daniel 11:21 and Thessalonians etc.

Thessalonians: verse 4 explains "who" the "MAN OF SIN" is, and who will be REVEALED to mankind or exposed in a fashion for all to understand.

Antiochus Epiphanes of the Seleucid dynasty lasted but a short time and affected only the House of Judah. But this "MAN OF SIN" spoken of in Thessalonians affects the old and modern worlds, for a long time amongst peoples.

2Thess. 2:4 colours in that picture of the "MAN OF SIN" for us to study. The Popes of the Roman Papacy have been, and are, WORSHIPPED and EXALTED in the earth, as verse 4 says. The Pope as a man, -seen on our modern television sets,- is WORSHIPPED by mankind in a very reverent manner. During a personal audience the peoples hushed response say, "it was like going into the presence of God Himself", so great is this long held belief for these men.

These men classed as the holy fathers, stand in white garments of the saints, thus proclaiming their position in life and death.

It is, as verse 4 says; Saint Peter's church in Rome is classed as the one true "TEMPLE OF GOD" and accepted as such by millions of devout Roman Catholics. The Pope "shows himself" that his person is one of absolute holiness and above lesser mortals. Or "HE is AS GOD SITTING IN THE TEMPLE OF GOD", -The Holy Father- which place belongs only in the heavens above to Almighty God! When my Scofield Bible reference gives Matthew 24:15, it is a statement expressed by our Lord Jesus, telling us to "UNDERSTAND" Daniel's prophesies properly, first and foremost! Because, when the "ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION" STANDS IN THE HOLY PLACE, then indeed our "time" in the last days is running out. The "Infallibility of the Popes", seen in Daniel 11:31, started that "end time" clock countdown within history, which was 1869 AD. The following verses given by our Lord in Matthew 24, tells the story of wars and troubles for mankind starting for those peoples of Judea, who were Jews. The Romans smashed down Judea and its peoples after our Lord's time.

From 1869 AD however, both Houses of Israel would be in many wars, apart from 2 World Wars, and "Great Tribulations" of a third War yet to come.

One cannot equate the Roman dragon "the Beast", with Antiochus Epiphanes, nor the "ABOMINATION" spoken by Daniel, with the history of any other world powers, these things are conjecture!

The "Beast" is the "Dragon" of Roman power, seen throughout 2,000 years of history, which Daniel chapter 7 tells us about. The Roman "Beast" was, and is, a large creature, iron strong, with teeth, feet, 10 horns and 7 heads. Who had a mouth SPEAKING GREAT THINGS. Daniel 7/8, Revelation 13/3. The Roman "Beast" became so powerful, its dragon tail swept all other powers and peoples towards its open mouth, as the centuries came and went.

We have been unravelling chapters within Daniel, of past powerful history, and the continual story of all Israel. The great lament in these chapters is how man set himself up against the "DAILY SACRIFICE", our Lord Jesus Christ, The Prince! Why would prophecy suddenly revert back to a second-rate plunderer like Antiochus, which many Biblical translators portray?

The word "ABOMINATIONS" seems to throw everyone off the track of understanding and finding great difficulty in facing the realities of the Roman Papacy. Mankind in the last days must choose in his thinking and accepting processes, which are, does he offend God, or man, in the ritualistic deceit he has been covered with. Remember 2Thess. 2:3-4 "LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU BY ANY MEANS"!


-Daniel Chapter 10:-

Daniel chapter 10 is a description of this great man's awesome happenings during his encounter with Supernatural Beings, or Princes of Angels of The Lord God.

This chapter also sets another timing process for Daniel, which occurred during the third year of Cyrus King of Persia's rule over Babylon. Daniel was to be told all about a vision, which was to become "TRUE" within history covering a "long" time. Chapter 10 is a prelude of things to come, foreshadowing what is to follow in secular history, spelled out in chapters 11 and 12. These happenings had to be kept secret and concealed, for a long time, couched also in a manner that would make mankind to seek it out. Nevertheless, Daniel was to be shown the awesome things, it was to be "laid down" to Daniel, -which the word "REVEALED" means,- seen in Daniel 10/1. This secret "THING" being REVEALED to Daniel was to be TRUE and will conform to fact! It will be genuine, not false nor have errors, which the word "TRUE" means.

This "time appointed" of the revealing of this TRUE fact, would be in a long vision, spanning many, many years. The only way this vision could be established as fact,- not only for the nation of Israel, also for mankind as a whole,- was to perform it step by step in mankind's secular history. So, no person could say this, or that, did not happen. Or there is no God ruling the earth. Because, as history in those years unfolds before men,-with hindsight,- man will not be ignorant of the hand of God within this long VISION of years. The understanding and realisation of this VISION should change man's thinking about the world he lives in!

The rest of the verses in Daniel 10, tell us of Daniel's dilemma trying to absorb all these happenings. Poor Daniel went through so many frightening episodes in meeting these great Beings, it terrified him; Until they touched him to help strengthen Daniel to survive the trauma.

Verse 6 tells us of one such "appearance of an angel". His body a bluish green, his face with sudden and vivid flashes of light, (as in electricity). His eyes glowed like 2 burning lamps. His arms and feet shone gold in the brightness of brass. His voice like the sound of many voices at once.

Daniel's terror was soothed with the words of love shown him, which was obvious he needed so badly. We come to verse 14. "NOW I AM COME TO MAKE THEE UNDERSTAND WHAT SHALL BEFALL THY PEOPLE IN THE LATTER DAYS; FOR YET THE VISION IS FOR MANY DAYS".

This type of verse we have read before and it once again verifies verse 1, which said the "VISION WAS LONG". Verse 14 repeats the "VISION" and IS FOR MANY DAYS, of years. The "VISION" will spell out in detail what was to befall Daniel's people of the nation of Israel,- the whole 12 tribes,- in the "LATTER YEARS" in history.

Prophecy will have no perhaps or maybes, which man's words give several answers to a verse. There is no room for conjecture or guessing what will happen in the years ahead of Daniel's time.

Verses 13 to 20, has already determined for us to understand the vision, which was set within secular history, then to be unravelled in chapters 11 and 12. Because the beginning of Daniel 11 verses 1 to 3, picks up the threads of war between Persia and Greece in secular history. Then the prophecy proceeds on and on through the centuries, into the "latter days", when secular histories of mankind pulled Daniel's peoples this way and that!

No modern biblical scholar or student should underestimate these words of Daniel's "factual" history. There's too much guesswork going on, in many denominations. They leave out the last 2,000 years of history as if it lays dormant. Look at the words spoken by the Angel, who says:- this "THING THAT IS TRUE", we must remember that!

Mankind as a whole has endured many years of wars throughout time, and wars are still being fought in the 20th century, and Israel has suffered along with it. We have endured 2 world wars in this century, when millions suffered horribly and died and both houses of Israel were torn apart. Yet! No biblical writer that I have encountered has seen these things as TRUE in Daniel's prophecies, which stare out from those pages. Especially 2 World Wars, and Israelite history. All scholars and students of the Bible acknowledge is the darkness of Antiochus Epiphanes, or the machinations of a supernatural being called the Devil, to give light unto their feet!

We must all set these prophecies "right" and in earnest, because we are in the end of the "latter days" of secular history, and on the horizon sits nuclear weapons waiting for that last day. When only God our Heavenly Father can help us!

In conclusion to the ending of Daniel's prophecies I must explain "why" the interpretation of chapters, do not flow one after the other. I have unravelled Daniel's chapters 11 and 12 first, before the previous chapters of 7 to 10, because the 2 main last chapters give, dates, times, peoples and a long period of factual history for the "vision" of the latter days. The other chapters can then cross check continually within those 2 chapters of 11 and 12, thus picking up and noting endlessly what is a factual happening. Above all, verifying the SACRIFICIAL role of The Son of God, when He walked the earth amongst men.

All this continual crosschecking cements "truth" into place, and peoples are unable to be questioned further.

We must remember also that, Daniel's chapters 11 and 12 gives secular and spiritual histories of both houses of Israel being TRODDEN UNDER FOOT. Lasting a period of 2,300 days or years given, and spoken of in Daniel 8:13-14. We have also witnessed in words the "

corner stone" being laid of a house built by our King, The Lord Jesus; Towards a new kingdom, called, the 6th Kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Babylon, centuries ago, which the "little book" the Bible tells us about in its many pages.

"TRUTH" of the "VISION" of these words is so important, because it explains "where" the Carcase of the "House of Israel" lies in the "latter days". Thereby, learning the identity of these tribes, which gives the people back their roots! When "Truth" is told and accepted by the peoples of the "House of Israel"; Then their DRY BONES of that CARCASE which have laid in an open valley for centuries, will have more of the breath of life breathed into them. Then their bones will shake and come together identifiable! When this happens the "House of Israel" of 10 tribes will "STAND UP" in the earth an EXCEEDING GREAT ARMY, all will be renewed and hopeful. This prophecy in Ezekiel 37 gives us all the "key" to the "breath of life", and it is in verse 4. "AGAIN HE SAID UNTO ME, PROPHESY UPON THESE BONES AND SAY UNTO THEM, O YE DRY BONES, HEAR THE WORD OF THE LORD". To "HEAR the words of God", properly, without Chains of man's rules and regulations gives us absolute truth, a renewal, and a lasting of days with hope in our end!

To sum up on the "coming" Kingdom of our Lord Jesus and when it will happen. There are different opinions with many religious people in past and present days upon this subject. In years gone by many persons have given away all they had, marking certain dates of the calendar for His return.

Other people's look for Him in heaven, while others say He will return in secret, or has already done so.

Some peoples put no score on His return at all, being indifferent to prophecy, "scoffing" at those who do and diligently wait for Him. I warn you reader we must take Jesus Christ's promise to return to this earth very seriously, if we don't, we are in for a very big shock indeed!

In John 14:2-3, He said He will come again. In Acts 1:10-11, two angels standing as witnesses to the Lord's ascension said, He would return to the earth again.

None of us on earth must be caught in the secular net of scoffers, who will laugh at those waiting for "His" return. For they will be caught in their own ridicule and contempt, because it will be a fearful time for them and for all of us. (II Peter 3:3-10).

All Daniel's "end time" words written about the 6th Kingdom, and those written by other prophets, talking about the happenings of the "end time" of mankind's history, is absolute and sure! It's all been recorded over and over, to help us understand and meet this situation.

His "second coming" will give all peoples the biggest shock of their lives, because we will all see the sky from east to west, filled with unidentified flying objects within the clouds. All heading towards unbelieving peoples of the earth. (Matthew 24:27).

We live now in a very dangerous world, which will become more violent as the years go by. There is always someone who wants what the others have. Or always those men searching for global power at a terrible cost to peoples.

End time prophecy can be frightening to learn at first, but to be "forewarned is to be forearmed", as the saying goes! Therefore, we must learn, wait, and watch always for the return of our rightful, powerful King to help us in momentous times in the earth, as we read of in Matthew chapter 24. Nevertheless, we are all heading for a situation of great wonder which cannot be put into words. Remember, what our Lord Jesus had said in the past, that "He" will always be with us, EVEN TO THE END OF THE WORLD! Matthew 28:20. So, we must believe and trust in "Him" which overshadows any other problem we may experience in our arduous walk through life. Always know, His presence is near us because our spirit within us recognises our Lord. Hold tight also to the Hand of God!

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