68. Ezekiel Chapter 37 to 39:
Prophecy of the "End Time"
of 2 Feet of "Iron and Clay".
Including - A short historical description of Sheba and Dedan, Ezekiel 38/13.
Phonecia/Tarshish, Young Lions.

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Hiraeth 2002 - Notice: The author gives permission to download, print, duplicate, and share this book for personal use only; with the proviso that no alteration is made to the contents of this book. Other use of this book is with the express permission being granted by the author or agent.

To quote verses from the prophetic chapters of Ezekiel 37 to 39, is a "must" to cross check Daniel's chapter 11 and its "End-Time" verses, to give us clarity of understanding of immediate and future secular history.

I ask you first reader to please completely read these chapters before we begin translating them, to spare me writing them out here.

Ezekiel gives us also a condensed picture history story, of the 2 feet and 10 toes of iron and clay of Nebuchadnezzar's dream image that we read of in Daniel's chapters. The Images 2 feet became the fifth ruling powers on the world stage. One foot became the United Kingdom, and into the "superpower" of the British Empire. The second foot became the "superpower" of the United States of America. With both of these powers arising out of the 10 toes of iron/clay. The clay was for moulding of the Israelite tribes under the "blessings" for the "last days", headed by Ephraim (UK) and Manasseh (USA).

Ezekiel, now tells us very quickly "how" this happened, in his descriptive picture showing the "branches of tribes" going over the sea wall of Britain, (Genesis 48:1-20, 49:22). Then being spread abroad through prosperity. (Zechariah 1:17).

The historical picture unravelled in Ezekiel "should" give a jolt to the memory of the happenings of bygone times, and of the "beginnings" of that power of the 2 feet being moulded in secular history. The "first foot" to come onto the world stage with power, that Ezekiel acknowledges is the USA. Because it is Manasseh, first son of Joseph which prophecy begins with in Ezekiel 38:8,9.

As I have said earlier on, a few bible students and denominations, have pronounced that Russia is the "oncoming" terror upon the Middle East etc. They then stop short however at interpreting words for the "end time" for Europe as a whole, and the USA.

Recently, I was given an enjoyable book called "The Beginning of the End" by Tim Lahaye, within which is another good summary of Ezekiel's prophecy of events, with Russia going into the land of Israel/Palestine.

I have also read a few other biblical pamphlets questioning Russia's motives along the same lines in this area of the world. Such as the Christadelphians who see Russia coming down with awesome power into the Middle East.

All these writers have gone to much trouble to explain the ancient names from Ezekiel given for these nations today. Much of what they have written, -in a roundabout way- is correct! But they begin to flounder in their interpretations of some prophetic verses, especially within Ezekiel. These mistakes originate from one simple conclusion, that they have "not" correctly translated "all" preceding verses in Daniel's historical chapter 11. Therefore, fall down in cross checking with other prophetic chapters. Which make a vast difference to the "end time" history of those verses given by Daniel Ezekiel, and other prophets.

For instance, not one writer -amongst very many- emphatically states the fact that World War I and II is prophesied and given in detail in Daniel chapter 11. Neither do they give the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70. Nor the "birth" of the "vision" of our Lord. They are all so busy mucking around with the secular history of Antiochus Epiphanes who lived centuries ago. Instead, World Wars I and II "overflows" each other, then subtly "overflows" into World War III.

If we read another excerpt from the book mentioned earlier, "The Beginning of the End", the writer Tim Lahaye says; "THE SOBERING CONCLUSION IS THIS: MANY OF THE AFRICAN NATIONS WILL BE UNITED AND ALLIED WITH THE RUSSIANS IN THE INVASION OF ISRAEL. THIS IS IN ACCORD WITH DANIEL'S GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF THIS INVASION (Daniel 11:36-45). HERE THE RUSSIAN FORCE IS CALLED "THE KING OF THE NORTH" AND THE AFRICAN (Cush) IS CALLED THE "KING OF THE SOUTH". Once more we have another interpretation of "Kings of the North and South", differing from some other denominations and their writers. We begin to have problems which then upsets the factual continuing story of secular history throughout time given by prophecy.

Daniel 11:36, quoted by Tim Lahaye, is another writer who, does not see he's dealing with the "Magnification" of a man called Hitler and World War II. Which included the "Indignation or "Holocaust" of the Jewish nation, and war with British-Israelite stock. World War II spills over into verse 40 of that chapter 11, -which shows the Russian "Overflowing" into other countries,- which then begins to give us a picture of who the "He" of the North is!

This "leader" out of Russia - in turn, makes the rest of the verses from 41 to 45 of Daniel a descriptive absolute of the "end time" of history.

The "King of the South" would then certainly not be the African nations against Hitler. That certification of the south is coming from France; (South of the B/Isles).

Many bible students like Tim Lahaye speak words, -as in the quote above- of Daniel's "graphic description" in his prophecies. It is not until one unravels "all" Daniel's words of verses in secular history in complete order with dates, times, people, events, and the cross checking that goes on, that one is "floored" by the "exactness" of those "graphic descriptions"! Or, until one gets the historical verses flowing correctly, and no amount of conjecture can enter into it by anyone!

If a bible student incorrectly interprets the "Pivot Point" for north and south kings from the wrong location, one is in trouble from the start. Then the word "conjecture" runs onto the scene sowing seeds of much confusion amongst those who are trying to understand prophecy. This is "why" the dogged verses in Daniel telling us important events in secular history, nail down the compass points upon the British Isles. -Apart from the land of Israel/Palestine.- Until the wise begin to understand with exercising the mind then, one will see prophecy gradually fall into place!

Through the last chapter of Daniel, we have taken note of different versions of "North and South" kings from different writers of biblical Scripture. How then is Scripture able to settle this question once and for all?

One's first step to this question, I must say again, don't be dull of hearing or seeing because vanity of long held beliefs interferes with questioning one's own thoughts. Which thoughts will be called upon to be renewed or discarded, to prove all things. Don't be afraid to test the paths of many spirits of churches. Don't be unskilful in your own thoughts and conclusions in our "end of days", thus remaining a babe in a world of harsh realities! It is the time for the "Meat" within the Oracles of God which go back to the First Principles of Scripture, which our present qualities of learning depend!

Russia within Daniel and Ezekiel, with that infamous "He", or "the king of the north". Or "the chief prince of Meshech," is without doubt also the "rider" of the "Pale horse" of Revelation chapter 6, who brings untold misery to nations.

For accepting the terrible conditions in the earth that the "Pale horse" brings, you will need the quick eyes and thinking of a hawk, and "not" the flight of a dove, to put one's house in order!

We must "not" look at Ezekiel's prophecy as a blanket prophecy, through lack of understanding the subtleties of interpretation. As if it is only between the "House of Judah" (Jew) being dealt harshly by the Russian hordes. The "West" which holds all the children of the "House of Israel" are within that prophecy also, which makes the "Stand" of the whole 12 tribes of Israel known in the earth.

Ezekiel's prophecies must be looked at in depth and on a wide scope, in the same manner that has been achieved with Daniel's prophecies. This is to prove once more "God rules in the kingdoms of men"! God's ruling in the earth's secular history to the thinking of mankind, seems to have been either a non-starter, or haphazard. It is however quite the opposite! His ruling is complex, yes! But put it all in sequence of historical events made known through biblical prophecy, one can then "see" fully exactly what God has done to bring nations into focus for us all to see in the 20th century. The paramount path of secular history is of course what God has done in the ebb and flow of men's power. Within which "He" was also saving the miserable, stiff-necked lives of the 2 houses of Israel. Bringing this whole nation through the centuries of history to its final end, with eventual knowledge and understanding of "His" purpose. Showing, that "His" promises were indeed kept, "His" ancient words to the Patriarchs fulfilled, "His" love never ending, "His" anger and chastisement purposeful!

Ezekiel's prophecies -like Daniel's prophecies,- are world history but couched and hidden in another fashion. Ezekiel gives in-depth history showing how the "House of Israel" (10 tribes), survived in the Gentile world to the "end time", through prosperity spoken of by Zechariah. This Exceeding Great Army of those "lost children" of Israel came out of that lost grave in the earth spoken by Ezekiel 37. They began standing upon their feet, to begin to fight back within nations, on and into the 20th century. When finally,12 all things will be understood and knowledge increased. So that the "elect children" of Zion within them, can be awakened and saved from the destruction to come. (Ezekiel 37).

Ezekiel is preoccupied with Ephraim and ÍManasseh -Joseph's sons- whose special blessings gave them power of ruling within the Gentile nations and brought about the 2 feet of Daniel's image. (Ezekiel 37). They have been nurtured by God through adversity through those long years within secular history. So, each powerful nation of Joseph's sons is given a "separate" explanation of identity, which is recorded in Ezekiel chapters 37, to 39. Understanding these chapters perhaps the deaf and blind nations of "all" Israel (both houses) will know to the full who they are? (see Ezekiel 39:25-29).

Let us pick out a few verses from the Bible to prove that the "Stand" of the 12 tribes of Israel will be made known in the earth also to other peoples and nations. First, we must quote once again from Ezekiel 37, which gives us the "foundation stones" for Ezekiel's following chapters to work on. The "Valley of dry bones" (Ezek. 37:1-14) is the Whole "House of Israel" (10 tribes in the Gentile) whose "HOPE" WAS LOST. The Northern Kingdom of 10 tribes of Israel were called "the lost sheep"- Jeremiah 50:4-6. Matthew 10:6.- The Jew has always remained an identifiable people within conquering nations, though they too had confusion of faces. Nevertheless, to be a Jew that was their "own" strength!

Verse 25:- (Ezekiel: 37) the Holy Land was given to Jacob (children of the "flesh"-Jew) who have indeed inherited some of the land of Israel today, (The rest of this verse 25 refers to King David which has "not" been fulfilled).

Verse 16:- (Ezekiel: 37) explains that the "Memory Sticks" -paramount to our learning of "who" we are,- are, for "2 houses of Israel's nation". One stick for Judah (Jew) and his companions that of Benjamin and Levi. -One stick for Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, (England) -The British modern day royal House governing the House of Israel with "all" the House of Israel and his companions. That of Manasseh, Reuben, Simeon, Zebulun, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Naphtali Joseph's strength with God "holds them all together".

The promise in the "last days" or "end time" of secular history is again to "both" nations, who have become identifiable in the earth. Ezekiel 37:22. "AND I WILL MAKE THEM ONE NATION (and not 2 nations in Jew and Gentile as we see today) IN THE LAND UPON THE MOUNTAINS OF ISRAEL; AND ONE KING,- (the shepherd who gathers them into that fold is Jesus), SHALL BE KING TO THEM ALL; AND THEY SHALL BE NO MORE TWO NATIONS. (Israel/Judah)- NEITHER SHALL THEY BE DIVIDED INTO TWO KINGDOMS, -(The Law prophesied here upon the "last days" of 2 kingdoms, 1 stick for the "stock" of the British Israelite Gentiles,- 1 stick for the Jew in the land of Israel etc. under the Mosaic Law) ANYMORE AT ALL".

Ezekiel's prophecies had been written when both ancient kingdoms of Israel/Judah had been deported into Assyria/Babylon. So, Ezekiel is not talking about those ancient kingdoms, which had then gone, but future kingdoms into our days!

To continue we read from Ezekiel 38, after establishing themselves there will remain in the earth in the "last days", or "end time" of history, 2 kingdoms or houses of the nation of Israel.

Therefore, 1 Kingdom had been subject to the Gentile British Isles. Which Daniel has shown us through historical prophecy, who are inheriting firstly through the Spirit and Jesus. Secondly according to the flesh as another Kingdom, out of Israel who are returning to the "land" of Israel. Jacob's sons, the Jews, are sons inheriting after the laws of the flesh "first". -Through possessions, of the land of Israel and not the Christ.

-When Jesus is recognised by them as the Messiah, "then" they inherit according to the spirit)! Both these kingdoms or nations of peoples will be attacked by the "King of the north," and the host of peoples "He" brings with him.

Let us now study closer this statement of events.

Ezekiel 38:2. "SON OF MAN (Ezekiel) SET THY FACE AGAINST, (To fix in general with a settled purpose, with a bold expression confronting this situation in opposition to) GOG, THE LAND OF MAGOG, THE CHIEF PRINCE OF MESHECH AND TUBAL, AND PROPHECY AGAINST HIM". The references in Ezekiel to the names Gog, Magog, Meshech, and Tubal, all biblical scholars agree is the identification of Russia and its northern powers. "Gog" is the name of the callous prince or -dictator- of Russia. "Magog" is his land, which "he" rules, or- "Mother Russia" within the Asian continent.

Others say, "Magog," is related to the ancient Scythians who spread from the River Tanais (Don) westward along the bank of the Ister (Danube). Therefore, Russia has occupied territory in Germany in the last days, and the European nations will be friendly to him when he goes to war, reluctantly or otherwise!

The reference to Meshech and Tubal are the old names for Moscow and Tobolsk. The name "Meshech" is the ancient name of Muscovy from whence came the name Moscow. The name Tubal naturally suggests Tobolski, which takes its name from the River Tobol, which has become a busy metropolis in a once almost empty Siberia.

Ezekiel's identification of Russia in chapter 38 is very remarkable indeed. Because if we analyse these words properly which were penned during Ezekiel's visions many centuries ago, we read that Ezekiel was carried away captive into Babylon during the deportations of the Jews of the "House of Judah" approx. 597 BC. About 8 years after Daniel was deported into Babylon.

At that time Russia was a nonentity having no kings honoured by a crown. The city of Moscow,- as a super power base- was never heard of, Moscow (Meshech), did not become a principality until the thirteenth century AD. Because like most countries in their early years, great surges of people entered, occupied, and fought within Russia for power. Russia itself was only a small territory unlike we see today.

The word Tubal (or Tobol Tobolsk), stated with Moscow by Ezekiel, is indeed a far-sighted amazing prophecy. Because Tobolsk is in the vast hidden land mass of Siberia, which, even to us today conjures up mysteries in vast regions of ice, snow, and an unknown wilderness. Tobolsk is a city on the Tobol and Irtysh Rivers, founded in 1587 AD as one of the chief centres of Russian colonisation within Siberia. The name Siberia, means, "the sleeping land", yet! This vast unknown region today, -with Tobolsk as a city river port- is far from sleeping. Shipping, air transport, and railways have been increased and increased, because Siberia has become important for its vast wealth. Pipelines for oil and gas, have been built, cutting their way through the country and down into Central Europe. Inland waterways play an important role in communications within this region, which extends out into the Arctic Ocean. Here in this region also lies enormous resources of coal, petroleum, diamonds, gold, etc.

So, when far sighted Ezekiel spoke of Moscow and Tobolsk, he was telling us also, the extent to which the land mass of Russia would finally reach at the historical "end time". Showing us also, this superpower would centre at Moscow. Or Daniel's "Palace" the Kremlin at Moscow, (Daniel 11:45). The place of Tobolsk (within the land of "Magog"), where some of Russia's wealth would help to keep Russia's war machine operative.

In Ezekiel 38:4-6 God is fighting "against" the forces of the Union of Russia.

Verse 4:- "I WILL TURN THEE BACK (to their own land) AND PUT HOOKS INTO THY JAWS (Or hold them prisoner, and to bait them towards destruction. If they try and break free it will cause them great anguish. This punishment the ancient Assyrians did to their prisoners of war), I WILL BRING THEE FORTH, AND ALL THINE ARMY, HORSES AND HORSEMEN, ALL OF THEM CLOTHED WITH ALL SORTS OF ARMOUR, EVEN A GREAT COMPANY WITH BUCKLERS AND SHIELDS, ALL OF THEM HANDLING SWORDS". (Or God will bring that great army forward into the "valley of decision", and the deciding factor will be to "end" the grief that man has imposed upon peoples of all nations. This great army will be composed of different nations, many ethnic groups dressed in many ways but all belligerent).

Verse 5:- "PERSIA, ETHIOPIA, AND LIBYA WITH THEM ALL OF THEM WITH SHIELD AND HELMET". (Or dressed ready for war, yet! protecting themselves at the same time. Remember reader, Daniel told us to expect this happening in verses 42,43 chapter 11).

Verse 6:- "GOMER AND ALL HIS BANDS; THE HOUSE OF TOGARMAH OF THE NORTH QUARTERS, AND ALL HIS BANDS; AND MANY PEOPLE WITH THEE". (Or as Daniel says, they all amalgamate through Russian subversion, infiltration, overrunning of lands in the Middle East and Europe. Many people will be Imperial/Leninist orientated, and perhaps too afraid "not" to be. Making the Russian form of Democratic/socialism as fearful as Nazism, which overran many lands before it was checked). Historians tell us that Gomer is an ancient name (first appearing in Genesis 10:1-5) being the son out of Noah's son Japheth. Whose families spread out into the ancient Cimmerians and Cimbri, from whom descended the Celtic families settling eventually all over Europe and the British Isles. From Japheth came Madai, the ancient Medes, settling around old Persia and Iran. From Japheth came Javan populating Greece and Syria etc.

From Japheth came Tubal who inherited the Black Sea area, spreading across Siberia. From Japheth came Meshech and Trias, or broadly speaking peoples within Russia, a race of which went also to Spain. Tiras became the ancient Thracians.

The House of Togarmah, mentioned by Ezekiel of the Northern quarters were a people out of Gomer, who traded and used horses, war horses, and mules extensively trading them to other nations. Though their lands are shrouded in mystery it is said they settled from the Euphrates River to Armenia. The word "bands" associated with Gomer in Ezekiel 38:6, are companies of men binding them together for a reason or purpose. So, Ezekiel is boldly saying that the "Chief Prince" of Russia has more or less dominated the world and overrun into many nations. Daniel says, Russia has achieved this through its tabernacles, aggression, subversion or peace. It is now poised to overrun the Holy Land where Judah resides, the USA and the British Isles. (Which Isles became a cradle for the whole House of Israel to mature).



Here we pause to unravel the words of these 2 verses. Which translation will be totally different than other bible students have predicted.

These 2 verses are dealing with the United States of America. One of the powerful feet of iron/clay of Nebuchadnezzar's dream image, that we see in Daniel's prophecy, this is the storming of that land by Russian forces.

We are dealing also with the "End" of man's ruling power and the "beginning" of all the nation of Israel's "awakening". Which is their destiny foretold and consummated in prophecy.

In Ezekiel 38:8 we have the peculiar expression - "AFTER MANY DAY'S THOU SHALT BE VISITED" -"After"-(Or later in time), -"Many Days" (or years) -"Thou Shalt Be" (Or you are to be,- these words are spoken with authority). -"Visited" (Someone will call upon and view the situation officially, to send good or evil upon one. In Russia's case they are "Visited" with evil, because in Ezek. 38:4, God takes them prisoner with 'Hooks in Their Jaws'. In other words, angels will do evil work and will be amongst men, who Russia, will be unable to get away from). -IN THE LATTER YEARS- (Or "end time" of secular history, which we can see running its full course in Daniel 11:41-45) -"THOU SHALT COME INTO THE LAND THAT IS BROUGHT BACK FROM THE SWORD". -(Or the people that are in this land, were drawn along and lead to this place to reverse their killing movements. Led through reason, and by distance from the instruments that have killed and shaped their lives. It is a land that once saw much fighting and killing, now to be changed to a peaceful land, unafraid). AND IS GATHERED OUT OF MANY PEOPLE. (This land that once killed others, has taken into itself different types of peoples of other nations, having been purposefully collected to fill the land, bringing them altogether as one nation). -AGAINST THE MOUNTAINS OF ISRAEL, WHICH HAVE ALWAYS BEEN WASTE; (This is a picture of mountains of a land where a large amount of Israel's people live, and "not" mountains in the Holy Land of Israel. This land with these mountains were shrouded in mystery, neglect, and profitless for hundreds of years to the machinations of men). BUT IS BROUGHT FORTH OUT OF THE NATIONS, (It will have cause to become great abroad, with different types of children from various lands) And THEY SHALL DWELL SAFELY ALL OF THEM, (these "many" peoples will fear no outside aggression as they will become a powerful nation together).

Before we unravel anymore verses in Ezekiel, we "must" -and I emphasise the word "must",- remember that this chapter is giving us secular history of "both houses of Israel" (Judah/Israel). Which Ezekiel chapter 37 told us to do in reading the words of the "2 memory sticks." For Judah and his companions, and for Joseph and his, companions.

Because now we are "remembering" the whole 12 tribes, we are also faced with the question, where are they at the "end time" of our days? When Russia in Ezekiel chapter 38, moves against them in such strength as prophesied?

The only thing that was identifiable in Ezekiel's day for these people was the land of Israel itself. Because all the tribes had been scattered and the Israelite skin was about to be peeled off. Destroyed in the world of Assyrian/Babylonian power.

Then, as the years rolled on that "peeling" was to continue for them into other nations, losing their identity and characteristics as Israelites.

Ezekiel 38:8 is a word picture of "Manasseh's" great power (USA) in the earth, towards the endtime, when Russian power is also great.

Manasseh's birthright in Genesis 48. -Whose father Joseph holds the "stick" of strength and memory,- has now been seen in Ezekiel to have come into effect, because God granted it to be so through prosperity seen in Zechariah 1:17.

Ezekiel 38:8 is very difficult to put into perspective in a few sentences, so we must enter into a little grasp of secular history pertaining to this power of the United States of America. Or the land where the "Eagle" carried these children. Headed by the sons of Manasseh's power in their ruling. During the translations of Daniel's prophecies in chapter 11, we touched on the "power" of Manasseh (USA) lightly, in verse 40, when the king of the south was the "Overlord" Eisenhower of the USA. Going South from Britain into Normandy during World War II.

In Ezekiel however the picture widens, with the beginning of Manasseh's strength into the power standing foot of Nebuchadnezzar's dream idol. Which is again couched in secret words, but telling of his very beginnings being moulded, and how his restless killing eventually consolidated into "safety" for him and his people.

When the key words "mountains of Israel" are read, -I repeat,- many biblical students immediately jump to conclusions that the expression means that it speaks of the "holy land of Israel". This however is not always so! The word "mountains" are used literally and figuratively at times, for a vast quantity of steep large hills, or a great mass of peoples.

Ezekiel 38:8, is historical prophecy both secular and spiritual, made known to us in the earth, that the United States of America during the latter years is in power, because of Manasseh's blessing. "That he would be great" given by Jacob in Genesis 48:17-20. This "blessing" and these words in Genesis and Ezekiel 38, is the "Memory Stick" which is, and has been, written upon for Manasseh and some of his companions of the tribes of Israel. This "Memory" must now be placed and taken note of before God and man, to be picked up by today's modern world to understand "who" they are!

Now we go deeper again into Ezekiel 38:8,9 and put these words into historical perspective.

In the last years of the "children of Israel's" secular history, within the territory given to Manasseh by God called the USA, Russia (Gog of the land of Magog), will go into the North American territory. Because of the "Visitation" of angels within Russia, evil men will think evil thoughts leading peoples to destruction, and the end of man's ruling power.

The words, -"IN THE LATTER YEARS THOU SHALT COME INTO THE LAND THAT IS BROUGHT BACK FROM THE SWORD", is indeed a very powerful descriptive expression covering a multitude of happenings in history. In other words, the USA within the continent of North America is going to be invaded by this Russian foreign power with all its hordes of other people. Which is something that has never happened to them before, because its protection was always "isolationism" from the other continents. They shut out the warring factions of the "old" world for their "new" world.

The "time" factor for this happening will be the "End Time" of secular history of man's ruling, given step by step in Daniel's chapter 11. It is called the "LATTER YEARS" in Ezekiel, and the "End Time" in Daniel. Which both expressions are alluding towards the same thing. Eventually leading to the setting up of the kingdom upon earth of the Lord Jesus Christ, our real King belonging to the sixth Kingdom. Russia will enter this American land, "BROUGHT BACK FROM THE SWORD". Let us now jog our historical memory on these few words.

The short 250-year history of "Independence" of the USA was won from the reliance upon other nations, and from the terrible massacres of people by sword and gun of both white and Indian races. Whole nations of Indians were given to the thirst for blood of the sword and gun. Hundreds of white peoples died in colonial or range warfare, which was once widespread and between cattle ranchers and farmers. There was Indian and White religious intolerance, and untold hundreds of black slaves died cruelly by the sword and gun. The Spaniard, Mexican and French fought with the sword etc., against the encroaching English-speaking peoples. The British and European stock fought each other with sword and gun, which eventually won for the ex-British colony of America its "right" to govern itself.

The Northern and Southern states of that country fought each other with the sword and gun, until their merger into one nation was complete and united under one flag. Not until the United States and the rest of Northern America stopped fighting with the sword, was this massive land stilled long enough to take stock of itself, bringing itself back to the path of peace once more from the power of the killing sword.

When Ezekiel 38:8 says; "AND IS GATHERED OUT OF MANY PEOPLE", he is forcefully describing how this great nation came into being. If ever there was a country that gathered many people from many lands, ethnic groups of nations, it was the United States of America! Her pronounced statue of Liberty, in New York harbour welcomes the poor, the hungry, the displaced person, the wealthy, the dreamer, the desirous of all hopeful things. This well-known statue was given to the United States by the French people to commemorate the 100th anniversary of American Independence, in 1886 AD. It stands in the middle of the harbour and faces out to sea to meet the view of passengers on incoming ships. The spirit for which it stands is expressed in a poem in the main entrance to the pedestal, and reads in part;- "Give me your tired, your poor, -your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, -The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, -Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, -I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Indeed, Ezekiel had it right, "THEY ARE GATHERED OUT OF, MANY PEOPLE", and into that land also went some of the tribes of Israel under Manasseh's birthright. They with all sorts of faces covering the past Hebrew/Israelite features whose countenance was now peeled!

Let us once again research into that all-important expression, "AGAINST THE MOUNTAINS OF ISRAEL", which have been always waste, in Ezekiel 38:8. This is "not" dealing with the Holy Land of Israel. This reference of the "Mountains of Israel" can be states or kingdoms, can be cities, or masses of Israel's children piled up to represent a mountain. It all depends on the context within the chapter one is unravelling. In practical terms there is no point in an enemy coming against a "range" of mountains as such, for the destruction of these massive stone edifices will bring no victory over peoples only a lot of useless power spent by the attacker. - Here in Ezekiel the "Mountains" speak of peoples.

When the words, "WHICH HAVE BEEN ALWAYS WASTE", are said about these mountains, this cannot be said of the land of Israel/Palestine itself. Though secular history can tell us that under Roman, Christian, Turkish, and Arab rule in this area, they turned this once fertile land flowing with milk and honey into a wasteland, through bad neglect.

In years gone by from umpteen pulpits of churches sermons have been preached, that there have been more people pass through the land of Palestine,-with its mountains,- throughout man's history, than any other place on earth because it was the crossroads of 3 continents. During those many centuries of inhabitants, who were ever building over past ruins of civilisations gone before, they left ruins here and there of great antiquity beneath the dust of that land. The "Mountains of Israel" land were places of refuge for those in danger, or the Nomad, the Midianites, Israelite, Idumean, and Bedouin etc.

Then if this understanding of the Holy land is correct one cannot have it both ways, either the "mountains in the land of Israel" have always been WASTE, or they have not, and if "not", then this sentence in Ezekiel 38:8 has another meaning, than that of edifices of mountains in the Holy land of Israel!

The word "WASTE" means; it is empty, desolate of civilisation with roots. It is also to damage, to dwindle and pine away, and the land can resemble a desert or wilderness. The act of "Wasting" or in the process of wasting is something being spoiled or lost, bringing a gradual decrease in quantity, strength, and value.

Now we unravel the trickiest part of all when we look further into "THESE "MOUNTAINS THAT HAVE ALWAYS BEEN WASTE", and we will need further proofs in Scripture to fill out this picture. The picture of "Waste" has been chosen to explain the state of the holy seed of Zion or Jerusalem in many verses, and of the land of Samaria when the "House of Israel's" 10 tribes was driven out. Though other peoples walked into their lands, took them over, and lived in their houses, yet! It is still called "WASTED". Because the tribes of Israel were no longer obedient or served God therein. (Isaiah 51:3, 64:10, Hosea 13:16). "SAMARIA SHALL BECOME DESOLATE, FOR SHE HATH REBELLED AGAINST HER GOD; THEY SHALL FALL BY THE SWORD; THEIR INFANTS SHALL BE DASHED TO PIECES, AND THEIR WOMEN WITH CHILD SHALL BE RIPPED UP".

Indeed, this punishment and desolation happened to the people and area called "Samaria" in the land of Israel, when the Assyrian overcame them.

Samaria/Israel's land did not actually become "desolate" to other peoples as stated over the centuries, because it remains to this day with never ending "other" nations of peoples living in Samaria or passing through that land. So, the meanings of "Desolate" and "Wasting" have a deeper meaning than what appears on the surface, and so it is in Ezekiel 38/8 which calls the "MOUNTAINS OF Israel" WASTE. This "Waste" description also refers to the "state" of mind and heart of the peoples of which we speak. They, in other words are sottish children with no idea of "who" they are. Nor have any desire to find their God because of apathy. They are children whose real roots are "Wasted", children who just don't want to know because that realisation will shake them up out of a long sleep. It will bring them searching work, pain, and derision! (Jeremiah 4:22).

Let us read into other verses on "Mountains" and people scattered on mountains, (Nahum 3:18)

Isaiah 13:4. "THE NOISE OF A MULTITUDE IN THE MOUNTAINS, LIKE AS OF A GREAT PEOPLE; A TUMULTUOUS NOISE OF THE KINGDOMS OF NATIONS GATHERED TOGETHER; THE LORD OF HOSTS MUSTERETH THE HOST OF THE BATTLE". Here we see that the "noise" of the kingdoms and nations of peoples gathered, rise like great mountains into the air.


Verse 2:- "THUS SAITH THE LORD, THE PEOPLE WHICH WERE LEFT OF THE "SWORD" FOUND GRACE IN THE "WILDERNESS" EVEN ISRAEL, WHEN I WENT TO CAUSE HIM TO "REST". These are like the words which Ezekiel speaks to us, with the "wilderness" that Manasseh caused to find his "rest", or to "dwell safely" from the "sword", in the continent of America.

Is it such a hard thing for the children of Israel to understand these things? what makes my people so hard of hearing truth?

Jeremiah goes on to tell us of the "watchmen" upon the mount of Ephraim who cry to Zion (within the Gentile House of Israel) to know "truth". Indeed, this is what I am trying to do in this book, and many other biblical teachers have done over the years!

In Jeremiah's chapter we read of Jacob the Jew, and of Ephraim in the Gentile in the last days, each as a separate category and entity of persons. Not all these persons within verses are humped together to be called Jews, that so many biblical students believe and perpetuate in their teachings.

Jeremiah 31:10, goes further with their identification. "HEAR THE WORD OF THE LORD, O YE NATIONS, (Or unstop your ears both nations of Israel), AND DECLARE IT (Or to show plainly and openly and affirm it). IN THE ISLES AFAR OFF, (Did you notice reader where Ephraim of verse 6 is? he's in the "Isles". Many translators dealing with the books of Scripture translates the "Isles" as "coasts", which makes nonsense of prophecy. Is it a hard thing for men to come to terms with the "Isles" indeed being the famous British Isles? In the "last days" understanding by mankind should see the "Isles" automatically would come to mind as Britain). AND SAY, HE THAT SCATTERED ISRAEL WILL GATHER HIM, (Through knowledge and understanding God's Holy Book) AND KEEP HIM AS A SHEPHERD DOTH HIS FLOCK". (We Israelites have a Shepherd and His name is -Jesus!- Ephraim, and Israel's other 9 tribes are Christians, and are gathered through the knowledge of "Him"). When Jeremiah prophecies that this declaration of truth is published in the "Isles afar off". These words are another guide to our understanding because, Israel is scattered from the Isles, to America, to Australia etc. indeed very "far off!"

Meanwhile, in Jeremiahs chapter 31, what has happened to the Jew of the House of Judah in secular history for the last days?

Verse 11. "FOR THE LORD HATH REDEEMED JACOB, (Through Jewish blood of Jesus, the Christ, though the Jew will have none of Him). AND RANSOMED HIM FROM THE HAND OF HIM THAT WAS STRONGER THAN HE". (Or released him from bondage and captivity, to buy them off and deliver. Apart from their long history of punishment, this captivity of strength we saw enacted out when Hitler held the Jew prisoner under his regime of terror. Which Daniel 11:36 has already told us about under the name of "Indignation"). Indeed, the Jew paid his price in "blood" for his sins, finishing under the man Hitler whose Nazi hands were too strong for him. Judah was scheduled to be annihilated by the German nation. Judah (Jew) could not have broken free from Hitler until his days of blood were poured out sufficiently to wipe the slate clean of his debts. So that God could bring him back to the Holy Land, and the Jew could stand upon his feet as a man to fight once more! The old lion -Jacob- of whom Judah took that responsibility, no longer couched in the dust of the earth as prophecy ordained, Genesis 49:9. These are the 2 mountains of Israel's people Ephraim heading Israel, Judah heading Jacob.

To finish this quick rundown of verse quotes let us read Ezekiel 36:1-2, which is a message to the "Mountains of Israel". "ALSO, THOU SON OF MAN, PROPHESY UNTO THE MOUNTAINS OF ISRAEL, AND SAY, YE MOUNTAINS OF ISRAEL, HEAR THE WORD OF THE LORD".

Verse 2:- "THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD; BECAUSE THE ENEMY HATH SAID AGAINST YOU, AHA, EVEN THE ANCIENT HIGH PLACES ARE OURS IN POSSESSION". Verse 1 and 2 in Ezekiel 36 speak words of duality, to the "land" of Israel and its desolate mountains, and, to the desolate mountains of people of Israel.


Verse 4:- "THEREFORE, YE MOUNTAINS OF ISRAEL, HEAR THE WORD OF THE LORD GOD; THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD TO THE MOUNTAINS, AND TO THE HILLS TO THE RIVERS, AND TO THE VALLEYS, TO THE DESOLATE WASTES, AND TO THE CITIES THAT ARE FORSAKEN, WHICH BECAME A PREY AND DERISION TO THE RESIDUE OF THE HEATHEN THAT ARE ROUND ABOUT". Verse 3 of Ezekiel 36 speaks of the "Mountains of Israel" being swallowed up, and made desolate, having been lost in secular history. Depicted in the "valley of dry bones" in Ezekiel 37:1-14.

Gossips have said, "who are these that say they were a chosen race", for they have now become eaten up (peeled) into other nations and are servants and foreigners in other strange lands. They are nothing without honour, without their real name, without a land to call their own. Through the centuries of history, the "2 mountains of Israel's", people out of Samaria and Judea, have become victims seized in the spoils of war, (Prey). The gossips that make mischief for them have laughed them to scorn, (Derision).

These prophetic words out of Ezekiel spoken centuries ago even today are enacted out. The "Mountains of Israel's" People are also to be found in the USA, the British Isles and the Commonwealth countries. The talkers or gossips still will hold them in derision in jealousy, and many are despised (infamy). They themselves are losing reputation for lack of knowledge and understanding within biblical prophecy. Some of us have been turned from the "table of the Lord" as teaching a strange thing. The situations of many people in the search for knowledge and truth have not changed with the passing of the centuries. Years ago, people's ignorance of our Heavenly Father's Law once destroyed others of mankind who knew better. They were tortured, burning at the stake, or being ostracised. Today, the punishment is cynicism with unbelief, a form of sending "one to the cleaners", -as the saying goes.-

Ezekiel 36:6 again speaks of the land of Israel.

Verse 8 has the double meaning of the "Mountains of Israel". "BUT YE, O MOUNTAINS OF ISRAEL, YE SHALL SHOOT FORTH YOUR BRANCHES, (Or the holy mountains of people of Zion and Jerusalem especially, shall bring forth branches of her children). AND YIELD YOUR FRUIT TO MY PEOPLE ISRAEL, (Or the absolute truth for Israel is from the chosen children, whose fruit to eat fills them with knowledge), FOR THEY ARE AT HAND TO COME". Or the "set time" to favour Zion and Jerusalem is not far away.

The "House of Israel" and "House of Judah" are about to receive their "Memory Sticks". Making them remember all things, from out of their secular and spiritual histories.

The valleys, rivers, cities, and wildernesses are all conditions or appearances to which the people have been called, or have lived. The remainder of Ezekiel 36 spells out the "whole nation" of Israel's future restoration and conversion into a holy flock!

Let us once more go back to the verse in which the expression, "Mountains of Israel" came from in the prophecy we are unravelling; That of Ezekiel 38:8. "AFTER MANY DAYS THOU SHALT BE VISITED; IN THE LATTER YEARS THOU SHALT COME INTO THE LAND THAT IS BROUGHT BACK FROM THE SWORD, AND IS GATHERED OUT OF MANY PEOPLE AGAINST THE MOUNTAINS OF ISRAEL, WHICH HAVE BEEN ALWAYS WASTE; BUT IT IS BROUGHT FORTH OUT OF THE NATIONS, AND THEY SHALL DWELL SAFELY ALL OF THEM". We have already understood the words, that after many years the earth will be "Visited" by Superior Beings, in the "end time" of years. Russia will go into the continent of America, in which reside some of the people of Israel and Judah under Manasseh's banner. This American "Wilderness" was taken by some of the children of Israel for their own purposes. Many times, with, and through, the killing sword, and that "waste" place became known as the New World.

We now continue verse 8 with the last word to unravel. "WHICH HAVE BEEN ALWAYS WASTE; BUT IT IS BROUGHT FORTH OUT OF THE NATIONS, AND THEY SHALL DWELL SAFELY ALL OF THEM". Because we are dealing mainly with the life of the peoples of the nation of Israel, who are under an unbroken covenant, other nations around the Israelites are known as heathen. (A word meaning a barbarous people of those who worship other Gods). Or of the Gentiles, of those nations who affected Israel's social structure throughout history. Their lands are called waste or wildernesses. This is the wilderness picture we are dealing within America, through the prophet Ezekiel 38/8, and the words -"WHICH HAVE BEEN ALWAYS WASTE.-

A "WASTE" is something vast and empty, it can resemble a desert. It is usually a wild place in which wild animals or wild men live. It is also a tract of land uncultivated, usually uninhabited by human beings. If there are humans in these lands then they put down no roots, and like the animals they are migratory.

The American continent was such a vast "Waste" place as this, and in the same category! A quick "rundown" on American history is needed here to help fill out this Biblical description.

The Americas as we know, is a term designating 2 separate parts of North and South of one continent. Of which North America includes the United States and Canada. The United States is of the most important in Ezekiel because of Biblical prophecy, through Manasseh's blessing in Genesis 48. Though this continent was called the New World after the feted explorer Christopher Columbus was deemed its explorer in 1492. Nevertheless, it was named after Amerigo Vespucci an Italian explorer. Later explorers gradually making known to the "old world" the immense land mass men were dealing with. North America was not Asia or the Indies, as first thought, but a continent whose geography comprised of plains, prairies, great lakes, rivers, forests, and mountain ranges, etc. With tribes of people dotted here and there of a Mongoloid, Slavonic, physical appearance. Today, those same people known as Red Indians have intermarried considerably with the whites, and to a lesser extent with other races. The destruction of the Indian races in this "Wilderness" was foreseen in prophecy in holy writ. The reason was so that Israel's children would live and multiply "AS THE SANDS OF THE SEA", or an exceeding great army. (Hosea 1:10, Ezekiel 37:10). In a land to call their own and would "Dwell Safely" as Ezekiel explains.

The prophet Isaiah 43:4 explains "why" the early peoples of the whites in America were given this land. "SINCE THOU WAST PRECIOUS IN MY SIGHT, THOU HAST BEEN HONOURABLE (God fearing pioneers), AND I HAVE LOVED THEE; THEREFORE WILL I GIVE MEN FOR THEE, AND PEOPLE FOR THY LIFE".

We have been schooled in the past in American history, telling us of those God- fearing people from European lands, seeking freedom to worship God in their own way, and away from mind bending rituals. Their flag and constitution forged in compassion for mankind. Their motto proudly boasted "In God we Trust". These early American people who God loved, were so different than today's American society. They had principles, which are a rare commodity indeed!

When Isaiah speaks of "MEN and PEOPLE given for their lives,"-under Manasseh's banner,- they were mainly the nations of the Indians who fell before the white flood of peoples. The great nations and peoples of the Blackfoot, Kiowa, Arapaho, Cheyenne, Comanche, 10 Dakota tribes, the Omaha and Pawnee, the Iroquoian Family of 6 nations, the Algonquin, the Cherokee, Chickasaw and Seminole, Navajo and Natchez, Shoshone, Karuk and Yurok etc. These "Many Peoples" lived scattered from North to South of the American country.

These great proud nations of Indians fell before the children of Israel because those children "had" to fulfil prophecy. Spoken by the prophets of old, and they "had" to consolidate their own families into a nation, and nations taking them into the "end time" of all men's ruling power. For how else could men say in the "last days" that the people in America or the British Isles etc. are the children of Manasseh or Ephraim etc. as Ezekiel and other prophets tell? Secular history has been slowly fulfilling all the sayings, vows and promises out of biblical prophecy over the years, exactly as we read it in the "blueprint" of the First Principles of Holy Scripture!

Some bible students look upon these prophecies in past, scenario. Or futuristic prophecies subject to the Jew "Dwelling Safely" decades ahead of us. At the same time, they say, that our future is running headlong into mass destruction brought on by Atomic War. What then? Can we do both these things at once? I hardly think so!

America was once called "THE LAND OF THE FREE", where safety and security did reign, and where no foreign invasion has ever entered. These are the things which have been their proud boasts for that land. But! no more will it be so, for Russia and its many friends will enter America as verse 9 Ezekiel 38, and Daniel tells us.

Verse 9:- "THOU SHALL ASCEND AND COME LIKE A STORM, THOU SHALT BE LIKE A CLOUD TO COVER THE LAND, THOU, AND ALL THY BANDS, AND MANY PEOPLE WITH THEE". When Ezekiel says the word "THOU" he is of course speaking of Gog (Russia) of the land of Magog. -Who SHALL ASCEND"- are interesting words indeed! The people who are represented by this Russian dictator will go up into the air, in the act of climbing and to scan, they are moving upwards over America. His attack upon North America is a conventional one at first, which is exactly what we have already seen in Daniel 11:44. Russia goes into North America, notably by "air" covering that land as dense storm clouds. This is a statement, which could only be fulfilled in the last days, because air attacks were never heard of in Ezekiel's day. In verse 9 we have a vast array of planes, rockets, with perhaps Para troops, will be seen coming in over that land heavy and black. The Airforce swirling and darkening the sky like great building storm Clouds would. Those Storm Clouds will burst forth over the ground deluging the landscape with bombs and men. Russia will bring with him, many nations of people already to overrun America. They gladly wanting to place her under the heel of a Socialist dictatorship.

We must move on now to Ezekiel 38:10-12, and understand this second part of the prophecy. Which is a "word picture" of the "second foot" of ruling power seen in Nebuchadnezzar's image, that of the ex-British Empire, which is the "Memory Stick" for Ephraim.

Verse 10:- "THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD; (Or in this manner God has mentioned before). IT SHALL COME TO PASS, (It will happen) THAT AT THE SAME TIME (As the invasion of Manasseh's land of America), SHALL THINGS COME INTO THY MIND, AND THOU SHALT THINK AN EVIL THOUGHT"; When Russia is entering and covering America with his "Storm Clouds" of invasion, in the same fashion that he hit Germany in a "Whirlwind" of his forces during World War II. (Daniel 11:40); "He" now "THINKS" to open another war front. This plot of "Thoughts" he is hatching in his mind concerns Britain.

The word "THINGS" which we read in verse 10, mean, that this is a "separate entity" to what he is performing at that time. His "Second Thoughts" are a set of circumstances and events, which will lead him to think this "EVIL THOUGHT". When an evil takes place it is not good for anyone, and it has very bad qualities of a natural or moral kind, it will be hurtful, wicked, and destructive with great calamity. The "THOUGHT" in this Russians mind is towards something framed in a mental state of silent contemplation for a terrible purpose.

Now, where and upon whom does this "EVIL THOUGHT" rest on in the world? The answer is supplied by the next verses of Ezekiel 38:11-12.


This is now a description of another land,-other than North America- and is spoken towards some more peoples of the "Mountains of Israel". Let us unravel the first line of "THE LAND OF UNWALLED VILLAGES". Russia now declares his "thoughts" to others, with the words,- "AND THOU SHALT SAY",- THE EVIL THOUGHT of verse 10 now becomes a plan of action spoken by that leader. Russia is in a state of "climbing or ASCENDING on high" upon America, he's also changing, towards another land. He does not travel south to the land of Israel in the Middle East as yet, but "UP TO" another land in his own vicinity. The land of "UNWALLED VILLAGES" is his mischievous target!

Remember reader we are dealing only with the children of Israel, (MOUNTAINS) lands and where they DWELL SAFELY. Now the mind should instantly think of the land called the British Isles. Where Joseph's strength of arms and hands, through God, have kept these peoples alive, nurtured, and unconquered over the centuries. (Genesis 49/26) The "Isles" is the only place in Europe throughout the centuries that have "DWELLED SAFELY", without the need of walls for protection to keep her people safe. Its "WALL" against its enemies from Europe have always been the English Channel, whose tempestuous seas held back many invaders, even Napoleon and Hitler.

The British Isles have had people fighting time and time again within its own shores. As each prince of Israel, -from William the Conqueror- took its own place in prophecy on the throne of England, thus causing those internal wars. Or as Daniel says "that Roman 10 Kingdomed Isles, became a divided kingdom of Roman iron and Israelite clay, throughout its centuries.

Walled villages were a usual mode of protection against marauding other nations, seen in Europe and elsewhere in the world. Even the modern Maginot Line which France built as protection against Germany was a Wall of defence. Where people lived inside and carried on their day-to-day business. Before the car and planes became the dominant force in the lands of the world, Britain especially was a land of Villages nestling quietly through each historical era. With some counties hardly altering their sleepy existence. During the 1950's I heard a music hall joke which even then chuckled over the fact they said, "some of the sleepy parts of Wales didn't know the Romans had gone", such was some of the unchanging state in Wales.

I have read in secular history that Roman-British culture, or Anglo-Saxon civilisation, or Norman governance of the British Isles had little interruption in some farming settlements and villages, when these momentous changes came into being, and yet! These eras of invasion were also the times of great upheaval for this land!

Ezekiel 38:11. Continues with the words. "I WILL GO TO THEM THAT ARE AT REST, THAT DWELL SAFELY, ALL OF THEM DWELLING WITHOUT WALLS, AND HAVING NEITHER BARS NOR GATES". As we have already seen the Isles was, and is today, a land where there are no defence WALLS, "BARS", NOR "GATES" to keep the people in, and the enemy out. The means of keeping people inside "WALLS" today, usually means a prison or mental institution.

Or as we have seen in our day, East and West Berlin was divided by a Wall, shutting people off from each other. Of course, there are remnants of walls in Britain such as Hadrian's Wall, across the northern borders of England and Scotland. Which the Romans built to keep the Picts/Scots confined to their land. The Romans were masters at building walls during their occupation of the Isles. Which today many ruins here and there bare testimony to. Roman London, -which was the largest city- was surrounded by Walls 20 feet high, 3 feet thick, and 3 miles in circumference, with gates named Newgate, Aldersgate, Bishopsgate, etc. A Roman British town was completely excavated at Calleva or Silchester, Hampshire, -in modern times,- with a turreted Wall all around with North, South, East, and West Gates. Legionary fortresses were established at York, Chester, Caerleon, and Richborough with Walls and Gates.

But when the Israelite "clay" of the tribes finally moulded itself into a United Kingdom, Walls, Bars and Gates were structures of the past, and Shakespeare was able to write his lyrical words of the Isles in the 16th century.

The Russian "He" of Daniel, or Gog of Ezekiel, goes into the British Isles who are at rest. (Daniel 11:45, explains how easy it is for him to "PLANT HIS TABERNACLES" in that land, through subversion and infiltration.) Gone now are the days when the seas were the protective mote-or-WALL around the Isles, forbidding men to enter. Because in this prophecy Russia, has gathered to himself various nations and lands -one way or the other,- into a large "jumping off" complex. With his rockets, planes, and ships He can now enter the "Isles" at will. There are no "Seagates" in other nation's lands, as in days of old, which the Isles once controlled to stop the enemy's approach. No ways to "Bar" his approach with sea mines, barrage balloons, nets, guns, tank traps, or miles of early warning equipment. The high and low flying missiles and planes have seen to that. Today, an index finger pressed on a far distant button, or trigger, can devastate a nation without a man in sight! A "BAR" which is spoken of in Ezekiel 38:11 is a line drawn across and dividing space, over which one cannot cross. It is to prevent, hinder, and obstruct peoples. It is a bolt on a door, or can be an obstruction at the mouth of a river or harbour etc.

The "Gates" spoken of are a type of door, which opens or closes to a passage at sea, or dam, or dock, etc. which prohibits unwelcome visitors. It is to be remembered that the British Isles in the days of her Imperial greatness once controlled the "sea lanes" of the world by strategically placed naval bases, or "Sea Gates" here and there, namely,- Gibraltar, Malta, Alexandria, Cape Town, Suez, Singapore, etc. yet! These "Gates" were on other nations lands, and not around the immediate "Isles" itself.

It seems today that the Russian naval fleet has in its program a bid for world domination of those sea-lanes, and "Gates". Its fleet was once twice as big as the United States of America. Russia has done in the past, and will continue to do,- no matter what its politics are,- to make a bid to control the sea-lanes of the world, and in doing so can at will, control the nations ships and their cargoes of the world. If Russia rules the waves, it will be an untenable thing indeed and will be a case of woe-betide the world when Gog of the land of Magog happens upon this situation. It will be especially bad for a pact between the USA and European nations, such as, NATO. Those NATO nations today continually monitor the large Russian fleet as it heads out of its seaports to circle the globe. With the North Sea being particularly the "hot spot" of the seas. Russia has to sail into the North Sea from one of his few ports, that of Murmansk, which we heard so much spoken of in World War II.

The other important waters for him are from Sevastopol and through the Dardanelles, which reminds us of memories of World War I. In the east his ships go out into the Sea of Japan.

Russia's land area is massive, but his outlets to the sea are few, yet! He has been building ships and submarines on a very great scale indeed! The question should be asked where are they all going and why?

Those 2 Eagle faces of the age-old Russian insignia, facing east and west, will be finally put into operation (through prophecy); Thereby hoping to dominate the world to realise its dream held for so long. Today, one face of the eagle is still fixed towards a totalitarian regime as corrupt and frightening as Hitlers was. Whose aim and desire are the complete rule of mankind. The other face of the "eagle" remains the "Imperial Empire Russia" with an evil "leader" holding grandiose ideas to control wealth, power, and other landmasses. Its eagle eye seeing from far its prey and its spoil!

As I said previously, the North Sea where some of the children of the "House of Israel" live within the British Isles, is a near target for Russian ships, missiles, and planes. Which have already been taken into account by "Gog of the land of Magog" in prophecy.

William Shakespeare (1564-1616 AD) wrote beautiful words about the "Land of Unwalled Villages that were at rest".


Ezekiel 38:12. "TO TAKE A SPOIL, AND TAKE A PREY; TO TURN THINE HAND UPON THE DESOLATE PLACES THAT ARE NOW INHABITED, AND UPON THE PEOPLE THAT ARE GATHERED OUT OF THE NATIONS, WHICH HAVE GOTTEN CATTLE AND GOODS, THAT DWELL IN THE MIDST OF THE LAND". The word "SPOIL" we have had before in Daniel 11:33. when dealing with World War I, when it meant plunder with booty to be taken away through that war. "SPOIL" is to strip with violence, to ruin, and loose valuable qualities.

The word "PREY" is property to be taken away from an enemy in war. All living creatures whether man or beast, are to be at another's mercy in this situation, it is to get things by violence and to cause to pine and wear away. These 2 words -SPOIL and PREY- are typical explanations of the violence that total war brings. These 2 words will come into being for all men to see, when the result of Russia planting his "Tabernacles" firmly in the "Isles", which is pictured in Daniel 11/45.

When Ezekiel 38 writes in verse 12 of Russia, -will TURN THINE HAND UPON THE DESOLATE PLACES THAT ARE NOW INHABITED, it means this:- Early history of the British Isles, -though sketchy- has been made known to us through archaeology. They say that the first wave of Goidels (Gaels) entered around 1,000 BC with the Bronze age. Then the "in" pouring of the Brythons (Britons) around 600 BC with the Iron age. Before that a Stone Age people arrived known as the Painted Picts, some scholars say these people also were Gaels. Others say they were Teutons, and still others say they were allied to the Welsh tribes. History of the Isles of early times is conjecture and rest on scholarly theories. The "Isles" was a land covered in the mists of millenniums gone before, during many changes of weather patterns that left their mark on that land. As far as the then civilised man in the Middle East was concerned it perhaps never existed. Because, for them the mouth of the Mediterranean Sea pouring out into the Atlantic Ocean was the end of the world which then emptied into an abyss. Though it is recorded that later Phoenicians found their way to the Isles. "Desolate" would then have been the right word for the British Isles, during the early times of the civilised East and Europe. To be "DESOLATE" means to forsake and leave alone, afflicted, a ruinous condition or neglected. Isaiah 18:7 -for the last days,- gives us a good description of the lands of the House of Israel, which they were eventually to inhabit.

Verse 7:- "IN THAT TIME, (The regathering of Israel) SHALL THE PRESENT BE BROUGHT (To be made known, and bring to view before a Superior for consideration) UNTO THE LORD OF HOSTS (Or a Person possessing supreme power and authority of a multitude of persons, of men and angels) OF A PEOPLE SCATTERED AND PEELED; (Both nations of Israel in Gentile and Jew) AND FROM A PEOPLE TERRIBLE FROM THEIR BEGINNING HITHERTO; (Or extraordinary, who were adapted to arouse fear in others because of their "born" position. Their origin and first cause were not of their own making to this time, in the latter years). A NATION (The whole 12 tribes of Israel) METED OUT AND TRODDEN UNDER FOOT, (Measured out and to value for good or evil, and the Lord and other nations set the foot upon them in the Earth. He is walking with a more or less measured, formal or cautious step). WHOSE LAND THE RIVERS HAVE SPOILED (A land the waters have rearranged and to become corrupted from its original ways). TO THE PLACE OF THE NAME OF THE LORD OF HOSTS, THE MOUNT ZION". (Or a land marked out in some way, yet! The "Name" of a person possessing supreme authority was upon this land, called the British Isles, Because the people became worshippers of God and His Christ. The "Mount of Zion", are the holy seed, or "called" people amongst them.

Note reader the expression in Isaiah "THE RIVERS HAVE SPOILED". The Bible tells us the Isles then shrouded in mystery was "spoiled" by the great Flood of sea and rivers of Noah's time. The sciences tell us the cycle of ice and heat that came and went, lifted or lowered that land here and there. So it was also, the same picture with America, when the rivers of waters "SPOILED" and carved out great valleys and left mountains high and dry, which left these lands alone and neglected for a long time. The topsoil had washed into the oceans, sometimes leaving swamps or exposed pitted areas. The water scarred the coastlines, pouring over some islands and drowning them for all time; Because we are told in Genesis 7:18-24 that the hills and mountains were covered with water.

Let us go back to Ezekiel 38:12. "TO TURN THINE HAND UPON THE DESOLATE PLACES THAT ARE NOW INHABITED, AND UPON THE PEOPLE GATHERED OUT OF THE NATIONS". "TO TURN one's HAND" means, that Russia will cause to move around, encircle, and direct himself towards the once DESOLATE PLACES that are, -the British Isles and America-. The word "INHABITED" means to now dwell in and occupy a place of settled residence, for to live and abide. This is exactly what the "House of Israel" did, when it first came out of the nations of the earth, with the ebb and flow of peoples. The nations of the earth gave up some of its Israelite peoples for the Isles, Israel put down roots and gathered its people out of a nation here and there. Secular history in Daniel's prophecies showed us that the remote "Isles" of Britain, took into itself Celtic tribes of the Gadhelic (Gaelic), ancient Britons /Welsh (Brythons) -Romans (with slaves), Germanic tribes of Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Franks, Vikings or Norsemen of Danes, Norwegians, and of Sweden, Normans, and many other Europeans of Spain, France, Italy, Holland, etc. Who were all moulded into a peculiar British nation dwelling as one people, safe from the troubles of other nations. They became an Insular people because of their geographical position!

The peoples of other nations pouring in and out of the "Isles" continues to this day, when even the black and brown races have mixed themselves into the nations of the "House of Israel". The same is said today of the USA of Canada, Australia, and of New Zealand, all these nations who belong to the "House of Israel's" Commonwealth (Ephesians 2:11-13).

The "House of Israel" made the "Isles" their own mother land, occupied it and put down roots and called themselves British, after the name of the Celtic tribe Brythons. So, when both Ezekiel and Isaiah said, "they inhabited the desolate land and gathered to themselves many people," indeed secular history will verify that fact!

Even some of the Jew of the "House of Judah" lived amongst them. It is necessary to emphasise here that these verses of prophecy -of the "Gathering of Peoples Out of the Nations" is not alluding directly to the Jew or Jewish history. Their "ingathering" to Israel's land did not occur until 1948 AD and after he "DRUNK THE DREGS" of his bitter cup under infamous Hitler. The "INDIGNATION" of which is given in Daniel 11:36 and Isaiah 51:17-23. The lament in Isaiah for the "Holy Seed" called Jerusalem, -who were within the terror that the Jewish nation experienced during World War II.- One can see that picture in Isaiah of the heart rending words for all to read, written by this prophet so very long ago! These words are written towards the "in coming kingdom" age of our Lord Jesus, because Jerusalem is asked to Awake! Awake! Up out of a long sleep within their secular history.

As we can see all things are separated then brought together and written for our learning correctly! By no stretch of the imagination can one say the Jew had "Dwelt Safely" during his walk-through history, or in a settled residence "unafraid" of other peoples. We are not reading in Ezekiel of the Jew living in Judea under the Romans, or under the Maccabees, nor of their return to Palestine under Ezra, and Nehemiah approx. 444 BC. Because we are unravelling verses in Ezekiel 38 of Russia coming down, and towards the lands of all the full nation of Israel's people. (12 tribes in the earth) in the last days!

Let us go back to Ezekiel 38:12. "WHICH HAVE GOTTEN CATTLE AND GOODS, THAT DWELL IN THE MIDST OF THE LAND". These British Israelites or American Israelites, etc., became rich in the lands they adopted as their own. Cattle to the ancient man was a sure mark of a man's prosperity, which meant a collection of livestock of the four-footed kind, namely, horses, asses, cows, sheep, and goats. Now however, these riches are chiefly restricted to sheep, bulls and cows. Horses have become more or less subject to fashion dictates. Australian Israelites are said to have become rich on the "sheep's back". America's riches were horses, her one-time Buffalo herds and steers etc. British Israelites with her horses, cows, and sheep etc.

The words "GOTTEN GOODS" in verse 12 means:- items that are much prized and desirable which are wares of commodities of furniture, chattels, and effects, movables of all sorts, and riches of jewellery and money. I have no need to explain to you reader the great wealth that is collected by British, American, or other nations of the Commonwealth of Israel. Their wealth has been the desire of men in ages past. We have all marvelled at the palaces, mansions, great castles, museums etc., which has been all around us for centuries. our Heavenly Father's Law have told us over and over, that through the blessings of "PROSPERITY" these nations of Israel will be set up in the last days in Deuteronomy 33, - Zechariah 1:17.

When Ezekiel 38:2 states that the people will "DWELL IN THE MIDST OF THE LAND", it is a curious few words. These words however are to show one that the people are completely involved in their own lands, and no other shares it with them. Dwelling "amongst" the land or in the middle of it, its thickest part or the depth of it all explain this society of peoples in their countries unafraid. So, verse 12 gives us a picture of a thriving, busy, community, rich and powerful in the lands they chose for themselves to set down roots. Today, one would say Ezekiel is dealing with the affluent democracies of those which are called "Western" Nations. That live amongst each other on a friendly community basis, whether in cities, country or the scattered societies of these nations.


A full explanation of SHEBA and DEDAN, and the MERCHANTS OF TARSHISH, with an interpretation of the "YOUNG LIONS" are at the end of this chapter, so we will touch on them lightly here.

Verse 13 of Ezekiel 38 tells us that in other words Russia's move into other areas of the world is also questioned by other opponents, mentioned in this verse. Namely Sheba, Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, apart from the nations representing all Israel. Biblical scholars have translated Sheba as a country Southwest Arabia; Dedan came from South Arabia dwelling in the extreme south of Edom. Both these people's lands are in present day Saudi Arabia.

Tarshish is believed to have been South of Spain, near Gibraltar. Many thousands of merchant ships pass through the Straits of Gibraltar each year, who acknowledge this area as vital. Hence the expression "Merchants of Tarshish".

The nations of Sheba and Dedan as such,-just like Edom stated in Daniel 11.- are nations which have been integrated into other peoples, thereby, losing their present-day identity. These ancient names however are a descriptive picture for today. Just as the present day prophecies unravelling of the 10 toes, or tribes, of Israel have become.

Sheba and Dedan are therefore speaking of their lands which today holds the peoples and the royal House of Saudi Arabia. Who have aligned themselves here in prophecy, with the "West", and are also questioning Russia's intent upon trying to remove their wealth.

Tarshish, and the ships of other nations with maritime power, is a picture of present-day Southern Spain. Who again has a royal house with wealth, questioning Russia's motives. The identity of Gibraltar with Tarshish as a "sea gate" in the Mediterranean, is at this moment in history answerable to Britain. This famous rock which would make a good target for Russian desires. Therefore, Ezekiel's verse 13,- like Daniel's last verses in chapter 11.- are aligning the nations to stand for or against Russia and its friendly nations. Which are all looking down the gun barrel of World War III. The "YOUNG LIONS" depicted in verse 13 is indeed a reference - as some biblical students suspect,- to the Commonwealth of British nations and the USA. To refresh one's memory, on this subject, holy writ tells us, Judah is a "lion" (Genesis 49:9), Gad as a "lion" (Deut. 33:20) Dan, a "lions whelp", (Deut. 33:22). The 2 nations of Israel/Jacob lay down as a lion, (Numbers 24:5-9). These "lion" references are for "all" Israel's sons. We have read previously that Gad and Dan are in the Gentiles. Who were amongst the Celtic tribes of Gadhelic-Scots/Irish, and Britons Welsh/Cornish); The "LION" of Judah/Jacob's sons are in the Jew.

Ezekiel 38:14:- "THEREFORE, SON OF MAN (Ezekiel) PROPHECY AND SAY UNTO GOG, (The Russian leader called "HE" in Daniel's prophecy), THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD (It "will" happen because "GOD" has spoken, and history is set in place from the beginning). IN THAT DAY (When Russia feels strong and petulant enough to advance on all Israel's nations, -and other nations besides,- during the times of Israel Dwelling Safely in their own lands) WHEN MY PEOPLE OF ISRAEL DWELLETH SAFELY, SHALL THOU NOT KNOW IT"? (Or there is no reason to doubt, and be in ignorance of this precarious situation these nations find themselves in. One must be convinced of it! Prophecy for the "last days" is showing "all" Israel loud and clear what to expect in the years ahead. So those leaders of these peoples must take "note" of this danger from Russia and act upon it).

We must now touch very lightly on the "end time" warmongering picture in Ezekiel. Which Daniel has already told us in chapter 11:41-45, and Revelation 6:7-8 - which is the ride of the "PALE HORSE".- All three prophets tell us of the dreadful events facing mankind during this same period of time.

The 2 feet of Nebuchadnezzar's idol became the 2 powers of the British Empire and the United States of America, who in prophetic history were also the 2 sons of Joseph, Ephraim, and Manasseh, who governed the rest of Israel's tribes in secular history. They all "Dwelling Safely" in their own chosen lands, until the final showdown between nations.

Ezekiel's verses now fill in a little more of that dreadful picture, which will include nuclear war. Ezekiel 38:15-23. "AND THOU SHALT COME FROM THY PLACE OUT OF THE NORTH PARTS. (Here we are still speaking of Gog/Russia, seen in verse 2. Note reader "He" comes from "his land" -Magog- which is in the North parts of the earth. Ezekiel is not saying, North of the land of Israel/Palestine,- as some bible students say; -But, NORTH, and in the same area in which we have already been dealing, that of the British "Isles" and the USA). THOU, (Russia) AND MANY PEOPLE WITH THEE, (These people are in Ezekiel 38:4-7. Who also Daniel names as Persia, Libya, Ethiopia etc.) ALL OF THEM RIDING UPON HORSES, (Or tanks, armoured vehicles etc.) A GREAT COMPANY, (Or a collection of men, animals, and effects), AND A MIGHTY ARMY"; (Apart from the tanks etc. and various men and effects etc. there is also a strong, powerful, very great multitude of men armed for war).

Verse 16:- "AND THOU (Russia and its allies) SHALT COME UP AGAINST MY PEOPLE OF ISRAEL, (All the nations that constitute the 2 nations of Israel) AS A CLOUD TO COVER THE LAND; (Again, we have the sky heavy with the invasion of men at war, which we have already read of in verse 9 when dealing with the USA). IT SHALL BE IN THE LATTER DAYS, (Or "end time" of years of man's ruling, before the return of Christ and His kingdom.) AND I WILL BRING THEE AGAINST MY LAND, (Here is another clause to Russia's intentions, because Russia is also in the Middle East, who is brought by God into "His" special land of old, that of Israel. The huge forces (in the world both East West, North and South) are now being martialled towards the "VALLEY OF DECISION", or ARMAGEDDON then to put an "end" to man's foolishness)! THAT THE HEATHEN MAY KNOW ME, WHEN I SHALL BE SANCTIFIED IN THEE, O GOG, BEFORE THEIR EYES". (The "HEATHEN" are men who are "not" under the Israelite Covenant or do "not" worship the God of Israel. -But are worshippers of themselves, of other men, or other gods of wood, stone, or of myth and legend). On that great battlefield with millions of men under arms, the "REAL" God of heaven and earth will cause to come into effect by an awesome sight and knowledge, that "He" indeed rules in the kingdoms of men, and the "whole" 12 tribes of Israel "are" His people. Ezekiel: 38, verse 8, has already stated that forces "outside" mankind's nations will "visit" the earth. So, when verse 9 says, the "HEATHEN WILL KNOW" the presence of God is there on that battlefield, it is telling us the same thing. God's presence will be "SANCTIFIED"! Or to make His name Holy and Pure, making men confess and celebrate "His" holiness).

Verse 17:- "THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD; ART THOU HE OF WHOM I HAVE SPOKEN IN OLD TIME BY MY SERVANTS THE PROPHETS OF ISRAEL, WHICH PROPHESIED IN THOSE DAYS MANY YEARS THAT I WOULD BRING THEE AGAINST THEM"? (Or in other words God told us the End of history from the Beginning of secular history, which was set down for our learning in "His" book, the Bible. The prophets of Israel wrote down Hebrew history enveloping all nations as the years rolled on. These Laws set in this Book are the "First Principles" of truth, which is the sure foundation of correct knowledge. For instance, the prophet Daniel many centuries ago, spoke of the "He" of Russia that would be brought to the nations of Israel (THEM) to fight this terrible war, to end all wars). Ezek. 38:18. "AND IT SHALL COME TO PASS AT THE SAME TIME WHEN GOG SHALL COME AGAINST THE LAND OF ISRAEL, (Palestine) SAITH THE LORD GOD, THAT MY FURY SHALL COME UP IN MY FACE".(Or God's anger will burn red in His face and He will cause terrible devastation upon Gog/Russia, and all the peoples with him. The anger of God culminates into that GREAT DAY OF God Almighty, spoken of in Revelations 16. The great voice of God Almighty from the heavenly temple speaks, -"IT IS DONE",- and the great earthquakes and hail, will show the nations of men "what" indeed they are fighting!

In Daniel's words, "Russia will have "none" other nations of peoples to help him)! Verse 19:- "FOR IN MY JEALOUSY (Or God's solicitude for the welfare and honour of his people of all Israel), AND IN THE FIRE OF MY WRATH HAVE I SPOKEN (God said "IT IS DONE" the destruction of the earth by FIRE began). SURELY IN THAT DAY THERE SHALL BE A GREAT SHAKING IN THE LAND OF ISRAEL";(Not even His land of Israel shall escape an enormous earthquake the like of which is seen in Revelations. 6:12, 11:13, 16:18).

Ezekiel. 38:20:- "SO THAT THE FISHES OF THE SEA, AND THE FOWLS OF THE HEAVEN, AND THE BEASTS OF THE FIELD, AND ALL CREEPING THING THAT CREEP UPON THE EARTH, AND ALL THE MEN THAT ARE UPON THE FACE OF THE EARTH, SHALL SHAKE AT MY PRESENCE, (God makes known to everything on earth exactly what sort of power puny man is dealing with. There will be the "existence" of an Enormous Personage whether in appearance or apparition. "He" dares not "touch" the earth in its corruptible form, or all life would cease to exist, but "He" will surely make known that "He" lives and all things are "His")! AND THE MOUNTAINS SHALL BE THROWN DOWN, AND THE STEEP PLACES SHALL FALL, AND EVERY WALL SHALL BE THROWN TO THE GROUND".(So great is the shaking of the earth that from the mountains to the ground nothing is able to stand, that is not affected in some way).

Verse 21:- "AND I WILL CALL FOR A SWORD AGAINST HIM (It is death to Russia) THROUGHOUT ALL MY MOUNTAINS, SAITH THE LORD GOD (The mountains and the earth itself are "His") EVERY MAN'S SWORD SHALL BE AGAINST HIS BROTHER". (All nations small and great will stand for or against this world-wide situation; Families also will be divided against each other).

Verse 22:- "AND I WILL PLEAD AGAINST HIM WITH PESTILENCE AND WITH BLOOD; (God will argue or reason with these people following Russia's motives, to support a claim, that they are fighting the full nation of Israel's Reawakening. Therefore, he urges them to stop, but in vain, because disease and killing goes on unchecked). AND I WILL RAIN UPON HIM, AND UPON HIS BANDS, AND UPON THE MANY PEOPLE THAT ARE WITH HIM, (From the sky will come misery upon Russia, and those united to him for a common purpose, and upon Persia, Libya, Ethiopia, etc. many nations stated earlier) AN OVERFLOWING RAIN, AND GREAT HAILSTONES, FIRE, AND BRIMSTONE". (FIRE, from lightning with great storms, and the lava flow of sulphur from explosions of volcanoes, etc); Verse 23:- "THUS WILL I MAGNIFY MYSELF, AND SANCTIFY MYSELF; (God has warned us all of these happenings, and when it comes to pass, "He" will then become Greater in the increase of power and glory, and "He" will make His name Holy and consecrate His presence in the earth).AND I WILL BE KNOWN IN THE EYES OF MANY NATIONS, (Man will "see" at last, that God is no legend, or an unknown Being in outer space). AND THEY SHALL KNOW THAT I AM THE LORD". (Many nations of the world will know God is The Holy One of Israel also the Lord God of all mankind). In Ezekiel chapter 39 the destruction of Russian desires upon all Israel ends in a multitude of dead. And so, it is then fulfilled from the mouth of Daniel's prophecy "THAT NONE SHALL HELP HIM", so great is this devastation!

The "reason" for these terrible days is written in Ezek.39:25-29. "THEREFORE, THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD; NOW WILL I BRING AGAIN (The second time "He" has brought the Jew out of Egypt of the nations. The captivity of Jacob/or the Jew, has finished, the son of Jacob, has been brought out of the nations to possess Israel's land, from being under subjection and subdued by others) AND HAVE MERCY UPON THE WHOLE HOUSE OF ISRAEL,(Another clause to those, words is to pardon and forgive the apathy and wickedness of the 10 lost tribes of the whole House of Israel in the Gentile nations), AND WILL BE JEALOUS (Anxiously careful) FOR MY HOLY NAME"; (Which is, The Most Holy One of Israel).

Verse 26:- "AFTER THAT THEY (2 houses), HAVE BORNE THEIR SHAME, (Or "at last" both houses have understood the words in God's Book, The Bible which have at last given them knowledge of their family tree; Seen through secular and spiritual history. These 2 nations must now bear their painful guilt and disgrace of what they have done to God, in their shallowness of their thoughts and actions). AND ALL THEIR TRESPASSES WHEREBY THEY HAVE TRESPASSED AGAINST ME, WHEN THEY DWELT SAFELY IN THEIR LAND, AND NONE MADE THEM AFRAID". (Which we have seen the House of Israel in the USA and British Isles etc. in Ezekiel; 38).

Verse 27:- "WHEN I HAVE BROUGHT THEM AGAIN FROM THE PEOPLE, AND GATHERED THEM OUT OF THEIR ENEMIES LANDS, (Both nations went into captivity in centuries past, the Jew being scattered in many lands, and Israel lost through the Gentiles of Nebuchadnezzar's dream image). AND AM SANCTIFIED IN THEM IN THE SIGHT OF MANY NATIONS". (These 12 tribes will stand as "one" for all to see. That indeed they all live, because of God's words spoken in ancient times, and they will bow to God with faces to the ground).


Verse 29:- "NEITHER WILL I HIDE MY FACE ANY MORE FROM THEM; (God will not turn away from them anymore in punishment, but they will "See" and know in assurance that "He" is there) FOR I HAVE POURED OUT MY SPIRIT UPON THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL, SAITH THE LORD GOD". (God poured out the "strength of His Spirit first towards the "House of Israel" in the Gentiles, because "He" Redeemed them through Jesus the Christ. "He" gave them great words of the Law within the Gentile Bible. "He" let flow the stream in the "last days" words of the Comforter of truth. "He" gave them wisdom and knowledge to seek out understanding to save their miserable lives. All "He" asks is to let your spirit within you "hear" what the voice is saying. Israel in the Gentiles will teach the Jew these words, to bring them all back once more to our Father and His Christ)!

To put all the understanding of Ezekiel's words together for all the nation of Israel to understand. I will repeat it! God has carried and will carry, "all" Israel from a distance. To induce them a "second time" to return from their state of bondage, of the mind or body whether in other nations, or materialism and secularism as with Israel in the Gentiles. The second clause to this affair, is to hold and regard, to be urged by necessity and obligation. That, "He, God, will pardon, forgive, and overlook other injuries caused by the "second" House of the 10 tribes of Israel. Or "He" has taken into consideration the total assemblage of the parts of this nation. He is anxious, uneasy, and zealous for their treatment of Him. God's great name in both these nations of Israel is not simply God. To them, "HE" must be held in extreme regard in His most sacred Name as, "I AM",-Yahweh- (or Jehovah) meaning, "HE" who in the absolute sense exists, and who manifests "HIS" existence and character. "Yahweh" is the God of revelation and grace, dwelling with "His" people (under a covenant) throughout all the centuries, guiding and delivering them, and receiving their worship. In other words, "HE" is the -"MOST HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL"- that is "His" name! All the people of that same Israel, have been "Separated" from other nations as princes in the earth to bear his "Surname"-Israel." For this "name" and this cause that "Surname" must not be tarnished anymore! The prophet Isaiah has taken much trouble in explaining "why" both houses of Israel are in this situation and bearing that sacred name "Israel". (Isaiah 44:1-7, 45:3-4).

Let us read quickly these wonderful verses. Isaiah 44:1. "YET NOW HEAR, (take heed and obey) O JACOB MY SERVANT; (The House of Judah, who is an attendant to this household of God) AND ISRAEL, WHOM I HAVE CHOSEN", (2 nations, -the 2nd clause of people is distinguished through preference of spirit).

Verse 2:- "THUS SAITH THE LORD THAT MADE THEE, AND FORMED THEE FROM THE WOMB, (these children were predestined by God), WHICH WILL HELP THEE; FEAR NOT, O JACOB, MY SERVANT, AND THOU JESURUN,(This latter name is the symbolic name for the House of Israel because in them is seen Jesus). WHOM I HAVE CHOSEN". (Or the "second" nation is chosen the "second" time through the spirit, and not the flesh as Jacob/Judah).

Verse 3:- "FOR I WILL POUR WATER UPON HIM THAT IS THIRSTY, (Suffering from the lack of knowledge to quench the spirit) AND FLOODS UPON THE DRY GROUND. (Kept through prosperity) I WILL POUR MY SPIRIT UPON THY SEED, ("He" gave us all the Redeemer/Jesus, and knowledge), AND MY BLESSING UPON THINE OFFSPRING". (The descendants of these 2 nations will be those who will receive this good fortune of understanding).

Verse 4:- "AND THEY SHALL SPRING UP AS AMONG THE GRASS,(They will become strong in nourishment, and so numerous as the sands of the sea) AS WILLOWS BY THE WATER COURSES". (They shall be people fed in prosperity and nurtured in desirable places).

Verse 5:- "ONE SHALL SAY, I AM THE LORD'S; (Those people who are Gentile Israelites, will count themselves genetically as being "Surnamed" Israel, and no more Gentiles with perhaps only Christian affinity) AND ANOTHER SHALL CALL HIMSELF BY THE NAME OF JACOB (And one more nation, or a different nation shall say we are Jews of the lineage of Judah/Jacob) AND ANOTHER SHALL SUBSCRIBE WITH HIS HAND UNTO THE LORD, (Or one "more" nation of Israel shall sign in writing one's name, now changed from a previous name, towards the Lord). AND "SURNAME" HIMSELF BY THE NAME OF ISRAEL". (No longer will your "surname" be a Jewish or Gentile name, such as Cohen or Jones, but only Israel).

Verse 6:- "THUS SAITH THE LORD THE KING OF ISRAEL, (Or the Lord God is the "real" king of Israel, but "He" cannot set foot on the earth, so His son Jesus is our King) AND HIS REDEEMER THE LORD OF HOSTS, (Again, God is the "real" Redeemer, but Jesus the Christ became our Redeemer, because He had to die on earth so that we might live again. God "cannot" die, so His son filled His place. Jesus is Lord of many things, and of a multitude of Beings in both heaven and earth). I AM THE FIRST, (Or Yahweh and the Alpha) AND I AM THE LAST; (Or Yahweh and Omega) AND BESIDE ME THERE IS NO GOD". (The gods of the heathen and celestial bodies worshipped by man are untrue).

Verse 7:- "AND WHO, (Persons) AS I, (God) SHALL CALL, (The elect of predestined children) AND SHALL DECLARE IT, (Has to be made known and published openly and plainly) AND SET IT IN ORDER FOR ME, (To place before the people, these truths which are subject to Laws and Rules in an organised fashion. Written by prophets and persons of mankind, which are of no private interpretation, only from God) SINCE I APPOINTED THE ANCIENT PEOPLE? (From the time when "I" God, established and ordained the Hebrew nation, who came from Abraham back to Seth, son of Adam, as a special people) AND THE THINGS THAT ARE COMING, (Or the prophecies of both spiritual/secular history written down for our learning, through Daniel and all other prophets, into the "end time" of all history). AND SHALL COME, (It has to happen and progress as spoken) LET THEM SHEW UNTO THEM". (This knowledge must not be prevented by man but permitted by these persons mentioned, -Israelites- to cause them to understand).

Isaiah 45:3,4. "AND I WILL GIVE THEE THE TREASURES OF DARKNESS, AND HIDDEN RICHES OF SECRET PLACES, THAT THOU MAYEST KNOW THAT I, THE LORD, WHICH CALL THEE BY THY NAME, AM THE GOD OF ISRAEL". This verse is a fine example how God predestined and elevated men in secular history for a cause, subject to future history of their time. The jewels of understanding people mentioned as truth, are hidden in secret verses for us to find, and "He" has named many. For instance the last verse Isa 44:28-45:3 is a prophecy predicting that a King called Cyrus would arise in Persia approx. 547 BC. -Isaiah prophesied about 740 BC.- So that, when this prophecy was read to Cyrus when he had captured Babylon and its peoples, he would look kindly upon the Jewish nation who were held by the Babylonians and return them to their homeland.

Isaiah 45:4 however, goes on to explain in this prophecy not only were the people Cyrus had been dealing with were involved, but Israel's children, who became lost in the ebb and flow of conqueror's governing the lands where these children were pushed into oblivion throughout the centuries ahead.

Verse 4:- "FOR JACOB MY SERVANT'S SAKE, (Or the Jew of the House of Judah, who stands as "witness" for this nation of God) AND ISRAEL MINE ELECT. (Or within the House of Israel in the Gentiles, God's chosen children in favour with God, through Jesus out of this large number of this second nation.) I HAVE EVEN CALLED THEE BY THY NAME. (God has affirmed in prophecy that they are Gentile fleshly and spiritually Israelites). I HAVE "SURNAMED" THEE, (That of Joseph of Israel, Ephraim of Israel, Dan, Gad of Israel etc., and all their descendants to the end of time). THOUGH THOU HAST NOT KNOWN ME". (Or these Gentile Israelites took strange names of other nations, especially the Celtic and Germanic nations. They called themselves Christians out of many churches of a God-fearing people. Yet, they did not know God, as "The Holy One of Israel"! Nor did they know "who" they were, and as children subjects to that awesome title of the surname Israel. Their tentative hold on Israel was through Jesus of the House of Judah, and they called themselves only "spiritual Israel". Prophecy deals with the "whole person" of 2 halves, and not just one that of the spirit. People must fulfil flesh and spirit roads to "know" God properly, because "He" made both those parts for a reason. The flesh bearing His image and likeness, and the spirit to bear His voice).

The verses in Ezekiel and Isaiah etc. show us that "we all", who are counted as the children of Israel within British stock, and the Jew, will understand all these hidden things from holy Scripture, and be ashamed for our past lack of understanding throughout the centuries! We will bear the shame of our new knowledge of "who" we are. That will eventually force us to a painful sensation of conscious guilt, for having neglected all "truth", for our man-made ritualistic thinking, vanity of self, and of learning. Always preferring God's words to be wrong than to own up to our feeble excuses, of being wrong in all we have worshipped, in dozens of different so called Christian churches!

The Lord God's years of hiding His face from us has finally passed. Now! It is "time" for the spirit of truth to be released throughout the "House of Israel" within British stock, around the world. Who pride themselves on two mottos, -"God is our right" (Britain) and "In God we Trust" (USA) Now! It is time to "prove" those mottos by hearing "His" voice correctly in the Holy Bible, for the "strength" of that Comforter is upon us!

It never ceases to amaze me that Bible students from various denominations go to such lengths to try and fit wrong interpretations of prophecy into verses to suit their own long held ways of thinking. When instead, they should learn with open minds and continually "prove" what has been learned. This mode of learning Saint Paul teaches us in 1 Thessalonians 5:19-21, and when we "Prove" something it is to test, examine through reasoning and evidence. Of which I am going to great lengths in this book along many paths to do so!

I must for Truth's sake, and not out of malice, -God forbid- to demonstrate what some bible students teach and differ on the same subjects. For instance, the denomination of Christadelphians interprets all prophecy pertaining to Israel towards the Jew only, for them the mind is closed at that point in prophecy, and no other interpretation enters therein. They interpret the words, of Israel Dwelling "Safely" or confidently, and of the "Land of Unwalled Villages Without Bars or Gates", this way:- (Taken from one of their magazines). "EZEKIEL DECLARED THAT THE ISRAELI'S WOULD DWELL SAFELY OR CONFIDENTLY IN THE LAND. CONFIDENCE IS A FEATURE OF MODERN ISRAEL. ON THREE OCCASIONS SHE HAS DECISIVELY DEFEATED THE COMBINED ARAB NATIONS, AND IS CONFIDENT OF DOING SO AGAIN. TODAY, ISRAEL DWELLS WITH AN EVEN GREATER SENSE OF "SAFETY" BROUGHT ABOUT BY THE SIGNING OF THE PACT WITH EGYPT AND CONTINUED MILITARY SUCCESS IN THE MIDDLE EAST".

That short quote from this denomination is an exercise in trying to squeeze prophecy into a wrong interpretation. Thereby trying to muster up "safety and peaceful" ways, that the House of Judah (Jew) has lived during these past forty or more years. Since the state of Israel came again into existence. Remember with hindsight reader, that when the Jew took over the tiny strip of Israel a great fence (Wall) was built between them and Jordan, as a marker of separation and defence. The Jew ever since their occupation of that land have been unable to feel secure, because of millions of Arabs desiring their room to their company, with many, many, Arabs out to gun them down. There are many places in that land with fences, bars, and gates, to keep out the marauding suicide bands from Arab nations to this day.

The much-desired city of Jerusalem especially the "old city" has remains of great walls, built and rebuilt for its protection throughout its perilous history. Its many gates today are the New Gate, Jaffa gate, Zion gate, Golden gate, Double gate, Saint Stephens gate, etc. the Damascus gate is a much-used entry into Jerusalem.

As for the "peace pact" signed between the nations of Egypt/Israel it is an exercise in expediency because of internal problems in both countries, and, of an organising ones-self for a breathing space. Jewish so called "confidence" is reasoned from the knowledge they have nowhere else to go, or they are now "home" and that's that!

The Jew won their wars against the Arabs because they were fulfilling their "birthright-blessings," which Jacob and Moses pronounced upon them in their "end time" history. This knowledge one will read in, Genesis 49:8, Deut: 33:7, for Judah. Deut: 33:12, Genesis 49:27 for Benjamin. - Genesis 49:5-7, Deut: 33:8-11 for Levi. These "blessings" were fulfilled in these latter days to the letter of the Law, when Judah's hand was on the neck of his enemies and Benjamin attacked with the "cunning of a wolf," and Levi's anger was "fierce".

Denominations are divided for, or against, the Jews fulfilling prophecy. Divided also as to whether Russia is the protagonist that brings in World War III, or some other coming leader in a United European block. Which they say is signified by the 10 toes of Nebuchadnezzar's man image in Daniel's prophecy.


RECENTLY THERE HAS BEEN AN INCREASE IN THE CALLS ON THE U.N. AND THE COURT OF WORLD OPINION TO MAKE ISRAEL AN INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS : THE JEWS HAVE WANTED THE U.N. TO MOVE THEIR HEADQUARTERS TO ISRAEL FOR YEARS. STREET ATTACKS ON U.N. DELEGATES HAVE LEFT MANY OF THEM DISILLUSIONED WITH NEW YORK CITY. PERHAPS SOME AGREEMENT WITH THE U.N. WILL PROVIDE ISRAEL WITH THE PEACE SHE MUST HAVE BEFORE BEING INVADED BY RUSSIA". In Tim Lahaye's paragraph written for the land of Israel, he sees "part" of Ezekiel's prophecy opposite to the Christadelphians, -here he is correct.- There has been no such thing as Safety in the land of Israel by no stretch of the imagination, to fill every word written by Ezekiel. So, if he sees Ezekiel 38:11 is "not" referring to the Jew in the land of Israel today, in the last days, to "whom" is this "whole" picture of "unwalled villages" referring?

It's no good either waiting and hoping for peace to happen to fulfil prophecy in nations, when all the world is rattling sabres for many reasons. Whether its country after country fighting, or factional fighting within nations. A lot of people within our world are crying "peace-peace," because the alternatives are too dreadful to contemplate, yet! There is no peace at all!


Now it seems Tim Lahaye is practising the art of forcing prophecy to fit the modern idea picture of nations and trying hard to conjure up all sorts of rich things for the land of Israel, and what the Jew might accomplish as yet!

I have always found in the past when a person uses the words, "it is clear", you can bet your bottom dollar that it is "not" clear at all! Otherwise, they would have used certainties and facts to underline the issue!

I repeat, this reference in Ezekiel 38:10-14, towards the land of the "House of Israel" is of the British Isles and its "company of nations" comprising British stock. Who have royal houses, great castles, and large mansions full of silver, gold, and fabulous very precious things, they have much spoil, oil money, cattle and goods.

The Socialist Russian lovers within these Israelite nations, would perhaps open the "flood gates" to a Russian Federation of nations on the march. Their high and low born people within these nations have spied for Russia and have subverted their "birthright" in times past and will do so again. All of Ezekiel's chapter 39 and of the destruction of Russia upon the mountains of Israel, -(wherever Israel lives)- will cause great destruction also to those who live Carelessly. These are people without heed in a negligent and thoughtless manner, not thinking nor being concerned beforehand in the Isles. God in the past "hid His face form these people", so that their punishment would be fulfilled as spoken, but "now" Israel has no excuse not to understand all things!

Both Ezekiel and Daniel prophecy the failure of Russia to completely overwhelm this "House of Israel" in British stock throughout its nations and North America. Russia will come to its end in secular history, -at that point of time- and "None Will Help Him", as Daniel foretells in chapter 11/45. If one should read and perceive the understanding of many verses by the prophets concerning the "real" identity of all these people mentioned, then one's horizons will be opened to an enormous degree.

For instance, Hosea shows us in chapter 11, how Ephraim (England) after going through the Assyrians, became like the Assyrians in their evil thoughts and ways. Because of that God questions, "HOW SHALL I DELIVER THEE Ephraim? HOW SHALL I DELIVER THEE ISRAEL? Or for what reason extent, and manner should this lineage be helped because they are a sinful nation? (Remembering reader that Ephraim heads the Royal House of England and the "House of Israel"). These children are classed as living in the West by Hosea. Ephraim/Israel's nature today is foreseen in Hosea 11:12. "Ephraim COMPASSETH ME ABOUT WITH LIES, (Take a good look at British stock in the world today, who are unable to understand "who" they really are? Because they are so busy with all their myriad of churches compassing "Him", as God's houses. Or they are unconcerned about the things of God. In their secular wickedness they curse "His" name for mundane reasons). AND THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL WITH DECEIT; (The whole nation of 10 tribes that have forged new nations, say they are Christian nations, yet! They are frauds, with duplicity of thought and action as they make their way to the altar of God. Not in truth and mourning but with vanities of mind and purpose). -BUT JUDAH YET RULETH WITH GOD, AD IS FAITHFUL WITH THE SAINTS. (Or the first nation of Israel -that of Judah- despite his faults, was chosen of God to bring forth Jesus, to be a regal guiding principle to both houses. Judah is a "witness" for the Israelites and has children amongst its house who have kept themselves, and God, alive throughout the centuries with memories of the Patriarchs. Who have tried to adhere to duty, loyalty, and trust in the promises made to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses, etc. which those ancient persons of the Law were sanctified in holy writ to this day).

The prophet Isaiah speaks thus of the Isles. Isaiah 60:9. "SURELY THE ISLES SHALL WAIT FOR ME. (The "Isles" does not mean coasts, which the word is translated by others, but a specific place. -When one "WAITS" it is to stay and rest in expectation until a certain period of time has expired or arrives, "then" something happens pertaining to God)!- AND SHIPS OF TARSHISH FIRST, (Merchant ships passing through the area of Gibraltar, will be foremost in time) TO BRING THY SONS FROM FAR, (British stock have spread out into distant lands, into far away Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, USA. Those sons of the House of Israel in British stock, have passed through Gibraltar/Tarshish on merchant ships. Then in great numbers twice before in history towards the Isles, when they answered her call in World Wars I and II). THEIR SILVER AND THEIR GOLD WITH THEM, (They are rich nations as Ezekiel has already explained) UNTO THE NAME OF THE LORD THY GOD, (Or this is the style and distinction by which many of these sons call God). AND TO THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL, (This is another name by which "He" is called, but "only" by the children of Israel is this name relevant). BECAUSE HE HAS GLORIFIED THEE". (Or God has blessed and ascribed honour to this nation of Israel, -both houses- more than any other nation under the sun. The understanding and reality of "truth" of this whole matter of prophecy, will change this nation). The rest of Isaiah's chapter tells one of that "Glorification"!

I could go on and on picking up a word or sentence here and there, ever weaving them into the tapestry of truth towards our understanding. Unless truth has begun to shine now after all these written words, you will never acknowledge them nor try and know them!

To finish prophecies, worry over Israel and Russia, let us sum up the situation for today's world. It is obvious from these verses in prophecy that Russia with nations accompanying "Him", will make an all-out onslaught on Israel's Western society, as we know it. Russia will strike on all "fronts" at once, and suddenly, leaving no room for immediate warning methods by the attacked powers. At the same time as "He" is attacking the American continent, "He" is attacking the British Isles and its daughter nations, "He" is also attacking the land of Israel as Ezekiel 38 explains. This is "why" all these nations of Israel in Daniel 11-verses 31 to 45 seem to be so quiet at this vulnerable time. It will be as Paul says, in 1 Thessalonians 5:3 "PEACE AND SAFETY" assured by man means sudden destruction instead, while Russia plunders and pillages through many countries - such as Egypt. The Russian plan is also to gather as many nations under its own ruling power first, cut off the sea-lanes and oil bases, taking all wealth that is coveted or needed for the remaining other nations to function. Then strike conventionally as a "whirlwind of storm clouds", that we read of in Daniel 11 and Ezekiel 38. The tribes of Israel within the whole nation of Israel, will be given a hard smack in the face by Russia. Because, they have left their God for crafty materialism and corruption, they have become cynical towards God, so they must learn a hard lesson to "Awaken" them towards their God, and their own identity.

For Judah in the land of Israel however, things are not the same for him-as verses 18/23 Ezekiel 38, says;-Though he too has forgotten the memory depth of his God The Holy One of Israel, and many peoples are corrupt also. Yet! He has already drunk the dregs of his bitter cup under Hitler, and he is "not" the passive Jew he once was. Because Jacob the old lion stands up, and his hand will be on the "NECK OF HIS ENEMIES". (Genesis 49:8).

Once Gog (Russia) ventures into the "lands" of all Israel, -as spoken by the prophets- and thinks to put down his roots and to build on them, he has signed his own death warrant! Because then, he is not only dealing with the foibles of men, but with the plan of God, and only "He" chastises Israel. This act of Russia will bring the fury of annoyance upon the Holy One of Israel, making His face burn with anger, and He will unleash that anger on Russia and his friends, shaking the earth and throwing down mountains. "His" anger will know no bounds until even His people Israel will submit to Him, through adversity. The people of the lands of Israel will know for sure, "who they are"! -and "who He is"! -and acknowledge "Him" to the full!

The Russian "He" of Daniel, or "Gog" of Ezekiel or the "Pale Horse" of Revelations, desires to take over the world and has bitten off more than he can chew, -so to speak,- he has over stretched himself in that long held desire. He comes to his "END WITH NONE TO HELP HIM" as Daniel foretold. Because he "cannot" be allowed to destroy the "separated lineage" of the called-out seed of the 2 camps of the 2 nations of Israel.

History has plaid out its secular game throughout the centuries with mankind dying in their millions. With Joseph's seed being shot at and hated, as his future was foretold in Genesis 49-22/23. Yet! God has kept alive the promised remnant/lineage of the "Called Children" of Israel throughout it all. They, have always been seen and taken note of, as we read in 1 Kings 19:18 and Romans 11:1-36.






Verse 15:- "FOR IF THE CASTING AWAY OF THEM BE THE RECONCILING OF THE WORLD, (To restore an old union after a long difference) WHAT SHALL THE RECEIVING OF THEM BE, BUT LIFE FROM THE DEAD"? (This is a reference to the "VALLEY OF DRY BONES" of the "House of Israel" in the Gentiles written in Ezekiel 37).

Verse 25:- "FOR I WOULD NOT, BRETHREN THAT YE SHOULD BE IGNORANT OF THIS MYSTERY (Which mystery is the "House of Israel" resides in our modern times within the Gentiles, and British stock). LEST YE SHOULD BE WISE IN YOUR OWN CONCEITS; (Today's churches will not allow this "mystery" as "fact", but are full of the conceit of their own wrong thinking) THAT BLINDNESS IN PART IS HAPPENED TO ISRAEL, (Both houses of Israel, shut their ears and eyes to absolute truth, and see only lies) UNTIL THE FULNESS OF THE GENTILES BE BECOME IN". (Or when each Gentile power portrayed on Nebuchadnezzar's image, and Daniel's foretelling of secular history to its "end time", has been consummated in that history, when the years have been full of Gentile power, and not Israelite power).

Verse 26:- "AND SO ALL ISRAEL (Both houses) SHALL BE SAVED; AS IT IS WRITTEN, THERE SHALL COME OUT OF SION (Zion within the Gentiles) THE DELIVERER (Which is Jesus the Messiah, who turned to the Gentiles, in Christianity). AND SHALL TURN AWAY UNGODLINESS FROM JACOB"; (Or turn the House of Judah the Jew, son of Jacob, towards Jesus as their Redeemer and long-awaited Messiah).

Verse 28:- "AS CONCERNING THE GOSPEL, THEY ARE ENEMIES FOR YOUR SAKES (Or the scheme of salvation for all Israel, as taught by Jesus the Christ and his apostles. These persons have been killed and made "another" use of, for to bring all Israel back to God through the mystery of this knowledge) BUT AS TOUCHING THE ELECTION, (Or the "reserved seed" out of the 2 houses of Israel spoken of in 1 Kings 19/18.) THEY ARE BELOVED FOR THE FATHERS SAKES". (Or because of the promises made to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and his progeny. God will fulfil all that has been said, vowed or blessed upon them).

The book of Romans tells all Israel -both houses- that they will be saved nationally, when all Scripture is fulfilled to the letter of the Law. To them will be joined "strangers" also, who have taken upon themselves the desire of Jesus Christ son of Judah, Son of God! (Isaiah 14:1).

The prophet Daniel in his exacting resume of history brings out the "covenanted" people, and the "reserved seed" of Israel spoken of in Romans, for all of us to remember that these children are "still" in the world today, in their thousands! These children of God are not in any "one" nation completely, or outside or inside any one church on earth, as some sects of bible students would have us believe. our Heavenly Father's people of the "holy seed" reserved for the "end time", are hiding in many Israelite nations, and in and out of many churches today as I put pen to paper to find them. They are called the daughters of Zion and of Jerusalem.

So, despite Russian's influence with other companies of nations, despite Gog's control of the prey and spoil in the earth, "HE" like all other man empowered dictators will fail, and be destroyed by the God of Israel. Which Divine Being governs the earth with His forces of power, which have "set" secular/spiritual history for mankind.

Russia's friends of other nations will have deserted him in his time of trouble, and it will be as Daniel says in verse 45, "NONE SHALL HELP HIM"!

Both Mussolini and Hitler were deserted at the end of their ruling power by their own people, and other nations. So too, will the "HE" of Russia be deserted at the end, for what "HE" has done in his madness.

It is written also in Ezekiel 39, that God is "AGAINST" the chief prince of Russia. Ezekiel has enlarged the sayings of Daniel for the "end time"! Let us read and remember those "last day" words of Ezekiel 39:1-16.


Verse 2:- "AND I WILL TURN THEE BACK, (Or to turn away from his target, and to flee) AND LEAVE BUT THE SIXTH PART OF THEE, (Or if his army is 1 million strong, a sixth part is, 66,666 and two thirds) AND WILL CAUSE THEE TO COME UP FROM THE NORTH PARTS, (Or ascend on high into the sky, like storm clouds in the Northern hemisphere). AND WILL BRING THEE UPON THE MOUNTAINS OF ISRAEL"; (Or wherever the nations of all the tribes of Israel live. e.g.: British Isles, USA the land of Israel in the Middle East, etc).

Verse 3:- "AND I WILL SMITE THY BOW OUT OF THY LEFT HAND, AND WILL CAUSE THINE ARROWS TO FALL OUT OF THY RIGHT HAND". (They will be unable to fight with the weapons Russia possesses, men and weapons will be useless from fear and weakness).

Verse 4:- "THOU SHALT FALL UPON THE MOUNTAINS OF ISRAEL, THOU, AND ALL THY BANDS, AND THE PEOPLE THAT IS WITH THEE; I WILL GIVE THEE UNTO THE RAVENOUS BIRDS OF EVERY SORT, AND TO THE BEASTS OF THE FIELD TO BE DEVOURED". (Both birds and animals wild and domestic, through great destruction will be very hungry, they will turn to eating man whether dead or alive).

Verse 5:- "THOU SHALT FALL UPON THE OPEN FIELD; FOR I HAVE SPOKEN IT, SAITH THE LORD GOD". (Or what "He" has said in prophecy, written centuries before this historical happening "will" definitely come to pass)!

Verse 6:- "AND I WILL SEND A FIRE ON MAGOG, (The land of Asia, of Mother Russia) AND AMONG THEM THAT DWELL CARELESSLY IN THE ISLES; (There will be terrible destructive fires in the British Isles, where Russian "Tabernacles" have been placed, spoken by Daniel. These peoples in the Isles are negligent and thoughtless and cannot recognise the truth as to their Lord God.) AND THEY SHALL KNOW THAT I AM THE LORD". (Or the punishment in the lands of Israel will continue, until these people acknowledge the God of Israel, and that "He" lives and reigns).

Verse 7:- "SO WILL I MAKE MY HOLY NAME KNOWN (The Holy One of Israel) IN THE MIDST OF MY PEOPLE ISRAEL; (Or wherever these nations of Israel live. "He" will perform this act, because Daniel's chapter 12 pronounces, that Michael the Archangel "stands up" for all to see, that God's presence is there). AND I WILL NOT LET THEM POLLUTE MY HOLY NAME ANYMORE; (The tribes of Israel will not be allowed anymore, to make God's name foul or unclean amongst uncouth men. In the past they have blasphemed His name, and His son Jesus Christ). AND THE HEATHEN (Or those people who worship outside the Israelite nations. Those worshipping a mythology of god's in stone, wood, animals, etc. Those who perform satanic rights of the evils of men). SHALL KNOW THAT I AM THE LORD, THE HOLY ONE IN ISRAEL". (The heathen of other nations will learn also "who" is the "real" God of the earth and put aside what they once believed and worshipped).

Verse 8:- "BEHOLD, IT IS COME, AND IT IS DONE, SAITH THE LORD GOD; (Or that which is prophesied for the "end time" of man's ruling is upon us and carried out to the letter of the Law). THIS IS THE DAY (Or year) WHEREOF I HAVE SPOKEN". (He, Jehovah, is the God of revelation and grace, who has always been dwelling amongst His people, guiding and delivering them, with His words).

Verse 9:- "AND THEY THAT DWELL IN THE CITIES OF ISRAEL. (Though mankind has fought World War III with all its consequences, the earth and the cities where all Israel resides, are home to the peoples who survived) SHALL GO FORTH, AND SET ON FIRE AND BURN THE WEAPONS, BOTH SHIELDS AND THE BUCKLERS (The Israelites will beat their spears into pruning hooks, for man's intentions for war at that time will be utterly destroyed. Both offensive and defensive implements will be destroyed. A "buckler" is the "boss" of a shield, at times ornamental, used for defensive purposes) THE BOWS AND ARROWS, AND THE HAND STAVES, (Weapons) AND THE SPEARS, AND THEY SHALL BURN THEM WITH FIRE SEVEN YEARS".

Verse 10:- "SO THAT THEY SHALL TAKE NO WOOD OUT OF THE FIELD, NEITHER CUT DOWN ANY OUT OF THE FORESTS; (Because God has replenished the earth for their good, and the face of the earth must be cleaned) FOR THEY SHALL BURN THE WEAPONS WITH FIRE; (Or in modern times the weapons are of steel, to melt them down in furnaces). AND THEY (The nations of Israel) SHALL SPOIL THOSE THAT SPOILED THEM, AND ROB THOSE THAT ROBBED THEM, SAITH THE LORD GOD". (In Ezekiel 38 we read of the USA and the Isles etc. being menaced with Gog and his friends, casting their greedy eyes on these lands to take a spoil of silver, gold, cattle and goods. Here now the tables have been turned, so to speak, because the nations of Israel are taking back their spoil with interest).

Verse 11:- "AND IT SHALL COME TO PASS IN THAT DAY, THAT I WILL GIVE UNTO GOG (Russia) A PLACE OF GRAVES IN ISRAEL, (Or not only in the lands of the whole nation of Israel but mainly in the land of Israel itself). THE VALLEY OF THE PASSENGERS, (Or a place where many people pass as travellers) ON THE EAST OF THE SEA; AND IT SHALL STOP THE NOSES OF THE PASSENGERS; (So great is the putrid smell of dead carcasses) AND THERE SHALL THEY BURY GOG AND ALL HIS MULTITUDE; AND THEY SHALL CALL IT -THE VALLEY OF HAMON-GOG". (The latter half of verse 11 called "east of the sea" must be clarified further).

The "Day of God" of which Ezekiel 39 speaks in verse 8, is the same "Day" we have already read and understood from Daniel 11:44-45. Within the unravelling of Daniel's verses, we saw how the destruction and killing on a grand scale was brought about through 3 types of the escalation of all-out war. First, we had nations going trough "tribulations" of conventional warfare over a span of years. Second came nuclear warfare brought about by Russian desires and its fury. Thirdly, came Armageddon, and "Day of the Lord God, when there will be multitudes brought into the "Valley of Decision" in the holy land of Israel.

It is section 3, and the "Day of God's" fury, which Ezekiel is dealing with at the end of chapters 38 on into chapter 39, and it is "this" battle, when "NONE SHALL HELP" RUSSIA that Daniel foresaw! The meaning of the word's valley of Hamon-Gog (as scholars say) is "multitude of Gog". The prophet Joel, chapter 3, tells us of the "MULTITUDES, MULTITUDES IN THE VALLEY OF DECISION", for the "Day" of God Almighty is in that valley. But Joel's valley in verse 2/Joel 3, is also called the valley of Jehoshaphat, and not the valley of Hamon-Gog.

The name Jehoshaphat means;- "Jehovah has judged", -this name applied here is appropriate because God's anger towards all nations at that point of time is to bring down judgement! The "Day of God" is to bring the nations forward to face their final destiny in the earth, and "He" will judge them in the Holy Land, which was once given to all the tribes of Israel.

We must "not" confuse the valley of Jezreel, and the multitudes brought to that place, with the valley of Hamon-Gog and the multitude gathered there.

Ancient and modern scholars have sometimes identified the "valley of Jehoshaphat" with the Kidron Valley, which runs between the east walls of Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives, and continues a twisted course to the Dead Sea, approx. 3 miles in length.

The Kidron Valley which separates Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives, was a common burying place in early times, which included Gethsemane, where our Lord's body rested for 3 days and nights. God's fury on the "Day of the Lord God" is when "He" will confront all the children of Israel,-12 tribes- and the other warring nations of Gentile and heathen. For to argue "His cause" for "His plan" spoken by the prophet Hosea chapter 1.

This great prophet explains "this" situation from verse 2, which is Israel's punishment for departing from God. He goes on to explain how the ancient kingdom of the "House of Israel", (second kingdom of 10 tribes) ceased to exist. God broke their strength with "Him" as a whole people taking them utterly away, and that strength was broken in the "Valley of Jezreel".

But upon the "House of Judah" (first kingdom of 3 tribes), will mercy be granted, saving them by means of the Lord Jesus, from out of Judah, and by no "other" manner through the long centuries. Yet! Despite the "House of Israel's" punishment and dispersion into the Gentiles, they grew nevertheless into a multitude of peoples within nations.

Both houses of Israel must enter once more into the "Valley of Jezreel" at the "End Time", so that God can restore "His" bow to the "House of Israel". There will God fight their battle for them bringing out His anger to an enormous degree. As stated by other prophets. "Then" Armageddon is upon all nations. In the "valley of Jezreel" God will say to the House of Israel,-who lived with the Gentiles,- "YE ARE THE SONS OF THE LIVING GOD". Then, both houses will amalgamate in peace under their Messiah, The Lord Jesus Christ.

Therefore, because the "judgement" upon Israel and the nations has been passed in Jezreel at that time, Jezreel is both the "Valley of Decision" spoken by Joel 3:14, and the "valley of Jehoshaphat" or "Valley of judgement", spoken by Joel 3:2.

Because both Hosea and Joel speak of God pleading the cause of His "heritage" -Israel,- Joel 3:1 continues to set the stage of world affairs at the "end time" for the "House of Judah" (Jew). That is, before God pleads the cause of the "second" House of Israel. We are told in verse 1, that at the time of the "judgement" upon the nations at Armageddon, Judah's captivity amongst other nations has ended. When some of the Jews with the "holy seed" -called Jerusalem,- have once more been returned to their own land, and once more have set their roots downward.

The Valley of Hamon-Gog is neither the Valley of Jezreel, nor the Valley of Decision, nor the Valley of Jehoshaphat, so, what of the Kidron Valley? Though the Kidron was once the place of common graves in ancient times, it will "not" be the place for millions of dead bodies, because it is too close to Jerusalem for hygiene purposes. Ezekiel 39/11-16 purposefully states the necessity for hygiene, bringing into the picture the dreadful smell that multitudes of rotting bodies would bring, and the noise of birds and animals fighting over the blood and flesh of carcasses. Seven months of continual employment to remove the dead, is written for the "House of Israel" to perform that task. Therefore, the Valley of the dead of Hamon-Gog would be much further away from Jerusalem and into the desert, which would be the correct choice.

This valley of Hamon-Gog is also "East of the Sea", (Ezek. 39:11) so, which "sea" are we dealing with? It's not the Mediterranean Sea because that is west of Israel, so, "east" of Israel is beyond the Dead Sea, and into a valley of Jordan.

Ezekiel 39:12, also tells us that "SEVEN MONTHS SHALL THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL BURY THEM". Noting that the Jew of the "House of Judah" does not participate in this cleansing. Why? Because some of the people of the "House of Israel" brought out from all the other nations of Gentiles, have now begun to return to the "promised" land of Israel, (Ezek. 39:27). They have taken up residence with the areas allotted to them of old. Others of this nation will bury the dead in the commonwealth countries of Israel/British stock. The old division of the tribes into their sections of land after the exodus out of Egypt, allotted a great chunk of present-day Jordan, (Moab and Ammon) to Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh. Then onto Dan further north, who are tribes from the "House of Israel". So, the Valley of Hamon-Gog east of the Dead Sea, is in the lands held by the tribes from "out" of the "House of Israel" within today's country of Jordan. That is "why" because of these 2 reasons only the House of Israel buries them.

One must also bear in mind that God has also caused changes in the world's topography with earthquakes, and mountain ranges flattened making the valley of Hamon-Gog, a special place set apart, from others through destruction. (Ezek. 38:19-23).

This then is the awesome picture told by Ezekiel of Russian bid for power that will eventually fail utterly, because prophecy is stacked against him. Russian,-and his friendly nations- failure, is cross checked with Daniel 11:45 with the words "NONE SHALL HELP HIM"!


A short historical description of Sheba and Dedan. Ezekiel 38:13. Phoenicia/Tarshish. - Young Lions.

From 1938 Saudi Arabia under King Ibn-Saud adopted a friendly attitude towards the USA and Great Britain, he also supported the Allies cause in World War II eventually declaring war on Germany and Japan. Saudi Arabia joined the United Nations and Arab league in 1945 and took a minor part in some of the wars with Israel. From the death of King Ibn-Saud, Saudi Arabia has joined various treaties or discontinued them. One of which was cutting off diplomatic activities with Britain and France during the Suez crisis with Egypt in 1956. The updating of their history can be done by the reader as time goes on and things change, so this is the basis of their modern history. According to Ezekiel 38 verse 13, Sheba and Dedan are kinsmen belonging to the children of Israel through Abraham and are within the nations of Saudi Arabia. Who have now become rich with their oil, etc: and because theirs is a monarchy they aren't ready nor willing, to fall under the heel of Lenin, Marxists, or Socialist Imperial Russia.

We pass on now to the merchants of Tarshish and who they are today, which is the next few words of verse 13 of Ezekiel 38. A merchant is one who carries on trade on a large scale, a man who exports and imports goods and sells wholesale. These words are relating to trade and commerce, mercantile marine or trading ships of a country. Its marketable goods on a trading vessel as distinguished from a man-of-war. Just like the word "Sheba", there are a number of words similar to Tarshish to look into in Scripture and history. The first one that comes to mind is the Tartars of Asia, which same tribes came out of Manchuria and Mongolia. The "golden hordes" so styled that swept Asia and Europe, were part of the Tartars. The name was given at one time to the Turkish people, and today there is a Soviet Republic in Russia called Tartar.

There is also a Tartar or Tarbatre in Estonia, -within the Soviet sphere- which dates from 500 AD. Tartris or Tartous was an ancient town in Western Syria, founded in antiquity and called Antaradus, as Tartus it was rebuilt by Constantine AD 346. Then occupied by the Crusades in the Middle ages. Today, this is an area and terminal for an oil pipeline and is also an agricultural producing area. The ancient city in Cilicia -Turkey - called Tarsus, was the birthplace of Saint Paul, which was absorbed by the Romans in 67 BC. But remained a leading city for Greek learning, and eventually became a leading city of the Byzantine Eastern Empire. Today it's still a prosperous place for cotton milling and agriculture.

We now come to Tartessus or Tarshish, which is the town we are seeking. Tartessus was an ancient region and town in Southwestern Spain, and it prospered in trade with all nations, especially the Phoenicians and Carthaginians. A thousand years or more BC, Tartessus and Spain came onto the stage of history as Biblical, Greek and Latin references speak of Tartessus/Tarshish as an important trader especially in tin. These people sailed into the Atlantic in search of tin, the exact location of Tarshish is in doubt however, but it is put along the coast of Spain between Huelva and the Straits of Gibraltar. History says the Phoenicians from Tyre (Lebanon) arrived on the Spanish Peninsula shortly before 1,000 BC. -Other historians say the Phoenicians arrived around the 8th century. It was the thriving trade in metal, which attracted others like the Greeks, Phoenicians and Celts. The Greek historians confirming the existence of great treasure in Tarshish of copper, gold and silver.

The Tartessus name was also given to a river apart from the kingdom.

It is known that Tartessus was created by the ancient Iberians (Spain) who developed a complex trade, they used iron, agriculture, fishing, mining and metallurgy, weapons, jewellery, preservatives, textiles, ceramics, pottery, and general commerce. Much treasure and artefacts from the 7th century BC have been found from this colonisation far in land as Castile. We can read in Ezekiel chapters 27 and 28 of all this rich merchandise. To unravel the history of Tarshish is like trying to unravel who "Sheba" was. Because the ancient peoples were intertwined in commerce and in movement of peoples, and changes, in ruling "this" or "that" parcel of land. So, when we look at Tarshish in Spain we are continually reading of the history of the Phoenicians and Carthaginians. With a few Greek explorers thrown into the pot for good measure. It seems to me that the Mediterranean in those days was a hive of activity!

Let us therefore take a quick look at the Phoenicians. The name itself comes from the word "Purple" because of the Murex whelk used for obtaining purple dye, for the manufacture of cloth. The leading cities of Phoenicia were Arados, Byblos, Sidon, Tyre, and Akka. Eventually Sidon dominated until the 10th century, therefore, the Greeks used the word Sidonians to denote all Phoenicians. -(As a note to my memory we read in history that during the times and reign of Queen Elizabeth I, the Duke of Alva and Sidonia of Spain was most prominent, no doubt his name being a "left over" reminder of the Sidonians in Spain?)-Tarshish, Phoenicia, and Sidonia became interchangeable at times in its history.

The Assyrian invasions upon the Phoenicians stimulated them much to colonise the Mediterranean. The effect of the Assyrian in that area is seen in Isaiah 23:13. -Read all this chapter and see how Tarshish, the Phoenician cities, Zidon and Tyre, are interwoven with one another. During the time of King Solomon and Hiram King of Tyre approx. 1,000 BC this was the golden age of Phoenicia, and they were first and foremost commercially seeking new markets, therefore, new places would have had a great appeal to them. They obtained copper from Cyprus, silver, tin, and iron from Spain. They were timber suppliers and stone masons in the Middle East, we see this in 2 Samuel 5:11. When the King of Tyre supplied King David of Israel with timber, carpenters, and masons to build him a house.


We also read in Genesis 10:4, that Javan the son of Japheth who also had sons called Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. Verse 5 tells us by these men were the nations of the Gentiles made up. So, the Tarshish people were Gentiles.

They were also situated west from Palestine as Jonah chapter 1 tells us; For Jonah tried to get away as far from God as possible. Which would have been towards the West, which gateway was the end of the world, would then seem to have been the "Pillars of Hercules" as Gibraltar! Jonah took a ship from Joppa, which could only sail West as there was no Suez Canal in those days.

Javan's son Elishah is believed to have populated Southern Italy, Greece, and perhaps North Africa. Javan's son Kittim or Chittim populated Cyprus and Greece. The prophet Isaiah 23:10-14 speaks of the slow destruction of Tarshish even with Chittim.

Daniel 11:30,- which we have already translated- speaks of the war between Chittim (Greece) and Turkey during 1821-26 AD.

Of Javan's last son Dodanim, nothing seems to be known of him in history.

To unravel where Javan's sons put down their roots gives one an idea today as to what countries we are looking for in prophetic utterances. So Tarshish is a European town in Spain, and today there is a strong feeling through many archaeological finds, that present day Seville is Tarshish of old. The ancient Phoenicians plaid a great part in the lives of Israel, and eventually transported many of her sons and daughters by ships. Within the slave trade, which was rife at that time, whoever ruled and controlled land and sea. The Phoenician princess Jezebel daughter of the Zidonian king Ethbaal in 874-853 BC married King Ahab of Israel, -During the time when the whole nation was divided in 2 camps. She brought into Israel the cult of one of the Phoenician gods Baal, especially Melqart, (Melqart) and Athaliah.

Jezebel's and Ahab's daughter was married to Jehoram of Judah, and took the worship of the gods Baal, to Jerusalem. Thereby, sowing the seeds of inner destruction that helped to tear the people apart. -(Jezebel 1 Kings 16:31,32, Athaliah 2 Kings 8:18 etc);

So, gradually through time Tarshish and the Phoenicians spread out and trafficked as far afield as the Cassiterides (the Scilly Isles) and Cornwall in the British Isles.

The Phoenicians from Tyre by this time approx. 814 BC founded the city of Carthage in North Africa (Which is now the city of Tunis). The Phoenician ships sailed voyages for Necho II of Egypt between the 7th and 6th centuries BC.

Around 300 BC Carthaginian ships explored the coast of Spain, Brittany and visited the British Isles, and so this intermingling of the many merchants of other nations with Tarshish went on until the Tarshish Kingdom as such fell. It is said it came to its demise because of the growth of Carthage, and the increased usage of iron everywhere.

When Ezekiel 38:13, speaks of the merchants of Tarshish, it is speaking not of Britain, or Greece, or whoever traded as merchants with them, but of present day Spain. The British Isles and Spain have been "locked in" as enemies for many a century past and are still locked to do perhaps verbal battle over, -the same place- Gibraltar of Tarshish! Today, it is an important "sea gate" which Britain wants to hold on to, and Spain wants back as being part and parcel of their mainland. Here at Gibraltar, is the sea-gate once held by the "Merchants of Tarshish". Which Russia, called Gog of the land of Magog in Ezekiel, sees as a great "spoil of war". Indeed, if He controls this area He controls the opening to the Mediterranean Sea, and all merchantmen carrying goods, and men-of-war are at his mercy! In Ezekiel's verses in chapters 27 and 28 the Lord God passes judgement on present day Tarshish, Tyre, and Zidon. The Zidionians and Tarshish of today, are interpreted as the Spanish nation, who as verse 24 of Ezekiel 28 says; "have always been a prickling briar and a grieving thorn"' whether it was ancient or modern history to the House of Israel. Or whenever Israel's history was plaid out in Palestine, or Spain or Tarshish!

Let us now continue on with Ezekiel 38:13, "WITH ALL THE YOUNG LIONS THEREOF, SHALL SAY UNTO THEE". Who are all the "young lions" spoken of here? We have already seen in verse 11 and 12 of Ezekiel 38, that we speak of the British Isles as a place of Israel to dwell safely through years of historical milestones. Now here in verse 13 we also have the words "YOUNG LIONS". It is another pointer to say that indeed "the House of Israel" of whom we speak, are within the British Commonwealth of nations!

It is quite natural to jump to conclusions from this verse to say it speaks of Britain because men speak of England as the old mother "Lion", and the "YOUNG LIONS" her daughter dominions. This idea has been around for many a year! It is not enough however when unravelling Scripture, one must seek out the understanding if this proof is correct!

The beauty "and" reality of proof is just magnificent in its unfurling of truth from Scripture. So let us take stock of the "LIONS" and who they are:-

Jacob is the old lion:- Micah 5:8. "AND THE REMNANT OF JACOB (father of Israel) SHALL BE AMONG THE GENTILES IN THE MIDST OF MANY PEOPLE AS A "LION" AMONG THE BEASTS OF THE FOREST, AS A "YOUNG LION" (Judah's lineage-Jews) AMONG THE FLOCKS OF SHEEP; WHO IF HE GO THROUGH BOTH TREADETH DOWN AND TEARETH IN PIECES, AND NONE CAN DELIVER". In this verse of Micah's there are 2 remnants of Jacob/Israel. Let us go now to Genesis 49:9. "JUDAH IS A "LIONS WHELP" (young lion) FROM THE PREY, MY SON, (Jacob recognises Judah's role in life directly from him, hence the words "my son") THOU ART GONE UP; HE STOOPED DOWN, HE COUCHED AS LION (he hid himself in the nations) AND AS AN OLD LION; (again Jacob) WHO SHALL ROUSE HIM UP"?

What we read now in Nahum 2:9-13 is not only the destruction of Nineveh the capital of the Assyrian Empire in this chapter but a continuation into prophecy, and the continued destruction of Jacob and Israel. Who are 2 nations in the earth at the "end time" of their days.






When Nahum the Seer wrote these verses, it was around the reign of Hezekiah (724-695 BC) and 150 years or so, "after" Jonah's prophecy on Nineveh the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah had been hammered by wars with Assyria who made inroads upon them, especially the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Syria under Hazael of Damascus dominated both kingdoms around 841-790 BC thus suffering humiliation. The hordes of the north against Israel which were then the Assyrians, under Tiglath-Pileser III in 743 BC plundered and pillaged both nations, especially the House of Israel. They took away people as prey, and their gold silver and pleasant furniture. Again, the Assyrians returned under Tiglath-Pileser III in 733 BC and carried away captive many children of the northern towns, which (II kings 15-29) tells. Their faces were once more to gather blackness, and their knees to knock with fright, as those fearsome Assyrian warriors again came into Israel. This time under Shalmaneser V and Sargon II 722-705 BC- their capital city Samaria fell, and they took away the children of Israel out of their own land. Then replaced them with people out of other nations, and took away the remaining treasures,-II Kings chapter 17. Their dwelling place of the land of Israel was lost to them. Where once they feared no man and they dwelt safely under God's hand, and under their own kings of David and Solomon. It was a land where once their father Jacob/Israel the "old lion" had walked. He who sired them, worked for them, and brought them riches and a sense of nobility, giving them protection because of the fear of his God, "The Holy One of Israel"!

His lionesses were Rachel, Leah, Bilhah and Zilpah, and the "young lions" were theirs and his children. Indeed! The place of her (Israel's) dwelling, as Nahum recalls, became a question mark in history. "She", of the House of Israel, -of the land of the "Lions"- became swallowed up in other Gentile nations. They without a distinguishing feature, she became void, empty, and waste. Until under the guise of other nations she came into the "Isles" to dwell safely once more! Ezekiel tells us of the Lionesses and sings the song of lamentation for Israel's "lions". Ezekiel 19:1-9.

"MOREOVER TAKE THOU UP A LAMENTATION FOR THE PRINCES OF ISRAEL". (Or cry, for they are no more 2 camps of a nation).

Verse 2:- "AND SAY, WHAT IS THY MOTHER? A LIONESS; SHE LAY DOWN AMONG LIONS, SHE NOURISHED HER WHELPS AMONG YOUNG LIONS". (Or when Israel was a pride of lions, it was composed of the old lion (Jacob/Israel), the 4 lionesses, with Rachel being the most important lioness and most favoured with Israel, which is why it's called "she" and the whelps their children).

Verse 3:- "AND SHE BROUGHT UP ONE OF HER WHELPS; IT BECAME A YOUNG LION, AND LEARNED TO CATCH THE PREY; IT DEVOURED MEN". (Or amongst the whelps of this Israel's pride, one became favoured and feared in jealousy of his brethren, and of men).

Verse 4:- "THE NATIONS ALSO HEARD OF HIM, HE WAS TAKEN IN THEIR PIT, AND THEY BROUGHT HIM WITH CHAINS UNTO THE LAND OF EGYPT". (Or because of this Young Lions strength with God, and his father Israel, he was also taken out of a pit as a prisoner and sold to the men of a strange nation. Who took him as a slave into Egypt and other lands).

Verse 5:- "NOW WHEN SHE SAW THAT SHE HAD WAITED, AND HER HOPE WAS LOST, THEN SHE TOOK ANOTHER OF HER WHELPS, AND MADE HIM A YOUNG LION". (Or "She" means Rachel/Israel's wife, for SHE is the mother of this "Young Lion", and mother of the "House of Israel" who mourned for her child in the spirit of Israel. This "Young Lion's" heritage of verse 4 however, eventually became head of the House of Israel as an Ephraimite. Then the nations feared him, Yet! His hope was lost because of his evil ways, the Assyrians plundered him and took him away in chains. Then Israel (she) took another young lion called Benjamin with Judah and made him head of the other young lions. Then Judah became more important than the others -after Joseph was sold into Egypt,- Judah found favour within all Israel then he became the favoured ruler over all Israel. He was called David! This Young Lion was out of the "House of Judah", a most favoured strong Lion indeed.

Verse 6:- "AND HE (David) WENT UP AND DOWN AMONG THE LIONS, (He took the tribes on in battle) HE BECAME A YOUNG LION (Or master of the other young lions). AND LEARNED TO CATCH THE PREY, AND DEVOURED MEN". (Or he became a mighty warrior).

Verse 7:- "AND HE KNEW THEIR DESOLATE PALACES, (He went into kingdoms and made them vassals) AND HE LAID WASTE THEIR CITIES; AND THE LAND WAS DESOLATE, AND THE FULNESS THEREOF, (Or took their wealth and living) BY THE NOISE OF HIS ROARING".

Verse 8:- "THEN THE NATIONS SET AGAINST HIM ON EVERY SIDE FROM THE PROVINCES, (Or David's name is also Judah out of Jacob, the second chosen "Young Lion" out of the whole nation of Israel. When David died his kingdom of Judah's lineage made war with all Israel, when his name was called Rehoboam. This man (Lion) causing them in a state to divide or become provinces). AND THEY SPREAD THEIR NET OVER HIM; HE WAS TAKEN IN THEIR PIT". (Or when David the Young Lion subjugated Damascus of Syria and ruled that city, Israel had much trouble with Syria after that. Hazael king of Syria ravaged the provinces of Reuben, Manasseh, and Northern Israel. When Judah had another "Young Lion" called Ahaz King of Judah, he fell into a "PIT" set for him, on every side of the provinces. Because Ahaz roared and made a great noise, yet! Was a foolish Young Lion. In one day, 12,000 men of Judah fell in battle, and Pekah king of Israel took 200,000 men, women, and children captive. Rezin king of Damascus also took captives. Judah was then invaded by the Provinces of Edomites and the Philistines. So, the nations and Provinces set upon him on every side as the verse says. The "PIT" was dug and the trap sprung, when Ahaz King of Judah asked Assyria for help then under the King Tiglath-Pileser, who also distressed him, (II chronicles 28-20). Which was to prove their eventual fall into the Assyria-Babylon NET.

Verse 9:- "AND THEY PUT HIM IN WARD IN CHAINS. (Or another foolish violent "Young Lion" out of Judah called Jehoiakim, was taken in the Babylonian NET a prisoner in chains.

To be in "WARD" is to have a watchman and guardian in confinement and custody). AND BROUGHT HIM TO THE KING OF BABYLON; THEY BROUGHT HIM INTO HOLDS, (Or Jehoiakim was brought before Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon. -II Chronicles 36-10,- II Kings chapter 24.- When one is kept in "HOLDS" it is to be confined and kept as a prisoner to be detained and kept fast, and held in a place of security), THAT HIS VOICE SHOULD NO MORE BE HEARD UPON THE MOUNTAINS OF ISRAEL". (Or his voice as a Roaring Lion or King could not give a command to his people, he had lost his authority forever).

In Numbers 24:5,9 we see all the tribes of Israel according to their 2 camps, as a "Lion". "HOW GOODLY ARE THY TENTS, O JACOB, (The House of Judah), AND THY TABERNACLES, O ISRAEL"! (House of Israel).

Verse 9:- "HE, (Or meaning both camps of the man Jacob/Israel) COUCHED, (Or he will lie close to the ground and concealed in a place of rest) HE LAY DOWN AS A LION, AND A GREAT LION; WHO SHALL STIR HIM UP? BLESSED IS HE THAT BLESSETH THEE, AND CURSED IS HE THAT CURSETH THEE". The continuation of identifying the "Young Lions" by tribes is seen in Deuteronomy 33-22. "AND OF DAN HE SAID, DAN IS A "LIONS WHELP"; HE SHALL LEAP FROM BASHAN".

Of Gad it is said, Deuteronomy 33:20. "AND OF GAD HE SAID; BLESSED BE HE THAT ENLARGETH GAD; HE DWELLETH AS A "LION", AND TEARETH THE ARM WITH THE CROWN OF THE HEAD". As I said before our Beloved Lord Jesus was called the "Lion" of the tribe of Judah, in Revelation 5:5.

Even the "called remnant" from out of the 2 camps of the nation Israel, which are Zion and Jerusalem, are called "Lions", Jeremiah 51:3,38. "THE VIOLENCE DONE TO ME AND TO MY FLESH (Or the nation of all Israel), BE UPON BABYLON, SHALL THE INHABITANT OF ZION SAY; AND MY BLOOD UPON THE INHABITANTS OF CHALDEA, SHALL JERUSALEM SAY".

Verse 38:- "THEY SHALL ROAR TOGETHER LIKE LIONS; THEY SHALL YELL AS LIONS WHELPS". (This chapter of history gradually unfurls into the "last days" of mankind's strength in the nations on earth. Which brings about the amalgamating of roaring voices as Israel's Lions, all together again at their last end. The "Lions" are dwelling safely and able to roar from their camps. The roaring comes out of Zion of the "House of Israel" and of Jerusalem out of the "House of Judah". They will be able to roar or yell from their dens, when they are strong nations again.) Jeremiah tells us that when they were in their own land of North or South Israel, they were overcome with stronger Lions that of Assyria-Babylon. Yet! Have these "Lions Whelps" of Israel survived and prevailed throughout the long centuries! Israel had running sores of wickedness with in that "Lions Pride", so it was taken prisoner when its head was too sick to defend itself. So God the Chief Lion destroyed its majesty in the earth. Hosea 5-14. "FOR I WILL BE UNTO Ephraim AS A LION, AND AS A YOUNG LION TO THE HOUSE OF JUDAH; I EVEN I, WILL TEAR AND GO AWAY; I WILL TAKE AWAY, AND NONE SHALL RESCUE HIM".

This then is a quick run-down "who" the Young Lions are spoken of in Ezekiel chapter 38. If then this is so, there are some biblical students who now think these verses in Ezekiel are indeed a pointer to the "Young Lions" of Britain and the Commonwealth countries? One is unquestionably coming to this conclusion for the wrong reasons, not looking at these nations as tribes of Israel. The Lions in Heraldry, which these British nations use, is something we must have a quick look at also. Heraldry, or the use of a "coat of Arms" on shields, dress, flags, etc. which depicts as it were, an edited historical background of people's history, did not, officially come into being until the 12th century. Though there are differences of opinion amongst scholars whether ancient insignia is also heraldry. It is a science of "heredity" governed by laws answerable to the sovereign and has been used extensively by nations throughout the world. So, reader when we look at Israel's "Young Lions" as an insignia in heraldry, it doesn't read that way to some scholars! The expression -"The Lion of the Tribe of Judah"- is not true heraldry scholars say. Yet! It is a symbol or a standard, which shows the strength of that tribe, and its ways of coping with difficulties informing the peoples who see it to beware and take note!

The ancient civilisations also had insignia and symbols, as artefacts and historical records have shown. Of Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome. The bible tells of some of these symbols on standards or ensigns, or banners, raised for the people to inform them of their roots and of which tribe to follow. Note Israel's standards that were raised in the book of Numbers, chapter 1 verse 52 and Numbers chapter 2 verse 2. "EVERY MAN OF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL SHALL PITCH BY HIS OWN STANDARD, WITH THE ENSIGN OF THEIR FATHER'S HOUSE; FAR OFF ABOUT THE TABERNACLE OF THE CONGREGATION SHALL THEY PITCH". Each of these ensigns, for each tribe would bear their fauna and flora etc. which was given at their birthright, hence the sentence, "The Lion of The Tribe of Judah" given in Revelations 5 and 5, -showing Jesus's descent from Judah!

It is possible that if our Lord Jesus Standard were raised today, it would bear the insignia of an "Old Lion" representing Jacob/Israel, a "Young Lion" representing Judah. A "star" and sceptre which is Jesus' personal sign, (Numbers 24:17). -Which same STAR represents David of Judah, today, in Israel's flag. (Though the star of David has 2 separate blue triangles making a star).- A Book also for Jesus representing the Bible as the "Book of life" for mankind!

We would perhaps read also of the standards or flags, of the nation of Israel in the same manner, with each having its own armorial insignia, but always with an "Old Lion" representing Jacob/Israel. It seems then we can also call Israel's standards true heraldry, which biblically is always of a heredity factor, because "The Lions" of Israel began their heraldry in the wilderness millenniums ago! Today, those same "Lions" as insignia, remain in the "House of Israel" lands of British stock, and upon their adopted countries. Which are indeed continuing emblems, in the last days of which Ezekiel speaks. The "Old Lion" in the thinking processes of modern times is represented by Mother England, and the "Young Lions" that of her dominions or Commonwealth countries. They, who would bear their lineage out of British stock, in the "colours" and insignia of Lions in their respective flags, etc.

We are dealing with the Lions of the "House of Israel" here in Ezekiel, as the verses of Scripture show. The British insignia of the Lion and the Unicorn are far more impressive as at first perceived by mankind, Biblically the Lion represents Jacob/Israel, who is the father of this nation. The Unicorn represents Joseph, who is head and strength of this nation, throughout their chequered history. Heraldic writers tell us that the Unicorn as a fabulous animal is mentioned by Greek and Roman authors as a native of India. The Unicorn is represented as a horse or kid with a single horn on its forehead. Which was also portrayed by the Assyrians on reliefs. It is also said that the mystery of this mythological creature stemmed from the fact that, the Crusaders saw wild antelopes of Syria and Palestine armed with long straight spiral horns set close together, and when they turned sideways the 2 horns became one. Whatever that animal was, the Unicorn represents Joseph/Israel Biblically, Deuteronomy 33:13 to 17.

Here it seems is the hand of God in Britain's heraldry. Each individual nation in the British Isles has its "Lion" in the sovereign's standard. That of Scotland, Wales, Ireland and England.

The Commonwealth countries and the "Young Lions" of America, came out of all these Lions, and out of the Israelite tribes "Young Lions". They populated the far-reaching dominions ruled by the "Old Lion" of British/Israel; Joseph, has nurtured them from his prolonged blessing from God over the centuries! The Lion of Judah's house was mixed amongst the people when dispersed in the Gentile, and other nations. He was also nurtured by Joseph, and lived to be identified in the nations as the Jew. In the Gentiles was Jesus Israel's Great "Lion" of the tribe of Judah!

This then is the identification of the "Young Lions" of Ezekiel 38. Knowing also we are here unravelling again another facet of the history of the British Isles, or the nation of the House of Israel. A very complex, complete, far reaching, tremendous, translation indeed!

So once more we go back to Ezekiel 38:13 and finish the translation therein. We have found that this verse speaks of Sheba and Dedan, or present-day Saudi Arabia of the Arabian Peninsula, the land with great "spoils" of oil. We have the merchants of Tarshish or present-day Spain who will have the control of the sea-gates of Gibraltar, both these lands under monarchies. We have the "Young Lions" of Israel's nations also, which are present day British Isles and Commonwealth countries and the United States of America. Within them is great wealth and resources, a great spoil indeed for Russia!


We shall go back now to the remainder of Ezekiel 38:18, to finish the tying up of "where" Gog (Russia), will attack on this all out "war front" that envelopes the whole world.

Verse 18:- "AND IT SHALL COME TO PASS AT THE SAME TIME WHEN GOG SHALL COME AGAINST THE LAND OF ISRAEL, SAITH THE LORD GOD, THAT MY FURY SHALL COME UP IN MY FACE". Both Ezekiel and Daniel are telling us the same story as does Revelation 6, during these "last days" of prophecy. Though in very different translations of ways.

The prophets have told us of Russian power of subversion within nations, in these "set up tabernacles", and of the "friends at Russian steps", when overtaking Egypt etc. and it will seem as if Russian power is almost absolute over other countries. World War III however will eventually be one of ruin for all sides, and especially for those Russian peoples and their desires.

Since the ride of the Red-Horse of Rev 6:3-4, we have had 2 World Wars and many small wars it has already brought about, we have been living in a war tormented 20th century.

There are too many uncertainties that lie in the paths of these Israelite nations spoken of in prophecy which could be their undoing and was foreseen many years ago. The "Tabernacles" spoken of by Daniel are firmly placed in the thinking and structure in these Israelite lands, weakening all the Western Democratic nations.

If the scenario during World War III is for Russia to come through the continent of Europe, then causing an uprising within Britain through subversion, with a full-scale attack from the air, then Britain's problems will be very acute indeed!

When Ezekiel "saw" into our century by making the statement, -"that Russia will ASCEND AND COME LIKE A STORM CLOUD TO COVER THE LAND", -Ezekiel was "seeing" air bombardments of great magnitude, which were unheard of in his day many centuries ago.

The air threat to the B/Isles is still very real, just as it was in the second World War. The need in the Isles, -as in the American continent- is to repair, reorganise, and to make better provisions for its air defences. Public, and government opinion over national security, should "Not" be relaxed when the peace calls escalate, but rather much vigilance in all spheres should prevail!

But knowing how apathetic these people can be from passed history, caution will take a back seat, until Sudden Destruction -spoken by our Lord Jesus,- is let loose upon them. This apathy and unreadiness we saw clearly in history in the run up to 2 World Wars. The B/Isles, and USA "must" have an absolute quick defence system for a conventional war at least. They cannot escape Russian attention from its Airforce, which is obvious from prophecy.

Britain is so small, and out in the seas on its own, who is very vulnerable to air attacks on a much grander scale than we saw in World War II. With Russia commanding land, air, and sea around the "Isles" the Russians will come in like a storm.

Even if the situation in the "Isles" is as a floating armament depot for the USA and the continent, in the event of an all-out war against Russian aggression, this alone will make her a target for much air attack. The USA and Canada will not escape either, because this indeed is a "War to end all Wars", towards the desire of others to end the life of the 2 nations of Israel in Jew and Gentile!

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