56. Revelation Chapter 6,Verses 2 to 8.
-Four Horses and Riders.
The Beginning of the End Time of Man's Rule.
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Hiraeth 2002 - Notice: The author gives permission to download, print, duplicate, and share this book for personal use only; with the proviso that no alteration is made to the contents of this book. Other use of this book is with the express permission being granted by the author or agent

In the prophetic book of Revelation Jesus is prophesying world events, through His angel and Matthew 24 and Daniel chapter 11. These "4 horses" of Revelation are referred to as the "ride of the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse". (Or- that which will uncover secrets). Revelation 6:2:- "AND I SAW, AND BEHOLD (Or observe with care) A WHITE HORSE; (White, pertaining to being pure and unsullied and favourable) AND A CROWN WAS GIVEN UNTO HIM; (This HE is a king of great power, the CROWN is a badge of regal dignity, and to reward the rider with distinction), AND HE WENT FORTH CONQUERING, AND TO CONQUER"; (Or- FORTH means to go forward beyond the boundary of a place, and time, and public view. Twice we are told of the conquering; In other words this king with the crown changed and turned, passing from one place to another in the past, and into the future. The word "conquering" means a great victory, he has continued to acquire by force, or a policy of craft through holy peace in white clothes, to surmount peoples and overcome).

Here in verse 6 upon that "WHITE HORSE" is the representative of "THE MAN OF SIN" (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4), revealed in Daniel 11:31, as the Roman Pope, also revealed in Matthew 24: 15! This MAN in "WHITE" represents himself as pure and unsullied like the WHITE HORSE upon which he rides. The "HE" that sits on this horse represents an apostate or false religion, because "HE" has abandoned the first principles of CHRISTIANITY. That is to follow Christ's footsteps in simplicity, but HE has instead usurped Christ's authority upon earth in a splendid power, and HE has done it through people's fear of that "BOW of retribution". He will, and has, threatened the conquering lands with his BOW when the need arises, and his WHITE apparel is his favourable adornment. HE has usurped possessions, privileges, and seized power without right. For a man to adorn WHITE under spiritual conditions is to have much audacity and is the ultimate in arrogance, because it is signalling to the world HE is "set apart" from the rest of mankind. HE has taken upon himself the WHITE robe of saints, which only God can give to one. Upon his head is the 3 tiered tall Papal CROWN for temporal and heavenly powers. This apostate king with his CROWN and in WHITE, went beyond his place in the earth amongst men, literally and spiritually, and by force of arms in secular history overcame his problems, setting himself up in the "HOLY PLACE" of God in heaven. (Matthew 24:15, Daniel 11:31), and proclaimed himself "Infallible man" as vicar of mankind, mediator between God and man in a divine seat.

So, rode the "first horse" onto the world stage of secular and biblical history in 1869 AD, and the "biblical clock" was then set, starting its countdown for the "END" of man's machinations of ruling.

We shall hear much more of the king that rode upon the WHITE horse, in another chapter of this book. Because HE continues his CONQUERING in his WHITE apparel with the crown on his head in today's world, as the Roman Papacy.

Many biblical teachers believe this WHITE HORSE and its CROWNED rider, is an apostate religion, but are afraid to face the fact it represents the Roman church. So they prefer to think of it as an apostate church -yet to come- who will have secular and spiritual power in one. At the same time these biblical teachers say, Jesus will return any day now all the signs around us say so! I'm afraid you can't have it both ways, it takes time for a world wide church of the WHITE HORSES magnitude to be set up, and that "TIME" one hasn't got, if our Lord is about to return! So make your choice and cross check proofs in Scripture before coming to a wrong decision. There are other biblical teachers who use much conjecture about the 4 horses of Revelation. For instance the Jehovah's Witnesses say, -"THIS WHITE HORSE IS JESUS CHRIST, AND HIS VICTORY WAS ACCOMPLISHED WHEN HE WAS INSTALLED AS KING OF GOD'S KINGDOM IN 1914 AD. AT THE VERY BEGINNING OF THE LORD'S DAY". (Psalms 2/6). This idea is just conjecture to prove that this sect, is set apart from others during this period of time as the true church. The Jehovah's Witness have no "vision" in the oracles of God to prove this theory. The White Horse upon which Jesus sits is in Revelation 19:11-16. The ride of the WHITE HORSE and its rider set his mind and abilities out to "conquer" and further "conquering" in a different manner, which would slowly build, as it reached the "END TIME" of man's ruling. Let us see how this "CONQUERING" in white was done for the END TIME.

Popes from 1869 AD -(Matthew 24:15, Daniel 11:31). Pope Pius IX -1846-1878:- Started with Liberal Reforms. Forced to leave Rome, and returned 1850, his existence depended on France and Austria. Roman hierarchy restored in England in 1850. Proclaimed Papal Infallibility in 1869-1870, also the universality of Papal authority.

Pope Leo XIII -1878-1903:- Opened the archives of the Vatican to scholars of all nations. He was an eminent scholar and statesman.

Pope Pius X -1903-1914:- (canonised a saint), called a reforming pope but condemned modernism. Revised laws of the church and communion.

Pope Benedictus XV -1914-1922:- Interceded between French and German governments for exchange of prisoners in the war. Britain sent representative to the Vatican for the first time in centuries. Vatican and France resumed diplomatic relations after a 20-year lapse.

Pope Pius XI -1922-1939:- Brilliant scholar, signed the Lateran Treaty with Mussolini in return for Papal temporal power. Condemned communism, protested to Hitler on the laws of people's rights.

Pope Pius XII -1939-1958:- Did not altogether protest against Nazi and Mussolini's domination, which offended many people. Offers of mediation in war. Restored "holy week" liturgy. After war tried to establish R/C religion in Germany.

Pope John XXIII -1958-1963:- Noted for summoning the Ecumenical council 1962. He furthered Christian unity with Rome. Under his guidance the Roman Catholic Church began a program of modernisation.

Pope Paul VI -1963-1978:- Great traveller, taking Rome to the world etc; Very conservative and obsessed with the traditions of his office. The Roman church under a storm of change and modernism. Delivers strong words of warning that his teaching authority from Christ himself is under fire, his critics challenge his inflexible authoritarianism.

Pope John Paul I -1978:- Lasted a few weeks as pope, a question hangs over his head as to whether he was murdered in his bed, or died of natural causes?

Pope John Paul II -1978:- Reigning pope of charismatic personality. Forever travelling, taking Rome to the people. This "WHITE RIDER" continually pushing Rome's age old beliefs under the guise of modernism.

The popes of the past centuries have been condensed by Rome watchers, into a list of many saints, and many curious villains. Some were great statesmen of the world, and some made a hash of the whole affair. They, more than any other kings or princes made the Western powers exclude the rest of the world from feelings of greatness. They building that concept upon the foundation stones of Imperial Rome. Those Roman popes -or- monarchs used intrigue in the thrones within other lands of West and East. They made war on peoples, and murdered for their own ends towards power. They too were murdered by their own kind and seizing that papal crown, used by this age old "RIDER OF THE WHITE HORSE". Within the long corrupt list of popes in ages past, was the lecherous pleasure seeking Rodrigo Borgia, who became Pope Alexander VI. Whose position supposedly represented God's influence on earth, through the unholy institution. If these men represent God, then indeed we humans have much to fear from an unholy God!

The degree of respect offered by people from all walks of life to this papal office, is almost frightening in its intensity, and borders on idolatry in its adulation. The popes in their processions were once heralded to the throne upon a golden chair, high above the heads of an awe struck crowd. With huge ostrich feathered fans waving beside them, and silver trumpets were blown to greet him. Shouts of "viva il papa" (Long live the father) from a throng of people clapping their welcome with enthusiasm. During the times from Pope John XIII reign, -who endeared himself to the people,- and into Pope Paul VI, -who called the guardian of tradition,- the Roman church began entering a time of upheaval in its affairs. New ideas for the modern world began to slowly take shape, but the old traditions still remained however, but hidden under a new cloak. Then came the smiling effective personality of Pope John Paul II, who gave the Roman church the "CONQUERING" ability it needed called "Papal Respectability", and that "WHITE RIDER" on the "WHITE HORSE" continued his ride into the four corners of the earth. Pope John Paul II, set out to CONQUER seeking to extend the influence of his church, became the most travelled pope in history. He is constantly on the move upon his "WHITE HORSE". He has become a popular visitor in most countries whether white, black, communist, or otherwise. He indeed, is an all "CONQUERING WHITE PRINCE", who had the ability with his "BOW" to excommunicate or lull the fears of others in any anti-papal feelings.

When Pope Pius IX -who began the RIDE of the "WHITE HORSE" in the last days, seen in Revelation 6, -was on the throne in 1846-1878 AD, his hold on Italy was limited, loosing his political power through the Italian rebel Garibaldi. In 1929 Pope Pius XI was granted territory in Italy again, through Mussolini, and once more the power of the Vatican State was then released from its chains of restrictions. The following popes were able to ride out to its over 800 million Roman Catholic children scattered throughout the world. The universality of Papal Infallibility started by Pope Pius IX, is perpetuated in the earth in our modern times under the crown of "Respectability", and its murky past of representing God set aside by many. This "WHITE RIDER" out of the European WHITE nations, dressed in papal WHITE, upon the "WHITE HORSE" representing the church of WHITE saints. Will continue for only a short time more in the earth, and will ride into the twenty first century and into "TIMES OF TROUBLE" such as never was, which the Lord spoke of. Then the "WHITE HORSE" and its rider will cease to ride with such self assurance, and will fight once more to hold on to its "CONQUERING", using its BOW carried in the hand in warning!

The "WHITE HORSE" with its papal WHITE RIDER looks upon itself as the "mother church", and holds out its hopes for union of both Roman Catholic and Protestant churches into one organisation. It has made overtures to this end, towards the Greek and Russian church leaders, and sounded out Moslims, Buddhists, and Hindus, and its aim is to hold the reigns of power over the world, as it once envisaged! The movement of peoples of many denominations coming together as one, -seeing eye to eye through "truth" within God's words,- is not brought about by men who are popes. But, by God Himself, and through a much different avenue of learning than their ritualistic inventions can ever understand.

The Roman papal attempt of "CONQUERING" the world with unity of churches, is succeeding at the moment through Pope John Paul II's charismatic personality. Those leaders of Protestant churches who were once violently opposed to all things Roman, are now sop to the man in "WHITE". It seems their "Protesting" in years gone by, at Rome's murder of thousands upon thousands of humans during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries is forgotten; -(If only to remember one instance of history, when the then Pope struck a medal to commemorate the massacre of 200,000 Huguenots). Which memory is put aside in a so-called "brotherly love" attempt to unite, and a hope that the deep down feeling of the rest of mankind's mistrust, of Rome will go away!

Since the times of Reformation history has not forgotten, or Biblical prophetic visions haven't forgotten. Which is seen in the prophetic torment promised to Rome because of their sins.

We read in Revelation 6:9-11, of that revenge, because Rome has not changed its ways. Verse 9:- "AND WHEN HE HAD OPENED THE FIFTH SEAL, I SAW UNDER THE ALTAR (Or the place of communion and sacrifice) THE SOULS (Spirits) OF THEM THAT WERE SLAIN (Sacrificed) FOR THE WORD OF GOD, (Truth) AND FOR THE TESTIMONY (Or witness and evidence of the divine law of God) WHICH THEY HELD";
Verse 11:- "AND WHITE ROBES (Or saint hood) WERE GIVEN UNTO EVERY ONE OF THEM; AND IT WAS SAID UNTO THEM, THAT THEY SHOULD REST YET FOR A LITTLE SEASON, UNTIL THEIR FELLOW SERVANTS (Or those who have the same master) ALSO AND THEIR BRETHREN, (Or kinsmen and brothers in Christ) THAT SHOULD BE KILLED AS THEY WERE, SHOULD BE FULFILLED". To forget crimes for "real" brotherly love is the thing we all seek after, but not at the cost of God's truth and man's synthetic attempts to force one into false beliefs! We read of false beliefs in 2Corinthians 11:3-4, 13-15.
Verse 3:- BUT I FEAR, LEST BY ANY MEANS, AS THE SERPENT BEGUILED EVE THROUGH HIS SUBTLETY, SO YOUR MINDS SHOULD BE CORRUPTED FROM THE SIMPLICITY THAT IS IN CHRIST". The serpent's soft words to Eve diverted her mind away from God's words and onto a pleasant path which deceit appealed to her flesh. The serpent's attack on Eve was done in a refined manner, weaving a fine thread of cunning to accomplish its own ends, bent on mischief. So too, mankind can easily be seduced to change into a state that is affected by errors and mistakes, and the longer these mistakes are carried in the minds of people, from one generation to the other the harder it is to face them as mistakes. Because we have to say "we were wrong", and none of us wants to do that!

Christ's simplicity was changed from a sound state, altered, and innovated over the years by mankind into something almost unrecognisable from its beginning. Christ's way of teaching the Kingdom of God had the quality of singleness, and consisting of few parts which was a freedom from artificial ornament of any kind. It had a freedom from intricacies of long liturgies, and edifices echoing with hollow shallow words. Christ's simplicity was the opposite to the obscurity and difficult to comprehend long rituals of man made churches).

Verse 4:- FOR IF HE THAT COMETH PREACHETH ANOTHER JESUS, WHOM WE HAVE NOT PREACHED, OR IF YE RECEIVE ANOTHER SPIRIT, WHICH YE HAVE NOT RECEIVED, OR ANOTHER GOSPEL, WHICH YE HAVE NOT ACCEPTED, YE MIGHT WELL BEAR WITH HIM"; (Or if another man who advances nearer to you bringing another point of view, -just like the serpent did to Eve- and in a beguiling fashion, deliver to you in earnest advice another discourse on the subject of Jesus, and what HE proclaimed and stood for. Indeed, you might accept it feeling comfortable about it. The man's new idea seemed to be given in a proper manner and has appealed to you, therefore, you will bear or tolerate and support it. "Another Jesus", means:- not the same Jesus that the Bible tells us about. These paths leading and explaining the "real" Jesus were not made straight and true by men but took a winding journey through a wilderness of fables, myths, and assumptions. "Another spirit" means:- not the same concept of the intelligent part of the being known as the soul, which is the other half of man. Rather man looks upon that spirit in an uncanny way. Because for instance he says, his soul goes to heaven when it dies, and it does not! Which is included in the spirit of lies and assumptions.

"Another gospel" means:- not the design or plan of salvation taught by Jesus and his apostles, and the history of that same "vision" of salvation taught by the prophets of old. There is no "likeness" of that simple scheme, in the ritualistic, solemn, ceremonies in most churches we see today, they are mostly anathema nothing more! II Corinthians 11, verse 13. "FOR SUCH ARE FALSE APOSTLES, DECEITFUL WORKERS, TRANSFORMING THEMSELVES INTO THE APOSTLES OF CHRIST". (With clasped hands in devotion and prayer, with solemn faces, and long flowing robes hung about with gold crosses, chains, and rings, these false and deceitful men busying themselves it seems, with the things of God and His Christ, are play actors immersed in a part).

Verse 14:- "AND NO MARVEL; FOR SATAN HIMSELF IS TRANSFORMED INTO AN ANGEL OF LIGHT". (Or something astonishing, which makes one feel with admiration, is happening with Christ's simplicity. Satan, or an Adversary which is an enemy who is in command of oneself. Satan, implies the wilful sin of a natural person, who is speaking in a natural frame of temperament, just as Saint Peter spoke once to Jesus. The words "Satan himself" is not a being called the devil, or a fallen angel which mankind so often refers to. But Satan, your enemy, is the continual pulling of the flesh away from the things of the spirit. This enemy, your "adversary", is of the flesh in vanity, laziness, taking the easy way out of things. Thus thinking ones way out of situations from out of the top of ones head, and not from any deep down understanding of the soul and spirit. This is why we all choose the "Milk of the word" to understand our Heavenly Father's Law, instead of the "Meat of the word". Because, we then don't have to bear the burden of working hard to learn the difference. (Ones flesh is our Adversary or Satan, this was explained to Peter by Jesus in Mark 8:30-33).

Satan, Corinthians says, "is transformed into an angel of light". Or these deceitful men of false apostles easily appeal to ones natural frame of mind. One no longer sees these so-called apostles of Christ as power hungry men, with warped ideas on all things spiritual, their appearance is given a new form and substance. Men in the uniform of flowing priestly robes are looked upon as a race of men set apart from the social world, and are considered holy. One could say they are changed in form to a metamorphose state in the eyes of the masses, which the word "TRANSFORMED" means. An "ANGEL OF LIGHT" is a divine messenger or a very beautiful person, who can impart knowledge to the mind, a point of view seen spiritually.

Many of us know of others who look upon priests and pastors of men, in these same expressive words written in Corinthians. Paul isn't warning us against some bizarre Christian cult or Satanic worship in weird forms, but counterfeit Christianity, who appear to us in a Christ-like form. Which are all around us in our every day worship, and the teaching of false beliefs!

These words of 2Corinthians chapter 11 is the trade mark of the first "WHITE HORSE" which is riding through the earth in our modern world, who is trying to "CONQUER" as much as he can, for his time is short!

One must not confuse the "WHITE HORSE" of Revelation chapter 6, with the "WHITE HORSE" of Revelation 19, for the latter horse is indeed the all powerful King of Kings upon the nations of this world, whose name is Jesus the Christ. Revelation 19:11-16.
Verse 15

The King of the second "WHITE HORSE" has a "SHARP SWORD" out of His mouth, which means, words spoken in a much more powerful action than the "CONQUERING BOW", of warning of the first "WHITE HORSE". If we read Hebrews 4:12, it will explain in what manner the sharp sword deals with mankind. "FOR THE WORD OF GOD (Personified in Jesus) IS QUICK AND POWERFUL (Alive, vital, perceptive to a high degree, strong, forcible, potent and mighty) AND SHARPER THAN ANY TWO EDGED SWORD, (Keenness of edge and point, a tricky fellow always acutely aware. -A sword is the emblem of justice, power, authority over death, war, and destruction, with its two edges cutting two different places at once). PIERCING EVEN TO THE DIVIDING ASSUNDER OF SOUL AND SPIRIT, AND OF THE JOINTS AND MARROW, AND IS A DISCERNER OF THE THOUGHTS AND INTENTS OF THE HEART". (Or the SWORD is an instrument that penetrates into hidden places inside man, it touches and affects keenly. Therefore, -those Double SWORD words- coming out of the RIDER on the "WHITE HORSE", has the power to discern all things concerning, and which make up a single being. The King of Kings has mighty power, that it can divide and separate an entire man into many parts known an unknown. The Soul and Spirit for instance is really the same thing, -yet it is not!- The "whole man" is sometimes referred to as a good soul or person, because it refers to what makes that man tick inside him, -which really counts,- and not his visual flesh. So, in that context the Soul reflects the man we see within his flesh). The Soul is also the "spiritual principle" in man, it is the moral knowing and emotional part of man's nature, that many times the man hides from the world. The Soul is also the depth of the "Spirit of man" that God has made known to us. Sometimes when the man is earth bound, and when the man is near death, that Spirit can leave his body. We can call it a form of levitation or a buoyancy, in lightness, it, is set free from the weight of the flesh, and can pass freely into another dimension. That Soul or Spirit can be divided again into the "secret part" of man that God alone has "chosen and called", long before life has shaped him into a living being, or into a Christian; His "choosing" is assured by God, and only "hoped for" by that man throughout all his life.

The Soul can be divided again into a shadow of the human being it once inhabited, then it is called a ghost, or it is the fading "life force" of the individual who once possessed it. So, then this quick example of dividing asunder Soul and Spirit, we see there is far more to our parts than at first glance! The little word "AND" between Soul- Spirit in Hebrews 4:12, is not only separating a Soul into 2 parts from the Spirit, but is also doing the reverse, it is connecting another clause to the meaning. So the Rider of the WHITE HORSE of Revelation chapter 19 is indeed Our Lord the King of Kings, and His entry into our natural world at the end of man's ruling, called the 6th Kingdom of Stone. In other words it is another "vision" of the "STONE cut out of the mountain", foretold by Daniel in chapter 2 and chapter 7 etc; The RIDER of the WHITE HORSE in Revelation chapter 6, is indeed the thrust of the last END TIME "CONQUERED" happening in the world today by the Roman Papacy.

Revelation 6:4. "The Red Horse" - "The End Time".

The Lord Jesus in the book of Revelation, was elaborating further to John "His" prophetic utterances. That "He" had already began for the apostles to understand in Matthew 24. The apostle John was present at both these prophetic times, when Jesus spoke of the future events of secular history. Yet! Between the years separating both these prophecies of Matthew and Revelation, Jesus was gone from the earth, and the disciples killed or died. Rome had destroyed Jerusalem, and Saint John was exiled approx; AD 96. Therefore, the ride of the 4 horses of Revelation chapter 6, is referring to a cataclysmic close of events of much greater magnitude for the whole earth, (and not just the Middle East), that Imperial Roman power had brought.

The "RED HORSE" of verse 4 of Revelation chapter 6, represents in its colour red, -blood!- Red is a violent revolutionary colour of the arterial blood of man. Today, we see that revolutionary colour in the flags of mankind. Especially the Communism banner, and the "blood flag" of Hitler's regime.

The "RED HORSE" WENT OUT, says verse 4. Or it turned passing from one place to another abroad, no longer concealed but beyond the usual limits. The "HIM" that sits upon the "RED-BLOOD-HORSE" was given "POWER", or the ability to act and do, in sovereign authority of a state.

Mankind once called the nations of Europe the "Great powers", and they included Great Britain, France, Austria, Germany, Russia, and Italy. The "HIM" who had that "POWER" of the RED blood HORSE, and who took peace away from the earth, -or the world,- was Kaiser Wilhelm of the "POWER" Germany. Who brought upon the earth World War I -1914-18. (Who Daniel in chapter 11 verse 32, etc; chose to call him a wicked and FLATTERING prince). World War I, was an enveloping war of nations, the likes of which mankind had never experienced before. Indeed, the RED-blood-HORSE stood up to its belly in the blood of mankind, during his ride into the earth at its allotted time. The "HIM" who sat upon the horse unleashed the killing machines upon nations, and kingdoms, for monstrous reasoning.

Verse 4 of Revelation 6, goes on to emphasise the absolute "extent" of the killing, because the "SWORD" in the vision is very pronounced. The "GREAT SWORD" means:- It is extensively large in bulk and killing power in the numbers within the nations of the world. Being extended in length or breadth, and that "SWORD" is being used as an offensive, cutting, warlike weapon, able to kill GREATLY in numbers. Because we have already read in Daniel's prophecies within chapter 11 verses 32 to 35, that World War I and II, are the same war fought with 20 years apart, this "RED- blood-HORSE" had then gone beyond its usual limits, with that GREAT SWORD. The "HIM" that sat on the same RED HORSE'S back was still the ruler of the "power" of Germany, when World War II, took place and his name was Hitler. Further killing with that terrible "SWORD" unleashed more cutting with that warlike weapon, upon the whole earth without mercy. (Though the first "HIM" of Revelation 6:4. -Kaiser Wilhelm- was still alive). Here in Revelation chapter 6 verse 4, is the "cross reference" for the words "TIME OF THE END" started in verse 35 of Daniel 11, which has also taken into account World War II.

Again, the words "TIME OF THE END" point also towards verse 40 of the same chapter of Daniel, which same verse now finishes the block of verses for 2 World Wars and the RIDE OF THE "RED HORSE", during that time zone in history. Therefore, the "beginning" of the emphatic "TIME OF THE END" and the "end" of that time span in secular history is "APPOINTED" to the date 1945.

A few biblical scholars have interpreted the "RED HORSE" and its rider, as the scourge of war yet to come! Others say, the "RED HORSE" represents Jesus' words in Matthew 24:6,7 that of wars and rumours of wars! Whereas, Jesus in Matthew is referring to the general condition of mankind always making war, in the remaining allotted time for the 6,000 years of ruling mankind has been given. It is the "war brought about by the PALE HORSE" and the terrible disintegration of man's civilisation which is yet to come! Then, all the horses will merge in the earth, bearing down on mankind at the "END TIME" of man's ruling.

Some biblical scholars say, that the "RED HORSE" refers to a specific nuclear war of great magnitude to come! That's an easy way out of "not" understanding prophecy! When World War's I and II, were being fought across the world, and people were mutilated in body and mind, tortured, or blown to pieces, etc; many peoples of those days looked upon each of those wars in turn as "Armageddon", or- the war to end all wars. Today, because we have survived those terrible world wars, and putting the killing and suffering behind us, we have forgotten the magnitude of that suffering of millions upon millions of people, which happened during those times! Few Bible students, if any, would link the 2 World Wars which man has already experienced with the "RED HORSE" of Revelation. This is "why" Jesus gave us the "starting line" for that countdown, within verse 15 of Matthew 24, (Of the ABOMINATION of desolation -the WHITE HORSE), all prophecies cross checking with Daniel's visions.

Some scholars say Matthew 24:16-20 refers to the times of the Jews and the destruction of Jerusalem, fulfilled by Titus and his Roman army in AD 70? One cannot back track in secular history to explain situations in biblical prophecy in this way.

Again, verse 15 of Matthew 24, is the "starting line" for the Horses predominance in the world and of the situation of the world looking into the twentieth century. This from the "stand point" of the nineteenth century, when this verse was fulfilled in Pope Pius IX and the beginning of the strong ride of the "WHITE HORSE".

The dreadful verses of Matthew 16 to 20 were seeing the anti-Semitism of the Jewish nation, hence the warning in those verses for Judah to flee to the mountains, not stopping, nor turning back for any reason what so ever. During those perilous times of the twentieth century.

From verses 21 to 22 of Matthew 24, these indeed are verses referring to the END of our present world, when no flesh would be saved because of Nuclear War, except for the intervention of God in man's affairs.

These verses are in other words the "RIDE OF THE PALE HORSE" of Revelation 6:8.

The ride of the "RED HORSE" has already left its indelible mark on all those people who survived World War I and II. Whose nightmares of suffering or imprisonment in German concentration camps, or Japanese prisoner of war camps, remains with them to this day, 50 or more years later!

Revelation 6:5,6. "The Black Horse" - "During the End Time". We come now to the third "HORSE" which is "BLACK" in colour, from Revelation chapter 6 verses 5 and 6. "AND WHEN HE HAD OPENED THE THIRD SEAL, I HEARD THE THIRD BEAST SAY, COME AND SEE. AND I BEHELD, AND LO A BLACK HORSE; AND HE THAT SAT ON HIM HAD A PAIR OF BALANCES IN HIS HAND".
Verse 6
:- "AND I HEARD A VOICE IN THE MIDST OF THE FOUR BEASTS SAY, A MEASURE OF WHEAT FOR A PENNY, AND THREE MEASURES OF BARLEY FOR A PENNY; AND SEE THOU HURT NOT THE OIL AND THE WINE". The "BLACK HORSE" of these verses in Revelation, is understood by many to be representative of world-wide famine from crop failures, war, man made disturbances of the earth, poor weather conditions, and a multiple population explosion. While these factors are true, and the discerning people amongst us write about them, biblical students however have not perceived that the "BLACK HORSE" is pertaining to some of the largest populations on earth, that of the black and coloured races of peoples of the earth.

The first horse of "WHITE" colouring spread its power conquering throughout all nations of the earth. It went "OUT" abroad CONQUERING.

The second horse of "RED" dealt mainly with the "power" of the "WHITE" races bringing times of blood to all men, in the path of that Great killing Sword. The third horse of "BLACK" now deals with the other great section of humanity, whose skins of races seemed burned or scorched black or brown with the sun. Black is a colour that seems destitute of light as a rule, yet! It is not, one can see shapes and colour in a clouded fashion. It is the opposite colour to the WHITE HORSE, with the black pigment, or the hue produced within the skin and is of the Negroid line.

The "HE" that sits on this "BLACK HORSE" -is a representative of the black nations of man himself, who only now holds the "power" to execute this ride against his own peoples within the world.

Secular history has already told us of the "power" of the white races to seek empires in Africa, India, Asia, etc; over the centuries. After the "RED HORSE" went out to the world in World Wars I and II, the black and coloured nations then sought their own independence from the "white powers" of nations. As each black and coloured nation broke loose from white dominance, so the "BLACK HORSE" took upon its back, black leader after coloured leader. Until, he held aloft for himself the "BALANCES of influence and hunger"!

The "BALANCES" held in the hand of the rider of the BLACK HORSE, is made up of a double dish hung at each extremity of exactly the same weight, suspended exactly in the middle, and is an instrument for ascertaining the weight of bodies of things. The "BLACK HORSE" is to regulate and adjust, or to settle an account in these nations, upon which sits the "BALANCER" of the scales, and the "BALANCER" is now master of his own destiny.

The "voice" that was heard in verse 6, calling the price of wheat and barley, was not heard from the "HE" sitting on the BLACK HORSE, but came from elsewhere, from within the 4 beasts. The Lamb (the Lord Jesus), had opened the seals of prophecy within Revelation chapter 6 and the "VOICE" spoke. The "VOICE" is controlling the weather patterns of the earth, which helps to grow that barley and wheat. He also demands that the "BLACK HORSE" and the "HE" that rides him go so far and no further. Because he says, "SEE THOU NOT HURT THE OIL AND WINE". Otherwise, the BLACK HORSE and its rider will foolishly stake all against the peoples lives, putting commerce in jeopardy also.

Notice the weight of the BALANCES! Upon one dish is "one" measure (or estimate of the value of wheat), in the other dish is three measures of barley. So the BALANCES are weighted to one side. Wheat as a grain, is of more value than the barley. The grains of barley are used especially for the making of malt, where -as wheat is a cultivated grain with the most value, yielding a fine white nutritious flour.

A "PENNY" is the name of various coins, some of them formerly silver, they were also of copper or bronze, sometimes it took 12 pennies to the silver shilling. So these coins are denoting for in their time the amount in value. Indeed, the "MEASURE" of grain and money involved, represents inflated prices for the small amount of Wheat, which is the staff of life, whereas, Barley was usually kept for brewing purposes. So, for the people to obtain the wheat grain they had to pay much more to keep alive, and it was already in short supply.

The last sentence of verse 6 of Revelation chapter 6. "AND SEE THOU HURT NOT THE OIL AND THE WINE". Here we have two commodities that are useful to man in the act of commerce, because they are specialised produce of the land and manufacture. OIL has always been a much-prized item in its many forms, whether from animal, vegetable, or minerals throughout the centuries of man's history. During ancient history olive oil was the produce that moved commerce greatly, today in the twentieth century, its OIL of the mineral type that speaks the loudest.

WINE can be an intoxicating liquor obtained from the fermentation of grapes. WINE is also the juice of other fruits sometimes prepared with sugar. It can also be an imitation of wine for drinking purposes. Today much of mankind has used tea, coffee, and cocoa, to replace the drinking of WINE. Which items were once never used for this reason. Therefore, the OIL and the WINE of the fruits of the black and coloured races, is in many respects the back bone of their economy, and without them their nations would suffer greatly. Therefore, these 2 commodities must not be put in jeopardy, nor must they be BALANCED in detriment against the people. The "VOICE" is warning these nations to stop and take stock of what they are doing. The OIL and the WINE will not be sold to their own people in measure for a penny however, because people are more expendable in these nations than the items mentioned.

The word "HURT" in verse 6 means, to knock against, or to thrust, wound and bruise, to give mental and physical pain. Therefore, the pain endured in loosing edible crops, people, and cash crops for these nations will not be allowed to happen all at once at this time.

If we examine quickly a few nations of the "BLACK HORSE" and how the "RIDER" of those peoples were affected, we will begin to see that the "BLACK HORSE" began his ride into our world only a very short time ago. We will also see the "BLACK HORSE" like its predecessors, -the RED and WHITE horses,- will remain in the earth until the final end.

-Nigeria - (Biafra)-

In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the British and Portuguese had established slave trading posts in the delta of Nigeria. In the nineteenth century "palm oil" became so important to this region it became known as "Oil Rivers". The last three decades of the nineteenth century the European powers perused their empires in Africa, and during the first and second world wars in the twentieth century. After World War II, the various provinces of Nigeria federated, then reorganising itself again until in 1960 when Nigeria became an independent monarchy within the British Commonwealth of Nations. From the early days of independence tribalism and religious differences, continually caused fighting within those people in civil uprisings. The killings grew from hundreds into thousands, who were massacred for tribalism sake. By 1967 a very bitter civil war erupted between tribes, and the rest of the world suddenly heard of the starvation of the "Biafran people", whose food supply had been cut off, with hundreds of thousands dying of starvation. There had been no mercy shown to its own people within that nation of Nigeria, only a fight for power. The "BLACK HORSE" of Revelation then began its ride, and the warning had gone not to touch the "OIL".


Was an Independent state within the Commonwealth of Nations, in east Africa. Bounded to the north by the Sudan, to the east by Kenya, Tanzania in the south, and west by the Congo. It had been in the British sphere of influence since the nineteenth century gaining independence since 1962. The great exports of Uganda was cotton, coffee, copper, etc; World War II, marked the beginning of the end of European rule for all the African nations. From then on it was to be internal striving for one tribes dominance over another, to gain that independence. Uganda's fighting of its various peoples, and some of the nations around them, saw the movement of hundreds of thousands of hungry refugees going over the borders into other nations. By 1971 the infamous Idi-Amin the world heard so much about, had set up a new government, and soon the mass killings began, and the people became used to shortages of all kinds. Their export of main crops, was coffee, sugar, oilseed, and tobacco, some of their chief crops of commerce was difficult to maintain.

-Ethiopia and Somaliland-

In the 1950 to 1960 Somaliland was sectioned into the powers of British, French, and Italian, having to eventually face their reluctance for the independence of Ethiopia and Somaliland. In 1963 war broke out between Ethiopia and the Somalis, with the conflict between peoples escalating into the next few years. The droughts began for Somaliland in 1974-5 when the people lost their herds of cattle, and starvation stared them in the face. Later in the 70's communist nations poured aid into both Ethiopia and Somalia, and close links with Britain and the United States almost ceased to exist. Between 1974-5 it is estimated that Ethiopia and Central Africa faced with the problem of drought, 300,000 people died from starvation, and the eventual deaths and the scourges that lack of food brings to humans. The darling children of these black countries have suffered the effects of malnutrition that would last a lifetime. Ethiopia is geographically inseparable from Somaliland, though politically divided. Secular and biblical histories will teach one of the ancient culture of Ethiopia. It is bounded on the north and west by the Republic of the Sudan, on the east by the Red Sea, and Somaliland jutting out into the Indian Ocean, and the south by Kenya. The commerce of Ethiopia was hides and skins of many animals. It exported grain, coffee, oilseeds, peppers, etc;

Somaliland commerce included hides, aromatic gums, essential oils, resin, cotton, clarified butter, etc;

-Southern Sudan-

Bordering on Ethiopia, Sudan, has almost been inseparable from the drought conditions prevailing in Ethiopia and Somaliland of late; These 3 nations have suffered dreadful casualties through droughts and starvation as a direct result of war from 1973. The official estimate for that year in the Ethiopian provinces was 100,000 dead. By 1975 the worsening weather conditions hit the Ogaden region bordering Somalia, and they say 500,000 people were dying of starvation and related conditions. The real estimate of loss of life we may never know, owing to military or official policies in these countries. Sudan's commerce has cotton, and cottonseed as its principle crop, it exports gum Arabic, oilseeds, rubber, with skins and ivory for manufacture.

-India - Pakistan - Bangladesh-

The continent of India has had more than its fair share of starving millions over the years. After much political upheaval internally and other conflicts the years rolled on for the vast amount of people in India, many forever living below subsistence level. Pakistan divided from India during 1947 after almost continual fighting, and at times great blood shed with skirmishes between this group of people, or that, throughout the on going years and civil war broke out. The establishment of Bangladesh or East Pakistan as an independent state became a reality in 1972. (During 1963 a cyclone hit East Pakistan when 22,000 persons were killed). The Western nations became aware each night on the television, of the hungry millions of refugees made headline news, and individuals and governments of nations began pouring into India help to house and feed those poor people. Also along the borders of Bangladesh with Burma 200,000 hungry refugees crossed over for much needed help, because of the fighting with China. Meanwhile in India, the food shortages of unprecedented proportions in 1967 were out of control, and a semi-famine condition reigned in many Indian states. An appeal by India, to other nations requesting 15,000,000 tons of grain was launched to feed its hungry peoples.

India is predominantly an agricultural country, with many grains grown, though rice and wheat are the main crops. Some states produce coconuts, (for copra) tea, rubber and coffee. With tea and jute being India's largest commercial crops. Pakistan in the 1970's had many problems, its commerce in cotton, and agriculture was affected badly by unfavourable weather, and its over abundant population steadily rose to alarming proportions.

Its commerce also includes oil, many mineral resources, large deposits of natural gas, and main exports raw jute, raw cotton, skins and tea.

I have only mentioned a few nations here who have felt the "RIDE of the BLACK HORSE". There is still the starvation to take into account of the peoples of the Republics of Mozambique, South Vietnam, Cambodia, and the Latin American countries, etc; So few of us remember the worse famine in our modern history, which occurred in China during the 1960's, then hidden from the world because of Mao's communist rule. The "BLACK HORSE" accounted for 30 million peoples who had died in China from starvation.

One should have also taken note of the "OIL" in various forms these countries export, and the "WINE" of the fruits, which would become tea or coffee. The two words "OIL and WINE" are not exacting words in that context, but words of economic expression. Which, for export articles gave these nations a certain amount of help in times of need.

We, have seen also that the date -or- time zone for the "BLACK HORSE" to start its ride was from 1960, onwards, which has gradually galloped its way into one nation after another.

We, who live in the white or the Western societies living at each end of the earth, forget at times that our Society is very small in comparison with the black and coloured races of the earth, who we call the Third world. Western societies idea of hunger and deprivation is not theirs, because their poor possess nothing, expect nothing, and eat what they can scrounge in parched fields, or live at times from handouts from other nations, if their own warring factions will allow!

It is estimated that the Third World today has millions of people starving to death, millions suffering severe malnutrition and millions with nutrition related diseases. Such as Cholera, Dysentery, Gastro-enteritis, etc; Over the years starvation has taken a terrible toll of life. -Which we watch between entertainments on the television at night,- and it is where we see dear innocent little children with pot bellies, stare out from those pictures with their large brown sorrowful eyes!

We have heard of the silent population explosion, which is increasing at an alarming rate, which no technical farming methods to grow more food for them could ever control or feed.

Man has been systematically destroying the earth for centuries, and it is rebelling with a shift in weather patterns turning once arable soil into a dust bowl, with deserts of the world gradually encroaching upon once lively villages. "Droughts", has been "the" dreaded word from one nation to the other, not just on a small scale it once was, now it's on a global scale. Eventually helping to bring upon the whole world "TIMES OF TROUBLE SUCH AS NEVER WAS"! Seen in Daniel 12:1.

Some biblical students say the "BLACK HORSE" is yet to ride into the world, others say the horse has begun its ride into Africa already, and will eventually spread to all continents. Indeed, the latter translation is correct. But by the same token one cannot have the third horse to ride, without having the WHITE and RED horse also notably riding first and second into the world.

The "RED HORSE" brought in World Wars on a grand scale, and that RED HORSE remains in the world, mustering one nation after the other to fight to the death ever since. The "RED HORSE" makes the warring climate for the "BLACK HORSE" to be most effective in its ride.

In past years starvation and rationing of food usually followed wars, as it did in World War I and II, and almost the same thing happens in civil warring nations today. The world-wide famine however is fuelled by a chain of man made self-interest events, within nation fighting nation, and tribe against tribe. Some events are an exploding population, change in weather patterns, insect and bacteria pests, non-productive lands for over abuse of the soil, and the ultimate results of man unable to live together. Power, greed and vanity is the creed upon which the world turns, and every man for himself is the basis of life. The world will live to regret these perversions more and more as each year passes!

We need not wait into the future for these "4 horses" of Revelation to ride, they are already upon us, and will remain in the earth until we reach a rapidly deteriorating chain of events that no man can stop! The chain is already linking one loop to the next, culminating into the great "Tribulation" of Matthew 24:21-22, and the end of man's power in the earth. Only a very few discerning people that are around us, can see this swirling picture of madness that we live in today. Very few people want to see it, because they are afraid to do so. Very few will put themselves out to see it, because they find solace in sports, amusements of all sorts, ritualistic church attendances, and the sensual side of man's nature, which alone brings evil to his spirit! The prophecy of the "BLACK HORSE" and its devastating ride is not because God has brought this misery down upon man. But man himself, through his greed for power and possessions has plunged the countries affected by this "BLACK HORSE" into deep chaos. Africa itself is a continent slowly committing suicide because its African leaders don't care about the African peoples. They must bear the shame themselves that their endemic poverty is caused by clan or tribal warfare. Even the food available to its people many times has fallen into greedy hands, whilst its people starve to death. Corruption and tyranny are the whips that beat its people to death, and the balances are loaded against the weak, as prophecy predicts!

Revelation 6:8. "The Pale Horse". "The End of all Man's Ruling". Let us read of the final ride of the fourth horse of terrible countenance from Revelation chapter 6, verse 8. "AND I LOOKED, AND BEHOLD A PALE HORSE; AND HIS NAME THAT SAT ON HIM WAS DEATH, AND HELL FOLLOWED HIM. AND POWER WAS GIVEN UNTO THEM OVER THE FOURTH PART OF THE EARTH, TO KILL WITH SWORD, AND WITH HUNGER, AND WITH DEATH, AND WITH THE BEASTS OF THE EARTH".

This terrible PALE HORSE, brings to the earth such agony of mind and body in this tribulation, that the seeing and understanding of it, makes one realise to the full the utter madness of man's thinking processes in our so called, enlightened modern society. Man is prepared only to offer his dear children, "no hope" at all! All I can say is; "Thank God for our Lord's return to this earth"!
Verse 8:- "JOHN LOOKED (Or he watched towards the PALE HORSE with intent and applied his mind to the understanding of it). AND BEHOLD (He fixed his attention firmly upon it). A PALE HORSE (Or a horse which is whitish and deficient in lively colour, and is opposite to ruddy and bright. "PALE" is the ashen colour of one about to faint, or take on a sickly greenish colour, it is also to become feeble, loose strength and sink into grief and dejection. The "PALE HORSE" also points us as to what region of the world "HE" rides from, because of the colour. "He" rides from the Asiatic world). AND HIS NAME (This is a man of the same calibre of Hitler or Stalin etc; who, during his murderous time zone in history has been given absolute power over many nations in life and death situations). THAT SAT ON HIM WAS DEATH (This terrible man of the earth riding the PALE HORSE can only bring death and utter destruction, this is the only way he works out his problems within nations. DEATH, is the state of being total in the extinction of life, it is murder of the natural man or animal, fruit and vegetation). AND HELL (Or "HELL" is the place of the dead, and it is the open grave into which men are lowered, or pushed and killed, or buried alive. Or it is a pit to be thrown into after men are tortured and barely alive, it is a place of burning from the earth's violent eruptions. Man's "hell on earth" is when the wicked and conniving amongst mankind have complete rule over others, and is in fear of loosing his life each minute of the day. "Hell" is when man himself has brought upon others of mankind depths of depravity, that he becomes dung in the nostrils of the Lord, and has destroyed his own body and spirit along with others). FOLLOWED HIM (Or, when this man of power who rides this PALE HORSE, has strong control in the earth, and has unleashed the forces of great destruction, many many people will die, or be slowly destroyed after the result of his actions. Behind this man in his destructive journey through the world, life as we know it, now will be drastically changed. Any other man who takes upon himself to ride the "PALE HORSE" will also follow in the same direction as the first man). AND POWER WAS GIVEN UNTO THEM (Here we must note that the "power" to act in this way, or during this time zone in secular history, God will "not" interfere in the "DEATH AND HELL" which follows this rider. Nor will "He" stop it. Instead, "He" will allow this man free reign of his self-will, as he did with Hitler. Because 6,000 years had been given to mankind's free will to rule the earth. God eventually will make "Himself" known to the remaining peoples in the earth, which will bring mankind to his knees, and "He" can then bring everything to a final halt, before all have perished. Who is the man called HIM who rides this PALE HORSE? Other prophecies tell us about HIM. He is of Oriental extraction in the Paleness of His appearance.

Note well that the "HIM" who sat on the PALE HORSE in verse 8, now becomes "THEM", which have the "power". The "THEM" who enter this last picture with the "PALE HORSE", are also the other three horses of BLACK, RED, and WHITE, who have remained in the earth since they first started their ride and entered into our modern world. They or "THEM" all now come together with the terrible "HIM" who sits on the PALE HORSE. To kill with the SWORD of war, with starvation for millions, with DEATH and HELL, which includes disease and pestilences of many descriptions. The "BOW of the Roman power" will fight for some control over mankind). OVER THE FOURTH PART OF THE EARTH. (Or the FOURTH PART of all the many peoples in many nations in the earth, it could account for as many as one billion people, who will perish under the terrors these 4 horse represent).TO KILL WITH THE SWORD, AND WITH HUNGER, AND WITH DEATH, AND WITH THE BEASTS OF THE EARTH". (Or again we see the killing and death is repeated by "THEM" -or the other horses included,- of the sword of war, of starvation, and death and pestilences, which will envelope all continents in the earth. It now includes also the beasts of the earth, -a "BEAST" is a four footed animal, any irrational animal, it is also a brutal man or a disgusting person.

When the world is in its death throes the 4-footed animals will also partake in the starvation, shock and terror from war. Indeed, the now pampered cat or dog will become beasts of an irrational nature from starvation and disease. The most domesticated of animals left to fend for itself will perhaps carry rabies, impetigo, eczema, etc; to humans associated with them. There are also the animals, which could escape from the many zoos in the world also ravenous, looking for who ever they devour. Some of those poor bedraggled defenceless people, who are left to survive as best they can in an appalling situation, will be torn to pieces and killed by starving animals of the four footed kind, who usually hunt the weak creature first. There will also be brute beasts of the two footed kind of men, who have become animals in a disgusting manner having no mercy on his fellow man. He too will hunt for food and possessions, killing irrationally and indiscriminately.

What a dreadful unrelenting picture the "PALE HORSE" paints for us to digest in understanding the situation. Yet! It could be avoided if we turned to the ways of God set down for us to follow. We are instead going into the year 2,000 AD and facing us is a grim, sullen, hate filled world, on the brink of self-destruction and institutions on a global scale. There will be seizures of food, property and life on a neighbourhood scale, in a dog eat dog world-wide attitude.

All these anti-civilised actions the prophets of old have told us about many times, and our Lord Jesus in Matthew 24 gave us the terrible scene that those 4 horses are bringing upon us. The great seer Daniel beheld that same vision in chapter 11 verses 41 to 45, and again in Daniel 12:1. "AND AT THAT TIME SHALL MICHAEL STAND UP, THE GREAT PRINCE WHICH STANDETH FOR THE CHILDREN OF THY PEOPLE; AND THERE SHALL BE A TIME OF TROUBLE, SUCH AS NEVER WAS SINCE THERE WAS A NATION EVEN TO THAT SAME TIME; AND AT THAT TIME THY PEOPLE SHALL BE DELIVERED, EVERY ONE FOUND WRITTEN IN THE BOOK".

It is because the whole nation of Israel scattered throughout the world, have sinned so greatly in the sight of God that all punishments throughout the centuries have happened. The 4 horses bringing upon mankind all punishments rolled into one, which were written for our learning.

In Deuteronomy chapter 28 and Leviticus chapter 26, if we pick out a few verses we will see they represent what we have understood of the miseries of the 4 horses. Deuteronomy 28, verse 15. "BUT IT SHALL COME TO PASS, IF THOU WILT NOT HEARKEN UNTO THE VOICE OF THE LORD THY GOD. TO OBSERVE TO DO ALL HIS COMMANDMENTS AND HIS STATUTES WHICH I COMMAND THEE THIS DAY; THAT ALL THESE CURSES SHALL COME UNTO THEE, AND OVERTAKE THEE".
Verse 22:- "THE LORD SHALL SMITE THEE WITH A CONSUMPTION, AND WITH A FEVER, AND WITH AN INFLAMMATION, AND WITH EXTREME BURNING, AND WITH THE SWORD, AND WITH BLASTING. (Or strike with a plague, to blow up, calamities and injuries) AND WITH MILDEW; (Or to be affected by some parasitic fungus that causes decay in the living and the dead). AND THEY SHALL PURSUE THEE UNTIL THOU PERISH".
Verse 23:- "AND THY HEAVEN THAT IS OVER THY HEAD SHALL BE BRASS, (Or hard and hot, with yellow cover or coat of heat and colour). AND THE EARTH THAT IS UNDER THEE SHALL BE IRON". (Or hard, harsh, and binding fast, dry and inflexible, without water).
In other words the weather patterns are changed, and lack of rain, within the seasons could not be counted upon. Verse 28:- "THE LORD SHALL SMITE THEE WITH MADNESS, AND BLINDNESS, AND ASTONISHMENT OF HEART".

All this violent displeasure brought upon the people can be avoided if we all seek God earnestly and in a proper fashion. The words of comfort in these hard years are in Isaiah 26:20-21. "COME, MY PEOPLE, ENTER THOU INTO THY CHAMBERS, (Any apartment or room a hollow cavity for definite use and form). AND SHUT THY DOORS ABOUT THEE; HIDE THYSELF AS IT WERE FOR A LITTLE MOMENT, (Or short time). UNTIL THE INDIGNATION (Or violent happenings). BE OVERPAST".
Verse 21:- "FOR, BEHOLD, THE LORD COMETH OUT OF HIS PLACE (Return of Jesus). TO PUNISH THE INHABITANTS OF THE EARTH FOR THEIR INIQUITY; THE EARTH ALSO SHALL NO MORE COVER HER SLAIN". (Or the bodies of mankind will be living again). The 4 horsemen of Revelation are in other words 4 disasters, brought about by man's ignorance, greed, and desire for power. They are "not" disasters brought by God.

Thank God mankind has been given only 6,000 years to dominate this beautiful planet earth. Man's time has almost run out, we will then have instead, a merciful King to rule over us on the earth, and His name is "The Lord Jesus Christ" -The King of all the Kings, that have ever been.

So let us remember "His" words from Matthew 24:15. "WHOSO READETH, LET HIM UNDERSTAND".

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