[Epilogue] [Contents]
Hiraeth 2002 - Notice: The author gives permission to download, print, duplicate, and share this book for personal use only; with the proviso that no alteration is made to the contents of this book. Other use of this book is with the express permission being granted by the author or agent.
- Holy Bible…(King James version) Thomas Nelson Publishers. (1990).
- Holy Bible…(Authorised version) Oxford University Press, edited by Rev: C. I.
Scofield, D.D. (1909,1917,1937,1945).
- The Great Invasion… by Leonard Cottrell. (1958-1961).
- The Apocrypha … The first book of the Maccabees. (Authorised version).
Oxford University Press, London.
- The Quest for Zion … by Rabbi Hirsch Kalischer.
- The New Gresham Dictionary of the English Language… by Charles Annandale M.A. L.L.D. The Gresham Publishing Company Ltd; (1920-21).

- Illustrations ………….
1:- (BOOK COVER), Nebuchadnezzar's dream image (Idol and stone drawing only) taken from the magazine Philadelphia Trumpet. - (Mountain, eagle and UFOs done by Author, -2,000)……
2:- Legs and feet of Nebuchadnezzar's dream image, (original illustration unknown).
3:- Map of Roman Britain, AD 43-410. Map taken from a pamphlet called, "The
Story of Prehistoric and Roman Britain". Told in Pictures, by C.W. Airne M.A. (Cantab). Printed in England by Sankey, Hudson and Co, Manchester. (1936).
4:- Roman Soldier called, "The Legions March", taken from a magazine, based on the text of "History of the English-Speaking Peoples", by Winston Churchill. Magazine published by Purnell, for BPC Publishing Ltd; 49 Poland Street, W.1. London, (1969).
5:- William The Conqueror -(Reuben), taken from the magazine; based on the text of "History of the English-Speaking Peoples" by Winston Churchill. Magazine published by Purnell, for BPC Publishers Ltd; (address as above). (1969).
6:- Henry II -Plantagenet (Simeon), taken from the magazine; based on the text of "History of the English-Speaking Peoples", by Winston Churchill. (Publisher and address as above). (1969).
7:- Rabbi -(Levitical priesthood), taken from the book, "The Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary", editor Merrill C. Tenney. (1969).
8:- King David -(House of Judah), taken from the book, "The Children's Bible in Color", published by The Hamlyn Publishing-Group Ltd; Hamlyn House Middlesex UK, (1968).
9:- Henry IV -Lancaster (Zebulon), taken from the magazine; based on the text of "History of the English-Speaking Peoples", by Winston Churchill. (Publisher and address as previously shown). (1969).
10:- Edward IV -York (Issachar), taken from the magazine; based on the text of "History of the English-Speaking Peoples", by Winston Churchill. (Publisher and address as previously shown). (1969).
11:- Henry VII -Tudor (Dan), taken from the magazine called, "The New Oxford Illustrated Dictionary", by Oxford University Press and Bay Books Pty, Ltd; Sydney. (1976).
12:- James I -Stuart (Gad), taken from the magazine called, "The New Oxford Illustrated Dictionary", by Oxford University Press and Bay Books Pty; Ltd; Sydney. 1976).
13:- George I -Hanover (Asher), taken from the magazine; based on the text of "History of the English-Speaking Peoples", by Winston Churchill. (Publisher and address as previously shown). (1969).
14:- Edward VII -(Naphtali), taken from "The Children's Encyclopedia", volume 3; by Arthur Mee. Published by "The Educational Company Ltd; London Amalgamated Press.
15:- George V -(Joseph/Ephraim), taken from the book "The Life of King George V News Chronicle", published by George Newnes Ltd; Southampton Street, Strand W.C.2 -London. (1939).
16:- George Washington -(Manasseh), taken from the magazine; based on the text of "History of the English-Speaking Peoples", by Winston Churchill. (Publisher and address as previously shown). (1969).
17:- Benjamin, taken from "The Children's Bible in Color", published by The Hamlyn Publishing -Group Ltd; Hamlyn House Middlesex UK, (1968). Also Saint Paul, taken from this same book.
18:- Darius and Xerxes I, of the Medes and Persians, taken from the book "The Bible as History in Pictures" by Dr: Werner Keller (1963-64). Printed for Hodder and Stoughton Ltd; Saint Paul's House, Warwick Lane, E.C.4 London.
19:- Ahasueras Xerxes I, of the Medes and Persians taken from the book "The Bible as History in Pictures" by Dr: Werner Keller. (Publisher and address as above). (1963-64).
20:- The Tomb of Cyrus the Great -(Persia), taken from the book "The Bible as History in Pictures", by Werner Keller. (Publisher and address as previously shown). (1963-64).
21:- Alexander the Great, taken from the book "The Pictorial Bible Atlas", by Zondervan Publishing House, Michigan. Editor E.M. Blaiklock. (1980).
22:- Antiochus III of Syria, taken from the book "The Pictorial Bible Dictionary", by Zondervan Publishers. Editor Merrill C. Tenney. (1963).
23:- Ptolemy Euergetes I, II and III. (Original Illustration unknown).
24:- Ptolemy IX Lathyrus-Soter II, taken from the book "The Pictorial Bible Dictionary", (as Ptolemy I) by Zondervan Publishers. Editor Merrill C. Tenney. (1963).
25:- Pompey of Rome -(General), taken from the book "The Pictorial Bible Atlas", by Zondervan Publishers. Editor E.M. Blaiklock. (1980).
26:- Cleopatra VII, taken from the book "The Pictorial Bible Atlas", by Zondervan Publishers. Editor E.M. Blaiklock. (1980).
27:- Caesar Augustus Octavian, taken from the book "The Bible as History in Pictures", by Werner Keller. (1963-64).
28:- Titus -son of the Emperor Vespasian, taken from the book "The Pictorial Bible Atlas", by Zondervan Publishers. Editor E.M. Blaiklock. (1980).
29:- Wailing Wall, taken from the book "The Bible as History In Pictures", by Werner Keller. (1963-64).
30:- Golden Eagle, The Sacred Emblem of the Legions, by Author. (1998).
31:- The Men of Blood and Power, (Original illustration unknown).
32:- The Dragon of Rome -as depicted in history, with a map showing the extent of the Roman Imperial Empire at its power, by Author. (1998).
33:- Emperor Diocletian, taken from the book "The World of Ancient Times", by Carl Roebuck. (1966).
34:- Emperor Constantine, taken from the book "The World of Ancient Times", by Carl Roebuck. (1966).
35:- Emperor Justinian, taken from the magazine called "Bible Today", by Marshall Cavendish Publications Ltd; (1971).
36:- Nebuchadnezzar's idol, by Author. (1995).
37:- Russian Emblem of the 2 headed Eagle, -Byzantium. (Original illustration unknown).
38:- Israelite exile into Assyria, from the book "The Bible as History in Pictures", by Werner Keller. (1963-64).
39:- The Roman Woman, and the map of Italy with Rome's 7 hills. (Original illustrations unknown).
40:- Genealogical Table, showing the House of Israel's descent of the Crown within the British Isles. (Original illustration unknown).

- Excerpts - (Quotations etc.)…………
- The Tribe of Levi and Priests, from the books "Wars of the Jews" and "Antiquities of the Jews", by Flavius Josephus. (Translated by William Whiston, A.M. London…
- The Essenes, seen in the book "Wars of the Jews" by Flavius Josephus. (As above)…
- An excerpt from "The Bible as History", by Werner Keller. (1956-1964)…
- Ptolemy Euergetes, is written about in the book "History of the Jews", by Flavius Josephus. (As above)…
- Daniel's Prophecy, an excerpt from the book "Antiquities of the Jews", by Flavius Josephus. (As above)…
- Antiochus Epiphanes, an excerpt from the book "The Apocrypha" and the books of the Maccabees therein. Printed by Oxford University Press…
- Antiochus Epiphanes, (noted events) from the book "The Apocrypha" and "Antiquities of the Jews", by Flavius Josephus…
- An excerpt from the book of the Maccabees, (Chapter 4). (From the Apocrypha).
- An excerpt from the book of the Maccabees, (Chapter 14 and 15). (Apocrypha)…
- Several excerpts from the book "The Antiquities of the Jews" by Flavius Josephus. (Apocrypha)...
- An excerpt from the "Scofield Reference Bible", Authorised version. (1945)...
- An excerpt from "History of the Jews" by Flavius Josephus. (Chapter I. -Book XIV). (Apocrypha)…
- An excerpt from the book "History of the Jews" by Flavius Josephus. (Chapter IV. -Book XIV). (Apocrypha)...
- A note concerning Josephus' "Wars of the Jews". (Chapter VIII. -Book I). (Apocrypha)…
- A note from "Antiquities of the Jews" by Flavius Josephus, concerning Rome, Mark Antony, Antigonus, Parthians. (Apocrypha)…
- Excerpts from the book "Antiquities of the Jews" by Flavius Josephus. (Book IV, page 443) and (Book XV, page 444). Also (Chapter XVIII, pages 636-637). (Apocrypha)…
- Excerpts from the book by Flavius Josephus…
- Excerpt from the book "The World of Ancient Times" by Carl Roebuck. (Page 613). (1966)…
- Excerpts from the book "Wars of the Jews" by Flavius Josephus. (Chapter XII,
-Book V). (Apocrypha)...
- Excerpts from the book "The Bible as History" by Dr: Werner Keller. Printed by Hodder and Stoughton. (1956-1964)…
- A mention of Josephus' book "Wars of the Jews". (Book III, page 711). (Apocrypha)…
- An excerpt from the book "The World of Ancient Times" by Carl Roebuck. (Page 680). Printed by Charles Scribner's sons. (1966)…
- An excerpt from the book "Pictorial Dictionary" by Zondervan. (Page 581). (1963-1974)…
- An excerpt from the book called "Wanderings, History of the Jews" by Chiam Potok. (Page 227). Hutchinson Group Pty; Ltd. Victoria, Australia. (1978)…
- An excerpt from the book "The Bible as History", by Werner Keller. (Page 385). Printed by Hodder and Stoughton. (1956-57)…
- An excerpt from the book "History of the English-Speaking Peoples" by Winston Churchill, re: King Caractacus. (1969)…
- An excerpt from the book "The Children's Encyclopedia" by Arthur Mees, re: Invaders of the British Isles. Printed by Amalgamated Press, London…
- Several excerpts from the magazine based on "History of the English-Speaking People" . Published by Purnell. (1969)…
- A note mentioning the book "The United States and British Commonwealth in Prophecy" by the late Herbert Armstrong. (1967)…
- Several excerpts from the magazine based on "History of the English-Speaking People." Published by Purnell. (1969)…
- An excerpt from the book "The Westminster Dictionary of the Bible" by Henry Synder Gehman PHD; STD. Published by Collins Clear-Type Press. (1944)…
- An excerpt from the book "Apocrypha", (authorised version). First book of the Maccabees, (Chapter 1 verse 1) also 1st book of the Maccabees (Chapter 8). Printed by Oxford University Press…
- Several excerpts from the magazine based on "History of the English-Speaking People". Published by Purnell. (1969)…
- Several excerpts from the book "Beyond Tomorrow" by Raymond Cottrell. Southern Publishing Association, Tennessee). (1963)…
- An excerpt from "The United States of America and the President Thomas Jefferson", (origin unknown)…
- An excerpt of a verse for Queen Victoria's grandson William of Prussia in the British National Anthem, (origin unknown)...
- An excerpt spoken by King Edward VII, re: William of Prussia, King of Germany, (origin unknown)…
- An excerpt spoken by the American Ralph Waldo Emerson, (origin unknown)...
- An excerpt from the book "Milestones of the 20th Century". Published by Readers Digest Services Ltd, Sydney Australia. (1981)…
- An excerpt from the book "The First World War" by A.J.P.Taylor, "Angels of the Mons". Penguin Books, London. (1963-67)…
- An excerpt from the book "Strange Stories Amazing Facts" by Reader's Digest, "Angels of the Mons". Reader's Digest Services Pty Ltd. Sydney. (1975)…
- An excerpt from the pamphlet "Signs of the Times". Published The Seventh Day Adventists, written by Dr: Desmond Ford…
- Several excerpts from the "Worldwide Church of God", by the late Herbert Armstrong. (1967)…
- An excerpt from the magazine "Watch Tower" by the Jehovah Witness...
- Several excerpts from the book "Elpis Israel" by John Thomas M.D. of the Christadelphians. (1849-1973)…
- An excerpt from a pamphlet of the Jehovah Witness denomination.
- Excerpts from a British magazine "The Unexplained". Published by Orbis Publishing Ltd, London. Editor/Director Brian Innes. (1983)…
- An excerpt from a British magazine (condensed) "The Unexplained" . (Publisher and address as above). (1983)…
- A mention of the composer Gustav Holst music called "The Planets". Record 33, Nixa Records, London...
- Several excerpts from the British magazine called "The Unexplained". (Publisher and address as above). (1983)…
- Several excerpts from the book "Milestones of the 20th Century". Edited and designed by Readers Digest Services Ltd, NSW. (1981)…
- An excerpt from the book "The Encyclopedia Britannica" (15th edition). Publisher Helen Hemingway Benton. (1973-74)...
- An excerpt from "The Encyclopedia Britannica" (15th edition), re: The Middle East (condensed). (1943-1974)…
- An excerpt from the book "The United States and Britain in Prophecy" by the late Herbert Armstrong. (1967)…
- An excerpt from a pamphlet "Russia's Bid for World Domination" by the Christadelphians…
- Excerpts from the magazine "The Plain Truth" by The Philadelphia Church of God and the Worldwide Church of God...
- Comments from a book "The Beginning of the End" by Tim Lahaye. Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois. (1972)…
- An excerpt from the play "Richard II - Act I - Scene I" by William Shakespeare...
- An excerpt from a magazine re: "Item of the Jews living safely in a land of unwalled villages" by the Christadelphians…
- Excerpts from the book "Beginning of the End" by Tim Lahaye, re: Israel of the Jew dwelling safely in a land of unwalled villages. (As above)…
- Excerpts from the Authorised version of the Bible, with a reference by Scofield (Rev:) Oxford University Press. (1909-45)…
- Excerpt from the book "History of the English-Speaking Peoples" by Winston Churchill. (1969)…
- Excerpt from the Roman Augustin poet Virgil...
- Biblical Numerics by Mathematician Ivan Panin, (1855-1942)...
- Genealogical Table showing the House of Israel's Descent of the Crown within the British Isles, (origin unknown)…

Hiraeth - 2002

[Epilogue] [Contents]