34. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 14.
Herod - Judea - Octavian - Rome -
Jesus the Christ. BC 31 to BC 4.

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Let us now unravel a very important verse of Daniel's chapter. Daniel 11:14:- "AND IN THOSE TIMES THERE SHALL MANY STAND UP AGAINST THE KING OF THE SOUTH; ALSO THE ROBBERS OF THY PEOPLE SHALL EXALT THEMSELVES TO ESTABLISH THE VISION; BUT THEY SHALL FALL". This verse 14 keeps us moving in and around, the times of Caesar Augustus (Octavian), and King Herod of Judea. Because the first 4 words of this verse says "and in those times", which gives us an historical "time" to open and unravel this verse.

Caesar Augustus - Click to Enlarge

We have just seen in verse 13, how Octavian set himself up as the complete ruler of the Roman world, and how he endorsed King Herod as absolute ruler of all Judea, answerable only to Caesar himself.

King Herod the Idumean, is now established again as King of the Jews, and the only King of note in the great South lands. Because of his exalted position in the eyes of Rome, and because of his position in those times, the historians of secular history called him "Herod the Great". So, the whole sentence of verse 14 reads; "and in those times, -of the times of Caesar Augustus- there shall stand up against the King of the South: Meaning, against Herod the Great King of the South. "Those times" which we read of, and which straddled the remainder of Caesar Augustus reign. Whose complete reign was for over 40 years.

Herod's years of reigning, before and after he paid homage to Octavian, was from 37 BC. He was made king at the age of 36 until he died in 4 BC reigning for 32 years. Herod's life had covered the years of Pompey, Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, and now Octavian, Caesar Augustus, including the perilous times of Cleopatra, whose hatred he also outlived.

Now however, with Octavian firmly established as Caesar of all Rome, Herod was safe to enlarge his Kingdom and establishing it for his progeny. Which he set about with great enthusiasm and energy.

If one breaks down the simple words "those" and "times", it means:- We can't get away from the fact that this prophecy is set in "those times" meaning, this, -or-that, season, -or- period of history. During which Octavian and Herod were rulers of Rome and Judea respectively. So verse 14 at the beginning of the verse, speaks of Herod first, as the King of the south, we must now look into that sentence which says, "AND IN THOSE TIMES THERE SHALL MANY STAND UP AGAINST THE KING OF THE SOUTH". Who on earth stood up against Herod may we ask, when he was sole ruler of Judea with Rome of the north, ruling all the other lands around Judea? Well! If we look carefully into Herod's lifestyle, we shall see indeed that Herod was troubled on all sides around his throne. Which eventually was to rob him of his sanity, sending him quite mad!

During the times of Antony and Cleopatra, and before Octavian came into Judea, Herod made sure he had no challenges to his throne. By ruthlessly killing off all of the members of the Jewish Hasmonean House. The old man Hyrcanus (who had his ears cut off by Antigonus). Herod feared the most, because he was the rightful heir to that throne. With presents, pleasant words and feasting of Hyrcanus. Nevertheless, Herod was to have him murdered. Then there was Alexandra mother of Marianne and her young son Aristobulus, who was groomed to be high priest to the Jews, Herod had her murdered and the son drowned. He had married the princess Mariamne of the Hasmonean house, and they had 2 sons. He loved her greatly but had all 3 murdered, because of court intrigue, domestic quarrels and the constant fear of losing his throne. Therefore, from the Jewish Hasmonean House whose throne was their right, there was to be no challenges to that throne because Herod killed them all off.

Many of the members of the Hasmonean House had even secured the friendship of Cleopatra Queen of Egypt, she in turn had secured Antony's interference on their behalf, but with Herod's winning crafty way's he overcame Antony's displeasure. When Herod's Hasmonean problems ended, the confiscating of their property, was done, his political strategy took care of some problems, and Cleopatra's death took care of others.

So, from 30 BC and Octavian's ruling, Herod, was still saddled with the eternal Pharisee and Sadducee in- fighting, which began when he first took the crown. The Jewish sects always considered Herod an Idumean foreigner, and these Jewish sects caused him no end of political strife.

From the years 25 BC to 13 BC Herod threw himself whole heart and soul into his architectural problems, which included the reconstruction of Jerusalem. We must remember reader that Judea, and districts had seen much destruction in previous years from the never-ending wars, and Roman fury.

Herod, in order to try and forget the terrible court intrigues of his sisters, mother, and his 10 wives with children etc, which drove him to fits of despair. His furious campaign of the Hellenisation of Judea in buildings and games, was a way out of his misery. Though it caused economic difficulties for treasury and people. Herod's massive building projects not only included fortresses, but a palace, temple, and cities. Such as Sebaste, (on the site of Samaria) Caesarea, (between Joppa and Haifa) etc. Herod was a pagan Jew in all his ideas of buildings and glorifications of his land, though had to pacify the Pharisees by controlling his own magnificence. These years of the latter part of his life, were years of being buffeted by continual incursions and fighting with the Arabs on his frontiers. For which he had to build a series of fortresses to keep them out.

From within the palace, they were years of being buffeted from ceaseless political intrigues by many people, which sent him into terrible rages. Within the Jewish community there was always the prophecy and the continuing threat to Herod of the Messiah and eventual King of Judea. Who was to be born of the House of David, of the tribe of Judah. Many of the Jews had thought that Mariamne and her children, would have given them their long waited for Messiah and King. But now they were all dead and the Jews had to look elsewhere. So fearful was Herod of losing his throne to a Jewish Messiah that we read in the New Testament of the pitiful story of the slaughter of innocent children of that country.

On Herod's last visit to Rome, he had obtained the consent of (Octavian), Caesar Augustus, to dispose of his kingdom as he saw fit. His will and testament left Judea, Samaria, and Idumea to his son Archelaus, with title as King. Antipas received Galilee and Perea, with the title of Tetrarch. To Philip went Gaulanitis, Auranitis, Trachonitis, Batanea, and Panais, who also had the title of Tetrarch. All these divisions in Herod's will were confirmed by Caesar at that time but did not last long after Herod's death. By this move of establishing his will Herod tried to stop the continual political intrigues within his palace, though he had had many wives and 14 children, appeasement of settling his kingdom was short lived.

Indeed, Daniel was so right in Daniel 11:14, when he said "many shall stand up against" Herod. "Many" means a number of persons, or numerous people and "against" means in opposition to.

Before Herod King of the South of Rome died, all the Jews and the people of the lands he ruled, were "against" him opposed him on every side. The people longing for his death, and when his death came there was great rejoicing. So much was the hatred they bare him during his reign.


Apart from the machinations of Herod in the land of Judea, there were also - "robbers of thy people"-. Who were the "robbers" which also affected the Jews and the holy seed in Judea at that time?

A "robber" is one who takes or steals and plunders. It is the act of stripping by violence and force something that belongs to another person. The greatest "robbers" of these times were the plundering, Romans.

Before Judea was completely taken under Roman eagles wings and then ruled by Roman procurators such as Pontius Pilate, Rome, time and time again stripped the temple of its gold. It stripped the people of their wealth and laid heavy taxes upon them. They took their land away from them and herded them like sheep. Rome took their lives from them and gave them great surges of death, mourning and destruction. Rome raised an Idumean King over them, and took away their priests, and goodly people, in order to lay bare the inner man in the dust of the earth!

We see this definition of "robbers of thy people", if we turn to Isaiah chapter 10, verses 11 to 13. In this chapter we see Assyria coming down into Samaria and Jerusalem destroying and robbing. We see Assyria rob the holy seed called, Zion and Jerusalem. We see the Assyrian robbing them of their treasures.

If we turn to Ezekiel 7:22-27 here we read of the "end time" and the time of the "day of the Lord", when the "robbers" have entered into the "secret place" -or- the "sanctuary" of God and have polluted it. With their crimes of violence towards God's intended use of that place, and of those so-called priests therein who are robbers of the people. Who say they minister unto "Him", but they lie! Again, we turn to Isaiah 42, and in this marvellous chapter we behold the "hidden" wisdom of God in His great plan for His chosen seed who have been robbed and spoiled.

The chapter speaks of Jesus the son of God, who was to take "His" word and judgements into the Gentiles, -where 10 of the tribes of Israel with Zion of the holy seed dwells.- In the centuries that past after Jesus departure, the "British Isles" waited for His Law, -(Or where the Bible was forged).- Because the "Isles" was a cradle for Israel, and a place to learn the "truth" of the "Word". Though their evolving history as now British people, "time" had forged them a new language and customs, and eventually gave them God's word to read. Yet! These same British people,- whatever lands they are now in,- are deaf and blind to the "deep things" of our Heavenly Father's Law. Those "deep things" tell them that they have been "robbed", and spoiled over the centuries, and have been "robbed" of their true identification. Lost to themselves and the world!

God set traps for them because of their self-willed crimes, and shut them up in prisons of other churches, -Or- man made idioms that shut out truth because they did not "want" to hear. Because it upset the vanities of rules, they set themselves to live by, or to approach God by. To be "robbed" of one's spiritual truth, is far worse than to be robbed of jewels or life. In our modern times these people call themselves "spiritual Israel", and this partial idea was also enough to appease their souls. Because, if they were factual fleshly Israel, it would only bring chaos and unease to their ideas. Isaiah 42:24:- "WHO GAVE JACOB (the Jew) FOR A SPOIL, AND ISRAEL (in the Gentile) TO THE ROBBERS? DID NOT THE LORD, HE AGAINST WHOM WE HAVE SINNED? FOR THEY WOULD NOT WALK IN HIS WAYS NEITHER WERE THEY OBEDIENT UNTO HIS LAW".

Malachi 3 also tells, that this nation of Israelites have robbed God, because of these people's peculiar ideas. British stock to this day balk at the thought of being a full blood brother to Judah, in the land of Israel; The Jew would be insulted by these Gentiles in the earth, claiming to be God's people. Thereby being usurped by another nation.

The "robbers of truth" throughout man's secular and biblical histories, have done their work well, for they have put out our eyes, and impaired our hearing! The "Holy One" of Israel is known only in the mists of time in prophetic memory and classed as the figment of some people's imaginations!

All these things have the "robbers" achieved with great success, as each Empire in secular history came and went, and tore the fabric of Israel apart. Here in Daniel's chapter 11 and verse 14, it was the turn of Rome in history to be the "robbers" of Israel. Daniel 14 is saying, (or besides Herod) the "robbers," known as the Romans, who, in their marching legions throughout the then civilised world of ruling, Affected all Israel, -or- "thy people". Those scattered "people" were in Judea, Egypt, Syria, Asia, Greece, Italy, Gaul, or going into Britain etc. These were under this Roman "robbers" yoke.

The next words of Daniel 11:14 says. "SHALL EXALT THEMSELVES TO ESTABLISH THE VISION". Here now we must enter into other deep chapters of the Bible to confirm who the "vision" was and is!

When one exalts itself, it means to raise with power, wealth and dignity, and it is to raise with pride, to lift up and magnify onesself. Indeed, this exalting was done to great affect under Octavian Caesar, Augustus, which verse 13 of Daniel 11 has already told us.

Octavian, the young sickly man, decided to take Rome for himself and turn it into the lofty seat of the centre of the earth. When all roads would lead to Rome. That city-state had changed hands many times under Generals and Kings who, rattling sabres at each other had brought these changes about. Rome began as a town or small village, then grew and became the city of Rome. It prospered until its power slowly encroached on all Italy, it then acquired land around the seas and the seas itself, bottling up other nations. It demanded this -or- that, of lesser peoples around them, until it grew even larger and more demanding. Then it saw that the Grecian world was within it's own right to capture. Rome spread and flourished until it went down into Egypt and that ancient civilisation, which was to astound them!

It met the ancient problems of the Holy Land of Israel and its people's head on with its "iron" march and in its purely "human" approach to life. It could not understand these people of one God. Nor a temple that was empty of effigies except for a gold covered box, a table, branched candlestick, etc. Therefore, under Octavian Caesar Augustus, the Roman people saw no controversy in a mere mortal "elevating" himself as did Octavian, into the realms of the heavens as a god. This is the ultimate exercise when one "exalts" its person.

When Daniel says in verse 14, that Octavian and his people "exalted" themselves in vanity of mind and purpose, he also- "established the vision!"

When one "establishes" something it is to make firm and stable, it is to enact a decree, to ratify and ordain, and to settle on a permanent basis. That "decree" to ordain on a permanent basis for Octavian, went out to the Roman populace when he declared and decreed to them, he was a son of God. Being the rightful heir of Julius Caesar who had also proclaimed himself a god. The Roman Senate "ordained" for him the Latin title of Augustus, which means "majestic" or "revered one". (This position of emperor's becoming gods was carried on into Rome's later history also).

Caesar Augustus also took on the role of Pontifex Maximus, -or- Chief Priest for the populace in the Roman world. This indeed was a blind shepherd leading blind sheep to the slaughter.

Octavian, therefore, "established, ordained, and made stable and firm his position", as Emperor of all mankind, son of God, and Chief Priest between man and the heavens. Which was to last during his long years of ruling. All men had to bow to this mortal man's elevated audacity, to all his titles on pain of death for the dissenter. During these times of Roman exalting and elevation, the "real" vision of the High Priesthood between heaven and earth was born, and his name was Jesus, son of The Most High God. Here now was a Great dissenter in that Roman world because, the people are now confronted with 2 sons of God, and 2 High Priests between man and the heavens. So, Rome "did" establish that "vision" as Daniel says by proclaiming their own son of God! Let us look into this word "vision"! A "vision" is the appearance of something seen externally by actual sight. It is also something seen with the inner eye, in a dream, trance, or apparition, it's like a mental or optical illusion. To the "visionary" though it has no immediate reality, yet! Its form is upheld as fact! This definition of "visions" in dreams, or actual sight, we have been reading of within page after page belonging to the prophet Daniel. He was the greatest of all "visionaries", being blessed of God, to supply us in this day and age with historical fact to follow. Thus, putting us firmly onto the path to perfect truth.

Our Lord Himself supplied us with "visions" of truth, the apostles and prophets of old spelled out their "visions" for us to understand. But none gave us such overwhelming secular emphatic historical times and seasons from "visions", as did the great man Daniel.

These "visions" of Daniel's were established as "fact" within his own day, when Daniel saw the fall of Nebuchadnezzar, or Belshazzar, and the entry into Babylon of Darius the Mede and Cyrus the Persian. Daniel's "visions" were at that time happened as immediate fact.

The other "visions" then crossed the boundaries of history into long-term fact, and into the years of man's remaining centuries of 2,000 years or more ahead, which we are now unravelling.

The greatest "vision" of all, which Daniel saw into the mists of time, was of the "stone cut out of the mountain without hands". Then on to that same "visions" return to the earth in Glory -namely, Jesus the Christ. This "vision" within man's history is almost beyond man's comprehension seen in chapter 12 of Daniel, which ends this history.

Daniel saw so very much in his dreams, and in a trance like state whilst talking to the angels of God! Let us read Daniel 7:13-15.


Here prophecy in that vision towards mankind, speaks of the return to earth of the Great King, our Lord Jesus Christ. Who was, and is, a far greater King and Son of God than anything that Rome, or Octavian could have conjured up. In their ignorance of the heavenly and earthly story.

Let us now "establish" today reader, and settle it on a permanent basis who this "vision" really is, and written of in Daniel 11:14. We turn first to Numbers 24:16,17.

Verse 17:- "I SHALL SEE HIM, BUT NOT NOW (Or, the time or season to see the Lord was not when Balaam lived, but when all is finished), I SHALL BEHOLD HIM, BUT NOT NIGH: (Or the Lord close at hand) THERE SHALL COME A STAR OUT OF JACOB, (Or celestial body having influence over man's life. Jesus' "sign" when he was born was of the "star" that stood over the manger, born a Jew out of the lineage of Jacob's son, Judah. Even today the Jews emblem is the "star" -and the sign of the Messiah is a star, which showed the Jew who, and where "He" was). AND A SCEPTRE SHALL RISE OUT OF ISRAEL, (He became King and Lord in the nation of Israel). AND SHALL SMITE THE CORNERS OF MOAB, (The area of present-day Jordan, whose people were kinfolk to the 2 nations of Israel. Today they class themselves as Arabs and require Judah's life. Yet! Because all the corners of their land are punished and afflicted, they will have nowhere to run and will capitulate to Jesus the Lord). AND DESTROY ALL THE CHILDREN OF SHETH". (Or the children of Sheth-or-Seth, who was the 3rd son of Adam he brought forth good men, and evil men. From Sheth came Cainan, Enoch, Methuselah, and Noah. Their lineage was to bring forth Jesus eventually, having a providential start in life. They should have known better than to be evil, so their sons will be killed. Some died in the flood, others will die at the return of Jesus. Because their genetic makeup remains to perpetuate them from Noah).

If we turn to Ezekiel 12, and to the "vision" towards the "House of Israel" in the Gentiles, for whom Ezekiel mainly writes. We will see in many ways how these tribes out of Israel have changed. They, resembling now only the biblical heathen and Gentile peoples, amongst whom they have integrated and lived for centuries. These Israelites have become so called Christians of all descriptions, being quite content in their own self-righteous ways and thoughts! Some of these Christians of the "House of Israel" have looked for the return of Jesus down through the centuries. Other types of Christians say, the days and years go on and on and nothing has changed! Many Israelites say man controls his own destiny what need have we of Daniel's prophecies of "visions". Or the need of the "vision" of Jesus the Christ returning to the earth. Israel also says 2,000 years have already elapsed since He died and was raised from the dead! These things they say, are all fairy stories for children, or a form of opium for the people to lull their sensibilities.

We read of these expressions in Ezekiel 12:22-28.
Verse 22:- "SON OF MAN, WHAT IS THAT PROVERB, (Or a popular saying of reproach, or object of contempt). THAT YE HAVE IN THE LAND OF ISRAEL, (where all the House of Israel lives), SAYING THE DAYS ARE PROLONGED, AND EVERY VISION FAILETH"? (Or- since time in memorial the people say they have been promised peace, and a King to end our miseries. Many people throughout "time" have cried out loud that the Messiah has come seen in such and such a person, they have all died and nothing has happened).
Verse 23:- "TELL THEM THEREFORE, THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD, I WILL MAKE THIS PROVERB TO CEASE, AND THEY SHALL NO MORE USE IT AS A PROVERB IN ISRAEL;BUT SAY UNTO THEM, THE DAYS ARE AT HAND, AND THE EFFECT OF EVERY VISION". (Or- the days or- years, are "near", and not far distant, when all the prophetic "visions" that have been seen by the prophets will become fact. Understanding will be produced by an operating agent, such as a force of reality or spirit, giving that result).
Verse 24:- "FOR THERE SHALL BE NO MORE ANY VAIN VISION, (Or empty, fruitless or ineffectual sighting) NOR FLATTERING DIVINATION. (Or- self- gratification of false praise for foretelling the future of events), WITHIN THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL". (Or the 10 tribes who were swallowed up in the Gentile and heathen nations. Today, these people are amongst the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic and other tribes within British stock).
Verse 25:- "FOR I AM THE LORD. (Or "I am", means Yahweh spoken when Israel was Hebrew, -or- Jehovah called in the English pronunciation of the same "I am". In other words, God is establishing to these strayed people who "He" Is and Was, to these same people from the beginning of history. "He" hasn't changed at all, we have! "He" is our Lord God -or- the Holy One of Israel.

(The name Lord or "my Lord" -Adonai - was put in place in 300 BC, to take the place of "Yahweh" by the Israelite, because that name was too sacred to utter). So, "The Holy One" is saying to us, "Here "I am" my people, in this book of words called The Bible hear me, don't shut me out)!

I WILL SPEAK, AND THE WORD THAT I SHALL SPEAK "SHALL" COME TO PASS"; (Or- when God wanted chosen men and women in the past to hear Him, He spoke to them in "visions" or through angels. Just as Ezekiel says in verse 17 saying, "THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME TO ME SAYING".

All these prophetic words spoken by God through the prophets were written down, and then put into book form eventually, for us to study and read.

God's words written down by Daniel etc, are words that came to pass meticulously in secular history giving dates, times, and seasons. We! Are the ones that have lived in a dream world, not seeing "His" reality of things around us! "He" has been shouting at us for centuries from "His" written word, and only now we seem to have tentatively taken notice! Even now there are millions of the "House of Israel" who don't want to know and are happy in their ignorance. They study the books of man for answers to life's mysteries).

Verse 25:- "IT SHALL BE NO MORE PROLONGED; FOR IN YOUR DAYS O REBELLIOUS HOUSE, WILL I SAY THE WORD, AND WILL PERFORM IT, SAITH THE LORD GOD". (Or- when Ezekiel wrote these words to the 10 tribes of Israel, -who are "only" called the "House of Israel" which does not include the "House of Judah", at this time.

Ezekiel was already a prisoner of the Chaldeans, and the "House of Israel" had gone into the Chaldean/Assyrian provinces. The "House of Judah" was then being harvested for their sins also. And during those terrible days Ezekiel was shown many things in the spirit with his "visions". Which were also written for the history of both houses of Israel.

These "visions" were to be set down in writing, so the people could see the "waymarks" set down in their long history that was ahead in time. Revealing exactly what happened to them, where they had been, and who they would become, when they finally emerged through history in their latter days. Then these people of the Israelite tribes could once more emerge and say, "I am of this or that tribe, -or- this and that man was born of her out of the House of Israel)".

Ezekiel 12:26 :- "AGAIN THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME TO ME SAYING", Verse 27:- "SON OF MAN,BEHOLD, (Or-to fix the eyes and mind upon this subject). THEY OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL (in the Gentiles) SAY, THE "VISION" THAT HE SEETH IS FOR MANY DAYS TO COME, (Or- years), AND HE PROPHESIETH OF THE TIMES THAT ARE FAR OFF", (Or- Ezekiel has written a prediction and foretelling of religious instructions to come. Which the people said were of no use to the then tribes in Assyria captivity.

These modern Israelites still say, these words are of no use to us today either, because Ezekiel's words are not understood! Or these words are written for more years ahead into our distant future and a remote place).


Therefore, today and towards the 21st century we shall understand. From this lengthy promise of the "visions" which Ezekiel saw for all the 12 tribes of Israel, and for their years ahead in history, starting from the Assyrian/Babylonian captivity. The "House of Israel", particularly, was promised assurance of their "end" in history! They were also promised the greatest "vision" of all. That of their sceptered King Jesus the Christ, The Messiah, out of the "star" of Judah/Jacob.

The Lord God of Israel did not fail in these promises, it was all written down for our learning. Jesus came into the world according to the Laws written for Him and Israel. The whole nation of Israel's history was set down in writing for them into the then distant future, by Daniel and other prophets, so it is not God's fault if we can't understand all these words properly!

The years have been prolonged the people say, since Jesus was here. But all that was needed in those long years is a "desire" for truth, a "thirst" for that life giving water, and not a mediocre attempt to learn. In joining churches for a brand of truth, whether comfortable or sanctimonious, which our modern ways dictates! The "visions" to the House of Israel in the nations and Gentiles was to cease, as Ezekiel told you all. Because mankind feels we have no more need of "visions" from prophets. Instead, all things have been recorded for our history, and our edification! So, in this day and age the days are "not" prolonged at all but misunderstood! Let us now go to verses on the greatest "vision" of all, which all "visions" empty themselves into, namely the Son of God, and Chief Priest between God and men. The Man Christ Jesus!

From Matthew 17:1-9, we see the "Transfiguration" of that true son of God with His feet standing between the realms of heaven and earth. When standing in the valley of the dead with Moses and Elijah, showing man that power "He" truly Had and Has!

This Man Jesus had no need to have a "decree" signed by a Senate, nor his priesthood "ordained" by men, as did Octavian Augustus. The things that His disciples saw concerning Jesus, were "happenings" of a kind that overwhelmed them in the seeing and knowing of them. The interference of the heavens, and the mansions of the dead, upon His life on earth were spontaneous happenings. For example, what kind of men could bring Moses from the grave, who had been buried centuries previously, or Elijah who had been taken to heaven in previous centuries. Here, is the great "vision" established, and spoken of throughout our Heavenly Father's words!

Daniel, in previous chapters tells us again of the "establishing" of that "vision" - Jesus the Christ-, Daniel 9:23-27 tells us what was expected to be "affirmed", in secular and biblical histories of those Roman times. When the "Prince of the vision" -Jesus-, was "established" in the times, seasons, and dates of man's history. This "vision" in Daniel 9, was the Son of God and the Son of man, risen to great heights holding the office of the "Priest" of the Sanctuary in earth, and of heaven. Here is "confirmation" of the "vision" of the King, that was born in Imperial Roman times under Octavian Caesar Augustus. Here is "confirmation" of the vision of the King that was crucified by the Romans for to cleanse God's Sanctuary, outside the walls of Jerusalem. "He" was shaking off the dust of Jerusalem's sinful ways.

Here in Daniel chapter 9, is "confirmation" of the foreseen Roman harlot who was to enslave both houses of the nation of Israel and their King. This is achieved through all the long years and consummation of history until the "end time", -which is now! There are so many chapters, and verses one can read to "establish" who this true "vision" in Roman times represented.

(Turn to the book of Acts, from chapter 4 and see how Peter and Paul went out into the Gentile world to find the "House of Israel", and to preach that "vision", which Jesus "established", and cemented in the earth as the chief corner stone, and Priest of the true church of God)!

That same "chief corner stone" that was promised to come in Daniel chapter 2 verse 45. That same "sceptered stone" was promised to Joseph's children in Genesis chapter 49 verse 24. All these Israelite threads have been running through centuries of secular history, then coming out to fruition in the 10 toed peoples of the United Kingdom etc, where Joseph's blessing was fulfilled in the sceptre of our King, and Lord Jesus Christ! The last few words of Daniel 11:14 are, "BUT THEY SHALL FALL". You will note reader that it is a "plural" sentence because of the word "they". So, what Daniel is saying is that verse quoted of many people from verse 14, were Herod of the South, plus Octavian Caesar Augustus of Imperial Rome. These would in the process of time, atone -or- pay for their deeds of exalting themselves to the heavenly throne, over "His" chosen people, and the "Vision" Jesus.

The word "Shall" in verse 14 implies authority on the part of the speaker, who in this case is God, spoken through Daniel the seer.

To "Fall", is to sink from a higher position to a lower position, or to sink into sin and die particularly by violence. It is to come to an end suddenly, or gradually, but it will positively happen! Indeed, when we with hindsight look back on secular history and this Imperial Roman period of time, we can see the fulfilling of this sentence. Because we can question where is the throne and dynasty of Herod the Idumean? Where are the "many peoples" of his family that drove him crazy? Where are the then Arabs of the Nabateans whose city was Petra? Where are the sects of Pharisee and Sadducee etc, who tore Judea apart at times with their eternal wrangling? Where is Imperial Rome whose audacity reached to the heavens? Where is Octavian's natural heirs of sons or grandsons to take his throne? Didn't history tell us how he had to leave his throne to his disliked adopted son and heir, the debauched Tiberius in 2 BC because, even his grandsons by his daughter Julia had died before him.

All the cunning of these people, exalting themselves to be Kings or Emperors and sons of God during that period of time, eventually gave them nothing but misery death and oblivion.

The phrase "Augustan age" has become a synonym for a period of literary and artistic triumphs. By order of the Roman Senate the month Sextilis was renamed Augustus or August in his honour. Octavian's boast had been, that he found Rome brick and left it marble, so great was his idea of architectural and personal splendour. Before Rome's Imperial history was completed, that splendour. of marble would see its own sacking time again, until ruins only stand as they do today. Those stones are a witness to man's power hungry "exalting" nature, which cannot endure over God's chosen path for them.

If "He" says you "shall" live according to His grace, or you "shall" fall, then it is so! These Romans, etc, brought the House of Judah to their knees and devastated them, yet! The Jews though!with confusion of faces are still here today and counted as a nation of Jews!

The Romans, in the European nations destroyed the "House of Israel". When they began to pour into the "Isles" Rome devastated them; Until historians in later years would question, if they had killed all the British tribes off? Yet! Their princes lived through history to fulfil their genealogy of the Israelite throne, promised in Genesis 49 and Deuteronomy 33, proving they are alive and well! Their British history is in Daniel chapter 11 etc, and other prophet's writings and they are alive! The Romans signed the death warrant of the "vision", Jesus, nevertheless, He rose again from the dead to give us life, and "He" sits in heaven waiting for "His" time to return, "He" also lives!

Despite Rome's efforts to annihilate the Christians who followed Christ into the Roman arenas and in persecution for centuries. Or in feeding then an alien dogma promulgated by Constantine, and then Roman church. We see today, many sects, which have struggled out of the mire of this Roman church, to reach the true "Light" - Jesus. They shall win the struggle!

Someday soon we will see the "true" Gentile church, called "The daughter of Zion", stand up in the world arrayed in her new garments! All these great words were written down, because our Heavenly Father, -our- God- spoke them! Despite man's efforts to destroy and alter those words and their meanings in the passage of time. One can pick up a book today called "The Holy Bible" and read His words, and "know", they have also come to pass 2,000 years later, and they are words of comfort and life. All these truths were fulfilled, despite man's power of exalting himself into heavenly places trying to alter history.

It was, and is, as Daniel 11:14 explains, the robbers of truth written of Israel, who exalted themselves within Rome, could not establish their own "vision". Calling themselves Sons of God, or high priests, as was the case of Octavian Augustus Caesar. Because Jesus the real "Son of God" was born at that time in history.

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