23. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 3.
"Alexander the Great".

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Hiraeth 2002 - Notice: The author gives permission to download, print, duplicate, and share this book for personal use only; with the proviso that no alteration is made to the contents of this book. Other use of this book is with the express permission being granted by the author or agent.

We come now once more to "Alexander the Great" of whom Daniel 11:3 speaks. "AND A MIGHTY KING SHALL STAND UP, THAT SHALL RULE WITH GREAT DOMINION, AND DO ACCORDING TO HIS WILL". We have already seen reader, a great deal of the story of Alexander when we unravelled the controversy of "who" in Persia Alexander faced in verse 2. So let us go back to that same story and finish it here from biblical and secular history. Daniel calls Alexander a "mighty king" (Or- a king whose power is strong and potent, the word mighty is often used as a epithet of honour-"most mighty prince"- he is also eminent intellectually and displaying that power). Again, we have Daniel saying, this king shall "stand up", (Or- as I said before being able to be upon one's feet erect. For all to see and understand that "he" is there! When one "stands up", it is in a defence of and to endure). Daniel continues with, "THAT SHALL RULE WITH GREAT DOMINION, AND DO ACCORDING TO HIS WILL".

The young Alexander was only 20 years old when he inherited his father's crown, which was thrust upon him very quickly after his father, Philip of Macedon's assassination. He accepted the challenge of holding together the warring states and cities of Greece, as his father had done, with a brilliant force of mind and presence. Philip's policy of unification and expansion had been soundly laid by the time Alexander took over.

Tomb of Cyrus - Click to Enlarge

Alexander the Great - Click to Enlarge

All the young king had to do was to pick up the reins where his father had left off. Alexander was "all" that was heroic to the Greeks in his physique, courage, his strength of endurance in battle and relaxation's. He saw himself as a second Achilles and like the Greek gods he made decisions with speed overcoming any risks set before him. He felt his gifts of his strong character, which had been denied to other men, would overcome all things. Indeed, he was "mighty" as Daniel said. So, he ruled with a great power and "dominion", his "will" was absolute, (That of lordship, sway, supreme authority in the territories) as Daniel said he would!

When one has a strong "willpower", one possesses the power of control over the mind and over its own operations. It is a strong desire to achieve something and a strong choice to see it through, it is a determination of intention in its fixed purpose! Alexander's "purpose" was to Hellenise the known world of that time for all men to be Greek, in words, thoughts, and deeds, and to this end and "desire" his "dominions" grew in extent. Within a year of his ruling his "will" extended his "dominions" northwards to the River Danube, and westwards to the Adriatic Sea. Also putting down an insurrection by Athens and Thebes who tried to quit the League of Corinth.

Philip, his father, had planned the invasion of Persia and now Alexander was ready to put that plan into operation. It was to be an enormous logistical operation, but it would unite the Greeks as never before. If only to see their ancient enemy who interfered so much in Greek affairs soundly beaten. The Greek "goat" had now grown its "notable horn" and was ready to cross the "rivers" into the heart of Persia.

Let us continue with the rest of the story where we left off reader, with the ram with 2 horns, "and the goat with 1 horn", of Daniel 8:7. "AND I SAW HIM (goat) COME CLOSE UNTO THE RAM, (Or- "come" means to advance nearer from a distance to approach and draw nigh. "Close" means to unite together, or engage in close encounter, to grapple, or consent to an agreement. This is exactly what happened Alexander advanced from Greece into Persian territory, and engaged Darius III Codomannus and his vast Persian army, they engaged each other, fighting) AND HE (goat) was moved (Or- to set in motion and excite into action) WITH CHOLER (Or,- It is a name of an "anger" which was supposed to proceed from excess of the bile. Hence the bilious disorder called Cholera. If Alexander had any suspicions that Darius III was behind his father Philip's death, then this line in Daniel's prophecy would explain the "anger" of his thrust into Persia so furiously). AGAINST HIM, AND SMOTE THE RAM, AND BRAKE HIS TWO HORNS"; (Or- Alexander at first only planned to destroy the Persian army and take back Greek possessions. But "something" changed his mind, which decided him to take control of all the lands of the Medes and Persians. With almost clairvoyant insight into strategy, he out manoeuvred Darius III and his army, and struck with swiftness and determination. Alexander was unfamiliar with Persian tactics of war. Who used chariots armed with scythes, elephants deployed in battle, or encircling nomad horsemen, which confused the troops. It was the cruel cowardly Darius III who was his own undoing. There was no love lost from his own troops for him because he treated them abominably, fleeing the field of battle when it suited him. Alexander nevertheless broke the rams 2 horns, because he entered Shushan-Susa, the capital of Persia in 331 BC, where Daniel had his vision. In 330 BC he marched north and entered Ecbatana capital of Elam of the Medes and was the conqueror of their lands waging it seems a personal war against the empire). Daniel 8:7, "AND THERE WAS NO POWER IN THE RAM TO STAND BEFORE HIM, HE CAST HIM DOWN TO THE GROUND, AND STAMPED UPON HIM; AND THERE WAS NONE THAT COULD DELIVER THE RAM OUT OF HIS HAND".

(There was no other leader in the whole of the Persian lands who could take Darius III place, and able to stop Alexander's stamping upon all things Persian. Because the Persian form of ruling was a monstrous lumbering form of government, which didn't easily give way to leaders striking out on their own initiative and of course the eunuch Bagoas had killed out any of Darius I dynasty, surrounding Darius III. Therefore, Darius III had no ally to help him in this crushing defeat under the "iron" will of Alexander). The "dominions" that Alexander eventually ruled as (Daniel 11:3), was from Macedonia in the West, crossing over and through Asia Minor (Anatolia) through the Persian territories, down into Egypt. Then through Palestine, over to Iran through to Sogdiana and Bactria, and across to the Indus River and India itself, which took him 11 years to capture. Which began in 334 BC with a mixed Macedonian-Greek force of 30,000 infantrymen and 5,000 cavalry. Daniel 8:20-22, endorses "who" the animals of ram and goat were, who we see locked in battle in earlier verses.

Verse 21:- "AND THE ROUGH (Or- shaggy and hairy, or having a boisterous conduct, having inequalities to the Persians) GOAT IS THE KING OF GRECIA; (Or- this "goat" itself was Philip of Macedonia who forged the Greek kingdom together, not having inherited it as did the Persians their kingdom). AND THE GREAT HORN THAT IS BETWEEN HIS EYES (Or-The goat was not seen as a normal 2 horned goat whose horns grow each side of its head. This goat however had one horn proving, this realm of Grecia would have no other kings). IS THE FIRST KING". (Or- Alexander the king was the only one to rule by right of succession first and last).

Let us go back now to Daniel chapter 7, which tells more of the story, and portrays the dreams and visions of 4 great beasts which came up from the sea, which were different one from the other.

Daniel 7:5:- "AND BEHOLD ANOTHER BEAST (Or- after the first beast in verse 4 of this chapter, which is Assyria/Babylon and head of gold of Nebuchadnezzar's image). A SECOND, LIKE TO A BEAR, (Or- immediately following the first beast, next in order of value and time, another beast in form and body equal to a bear. Which is, as most people will know a large carnivorous animal, which walks on the sole of its foot, having shaggy hair and a very short tail. This large animal being takes up a lot of room and is cumbersome but when roused its great bulk moves with ferocity. Indeed, the caricature of a "bear" to depict Persia is indeed exacting. One only has to remember Darius III going to war against Alexander. Who was bogged down with his court, family, harem, enormous army, elephants, chariots, armour, etc,). AND IT RAISED UP ITSELF ON ONE SIDE, (Or- it raised part of its solid body between the hip and shoulder, above the rest of its body, to be seen more so. Or a line of decent traced through a one-sided power act. So this "bear" would have through this raising of "one side", be dominant in this one act, namely Persia, or Parsa).AND IT HAD THREE RIBS IN THE MOUTH OF IT BETWEEN THE TEETH OF IT"; (Or- In order to have ribs in the mouth one would have to first kill and devour, separating that carcase. A rib is a curved bone springing from the backbone, which had enclosed important organs in the body of man and beast. The "3 ribs" in the Bears mouth was from the previous beast, in Daniel 7:4. Which it had torn apart and devoured incorporating it into its own bulk. The Bear itself is the kingdoms of the Medes and Persians 2 sides of the bear. The 3 ribs are what he has conquered and taken into itself).

The Scofield reference of my Bible says, "the 3 ribs is a reference to the threefold dominion of the second empire, Media Persia, Babylonia." This is incorrect reader; it allows only the 3 ribs to fit neatly where the scholars surmise it fits. This guesswork makes no allowances for "who" the Bear itself represents! The Bear is the Medes and Persians. One must take note of every detail, every letter, every word, and every picture when unravelling prophecy! The 3 ribs that the Bear is holding in its mouth were Assyria, Babylonia, and the nation of Israel out of Palestine. Of whom this history within the Bible is all about the Hebrew nation. When the words of "exactness" are used for the Bears actions, such as:- "Three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it". It is explaining to one reader, what the Bear "did" to those people, and what the ribs represent.

The mouth is an opening in the head of an animal into which food is received, or from which a voice is uttered, it is a portion of the face formed by the lips. The "teeth" are the structure in the mouth for chewing that food, and what bones were left in the Bears mouth held "between" the teeth, were not leg or arm bones. Which would have meant perhaps, that the prey got away from the Bear. But "rib" bones meant the prey had to be torn apart to get at those ribs, and it had to enter the Bears bulk.

Each of these "beasts" depicted in chapter 7 of Daniel eats the throne of the previous beast or takes "into itself" the land and people the previous beast once ruled. Making each beast become larger, or more fierce or more craftier, to spread out on the face of the earth. This is "why" by the time prophecy is fulfilled in history, -both biblical and secular- we get all Daniel's beasts within only "one" beast, in Revelation 13:1,2. This latter "one" Beast, incorporating upon that "one" body all the features of the 4 beasts in Daniel chapter 7).

Daniel 7:5:- "SAID THUS UNTO IT, ARISE, (Or- get up and ascend above the horizon, to begin to grow, act, move, and exert power). DEVOUR MUCH FLESH". (Or- here we see that the "Bear" was to eat up with greediness and rapidity and was to destroy, swallow, absorb, and waste, which "devour" means. Showing that the "Bear" of the Medes and Persians took into itself other nations and all that was left of the previous 3 nations was the "ribs" of identification. The "much flesh" it was told to devour was Anatolia (Asia Minor), on into Greece and Macedonia, (under Darius I) down into Egypt, Arabia, across to India, and north to the Caucasus in Russia, (Armenia) etc.

For understanding this deep subject let us have a quick look at these other "Beasts" that we see in Daniel chapter 7, and other prophets and unravel what they mean. One can follow them to where they are in picture form in Revelation, making the crosschecking of "truth absolute," for your understanding of these oracles of God! Daniel 7:2-8.-
Verse 2:- "DANIEL SPAKE AND SAID, I SAW IN MY VISION (Or- a vision is not just a dream, it is the act of seeing external objects. It is the sight, sense, or faculty, of seeing with the eyes. It can also be "seen" in a trance or an imagined state, as a phantom forming, or can be an optical illusion. But none the less "real" to the visionary-or- "seer" who Daniel was!) BY NIGHT, AND, BEHOLD (Or- the eyes of Daniel were fixed to observe with great care and to contemplate. Which are exactly what today's readers of these biblical predictions, of those visions must do)! THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN (Or- North, South, East, West winds.) STROVE (Or- struggle and do battle, to try earnestly against) UPON THE GREAT SEA". (Or- sometimes in Scripture the "sea" means exactly what it says, but other times it is referring to the populace of mankind itself for 2 reasons. The first reason is the great mass of voices speaking altogether sounds like a roar of the sea. The 2nd reason is because the greater part of mankind's bodily makeup is water. So put all this "water" together in millions of people, and it is a sea of water, including the salt. Therefore, people are a continuous mass of saltwater representing a large expanse of water called a sea or ocean which these prophets explain. Isaiah 57:20 :- "BUT THE WICKED ARE LIKE THE TROUBLED SEA, WHEN IT CANNOT REST, WHOSE WATERS CAST UP MIRE AND DIRT". Jeremiah 50:42:- "THEY SHALL HOLD THE BOW AND THE LANCE; THEY ARE CRUEL, AND WILL NOT SHOW MERCY THEIR VOICE SHALL ROAR LIKE THE SEA, AND THEY SHALL RIDE UPON HORSES, EVERY ONE PUT IN ARRAY, LIKE A MAN IN BATTLE, AGAINST THEE, O DAUGHTER OF BABYLON".

In other words Daniel 7:2 is saying that (the 4 winds), or the great "spirits of heaven". -Which can also include the angels- have wrestled with mankind itself for their good. But wilful mankind still brought forth its murky waters of evil power, to subjugate all mankind worldwide, starting with the first power of the Israelite nation, which was to be a nation set apart by God, and was to pass through and overcome the turbulent "seas" of history.

Daniel 7:3:- "AND FOUR GREAT BEASTS CAME UP FROM THE SEA (Or- out of mankind) DIVERSE (Or- different and multiform) FROM ANOTHER".
Verse 4:- "THE FIRST WAS LIKE A LION" (Or- this is Assyria/ Babylon or they are twin roads of Mesopotamia and Chaldea who went into the land of Israel. Again these nations are explained in Ezekiel 21:19:- "ALSO, THOU SON OF MAN, APPOINT THEE TWO WAYS, THAT THE SWORD OF THE KING OF BABYLON MAY COME; BOTH TWAIN (The pair, or couple of 2 people) SHALL COME FORTH OUT OF ONE LAND; (Mesopotamia/Chaldea.) AND CHOOSE THOU A PLACE, CHOOSE IT AT THE HEAD OF THE WAY TO THE CITY". (Or- the land of the Northern Kingdom of Israel into the city of Jerusalem).

You can see reader from this verse the 2 road's the "Lion" of this Beast symbol, Assyria/Babylon took! If one turns to Ezekiel chapter 23. This is the story of the 2 nations of Israel/Judah, and the House of Israel, and their 2 cities Samaria and Jerusalem, and "how" and "why" they were overcome by the "Lions" of Assyria and Chaldea. Ezekiel 23:23:- "THE BABYLONIANS, AND ALL THE CHALDEANS, PEKOD, AND SHOA, AND KOA, AND ALL THE ASSYRIANS WITH THEM; ALL OF THEM DESIRABLE YOUNG MEN, CAPTAINS, AND RULERS, GREAT LORDS AND RENOWNED, ALL OF THEM RIDING UPON HORSES".


Far too many biblical students ignore Assyria, which "Lion" took away the largest part of the whole nation of Israel-10 tribes,- Biblical students are only concerned it seems, with the "lion" of Nebuchadnezzar, who took away the 3 tribes of the House of Judah. But our Heavenly Father's Holy Book tells one a different greater story, and then "He" hides the real story of the 2 nations of Israel's demise, within many verses, just like Daniel's chapter 7 does).

When Daniel 7:4 says, "the lion had eagles wings" Daniel is also saying that the "lions" tore to pieces, but the eagles carried the people away. The "eagle" plays an enormous role in the lives of the 2 nations of Israel, carrying them here and there through the nations of all these warrior empires. The whole nation of Israel itself, (making up 2 nations) is seen being carried by 2 eagle's wings and this picture is in Ezekiel chapter 17. With the parable -or- riddle of the great eagles. First we have Ezekiel 17:2, speaking with the "House of Israel",(Not the Jew of Judah) who have gone into the Gentile nations or have been carried into the lands of traffic by the eagles wings. In verse 3 the first great eagle is seen and made known with great wings (very large), long-winged (Able to soar to many places), full of feathers (with many people), which had divers colours (various or several, kinds of people and appearances to the eye), and came unto Lebanon. (Or Lebanon was the uttermost parts of the tribal lands allotted to the "House of Israel"-10 tribes).

The first great eagle of verse 3 is Assyria who came to the "House of Israel", whose capital was Samaria.

We go now to Ezekiel 17:7 , and the "second eagle".
Verse 7:- "THERE WAS ALSO ANOTHER GREAT EAGLE WITH GREAT WINGS AND MANY FEATHERS: (Or- this is the king of Babylon- Nebuchadnezzar, which you will note, did not have the long-winged feathers of the first eagle, nor the diverse colours of the first eagle. Which means its role is "different" from the first eagle. Who had taken the nation of the House of Israel very far. The "differing" story of Babylon's "eagle" and the nation of Judah is now described. The "House of Judah" was given great "seers" like Daniel, etc, to help them in their walk back towards God and their return from Babylon. Their "holy seed" called Jerusalem and this Jewish nation itself, was to be seen, and understood throughout history, as "witnesses" that the Hebrew nation from Abraham did exist!

From Judah came forth Jesus the Messiah, and for "this" reason also Judah's role was different), AND BEHOLD THIS VINE (Judah) DID BEND HER ROOTS TOWARDS HIM (God) AND SHOOT FORTH HER BRANCHES (sons) TOWARDS HIM (God) THAT HE MIGHT WATER IT BY THE FURROWS OF HER PLANTATION". Within Judah's land and Jerusalem.

Ezekiel 17:12 now tells us what "some" of this riddle means.
Verse 12:- "SAY NOW TO THE REBELLIOUS HOUSE (House of Israel-10 tribes gone into Assyria) KNOW YE NOT WHAT THESE THINGS MEAN? (This question is "still" applicable to the "House of Israel" within the Gentiles to this day, in our 20th century. Because they refuse to hear, "who" and "where" they are in this world, and will not accept that one's flesh can still be an Israelites flesh, towards a great purpose! Perhaps you reader, are still rebelling as you read this book against that sort of information?) TELL THEM, BEHOLD, THE KING OF BABYLON. (Nebuchadnezzar) IS COME TO JERUSALEM, AND HATH TAKEN THE KING THEREOF AND THE PRINCES THEREOF, (Daniel was one of those princes) AND LED THEM WITH HIM TO BABYLON".

To finish the unravelling of this involved riddle, we go to Ezekiel 17:22-24.
Verse 22:- "THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD, I WILL ALSO TAKE OF THE HIGHEST BRANCH (Out of the "House of David" the king) OF THE HIGH CEDAR. (Which is the nation of "all" Israel. -Which trees were famous in Lebanon-, as verse 3 of this same chapter tells). AND WILL SET IT; (Or- fix and settle authoritatively beforehand what is to become of this tree) I WILL CROP OFF FROM THE TOP OF HIS YOUNG TWIGS (Or- to cut off from that Cedar tree prematurely, from the stem of the line of Jesse, David and Judah etc,); A TENDER ONE, (Or- a young, delicate, compassionate, easily broken stem) AND WILL PLANT IT UPON AN HIGH MOUNTAIN AND EMINENT". (Or-a high mountain in the land of Israel, which rises above all others, exalted, and of high rank, called, Mount Hermon on the borders of Israel/Lebanon).
Verse 23:- "IN THE MOUNTAIN OF THE HEIGHT OF ISRAEL WILL I PLANT IT; (Or- Mount Hermon called the sacred mountain, its height overlooked all other mountains, and was the north east limit of the Israelite conquests under Moses and Joshua. Mount Hermon's great height overlooking the lands of the tribes of the Northern kingdom of Israel, which also overlooked Nazareth of Galilee. Thereby endorsing the "tender ones" place of planting called Jesus. Whose days of his upbringing were under Hermon's shadow in Galilee. Whose baptism was from Jordan's River whose source was from Hermon. Where His transfiguration took place) AND IT SHALL BRING FORTH BOUGHS, AND BEAR FRUIT, AND BE A GOODLY CEDAR. (Or- Jesus brought forth nearly all his "boughs" of apostles from out of Galilee. The "fruit" that the boughs were to bear, were called Christians, named after Jesus, who became the Christ. This goodly "Cedar tree" from out of the Northern Kingdoms lands, near Lebanon and Mount Hermon, was called Jesus Christ, who would bring forth His "tree" which would not to be cut down, nor destroyed. Like the "fruit" of the cedar tree, which represented the "whole" nation of Israel of 2 nations). AND UNDER IT SHALL DWELL ALL FOWL OF EVERY WING; (Or- because those birds represent people from all nations, into which these 2 nations of Israel were integrated over the centuries) IN THE SHADOW OF THE BRANCHES THEREOF SHALL THEY DWELL". (Or- many people are never far from the shadow or "spirit" that falls from the tree. That represents the substance of the tree. Which peoples can "hide" in the "shade" from danger, to "overspread" a person for protection).
Verse 24:- "AND ALL THE TREES OF THE FIELD SHALL KNOW THAT I THE LORD HAVE BROUGHT DOWN THE HIGH TREE, (Or- the great cedar known as the whole nation of Israel -12 tribes- taken away by 2 eagles) HAVE EXALTED THE LOW TREE (Through Jesus, being born in a lowly status from this tree, called "Jews " of the House of Judah) HAVE DRIED UP THE GREEN TREE, (Or- A great eagle took this tree (or vine) of the Northern Kingdom of the House of Israel, into the lands of traffic; Into a continuing trade that bought and sold goods and people between various communities in various lands. The "House of Israel" no more was known as Israelites but were called the "lost" 10 tribes in other nations and the "House of Israel's tree was dried up). AND HAVE MADE THE DRY TREE TO FLOURISH. (Or- those "lost" 10 tribes of Israel, whose "hope" was dried up and lost. Nevertheless, through the great hands of God in history, and the "young twig" chopped off the cedar called "the tender one" -Jesus- "He" has made lost Israel into a community of nations in the earth. They became the Willow Tree planted by waters of the British Isles. Calling themselves Christians, and looking towards Jesus as their Saviour, hiding under His shadow. They have flourished in their ignorance of their own beginnings from out of the nation of Israel, as Ezekiel wrote). I THE LORD HAVE SPOKEN AND HAVE DONE IT". (Or- in "His" words, of the Bible, He said it should be so! The pages of these magnificent words tell that same story over and over again. As this "riddle" of the 2 eagles and the Cedar tree has done! "He" has, in this 20th century completed, fulfilled and shown those words to be true to the last letter. All that remains is for "you" reader to open the inner-eye and "see" that wondrous work!

Then, will be fulfilled of many nations who will eventually say, this person-or- that person, is an Israelite, and was born out of her in this tribe or that tribe! Just as I myself can assuredly say, through this knowledge I have understood in our Heavenly Father's law. That I myself, am out of the tribe of Dan)! Psalm 87:5,6:- "AND OF ZION IT SHALL BE SAID, THIS AND THAT MAN WAS BORN IN HER: AND THE HIGHEST HIMSELF SHALL ESTABLISH HER".

Within the Bible all these riddles, verses, chapter visions, dreams and pictures, seem at first very deep to understand? There is difficulty for you also reader in the way I am writing this book. Translating these hard passages for you, and it must be difficult to read follow and understand. Especially that I have to jump from one thing to another for cross-checking purposes! All I ask is, please stay with it and concentrate hard on the translations. I'm putting before you. Because I have to bring out the "hidden things" bit by bit, here and there, that eventually lead to your "full knowledge" of all things! Then, you will "not" need my explanations anymore you will automatically know and will all see eye to eye on all our Heavenly Father's wondrous words in the Law! Paul in Hebrews 5:11, told us no less he said. "OF WHOM WE HAVE MANY THINGS TO SAY, AND HARD TO BE UTTERED (Or- difficult to explain because of their complexity and because the people's minds are not receptive enough) SEEING YE ARE DULL OF HEARING". (Or- to be "dull" means to be stupid, or unready to hear, to be sleepy and drowsy, sluggish and slow to understand. We reader have been stupefied and blunted in our learning, because of the teaching of many fables of other religions and sects over the years which have clouded the intellect).

Now, let us go right back again to unravelling the "Beasts" of Daniel 7:4. We have seen how the "lion" of the first Beast represents the twin roads of Assyria/Chaldea. We have seen that the 2 "eagles wings" of Assyria/Chaldea were used for transporting the third nation "within" this Beast, namely "all Israel" taking that "queen Cedar tree" of Israel away into the lands they governed.

Now we will continue with the rest of Daniel 7:4. "I BEHELD TILL THE WINGS THEREOF WERE PLUCKED", (Or- the word "plucked" is a strange word when one looks into it because it not only means to pick, cull, or gather as with berries, flowers, or feathers. It also means to be a lump, knot or bunch, and when a butcher takes out the heart, liver, and lungs of a sheep etc, it's called to "pluck". Hence the figurative sense, a "plucky fellow" or a "lily-livered fellow".

It also became a "word" for courage and spirit. So, this word "plucked" in Daniel's verse, referring to the 2 wings of the eagle which took Israel away had done its strange work of air lifting all Israel out of its own land. The punishing work being done upon both nations of Israel because of Israel's evil ways, the wings were for carrying them far, so, the wings were no more needed by the twin Assyria/Chaldea either. So, the "whole heart" of the lifestyle of Assyria/ Babylon was "plucked" out and was to come to an end in history. These 2 nations had done God's punishing work upon Israel, yet! had carried that punishment into cruelty, they went too far in their destruction of Israel, and their "reason" for their greatness as empires was going to be "torn" or "plucked" from them. Babylon itself, because of its vanity was no more to be looked upon as a head of gold, nor "set aside" as the son of the morning, of the power of the great image it did Gods work against Judah, but in a calamitous manner!

If we read Jeremiah12:14,15 he tells us so.
Verse 14:- "THUS SAITH THE LORD AGAINST ALL MINE EVIL NEIGHBOURS, (Or- especially Assyrian Mesopotamia and Chaldea) THAT TOUCH THE INHERITANCE WHICH I HAVE CAUSED MY PEOPLE ISRAEL TO INHERIT, (Or- the land of Israel which was given to the 12 tribes, by God, from Dan in the North bordering on Lebanon, to Simeon in the south bordering the Negeb desert to Ezion-Geber. This land, and more also, is the "inheritance") BEHOLD, I WILL PLUCK THEM OUT OF THEIR LAND, (Or- the evil neighbours of Israel will also be "torn" apart). AND PLUCK OUT THE HOUSE OF JUDAH FROM AMONG THEM". (Or- These other evil people shall also be destroyed, like all the House of Israel was. Yet! Judah, -the Jew only- will be taken and culled out of these nations to return once more to a part of their own land. Which the Jew eventually did return to its own land, after 70 years in captivity, under Persia. The other 10 tribes of the "House of Israel", did not return, and as this verse says, only Judah returned to the inheritance.
For those biblical students who insist all the tribes of Israel have returned after the captivity, and are amongst the Jew, note these verses of Jeremiah well, for it paints a different story)!
Verse 15:- "AND IT SHALL COME TO PASS, AFTER THAT I HAVE "PLUCKED" THEM OUT I WILL RETURN, AND HAVE COMPASSION ON THEM, AND WILL BRING THEM AGAIN, EVERY MAN TO HIS HERITAGE, AND EVERY MAN TO HIS LAND". (Or-this verse 15, is now looking to the second time around to return to the land the whole nation of Israel (12 tribes). When God "returns" to look upon "His" people. His "compassion" for the nation of Israel was made manifest, in giving us His son Jesus Christ, to find our way back to our God! The "righteous seed" of these 2 nations of Israel are in the earth to this day, and they "will hear" eventually all things and God will "return" them to the holy land of Israel. Despite all opposition at the "end of time"). Continuing Daniel chapter 7 and the 1st Beast. "AND IT WAS LIFTED UP FROM THE EARTH, AND MADE STAND UPON THE FEET AS A MAN, AND A MAN'S HEART WAS GIVEN TO IT". (Or- This particular quote we read was played "out" in the King of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar. Who had taken full control of the rest of the nations about him and had become exalted in his own majesty because of his power. God showed him he was but a mere man, and mortal as man, though God had given him great power. So that it reached up to heaven, none the less he was a man standing upon his feet and felt the necessities of life as a man.

This picture of Babylon brought down to the ground as a man can be gleaned from Isaiah chapter 14 and Daniel chapter 4). This picture of the "Beast" of Assyria/Babylon, with its "lions' body" - "wings of eagle" and "face of a man", archaeology has discovered whilst uncovering the antiquities of the ancient lands. In the museums of the world lie statues of this beast in plaques, and reliefs of this same animal god, depicted in various forms from the Assyria/Babylonian story. Even from the land of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, -whom God said, "were lovers of this Assyrian man",- have been found ivory plaques inlaid with gold and precious stones of this, "lion, eagle, and face of man," of the god Bel. Which for the Northern Kingdom meant that the Lord God was no longer held paramount, nor allegiance paid to him in Samaria and Israel. But they looked in favour on the gods of Assyria/Chaldea. The enriched plaques of antiquity showed this "creature" Bel as one being, just as the "Beast" in Daniel chapter 7 does. The second Beast that of the Bear in Daniel 7:5, we have translated as Medo/Persian Empire with Persian power greater. The 3 ribs in the Bears mouth was Assyria-Babylon and Israel.

We come now to the third Beast of Daniel 7:6, "AFTER THIS, (Or- after these 2 beasts of verse 4 and 5, which came in powerful quick succession. Of whom Daniel had experienced in his own lifetime). I BEHELD, AND LO (Or- observe and see) ANOTHER, LIKE A LEOPARD", (Or- the Leopard of the cat family, symbolises the swiftness, agility, strength, and above all the watchful, secretive cunning of this conqueror. Jeremiah tells how the Leopard waits for his prey with more cunning and thought than the other beasts of the field.


He, gradually worked his way from Greece sometimes swiftly, sometimes couched low watching and waiting until the right moment to pounce on his enemy. He stalked Darius III unmercifully across the lands of Persia. Always to his own plan laid well in advance. He knew what he was doing step by step and went after his "kill" in a determined subjective manner, never stopping his hunt or run, until he reached the heart and throat of his prey.

Standing in the palace at Shushan at Babylon or at Ecbatana in Media, Darius III was dead. The Leopard Alexander, knew his victory was assured. The "heart" was now wrenched out of the Bears body and Persia the "kill" was his)!

Daniel 7:6 continues with the curious words. "WHICH HAD UPON THE BACK OF IT FOUR WINGS OF A FOWL". (Or- This is a reference to a bird or plural of birds of the air, a fowl associated mainly today with the barn yard poultry or game for food. We read in Genesis 2:19 that "fowl" can mean all birds of the air. The fowl's wings come directly out of the leopards back, as if living off the beast for nourishment. Therefore the "fowl" moves as Alexander moves, which concludes that these 4 wings, are ready to fly when their power had arrived and the leopard dead. They are within Alexander's own camp and amongst his own people. When the fowls of the air or heavens are used in Scripture, it is for the purpose of living "off" another creature for its own sustenance. If we turn to a few proofs in Scripture, we will see this happen. In Jeremiah 34:19-22. We see how the nation of Judah, with its peoples, princes, and priests would go into captivity under Nebuchadnezzar, and their dead bodies shall be "meat" for the fowl of heaven. Which story is again repeated in Jeremiah 15:2-6.

In Hosea 2:18 we see the story of the adulterous wife of God called Israel, -especially the "House of Israel" of the Northern Kingdom,- who had become meat for the beast of the fields and fowls of the heaven. In this verse of Hosea God calls a halt to the carcase of Israel being torn apart by these fowls. -(The title of this book which I'm writing is called, "Wheresoever the carcase is,"- There will the eagles be gathered together- Matthew 24:28) This fully puts the work of the fowls of the heaven into focus, and how they owe their living to others.

So it was with the Leopard/Alexander, and members of his own body of men! The 4 wings of the fowl were his generals and men of his bosom that owed their living to Alexander.

The Book called the "Apocrypha", and the first book of the Maccabees therein, chapter 1 verses 5 and 6 sums up the whole picture of the fowl living off the Leopard.

The Leopard died in 323 BC and the 4 wings of a fowl, were ready to leave that living off the back of that carcase of the Leopard, and they were:- Ptolemy, received Egypt, Antigonus received Western Anatolia, Perdiccas was made Grand Vizier of Asia, and Lysimachus received Thrace. They also fulfilled their own desire to eat more flesh of those around them. With the power struggles that ensued for the leopard's territory. Alexander had appointed Antipater his faithful representative in charge of affairs in Macedon, "before" he left for his run of the empire of Persia. Antipater had been made governor controlling Greece and European possessions. Also, Craterus became guardian of the kings. Who were Philip's epileptic son Arrhidaeus who became Philip III, and Alexander's son- Alexander IV,- these 2 princes had joint power over provinces. Therefore, Alexanders death only "confirmed" Antipater's control of Greek possessions. (He also became guardian of the Kings in 321 BC).

The 4 fowls wings were "with" the leopard when he made his run into Persia, and when he died the 4 wings were still with him. Antipater is not counted with them, because he remained in Greece and his situation was confirmed beforehand. We continue now with the prophecy from Daniel 7:6. "THE BEAST (Leopard) HAD ALSO FOUR HEADS; AND DOMINION WAS GIVEN TO IT". Many biblical scholars cannot understand this prophecy having 4 heads, as well as 4 fowl's wings. They take a stab at it and conjecture what it might mean perhaps they say it is the 4 ways that Alexander's empire was eventually carved up?

-Even the 4 fowl's wings no one that I have read has even tried to understand)!- I have told you before, Daniel's prophetic words are very exacting! This reference to 4 heads as well as 4 wings is another way of saying what Daniel 11:4. "FOR HIS KINGDOM SHALL BE PLUCKED UP, EVEN FOR "OTHERS BESIDE THOSE". The 4 heads "are" the eventual kings who divided up Alexander's Empire after many years of in fighting. These "4 heads" of kings, were to have "dominions" of their own out of that empire, or "plucked out" of Alexander's empire, were eventually settled. The empire became North, South, East, and West winds. Some of these heads were eventually to come into conflict with the "House of Judah" in the land of Palestine, later in history.

The "4 heads" came about "after" the 4 fowls wings had been chosen to receive the kingdom of Alexander at his deathbed. Later the continual tug of war came about, that the Greeks had between themselves for the "power" to rule that empire. The 4 heads of those 4 dominions were:- Ptolemic dynasty of Egypt,- Seleucid kingdom of Syria/ Mesopotamia, the Antigonid's of Macedonia, and Euthydemus kingdom of Greek India. Each of these 4 kingdoms had "dominion" as Daniel chapter 7 verse 6 says. "Dominion" is a word, which means overlordship or a domain with supreme authority under the rule of a prince, or state within a region. None of these dominions ever again merged into one empire or one kingdom, giving any or all allegiance to Greece or Macedon, as did Alexander's empire.

So much so did these dominions become separate, that when one at first reads the story of Cleopatra of Egypt, with Mark Antony of Rome, one assumes Cleopatra was an Egyptian by ancestry and not Greek.

Daniel 8:22 again repeats the same story of Alexander's generals. "NOW THAT BEING BROKEN (Or- the great horn of the goat of Greece-Alexander)- WHEREAS FOUR STOOD UP FOR IT, (Or-4 persons stood upon their feet for the purpose of leadership, who were Ptolemy, Antigonus, Perdiccas, Lysimachus. These 4 "stood up" for to receive this overlordship as this verse says, but, only upon the death of Alexander at Babylon.

But it wasn't to remain like that with the succession wrapped up all neat and tidy, "others" came into the arena to fight for overlordship of that empire).
Verse 22:- "FOUR KINGDOMS, (or-dominions) SHALL STAND UP OUT OF THE NATION (of Greece) BUT NOT IN HIS POWER". (Or- None stood for Alexander "himself", nor the "one empire" he carved out for the Greeks. Alexanders own son, wife, and relatives plus Philip's son were murdered little by little. So none of Alexander's bloodline took the "power", or could inherit this vast empire of this Macedonian house. All the power-struggles within the Greek Empire were for "other" men and their families, Alexander became just a name for glory in history). We must end this chapter with Beast number 4, of Daniel chapter 7 which is a beast called "Rome", the "power" of which is emanating from the city itself. That power spread out to envelop the world and its people in Rome's many guises. This "beast" is such a large subject to write about that I have only mentioned it here. The explanation of Rome needs a chapter to itself in which to refer within its history. We come to the end of Daniel's dream and visions, which he had upon his bed, of the 4 Beasts of chapter 7. Lion with eagle's wings, a bear, a Leopard, and a terrible beast with 10 horns. Which has filled in a little more of the story of Alexander the Great, and the dominions he had ruled, and the powers of men that surrounded this ancient history. We shall now return to our original list of prophetic history with Alexander in Daniel chapter 11.

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