12. (5th Son) Zebulun - House of Lancaster -Henry IV- etc. AD 1399 to 1471
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Let us begin here with Zebulun, who was Leah's 6th son, (Genesis 30:19) yet, given 5th place in the list of Jacob's blessings to his sons.


Henry IV - Click to Enlarge

To the Bible student this mention of Zidon or Sidon, is rather confusing for the "last days", in our modern era. It makes one to instead think of Tyre and Sidon on the seaboard of ancient Phoenicia, in the Middle East. Whereas its application for the "last days", -which this prophecy portrays- is wider than that. We will see in its unravelling and in God's wisdom. That this "blessing" for Zebulun is the perfection of the hiding of the "truth" of the Law, which in turn gives one a complete picture of identification for peoples, nations, and places. Which establishes the "House of Israel" in secular history, which makes all prophecy manifest.

Zebulun's blessing:

A "haven of the sea" is a shelter, harbour, or an inlet of the sea where ships may lie.

In this "haven" Zebulun"shall" (certainly) "dwell" (or delay and linger or to sojourn as a traveller in a foreign land).

Zebulun's lineage under the crown of England became the "House of Lancaster", or the house that began in Lancashire, in Northern England. Which today we know as "Merseyside" whose capital is Liverpool.

Which of us living today have not heard of Liverpool? Whose very name conjures up "ships".

The mouth of the Mersey River where ships anchor from high seas and stormy weather has the docks of Birkenhead on one side, and Liverpool on the other. Apart from London, Liverpool is the largest port for ships in the Isles. It receives ships from all over the world each day in its working life. More than 20 ships pass in and out of its "haven". The life of the city of Liverpool has revolved around ships, merchants and shipping. Who came into world-wide prominence some 250 years ago as the "hub of ships".

Zebulun's first king was Henry IV of the "House of Lancaster", and this title originated in an involved way. History tells us that the dynasty began in 1267, when Henry III conferred the title of Earl of Lancaster upon his second son Edmund Crouchback (AD 1245-96). Then Edmund's grandson became Henry of Lancaster. Afterwards, Edmund's daughter Blanche married the 4th son of Edward III, called John of Gaunt. Through this marriage in 1362, John was made Duke of Lancaster, thus, the name was established as the name of a royal house. So, Blanche and John of Gaunt's son Henry IV, named Bolingbroke - became king of England in 1399 until 1413, and of course Zebulun's son took his place as the third toe of the foot or horn of the "House of Israel" under the crown of England.

Zebulun's blessing from Genesis 49:13 says: and "he" shall "be" for an haven of ships. The words have altered slightly from, Zebulun shall "dwell" at the haven of ships. The words have now become "personal", for it is now saying,- this man "shall" take on a "responsibility" for the sea and its havens,- of not only of Liverpool etc. and Lancaster, but something else in the world of fact. The only way the man of Zebulun could control these "havens of the sea", and its ships, is to be a ruler and able to command all situations. Therefore, the son of the "House of Lancaster" would become King in the last days, namely England, whose shores had many "havens" for the sea and ships.

Henry IV became king, but it was his father John of Gaunt, who laid the foundation stones for Zebulun/Henry's race for the crown to inherit. We must therefore look at John of Gaunt first.
John of Gaunt was born in Ghent (Belgium) hence his name. Through his marriages he became "King of Castile and Leon (Spain), Duke of Lancaster, Earl of Derby, Lincoln and Leicester, Lord of Beaufort, Constable of Chester, and other very impressive titles indeed! His son and grandsons would be preoccupied to claim some of these titles, and for Zebulun's lineage to inherit his lot.

John of Gaunt virtually ruled England during the last years of his father's reign, that of Edward III, also ruling during the first years of Richard II's reign.

The vast Lancastrian estates in England and Wales John inherited through his first wife Blanche -who died 1369.

In 1371 he married Constance of Castile, and in 1386 laid claim to the Kingship of Castile and Leon in Spain, which failed.

John's daughter however was later to be married to King Henry III of Castile and Leon.

John's second wife Constance died in 1394, and 2 years later John married Catherine Swynford, whose children were to bear the name Beaufort. John of Gaunt died in 1399.

Now the stage is "set" for Henry IV to make his run for the title of the Duke of Lancaster.

What of the last expression from Genesis 49:13, "His border shall be unto Zidon"?

These few words are going to "cement" God's wonderful intricate work in history, and all will show the ever-weaving web of the hidden things of "His" Law, which "He" accomplishes, in secular and spiritual history!

Henry Bolingbroke returned to England from France, to claim his inheritance of the estates of Lancaster from Richard II. Who was then King of England, and who had confiscated John of Gaunt's estates under the crown. John of Gaunt had been the wealthiest landowner in England and a leading aristocrat.

Henry was banished for life and the great Lancaster estates taken. Nevertheless, Henry returned to England from his exile in France, with an army to claim his father's inheritance. But his ambitions got the better of him and claimed the English throne instead in 1399. Though his lineage for the crown was scrutinised by France and others, who claimed he was a usurper of the English throne. Who had no "rights" through his lineage, Henry claimed them through his descent from King Henry III who ruled 1216-72.

History tells us that Henry IV was manly, capable, and had agreeable qualities of mercy. When Henry IV came to the English throne he also embarked on the run for the throne of Castile and Leon of Spain, through his father John of Gaunt, which dangerously exalted his ideas.

The mention of Spain, with John of Gaunt claiming to be the King of Castile and Leon, now gives us the beginning of the explanation for the word, Zidon or Sidon, for the "last days" written in Genesis 49:13.

However, the position in ancient history of Zidon in the Old Testament, was on the seacoast of Canaan which became synonymous with Phoenicia, and the sea faring Phoenicians. The territory allotted of the tribes of Asher and Zebulun were near Tyre and Zidon. Though it was to Asher's land that the boundary actually reached Zidon, and not Zebulun's (Joshua 19).

Because we are dealing with the "last days" and Zebulun, all these ancient boundaries have changed, and prophecy now ties Zebulun to Zidon rather than Asher. Which now brings us back to Spain during the 14th and 15th centuries, which time zones we are dealing with from prophecy.

Our next question is "why" call Spain Zidon?

It is to the adventurous Phoenicians we must go, because they left their ancient cities in the Middle East and sailed through the Pillars of Hercules, -which straddled Gibraltar and North Africa. At the opening of the Mediterranean- beyond which lay mystery. Spain was then the Western limit, of the ancient world, and the Phoenicians traded, with the ancient Celts and Iberians of Spain, eventually setting up colonies.

History tells us that Phoenician colonisation of Spain, from Tyre and Zidon (Lebanon) was approx. 1100 BC some scholars say from 880 BC. They, being attracted by the trade of metals. They founded colonies in Spain named, Cadiz, Villarius, Adra, Almunecar, Malaga, etc. Fishing was put into practice along the entire Southern Coast of Spain, then they went inland for agriculture.

The Carthaginians, -who were part of the Phoenician family,- also took over the resources of Spain from the 6th to the 3rd centuries BC Gades and Cartagena were settled by men from the Phoenician city of Carthage in North Africa.

The Romans taking Spain from Carthage during the Punic Wars, (Punic meaning Phoenician language etc.).

It is interesting to note that echoes of the name Sidon (Zidon) lingered into the 16th century history, when the Spanish Armada set sail to fight England during the Elizabethan era, (1588 AD) which was commanded by the Duque de Medina-Sidonia.

If we now go back to Jacob's blessing to Zebulun in Genesis 49:13 we read it says, -"that Zebulun is an haven of ships, and his border shall be unto Zidon".- Because of the resettlement of the Phoenicians, within Spain. In the "last days" it is called Zidon; because Phoenician genetics and bloodline is left, and lives strongly there. Though Zidon/Spain itself, played a large part in Israel's/British history, both ancient and modern, Jacob's blessing however does not give Zidon as a "haven of ships" to Zebulun, but only as "far" as Zidon's "border". Therefore, Zebulun's birthright/blessing goes from the seas of Lancaster, and around the Isles where the crown reigned, to the "havens of the seas" of France. Then the "border" of that empire stopping at Spain/Zidon. The "border" being only a line or exterior limit of a country.

So, though John of Gaunt of the "House of Lancaster" claimed to be king of Leon and Castile of Spain, through marriage, it was an empty title of desire and not fact.

So, Zebulun's"haven of ships" stopped within the Bay of Biscay, which straddled the "border" of Spain and France. Leaving France with its many "havens of ships" to be included within Zebulun's blessing. Some of those "havens" were St. Nazaire, Brest, Cherbourg, Le Havre, Dieppe, Calais, etc.

Let us now return to Zebulun's kings under the crown of England and Henry IV.

Henry was born in Lincolnshire England in 1367, when he became a man, he was short, stocky with auburn hair, he was ambitious and had spasms of material success, but spiritual defeat. He was always guilt ridden usurping the throne of England from Richard II. It troubled him much when ailing from Leprosy, which to his spirit was judgement upon him by God. Though later his Leprosy seemed to be a skin disease etc.

Henry IV had married Mary de Bohun, one of the heiresses of the Earl of Hereford.

Henry's reign opened with murder, the plague, and the revolt of the Welsh, led by Owain Glyndwr. He passed a law which brought about religious persecution in its most cold-blooded form.

It seems that Henry IV's own life had been a true ship within himself, as Zebulun's"blessing" from Jacob portrays. Indeed, his life was full of embarking and disembarking in many forms, shipping huge waves in the tempest of his life.

During his lifetime he sailed or journeyed to France and Spain. His first journey had taken him on a kind of crusade with the Teutonic Knights against the Lithuanians, who were mostly pagans.

He went to Danzig in Germany, and on to Vilna, where he took part in a siege.

His travel took him through the European Kingdoms and states, then returning to England.

In 1392, he was off again to Palestine travelling by way of Prague, Vienna, and Venice, spending Christmas in the Adriatic. He had been to Rhodes, Jaffa, and Jerusalem, Cyprus and Venice etc.

Henry IV had dealings with the kings of Constantinople and the Turks, Abyssinia, Cyprus and Timur, and so it went on.

Henry's reign they say, did not gain much progress despite his many comings and goings, instead, his reign marked "uncertainty" in its wake.

The seas around Britain had brought renewed piracy around the coasts.

The Welsh, Scots, and French had invaded into the trade of England, which dried up, flowing only through Calais.

Henry was foretold of his fate by a soothsayer, that he would die at Jerusalem. So, because he stayed in England, he felt that his life was safe. Upon a visit to Westminster Abbey in 1413 he became ill and had a seizure, he was taken into a room called "Jerusalem", and before he died the name of the room was told to him, he then knew his end had come!

Henry IV's son, Henry V, followed his father on the throne of England; These were the years of practising witchcraft, and a time in England when mercy to a human being was in short supply. Murder and civil war were inevitable, the nobles had little else to do but fight each other.

Nevertheless, for all that Henry IV had been called pious. His son Henry V, with his complex character, was called a leader worthy of England.

Henry V reigned 1413-1422 AD a hero in his lifetime and a legend after his death.

Henry V was immortalised by William Shakespeare in the 16th century, whose fame was of his military campaigns.

Historians say, his nature was mild as a dove but a lion when provoked, who was chivalrous and just.

Henry V was born at Monmouth being the eldest son of Henry IV, who quarrelled repeatedly with his father.

His burning ambition was the conquest of France, reviving Edward III's claim to the French throne, he invaded France in 1415 AD. At that time France was weakened by civil war. Henry however winning his famous victory over greater superior forces at Agincourt, with his outstanding fighting men, and the Welsh long bow, thereby reducing Northern France.

In 1417, again Henry returned to France with a larger army, and his military successes etc. forced the French to sign the Treaty of Troyes (1420). Whereupon Henry married the French, Charles VI daughter, Catherine of Valois, claiming the French throne, and was recognised as heir to the throne of France.

Henry V's gains of the "havens of the sea" of France were short lived, because he died of dysentery at Vincennes in 1422.

Charles VI of France also died within weeks of Henry's death, so the infant son of Henry V of England also became the King of France.

The victory of Agincourt had made Henry V the supreme ruler in Europe, winning him his empire.

(We must note here, that Normandy fell first to Henry V, which Normandy was the "key" to France, which we will read of throughout biblical prophecy, when Normandy is mentioned time and time again, starting with William the Conqueror).

Henry VI (1422-71) was a little babe of 9 months old when he became Henry VI of England and France. Then, Zebulun's"birthright" saw complete fulfilment ruling the "havens of the seas" from England to France and on -to the "border" of Zidon-Spain.

Henry VI's story stands out in English history for many reasons, he was the youngest person ever to succeed to the crown; and reigned for a longer period on the English throne than most sovereigns. He was the only person ever to be crowned King of both England and France. He was displaced twice from the throne, as a prisoner in the Tower of London, and then restored again. He died when quite elderly in mysterious circumstances. It is said as a king he was a failure.

Henry VI had married Margaret of Anjou (France) in 1445, who was entirely under her influence because his piousness with a love for learning and periods of insanity. During Henry's long reign he had a son Edward, who was eventually killed during the times of battles between the Lancastrians and Yorkists, of the "War of the Roses".

Poor Henry VI never knew his father having died when he was so young. He hardly ever saw his mother Catherine of Valois. She was only 21 years old when her husband Henry V died. But she became the grandmother of the Tudor dynasty.

All one can sum up of Henry VI's reign is that it was full of turmoil, whose reign degenerated into 30 years of civil war, and the loss of the French possessions.

With Henry VI's death, so ended "Zebulun's birthright" inheriting the crown of England, and the "House of Israel" also. With that crown was now to pass to Issachar.

It is interesting to note that because Zebulun's"birthright" was placed in lineage as the 5th son of Jacob/Leah - instead of 6th son - in Genesis 49. He "usurped" his hereditary place in Israel, which place should have gone to Issachar In secular history, the same thing happened under Israel's crown of England. The "House of York"/Issachar, was "usurped" by the "House of Lancaster" hence the "War of the Roses". The "House of York" claimed its hereditary right from Lionel, second son of Edward III, whereas the "house of Lancaster's" claim was from John of Gaunt, 4th son of Edward III.

With Zebulun's"birthright/blessing" fulfilled in secular and spiritual history in such a complex way, one must stand back in awe at the intricate marvellous way God works within mankind. "He" brought nations into line to fulfil prophecy. Women were brought forward for spiritual lineages to work and men for secular lineages to work. Their children fulfilling words written long ago. Those first, second, third children, etc. by birth, each carrying separate and certain types of genetic makeup to fulfil prophecy in their different individual ways.

No matter how many times man interfered in this work, with his own ambitions, God reorganised the situations to fit those words of prophecy, spoken centuries ago.

God set the stage for each son of Israel's children to inherit according to prophecy in secular history. It seems to us that the crown of England was handed down from proper lineages, from father to son, or cousin to cousin, etc. inheriting only under relationships, being a family affair. This result is more than correct! Because, the tribes of Israel are within these people, and they also were full brothers, half brothers or cousins inheriting prophecy in the same manner.

Many nations and peoples were used to amalgamate Israel's children into one body of peoples in the Isles.

Understanding prophecy correctly makes a whole complex picture emerge, thereby, knowing that man can no longer say, "there is no God"! But rather "indeed" God rules in the kingdoms of men! (Daniel 4:17).

It's no wonder the prophets of old spoke of this awesome "marvellous work" of God's in history with such pride and faith on "His" behalf. (Job 5:8,9, Isaiah 29:13,14).

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