17.(10th Son) Naphtali,- House of Sax-Coburg -Gotha. Edward VII, AD 1901-10.
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Hiraeth 2002 - Notice: The author gives permission to download, print, duplicate, and share this book for personal use only; with the proviso that no alteration is made to the contents of this book. Other use of this book is with the express permission being granted by the author or agent

The "house of Saxony" is represented by Naphtali, under the crown of the British Empire. His blessing in Genesis 49:21. "NAPHTALI IS A HIND LET LOOSE; HE GIVETH GOODLY WORDS".

After all the foregoing proof written so long ago, by men of God's choosing, to bear out the truth of prophecy, with exacting information of secular history, which stands as a witness in the earth. We come now to a very simple blessing, for Naphtali, which is easy to read and understand! After its translation, one "must" see indeed "God rules in
the kingdoms of men", and of the nation of Israel - both houses.

Edward VII - Click to Enlarge

If you do not perceive all this knowledge then "indeed" a great blindness has turned the eyes of Israel away from truth! This nation has been stubbornly clinging to fables, rituals, and centuries of lies. (Isaiah 48:4).

After reading the translation of Jacob/Israel's blessing for his progeny, one's eyes and heart should have felt great respect towards our Maker. Instead it seems modern mankind sees the trials of history as chaos and confusion, with hardly any mention of history in the Bible. God has played out a magnificent "marvellous work" with the tribes of Israel, and the peoples of the earth. God has manoeuvred each prince of each tribe of Israel over the years to fulfil the birthright/blessings I cannot emphasise this enough!

The Holy One of Israel has done a "marvellous work" that has put the wise men of history and of biblical studies, to shame. (Isaiah 29:14). Indeed, man has turned the Scriptures "upside down" therefore have lost the meaning of his life! (Isaiah 29:16).

The "Holy One of Israel" has brought "home" to the children the promises prophesied from our fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel, and of the laying on of hands upon the heads that the patriarchs vowed to those children. "He" made good those promises and kept "Faith" with them, when fulfilling the Law in detail.

In Sax-Coburg Gotha Naphtali's blessing alone there are such simple words, and yet so magnificent in the hiding of that truth within history. That one cannot help being humbled to tears by the "Holy one's" greatness. When putting into a nutshell -as it were- a picture of perfection.

Let me show you reader once again that utter perfection!

The King of Great Britain in this prophecy is Edward VII, who reigned from 1901-1910.

Let us unravel the first few words of Genesis 49:21.- "IS A HIND LET LOOSE." The meaning of a "hind" is usually a "she" of the red deer, or stag, a princely animal indeed! It can be a young one, which follows the "hind-part", in opposition to the fore part and the head.

Naphtali's blessing also says, "he" giveth goodly words. In these words the sex of the "hind" is established here in prophecy. Therefore, this "hind" would mean, "he" which follows on "behind", as a person who is in opposition to someone.

Prophecies 2 words of "let loose" means:- "let" means to suffer to go, it is an obstacle in the path to impede someone. "Loose" is to be untied and free from a burden.

Before we unravel the other words, "he giveth goodly words," let us first understand "who" suffered in this way and why "he" was burdened thus.

The house of Saxony/Naphtali is only applicable to Edward VII, because only "he" represents this house, through his mother and father. Edward's life is mirrored in the words spoken by Jacob/Israel.

Edward VII played out this act of "imprisonment" as a small boy, as young man, and as an older man. In opposition to the head of the crown of Britain, which was his mother Victoria.

She took a dislike to Edward some say, because he was not like his angelic father Albert?

History tells us Victoria's assessment of her son was unjust, especially when Edward was a small boy. At 6 months old Edward was given into the care of Lady Lyttleton whom Edward loved like a mother.

At the age of 7 years he was expected to work at serious subjects 6 hours a day, six days a week. He was terribly lonely and full of fearful cares, always longing for love and affection. Many people around the throne were sorry for Edward, knowing he was also a bright little boy. When he was growing up he had a tutor who kept watch over him, he was not allowed to slouch in chairs or put his hands in his pockets. The Queen then appointed a Governor to regulate all the princes' movements, the distribution and employment of his time, monitoring the occupations and details of his daily life.

When Edward attended the Universities he was prevented from mixing with the under graduates at Oxford. He went to Cambridge and Edinburgh and the same smothering of his good nature was still very much apparent.

Queen Victoria was a widow with 9 children when the Prince Consort Albert died in 1861. She blamed Edward, Prince of Wales for his death. The Prince Consort had gone to Cambridge regarding an indiscretion Edward had committed in Ireland, Prince Albert returned to London ill, later dying of Typhoid Fever. Therefore, Victoria in widowhood couldn't bear to see Edward, venting her own loneliness towards him in blame.

Victoria would not share any secrets of state with him, though he was heir to the throne. Mr Gladstone the Prime Minister of the time, urged her to talk to Edward.

Queen Victoria replied, "secrets of state should not be divulged to persons who talk to much. "Then she forbade the Prime Minister from speaking to the prince saying, "it would be improper or undesirable".

The Queen excluded Edward from any control of the affairs of state, or the court, and the royal family. Until he was 50 years of age he was forbidden to read reports of Cabinet meetings.

Lord Palmerston spoke of the Queen as having an unconquerable aversion for her eldest son Edward, she just could not bear him near her.

Eventually, Queen Victoria decided that Edward should marry Princess Alexandra, daughter of Prince Christian of Denmark, which took place in 1863. They had 5 children, (Whose second son was George V).

In 1860 Edward had visited Canada, thereby bringing about the custom of "goodwill" visits by members of the British royal family which included, the British dominions and foreign countries.

Because of the death of the Prince Consort, Queen Victoria had gone into virtual retirement, thereby allowing Edward VII and Queen Alexandra to assume much of the burden of the court and public functions.

Even as a married man other royal duties were closed to him, and his enforced idleness led him into scandal.

Edward was immensely popular with the people, and was remembered for being an approachable affable man, of fashion, and especially sport.

We must now unravel the last words of Naphtali's blessing from Genesis 49:21. "He giveth goodly words."

When the "hind" of Naphtali was "let loose" by his mother's death, a change came over him.

Edward, who was smothered by oppression, who floundered in his role in life, who had followed on at the "hind most" all his life, to the head - Victoria.- Was eventually "loosed" from this long frustration, and awoke from the destruction of his "good" nature now an elderly man. Now he could do what he wanted to do all his life, which was to have a purpose. He threw himself into his work with great enthusiasm, often sitting up all night to catch up on all the backlog of state papers, which his mother in her lifetime would not allow him to see.

Edward was noted for his "goodly words", as a diplomat throughout Europe and wherever he travelled in his many journeys representing the crown as Prince of Wales, and as King.

It seems that many people only remember him for his flirtations with women etc; but he was a more able man than most gave him credit for.

Edward VII surprised many around him as an able ruler, though his activities were increasingly curtailed through bouts of ill health.

Edward VII, Naphtali's blessing foretells his "goodly words," and secular history was to call him, "Edward the Peacemaker."

Because, he had tried to heal the centuries old breach between France and Britain.

He encouraged new technical developments, and new ideas in Britain.

When the over bearing German Emperor was causing trouble, Edward did all in his power to avert a collision. He was always conscious of the dangers of a European War, and those relations with his German nephew was a personal difficulty for him. German sabre rattling was an ever-present attempt to cause tension. Edward made many friendly gestures to his nephew, the Kaiser of Germany. He never spoke hastily in public, or acted blindly in such matters.

Edward VII's, health was failing, suffering much from Bronchitis, which weakened his heart, an he died in 1910.

So unlike the Hanover/Asher lineage,-of which Victoria belonged,- whose monarch and son relationships were in question, Edward was loved by his children, and he them.

Edward VII's "goodly words" reached into their hearts also. History records how Edward's second son George V, wrote in his diary the night his father died, "I have lost my best friend and the best of fathers." George V had added more "goodly words" to show the real nature of this prince of Israel's Naphtali/Saxony, who had been so boxed in for so long, ending another exacting prophecy spoken for him millenniums ago.

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