15. (8th Son) Gad -House of Stuart, James I,
AD 1603-1625 to- Queen Anne, AD 1702-14.
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Genesis 49:19.

This is the lineage of the Stuarts of Scotland, taking the Crown of England under James I.

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From the earliest moments of James's succession to the throne of Scotland, at the age of 1 year old, this Stuart/Gad was "overcome" by other power-hungry men.

If we translate the words "A TROOP SHALL OVERCOME HIM", it is as follows:- A "Troop" is a collection of people, a multitude and a body of soldiers, etc.

"Shall" is a word making the rulers of this house "to pay" literally, for this obligation of the crown. In this history of her present, and future event.

"Overcome" means to be subdued by people, or these many, many people, will get the better of the Stuarts at first.

As if in an afterthought upon the Stuart lineage of Gad, prophecy says, "he shall overcome at the last". In other words, Gad of the Stuarts will "literally" overturn the power of these "collections of people" against him, and his lineage will have the last word upon this matter.

The word "last" means, he will come back after all the others in time and at the conclusion of prophecy his name will endure, Gad will be continued in existence, until all prophecy in Genesis 49 is completed.

Therefore, the Stuart/Gad name in lineages, under the crown of England will be kept into the following sons of Israel. Who are named after Gad in Genesis 49. Namely, Asher of verse 20. - Naphtali of verse 21 - and Joseph verses 22 etc.

The "mind" of man in the Elizabethan era had been taken out of a dungeon, thus making its escape in order for that "mind" of man to grow in stature, over the following years. Thus, enabling it to fight for its freedom of thought.

The historical struggle under the reign of the Stuarts was as much for the spiritual mind of man, as for the will towards secular power.

Gad's lineage came to the throne of England peacefully, with no Tudor claimants to rock the throne, neither usurpation, nor murder.

In 1603 James VI of Scotland also became James I of England.

He was the only son of Mary, Queen of Scots, and her second husband Henry Stuart Lord Darnely, James uniting 2 crowns under one. James I title was, King of Great Britain, Scotland, and Ireland. So sure, was James I, of his throne in England he took 3 to 4 weeks to travel, using his time as a holiday excursion into London.

James I, and his line were to rule the people with a strong idea that they were kings by right of God. Therefore, could rule with no other laws affecting them, and being king he could do no wrong at all.

When James I was the young James VI of Scotland his childhood was not only unhappy and precarious but abnormal. He had many guardians to take care of him some of which treated him badly, which left an indelible mark upon him. His education was in the strict code of Calvinism and Presbyterianism. All this harshness in his youth later made him react violently. Indeed, he was as prophecy says, "overcome" by this collection of people (troop) in his youth. It seemed James I, was pleased to turn his
attention to England's throne and away from the Scottish domestic scene.

James was intelligent, shallow, sensitive, and vain, which didn't endear himself to the court of England.

In 1589 he had married Anne of Denmark. Their daughter Elizabeth was eventually married to the Protestant Elector Palatine Frederick V. Which would result eventually in taking the Stuart name into the succeeding lineage of the Hanoverians of Asher. (Gen 49:20) as foreseen in Gad's prophecy "at the last".

The internal struggles in Britain of politics and religion were ever increasing in power. History tells us of the famous, failed Gunpowder Plot in 1605 to blow up King and Parliament, which was discovered. Ending in the death of the Roman Catholic Guy Fawkes and his friends.

Ireland too came under fire because they rebelled against England. So, the people of Ulster were driven out, and resettled with English and Scottish settlers, who made that part of Ireland prosperous.

The bitter intolerance of the people by king James I was not only seen in public affairs, but in religion also. His mother Mary had been a Roman Catholic, he was a Protestant. James had declared though that he would make his subjects conform to his views of religion, or he would "hurry them out of the land". That is exactly what he did to many a man who possessed the sterling qualities England needed for a good strong nation.

So, he drove out many of the Puritans who wanted to worship God as their conscience dictated, with no hard and fast rules laid down by another man.

The persecutions by James however were to help to fulfil the prophecy/promise made to Manasseh in Genesis 48:13-20.

The first lot of residents who were sent to America by James I, some as malefactors to Virginia. A second permanent English colony was set up in America by the Pilgrim Fathers who emigrated in 1620. They were separatists who looked for freedom to worship as they pleased, which was denied them in England.

Through James I, patronage in 1611 the Authorised Version of the Bible in English was prepared, which was to bear his name as The King James Version.

From this vain, intolerant James came forth much good however when reshuffling the people, because it helped to strengthen the spirit of man. Who had seen a great light in Israel, which refused to be put out!

The death of James I came to the nation of Great Britain as a huge relief. Who were ready to welcome to the throne his son with a frenzy of popularity. So, James I's favourite second son Charles I, was to inherit the throne from his father in 1625. He had become heir apparent when his elder brother Henry died in 1612.

Charles I is the Stuart/Gad, who was to feel the full brunt of the prophecy, with the words "overcome by a troop", from "a collection of people", and a "body of soldiers". Indeed, Charles I's story is known more so than all the other Stuarts of that lineage. Because of the Civil War fought in the British Isles and of Oliver Cromwell, etc. during his reign.

The hope that the people saw in Charles I, soon changed however, though he had a gracious countenance his egotistical nature and narrow spirit were not appealing.

Charles tried to do with cunning what other men would not do, which Charles wanted, so he had their ears cut off, and their cheeks slashed, or were thrown into prison.

Slowly, England began to realise Charles was not to be trusted, who was far more dangerous than his father.

It seemed that after the "glory" of Elizabethan England the throne was now brought to shame and contempt.

Charles I had married Henrietta Maria of France, a Roman Catholic. She was not only disliked by the people for her religion, but also for her interference in matters of state, and her control over her husband.

It was said that the Stuarts/Gad, were the enemies of the land they ruled, thereby lighting the fires of anger with their actions.

With so many grievances massing against the crown, whether religious, social, or economic, things had to come to a head, amid the growing anger of the people.

Which was like the mutterings of a gathering storm Charles I dissolved parliament and ruled without one for 12 years. Charles exasperated the people by cutting across the law of the land and forcing money from them.

Eventually, men like Elliott John Hampden and John Pym spoke out against the King. Parliament was called together, and Pym called for men to fight the king.

Charles I demanded that Pym and his friends be given up to him, but the storm burst upon England and men rose up to arm themselves to fight and "overcome" Gad/Charles. It was Parliament and the nation against the king and the nobles, which though there were many factions in his fight, the 2 main parties were the fashion conscious, stylish Cavalier, and the plain simple Puritan Round head.

The Civil War raged between 1642-1645, then came more of the "troop to overcome" Charles promised to Gad in prophecy. The "troop of people" and the "troop of soldiers" marched, they were to be Oliver Cromwell and his army the "Ironsides".

Oliver Cromwell though a plain country gentleman, became a brilliant soldier. He raised a model army disciplined and trained, to fight for freedom of religion, and of government. With the famous words, "Trust in God" and "keep your powder dry" they marched to "overcome" the grievances against the crown. It was an army never before seen -which was the beginning of our armies today,- Cromwell primed his men to their utmost.

These "Ironsides", or "troop" of soldiers overcame Charles and his army, they were captured, and their possessions taken. Charles was held prisoner in various castles in England. He was then tried in Westminster Hall and condemned to death in 1648. He was sentenced as a tyrant, murderer, and enemy of the nation and was beheaded January 1649.

It is said, he died with great dignity and charm, in the sight of the people, who pitied him nevertheless.
Gad's prophecy was fulfilled to the letter of the Law of Almighty God, vowed by Jacob/Israel so long ago!

Now Oliver Cromwell became Lord Protector of England for 11 years. Cromwell was offered the kingship but refused. This decision "had" to be so because Cromwell's lineage was not included in Israel's blessing by Jacob. He was not of the princes of the tribes of prophecy for that crown seen in Genesis 49.

During Cromwell's time so harshly and cruelly did he put down a rebellion in Ireland, that for many a century Cromwell's name had been hated there.

Both Ireland and Scotland declared Charles I's son, Charles II for king. Charles II (Or prince as he then was) had disguised himself as a servant wandering about the countryside. He was in great danger and had many narrow escapes from capture.

Eventually to escape and crossed the Channel to France. Indeed, he too was "overcome" by many a "troupe" for many years.

Cromwell was completely worn out guiding his country out of chaos and died in 1658.

Now England began to think of the restoration of the banished Stuart/Gad prince.

Charles II was brought back from France in 1660, and crowned King of England in April 1661.

In 1662 Charles II had married Catherine of Braganza, a Portuguese Princess, for her money.

The people were now being optimistic hoping for something better from their Stuart King. Charles II was indeed no better nor worse than Charles I, or James I.

England was in as much trouble as ever, when the Great Plague broke out killing thousands of men, women, and children. Then came the Great Fire of London which was to burn out the centre of London. On top of these things Charles II sold the king of France - Louis 14th the town of Dunkirk which Cromwell had taken.

Even the Dutch sailed up the Thames and burned English ships.

Much turmoil was seen around this Stuart/Gad King also. The last years of his reign were especially embittered on account of the fear of Roman Catholicism, towards which the king was suspected to have leanings, and of which his brother and heir James, confessed to belong. This feeling culminated into the "Popish Plot" which saw many innocent victims executed.

Charles left no children by his wife but had numerous progenies by his many mistresses. For all his extravagant living etc. Charles was the most capable of all the English Stuarts and was genuinely popular with the common people.

After many upheavals in his reign and his life, when "troops of people" did "overcome him", Charles II died in 1685, receiving absolution for his sins from a Roman Catholic priest.

Charles II's, sailor brother James, then Duke of York, became King James II, who was a staunch Roman Catholic. But his daughters Mary and Anne were both Protestants, they had been schooled by Charles II.

Mary had married the Dutch William of Orange, a leading Protestant of Europe.

The struggles between the Roman "iron" church and the "clay" of the House of Israel began again, both refusing to cleave one to another, which the prophet Daniel told us about, it continued its course under James II. He had made an open strong confession to his conversion to the Roman Church, which was met with hostility.

In 1660 he had married Anne Hyde, daughter of the Earl of Clarendon. After she died, he then married Mary Beatrice, daughter of the Duke of Modena.

The House of Commons had unsuccessfully tried to stop James succeeding to the throne, but he did so nevertheless after his brother Charles II.

During James II's short reign there were severe reprisals after a revolt which was crushed. With continued struggles for the power of the Church. But James II underestimated the power of the Established Protestant Church, however. In 1688 the power struggles resolved itself into another Revolution in England. This time against James II, and his Catholic party. Coupled with the fact there was the birth of a son, which seemed to secure a Roman Catholic succession, the people would have none of it. The Protestants horrified that they would have another Catholic king causing much

James II, like his predecessors did things contrary to the law of the land. Things came to a head when Jame's opponents invited his son-in-law, the Dutch William of Orange, -husband of Mary- to take the British throne. William landed with an army in 1688 and marched on London and a "troop of soldiers and people" once more were poised to "overcome" another Stuart/Gad.

Mary and William both agreed to take the throne of England. James II's other daughter Anne, went over to Mary's side against her father. At this solidarity James cried, "My children have forsaken me".

When William entered London, James II deserted his own troops and fled to France.

James II tried to regain his throne a year later landing in Ireland. But was defeated at the Battle of the Boyne. He was completely "overcome", and after reigning on the English throne for 3 years, -from 1685-1688,- he returned to France where he remained until he died.

Mary Stuart/Gad, daughter of James II, now inherited the throne of England, and into that Revolution which was prolonged to 1690. The conflict between her Catholic father James II, and her Protestant husband William was very difficult for her. Her husband William, it is said, was a grim, cold, single-minded man, yet Mary seemed devoted to him, so much so that she rejected the possibility of herself as sole monarch.

So in 1689 Mary and William became joint sovereigns.

Though Mary and William's reign is called the "House of Orange", it is not included in the lineages of England as a separate prince of Biblical prophecy. Because it is Mary Stuart/Gad, who is the direct line and focal point in Gad's prophecy as heir. Though, through the magnificent weaving of God's plan in these prophecies the Stuart/Gad's "name" has been kept with William, however. William was the son of Mary daughter of Charles I, so Gad's prophecy remained in honour of that plan.

All the while to the peoples of Great Britain Mary was their monarch. Though Mary and William ruled jointly William's Dutch alliance to the British crown drew them into European conflicts, which meant the end of British isolation. William was absent from England's shores on many occasions, and at these times Mary seemed to have been a dignified and talented head of state. Especially during the crisis of 1690 and 1692, with many battles in Europe etc.

Mary was to die childless, of smallpox in 1694. William died in 1702 from a fall from a horse. In life they were not altogether "overcome" by a "troop" Mary's sister Anne became Queen of England between 1702-1714.

Here we must return to the last portion of Stuart/Gad's blessing form Genesis 49:19. "AND HE SHALL OVERCOME AT THE LAST".

The "he" spoken of here is of course the male lineage of James I, as Stuart/Gad's representative, whose children at first had been "overcome" so many times by "troops" of other people, but in the "last days" of this house Gad/Stuart will "overcome".

Both with Queen Mary and Queen Anne, Stuart/Gad's position wearing the crown of Great Britain, is gradually becoming more secure and accepted by the people.

It was Queen Anne's reign,- and the end time in Gad's prophecy- that at last Stuart/Gad felt more secure, and indeed did "overcome at the last end" for this house.

Before it was to pass the crown to the next prince of Israel.

Queen Anne was 37 years old coming to the throne, and history says of her that she was an obstinate woman. Slow witted and unspectacular, who was plagued with Dropsy and Gout which dogged her footsteps with ill health; She felt in her heart that she had no right to the throne, because the Catholic James II's son was the rightful heir. She was a staunch Anglican with strong views.

In 1683 she had married Prince George of Denmark, who showed little interest in the affairs of state. They had 17 children, but only one survived to the age of 11 years, before he died.

During her reign Queen Anne, (like the rest of the Stuarts/Gad)was "overcome" by stronger personalities than her own. Soon after she came to the throne the future Duchess of Marlborough, Sarah Churchill was appointed to her household. Who lost no time in mightily influencing the Queen in personal and political ends.

After the Marlborough domination ended, Queen Anne was then influenced by Lady Abigail Masham, which brought about a change of government. Therefore, Queen Anne's reign is notable for being "overwhelmed" by bitter party factions, which her favourites in court were partially responsible.

The Stuarts/Gad under Queen Anne had glorious military victories won in Europe under the Duke of Marlborough and his army. With the names of Blenheim and Ramillies etched into British memory, which had humbled the forces of France.

During Queen Anne's reign (1707) the Act of Union with Scotland came about.

Her reign was also rich in literacy talents.

Queen Anne's failing health, and dying childless, parliament had to make provisions against another succession crisis. They deciding that James I's daughter, Sophia of Hanover, a Protestant, and her children were to succeed Anne. Though her half-brother James was alive and lived in France. The people however would have none of him!

There were years of triumph under both the Stuart/Gad Queens.

Queen Mary and William's reign secured Protestantism at home. After the tug-of-war of religions which had torn the fabric of Stuart/Gad apart. Mary and William had taken Britain into a greater involvement in European affairs also.

Queen Anne died in 1714 AD. Whose reign had opened without relish, but upon her death she was mourned by many as "good Queen Anne". Who had personified England's newly won glory. With those historical words written in history the House of Stuart proved Gad had "overcome at the last". The latter words of prophecy had been put into effect from Genesis 49:19.

The simple word "last" was also going to interfere and continue, into the following lineages of princely houses in Genesis 49. Firstly, being picked up by Asher of George I of Hanover.

That word "last" meaning, that Gad's/Stuart "name" will remain after all other houses have gone in their time zones. Or in the "last days" Gad's lineage will be seen in the "conclusion" of these prophecies.

The Norman, Plantagenet, Tudor names, etc. were not carried to the "last days". But the crown of England will be finalised with the thread of Stuart/Gad's name in that crown. Though the crown will also pick up the prophetic Israelite successions which are listed in the following prophecies in Genesis 49.

The awesome magnificence of God's plan of recognition for the "House of Israel" to know itself, whose plan is ever weaving this way and that in "simple" words for understanding's sake. This House of Israel, and all Israel both near and far "must" understand this knowledge of its family tree, at the close of man's history. They are "set patterns", and "set times", to a "set people", - for to understand their God and His exacting marvellous works.

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