9. (1st Son) Reuben - William of Normandy - AD 1066 - France. "House of Normandy" (or Norsemen).
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William of Normandy, first Prince of Israel (clay) to enter the British Isles, and inherit the throne of England, where the "House of Israel's" tribes were gathering.

Genesis 49, is a chapter dealing with these princes, and the people of each tribe of Israel. The "Chief" prince of each separate tribe fulfilling his own role in secular/biblical history and representing his own house, as blessed by Jacob their father of the flesh, and Israel their father of the spirit.

Both "paths" being fulfilled at the same time. Each tribe identifying himself "accurately" in secular history, in order to fulfil each word spoken by the "Mouth of God", through Jacob/Israel. So that "we" of the 20th century can look back down through the ages and identify ourselves within the lineages of that family tree. So as to turn the hearts of today's children to the fathers. (Malachi 4:6).

One has no need to go to great lengths with speculating upon migrations of peoples and races, to prove that the "House of Israel" or the 10 lost tribes are indeed within British stock! Which many biblical students perform.

Once upon a time one could say there were large populations of Israel in 10 different places on the globe, namely: England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, United States of America, Canada, South Africa, Rhodesia, Australia, and New Zealand. But now, like the sands of the sea, Israel is also scattered everywhere amongst nations, because the world has become a global village today.

These, people were all brought into one place to grow, that of the British Isles. They were nurtured in this tiny place from other lands, and they spilled over its shores and spread out across the world and became other nations, as prophecy depicts. (Genesis 22:17, Isaiah 10:22, Hosea 1:10).

It seems that even Jacob/Israel's children were "speckled" and "ring tailed", as were his sheep, which we read of in Genesis 30:30, 31:1-13.

Because of the "rods" of God, the sheep like his children, were born exclusively Jacob/Israel's sheep, "Identified", and marked in such a way that Jacob's "brand" was clearly visible. That "brand" is still upon his children today, and we read of it in Genesis 49. Deuteronomy 33. Daniel 11 etc; for those identification purposes!

Jacob began his "blessing" to his sons in Genesis 49 with the words.

And again the "second time" Jacob says in verse 2.

So, twice Jacob said, "gather yourselves together", because Jacob was blessing 2 Bands of his children some sons of Jacob, and some sons of Israel, who were inheriting in 2 ways.

Eventually, this "gathering together" was to happen when each tribe found its "own way" into the "Isles." When the North, South and East winds were driving them onwards and Westward.

Then, each prince representing each tribal house went into the "Isles" in his "own way", setting himself up in the prescribed manner that is set in Genesis 49. Thus, adding his "birth" jewel to the crown of Israel.

Jacob's words of "gather yourselves together" at his death, were not words merely to ask his sons to gather around his death bed, but rather it was a "call" to them to hear and obey a command to "stay together;" Also in the last days of their history, so that they may be strong. (We will read later on in prophecy and history through Joseph's blessing, that each "stick", which represents the "memory" of the tribes, is in the strength of hands and arms of Joseph, as he feeds Israel, and their "gathering strength" -Or- to stand back to back for protection of all 14 tribes, - seen during 2 World Wars).

Jacob, from the beginning had divided the 2 houses of his children (2 bands) into 2 nations. "House of Judah" and "House of Israel", showing them in words and pattern how they would be known! One nation would inherit through Jacob and the Jew, (after the flesh) in the last days. Another nation would inherit through the spirit, (Jesus) and Israel in the last days.

Some biblical scholars in their writings note, that Genesis 49 is a prophetic blessing for the lives of the tribes of Israel, yet! Are unable to fathom "when" this occurred. They also note that running through these blessings is the "promise" of Jesus their Messiah, who was born roughly 2,000 years after Jacob died and spoke these words. By that time, during the Roman era, both houses of Israel were dispersed and scattered. None of the Genesis 49 notable prophecies happened to the "houses" of these tribes during those centuries that one can absolutely point to. Only the character of the princes remained set from their youth.

Jacob/Israel's sons lost hundreds of their years in Egypt, with no "blessings" of prophecy fulfilled. They lost years in idolatry and sin. They lost years of "separate" prophecy fulfilment when they were 2 kingdoms. They lost other years fighting each other in uneasy alliances, never gathering together as one.

Neither was Jacob's days counted as the "last days". Because Jacob said, after Jesus' death were the "last days". Further to this Genesis 49:10 verifies that statement when it says


Which was part of Judah's blessing. Jacob/Israel said of Dan that He would "wait for salvation" (Jesus) Genesis 49:18. Jacob/Israel said to Joseph in Genesis 49:24. That the "SHEPHERD OF ISRAEL (Jesus) WOULD GATHER THE PEOPLE TO THE "STONE", (Jesus as Messiah king) who would come, and "is" seen, in Daniel's prophecy of Nebuchadnezzar's image.

If a "Blessing" is prophetic then it is a happening yet to come! All these prophetic words are out of a book called "Holy" that which is Holy is also truthful and accurate! So, it is a twofold thing, prophecies and vows (blessings) had to come to pass, and ably seen to be truthful! Translating correctly Genesis 49, one will see it is indeed truthful, trustworthy, and all those prophetic words "did" come to pass in history; If laymen and scholars say, "such and such a prophecy" is outdated and meaningless, then they cannot also say they are prophetic utterings. Neither can they say, British stock is "not" the "House of Israel" all because they are not aware, or in control of the full facts of the mysteries of the Bible.
When biblical scholars put Genesis 49 in their "right hand" and say it is accurate and prophetic, and put the genealogical table showing the descent of the British crown in their "left hand", then, they will have the full facts of the case before them, and they can "see" and "know" justice has been down to Jacob's prophetic words from that chapter.

The very "last days" of the princes of the clay, starting from 1066 AD ending approx. 2,000 AD -or- from the Norman conquest of the British Isles (Reuben) to the last House, that of Windsor (Ephraim) do indeed cover the last days.

The world is in its death throws, with the summer of empires past, its convulsions will spew out 10 tribes of Israel -identified- being born at once, (Isaiah 66:7-9) ready to fight with the Lord against the remaining nations who would oppose Him. Whose faces turn inward towards themselves, and not outward towards God, therefore they are anti-understanding.

Jacob asked his children in Genesis 49:2 to, "hearken unto Israel your father", and again he said in the same verse, "hear ye, sons of Jacob". Therefore that, two-fold recommendation is also towards us, who are the progeny of those sons. So, let's hear what the Scriptures "really" say, and not what we "think" they say. Or that which has been fashionable, to think for a long time held for us to hear. Listen hard to the words of Jacob/Israel, "your" father.

To be warned in knowledge and understanding is to be forearmed against your enemy, which is -disbelief.- Therefore, we will stand on the battle field in the "last days", United with loins girded against "that" enemy, to fight ignorance, superstition, myths, legends, ritual, dogma, idolatry, doubt, faithlessness, laziness, lethargy of all sorts, in one's comfortable little denominations.

Let us then begin with Reuben, he, who was William the Conqueror, the first son to begin the descent of the "clay of the toes" and the British crown, and, who fulfilled the "first blessing" given by Jacob so long ago.

Genesis Chapter 49:3.

Reuben was the "first-born" of Jacob and Leah, yet he was counted eventually under the "House of Israel" of the 10 tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel.

To Reuben, at his birth was given, -as was the custom of the first-born sons,- the "birthright" of inheritance his father's possessions. Both material and as head of that nation, therefore, was the chief son in all things, and the beginning of Jacob's strength. This inheriting for first-born sons was also a first principle of Norman law.

Reuben was called "my might", because, for the first time Jacob through siring a son was now a man, in the sight of all men. This son would carry his name, his blood, his superiority, and his possessions into another generation of men. Reuben however forged another meaning to Jacob's "might", because Reuben undermined Jacob's trust with shades of doubt to the word "might". Reuben, in the rest of his blessing is called "unstable" therefore endorses the doubt in the word "might", and Jacob. This uncertainty of Reuben's character was his downfall, and because of it he lost his "birthright" of that "excellency and power" of Jacob/Israel. The high-sounding words spoken by Jacob were cancelled, because Jacob's "dignity" lost face in the eyes of men. Therefore, a second choice had to be made, and he turned from the son of the flesh (Reuben) to a "second son" of the spirit, and that "power" of inheritance was given to Joseph. (1 Chronicles 5:1-2). The same thing happened in secular history to William the Conqueror from Normandy, he had many attributes spoken for Reuben yet lost his ruling "house" to Joseph's sons of the past, and of the future who were to become Germanic tribes of Anglo-Saxon. The Norman "House" was unstable and undecided between England and Normandy in France, consequently in that instability Normandy became England's servant one minute, and the reverse happened the next minute. Normandy pulled William to and fro in a tug-of- war between 2 ambitions.

The "beginning of strength" as spoken by Israel, is the quality of being strong, in force, vigour, toughness and durability. That "beginning of strength" William set in motion for the British crown and its future empire. These were also the attributes of force and fierce discipline shown in the British Isles through the Norman Conquest. History tells us that the Normans were turbulent, strong, fearless, disciplined, having inherited their drive and energy from their ancestors the Viking-Norsemen, of ancient times. Those roaming Norsemen had already entered the British Isles many times before William's conquering, but this time "he" was representing the "House of Israel's" first prince to fulfil his prophecy. So, the Normans were just another stream, of those fair skinned, people of Israel to arrive, but this time with an "identification" tag, of Jacob/Israel's sons.

The word "strength" that was attributed to Reuben was indeed the "key" word of the Norman Conquest of England. The year 1066 AD has been branded into the hearts and minds of a great majority of persons of British stock, never to be forgotten.

To us today, William was England's last conqueror. But to the peoples of that Norman era, they and their castles, struck terror into their hearts making them serve these Norman masters under a strong feudal system. When Jacob said of Reuben that he was the "beginning of his strength" that indeed was so for England's future way of life, of its government of kingship, of law and order, which was set by William. His "Doomsday Book" is an example of his clenched fist, the "power" of which held the reigns of England's purse of his "Excellency".

William/Reuben began the royal line of "excellency of dignity," and "excellency of power", towards the following thousand years of Britain/Israel's crown, which would see much of Israel's sons come forward in history, out of the nations, to fulfil their inheritance in their destiny as set down in words by the mouth of prophecy through Jacob/Israel.

The words in Genesis 49:3 of "excellency and dignity", are titles of "honour" applied to a person of high position. The word "dignity" is of calm self-possession, of nobility with rank and title. These words spoken of Reuben was because he was born "first" therefore, was of highest rank amongst his brothers. He was in other words the duke -or- prince of hereditary rank, and after his father's death would represent Israel in honour and title. This high position of nobility William, Duke of Normandy inherited from his own father, who was Duke Robert of Normandy, 4th descendant of Rollo a captain of the Norsemen who had invaded France. Rollo had been given the area known as Normandy in honour by King Henry of France (The word Duke comes from the Bible. Genesis 36:40, Joshua 13:21).

William had been born in the great castle of Falaise in 1027 AD to become the ruler of the great Norman nobles, though, William's mother was of a humble origin being a tanners daughter named Arlette, who gave birth to William out of wedlock. The very "hurt" of being called a bastard child, or a second-rate child, toughened and hardened William's heart and temper, never to be forgotten. (As later in history Elizabeth I was to experience a similar "hurt").

That same "hurt" of a type of second-rate person, causing jealousy, was felt by Leah and her son Reuben, (though he was not a bastard child). Reuben's birth was eventually to be conceived in deceit and secretiveness, and hatred. After Leah took the place of Rachel, -whom Jacob loved- in the marriage tent. That "second-rate hurt" remained with Leah and Reuben causing friction in the camp. (Genesis 30:14-16).

So, William's "hurt" stayed with him though he inherited the title of "excellency of dignity" from his father Duke Robert of Normandy, who died when he was but a small boy. William, called Bastard, needed his illegitimacy to give "fire" to his heart and ambitions, to overcome amongst tough rivalry.

William's nature and studies were to take him up into Israel's new land, of the British Isles, and the crown, which was to fulfil prophecy of that "excellency of power", to the full. The crown was bestowed on him, through reputation, through the code of honour, and through the so-called pledge of honour! (The story of that "pledge of honour" dealing with William, we will read of in Daniel 11:27. Later in this book which will tell us how God took a direct hand in Reuben/William's affairs, when "He" used the winds and sea to bring about Israel's first prince to ascend the throne of England. William received his crown under the banner of 2 lions, so, the eldest of Jacob's young lions took his place, in secular and biblical history. (Ezekiel 19).

During the time of the struggle between Harold the Saxon and William the Norman, mankind saw a spectacular sight of Haley's Comet showering its splendour across the skies, both Saxon and Norman saw it as an omen. Winston Churchill, in his Histories of the English-Speaking Peoples, put it this way;

Evidence of Haley's Comet is in thread on the Bayeux Tapestry sown it is said, by William's wife, for all to see. Would it be, I wonder, that Haley's Comet was indeed a "sign" from heaven, that it welcomed Jacob/Israel's first son as King for the "House of Israel" of the lineage of Reuben, in that haven of the "Isles." Into which his children were being driven over the centuries? What of our Lord's statement, which tells us there will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars? (Luke 21:24-25).


Reuben's character of blowing hot or cold, which is part of an unstable personality, was seen when Joseph went out to find his brothers tending their sheep near Dothan, Shechem. In Genesis 37. We see Reuben plotting with his brothers to cause mischief, -whether for or against - Joseph, yet when he returned into the company of his brothers after being away for a short while, Reuben took fright, seeing the pit where Joseph was kept, empty. Thinking no doubt of his own skin first and foremost, knowing he had to face his father coupled with the fact Reuben as eldest son was responsible for his brothers actions; which we read of in the words, "whither, shall I go?" in Genesis 37:30.

Reuben helped to keep the web of deceit surrounding Joseph, when the garment dipped in animal blood was given to his father in pretence of Joseph's death. Reuben keeping quiet while watching his father's heart break for his beloved son, in that tissue of lies and jealousies. Because of Reuben's untrust/worthiness he did not excel in honour nor dignity entrusted to him.

So, it was with William of Normandy; Ah! one might say, when was William as Reuben? Because history portrays him as a strong man and seemed to excel in all his ways. If, however one should analyse what is written of Williams character and actions in some of the things he did. That even an "out of wedlock" seduction is a pointer to those words in Genesis 49:4. When "his father's bed was defiled". In Genesis, the expression used by Jacob/Israel upon Reuben was the defilement of Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid, upon that bed. Later in Norman history we see the "excellency and dignity" of Duke Robert of Normandy, William's father, also going to a bed to defile a lowly maid of France. She brought forth William in "dishonour" not being married to Rollo. William, forever paying the price of that dishonour in his life. William's name Bastard, always denoting the sexual overtones of his beginning and of his house, and how "his father's bed was defiled".

In William's own life he had a wife and a number of children though his private life was very private.

William/Reuben of Normandy though of great stature in British history, who changed the face of that Island. Strides into the pages of history with a mixture of terror of the Viking-Norsemen, and a man with no other object in life but to have his own way, no matter what! He was a coarse and brutal man with enormous strength, his gigantic form embodied the spirit of the sea-wolves of the Vikings before him. A lonely man, whose childhood and the name Bastard forged his loneliness and his character into this pirate of a man. Yet! He accomplished great work in preparing the British Isles towards Empire and prophecy and was a chosen instrument of God for that work.

During William's reign in England, he dissolved the Earldoms, which before had enjoyed virtual independence. Which earlier history had shaped and reshaped into 10 kingdoms.

The Roman Papacy was greatly curtailed in their interference in English affairs. It is said that the Normans transformed England with great stone castles, -such as Windsor and the Tower of London,- and cathedrals, abbeys, and churches. They planted orchards, hedges, briar roses, and honeysuckle, turning a wilderness into a garden, completely altering the untidiness of the Anglo Saxons.

William brought into the "Isles" the Jew of the "House of Judah", who set about transforming that island with capitalism. Who came with the architects and workmen of Europe, which gradually built its civilisation.

William was a stern ruler and merciless with political opposition.

William spent a good deal of his time in Normandy and was unstable as to which throne lay his loyalties. He returned to Normandy in 1067 AD. leaving his half-brother Odo, and Williams Fitz Osbern as regents. Consequently, there were a series of rebellions by the barons which continued into 1072.
William's sons behaved very badly towards him and would not take the throne until

William left England for Normandy for the last time where he eventually died. The result of a fall from a horse at the siege of Mantes, and was alone in death, -apart from a few monks from an abbey,- He was also much alone at his coronation in England, with no great procession to mark his way.
During his reign in England William also overwhelmed the Welsh nation, and by his great strength subdued Scotland, and was prepared to conquer Ireland, though died before it was accomplished. To be the king of England, meant just that, and not the rest of the nations in the Isles combined. Though the feudal system was used by which each state ruled itself through a lord, there was no overall kingship over these states. Until William introduced a system of innovation of immense importance. The "Doomsday Book" came into being which took note of every fruit tree grown etc; He also had the "oath of Salisbury" which meant that feudal tenants owed direct loyalty to the King, and not just to their overlords. This made a far-reaching difference in the position of England than any other feudal part of Europe. The "united" England was now faced with a not so independent Wales and Scotland. The King demanded restraint from the other lords through honour and became God's representative also. The king's coronation took the form of both king and bishop, which before had been a separate communion given to another of a special caste, now it became one person.

William/Reuben's claim to "excellency and power", spoken by Israel, was not shared by any of Israel's sons within the British Isles at that time. His "excellency" of crowning at Westminster Abbey was spent almost alone, but for a few people who were "forced" to receive him, as history records. His "excellency of power" was taken from him when he died alone in Normandy, with no member of his family present; The few men that were left with his body stripped it and plundered his room where he lay. William had returned to France from whence he came, and the pleasures of the flesh, and unstable characters remained with the ancestors of that House of Reuben.

So, William the Conqueror being the "first" of the princes of the tribes of Israel (clay) to enter the scene of secular history, fulfilled 2 roles of history and biblical prophecy and the 10 toes of the House of Israel began to take shape and make sense of prophecy.

The "house" of Normandy did not "excel in dignity and power" in England. That "house" began with William the Conqueror, who had married Matilda of Flanders, and they had several children, with 2 sons inheriting the English throne.

William II or William Rufus was red haired and fierce. He was king from 1067 to 1100 AD and was feared much and hated much by all his subjects. He was shot with an arrow whilst hunting in the New Forest, some say by accident, some say by design. But all felt an enormous relief at his death, and like his father before him he died very much alone neither England nor his court mourned for him.
The Conquerors fourth son became King Henry I and was nicknamed "Beauclerc" -or- fine scholar. He married Matilda (or Maud as the English called her) she was a princess of Scotland, and of the old royal family of King Alfred and Edgar. (Who we will read of in Daniel 11:2-26).

Henry I, had an only son in wedlock who was drowned at 18 whilst crossing the English Channel. Henry I also defiled a bed because he had a bastard son called Robert of Gloucester; he however never had any strong claims to the throne.

Henry I reigned from 1100 -1135 AD who had craftily took the throne from his elder brother Robert therefore, part of his reign of "excellency and dignity" was constantly involved in conflict.

Henry married twice, and his reign was considered progressive, sometimes just, and sometimes a grasping ruler. So, he too blew hot and cold in nature.

The continuation of the Norman House gradually petered out. Henry's daughter Matilda was promised the throne, at her father's death, which she eventually fought for. Her position however was rather shaky because the Dukes of Normandy favoured heirs from father to son. So, the throne passed to Stephen 1135/1154 AD the last Norman King -who was the son of Adela, daughter of William the Conqueror.- He was leader of the barons, which was acceptable to the Norman mind. Stephen married Matilda of Boulogne (Flanders) and a descendant of Charlemagne the Great.

In this woman alone one can see links in the chain of all Europe being forged together, to bring about rightful heirs for those Israelite people in the British Isles.

Stephen's own surviving children in Blois, and Boulogne, France, were forever denied the crown of England. The Norman Reuben/William direct bloodline was played out, and this house "birthright" did not excel. So, it passed to the next prince of Israel's tribe "Simeon". Whose house was of Anjou (France) or Plantagenet.

Secular history sees "Anjou" as only a "partial" bloodline inheriting the crown of England. Biblical prophetic history shows us the Israelite bloodline in men and women, picking up the correct links of that chain in secular history. Princes are inheriting from brother to brother of Jacob/Israel's sons. Prophecy remains a factual biblical record for scholars to count the tribes and their separate inheritances. From Normandy to Windsor for those identification purposes in our 20th century. Which will match Jacob/Israel's blessing for them in Genesis 49.

So, the continual warfare and infighting goes on in the "House of Israel" from one generation to the next.

When one reads history and its continual turmoil and bloodletting, one can easily lose patience with the human race, and one feels it deserves all its misfortunes and miseries it has inflicted upon itself. Until one sees that there is a "purpose" underneath all these miseries, and one can say, "thank God for the hand of God", righting the wrongs of mankind. For "He" is bringing Israel's sons and daughters, to a better and fairer conclusion.

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