20.Secular History, which involved the 12 tribes of Israel and Biblical History of Israel's Carcase. -Ten Toes of Clay explained in Secular History.
-Seen by Daniel Chapter 2, Verses 41 to 43.
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Persian Empire - Click to Enlarge

DANIEL CHAPTER 11- This list of chapter 11 is the Secular history which is contained in the "visions", within the following verses.
VERSE 2 - Three kings of Persia.
1:-Darius I (Hystaspes).
2:-Xerxes I.
3:-Artaxerxes I (Longimanus).
4:-(Richest king) Darius III (Codomannus). -521-323 BC.
VERSE 3 - Alexander the Great. -336/323 BC.
VERSE 4 - Alexander's Empire divided eventually to the winds:
1:- Ptolemy Egypt (south wind).
2:- Antigonus Monophthalmus (west wind).
3:- Seleucus, Syria, Babylon etc:(north wind).
4:- Euthydemus,- Bactria-India (east wind). -323-30 BC.
VERSE 5 - Ptolemy III- Euergetes of Egypt, (south wind). -246-221 BC.
VERSE 6 - Ptolemy VI- Philometor and Cleopatra II- Cleopatra III (Thea), -180-145 BC.
VERSE 7 - Ptolemy IX- Soter II- (Lathyrus) 116-108 BC.- Cleopatra III - 109-80 BC.
VERSE 8 - Ptolemy IX- Soter II- War with Cleopatra III, -Alexander Jannaeus (King of the Jews)-and Seleucid dynasty (North wind), -107-64 BC.
VERSE 9 - Ptolemy IX -(Lathyrus) once more king of Egypt. -107-81 BC.
VERSE 10 - Hasmonean (House of Judah) sons of Maccabees- Pompey of Rome, Civil war Palestine, Aristobulus and Hyrcanus. -166-37 BC.
VERSE 11 - Egypt and Judea, now under Mark Antony and Cleopatra VII, -44-30 BC.
VERSE 12 - Herod (great) and Roman army- Rebellion of Antigonus II
(Hasmonean-House)-Octavian and Judea, -44-30 BC.
VERSE 13 - Rome under Octavian Augustus- Mark Antony and Cleopatra.
VERSE 14 - Assertion of Rome over Egypt- end of Roman Republic and birth of Imperial Rome. -Herod of Judea. -Birth of Jesus of Nazareth, -37 BC to 4 BC.
VERSE 15 - A Greco-Roman world- Nero to Vespasian and Titus, -54 to 70 AD.
VERSE 16 - Emperor Hadrian -Jewish bar Kokhba -Julius Severus, -132-135 AD.
VERSE 17 - Jerusalem closed- 10 toed Britain opens - Rome, Britain, Queen Boadicea, -54-68 AD.
VERSE 18 - (This verse "only" out of historical sequence) Beginning of British history under the Romans. Claudius I and King Caractacus, (The Welsh Prince Caradoc), -45-54 AD.
VERSE 19 - Agricola subdues Britain under Emperor Domitian, -51-93 AD?
VERSE 20 - Emperor Diocletian (raiser of taxes), -284-305 AD.
VERSE 21 - Constantine the Great. (The vile person), -306-337 AD.
VERSE 22 - Saxon invasion of Roman Britain- Germanic invasion of Rome. (Saxons, Picts, Scots)-(Vandals, Visigoths etc:) -410 AD.
VERSE 23 - Pope Gregory, Augustine (saint) entering the "Isles" to convert the Saxons. -596 AD.
VERSE 24 - Augustine, Paulinus, etc: establishing the Roman Papacy in the "Isles", -596-956 AD.
VERSE 25 - The invasion of the Vikings- King Alfred the Great of the West-Saxons, -871-899 AD.
VERSE 26 - Alfred's son King Edward, and daughter Aethelwold against the Vikings, -899-939 AD.
VERSE 27 - William Duke of Normandy (King of England), -1066 AD. France.
VERSE 28 - Richard I (Lionheart)- King of England -France, -1189-1199 AD.
VERSE 29 - Henry VII-Tudor- France. -1457-1509 AD.
VERSE 30 - Greece and Turkey at war, -1821-1824 AD. Britain intervened -1827 AD.
VERSE 31 - Papacy and England- Infallibility of the Pope, 1869 AD.
VERSE 32 - Kaiser William of Germany- World War I -1914 AD.
VERSE 33 - Kaiser of Germany- World War I and "Mobilization", -1914-1918.
VERSE 34 - Kaiser of Germany- World War I, -1914-1921.
VERSE 35 - End of World War I-looking towards World War II, -(1939 to 1945). Matthew 24
Revelation 6. - END TIME.
VERSE 36 - Adolf Hitler -World War II, -1939-45 AD. -INDIGNATION.
VERSE 37 - Hitler-Magnify. -WOMEN.
VERSE 38 - Hitler-World War II-forces and Treasure.
VERSE 39 - Hitler-World War II-strange God.
VERSE 40 - Hitler-World War II-King of North and South.
VERSE 41 - Russia-Middle East.- conventional situation of war.
VERSE 42 - Russia-and Egypt conventional war.
VERSE 43 - Russia in Egypt - Libya and Ethiopia.
VERSE 44 - Russia and Nuclear War.
VERSE 45 - Russia in the British Isles- USA and Middle East. -Russia's destruction.

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