Where The Carcase Is

by Hiraeth

Where the Carcase Is

[Contents] [First Chapter]
Hiraeth 2002 - Notice: The author gives permission to download, print, duplicate, and share this book for personal use only; with the proviso that no alteration is made to the contents of this book. Other use of this book is with the express permission being granted by the author or agent.

The time has come for me to write as much as I can a "more sure word of prophecy" that we read of in the Holy Bible in 2 Peter 1:19, so that the "same word" can illuminate the prophecies of old through, and into this dark evil filled world, -which the children of our Heavenly Father find themselves in.

Indeed, reader you would be right if you say to yourself, "not another book" explaining Daniel's and other prophecies! I have read so many so-called versions explaining the "Oracles of God" that my head spins with it all.

Let us get one thing clear from the start, I belong to no church or denomination at all, I am completely "outside" man-made rules and regulations of churches. Therefore, I am not "pushing" anybody's version of our Heavenly Father's word. On reflection I don't suppose there is any church that would receive me anyway, as I have been frowned upon too many times!

Before we start at the very beginning of the "Oracles of the Law of God" for clarity of learning and understanding, I must ask those of you who wish to read further into this book, not to read it with "blinkers" already set on the face, which years of learning other ideas from man-made churches have made one accustomed to wear. Unless you are unable to read this book with an open mind, then I suggest you close the book immediately and go your own way, it is "not" for you! If, you wish to read further and delve deeper into this exposition of the Laws of God, then you should experience periods of doubt, elation, sorrow, frustration, disbelief, regret, and at times an inability to receive the words contrary to the already fixed ideas in the mind. One will also read about various churches who have understood parts of prophecy correctly, and parts of it wrongly.

We shall fully enter into the controversial, acceptance, of some biblical students who acknowledge that British stock and Israel are one and the same in secular, as well as spiritual history, showing the rights and wrongs of this concept.

I make no apologies for my seemingly self-righteous and "all knowing" words, because I haven't got the time nor the inclination to do otherwise. Neither shall I "pussy foot" around anyone's feelings in the book. Compassion or love of man do not enter these things, because it is our God's "feelings" for "His truth" which are uppermost here in. So, let us begin this study with what the Holy Bible is telling us, and not what we "think" it's telling us.

The Bible is spiritual and secular history rolled into one or two halves of the "whole" story, it has been lived and worked out in us all. Sometimes very subtly throughout the history of mankind down through the ages, whether we have been aware of it or not!

Many biblical writers have thought that the so-called Christian world has chosen to ignore and play down the immense prophecies written in the Holy word of God. Does this occur I wonder from ignorance, or a fear of "rocking the boat" in man's safe little niches he's found in many churches, putting an end to their "living" off the back of our Lord Jesus? Perhaps they fear, fear itself when "real" truth will give them a hard smack in the face to awaken them up out of a lethargic state of mind?

I know from past experience trying to understand some of the deep meanings to the prophecies, or symbols of mystery and peculiar looking creatures etc. within prophecy, are extremely difficult to decipher. But all one has to have as a "tool" to understand them, is a strong desire to "want" to know, and the doorway to understanding will open. The first opening will be ever so slow, and then the door will stand wide open letting one enter into a place beyond ones wildest dreams, never to depart again.
To feel one must have a higher education of learning to achieve understanding, or a knowledge of Hebrew or Greek, to translate some words into English is arrogant nonsense. Far too many biblical writers use the art of changing the meaning of words from other languages into English, contradicting the usage of the word already printed in the original translation. Bible prophecy and its proper meaning does not rely on this high-sounding academic exercise at all! This method of changing translations in the middle of explaining prophecy serves only to confuse the one who's trying to understand, and it leaves the reader with a feeling of uneducated inadequacy.

If a mere common woman like me with only an elementary education in the past is able to fathom our God's magnificent prophecy, anybody can! So, don't be afraid to have "a go" for yourself, read, and listen hard to our Heavenly Father's voice in those wonderful fulfilling pages.

The purpose of my book is to "find" our Heavenly Father's people scattered throughout the world, whether outside churches, or scattered within dozens of churches. This book is to help them understand "who" they are, and "why" they feel such strangers in the world, even in the midst of the peoples in those churches. My purpose is to awaken the "children of Zion and Jerusalem", before the world is convulsed in more turmoil, or brought to its knees into another world war. As one reads further into Scripture within this book, the above statement pertaining to these children will be explained to its fullest extent.
We will learn of the "end" from the beginning of the Old Testament, having instructions on "how" to learn which we read in the book of Hebrews 5:11-14 from the New Testament. The book of Hebrews is set to teach the "depth" of knowledge because the "comforting" words of truth are first and foremost directed towards the remnants of the Hebrew nation in the world today. -And I "don't" mean only the Jew!-

The Hebrews are in both Jew and Gentile, and we shall shortly read how this has happened. The Bible is really the history -both spiritual and secular- of that same Hebrew nation. This book does not intend to discredit any churches of "honest" bible students seeking truth, but rather a case of separating the sheep from the goats. For I, myself, have learned and borrowed from other spiritual men's labours from the past, and without them of many persuasions, we modern day students would perhaps be illiterate of the great words in the Law, called the Holy Bible. So, this book of mine is just another cog in the machinery of learning about God and man, and His purposes within the earth. -Or as "Holy Scripture" puts it, another "line" and another "precept" in this written mandate giving directions in these proceedings.

In order to understand the "depth" of many biblical verses, we must break English words down, which also opens them to their fullest extent. Perhaps to the reader, this method could be tedious and uninspiring, I apologise for this, but soon you will realise it is a very necessary part of learning.
If we look around us today in our chaotic world, we soon realise that people are really looking for something deep and meaningful, to fill an emptiness and purpose to their lives. They have a belief in God, but religions are failing them, and the people becoming as little boats with anchors dragging the sea floor waiting to latch on to a rock. Many feel that our industrialisation and scientific searching have helped to kill off God's hand in history. Well! I can tell you now, it hasn't, God is very much in control of our situation, which I'm going to set out to prove to you in the pages of this book. What God has been doing in this self-willed world is giving man many chances to find "Him. Man's determined self "will" is his downfall, and a stumbling block to the depth and meaning to his life. So, let's try and empty bigotry into the bin, and look through the eyes of a child and willing to learn the magic that surrounds us.
Throughout the lives of all humans we have encountered small happening outside our realms of earthly realities. Today in our modern times we take note of UFO's, ghosts, miracles, ESP, etc. Which is not so silly as some people think, Because the Holy Bible is full of these happenings. I have always maintained that if one tries to take the Supernatural out of that great Book, then one is left with only the covers!

From the moment the Supernatural Being, God said, "Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness". (Genesis 1:26). God gave all on the earth something Supernatural, other than the dust of the earth.

At the end of this wonderful Book another Supernatural Being said, "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star". (Revelation 22:16).

From the moment Biblical prophecy was written centuries ago, Supernatural Beings called Angels or Messengers, set about making these things happen in the earth. They, walking amongst us in a dimension that we are ignorant of. All history and the leaders of men set for identification purposes within that history were predestined as such. For to show us we are not alone upon this earth, nor alone in the Universe. So, let us unravel carefully the "meaning" to our lives! When I use the term "The Law" throughout this book, I don't only mean the laws Moses set for the people, but every word God has uttered, for all these words are the Law!

The Holy Bibles used throughout are the "Authorised Version" with Rev: Scofield's References. Also, the King James Version.

[Contents] [First Chapter]