/ Where the Carcase is - 10. Simeon and Levi
10. (2nd Son) Simeon - House of Anjou. (Plantagenet) AD 1154 -France.
-And- (3rd son) Levi - House of Judah/Jacob.
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Simeon and Levi's blessing can't be divided because it was pronounced on both sons, by Jacob, as one.

Verse 6:- "O MY SOUL (The other half of Jacob, namely, the spiritual being, called Israel) COME NOT THOU INTO THEIR SECRET, UNTO THEIR ASSEMBLY, MINE HONOUR, BE NOT THOU UNITED: (It was one thing for Jacob of the flesh to know his son's wickedness, but quite another for Jacob's "soul" to be tarnished also), FOR THEIR ANGER THEY SLEW A MAN, AND IN THEIR SELF WILL THEY DIGGED DOWN A WALL". (The "wall" was the barrier between the definition of an Israelite under spiritual guidance, and other nations. The "will" of their flesh overpowering their mercy of spirit).

Henry II - Click to Enlarge

These verses are explaining that the spirit of the man called Israel, not Jacob of the fleshly man, would be partakers of the cruelty in these 2 tribal houses. Because of its Jacob/Israel's name, and children, would be offended in their generations, and dishonoured amongst men.

For those who do not know this tarnished story, we must go quickly into that cruelty and what brought it on. Which we read of in Genesis 34. Dinah the daughter of Leah and Jacob, met a prince of the Hivites, called Hamor, who lay with her and defiled her, which was against the laws of the Hebrew/Israelites. Hamor asked his father Shechem to speak to Jacob regarding taking Dinah to be his wife. Jacob kept his own council on the subject, but his sons were very angry. Shechem and Hamor pressed the subject of marriage and integration of their tribes, possessions and gifts. Jacob's sons set a condition upon Dinah's and Hamor's marriage which was circumcision for the men of the Hivites. To which they agreed. On the third day after circumcision when all the males were sore, Simeon and Levi, -Dinah's brothers- killed all the males with a sword, including Hamor and Shechem. They spoiled the city and took their possessions, including the wives and children captive, of the Hivites. Jacob felt great shame for what these 2 sons had done. Therefore Jacob's "house" of tribes left that place in dishonour.

In summary then, we must ask ourselves when, and how, in British history or Israelite history did this cruelty occur, and what message does Genesis prophecy fulfil?

If we break down the words of Jacob/Israel's "blessing" of that curse upon Simeon and Levi for the "last days", we will see the words take shape in secular history. Genesis 49:5 says;- Simeon and Levi are brethren. They were not only full brothers of the flesh out of Leah and Jacob they were also of the same mind and character, closely united with one another, which in turn would cause a strong bond for good or evil, and in their case, evil!

Verse 5 goes on to say; Instruments of cruelty are in their habitations. Jacob's use of these words regarded, that when these brothers agreed upon something they would execute and perform their combined thoughts into a precision of action, resulting in unnecessary distress, brutality and ferocity beyond the bounds of decency.

With this sort of cruelty amongst the Israelites, one can understand more so when the Bible says Joseph's brethren hated him, and wanted to slay him in Genesis 37. One can know to the full exactly what Joseph was up against!

Not only in their "habitations", or places of residence where Simeon and Levi dwelt was this cruelty seen, but also within the bodies of these men lived souls with evil thoughts and consequences. This is "why" Jacob uttered the next words from Genesis 49:6. "O MY SOUL COME NOT THOU INTO THEIR SECRET, UNTO THEIR ASSEMBLY, MINE HONOUR, BE NOT THOU UNITED". -With them!

In other words, Jacob did not want to hear, nor perceive, any of these 2 sons secrets of the heart. Nor "why" they assembled themselves together for a purpose in their meetings. Jacob's other progeny would not unite with them in their wicked thoughts because of the Israelite name of honour. Which should be spoken amongst men with dignity and respect, they would place the Israelite name in jeopardy.

In the furious anger of Simeon and Levi, which allowed their own "self-will" to be justified, they broke down the God given division (wall) of the Israelites from other nations around them and made their name stink instead. Because of these fierce actions Jacob built an altar of repentance, seen in Genesis 35.

When Jacob/Israel cursed Simeon and Levi's anger it was meant to utter and pass a wish upon them into the future, when mischief would dog their footsteps in history.

The prophetic words towards the "last days", was confirmed, separating the 2 brothers in 2 different ways, within the 2 different nations of the "House of Judah" (Jacob) and the "House of Israel" (in the Gentile). Levi within the "House of Judah" (Jew) were to be "divided" or parted within themselves into having separate opinions, causing those divisions. In Levi's "last days" history we read of his cruelty within the mixed Jewish priesthood, when in his anger he cried out for the blood of Jesus of Nazareth. His "self will" of so-called righteousness helped nail the Messiah to the cross. Levi's "self-will" in this matter refused to hear the words of the Law of God concerning prophecies pointing to Jesus.

Levi's last words before the people fell later under the Romans was, "His blood be on us, and on our children". (Matthew 27:25) So prophecy gave them their angry wish in their following bitter secular history. Jacob their father passed the prophecy of that "curse" onward into history, because in their "self-will" they would not listen to reason, and because of it the "House of Judah" (Jew) has been blinded by their priesthood. The "wall" of hope, Jesus, was pulled down.

Simeon's blessing from his father Israel, was to "scatter his anger" within the "House of Israel", who were scattered in the Gentiles. Which means, to spread that anger thinly amongst the people of this tribe, so it would not unite brother to brother in love and fury. This disuniting and fury amongst Simeon's sons' secular history will testify to in the story of the "House of Anjou".

The Plantagenet/Simeon's blessing was a call to its sons for "vengeance" in the Crusades, under the banner of that same man Jesus of Nazareth who Levi helped crucify. During the Crusades Simeon's anger and blood lust for vengeance was upon those, he called the Infidel within the Holy Land and Jerusalem. He sought mischief, weaving a web of friendship at first towards Saladin and the Saracens, yet planning to murder as many as he could at the same time with Jew and Gentile butchered also. The same sort of "instruments of cruelty" which were seen in the story of Hamor and Shechem in Genesis 34.

The "House of Anjou" -or- Plantagenet, was a series of dynasties from France, who represents Simeon of Israel's blood line, who eventually took England's throne. Henry Count of Anjou was also king Henry II of England (1154 AD) and was the first of their Plantagenet line of English kings, and that direct line of descent on England's throne remained until the death of King Richard II 1399 AD.
It was also to be through the bloodline of the women -for Israel's crown in the Isles -
who were to play the greatest roles throughout the centuries. Bringing into the men's bloodline the straying sons of Israel. So that the watertight lineages of "places" in secular history was done according to Biblical history. The lineages of the women are paramount in Israel past, present, and future. Which we read of in Sarah, Rebekah, Leah, Rachel, Ruth, etc; Remembering also the strong genealogy of Mary, the mother of Jesus, from the lineage of Judah, which Jewish law required for the mother's lineage, seen in Luke 3.

However, one must always remember God shows us 2 lineages going at the same time. The men pick up the secular lineage and blessings from Jacob/Israel and the women supply the secret spiritual lineage to fulfil another road of Biblical prophecy.

Henry II Count of Anjou, of the tribe of Simeon the Israelite, took up his crown of England through his mother Matilda, daughter of King Henry I of England, and Geoffrey Count of Anjou.

Henry II Plantagenet married in 1152 AD Eleanor of Aquitaine, divorced wife of King Louis VII of France. They had 4 sons and 4 daughters, of whom King Richard I and King John were remembered by people most of all.

It is said that Henry II brought England out of chaos and gave it order and propriety in an age of warfare and semi-barbarism. Henry's faults have been argued over by many scholars, and his terrible temper taken note of also. His frenzied unpacking of possessions at night and re-packing in the morning. Then always running hither and thither through his Empire from Scotland to Aquitaine France.

Some historians say of him he was the greatest of his time and a pillar of "justice". Other scholars say that Henry's "justice" many times was meted out through a bad conscience from his very full life, and his motives questioned. But his fierce anger is a "milestone" in his life.

Henry II relegated his friend Thomas Becket to be Archbishop of Canterbury. Through persecution by Henry, Thomas fled to France then, after reconciliation between them, Becket returned to England. In an outburst of violent temper Henry turned on Becket once more, -and it is said,- had him murdered. Henry repented, wept for him, and asked God to forgive him doing penance for his sins. Not that Becket was a holy man, he was just another pawn in the Roman Popes power plan to keep a strangle hold of "iron" on England.- The "toes" of Israelite clay. Henry died worn out from his immense exertions in England, coupled with the treachery of his wife Eleanor and his favourite son John. Eleanor was hostile to Henry's faithlessness. Henry was to die humiliated and friendless in 1199 AD. His sons were to come to the throne bringing with them the "curse" of "instruments of cruelty" violence and intrigue.

Richard I
History records that the English throne now passed on from father to son - Or this close bloodline so seldom resembled each other in their abilities, being unable to maintain a continuous policy. In this problem lies the difference in the English throne than elsewhere. For example, it was these changing upheavals, which accounts for the fact that England's fortunes rose and fell like a seesaw. While in France for 500 years until 1870, changing kings had only minor setbacks and the throne steadily rose.
Those who are students of the Bible should realise that, this seesawing difference of the English throne, accounted for each son of the "House of Israel" inheriting that throne, and bringing with him his individual characteristics. Always fulfilling their separate ancient father's "blessings" from Jacob/Israel, in their lineages.

The Plantagenets of the "House of Anjou", were fulfilling that same character and were cursed with intrigue and violence turning brother against brother, son against father, uncle against nephew, cousin against cousin.

Henry II's son, Richard I, known as the "Lion heart", also known as the man, called "Yea and Nay", meaning he blew hot and cold in his temperament. History says of him, he was of great stature, with a chin held high, his hair true Plantagenet hue of midway between red and yellow. His legs were long, with a long reach of arm, and had great athletic prowess, with great beauty. A man whose handsome figure helped him to inspire respect and admiration from others.

Richard's life as king of England has been distorted by many making him out to be a hero, though he was far from it. Daniel 11:28 Tells us about some of Richard's excesses.

Richard I was born at Oxford, England 1157 AD and died aged 41 years. He was crowned king at Westminster September 1189 (1199 AD) From the "House of Anjou" sprang the kings of Jerusalem.

It is said in 1187 Richard devoted his life to the "cross" and freeing Jerusalem from Saladin and the Islamic world. Thus, making Palestine and Crusades his cause. Richard had noble qualities and other characteristics far less lovable. His constancy to his "word" led him into excesses of cruelty, for example. After Richard's victory in the Duchy of Aquitaine, France, he had some of the invaders of that Duchy drowned, or slain by the sword, and others blinded by way of example.

At Acre in Palestine which Richard captured in 1191, he had 2,700 prisoners of war executed, because the payment of their ransom was delayed. Richard I had the same righteous "indignation" and "cruelty" as his lineage shows. He was possessed with personal loyalty to his Saviour, his Feudal sovereign of a Higher Realm, he would win back his Kings birthplace and sepulchre or die in the attempt.

This too was his father Henry II wish, because his "will" made bequests to religious orders and causes, 3 sums of 5,000 silver marks each to the Templars, Hospitallers, and the defence of the Holy Land. Other sums were left to religious orders for the care of lepers, hermits, and good people in Palestine, England, Normandy, and Anjou.

The irony of their thinking of loyalty to our Lord and Palestine, was their mistreatment of the Jews of the "House of Judah" out of whom our Lord came.

The Jews, who came into the Isles during William the Conquerors time were only allowed to deal in usury. During Medieval England of the 12th and 13th centuries the Jews were not allowed to own land, nor work at any other trade.

During Richard Lionheart's time etc., they were killed on any pretext or provocation. The stories put about of child Christian killings by Jews was rife at that time and was an absolute prefabrication to obtain Jewish possessions. Which left them destitute, and they were murdered throughout England.

They were also deported to Europe for the next 400 years. One ship which held many hundreds of Jews abandoned the people on a sandbar, and left them to drown when the tide came in.

These years were a disgusting episode in British history, which helped to fulfil the prophecy of antisemitism, written so long ago by Isaiah 11/13. When the Anglo/Saxon Christian Ephraim in England would envy Judah. Or begrudge another's fortune with malice of Jewish hard work and possessions. So, Judah of the Jew "vexed" Ephraim, which so annoyed the peoples of the era in history.

The heraldry of the "young lions" within Britain was seen to be amalgamating also. King Richard's seal of heraldry was 3 lions - which was first to appear for England, against King Williams I- 2 lions. (Jacob/Israel's lions. Ezekiel 19).

King John
Most people have heard of King John through stories true and untrue. King of England, 1199-1216 AD youngest son of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine, born in Oxford England. He took the throne when Richard I was held prisoner in Austria, then after Richard's release and death seized the throne from Arthur, the rightful heir to the throne. John fighting Arthur with King Phillip of France, who supported him. Arthur was captured and murdered in Rouen.

John's character has gone down in history as one of vice and mischief, he has been called a monster of wickedness, a murderer, a lecher, irreligious, inefficient, inglorious, and a "puller-out of Jewish teeth with delight". Of course he had his good points too, he was loved by his mother and father, and his brother Richard. So, there must have been a reason for their agreement.

King John lost England's claims in France, that of Normandy, Anjou, Touraine, and Maine.

He was known most of all for all the signing of Magna Carta -or Great Charter, which gave constitutional liberties to the English barons, (1215 AD) which was forced on John through resentment and personal grievances.

John was excommunicated by Pope Innocent III, because he was savagely anticlerical, and did not like obedience to the will of Rome. John wanted to elect his own Archbishop of Canterbury, but Pope Innocent III rigged an election for Stephen Langton, which went beyond the Popes rights. So, in this John's indignation was justified, (and of course the "clay" was beginning to break away and separate from the "iron" of Rome, which a cross-reference in prophecy predicts. Revelation 17:16-18, Daniel 2:43).

In 1208 AD Pope Innocent laid England under the ban of an Interdict, which placed the English people beyond, the pale of the Church and its beneficent offices. John retaliated by confiscating the clergy's property. After much plot and counter plot against the Pope, then making friends once more, King John, died in the year 1216 AD and his young son Henry III taking the throne.

Henry III
Henry was a boy of 9 years old in 1216 and did not come of age for the throne until 1227 AD the throne previously being ruled by regents.

It is said, he was single hearted and narrow in outlook. He ruled for 40 years and during that time married Eleanor of Provence, France, and they had 2 sons. Edward and Edmond, and 3 daughters.
Henry III and the barons were forever at loggerheads, with the hot temper of his ancestors uppermost.

Henry allied himself with the Pope of Rome exacting money from the English clergy, which they both shared. Henry squandered money with continental wars, and his foreign favourites in government. Which in turn he borrowed more money from the clergy, the towns, and Jewish merchants. Eventually a united opposition against his misrule, his extortions of money, the undue influence of the Papacy over the kingdom, and his numerous grants to his favourites, made him generally unpopular. A committee of barons, led by Henry's brother-in-law named Simon de Monfort rose up against the king, and eventually war broke out. Thus, taking the king prisoner and making him submit to a virtual dictatorship by the Earl of Leicester.

Henry's son Edward however defeated the barons in compromise, and from then on Edward was actually King Henry III died peacefully at Westminster in 1272 AD.

Edward I
Son of Henry III nicknamed "Long Shanks", was born 1239 AD at Westminster, and was named after Edward the Confessor. In 1254 he married Eleanor of Castile. Edward had struggled with the barons when his father was alive, and his temperament blew hot and cold in these problems. But, so thoroughly had affairs been settled with the barons during that period, Edward went on the 7th crusade to the Holy Land, returning to England 2 years after his father's death.

His first years of reign were one of consolidation of his power, and the suppression of corruption in government and justice. He restricted the overlordship of the Roman Papacy (iron) over England.
Edward I, believed that the future strength of the states of the British "Isles" lay in its unity. So, he sought to bring this about by bringing Welsh and Scottish princes to him as their overlord. He fought the Welsh to annex the Principality to the English crown.

In 1290 Edward expelled all the Jews from England.

The language of English was now being used once more as the national language, which, from William the Conquerors time had also been French and Latin.

During Edward's reign the "House of Anjou's" intrigue continued, nobles sons murdered the king's cousins etc. It is said however of all the Plantagenets Edward was the best, though his reign was full of wars and rebellions he did not occupy himself altogether with vengeance and unnecessary executions. Yet, some historians call his reign "a might have been".

Nevertheless like all the Plantagenets, Edward possessed the terrible temper that Simeon of the House of Israel had passed on to them, through Jacob's words from Genesis 49.

Like his Uncle Richard, many stories have been told that Edward's opponents sometimes died of fright fearing that temper.

There are facts in Edward's reign of the harsh treatment meted out to the Jews, of teeth pulling, and so-called Christian child ritual killings perpetrated by the Jews, who were found guilty and killed. Again, in order to extract money from them. Culminating in Edward removing the whole Jewish community and expelling them from England.

In 1293 war broke out between England and France over Gascony.

Scotland had problems with England over the claimants to its throne, who had invaded and conquered Scotland declaring Edward as King. Nevertheless, the Scots had crowned Robert Bruce King of Scotland.

Edward had been married again to Margaret, sister of the French king Philip III in 1299.

After many attempts and uprisings by the Scots, Edward I, died en route to Scotland on his third attempt to subdue them in 1307 AD.

Edward II
(1307-1327) King of England, born at Caernarfon in Wales, the 4th son of Edward I and his first wife Eleanor of Castile. The deaths of his elder brothers made the infant prince heir to the throne. He was proclaimed Prince of Wales in 1301 and the first heir apparent in English history to bear that title.
Edward II was a true Plantagenet possessing a splendid physique and constitution, though a very lonely man. It is said, he was effeminate, weak, and incapable of ruling. He married Isabella, daughter of Philip IV, who was nicknamed the "She-wolf of France".

He was badly influenced by his close friend Piers Gaveston, which incurred the wrath of the barons, who eventually had Gaveston kidnapped and executed (1312). There are so many battles, intrigues, and murders that went on all one can do is summarise events and say of Edward II is that he lived in a fearful age of extreme cruelty and uncertainty. Some scholars say of him that he was really a good and clever king, who possessed great courage. But these dreadful court intrigues were finally his destruction. His wife Isabella raised an army in France, its leader Roger de Mortimer, -who invaded England. Her army executed the opposing barons, and she had Edward II imprisoned where he was held for several months in a clammy dungeon, and after monstrous tortures were carried out on him, died at the age of 43 years.

They say during these terrible months he showed great personal courage and believed that God was in complete control of his life. His young son, who accompanied his mother Isabella, took the throne as Edward III.

Edward III
(Born 1312) Edward III, born at Windsor, the eldest son of Edward II, was proclaimed King in 1327 AD. He was only 14 years old when he came to the throne, and during his minority England was ruled by a council. Though, the real power was with the king's mother, Isabella of France, and her paramour Roger de Mortimer. In 1330 however the young king had Mortimer hanged, and his mother confined to her home.

Edward launched himself into a series of wars with France and Scotland, which came and went over the years. In 1346 Edward won a great victory over France in the famous battle of Crecy.

Edward objected much to the feudal supremacy of the Roman Papacy over England, which he refused to acknowledge. The Black Death in England in 1349 put an end to the wars with France and Scotland for a time.

Edward III had married Philippa of Hainault at York in 1328, with whom he had children. In his old age however, and being senile, he had an avarice mistress called Alice Perrers, who with the help of John of Gaunt, Edward's 4th son, dominated England. Edward's latter years were one of decadence, causing problems for his grandson and successor Richard II. Alice Perrers was banished by Parliament when the king became more senile, and died after a long reign in 1377 AD.

In summoning up Edward III's very full reign, history records his Plantagenet anger, which was terrible and swift, and is a fact vouched for by an abundant of witnesses of historical recordings, with Edward being no exception to that lineage. The Plantagenets were known for their handsomeness, great courage, and charm of manner, but when roused,- like their red hair, their anger was a ruthless fire.
The proud boast of Edward III to the antagonism of France was, "our Progenitors, kings of England were lords of the English Sea on every side." This saying is the historical origin of "Britannia ruling the Waves". With the ships of all nations saluting the flag of St. George of England.

Richard II
Richard, born in Bordeaux, France, he became king of England from 1377 AD after many mishaps in his family. His father was Edward the Black Prince, his mother Joan of Kent. Richard became king due to, first the death of his father, his elder brother, and his grandfather, Edward III.

Richard became ruler of England devastated by the plague, and a people oppressed by heavy taxes, due to a war with France.

In 1383 he married Anne of Bohemia, his wife died, and 2 years after her death he married Isabella daughter of Charles VI of France in 1394.

Like his ancestors before him, his reign was one of rebellions of nobles, wars, with France, Scotland, etc.

During Richard's reign one can, be ever astonished at the cruelty, ill faith, irrational treachery of peoples, and the murders of the great nobles of England, the cousins, and close relatives of the king. The constant plotting and double-dealing of men against the king was a continuing story.
Richard himself was always subject to violent outbursts of temper, being completely governed by his emotions, which unbalanced him in the end. It seems by order of the peers of the realm Richard, was secretly confined in various castles until his death, or he was probably murdered, at 33 years old, in 1400 AD.

The plotting of Richard's cousins, and the Archbishop of Canterbury, with papal representatives, caused oppression upon the people.

Richard II has gone down in history as a tyrant, a weakling and guilty of many crimes, yet it seems hard done by through others.

Discontent of the established Roman (iron) Church during this period left a legacy of disgust within the people, which would eventually burst forth 200 years later into the Protestant Reformation.

"Simeon, of the "House of Israel's" lineage upon the throne of England, had been true sons of their ancient father for cruelty and infamy. Only their great beauty gave them a place in the hearts of Jacob/Israel's other children. Simeon's line was to give way to the next Israelite tribe that of Zebulun of the House of Lancaster.

The 2 brothers Simeon and Levi both played out their roles in history identical to their blessing forged so long ago.

Click to Enlarge

(3rd Son) Levi - House of Judah (Jew)
We have read of Levi's cruel brother Simeon's role in secular history, and prophetic blessing. What of the role of Levi in history also? Noting that they both have the same "blessing" given by Jacob/Israel in Genesis 49.

The tribe of Levi became the Levitical priesthood for the "House of Judah" (or Jacob), which Scripture tells us. Out of the Levites came the great man Moses, and his brother Aaron, both of the lineage and family of Kohath, son of Levi. (Exodus 6:16-26).

With these 2 avenues of Moses and Aaron, in favour with God, it seems Levi's progeny were chosen for better things, and not as Jacob's "curse" in his blessing towards Levi foretells.

The Levites from Aaron were chosen as priests between the children of Israel and God, especially when they remained faithful to God's service and honour. Even after the children of Israel made a golden calf to worship in the wilderness. (Exodus 32:25-29).

Jacob's "deathbed" blessing however, was for the "last days", and not during their earlier history. In their early history their sins of idolatry, mischief, and murder were no better or worse than the other tribes. So we must ask ourselves, "if Simeon's curse of cruelty and temper", started during the times of medieval England of British history. -namely the 12th to the 14th centuries,- then when did we see Levi perform in like manner also in the "last days" of secular history?

Also remembering the Roman power of iron closed the land of Israel to the Jews in AD 70, which we read of in Daniel 11:15-16), and amongst those Jews were the sons of Levi.

The last part of Jacob's "blessing" from Genesis 49:7. Tells us the picture, "I WILL DIVIDE THEM IN JACOB, AND SCATTER THEM IN ISRAEL".

When we analyse these words correctly, we note, that because Jacob's "name" contained 2 parts to his person, namely Jacob/Israel, the 2 brother tribes of Simeon/Levi would also be divided and scattered. Scattered, in 2 ways, into the 2 nations called Jacob/Israel.

Because Levi remained with the "House of Judah" (Jacob) he was therefore "divided" from Simeon, the latter tribe we have seen belonged "scattered" under the "House of Israel".

The "House of Israel" became lost to the world, (but not to God). Both the Jew and Gentile alike have conjectured, as to "where" these people are today. The Jew or Gentile never being really sure, whether Simeon is with the people of the Jew returning to Israel today. Or whether Simeon's bloodline is in some African or Indian, or other nations, who claim to be one of the lost tribes of Israel.
Because there's a "division" in the man Jacob, and he became 2 bands or nations, so these 2 sons of Simeon and Levi would follow suit and "divide". Being kept apart, they would belong to 2 separate nations, which make up the "whole" 12 tribes nation of Israel.

Simeon became a Gentile scattered in the world. Then going through Europe and taking his place in the "crown" of the British Isles, after coming out of France.

Levi however remained within the "House of Judah", or he was Jewish. He would be divided also in the Jew.

To be "scattered" is to be separated, and removed to a distance from each other, and that "separation" was in 2 nations towards those "last days" of which Jacob/Israel speaks.

I cannot emphasis this enough, so I make no excuses for repeating myself.

Because of the "dividing and separation", this is "why" bible students whether Jew or Gentile cannot say, all Israel's tribes are in the Jew in our twentieth century. Otherwise, that assumption negates Jacob/Israel's "blessing" spoken in Genesis.

In Joshua 21:3-4 we read how the Levites were given cities and suburbs out of the children of Israel's inheritance of the land, which then made Levi's brother Simeon to live together, under one nation.

In 2 Chronicles 11:13-14 we read how the Levites left these cities in suburbs, and their possessions, because of idolatry and rejection by Jeroboam King of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. The Levites came instead to Judah and Jerusalem, (Jew) whose king was Solomon's son Rehoboam.

During the times of David and Solomon, Zadok, a descendant of Eleazar, son of Aaron the Levite, became high priest, because of his faithfulness to the crown.

So, these ancient times of the sons of Levi were not the "last days" of the curse within the Jew when it was put into effect. Nor was the "last days" for the 2 kingdoms of Jacob/Israel reached, when they were swallowed up by the Assyrians and Chaldeans.

In Nehemiah Chapter 7 is the register of names of the priests, Levites, and priests without pedigree, returning to Jerusalem after their 70-year exile in Babylon. (Jeremiah 25:11). So the Levites were "divided" in the Jew as Jacob said.

The "last days" for Levi within the "House of Judah", was during the times of Jesus Christ the Messiah and Teacher to these Levites, when "He" walked the earth in the Holy Land in "His" flesh. He was only Jesus, son of Mary of the lineage of Judah:

It was "then", during the times of the Romans, with the Sanhedrin (council) of the priestly caste, and the high priest Caiaphas. Some of whose bloodline would have been of Levi. That we read of their righteous indignation, and "fierce cruelty", within that double dealing Levitical priesthood. If this "divided" council had understood the Law correctly, instead of lies and fables, they would have "known" who "He" was. By just studying the "blessings" left in the Law in the dying Jacob/Israel's "will and testament" to his sons, spoken in Genesis 49.

Caiaphas, the high priest of the Jews, at the time of Jesus' walk on earth, was named Joseph Caiaphas, who was appointed to the high priesthood, approx. AD-18. By the Roman procurator Valerius Gratus. His father-in-law, also high priest, was Annas, and he reigned during the time of John the Baptist. (John 18:12-14, Luke 3:1-2).

On the face of it, it seems, neither of these men could not have become high priests of the Jews at that time, unless the register of their births were written down taken into account and adhered to from the Levitical priesthood.

The same way we read of Mary's genealogy in Luke 3:23-38. Let us therefore analyse this situation.

Divided in Jacob - Scattered in Israel

Levi's sons had a 2-fold nature, which was one of duplicity and righteous indignation, as seen in Genesis 34:25-31. His 2-fold nature became apparent in his murderous savagery in, Genesis 49:5. and his righteous zeal for God manifested in Sinai. (Exodus 32:25-29) and of Phinehas grandson of Aaron. (Numbers 25).

Levi's other side of his nature became a blessing for him, by Moses, for his descendants (Deuteronomy 33:8-11).

Some scholars differ about Levi's role within Israel, as to whether "this" account or "that" account was written before or after the circumstances at Mount Sinai. This type of differing is not important to Levi's blessing/curse being carried out upon his descendants, because the "curse" is subject to the "last days" prophecy of Israel's history on earth. Which, for Levi is within the last 2,000 years from the time when Jesus walked amongst us.

We must always go to the "deep" that lies underneath the stories written, or the "other book" within that book called the Holy Bible. There is so "much" to learn in the "deep" and such little time to learn it. Because scholars are mucking around with other things in their quest for knowledge.

The "curse" of Levi was not "transmuted" into complete blessing, given in Moses prophecy in Deuteronomy 33:8-11, Stated, as some scholars say. Because, in these verses spoken by Moses, Levi was "divided" within 2 nations of Israel, which we read of in Deuteronomy 33:10.

"THEY (Levi) SHALL TEACH JACOB (Jew) THY JUDGEMENTS (discernment) AND ISRAEL (Gentile, through Jesus) THY LAW (the precepts by authority) THEY SHALL PUT INCENSE BEFORE THEE, AND WHOLE BURNT-SACRIFICE UPON THINE ALTAR". -(The priesthood at the time of Jesus the Christ, offered "Him" up before Israel as the incense and sacrifice of the "oblation" for the people. The Passover Lamb "was" accepted by God, through Levi's sons. Which we will read at the end of this subject later on).

Levi's children inherited their 2-fold nature, first played out with zeal for God; Thus, making them priests and a ruling monarchy amongst the tribes. Then, during their "last days" in reigning over the Jew, of Judah's house under the Romans the priesthood showed their "duplicity and cruelty", refusing to hear the Law.

One must not forget the great man Moses, who, eventually sealed Levi's role in Israel, through the power he had with God. Because of Moses and his "righteous indignation" to all things opposed to God, Moses, elevated Levi's tribe, which elevation continued through Aaron.

There is a contrast however between the priests of Levi's tribe and the ordinary Levites. The priests belong to Aaron's family, whereas the other Levites belong to the larger family of Levi. But both bear the same 2-fold nature, that is "why" they were even "divided" amongst themselves within the Jew.
In the book of Ezra we read that a special effort by the people were required to get the Levites to return to the Holy Land from Babylon. Because they were teachers and musicians able to help the people. (Ezra 8:15-20, 2:40, Ezra 3:10, Nehemiah 7:43).

After their return from exile in Babylon, the sons of Zadok ministered in the temple and they were true Levites. (Ezekiel 43:19, 44:10-16, 48:11).

Priests really should have succeeded each other by birth.

From Flavius Josephus book, "Wars of the Jews", he tells us that the people in a type of fear, during the times of the Romans, appointed with disgrace, and ruin, the high priesthood with vile persons, who were advanced to that office. Which others had to comply with and assist them in impious practises.

From "Antiquities of the Jews" Josephus continues his explaining of priests, and says, From Aaron to Phinehas -who was made "high priest" during the war by the seditious, was 83.

These priests held the office as a form of government and were counted as an aristocracy and a monarchy.


During the times of the Romans and Herod, who was made king of Judea by the Romans, sought to please the people by restoring the high priesthood to Hyrcanus, of the rightful lineage of this office. But, this lineage was soon besieged by circumstances around them -(which we will read of in prophecy in Daniel 11:10-14).

So, the "dividing" of Levi's priesthood within the "House of Judah" (Jew) went on and on after their return from Babylon, and the fall of Judea in AD 70 under the Romans, were Levi's "last days".

New Testament
There are but few references to the Levites in the New Testament. Luke 10:31-32 tells us in the parable of the good Samaritan, of the priest and Levite whose mercy was lacking.

John 1:19-24 tells us of the priests and Levites questioning John the Baptist, as to if he were Elijah?

Acts 4:36 tells us of Barnabas a Levite of the country of Cyprus. (Flavius Josephus the Jewish writer of history, was a priest and a Pharisee).

The New Testament talks about sects of Jews called Sadducees, and Pharisees, during the times of Jesus, especially. Who were the priests that Jesus and his followers admonished from time to time.
The Sadducees were a party of Jews which seemed to have come into power after their return from Babylon (536 BC) and on into the Christian era.

Some scholars say that the origin of the Sadducees may be traced to Zadok, as ministers of the new sanctuary, which is found in Ezekiel 40:46. The same Zadok, made priest, of 1 Kings 2:35.

Other scholars differ on this subject.

Josephus, in his writings refers to them as being aristocratic in their nature, not being able to have the people on their side.

They were priests during the times of the Maccabean revolt, from 168 BC onwards when the high priest and King became one and the same and were classed as the nobility. (In Daniel's prophecy. Dan 11:10)

During the Roman times of governing Judea, the Sadducees were the favoured sect amongst the Jews. When the chief priests are spoken of during these times, more often than not the Sadducees are referred to.

They joined the Pharisees and Scribes in the desire to destroy Jesus, and most certainly the "Chief priest" who presided over the Sanhedrin was a Sadducee. (Mark 11:18, Luke 19:47).

The very great man John the Baptist "knew" the "cruelty" within the minds of the Sadducees and Pharisees (Matthew 3:7-9).

Jesus warned his disciples to be aware of the "leaven" of the Pharisee and Sadducee.

The "leaven" being "that vehicle which excites for an effect". (Matthew 16:6-12).

The Sadducees had a violent attitude to those who opposed them or questioned their position as priests. The Pharisees also were not immune from violence towards something they did not understand, as in the case of the followers of Christ, called Christians. Which is seen enacted out by Paul (Saul) before his "calling" which we read of in Acts Chapters 7-9.

Paul was a Pharisee and a great persecutor and slaughterer of God's people, sanctioned by the priests, and high priest alike, of all persuasions.

One realises the turmoil in the then land of Israel of those times, under the Romans, when Jewish rebels were crushed. But, at the same time Jewish priests were mainly at fault, for pursuing a course to have Jesus and his disciples put to death. It was the Sadducees who joined the people to condemn Jesus with one voice, sitting in the Sanhedrin. Their attitude and voice excited others into cruelty of action.

The Sadducees were very active against crushing the young Christian movement putting Peter and John in prison, taking counsel to slay the apostles. (Acts 5:17-33).

Flavius Josephus tells us, they were responsible for the death of James' half-brother of Jesus.

Caiaphas was determined in his mind and actions to kill Jesus especially. The evil subtle expression Caiaphas used to answer those that listened to the argument, is in John 11:46-53.


And of course, the rest of Jesus' followers should die also.

Some scholars would venture to say Caiaphas expediency in this matter knowing the situation in Jerusalem at that time, outweighed the moral issues.

Further information at that time, which cuts across "that" train of thought however, is said in opposition by Pontius Pilate himself, when speaking to Jesus. He said, "thine own nation and Chief priests have delivered thee unto me; what has thou done?" (John 18:35).

Pontius Pilate wanted to release Jesus. (John 19:12) and found no fault in him. (John 18:38).

The Chief priests didn't want to do the dirty work themselves, so pushed it back onto the Romans, shouting "Crucify Him". (John 19:6).

This plot hatched by the remains of the dividing of the Levitical priesthood within Sadducee, Pharisee, Scribes, etc. was typical of the self-righteous cruelty that Jacob foresaw in them for the "last days" written in Genesis 49:5-7, which says:

Indeed, in their anger they again slew a man (Jesus) and in their self-will (of righteous indignation as priests) they dug down a wall (the "Wall" at that time, which stood between man and God, for man's protection was the Christ).

By the time of Roman power, the Levitical priests within the Jews had "divided" as Jacob foretold, into Sadducees, Pharisees, Essenes, Scribes, and many other divisions amongst themselves, each claiming to be the correct priesthood according to heritage, -or otherwise- which had been the customs.

With the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD by the Romans, the Sadducean priests disappeared into history.

The Pharisees were the most influential within the Jewish people, and were a strict sect. Though their origins are obscure, they are believed to have become strong after the Maccabean revolt in 168 BC. Their code was strict adherence to the Law, both oral and written, with the Jewish scribes closely associated with them.

The New Testament shows the importance of the Pharisees in the lives of Jesus and the apostles, and their strict teachings, and evil characters. Which John the Baptist sums up in Matthew 3:7-9.
Jesus tells us in Matthew 23:2 that the Scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses seat.

(Who was the deliverer of Israel from sin, who came out of Levi).
In the New Testament it is recorded a Pharisee became a member of the Christian movement, such as Paul. (Acts 23:6). Nicodemus (John 3:1) and Gamaliel in (Acts 5:34) are also both Pharisees. They helping the young Christian movement through curiosity and conviction at a given time.

The Pharisees like the Sadducees, fell under the Roman conquest. Though Paul, once a Pharisee, walked on into history with the Christian faith.

The Essenes, which we hear of today, have come to public attention because of the study undertaken by scholars of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which were found at Qumran, near the Dead Sea. The Essenes are not mentioned in the New Testament, though Josephus brings them to our attention in his book "Wars of the Jews" etc.

It is said the Essenes also perished in the Wars of the Romans or left the pages of history hidden in another form.

There were many religious groups within the Jewish community during the last century BC Christianity eventually becoming another.

The continual "dividing" of the Levites within Jewry went into secular history as that Jewish nation, (called from Jacob), divided into other nations problems, and wars. They, always questioning their priesthood's lineage.

So, Levi's "curse" from Jacob, ran its mischievous course in secular and Biblical histories, and like his brother Simeon in the Gentile, they both fulfilled their prophecies to the letter of the Law.

Levi was also "divided" in Jacob (Jew) in another way, not only did the tribe of Levi, as a whole, possess savage people and sometimes a savage priesthood, it also had a "pure" lineage.

The "dividing" of Levi's sons also kept a lineage of the priesthood alive and set apart in a righteous manner waiting for the Messiah to appear.

Despite all Levi's problems being embattled under the Babylonians and Romans etc, it possessed within itself a direct, good, priestly lineage from Aaron. Just waiting for a momentous occasion, and that occasion was John the Baptist!

Let us look at his pure lineage of Levi, and "why" it escaped the "curse" of Jacob.

John the Baptists parents were both of priestly descent from the Levitical priesthood.

Zachariah, his father, was a priest of the line of Abuja, a descendant of Aaron. King David had "divided" the priesthood into 24 groups. (1 Chronicles 24/10) and by descent Zachariah belonged to one of these groups.


The rest of Luke chapter 1 gives us the story of a very, very, special person called "John" who, being summoned into the world through the Holy Spirit. Spoken by the mouth of Gabriel, (God's special messenger) so that "John" may fulfil the necessity of the Law for both the lineage of Judah, under the covenant, and the Perfection necessary for God's purpose, named Jesus!

John's father Zachariah supplied the lineage of the "flesh" for Levi, and his mother Elizabeth supplied the spiritual lineage of "Second Choice" from the women, also from Levi. All things being done in descent pattern and order.

John took his place amongst the Jews, waiting patiently for the approach of a future King. John stood firmly on that "path of straightness" until the moment of Christ's baptism approached. Both he and Jesus went through the set ritual expected of them, of necessity to fulfil the step-by-step Laws, written during the times of Moses, and Aaron, sons of Levi.

The uncertain "divided" Levitical priesthood during the times of the Romans, was not cleansed, nor upright enough to baptise the Son of God. An untarnished priest had to be found for Jesus' baptism because no other priestly man was worthy of such a task. Even John, who knew to the full who Jesus was, and whose life had been "set apart" and ordained for this task, recoiled at his own audacity baptising his Lord. John had preached that he was not worthy to undo the latchet of His shoes. (Luke 3:16).

John, recoiling in the knowledge of who Jesus "really" was in His personage, had to endure and tolerate the task set before him, to fulfil all quality and integrity of the Law, spoken by the mouth of God. (Matthew 3:13-17).

John stood in the "Holy of Holies", a priest of cleanliness virtue, and choice, baptised and touched the "ark of the new covenant", (Jesus) wherein dwelt the glory and strength of God upon earth, at that time. So, John's prime task was finished, and his mortal life came to an end under the corrupt King Herod.

Later, the corrupt divided Levitical priesthood was to sacrifice Jesus, who was offered as an "atonement" for the people under the Law. So, those "paths" forged at the beginning were made to run "straight" in its fulfilment.

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