52. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 32.
Britain - Germany - The Covenant.
Times during the 19th & 20th centuries.
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Daniel 11:32. Leading up to World War I. During 19th & 20th centuries- Britain -Germany -The Covenant.


Daniel 11:33. World War I, 1914 -1918. -Mobilisation-




Daniel 11:34. World War I, 1914-1921. Armistice - League of Nations.




Daniel 11:35. End of World War I, -1914-1918. And looking towards World War 2, 1939-1945.



We must start with:- Daniel 11:32. Britain - Germany - The Covenant. Times during the 19th & 20th centuries.

Here we note with concentrated impact for the first time in British history, that four complete verses in Daniel's prophecies are given to just one battle. So great is the story behind this one battle, that the telling of it must take into the account the changing faces of so many peoples, and a way of life that marred its social structure. Daniel has broken this terrible picture down into sections, for us to understand what befell the "covenanted people", of the 12 tribes of Israel scattered throughout the world, and now in many nations. Yet! The pivotal point must remain with the unravelling of the history of the British Isles as always. Because therein lies the succession to the throne for the Princes of Israel, and the most important prince of all -Joseph,- who holds the reigns of the nation's strength always!

Here also we must remember the words -the great prophetic words- of our Lord Jesus, when He pointed the finger down through histories dark corridors to the latter days, and said; in Matthew 24:28."FOR WHERESOEVER THE CARCASE IS, THERE WILL THE EAGLES BE GATHERED TOGETHER".

Let us then begin with the translation of our Lords words first. Though we have already witnessed throughout history the Roman Eagles many disguises in Britain's affairs. Because we are now fast approaching the "end time" of years allotted to man and his bloody histories. -The final picture of the "Eagles" attacking Israel's Carcase, should be plain enough for the most sceptical or doubting biblical student to see and understand! Our Lord placed this verse 28 in Matthew Chapter 24, as a "Key" to open the lock of your understanding in the last days. So reader, take that "Key" and use it, and let it identify where the "whole House of Israel is", -within British stock. Those 10 tribes that have gone through centuries of upheaval in the British Isles.

We must remember also the Jew, of the "House of Judah" who are scattered within the nations of the earth, who we shall read of again soon in history, pictured in Daniel's prophecies. Let us unravel the words of Matthew 24 verse 28. -"FOR" (Is a word meaning; on account of, by reason of and through the space of, and through that reason) -"WHERESOEVER" (Or, in what place soever; or in any place indefinitely). -"THE CARCASE" (Or a carcase is a body in decay, or in a ruinous state, the main part of a thing unfinished, a framework or skeleton or corpse.)- "IS" (Means am, or to be) - "THERE" (Or in, or at that place object, matter, at that point, or after going to such a length. -This word is often used in the place of a subject; in this case the "subject" is the House of Israel in the Isles). -"WILL" (Is a fixed purpose of determination) -"THE EAGLES" (It is a common name of many large birds of prey with hooked beak, strong claws, and powers of flight and vision. It is also a military standard having the figure of an eagle), -"BE" (Is to exist in the world of fact whether physical or mental), -"GATHERED" (Is to bring together, to amass and collect, to assemble), -"TOGETHER" (Is also to gather into one place at the same time, in a body or company).

Our Lord in Matthew's verse is telling us that "on the account" of in the "due space of time", in any indefinite place. The ruinous main part of a body of people -called the House of Israel,- because that unfinished corpse consists of the main tribes, -The 12 tribes of one nation in all- are to be the "subject" of this prophetic verse. At "that place" in time, which is fixed in history, the vision has seen "military standards" of many "eagles" flapping around that "Carcase". This "vision" will happen because it "exists in the world of fact"! The warriors of men with their Eagle standards will collect together, into a place at the same time, for to tear Israel's Carcase to pieces! There is much written in our Heavenly Father's words in the Bible which could fill "in" for the sceptical mind, this picture of the Eagles surrounding "Israel's" Carcases, and why those carcasses have littered the highways and byways of history for centuries. The anger of the Lord God has been kindled against His people and have struck them down time and time again. Mainly because of their worship at pagan altars, which have made them sin. (Hosea 8:11). Which they have clung to and still cling to in the 20th century. The whole story of this putrid Carcase of the nation of Israel one can read in Ezekiel chapter 37, and the "vision of the valley of dry bones". Which chapter is so misunderstood by many teachers and students of the Law! I repeat, the "Carcase" or skeleton of Israel whom our Lord points to, is the same dry skeleton in the valley that Ezekiel was told to prophecy upon, so they might live again. Ezekiel's prophecy explains how, first of all God breathes His Spirit of life into those bones, so they put on sinews, flesh and skin. The "point"- of this exercise of putting on new life, is for this whole nation of Israel -both houses- to learn in the latter year's prophetic truth, and to understand all the mysteries of "why it should be so"! Ezekiel's command was to prophesy! And it is no different today in this 20th century.

Reader, please, please, listen hard to the words of prophecy that are blowing in the winds across the world, and come to terms with "who" you are! Come to terms with the Lord God of Israel! And "why" we are in the mess we are in this day!- When the "House of Israel" of the 10 lost tribes of that dry Carcase, stands up to be counted, it "is" as Ezekiel said, an exceeding great army from many nations around the world! If we read further into Ezekiel chapter 37 it explains the situation which way the skeleton -or- Carcase of the "House of Israel" is spoken of. Because people say, the 10 tribes of the House of Israel are swallowed up and are "lost to the world". Other people's say, we pray for the "hope of Israel", many times thinking Ezekiel means only of the Jew in the land of Israel today. Another person will say, "the 10 tribes are gone forever, because they are separated and divided one "part" from another!

It is the Lord God who has punished Israel for its sins, and its carcasses have gone down into their graves throughout the centuries. One can also be alive and yet be in a grave, because lack of understanding of prophecy makes one dead and buried from the great purpose God had in store for all Israel! That knowledge of prophecy comes only through the inner-person or the spirit within one. Whose spirit hears the Spirit of God, calling to them for these two spirits are really one Spirit!

If one reads the following verses in Ezekiel 37:15-22, these verses of the "memory sticks" tell one how to find these 2 separate "nations of Israel and Judah in these modern times. Verse 16 begins with the word "Moreover", (-Or further to the vision of the skeleton in the Valley of dry bones, which be in graves). Man must now jolt the "memory" to awake up out of a long sleep and see all the identifiable children of Israel are amongst other nations, now, today! One "memory" stick is for Judah -the Jew- and his companions, that of Levi and Benjamin who make up the House of Judah. The second "memory stick" is for Joseph, who heads the "House of Israel," and holds them together in the "strength" God blessed him with. The "stick" however is in the "hand" of Ephraim -Joseph's second son.- Who holds it for all the 10 tribes, making up the "House of Israel, namely, Reuben, Simeon, Zebulun, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Manasseh, and Ephraim It's in "Ephraim's hand and not Joseph's, because he's the last of the Israelite princes on the throne of the British Isles. When prophecy is fulfilled to the last jot and tittle of the Law, towards the 21st century.

Let us go back to the word "Eagles". A dictionary tells us that there have been noted at least eight distinct kinds of eagles in the land of Palestine alone, where Israel spent its youth, and that the Hebrew word for eagle, is used almost entirely in the Bible as a general term for any type of eagle. Whether for a tearer of live flesh, or an eater of Carrion, as the Vulture. So then, Matthew 24 verse 28 would imply different types of eagles around that carcase of the body of the House of Israel. The eagle standards of men are usually representative of fighting nations and is a symbol of "Warriors". Which this bird seemed to have fascinated them, by the number of times it has been used. The reason for Gods anger against the 2 nations of Israel, which brought about this carcase, is idolatry and the forsaking of God, The Holy One of Israel. We must set these things of lawlessness before the eyes this day, never to be forgotten, otherwise we will all perish forever! Let us read 2 verses from 2 prophets which gives us the "reason" why our Lord Jesus reminds us of these things written in Matthew. -Isaiah 5:25. "THEREFORE IS THE ANGER OF THE LORD KINDLED AGAINST HIS PEOPLE, AND HE HATH STRETCHED FORTH HIS HAND AGAINST THEM, AND HATH SMITTEN THEM: AND THE HILLS DID TREMBLE, AND THEIR CARCASES WERE TORN IN THE MIDST OF THE STREETS. FOR ALL THIS HIS ANGER IS NOT TURNED AWAY, BUT HIS HAND IS STRETCHED OUT STILL". With God's outstretched hand, anger has remained with the nation of Israel, and He has destroyed many people century after century. Yet! The hurt and the love in His heart for His people gave us Jesus to help us find our way back to "Him". Look at us all today in the "end time" of our days within history we still wallow in filth, and vanities of mind and purpose!

The prophet Ezekiel wrote mainly for, and against, the "House of Israel" in the Gentiles. (Though he himself was carried away captive during the deportation of the House of Judah to Babylon). Ezekiel's warnings of doom have gone unheeded. Ezekiel chapter 6, verse 5. "AND I WILL LAY THE DEAD CARCASES OF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL, BEFORE THEIR IDOLS; AND I WILL SCATTER YOUR BONES ROUND ABOUT YOUR ALTARS". Those strange altars in strange churches have, and are, our undoing! And those strange churches are multiplying to this day. Cropping up like mushrooms always persuading the gullible. The prophet Hosea in his captivity in Assyria, has lamented for the "House of Israel's" ignorance of themselves and God, during the centuries that are gone, and the few years we have left. Hosea 8:11. "BECAUSE EPHRAIM, (within the Isles) HATH MADE MANY ALTARS TO SIN, ALTERS SHALL BE UNTO HIM TO SIN".
Verse 14:- "FOR ISRAEL (The 10 tribes of the House of Israel in the Commonwealth nations etc) HATH FORGOTTEN HIS MAKER, AND BUILDETH TEMPLES:(In other words our holiness is worthless, our splendid churches are empty shells, God is not therein) AND JUDAH (The Jew in the land of Israel) HATH MULTIPLIED FENCED CITIES (Or their hope to hide behind its own fortifications, they too have forgotten their "real strength", and hope God!) BUT I WILL SEND A FIRE UPON HIS CITIES, (Or the Jew in his cities God will destroy), AND IT SHALL DEVOUR THE PALACES THEREOF". (Or that same fire that will be on Judah will burn the temples or synagogues and splendid places of residences of both nations. The seed of Ephraim and all Israel will suffer also. If reader you do not believe these things from the Old Testament, and you say, "you are a Christian and have no need of the Old Testament" then, believe the words of the Lord Jesus. Because "He" set in motion the words of "comfort" to guide us into "all" truth!

Let us now go to the Daniel 11:32, and find out where these marauding Eagles fit in here? "AND SUCH AS DO WICKEDLY AGAINST THE COVENANT SHALL HE CORRUPT BY FLATTERIES: BUT THE PEOPLE THAT DO KNOW THEIR GOD SHALL BE STRONG, AND DO EXPLOITS". Once more we must unravel the first line.


The word "AND" now connects us to the era in history around verse 31 and introduces another clause. - "SUCH" means of that or the like kind or degree, similar, or as the same as mentioned. -"AS" is a word expressing equality, or similarity of character and likeness. - "DO" is to perform and execute, to bring about, to pay in honour and reverence, it is a command. -"WICKEDLY", is evil in principle and practise, it is deviating from the divine or moral law, it is disposed to mischief. -"AGAINST", is in opposition to, bearing upon, in expectation of and contrary to. - "THE COVENANT". Or those peoples who are the same family of nations called Israelites, who are governed by these laws. -"SHALL" this word forms part of a future tense, it implies control and authority by the speaker of this prophecy Daniel. -"HE", this male will be shown to be William of Germany, or in full Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albert Emperor of Germany, and King of Prussia. -"CORRUPT" is to break in pieces, seduce or destroy to defile and pollute, to infect with errors or mistakes. -"BY" denotes the cause, or manner, or means. -"FLATTERIES". These are a number of false praises, adulation to entertain views, or impressions pleasing only to ones-self.

Daniel 11:32 is a scenario of the nineteenth century, going into the twentieth century. It gives us a short dramatic picture leading us into the reasons for the dreadful verses to follow, bringing about a terrible event within those verses. We have been dealing with the European continent of nation turmoil since verse 30 of Daniel chapter 11. Now verse 32 is another facet of all that turmoil and rattling of sabres.

So, the word "AND" in verse 32 introduces that facet -or another clause- in the same autocratic manner that Turkey dealt with Greece, or Pope Pious IX set himself up as God ruling on earth.

We now have another autocratic ruler in like degree as those of other verses, coming forward on to the world stage. This "HE" is similar in character and likeness, his conceit in his own position knows no bounds. "He" will perform and execute whether in honour, or reverence to his own command. The "HE" has a vacillating nature because he is also capable of deviating from divine or moral laws, disposed to mischief as the moods move him. This "HE" though is under the COVENANTED people's laws and are subject to them. "HE" will oppose those peoples under the COVENANT and be contrary to the expectations of him. Because, towards the future in his life, "HE SHALL" do something in principle and practice, that will break forth in history into a terrible mistake, that will destroy and defile those peoples under that COVENANT. Meanwhile, his nature will be to affect these COVENANT peoples with errors and mistakes of judgement of him. Because of the number of false praises and impressions "he" is capable of entertaining others with, for his own self-gratification!

Let us peep into this nineteenth century society quickly, so we can see we speak of the Victorian era, and one type of its peoples in the British Isles. Who, also spawned the "HE" of Daniel 11:32.

The first few words of verse 32 also set the scene for us, of those autocratic peoples within the British Isles itself. These types of people assumed they were invested with unlimited authority and power over other persons. They were of high, some of good birth, wealthy, some ranking below the nobility as such. The nobility ranked collectively above all peoples or commoners, of this time and are called the peerage. Some were of ancient and lofty lineage, belonging to the stately magnificence, pomp, and grandeur of those times. In other words, Daniel tells us that the "HE" of verse 32 helped to CORRUPT with FLATTERIES the nobility in the British Isles. Whose very natures were to practice and deviate from divine and moral laws, almost as much as the "HE" of whom we speak. So, this "HE" was not alone in that likeness of Character. There were many of the British nobility expressing equality and lack of principle and practice also through these FLATTERIES. Their haughty vanities of irreverence towards all things of God, and towards the uneducated innocent lower man. The FLATTERIES put them outside the laws of the "COVENANT", because "to love thy neighbour as thyself" never seemed to have entered into their pompous minds! The era of Queen Victoria was from AD 1837 - 1901 daughter of the German Princess Victoria Mary Louisa of Saxe Coburg, and the Duke of Kent. The fourth son of George III of the German Hanoverian lineage. He was first to be born in England, and first to look upon the English throne as his major concern, unlike his predecessors whose allegiance was to Hanover. Queen Victoria married her first cousin Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha in 1840, of Germanic lineage.

This German lineage of Hanover from George I to Victoria was counted Biblically in Genesis 49 and Deuteronomy 33, as the princes of the tribe of Asher. Now that the first cousins of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha were united, their progeny would then become princes from the tribe of Naphtali (or Saxony).

The very Saxons that first poured into the Isles with the Angles, and Franks, centuries before, now supplied their princes for "identification" within Biblical prophecies.

Queen Victoria's daughter The Princess Royal, Princess Victoria of England in 1858 married another German, namely the Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia, heir to that throne. From this Germanic close lineage came the prince to fulfil Daniel's history to be namely, Emperor Wilhelm II of a United Germany, or "The German Kaiser". This Germanic Royal prince whose mother and grandmother were born in the British Isles, would be the "instrument" of wickedness CORRUPTION and FLATTERIES. Deviating from any moral obligation he felt for the English through his bloodline. This whole sentence of Daniel's verse 32- "AND SUCH AS DO WICKEDLY AGAINST THE COVENANT SHALL HE CORRUPT BY FLATTERIES"- is a description of the shallowness of this king's character, and of certain people "HE" dealt with in the Isles. Within this time zone of the nineteenth century. The ruling classes of the tribes of Israel, - who were in many nations- during the Victorian era in Verse 32, whether they were Kings, Queens, nobles, prime ministers, etc: were more carried away with their own vanities of mind and body. They paid exact attention to their ways of life and regimes of the courts of men, than to pondering "why" their very great existence and standing in history had come about, and "why" God had blessed them so? They took the expedient ways of doing things amongst men, rather than whether they cut across the laws or COVENANT of God. The wicked debauchery and overwhelming arrogance of much of the ruling classes of the "upper crust", Britain history itself can testify to. The European continent also, was full of strutting peacocks of men dressed in splendid uniforms, with plumed helmets and flashing swords. With waxed moustaches and cockiness of air to match their attire. The President of the United States Thomas Jefferson once wrote of the rule of nobility and said: "TAKE A RACE OF ANIMALS, CONFINE THEM IN IDLENESS AND INACTION, WHETHER IN A STY, A STABLE, OR A STATEROOM, PAMPER THEM WITH HIGH DIET, GRATIFY ALL THEIR SEXUAL APPETITES, IMMERSE THEM IN SENSUALITIES, NOURISH THEIR PASSIONS, LET EVERYTHING BEND BEFORE THEM, AND BANISH WHATEVER MIGHT LEAD THEM TO THINK, AND IN A FEW YEARS THEY BECOME ALL BODY AND NO MIND-SUCH IS THE REGIMEN OF KINGS".

This Victorian era, and on into the twentieth century of which we read in verse 32; Saw the full measure of Thomas Jefferson's words. Because there were so many kings, princes, and nobles strutting around the world playing at being soldiers, or statesmen, and jockeying for their place in history.

It was the new middle class in the Victorian era that spawned the truly great men and women, and the lower classes saw the simplicity in seeking God. In their troubles, they hid the contrite heart and poured out the greater measure of the "called" children of the "COVENANT"!

Again, Daniel brings forward the "COVENANT" as he did in verses 28 and 30, time and time again emphatically producing throughout history the "covenanted people" for our understanding. So that we may get "that" message loud and clear, that the "COVENANT" is very much alive in our day! Though "all" the 12 tribes of the children of Israel are under the COVENANT, most were, and are, oblivious to God's great plan. Nevertheless, within these peoples the 2 chosen remnants -Zion and Jerusalem,- whom God has sealed for Himself that all history matters. Because these historical verses of Daniel's, are the high heaps of marker stones showing the paths they took!

Let us have a look at the words "CORRUPT BY FLATTERIES"- which the "HE" Wilhelm II of Prussia, fulfilled so well. History tells us that Queen Victoria was called the "grandmother of Europe", and her favourite grandson was of her daughter Princess Victoria, who had married Prince Frederick William of Prussia. From the moment the new Princeling William II was born the "FLATTERIES" began in the courts of Britain. A new verse for the British National Anthem was written to celebrate this dynastic birth. "HAIL THE AUSPICIOUS MORN,"-TO PRUSSIA'S THRONE IS BORN -A ROYAL HEIR! -MAY HE DEFEND ITS LAWS-JOINED TO OLD ENGLAND'S CAUSE,-THIS WINS ALL MEN'S APPLAUSE! -GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!"- Here however, in Daniel 11:32 we have this Prince as a "wicked prince" and not joined to old England's cause at all! This prince grew up to be The Kaiser of Germany who went to war against "old England" in 1914-18 First World War, also called The Great War.

Your question reader maybe, why should Daniel call this king more wicked than any other king going to war with COVENANTED people? Well! It is as I have mentioned before, this prince was a "grandson" of these Israelite COVENANTED people within Britain. In the Commonwealth, the United Stated of America, and those still residing in many nations of Europe. "He" was of their bloodline, their close kinsmen. Yet! "HE" chose to cause slaughter upon the tribes within these many nations.

Let us look at this reason more fully in secular history.

Since Stuart days the princes gleaned from Europe were of Germanic stock the Hanovers, Saxons, Coburg, and Gotha, they were of Orange, Hesse, and Battenberg, etc. These princes now mingled with the early Anglo-Saxon heritage of these nations. The nation of England itself Biblical history calls Ephraim the great nation of the United States of America is headed by Manasseh. (Whose children were the Pilgrim Fathers from out of Europe).

The Germanic stock out of Europe of upper and lower classes meant many were cousins one to the other. The very closeness of this Germanic relationship can be seen to the full with Queen Victoria and her grandchild Kaiser Wilhelm. History tells us that Victoria felt especially close to the German royals because of her own German descent, warming very much to Wilhelm whom she called, "my dear boy".

Very great celebrations were held for the grandmother Queen Victoria during her fiftieth and sixtieth Jubilees. Which was attended by the crowned heads of Europe. So many "FLATTERIES" were poured out upon Victoria and the courts of Britain, at these times, which included the "EAGLES" of the Hapsburg's of Austria-Hungary, and Hohenzollern's of Prussia-Germany. The peerage of Britain itself were boundless in their "FLATTERIES" of each other. The Hohenzollern Wilhelm II "FLATTERIES" continued in the "Isles", when in 1910. Victoria was upon her deathbed, and "HE" held her upon his arm when she died. Again, we read and see from old pictures, so many crowned heads of Europe and the peerage paying their "FLATTERIES" and homage at her funeral, all marching with great splendour and pageantry for this great Empress of pride and national power.

During Edward VII's reign (son of Queen Victoria) the "FLATTERIES" surrounding the British crown continued, when he was called the" Uncle of Europe". Not only was he uncle to the German Kaiser Wilhelm II, but uncle to the Empress of Russia, the Queen of Spain; of the Crown Princess of Romania; A niece was later to become Queen of Sweden; his daughter the Queen of Norway. The Kings of Denmark, and Greece, were both his brothers-in-law. The kings of Bulgaria and Portugal were his cousins, he was uncle to the Grand Duke of Hesse. Edward VII went to his tomb still a symbol of flamboyance and dignity of kingship. The funeral cortege was followed with "impressions of adulation and false praise" (FLATTERIES) by an escort of the crowned heads of Europe including the German Kaiser.

From the above paragraph and list of princes we can see Israel scattered throughout Europe also!

It was then the turn of King George V to wallow in "FLATTERIES" by those within the "Isles", and those crowned heads of Europe, especially by his cousin Kaiser Wilhelm II, who was to be seen with George V on many a family occasion. King George stood as godfather at the Christening of the grandchild of Wilhelm, whose daughter was Princess Victoria Louise of Prussia. The baby was born in 1913 just a year before Wilhelm unleashed the "dogs of war" upon his cousin George. Both Wilhelm and George rode together on horseback in full prideful regalia taking the military salute at a parade at Potsdam in 1913.

But it was King Edward VII who summed up the "HE" of Daniel 11:32; This Prussian weak king who helped to "CORRUPT with FLATTERIES" the British throne and court circles. Of this "HE" Edward said: "MY NEPHEW WILL RELEASE THE FORCES OF WAR NOT AS A RESULT OF HIS OWN INITIATIVE, BUT OUT OF WEAKNESS".

Let us proceed to unravel the second half of Daniel 11:32. "BUT THE PEOPLE THAT DO KNOW THEIR GOD SHALL BE STRONG AND DO EXPLOITS".

This latter half of verse 32 gives us another type of people that Britain also held, at those momentous times from the reign of Queen Victoria to King George V. In other words, Daniel gives us in the first part of his verse the "upper crust" of the ruling classes. The second half of that same verse gives us the new middle, and lower classes within the British Isles. All of these people no matter what walk of life they were from, will be affected and CORRUPTED by this "HE" of verse 32, during secular history. Nevertheless, the whole of these peoples belonging to this Germanic and ancient British stock, are Knit together with their brothers and sisters from out of this Israelite nation. Because of the words "SHALL BE STRONG", they, coming under the banner of Joseph's prophecy from Genesis 49.

Let us now unravel the latter words of verse 32. "But" is a word meaning except and besides, nevertheless, yet still, save or accepting that. -"THE PEOPLE", or the body of persons who compose a community, race or nation, folks or persons indefinitely. - "THAT", introduces a reason, an end or purpose. -"DO" is to bring about. -"KNOW" is to perceive with certainty, to be assured and convinced of, not to be doubtful and ignorant, to be taught or instructed. -"THEIR", is pertaining to or belonging to them. - "GOD",- He" is the Holy One of Israel, Creator of heaven and of earth, the only God as the Supreme Being! -"SHALL-BE", shall implies control of a future tense. -"BE" is to exist in the world of fact, whether physical or mental. -"STRONG" is having force and power, not easily broken, powerful mentally or morally, ardent and zealous, having qualities in a great degree. "DO"-"EXPLOITS", is to perform in a deed or act of heroic nature, a great noble feat or achievement.

The last sentence of verse 32 is saying; Except and besides the people of the peerage of whom we have read of previously and understood. -Some of which were CORRUPT in vanities of mind and body with their "FLATTERIES". -We also have a "body of persons" within this nation who are different! This other community introduces a reason for living and bring goodness about. They have been taught and have perceived there is much more to life than "FLATTERIES" to one's fellow man. They being convinced of God in their lives, for them, as the only worthwhile Supreme Being. They do not bow to the whims of earthly princes, they will bring about by force of mental and moral power deeds, and noble feats of achievement, and these "EXPLOITS" will make a lasting impression upon these Israelite tribes. These "EXPLOITS" will be as much remembered, as the last time we read of Richard the Lionheart's "EXPLOITS" in verse 28.

Whereas King Richard's "EXPLOITS" were to his "own" glory in feats of valour, the "STRONG PEOPLE" doing "EXPLOITS" in verse 32, were to the glory of God through their zealous attitude.

The second half of verse 32 being a "descriptive picture" of Israelite peoples, princes, and events, which covers a multitude of events in secular history into the Great War 1914- 18. Let us then qualify some of these "STRENGTHS" and "EXPLOITS" that are needed to understand this sentence.

The political events in Europe during the nineteenth century were one of turmoil. It was also a time for great upheaval in the conformity of churches, and for the true Christian alike. Napoleon had destroyed what remained of the Holy Roman Empire by his conquests of Europe, within which the Roman type of Christianity had dominated the continental countries for so long. New conditions in the 19th century brought forth-new ideas, which were stirring Europe from a long sleep of conformity. It was the Liberal thinking that Pope Pious IX had fought so diligently against, and from this liberal thinking came the "EXPLOITS" of which Daniel speaks.

Bible societies, which were founded at the turn of the eighteenth century, just grew and flourished in Europe, Britain, and America. There were those children of God who worked individually behind the scenes, -as it were- translating the words of God in the Bible into many tongues for other nations. Or bringing about cheaper editions for the poor of the English-speaking peoples to buy, offering words and deeds of comfort to those same people.

The abolishing of the slave trade in the British Empire was brought about by a number of great men called Evangelicals. The most prominent members being William Wilberforce, Charles Simeon, and Lord Shaftesbury. The Evangelicals established Sunday Schools to bring knowledge of God to the children and the people as a whole. They educated poor ragged children, and brought about protection for women and children labouring for long hours in the Satanic halls of industry. Their social reforms tried to lighten the dark load of discontent, poverty, and those long hours for all the working classes. Many of these peoples abused by the social structure of those times. The continual good works of many, eventually brought about the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

History tells us that the Victorian era was one of the"strongest" religious periods that the world has ever, known. It was indeed the Victorian practice to hold regular family prayers, hymns, and Bible reading within their own households. Victorian Britain brought many new religious movements to birth, and the most renowned, even today, is the Salvation Army founded by William Booth. In many halls large and small enthusiastic religious debates took place, bringing about great orators of men, some of them founding new denominations. For the first time it seemed the personal study of Gods Scriptures was paramount in daily life, with healthy disagreements breaking out dividing Christians into sheep or goats, -as it were.-

Great men and women in the United States of America, and Canada, also awakened once more to the need of God, some perhaps remembering "why" their nations were forged in the first place.- That of the United states of America whose motto -"In God We Trust!"- The British Isles motto was- "God is our Right"-.

The great American Ralph Waldo Emerson attacked the dull rituals of conventional Christianity and said, "CAST CONFORMITY BEHIND YOU, AND AQUAINT MEN AT FIRSTHAND WITH DEITY".

How very true were his words, coming down through the years to move us in the 20th century!

Many people were shaken after reading a book, by a Presbyterian minister's daughter called, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. The then President of the United States of America was moved to do away with slavery of human beings, which was so much a part of life at that time.

These God-fearing years gave birth and formulated the Quakers, Mormons, Christadelphians, Protestant Episcopal Churches, Christian Science, Seventh Day Adventists, etc: The Methodists, Presbyterians and Baptists took God to the people, many preachers travelling hundreds of miles experiencing much hardship. Just to speak to a handful of people or to organise converts for God.

There were many good missionaries, -and some misguided ones,- who travelled the world from West to East to take Christianity to all races of all persuasions. Even in the Roman Church world-wide activities were the order of the day, sending out missionaries and founding new religious orders. The most famous missionary of all was the Scotsman David Livingstone, whose teaching journeys went into the African continent, eventually dying in that cause of Jesus. David Livingstone is remembered by us apathetic Christians, and non-Christians to this day. Great men such as Robert Morrison died exhausted from his work amongst the Chinese. One cannot forget the great missionary and healer Dr. Albert Schweitzer, born into the nineteenth century and dying in the twentieth century, God fearing to the last.

We do not speak here in these "EXPLOITS" of conformity to man-made ritualistic religions idea of a goodly person. But a "STRONG" child of God whose "EXPLOITS" changed the face of life for others, putting a seal on their own concerns for that good. They did not seek self-gratification, or gratification for their respective churches. So very many "EXPLOITS" were done by many men and women who had a "personal stairway" to Gods thinking, which held them strong and close, which drove them on to perform for God in so many wonderful ways.

This word "EXPLOITS" covers many other peoples and deeds that were performed during this word picture of events prophesied in Daniel 11:32. It is, a scenario of the times from the Victorian era, which hardly changed, leading into the times of George V and the First World War. Which was to overthrow that high society.- During the years of the "Great War" "EXPLOITS" were performed that set men's hearts afire. Just as we have already read inverse 28 and Richard the Lionheart, when the magic word is "Jerusalem"! The greatest "EXPLOIT" in World War I 1914-18, was the capture of "Jerusalem" from the Turkish nation, which gradually occurred in the year 1916. This event marked a trail of "EXPLOITS" with much activity in Turkey, Arabia, Mesopotamia and Palestine. The (Israelite) British and Commonwealth forces began an advance from Egypt, into Sinai, and Palestine, and by 1917 they had taken many important fortified posts. The British Allies broke through Turkish lines at Beersheba and took Gaza. General Allenby's troops with great "EXPLOITS" took the much-prized Jerusalem. The year of 1917 also saw the "EXPLOITS" of Lawrence of Arabia, -who was a British Colonel leading an Arab revolt against Turkey,- taking Aqaba. British Allies "EXPLOITS" in 1917 took Mesopotamia, Baghdad, Ramadi on the Euphrates River, and Tikut on the River Tigris. During 1918 their "EXPLOITS" continued, concluding their campaign in Palestine successfully when they took Megiddo from the Turks. Then being joined by Lawrence and his Arab forces, they took Lebanon, Syria, with Damascus, Aleppo, and other key positions. The Turks asked for an armistice and allowed warships through the Dardanelles. -Little did these Israelite sons know then, that they were entering once more into their own God given land, recapturing their long last "home" that once housed them! They were also laying the basis for Judah's children, (Jews) to inherit his fleshly possessions given him, after the manner of fleshly promises from Genesis 49, and Deuteronomy 33.

The "EXPLOITS" stated in verse 32 are of many, because it's the "PEOPLE" who do them. Whereas the "EXPLOITS" in verse 28 and Richard the Lionheart are of "one man", because it says, "HE" shall do it.

Many of these PEOPLES showed "STRENGTH" and courage in many ways. So, verse 32 is showing us "why" the children of Israel, under Joseph's "STRENGTH" of his 2 arms, and 10 Kingdomed fingers of his blessing (Genesis 49)-(2 arms Ephraim and Manasseh) were of a different stronger God-fearing character than we are today! Our nations today have become self-satisfied, self-motivated, pleasure seekers, low principled, greedy, malicious and sexually orientated.

Most of the sons and daughters of the lower classes, of the era from Queen Victoria to George V, of British stock in the English-speaking countries, were for King, country, and the belief God was with them. The lower classes showed a natural affection for each other especially under adverse conditions. Such as in the mud of the trenches in the Great War fighting a common enemy. Verse 32 not only reminds us of the many of these "PEOPLES" who were noted for these "EXPLOITS" in secular history, it speaks of the unsung heroes giving their lives for their comrades; Those also who were awarded medals of courage, namely, the Victoria Cross, George Medal, Military Cross & Distinguished Flying Cross, etc.

We must also remember here from verse 32 "EXPLOITS" done of another kind, which took courage to implement. These people were called "conscientious objectors", most of these Children of God suffered much hardship during the wars because their cause was not understood. They felt that God had told them that they should not kill, even an enemy. Though the enemy was to wreak havoc on their people, so they suffered rebuffs from their fellow man, they were spat on and given a white feather for cowardice. Many suffered beatings, or were given very hard and menial tasks instead, or were imprisoned. The easiest thing for them was to pick up the gun and march with the crowd. Let us go over again where the "STRENGTH" for all the Israelite nation came from, to achieve all these "EXPLOITS", of which Daniel prophesied so long ago. We have been unravelling prophetic secular history, going hand in hand with prophetic spiritual history, as each verse of Daniel chapter 11 presents itself going slowly through the centuries. This careful slow unravelling has also been bringing to the notice other parts of the foundation of Israelite history. Namely, each crowned prince of the Israelite tribes has shown himself in that history, from 1066 AD and onwards into the "end time" of prophecy. In other words, another picture of "who" the 10 toes or 10 horns were, is gradually emerging as history unfolds in chapter 11 of Daniel, and we see the building blocks of that "house" fall into place. This is the way "truth" is sealed up as fact! Because it is verifying all the "blessings" given to the sons of Jacob/Israel from the beginning were fulfilled in history. This way, the "First Principles of those Oracles of God" are spoken, established, built upon, and put into motion throughout the time zones allotted to each "blessing" to be fulfilled. Hebrews 5:12, Acts 7:38. We are dealing here with a Great Awesome Creator, not man, "He" who gave us many secrets of life to understand.

Just like the scientists of men striving to understand the building blocks of biological life, we, biblical students must strive to understand the building blocks of secular and spiritual life in which we find ourselves. It may take a lifetime to put the pieces together, or you may stumble upon it by accident, -called Providence!- which many an achievement in man's world has happened this way.

Your first step reader is to "exercise your reason", discerning that which is absolute fact, from fiction, the latter which permeates so much of our lives. Or use your mind in lateral thinking, which is the modern term sometimes used for exercising your mind in other directions, and on another plane.

The previous paragraph has needed to be said again, because the word "STRONG" for certain PEOPLES in Daniel 11:32, is one of those building blocks of truth that has to be discerned only through patient striving to understand. This word "STRONG" must first be questioned "why" is it used for the English-Speaking Peoples, -which make up this Israelite nation.- Why should they be in this position of "STRENGTH" despite their vanities and sins, despite the fact many nations have tried to kill them over the centuries. The answer is towards -dear Joseph-, and the blessings given to him by God, through Israel, his father. It was Joseph who fed the tribes in the land of Egypt so long ago, and it was because of Joseph they survived at all. Then the nations of Israel/Judah were returned to "Egypt of the" nations because of their sins, or as the prophet Amos 9:9; said, "FOR LO, I WILL COMMAND, AND I WILL SIFT THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL (Not the Jews, but those 10 tribes of the Northern kingdom of Israel) AMONG ALL NATIONS, LIKE AS CORN IS SIFTED IN A SIEVE, (Or to examine critically, separating the fine grain from the coarse shells) YET SHALL NOT THE LEAST GRAIN FALL UPON THE EARTH". In other words, God is in complete control of that sieve, when these people were driven through other nations. That Corn of crowned princes of Israel and its peoples are spoken of in Daniel's prophecies and identified century after century. Joseph's "STRENGTH" with God have remained faithful throughout the long years, always remembering Joseph's blessing in Genesis 49:22-26.

Verse 22:- "JOSEPH IS A FRUITFUL BOUGH (Bringing forth much goodly children) EVEN A FRUITFUL BOUGH BY A WELL; (Nurtured in life giving water) WHOSE BRANCHES RUN OVER THE WALL": (The rich walled garden of water around the Isles that kept his Children alive. His branches, of children out of Ephraim/Manasseh became, and were, in the many nations. From the beginning they were the Danes and Vikings through to Anglo/Saxon of all Germanic lines).
Verse 23:- "THE ARCHERS HAVE SORELY GRIEVED HIM, AND SHOT AT HIM, AND HATED HIM"; (This was seen to the full in 2 World Wars, etc. within which fought Joseph's branches).
Verse 24:- "BUT HIS BOW ABODE IN "STRENGTH" AND THE ARMS OF HIS HANDS WERE MADE "STRONG" BY THE HANDS OF THE MIGHTY GOD OF JACOB"; (From thence is the shepherd, the stone of Israel), (Or out of Jacob, -who Judah the Jew represents,- came forth Jesus the Shepherd. Who became the corner stone of Joseph's children's desires instead of Judah and were called Christians).
Verse 26:- "THE BLESSINGS OF THY FATHER (Israel) HAVE PREVAILED ABOVE THE BLESSINGS OF MY PROGENITORS (Abraham and Isaac) UNTO THE UTMOST BOUND OF THE EVERLASTING HILLS; THEY SHALL BE ON THE HEAD OF JOSEPH. (When all the tribes of Israel bow down to Joseph's position in the earth, whose sustaining spiritual influence had kept them all alive throughout history. Because Joseph was faithful and obedient unto God. So, the power of Israel's life is with him.

Joseph comes under the special lineages called the "Separated lineage" -and "Out of Egypt I called my son".- (Which I have written a chapter on elsewhere). The expression in verse 25 "THE UTMOST BOUND OF THE EVERLASTING HILLS", deals with Joseph's progeny through Israel his father. They inheriting the earth at its extreme extent. This usage of the word "BOUND" is not to restrict Joseph's children within a boundary, but this "BOUND" is to leap forward from one set of continuing hills to the other. Or to journey around the world.

All the blessings for Joseph are on the "head", or the part of the anatomy that contains the intellect, of mind, the will, the individual, the brain, the organs of sight, hearing, taste, smell. It is as the chief or leader, giving a striking appearance to others. Therefore, Joseph's children from that fruitful bow will become individual nations in history, with intellect and strong will etc. With an appearance of leadership, because they are noticeable powers of the "head"). -AND ON THE CROWN OF THE HEAD OF HIM THAT WAS SEPARATE FROM HIS BRETHREN". The crown of the head is the summit, or top part of the head upon which a reward of glory is placed, here we have someone being invested with regal dignity and power. This crowning is the perfecting of Joseph's "STRENGTH" and was given to Ephraim the Second Son of Joseph. Ephraim ranking greater than Manasseh -The first son- because Ephraim's seed is "crowned" from a line of Kings and Princes.(Genesis 48:8-22). So, it is Joseph who guides their destiny, -through God- of his children within many nations, and upon one head, of all these nations is one crown, that of Ephraim's Or from George V of the "House of Windsor" onwards.

In Daniel 11:33, Ephraim's son George V will come face to face in War with a son out of the tribe of Naphtali. (Saxony-Prussia).

Here then, we have those blessings that Jacob pronounced upon Joseph and his progeny, which have been made to work and come to pass in the earth within history. Even more than the blessings and covenants given to faithful Abraham and Isaac. This is because Jacob's and Joseph's blessings were, and are, to be fulfilled in secular history, -nationally,- whereas the other "promises" and "blessings" through Abraham, are for the "Hope" of Israel's righteous seed -Zion, and Jerusalem,- who were to come, in Christ Jesus! Joseph's role in the earth is "very special", Yet! None of you so called Christians consider him at all! The great nations of the English-speaking peoples who make up "the House of Israel", remain ignorant of Joseph's "STRENGTH" of calling to this day, who have kept them all alive. Just as Israel did when the prophet Amos penned his words of indictment towards that same nation approx. (BC 776-763) Amos 6:6 "THAT DRINK WINE IN BOWLS, AND ANOINT THEMSELVES WITH THE CHIEF OINTMENTS: BUT THEY ARE NOT GRIEVED FOR THE AFFLICTION OF JOSEPH". This chapter of Amos is written to the "holy Seed" called Zion, within that vanity ridden, rich, silly peoples of the "House of Israel" of the Northern Kingdom. -My advice to you reader is, consider the role Joseph played and what he suffered, so we of that "House of Israel" are able to receive Jesus the Christ to help us in our vast sins, otherwise we are lost!-

If we recap on verse 32, we have seen different types of people within British stock of the Isles, that of the "upper and lower" classes, doing "EXPLOITS" or "FLATTERIES". When these tribes of nations now around the world, amalgamate in war, they are "STRONG" under Joseph's banner, and Jacob's influence with God. The United Kingdom in the "Isles", and those children scattered of the tribes within the Commonwealth, and the United States of America, are "STRONG" only when they come together, as they have in World War I and II, and always with Joseph within the British Isles. They must never fight against each other, nor amalgamate against each other, nor against their brothers of Judah, Levi and Benjamin, (the Jews). Who have lived like "aliens" in the earth, otherwise their cause is lost. The "strength" of Joseph, through God, is established in national" blessings" within secular history. The Amalgamation of the blessings given by Jacob to the "House of Israel is 3-fold. Joseph - Ephraim - and Manasseh, and that 3 fold cord is not easily broken, which Ecclesiates 4:12, tells us. "AND IF ONE PREVAIL AGAINST HIM, TWO SHALL WITHSTAND HIM; AND A 3 FOLD CORD IS NOT QUICKLY BROKEN".

If there is a controversy re, the lineage of Israelite Sovereigns. I am fully aware that historians of secular history record that from the" House of Saxe- Coburg-Gotha" (Naphtali), -Who first came into being from a union of Germanic stock bringing forth Edward VII.- Have descended 5 British sovereigns of the twentieth century. Namely, Edward VII George V, Edward VIII George VI, Elizabeth II.- The name of the "House of Windsor" given to the British royal family from the time of World War I (1914-18); - George V a member of the German House of Saxe Coburg-Gotha, proclaimed that the male line from the descendants of Queen Victoria would adopt the surname of "Windsor" instead.

Saxe Coburg-Gotha, was formerly a duchy and state of Germany, later divided between the German states of Bavaria and Thuringia. After World War II again divided into East and West Germany. Duke Ernest II in 1826 called himself Ernest I of Saxe- Coburg Gotha, with the feudal system surviving until 1849. The union of the duchies of Coburg Gotha was consolidated in 1874 and became a member of the New German Empire in 1871. During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the "House of Saxe Coburg Gotha became one of the most prominent dynasties connected to other European dynasties. The most notable was Albert, Prince Consort of Queen Victoria of Great Britain (Consort 1840).

George V's change of name for this line was for political purposes and not for a genetic direct change in lineage as such. One must bear in mind George V indeed like his father Edward VII,- was of Saxe Coburg Gotha,- but God saw fit to change the heir presumptive to the throne twice. Before, and during the establishing of the House of Windsor this was to make sure the genetic lineage of Ephraim was straight. George V was the second son of Edward VII his elder brother died. -George VI was the second son of George V, his elder brother abdicated. A decision was made by Queen Elizabeth II in 1952 -1960, that her children would also bear the name of Windsor, instead of Prince Philip's adopted surname of Mountbatten. The new blood to the "House of Windsor" is brought in by "marriages", (same as the other lines). The marriages of this line changed much over the years within this House. Firstly, from Queen Alexander of Denmark (George V's mother) Queen Mary Duchess of Teck (Germany) mother of George VI. The great leap of change occurred with Queen Elizabeth, whose mother was Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon of Scotland. Elizabeth II husband Philip Mountbatten of German origin, both brought forward a surge of new blood for the next heir to the throne Prince Charles; Or a second choice Biblically, and genetically, however 2 lines are being fulfilled at once (natural and biblical). The first male and natural line, the second the female and Biblical line. The line Saxe-Coburg Gotha ended with Edward VII. Both lines of George VI then further establishes Windsor & Ephraim There will be no new lineages for this throne it is the End of both Biblical and genetic stories.

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