33. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 13.
War between Antony, Cleopatra, and Octavian.
Rome enters Judea.

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Hiraeth 2002 - Notice: The author gives permission to download, print, duplicate, and share this book for personal use only; with the proviso that no alteration is made to the contents of this book. Other use of this book is with the express permission being granted by the author or agent.

We see in Daniel 11:13, the end of the saga of Antony, Cleopatra, and the total demise of the Egyptian throne, and of that vassal kingdom. Daniel 11:13:- "FOR THE KING OF THE NORTH SHALL RETURN, AND SHALL SET FORTH A MULTITUDE GREATER THAN THE FORMER, AND SHALL CERTAINLY COME AFTER CERTAIN YEARS WITH A GREAT ARMY AND WITH MUCH RICHES".

Let us take the first sentence of these words - FOR THE KING OF THE NORTH SHALL RETURN.- From the very first line of this verse 13 and the mention of the "King of the North", one may think we are automatically talking about the King, namely the Parthians, "returning" into Judea. Well! This is not so, one must bear in mind we are dealing with the history of the early saga of the Jews in Judea. So, from verse 13 and onwards we are to unravel, the memorable history of the Roman legs of Nebuchadnezzar's dream idol, whose powerful legs straddled hundreds of years of history. Within that Roman Gentile nation languished the holy seed of both Houses of Israel/Judah.

So then verse 13 now ushers in the beginning of Imperial Rome whose foundation was laid with Julius Caesar, then built on with Augustus Caesar; (Octavian). When verse 13 says the king of the north shall return, it is almost a dogmatic statement of fact in itself. The north in this verse is now most certainly Roman power, and from central Rome. North of Judea, or Northwest geographically. From verse 13, Judea is emphatically now the Southern Kingdom referred to in biblical history, and secular history. Because Egypt's light as a separate power of the south has almost gone out. Whereas King Herod's light for Judea is gradually growing brighter.

Verse 13 tells us that the Roman marching legions are "returning" to Judea and Egypt, with an undisputed King at its head. The last time Rome's might from the north smashed down into Judea was when Pompey, the "one" of the then north "overflowed" into Judea on behalf of the Roman ruling Senate, in verse 10.

Daniel 11:11-12 which refer to Antony and his Roman legions are a different kettle of fish, so to speak. Antony's ruling was on behalf of himself Rome and Egypt. It was his own power, which was paramount in these verses, as he was sole ruler of the East. Whereas Octavian at that time was ruler of the city of Rome and the west. The city from which Roman power always emanated in the past.

When Pompey came into Judea as the important "one" of verse 10, he did not set himself up as an Emperor or King of Rome, as did Antony and Octavian. Rome was a Republic in Pompey's day with no Kings as such, the Senate was the ruling power. Julius Caesar who became Pompey's enemy, was the first Roman of the Republic who wished to be sole dictator and future Emperor, thereby changing the power of the Roman senate.

The "King of the North" in verse 13. Therefore, verse 13 speaks of Octavian who by 31 BC had the backing of the Roman people, and of the Senate as Imperator Caesar, for to launch his attack on the east and the south.

So, when verse 13 says he shall "return", it's not only speaking of Octavian personally, but of the "return" into the Middle East of Roman might, emanating from the city of Rome itself and not from Egypt or Syria.

Roman power now wants to control the provinces in the south and east once more. Which it once held, before Antony and Cleopatra took this area as their own personal possessions and retaining their wealth in Egyptian hands. Antony was King of Egypt, Judea, Syria etc, and Herod was a "regent" answerable to him. So was Cleopatra as we have already seen in Josephus' history.

Herod had not been answerable directly to Rome for his conduct though Rome helped him, and Octavian helped him to secure the Judean throne. All these early Roman years of history were years of change and more change, until Octavian forged a lasting peace while he held all the Roman reigns both west, east, north, and south. Let us now unravel the next line of verse 13:- "AND SHALL SET FORTH A MULTITUDE GREATER THAN THE FORMER". In this line we see the forces of Octavian's Rome, and of Antony and Cleopatra's Egypt, forming for an all-out conflict when winner takes all!

This "multitude" is another great force ready for a conflict. Great forces "before" this king of the north enters Judea and Egypt once more. There had been multitudes in verses 10 to 12 previously.

The remainder of verse 13 of Daniel gives us a break between these events, as of a "time limit", which is called "certain years". This "multitude of forces" which was so very great, was set forth for a battle called "Actium". Being a famous name in secular history.

History tells us that the sea battle between the 2 fleets of ships, at Actium of Augustus and Antony, which was preceded by a long period of skirmishing between the leader's respective forces on land. Which included very large armies encamped on opposite sides of the Gulf of Greece. Antony launched the engagement with approx. 220 heavy craft, which equipped with missile throwing devices fired at close range. The rival fleet of Octavian's of approx. 260 light ships out manoeuvred them. Octavian with the aid of his friend Marcus Agrippa, the admiral of his fleet, completely out fought and out thought Antony's forces.

In 31 BC Octavian launched his attack upon that fleet early, dispatching Agrippa to capture the land bases first and shut up Antony's fleet in the Gulf of Ambracia, resulting in the famous battle of Actium. When Antony's forces lost ground and deteriorated further and further, the morale of his men and Roman supporters also deteriorated. The insistence of Cleopatra being present in the area of fighting, was also a nail in Antony's coffin because his supporters were directly against her presence.

Antony suffered a resounding defeat with most of his remaining vessels annihilated, and his land forces surrendered to Octavian.

Cleopatra with her 60 ships and its treasury, broke through the enemy's line of ships and headed for Egypt, much to the surprise of all and sundry. Antony of course eventually fled also.

Now we come to the last sentence of verse 13:- "AND SHALL CERTAINLY COME AFTER CERTAIN YEARS WITH A GREAT ARMY AND WITH MUCH RICHES". The last sentence of verse 13 now tells us of the entry into the Judean kingdom of the King of the north, and of that entry into Egypt, with Octavian and his Roman legions.

When Daniel gives the words "certainly come" or "certain years", it is a statement of fact! Or it is a foregone conclusion that it will be so? When something or somebody had a "certain" manner, it has a truth without question, it will indeed assuredly happen! This "vision" of Daniel's is not specifically named giving a date, nor in a manner defined, nor is the king named specifically as was Cyrus or Alexander the Great, etc. Nevertheless, this vision will come to pass undeniably!

Secular history says almost the same thing, when speaking of the "inevitable" clash between Octavian and Antony, for mastery of the Roman world. It says their "rivalry" for power was a "certainty", and their all-out-war was a "certainty", or it would come to pass undeniably. Because Roman power and territory could only be governed by one strong man, and not two! It was also a "certainty" for Octavian to come into the provinces of the Middle East and take them back from Antony and Cleopatra. It was a "certainty" for Octavian to defeat them in Egypt, putting paid to Egyptian interference in the Roman way, and power. For that to happen Octavian had to "certainly" kill Antony and take Cleopatra prisoner or kill her too.

When Daniel 11:13 says, "AND SHALL CERTAINLY COME AFTER CERTAIN YEARS".- Would mean the entry of Octavian into Judea and Egypt would come after a number of years.- So, the "inevitable" war between them started with a verbal war years before, when Octavian's missiles, were then his caustic words to the Roman populace, and his barrage of propaganda against Antony. The year 34 BC was the split in the Triumvirate and was for all to see, and by 32 BC it ended. In 31 BC the battle of Actium with the multitude of forces, and by 30 BC. A year later Octavian was finally on Egyptian soil when he overwhelmed Egyptian resistance.

Verbal propaganda can destroy a man's reputation and power, as much as a gun to his head. The latter devise only finishes what the verbal destruction began! Octavian's great army marched into Alexandria. Rather than fall into Octavian's hands and of Rome, Mark Antony committed suicide by stabbing himself. Cleopatra died likewise, and it is said through the bite of a snake. She was found dead dressed in all her finery and jewels upon a bed of gold. She was 39 years old, and had been Queen of Egypt for 22 years, earlier sharing the throne with her brothers, then with Antony as her partner for 11 years.

Octavian's entry into Egypt saw many killed including Cleopatra's son Caesarion - or- Ptolemy XV, whom he executed.

The Jewish historian Josephus tells us of Caesars (Octavian) entry into Syria and Judea, and of Herod's fear of retribution for befriending Antony against him. He tells how Herod went up to meet him in Syria, and how he threw himself upon Caesar's (Octavian Augustus) mercy, explaining that because of his great friendship for Mark Antony, he helped him all he could. After Herod's long story of clever manipulation of words, he convinced Caesar of his sincerity towards him and Rome. At Ptolemais Herod entertained Octavian with royal magnificence. He bestowed presents on his army and brought them provisions in abundance. He also provided them with all they needed in wine and water, etc, because they were to pass through the desert on their way to Egypt. He made a present of 800 talents to Caesar procuring his good will in all his efforts. Herod escorted Caesar with 150 well-appointed men in all respects, towards Egypt, as a mark of respect.


Octavian, as Caesar, of the then known Roman world forgave Herod for taking sides with Antony against him and reaffirmed him as king of the Jews. Knowing anyway, he was the best man for that job to look after all things Roman, and to subdue the Jews. Augustus Caesar (Octavian) did not like the Jews, yet! He favoured them because of his early friendship with Herod the Great, and Herod's friendship with Marcus Agrippa who was now Octavian's minister.

Caesar caused sacrifices to be made, - at his own expense- in the Temple at Jerusalem. Caesar also restored to Herod all the Judean lands taken by Cleopatra. Eventually over the years that followed, Caesar Augustus and Marcus Agrippa, paid Herod State visits to Judea thereby cementing their friendship. Herod himself returning some of the visits by going to Italy twice.

Caesar gave Herod half the share of the copper mines in Cyprus, and during the years 20 to 22 BC gave him the lands of all Palestine, the land of Trans-Jordan, Southern Lebanon and Southern Syria to govern.

Let us go now to the last sentence of Daniel 11:13. "WITH A GREAT ARMY AND MUCH RICHES". We have already read, how Octavian came with his legions of soldiers and sailors to fight Antony, and we saw him also entering Judea with a great army and eventually going down into Egypt. So now we must take the last words of verse 13 and speak of the "riches" which Daniel the "seer" saw in his vision, pertaining to this King of the north.

All the 3 kingdoms that we have been unravelling in Daniel's visions of history in chapter 11, have now been sucked into the Roman vortex, Syria, Egypt, and the land of Israel. The king of the north now controlling that vortex of the Roman world, who was of course Octavian. His majestic titles were Caesar Augustus, Imperator of Rome Son of God, with more titles to follow as his reign lengthened. Let us delve a little into his lifestyle and see where all this Kings "riches" came from.

I think one can guess at once where the "riches" came from, with Octavian's complete take-over of Egypt. After entering Egypt and executing Cleopatra's young son Caesarion, he now seized all of Cleopatra and Antony's vast treasure. Including the golden thrones, and a bed of gold, we read of earlier. The great wealth he gleaned enabled him to pay off all his veteran soldiers etc, making them all a grateful, happy army indeed upon returning to Rome. Egypt's wealth helped him to become "master" and Emperor of the entire Greco/Roman world.

The Egypt taken over by Octavian, despite the troubles of the war, remained well organised and wealthy. Thanks to the Ptolemaic bureaucracy which continued to govern well.

Egypt had understood for centuries that the emperor was both king and god, which suited Octavian completely when dealing with them. Egyptian administration remained stable under the Romans also, and its role within Rome became that of the granary, and the place of exotic foods and fads. However, it was not only important, as a source of food, Octavian was to treat the province of Egypt differently to the other provinces. Egypt it seemed became his own personal property, he would let no Senator of the upper class enter, unless they had special permission to do so from himself as the emperor.

Egypt was also very important geographically to the empire, so, no other senator or soldier was going to cast greedy eyes on this jewel or attempt another "take over" as did Antony. The emperor therefore used the lower classes of servants or prefects, when communicating with Egypt, thereby keeping the dangerous nobility out. It is said that Egypt served much towards the growth of Roman administration as a whole. Egypt's wealth helped Augustus to subsidise Roman business and underwrite Government expenditure.

Octavian made no distinction between the revenues he obtained from Egypt and his own personal wealth. He claimed he paid state expenses out of his own pocket, and once wrote. "I paid treasury from my own patrimony the taxes, whether due in grain or money, sometimes of 100,000 persons, sometimes of more". Indeed, great were the spoils and splendours of Egypt to him!

Of course, not only did Octavian receive vast wealth from Egypt, but he also gleaned riches from Syria and Herod of Judea as he marched with his legions through that land. We have already read how Herod bowed and scraped before Caesar, (Octavian), and he made great presents to him and his army.

Here now was Caesar Augustus, Octavian in complete control of all the Roman world and the wealth therein. No other Roman before him, not even Julius Caesar was so grand and wealthy as him.

Octavian controlled the administration of all the lands. He reorganised the army and navy, and organised a network of roads, etc. Then he reduced and reorganised the tire some Senate with members who yielded to his wishes.

Eventually, Octavian's taxation system saw taxes flow from all the lands of the far-flung empire into a central treasury for Rome, and coinage of brass and copper were struck for use. Although he became an autocratic ruler with all the trappings of magnificence, he enveloped his person in all sorts of ways to disguise that fact. Representing himself as a complete western, good living, simple man, an Italian man who wanted only that his people should live in peace.

This view was the exact opposite which Mark Antony wanted to give the Roman populace, he, wanting a Greco/Roman world with its base in Alexandria, Egypt. During Octavian's reign as Caesar Augustus, he became official head of the Roman religion using his title of chief priest or Pontifex Maximus. (The same title used by the popes to this modern era). In 2 BC he received the title of all titles, "Father of his country" (Pater Patriae). When he died in 14 AD Caesar Augustus was enrolled amongst the gods, a lofty seat indeed!

The great flow of some "riches" from out of the Roman world we read of in Luke 2:1-5:-


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