59. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 38.
World War II, 1939-45.
Hitler - Forces - Treasure.

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Daniel 11:38. "BUT IN HIS ESTATE SHALL HE HONOUR THE GOD OF FORCES: AND A GOD WHOM HIS FATHERS KNEW NOT SHALL HE HONOUR WITH GOLD, AND SILVER, AND WITH PRECIOUS STONES, AND PLEASANT THINGS". Daniel continually tells us verse after verse a little more of this king -Hitler's- nature, which began in verse 36. Because Hitler's whole meaning to his life, his emotions, his various appetites, his needs, his ambition, his dreams, his desires, his evil ways, his whole attitude stemming from the inner and outer man. These desires were to be inseparable from the secular history of his reigning time, which he propelled himself into! What Hitler Was in character is what he did! Therefore, Daniel's prophecy concentrates on his nature and the forces within him, and in this way, it cleverly unfolds secular and biblical history around him.

Let us take the first sentence of verse 38. "BUT IN HIS ESTATE SHALL HE HONOUR THE GOD OF FORCES". The word "BUT" is saying except and besides all the character analysis that have been prophesied in the preceding verses. Hitler is not only a dreamer in many ways he is also very much associated with this present world, and adamant in shaping it according to his dreams. His "Will" set all in motion pertaining to mankind.

"SHALL" tell us he will pay or atone for setting his "all" on the FORCES of men. "ESTATE" means, the property, possessions, rank and condition one finds as their own.

"HONOUR", is to give reverence to, it is high estimation and praise, to exalt and render illustrious.

Let us look into that seemingly insignificant word "ESTATE". Germany, Hitler classed as his own possession to do what he liked with or as his "ESTATE". We have translated the word an "ESTATE" as the condition or circumstances of any person, or thing, rank, or quality. It is also an order or class of men in the body politic; -For example, the 3 "ESTATES" of the British realm, are "Lords spiritual", "Lords temporal", and the "Commons". The "ESTATE" of political forces that were put into effect in verse 38, was that of "Fascism". This was the "condition" upon which Hitler was able to make a god of those forces in honour. This "condition" of "Fascism" was a class of men in the "body politic" (ESTATE) and that class of men first included Mussolini of Italy, then Hitler.

Of course they had Fascism in Spain also at that time, but this verse is only concerned with Hitler and Mussolini. Because the word "ESTATE" in all its definitions, is a strong word holding these two men together in the purpose of the "body politic".

Hitler in his dreams of power over other countries first concentrated on recapturing past Germanic lands or the long-lost ESTATE of the Germanic peoples. Italy was once controlled by the ancient Franks, of whom Charlemagne, King of the Germanic Franks, became Holy Roman Emperor in AD.800, (As I have shown previously in verse 36 that he was king who once possessed the Holy Lance). Therefore, Italy would certainly have been included by Hitler for repossession eventually, as part of the Germanic "ESTATE". Hitler was akin to a snake who could wait to catch his prey off guard and was prepared to use Mussolini as he saw fit. The "ESTATE" of Fascism is a form of totalitarian dictatorship, which flourished between World War I and II. In Italy a Fascist regime was established shortly after World War I (about 1920). Its philosophy which rejected democratic and humanitarian ideals, while glorifying the sovereignty of the state, and the destiny of the people, (ESTATE). They, giving unquestioning obedience to the person of the dictator. Every element of national life is regimented with violence openly employed. There is only one single party in these politics (ESTATE) all others are outlawed. There was intense use of propaganda being bold and adventurous, with a great surge for territorial and overseas aggrandisement and the glorifying of war.

The word "Fascism" (ESTATE) is of Italian origin. Germany's "Fascism" was called National Socialist, which promised to recapture all of Germany's "ESTATES" in Europe as top priority.

Italy's "Fascism" promised its soldiers and its people to recapture the glories of the ancient Roman Empire and that "ESTATE". Mussolini established the Fascist party in 1921, when King Victor Emmanuel III was on the throne. Fascism also won the support of the Roman Catholic Church eventually, who mutually signed the treaty called "Lateran Treaty" 1929. Mussolini's policy of reviving the "ESTATE" of the Roman Empire was nothing less than expansionism over other nations. Which meant control of the Adriatic Sea, an increase of Italy's European area, an enlargement of Italy's African Empire, and domination of the Mediterranean Sea. (Which he called, mare nostrum - our sea-). Mussolini's military campaigns in furthering his aims was his successful war of Ethiopia in 1935. In 1938 he was made first Marshall of his new empire because of his success.

Mussolini was jealous of Hitler however, and was afraid of him at the same time, but these two "eagles" joined their "ESTATES" together and formed an alliance called Rome-Berlin Axis, (1936). Which of course led to Mussolini entering World War II. Hitler, in his own secret plan for possession of all the Germanic "ESTATE" gradually took Mussolini's Frankish "ESTATE" of Germany.

The Italian monarchy was abolished in 1944-45 when the Italians rose in revolt against Fascism and Mussolini, and the people established a Republic. Hitler on the other hand in his strong desires to once more possess that which he maintained was Germany's right, -in gathering up that ESTATE,- put his plan into operation with devastating effect.

The circumstances in the world for repossessing that "ESTATE" was ripe, and ready to be harvested, because all Europe was far too busy remembering the first World War, and desiring peace.

Hitler's complete rank in pushing his ideas forward would brook no interference from within the body politic, (ESTATE), nor interference from without. First, he had to recapture lands handed over to other Europeans after the shame of losing World War I. For this reason, he became popular amongst the embittered war veterans of Germany, of which he was one. Having been decorated for bravery twice in that war. The bitterness of German Veterans stemmed directly from their defeat, upon which the blame rested upon the Wiemar Republic for their humiliation suffered under the Treaty of Versailles. It was as verse 35 of Daniel 11 tells, that the people of Germany in their hearts continued to fight World War I once more, thus picking up the sword to continue under the guise of World War II. Verse 35 of Daniel 11 has picked up that "link" in Germany's "political ESTATE" to propel us into the "END TIME" and into verse 40. The top-ranking soldiers and industrialists also smarting under the defeat of their "ESTATE" in World War I rallied around Hitler. Of whom General Ludendorff was one, they aided and sympathised with the aim of the complete return of the German "ESTATE". Hitler's first aim and policy was the destruction of that same Treaty of Versailles, transforming Germany into the Chief military power to achieve that end. The arms limitation placed upon Germany through that same Treaty, was repudiated and military training was reintroduced in Germany. Hitler then began to march his godless forces and reoccupied the Rhineland zone between France and Germany in 1936. He annexed Austria in 1938, then Sudetenland 1938, the remainder of Czechoslovakia 1939, and invaded Poland September 1, 1939. Thus, bringing upon mankind World War II. So then, the "body politic" or "ESTATE of Fascism" put into effect the machinery for subjugating peoples and lands, with the great eagle banners of Germany/Italy, hovering over their heads to tear down to pieces and to kill. Daniel 11:38, explains, HIS "ESTATE" SHALL HONOUR THE GOD OF FORCES.

"HONOUR" means to give reverence to, it is a high estimation and praise, to exalt and render illustrious. Indeed, Hitler and Fascism very much "HONOURED" THE "GOD OF FORCES" above all else, he could achieve very little without them. As one's memory, many films, documentaries, or picture books will show one most graphically. Some people called Hitler's German soldiers -or- FORCES, the "legions of hell". Most of us today know of his "FORCES" of "deaths head" legions of the S.S. troops, his "FORCES" of panzer divisions of armoured tanks and crack soldiers. His "FORCES" of deadly U-boats and fantastic sailors of his "FORCES"; Of brave Luftwaffe pilots. His "FORCES" of massed soldiers marching in absolute perfection, as if all German men were only of one height and stature. All these "FORCES" were so ordered and so exact, it indeed made Hitler's heart sore with pride, to see his "GOD OF FORCES" spread out in the world before him, and they were his to direct to life or death. Indeed, they all were an offering of "sacrifice" as the word "GOD" implies. Put all these "FORCES" of men together and they made a magnificent terrifying, murderous war machine, moving on and on in those heel clicking boots to tread men, women, and children under foot.


I have said previously reader how this man Hitler had classed himself as invincible and MAGNIFIED his position in the earth as a god, whose personal opinion of his own power transcended earthly men. He had turned his back on the simple and the mundane things, such as the God of his mother and father. Hitler's fathers did not have the extreme power of ruling as he did, nor did they hold any position in society of wealth and grandeur as he did. Hitler's fathers were ruled by age-old royalty, as peasant stock. His fathers did not direct great FORCES of peoples from the words spoken, as Hitler did. His fathers did not have MAGNIFICATION of position and "triumph of the will", as Hitler did. All these things and more, were beyond the simple powers of his FATHERS, and as Daniel says they, "KNEW THEM NOT".

Unlike Hitler's FATHERS, he instead set out to bind his political "ESTATE" movement in mystique and forces of arms, so that the people who he ruled would be loyal to him alone. His officers and "FORCES" of men swore an allegiance to Hitler personally, his was self-aggrandisement at its greatest extent. So very different from the humble background of his kinfolk!

Hitler had a magnetism about him that was hypnotic to those around him, some persons almost melting in his presence. His unique talent for mass leadership coupled with his oratory holding his people spellbound, and from a raised dais he cajoled millions with words poured out until they reached fever pitch. Thereby enlightening the people of the in equality of the races and individuals as part of the natural order. Always exalting that mystical god of the "Aryan race" as the sole creative element of mankind. Unlike his FATHERS who were ordinary folk trying to overcome the pitfalls of life, Hitler, had unique talents which helped to shape people's minds and hearts on a large scale. The power he wielded was unprecedented in its scope, and the resources he set in motion in material and manpower were overpowering. But this man from simple folk, left behind him a destroyed, humiliated, and a divided Germany, and by the time he was defeated he had broken down the whole structure of the world in which he lived. Europe would never be the same again! So great was the evil of the god man called Hitler, whose FATHERS had no resemblance to his life.


I should think that most people over the years have heard, or read, about this particular sentence being fulfilled since World War II ended? Earlier, on in the unravelling of these verses we read of the Holy Lance, with the great treasure Hitler took from the House of Hapsburg of Austria, which regalia did include GOLD, SILVER, and PRECIOUS STONES. It was secreted away in a vault in Germany. Over the years many stories have filtered out from Germany or other countries of Europe, of underground caves and tunnels filled with GOLD AND SILVER objects of immense value. Packing cases and boxes filled with great works of art gleaned from all over Europe, hordes of coinage and paper money of different countries. -Many of the ruling houses of Europe, including tiny states and monarchies had lost their jewels and treasures to the marauding armies of Hitlerism. Great castles, mansions, and houses were just taken over,- including their treasures- for their use. Or the pleasures of Nazism to live out their ritualistic rights to the GOD OF FORCES. The plunderers of Germany took all that their greedy eyes fell upon and desired, much of the booty of treasures found their way to embellish individual tastes. Goering and Hitler vied with each other in the collecting of great works of art, from their rampaging through Europe, which treasures were considerable indeed. It was quite normal for the Nazis to raid the large houses of the Jews especially, after sending the people away to the death camps. They would then move in and take over the house, the possessions and wealth, accepting it as if that house had always been their own. Sometimes replacing the Jewish family for a German family, complete with children to fulfil the atmosphere of normalcy.

The Allies eventually advanced into Germany, and they were to uncover great Treasures of Europe secreted away in vaults, banks, cellars, old railway tunnels, etc. In April 1945 the American army entered Salzburg and in a salt mine they found a great collection of treasure, sculptures, and priceless things. Amassed were 6,000 paintings of the "masters" in the world of art, it was a wondrous sight for the soldiers to behold. Amongst the crates of "PRECIOUS AND PLEASANT THINGS" were other crates containing bombs, which were ready to destroy this collection in case it fell into enemy hands. From Salzburg alone, the Americans took out a 100 truckloads of this mighty collection.

Hitler's idea was to make a museum and art gallery at his home in Linz, in "honour" of the Third Reich. (As Daniel prophesied). It was to have been the centre of the world for classical and German art presented to the German people.

Hitler considered modern art of his time as a Jewish plot to destroy culture, yet! Many fine art collections came from Jewish houses and shops in Austria. The S.S troops demanded the paintings off the walls in these places, raiding the same houses many times. Hitler's men confiscated jewellery and possessions of all description. The large houses belonging to people such as the Rothschilds, which were great houses known for their wealth, these were looted of priceless collections of furniture and works of art. Then were taken back to Germany by the lorry load. Some finding their way into Herman Goering's hands, or some others of high rank as their personal collections. Hitler also held the collection of art and treasures of GOLD AND SILVER of the Kings of Saxony.

So fearful were the owners of art collections that crates of art were smuggled into Amsterdam for safety, nevertheless, they found their way back to Germany and into Hitler's hands. In Poland art treasures were looted including some fine Leonardo De Vinci's works. It was in France and Holland where Hitler got most of his fabulous collection, however. It is known there were 20,000 stolen paintings, a list of which was made at the time by a suspicious French art dealer. Italian treasure was raked from Florence by the lorry load. Though, the fearful Italians hid many of their art treasures, some were hidden in a Castle outside Florence and in their darkened rooms hung superb masterpieces on the walls. Another 700 paintings had been hidden in the Tyrol, away from Hitler's marauding troops. The German troops searched Villa after Villa for all the "PLEASANT THINGS" that they could find. From one villa alone 50 paintings were taken away to Bavaria and on into Germany.

Since the end of World War II many art collections have been returned to their former countries and owners, but many have been lost to them for all time. It has been said, that when Germany was collapsing with the approach of the allies, fleeing Germans trying to escape with some of their ill-gotten wealth hid their loot en- route sometimes in caves here and there. Even a lake in Europe was searched by divers for GOLD bullion, after the war ended. Other Nazis hid their wealth by more conventional means, in a bank. Many Nazis still alive and escaping Germany after its fall, found their way into other countries with great wealth, to live out the rest of their lives in the custom to which they had become accustomed -as the saying goes! Let us continue this dreadful enveloping story of the Third Reich, and the evils of the god Nazism, under its leader Adolf Hitler in the next verse of Daniel 11:39.

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