41. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 21.
Constantine the Great. AD 306-337.

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We come now to one of the most important verses of Daniel's prophecies within chapter 11, because it spells out the turning point for the Roman 2-legged power, and ushers in more spiritual destruction for the House of Israel.


This verse,-believe it or not- is applicable to Constantine I or- the Great- as men choose to call him. Let us now unravel this emphatic derogatory statement of a person's character, spoken of Constantine I as Daniel sees him.

Head of Constantine - Click to Enlarge

The first words of verse 21 tells us "where" this prophecy takes place, that of the "Roman Estate".

We have already seen in verse 20 Diocletian "standing up" in this Roman Estate, who made this kingdom estate a "glory" to behold.

Verse 21 now gives the continuing story of what happened to that "order of the body politic" (estate) Rome, after Diocletian abdicated.

The 4 words, - "AND IN HIS ESTATE"- beginning verse 21, shows us the "his" here in these words happen within the glorious world of Rome. Which Diocletian had put so much of his own character and power into, and it is "this" person Diocletian who the "his" represents.

The small word "and" which begins verse 21 is sometimes used to connect sentences or words, or to emphasise the fact that we "continue" on now with that story of Rome. So, the 4 words are saying, "we continue on with the story of Diocletian's Rome, and what happens next".

Verse 21 now says,- "SHALL STAND UP A VILE PERSON". Again, we see a King "standing up" in the Roman world making an indelible mark by his presence. As Diocletian did before him which these 2 words "standing up" is telling us. That powerful person standing up was to become Constantine I. Whose father had been one of the 4 ruling Caesar-Augusti named, Constantius, under Diocletian's rule.

Daniel however calls the "him" in verse 21, a "VILE PERSON", which seems rather surprising when the verse unravels in history for Constantine I. Especially after all the histories of the treacherous men, Daniel's oracles unfold for us to read and understand. Of course, secular history has written glowing reports of Constantine by some historians, and others have written the opposite. Some Christian historians have looked upon Constantine as a great protector of the church; Others have been left wondering about his vacillating pagan Christian personality, with despotism thrown in for good measure. So, "who" is right?

When we deal in God's words and the writings of these prophets it is "they" who have the first and final words on the subject. Men's ability to know "all" within secular and spiritual history is many times biased, wrong, good guesswork, fleeting, -or- they are unable to fathom the "whole" story much different from a neutral or a knowing standpoint, as God, or His prophetic seers are able to!

When the word "vile" is used of a person it means:- he is -or- was, a villainous person, he was morally worthless, despicable, and wicked. That "he" has used people shamefully for his own ends, his morals had no sense of right or wrong, or virtue in his duty. Constantine's villainy spoken by Daniel, -writing God's oracles,- was because this Roman King set in motion the "abomination of desolation". Which was the state-run Roman church, which was eventually to wax very great. This abomination was to be born during the power of Imperial Roman times and grow into manhood thereafter. Which Jesus told us of during His life in Roman times, in Matthew 24:15. Whose "desolate" picture is spelled out for us in Daniel's chapters and endorsed in Revelations. (I have written a separate chapter on this, abomination).

Let us first of all back track on Constantine's life, and "why" Daniel sees him in this "vile" light!

Constantine was born on February 27th probably 280 AD at Naissus in Yugoslavia. His mother named Helena some say, was an innkeeper's daughter, others say a concubine of Constantius. Another writer says she was the daughter of a British prince. Constantine was 18 years old when his father became Caesar under Diocletian, and having been brought up in the East as a child. Then living at the eastern court of Diocletian, it left a great impression on him, which was to remain with him all through his life. Constantine also served in the army with Diocletian in Egypt.

When Constantius -his father- became ruler of Gaul, Spain, and Britain under Diocletian, his son did not accompany him to the West, instead, distinguished himself in battle with another Caesar named Galerius, in Persia. Upon Constantius request for Galerius to let his son Constantine come to him in the West, the request was refused. Nevertheless, Constantine left on his own accord riding with great speed to meet his father in Gaul. So, they crossed the English Channel together to do battle with the Scottish tribes, who were harassing Northern Britain. Though the campaign was victorious, Constantius died at York, where upon the Roman legions in Britain promptly proclaimed Constantine, Emperor.

Here we stop reader while we recap on Daniel 11 verse 21, and the next line of the prophecy. "TO WHOM THEY SHALL NOT GIVE THE HONOUR OF THE KINGDOM". This line seems to be in contradiction for Constantine being proclaimed Emperor at York. Because that prophetic line says, "that Rome will not give him the "honour". Or respect, reverence, or esteem due to him as being proclaimed an Emperor of such a vast Roman Kingdom straddling east and west. The reason "why" the rest of the Roman Empire did "not" accept Constantine was, because there were already 2 Caesars remaining to help them rule. Constantine was really a usurper to that throne. Let us have a quick run-down in secular history of these times, and why the "honour" of the Roman kingdom was out of Constantine's reach for a while.

History tells us much of the struggle for power of many pretenders to the Roman throne of the Caesar Constantius. In fact, what succeeded Diocletian was 18 years of confusion for that throne. The other monarchs who were left were Maximian, (who was forced into retirement with Diocletian) and Caesar Augustus Galerius.

The son of Maximian, named Maxentius also had himself proclaimed Emperor. His father Maximian came out to retirement to join his son as Augusti also. Galerius (from Diocletian's day) promoted Severus, and later Licinius to the state of Augustus against Constantine's claim. There were others who had been elevated to Majesty of ruling one called Maximinus Daia and later came Domitius Alexander, of Africa. The Roman world was ruled by 6 Emperors and aspiring Emperors, all in a short space of time. All these had been chosen by others as a Caesar or Augusti, other than Maximian's son Maxentius who chose himself. Now, we can see more clearly "why" Daniel said, "Constantine will "NOT" be GIVEN the HONOUR of all the KINGDOM of Rome". Because all these other persons ruled claiming parts of it also.

The hereditary principle of taking the throne from father to son was strong in the army, and with the people, especially when it was an absolute divine monarchy, as was set up by Diocletian. Therefore, Constantine's inheritance to that throne upon the death of his father Constantius, seemed an automatic natural process to public opinion of the West, especially to the army. Also, the "honour" of seniority of rank went to Constantius over Galerius as Augustus of the Roman world. So, that seniority should have counted in Constantine's favour.

All the pretenders to that throne seemed to have intermarried here and there to cement their possessions stronger. For instance, Galerius married Diocletian's daughter, Maximian's (Daza) mother was the sister of Galerius. Maximian was Constantine's father-in-law, and Licinius became Constantine's brother-in-law. (Constantine had 2 wives) etc.

Constantine had much work ahead of him to get to that throne. He was an artful man always thinking out his moves carefully, when reaching out for that power of Rome. Constantine wanted that throne for himself alone, and he was prepared to go to any lengths to achieve it. So, he weaved a web of deceit in and out of battle. Knowing pretenders to that throne had to be removed, before the "honour of the kingdom" was his!

So much is written of all the fighting, wheeling and dealing that went on at that time that I shall condense it here reader. So, we can understand Constantine's place in prophecy much clearer.

Constantine's first move was to appease Galerius by only accepting the role as Caesar and not Augusti. Galerius answer to him was to make Severus his co-emperor. Two years after Maximian came out of retirement to help Maxentius his son, he was driven out of Italy by him. Maximian sought refuge in 329 AD with Constantine in Gaul but was forced to commit suicide after trying to seize the Eastern Roman throne. Severus however was killed by Maxentius, (son of Maximian) who recognised Constantine as co-emperor. Maxentius also got rid of Domitius Alexander of Africa. Galerius did not like Constantine it seems, because he made Licinius co-emperor.

However, Galerius died in 311 AD. Now Maximinus joined forces with Maxentius (son of Maximian) to remove Constantine altogether in 312 AD. Constantine led his troops against Maxentius, who, escaping from Constantine drowned, in the river. Now Constantine became sole Emperor of the west only.

This left Licinius and Maximinus Daia as Augusti of the eastern part of the Roman Kingdom. Constantine made an agreement with Licinius. Who then made an agreement of religious tolerance with the growing numbers of Christians. Especially the Eastern Christians who rallied to help Licinius, thus banishing Maximinus Daia in 313 AD. Licinius eventually attacked Maximinus, who fell ill and died.

Licinius became Constantine's brother-in-law, nevertheless, quarrels broke out between them with Constantine attacking him in 316 AD. Afterwards they made a truce between themselves for approx. 9 years.

Meanwhile, they both reverted to the hereditary principle for the Roman dynasty, having 3 very young sons between them. Constantine had 2 sons, Licinius had 1 son. These they made Caesars. Though the concept of hereditary principle however required a single emperor only, so someone had to go! Licinius resumed the persecutions of the Christians. Constantine was obliged to favour them, as war broke out between them again. Licinius was defeated and surrendered. Both he and his young son were executed in 323 AD.

Now Constantine had the Roman Kingdom of east and west all to himself! The last sentence of Daniel 11 verse 21 says:- "BUT HE SHALL COME IN PEACEABLY, AND OBTAIN THE KINGDOM BY FLATTERIES". Here is a sentence that hides much history of those Roman times and seems a contradiction to what we have already learned of Constantine reaching for the Roman throne. Because we have read, he had to fight for the throne and not obtain it peaceably? This sentence is however explaining "why" this King was called "Vile" in prophecy. Therefore, it explains the basis of this man's character in actions, and how he "used" people and the "situation" around him to his own benefit. Constantine's character has been argued over by many secular historians throughout the years. Christians of many sorts of beliefs have called him the deliverer of Christ's church, many have looked upon him as a hero, and even a saint. Others noting his weaknesses, his vanity of mind, his tyrannical use of power and people for his own purposes with corruption abounding everywhere. Especially with his army of spies, which have branded him, a man who dishonoured the Roman throne. So, let us go back again into the history of his earlier years, and see "why" and 'how" Constantine came into that Roman kingdom "peaceably".

Constantine's appearance from his youth was a bonus for his abilities to rule others. He was tall and conspicuous in his bearing, good looking, and full of life in his activities, whether it was sport or in the administration of business. He exercised his mind with reading, writing, and hearing the complaints of his subjects.

The army, upper classes, and the bureaucracy of Rome were still pagan; He, and his troops were confessed worshippers of the sun-god Sol. Called Invictus, (Or unconquered sun-restorer of the world) and like his father Constantius they worshipped at the Grand Temple of the sun in the Mountains of Gaul,(France). Sol's birthday was December 25th and was a national festival and Sunday was Sol's observance day.

In 310 AD it is said, Constantine had a pagan "vision" of the god Apollo, while he worshipped at a shrine in Gaul. No doubt his vision appeasing perhaps the worshippers around him of that popular god.

A year later he had another "vision", this time appeasing the ever-growing Christians of the Empire. Because this "vision" of a flaming cross, apparently appeared to him in the noon day sky with words written in Greek, which read, "By this sign conquer". The words are usually given in Latin as -"hoc signo vinces".

He gave instructions for the monogram of Christ to be -in Greek-, "Chi-Rho" (meaning in Christ's name). To be emblazoned on the soldier's shields, then he went out to meet Maxentius in battle the outcome of which was victory!

Constantine had announced that his patron god was "Sol Invictus," and that he was turning away from the god Jupiter. (Whom Diocletian personified), and Hercules. Which gods supported Galerius and Constantius when they ruled the Roman Empire. In 310 AD he had also let it be known that his father Constantius was really the illegitimate son of the Roman General and Emperor, Claudius Gothicus. Who died in 268-270 AD whose campaign against the Germans was so successful, he received his reward in the name Gothicus. This claim implied to all that Constantine's claim to the throne was a hereditary one, firstly through his father as Caesar under Diocletian, and through the Emperor Claudius.

It seems then that Constantine cemented for himself many roads to walk on, when presenting himself to the people. He was very astute in noting the chaos in the Empire that the persecution of the Christians had caused, and the continual fighting of princely contestants for the Roman throne. Therefore, "peace" on every front was very necessary for Constantine's cause. Constantine recognised Christianity as a fact of life, and like the other pagan gods and religions that were worshipped in the Roman world, it was tolerated.

When Daniel says in verse 21, Constantine came in "peaceably" it was because he cunningly took the Roman Crucifixion cross as his sign. Upon which Jesus was the atonement of "peace" between God and man. Jesus was hung as the Lamb of God, and Prince of Peace. This was the emblem to conquer with. Through which the same emblem would have moved the Christians greatly with sorrow.

The theme of Jesus as the Good Shepherd, peaceably and lovingly holding a lamb across his shoulders, was very popular in early Christian times.

Constantine was shrewd enough to see Christianity had the power for "inner peace", to sway and hold men's minds to the death. The more the Christians were persecuted the more they resisted, and he wanted that loyalty, that discipline, that "peace" for himself to save the Empire from its own destruction.

When Constantine went out to meet Maxentius and his army, and Constantine's soldiers wore the sign of the "Prince of Peace" on their shields, he looked upon Maxentius overthrow and death as an act of the Christian's God. Therefore, because his "vision" he said was of the Christians, and that power to overthrow others was of their God, it naturally followed he declared that he also joined himself to the Christian sect in an outward show of sympathy. Though he was not baptised as one until upon his death. His peculiar conversion to "his" so-called Christianity as a whole, remains a mystery altogether to many historians! The strange thing was, he seemed to mix Jesus the Prince of peace, with the worship of the sun god Sol. Both as the "highest divinity". To both gods he gave the same birthdays and the same days for worship, Sunday. Constantine fixed December 25th as Christ's birth date, which seems to have been carried on after Constantine's death in 337 BC. By Julius the bishop of Rome 337-352 AD. Sun symbols appeared on Constantine's monuments and coins, so did the names and figures of the old gods, making him a rather confused Christian!

Constantine stood "peaceably" in many camps when Daniel says in verse 21. "AND OBTAIN THE KINGDOM BY FLATTERIES". We have already seen some of his flatteries in worshipping so many gods! The word "flatteries" means:- to gratify and agree to oneself to compliment and praise falsely. Or to entertain views or impressions that are pleasing to one's self-cajolery, which can raise false hopes. This word "flattery" sums up Constantine's artful nature completely. Because if one goes into his lifestyle and his actions during his reign of Rome's throne, one is left with a feeling of wanting to reject this man with disgust, because he "used" people and the times he lived in, in a selfish manner. The Christians were "used" by him nothing more than that. It was a case of, "if you can't lick'em join'em"!

These following items from secular history endorse his "flatteries" to the people, using whichever sector he pleased at a given time.

One must remember that Christianity represented a minority, and it was not made the official religion of the Empire as one may think! Constantine ruled with one foot in Christianity, and one foot in the old ceremonies of Roman Augury (omens), and divination, as the cult of the old Roman rulers, and he remained with the old title of Pontifex Maximus, (Chief Priest). So, Rome's attitude to the Christian religion was tolerant, providing they also kept to the rules of the state religion. Constantine "used" Jesus, the pagan gods of Greece and Rome; interchangeably wherever it suited him at a given time; In other words, he "flattered others to please himself".

The Arch of Constantine which can be seen in Rome today, was set up to commemorate his victory over Maxentius and his army, which attributes his victory to his own genius and an unknown god.

When Constantine and Licinius met at Milan, it was to agree on certain commitments for the "peace" of the Empire. Some of these agreements were political for the restoration of lands etc. also, they extended toleration to the Christians, -and to other forms of worship "A FLATTERY". To the Bishop of Rome was donated Imperial property, where a new cathedral the "Basilica Constantiniana" arose. A great "FLATTERY" to the unknown God, and the Christians, apart from himself. He released the clergy from secular work, to work instead for the Divinity. Which of course benefited the affairs of the state, ensuing he had good friends in high places! Another "FLATTERY".

When Constantine fought his brother-in-law Licinius who ruled the Eastern Empire, the Christians both West and East considered it imperative for their protection to stand with Constantine, against Licinius, when war broke out between them because the latter Emperor had no love for them at all. The Christians then feeling Constantine favoured them. Yet! It was politically expedient for Constantine to do so. Constantine accommodating the Christians, then regarded himself as the earthly representative of the Christian God -as the viceroy of God- upon earth. Therefore, because of this he expected his Christian subjects to obey him, "as" God's representative. God having entrusted him to direct human affairs whether in church or out of it. A FLATTERY to himself indeed!

He brought into being the Eastern Orthodox and Roman religions, through his meddling within something he did not understand. A FLATTERY to his own divinity. Now that Constantine was sole ruler of the Roman world of East and West after Licinius' death, the geographical and administrative centre of the world was taking place in Asia Minor and not Rome. So, he moved his capital city to Byzantium (Turkey). The new city which was built was called the "city of Constantine" or Constantinople. A FLATTERY to himself. This is where he was to rule until his death in 337 AD. Constantinople emerged in the East as sole government, since Diocletian's day, and like a huge monster it ate up all freedoms and monies in the Empire. Until the Western leg of Rome hardly had meat left on its bones for its survival, and the economy went from bad to worse.

Rome was not the place to set up a new religion at that time, because it was wallowing too deeply in its old pagan beliefs. So, the capital for a new start in a new Christian Empire, had to be removed to the East and Byzantium.

Of course, later it was reunited, when Constantine had put all things under his feet. Later again in history it would divide into 2 forms, that of the Roman Catholic Church, and the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Constantine's absolute power had a problem though, in succeeding the Roman throne, because for many generations passed it had been ruled by Emperors who had also been worshipped as gods. Diocletian for example ruled before him, was representing the god Jupiter. Constantine however had come into Rome through Christianity, which had only one God. People prostrated themselves before Constantine in adulation, and he could not represent any divinity in himself. So, a compromise was reached, they accepted him as God's representative on earth, with a title equal to the apostles of Christ, naming him the 13th apostle. That indeed was an elevation in "FLATTERY" that surpasses all others. It did not matter it seemed that Constantine usurped the throne of Rome at first, nor that his road to monarchy was stained with the blood of others, nor that he "used" God, Jesus, and mankind in his despotic lifestyle! The "use" he made of Jesus, and of God in a self-centred uneducated fashion was to bring those words, "VILE PERSON", out of Daniel's words to fulfil that prophecy.

It is said, Constantine had a portable church in a tent when he campaigned with his army, he also composed special prayers for his men, all for this pagan man to appease his followers. He changed Saturday the Sabbath, to Sunday observance to God and as a day of rest. He proclaimed saint days, giving many privileges to the clergy, and numerous laws were set in motion to govern the church. So many "FLATTERIES" he performed, yet! He was completely brutal and ruthless to his enemies. Constantine not only changed the course of Roman church history, but Christian history as a whole, and the histories of West and East under their division. Constantine's bringing to birth of the city of Constantinople, was to grow and become mistress of the East for many centuries that then lay ahead.

Constantine set in motion also, the completed fulfilling of the "power" of the 2 iron legs of Rome. Seen in Nebuchadnezzar's dream image, giving each leg a capital city. One leg represented the Western Empire under the city of Rome, and the other leg the Eastern Empire under the city of Constantinople. Daniel tells us this story in chapter 2 verses 31 to 43.

As I said before, the Western leg under Rome had been gradually moulding away for many a year, under its selfish Emperors, and power mad generals fighting for the throne. The civil wars that were fought took their toll in the blood spilled of the veteran soldiers, bringing about also increase of heavy taxes and decrease of Roman treasure, it all led to the decline of the Western leg of the Roman Empire. Roman revolutions brought about its own fall, and not just the increased pressure from Germanic tribes that finally overwhelmed the West.

Emperors that made this division possible and made the most impact were those born outside Italy, so their deep emotions were not in the West but the East. Men like Agricola, Claudius, Octavian, etc. were Rome's sons with an allegiance to Rome first. Not so with Constantine, nor Diocletian, or Julius Severus etc. Constantine born in Naissus, Yugoslavia, had turned his face towards the East who immersed himself in its mysterious ways. The Roman city of great prestige to all in the West was falling apart. Only its "name" became a symbol of its greatness.

So, in 324 AD Constantinople rose up on the old Greek city of Byzantium, formed in the wish of Constantine to make it a replica of Rome itself. Complete with the 7 hills upon which Rome sat. Even some of the hills had been constructed to conform to pattern. This city became the administrative capital of the empire instead of Rome. Its strategic position in Asia Minor (Turkey), was of great importance, being so close to the commercial routes from France to Mesopotamia. When Constantinople in the East was finished, he dedicated the city to the Virgin Mary and churches to Saints. MORE FLATTERIES again.

The new religion he helped to forge embracing East and West, was to cause havoc in the conscience of mankind into the centuries that followed. Constantine gave his legal permission for an ecclesiastical order to be set up to govern Christians. -FLATTERIES. Though Christianity was only one of a number of forms of worship going on at the same time. In Italy alone, gifts of gold were consecrated in the temple of Jupiter for the triumph of the Caesar. Which of course Constantine was only too pleased to receive, and melt down for his greedy purposes. -Another FLATTERY to Jupiter's followers. The latter end of his 14 years of ruling saw him gradually become opulent in all he did. Because he maintained himself in eastern splendour akin to the courts of Persia. He spent lavishly at the royal court in festivals and on his building programme, at the cost of his subjects who were now oppressed by the corruption. Excessive waste and violent plunder of the spending of this Prince included his army of privileged toadies. From his overpowering of Maxentius and Licinius their possessions yielded for him many treasures, which Constantine lavishly spent.

Constantine's nature was more disposed to Orientalism, giving himself over to live like an Asian with rituals, pomp, and ceremony, not unlike Diocletian. Constantine's subjects once looked upon him with great hope, but they became ashamed of his person, bedecked in effeminate silk bejewelled robes and his Asiatic pomp. These were the years of peace for the empire. It was also a time of dreadful corruption and steady decay in the people's lives.

Many ideas and buildings were set in motion with Constantine's "FLATTERIES" towards the one true God, His son Jesus, and the saints. Some were real and imagined saints. Constantine vacillated always between different ideas and dogmas of bishops and priests, changing his mind several times over the nature and translations of Christ and the word of God. The Eastern religions ideas were different from the Western part of the empire. So, Constantine set in motion a universal creed to be implemented for all the empire to worship as one, which brought about the Nicene Council in 325 AD which then brought the Nicene Creed into being. Though he was an unbaptised Christian with a pagan bent in worship, he nevertheless presided over this church council, and not only took part in the discussions, but welded together church and state in his patronage. This council exiled men of the Eastern Church for heresy amongst other things and issued many decrees in regulations for the workings of the church for procedures of clerics.

A Creed is an authoritative summary of the articles of Christian faith, it's a statement of fundamental points of belief, or confession of faith.

Constantine's Nicene Creed was a statement of the facts that the New Testament was a continuing fulfilment of the Old Testament in the teaching of Jesus. This Nicene Creed was put on the same level of authority as the Old and New Testaments, which then gave them the authority to interpret the laws of God, and the right of doctrine. What a bold uneducated statement of "VILE FLATTERY".

Neither the Eastern nor Western Empires became unified, however. The East took upon itself over the centuries the Greek interpretation of Christian and pagan doctrines. The West set itself up to teach its ideas of God's Law in institutions of monasteries etc. again, unable to shake off pagan doctrines. (In 382 AD Pope Damasus I -and other popes to follow,- continued with these doctrines, and proclaimed officially as to what books and the authors of Scripture were to be included in the then Bible. Some books were classed as accepted or heretical. With these differing and reaffirming of rules, went on for the Roman Universal church into the centuries).

These biblical rules of men, and especially Constantine's are all "FLATTERIES" to serve their own power bases.

Constantine's 80-year-old mother Helena it is said, travelled much in the East, on a pilgrimage to the Holy land. She gave her help in setting up the holy shrines and churches on biblical places whither she went, Constantine supplied labour, material, and suggestions in the designs and decorations in churches. During a visit to Jerusalem in 327 AD she founded a refuge for monks at the foot of Mount Sinai, (Jebel Musa) which eventually became Saint Catherine's Monastery. (A FLATTERY) In 326 AD Constantine erected a richly adorned tower over the tomb (or sepulchre), where Jesus was supposed to have laid at his death, which it was then said, had been rediscovered. (A FLATTERY).

Constantine's greatest achievement in "FLATTERY" became Saint Peter's church in Rome upon Vatican Hill. It was on this hill that Nero had, had his gardens, where Christians were sacrificed as human torches to light his murderous path. This Vatican Hill saw also the burials of pagan and Christian alike in its earth. Now however it was to have a new basilica planted on that earth. Constantine gave his permission to Pope Sylvester I to build over the burial place of early Christian leaders, and the supposed burial place of Saint Peter. Which grave became the high altar of that church and was known as Constantine's Basilica.

All these various churches he had built were ostentatious in rich decorations of art, their liturgies and dogmas filled the air. Constantine's Basilica had 52 altars holding 700 candles burning day and night.

Today, that newly fashioned church is known as Saint Peters or the Vatican, which took almost a century to rebuild and was finished in 1626 AD. It is interesting to note that over the long years since Constantine's day, many of the walls and roof etc. have been rebuilt owing to old age, and during some of this repair work in 1594 AD. -In the time of Pope Clement VIII.- A large crack opened up exposing a vault beneath in which it is said, the Pope saw a gold cross the height of a man. According to their tradition, Constantine and his mother Helena had placed it on the tomb of Saint Peter in 326 AD? Apparently, under Saint Peters church there are a confusion of graves and coffins, housing Kings, queens, courtiers, endless popes and cardinals, some dating from 359 AD. Constantine's Basilica remember, had already been built over a Roman cemetery for pagans and Christians alike. From excavations taking place under the high altar of Saint Peter from 1939, it was said, Saint Peter's tomb was found decorated with Christian emblems, it being surrounded by marble tablets as votive plaques, and coins from many areas of the Roman empire, including Britain. If then Saint Peters grave was indeed found under all these conditions, then the "FLATTERIES" to him were as much of a mockery and a circus, as they were to Christ. In poor Saint Peter's "FLATTERIES", in body and spirit we see prophecy fulfilled to the letter of the Law, within -John 21:18-19-


When these prophetic verses which Jesus spoke of Peter, are unravelled and the understanding seen, then reader you will note like all prophecy it is fulfilled 2 ways, one of the flesh and one of the spirit. Saint Peter went to Rome of his own accord, led by God, then being taken prisoner by the Romans was perhaps crucified? Saint Peter "did" follow Jesus to a violent death. This then is what occurred in his flesh. His "old age" belonged to his spiritual acts, of self-denial, when his fleshly desires were put aside, and God only drew him along. What Saint John's verses are telling one is this:- When Peter was young, he did what pleased him in the flesh, he "GIRDEST" -or- (sometimes this word is a type of sarcasm meaning, to clothe and encircle). In this case Peter clothed himself as he pleased and bound around himself in vanity, life as he wished to live it. Because Peter walked or went where his desires took him and was obligated to no man. But when Peter grew older, and with the wisdom of age and understanding, accepted what God had in store for him with obedience and without a struggle. His spiritual nature predominant as he accepted his lot. Peter would have died under the Emperor Nero. (Who also died 68 AD). Peter would have been in his sixties. He was to put out his arms himself in subjection, to "ANOTHER" person or thing to bind him as a prisoner. Did you get the full impact of word "ANOTHER" reader? When Jesus spoke of "ANOTHER" he was not speaking of Peter being a "FOLLOWER" of the Christ as a Christian, nor belonging to the Christian Jews, out of which Peter was forged. Because the word "ANOTHER" means, - not the same,- it's different,- or one more event!

Jesus was not speaking of the Roman army taking Peter captive to be martyred by them either! Because that "ANOTHER"- is not the same, what Peter had learned and practised under Jesus. The "OTHER" that would take Peter when he grew older, took him captive for other reasons because they were to "BIND" him. But Peter willingly put forth his own arms in obedience for what his spirit was to suffer. Which means:- to be confined with a substance that is flexible. It is to cover by a promise of an agreement. To "BIND" is also any other moral or legal tie, it is to be obliged to a duty because of a claim upon one! The claim the Romans "BOUND" on Peter was to say later in history that Peter was their first Roman Bishop.

That Roman church set up legally by the oriental Constantine, was the one called "ANOTHER", and not Christ's simple church.

The Roman church "GIRDED" Peter in jewelled garments of "ANOTHER" garment. They "encircled" him with the "binding" and took his spirit prisoner. When Peter's prophecy was foretold for his spiritual death, these Romans were going to "CARRY" him after death where he didn't want to go. To "CARRY" means the act of bearing or transporting him along, it is a mode of travel for a person and not a mode of death after crucifixion.

Indeed, the Romans have "BOUND AND CARRIED" Peter along all through the centuries in the guise of a Pope, travelling high on a throne. With Roman claims that they are the rightful heirs to Christ's church. Jesus himself, said, Peter would go to "ANOTHER" and not His own church.

When John 21:19 says:- "THIS SPAKE HE (Jesus) SIGNIFYING BY WHAT DEATH HE SHOULD GLORIFY GOD". It is not speaking of Peter's mysterious death by crucifixion, -or- whatever means of death historian's question? It was the case of obedience, and which death was pleasing to God, because Peter was a sacrifice towards the Gentiles. Knowing "ANOTHER" would make use of him. Peter in his flesh did not hesitate but went to Rome to fulfil all things. It was "this" action of obedience which "GLORIFIED" God. Which means to exalt, to honour and bless. It is this role of obedience in the spirit, that Peter stands out in humility above the other disciples, and why Scripture tells us so little of his fortunes in his missionary journeys etc.

Jesus endorsed Peter's determination to fulfil prophecy in obedience,- as Jesus went Himself to the agonies of beatings and the cross, in obedience. When he said to Peter, in John 21:19. "FOLLOW ME". Peter's person "did" follow Jesus to the death of flesh and of the spirit. The difference between the two of them, was Jesus' spirit rose from the grave clothed in a new body. Whereas Peter's spirit remained locked into "ANOTHER" following, until our Lord returns again!

To prove it is the Spirit of Peter we speak of here in his old age, Johns chapter 21 goes on to tell us by what manner John himself would end his life. Peter thought Jesus said, "John would not die but would tarry (or wait and linger) until Jesus came back." Well! John died and Jesus has not come back to fulfil this prophecy it seems! But wait! Jesus "did" come back to John but in His spirit. John was in his 90 years, lingering in old age exiled on the Isle of Patmos because of believing the words of God, and of the witness of Jesus. John was visited by the angel of Jesus, who showed him the stages of history in the years ahead of him written in the prophetic book of Revelations. With peoples who were to be born and fulfil prophecy many years hence. John "saw" through his spiritual eyes, because he was taken into the realms of the spirit to see the return of the Lord. He looked upon spiritual and fleshly happenings, for the world to come. Yet! John remained alive afterwards in his flesh, still waiting for his own death of the flesh, living a few more years. This mystery of Revelations happened as foretold. So to was Peter's prophecy played out in his spirit, but without his fleshly body. These "deep" mysterious reasons of Scripture and of secular history, is "why" Constantine more than any other was called a "Vile Person", because he took "spiritual prisoners", that were used for temporal powers towards vice and corruption. Constantine became known as the first Christian Emperor. But his view of true Christianity was rather warped when one reads and absorbs his character, the plotting and scheming of this despotic man.

Many of these erroneous scriptural interpretations and problems, lie in the fact that many a person does not understand the 2 parallel roads of flesh and spirit, that man lives out his life here on earth in 2 ways, whether he likes it, understands it or not! Going back again to Constantine, we read many arguments by historians for and against Constantine's motives for backing the Christian horse during these times. Constantine was indeed a rather complex character, with a foot well-entrenched in pagan and oriental despotism. The other foot also well entrenched in pushing his form of Christianity, though unable to take the baptismal plunge needed to shoe that foot. Indeed, he bent this way and that when necessary and expedient.

It is the Bible however who puts Constantine's true reasons into focus. Because Daniel the prophet, knew and saw the heart of the man, and was noted as a "Vile Person", capable of "peaceable moves" and "flatteries" for his own ends. Constantine was the only Augustus Caesar to this large Empire, and he tried to provide that empire and the various nations within his rule, with a single religion. Brought about with rules and regulations bred in the fertile minds of men. He was Caesar to the outer-man and tried to affect the inner man also with Spiritual Caesarism. The Roman Empire nor its ruler had simplicity of the heart, purpose, or any Godly virtue, which is the basis of true Christianity. What Constantine's church sought was power over men, nothing less! Unhappily for mankind the so-called Christian church kept the worst of all things, and it still renders unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's! Constantine ultimately wedded together church and state, or men's politics both East and West with the chaste heavenly body of Christ. It can't be done! One cannot sleep restfully with the other! Roman state funds went into the church purse providing for bishops who went into the service of the state. This also brought about meddling Imperial regulations into church affairs. Constantine's church had perfected itself upon the model of the Roman political state.

At first the emperor's that came after Constantine, resumed the "right" to interfere in religious affairs, later on however the tables were turned, and the church claimed the "right" to judge Emperor's. The Caesar-paganism-papism-orthodoxy-of Rome and Byzantium Christianity, all intermingled over the centuries and came out the other end, as the factual Christianity born of Christ. Constantine's Church Christianity has gone down in history as if it were spoken by representatives of heavenly bodies and implemented thereafter by chosen men of God. Rome couldn't be further from the truth if it had tried to distance itself altogether.

We must speak of what happened in Britain here also, who were far from the "goings-on" in Europe at that time. Secular history tells us that there was considerable tolerance towards cults and religions of many sorts. The Celtic gods of the old inhabitants of Britain were accepted by some Romans, whether they were soldiers of the legions, or incoming families from Europe. There also flourished, in this little Island, the gods of the East such as Isis of Egypt, Mithras of Persia, and Apollo of Greece and Rome.

It seems that early simple Christianity was established in England amongst the ancient Britons, from the early beginnings of Roman occupation around Saint Paul's time, 60 AD. Probably introduced into England by traders, soldiers, and the general movement of peoples of that time.

-The Christian historian Tertullian wrote in 206 AD that, "in districts inaccessible to the Romans, people called Britanni had become subjects of Christ"-. It was Constantine's Christianity a hundred years later which also took hold of the people of Britain the most. Whether it was because the British Romans had proclaimed Constantine Emperor at first therefore, binding him to the people emotionally, one can only assume! The Roman cult of emperor worship as a divine being, from Claudius' time onwards, was present in Britain also. The Romans had sort from all the people of the "Isles" due honour at state functions for their many gods, to be worshipped at correct times during these functions. Though the peoples own native form of worship wasn't really affected by these rules. Because the Celtic population were of the poorer classes, the slaves, and those not in the public eye. These peoples went unnoticed during those functions of the ruling Romans.

Celtic Christianity flourished in pockets in the Isles, beneath all these many gods of other religions, and beneath it all, in smaller pockets Christ's"real" Christianity lay quiet and unassuming. Rome did not understand Christ's "real" Christianity, which was shy, personal, obedient unto death, completely satisfying and intimate with God and His Christ. The "real" Christian fully aware he was a "stranger" only walking through the paths of life, and the earthly powers who ruled him were unimportant. Therefore, the poorer classes life and story would be of no consequence to tell to historians for them to write of later. No monument, great edifice, or church would have told of their passing. But somewhere Christ's "true people" were there. Only the passing of the years would finally acknowledge them at the end of time, as the "daughter of Zion" and "daughter of Jerusalem" numbered, and chosen, above all mankind!

Constantine during his lifetime had 2 wives, 3 daughters and 4 sons. Crispus, his son by the first wife, was deputy emperor and heir to the throne. Historians recall that he was an able and capable son, earning many honours in the army whilst still young. It seemed Constantine became jealous of his popularity with the people, so some mysterious charge was laid against him. Constantine calling upon many a god's name in prayer, made sure of young Crispus' murder, and that of his mother Fausta, which was carried out in secret in the year 326 AD.

The same year his "FLATTERIES" towards Christ's Sepulchre and Peter's gold cross took place.

Constantine's 3 remaining sons named, Constantine, Constantius, and Constans, were invested with the title of Caesar, elevating also 2 cousins named Dalmatius and Hannibalianus. The latter elevation of cousins endangered the continuity of the throne, which leaves a question as to why Constantine would do it? In 337 AD Constantine died at the age of 64 years in Nicomedia, still surrounded in the pomp of an Eastern potentate, and it was said, was baptised a Christian on his death bed.

Even after the death of Constantine his voice cried out from the grave, -as it were,- in a design of cruelty and fraud. It is said that his son Constantine II, who had taken possession of the palace at Constantinople, received a testament of his father given to him by the bishop of Nicomedia. In which was written suspicions of his death, and that he had requested his sons to revenge his death and punish the guilty. It is said, this last testament of Constantine was a fraudulent scroll, brought about as an excuse to kill all those too close to the throne. The eventual massacre wiped out many members of that family, namely 2 uncles of Constantius, seven cousins, of which Dalmatius and Hannibalianus were a prime target. A man called Optatus who had married Constantine I sister, and many others who belonged and served this large family had perished. After a few years the son of Constantine I namely Constantius, who had also become a so- called Christian, was the sole Emperor to survive all the killings. This is another example of princely Roman oriental corruption, nurtured in avarice with lack of merit brought about by the father, Constantine I, who men call "The Great"!

Great, is a word meaning with many attributes, of noble rank, of an elevated admirable person of distinguished position! Yet! The Biblical prophecy knew his heart and called him a "Vile Person". Whose "Honour" of the Estate of Rome, was gained through stealth, lies, and murder. The peace was gained through Flatteries towards The Lord Jesus. He took captive Saint Peter, as the first Bishop of Rome, and have held him fast ever since. Rome changed the date of Jesus' birth, changed the Sabbath, exalted the cross as victory, etc. (which only celebrate the sun god Sol). Life came to an end. But the history of the Eastern "iron" leg of the Roman Empire with the city of Constantinople, -of Nebuchadnezzar's image,- continued on for many a year, long after the Western leg and the city of Rome had fallen.

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