53. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 33.
World War I, 1914-18. - "Mobilisation".

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After going through the long series of events leading up to and surrounding history in verse 32 of Daniel 11, we come now to a verse which is the saddest of all for this period of time. It is a word picture spelled out of total war, which was the Great War or World War I. It eventually enveloped all the Israelite tribes when Joseph's children both small and great, were hated, shot at, and sorely treated, which expression we have already read of in Joseph's blessing of Genesis 49:23.

The causes of World War I, have been analysed by historians and writers with many thoughts and reasons differing on this subject. Yet! One line of thinking seems to prevail above all others, and it is this. It seems it was the intense underlying spirit of nationalism that prevailed in Europe as a whole, during the 19th and 20th centuries, along with political and economic rivalry amongst the nations. To the nations also the destruction of Turkish influence in Europe was paramount. The triple alliance formed by Great Britain, France, and Russia, made uneasy bedfellows. It came into being through Europe's dividing into 2 camps. The fear of alliances between Turkey, Germany, and Austria-Hungary was the motivating force, not in any kinship, or love they had for each other. They say, this nationalism in turn dragged into that war of 1914, all Europe, Asia, and Africa. When the First World War began no one seemed to ask, "why are we fighting"? soon however it turned into an Anglo-German duel. Or as Daniel's prophecy said, in verse 32 "A WICKED PRINCE" will turn against his own people of Germanic/British stock -"the covenanted British Israel". When George V and Kaiser Wilhelm II of almost the same bloodline faced each other with cousin against cousin Daniel 11:33 was put into effect.

Our Lord's prophetic verse Matthew 24:28. "FOR WHERE SO EVER THE CARCASE IS, THERE WILL THE EAGLES BE GATHERED TOGETHER". Was once more now seen to the full! The CARCASE of the "House of Israel" will now be surrounded by marauding Eagles of "banners of men".

In earlier chapters of Daniel 11:30 we had the 2 headed EAGLE of Russia,- which EAGLE banner looks for power both East and West.- The Romanov prince's EAGLE was flexing and flapping its wings in eagerness to get at that "meat" during the Crimean War.

In Daniel 11:31, we had once more the Golden Imperial Roman EAGLE, in a new guise within the Roman papacy, jostling for its place in the sun around that Israelite CARCASE.

Daniel 11:32 then pointed the way for us, showing when and where the attacking EAGLE would come out of unexpected quarters, that of Prussia-Germany. Verse 33 Is when the "EAGLES" are seen, and understood to the full, because by the beginning of the 20th century 3 EAGLES between them, ruled vast lands across the world.

The Eagle of the Romanov of Russia, (whose eagle looked East and West). The Hapsburg of Austria-Hungary, -(whose eagle also looked east and west) The Hohenzollern of the German Empire, and Prussia, (the largest kingdom in the German Empire)- this Eagle looked east, and west which is representative of the Eagle of the Teutonic Knights.

Germany's eagle involved the eagle banners of men from Berlin to Bavaria, and Warsaw Poland. (The latter empire founding in 1871 under William I, the first German Emperor). Those Eagle standards of men were held by their foolish, arrogant, vanity ridden, absolute imperial princes, whose collective desires for power and self-aggrandisement was their undoing. Thrusting upon the nations the frightful First World War with all its calamities.

Before we start unravelling Verse 33. I must comment upon a few articles I have read in the past, as regards the translation and meaning of our Lord's prophecy of EAGLES and Carcase from Matthew 24 verse 28, and the "reason" for this verse on "EAGLES".

I have noted some biblical students reasoning, that the verse on Eagles within Matthew 24, seems to mean different things to different peoples, all depending upon what denomination one belongs to and their personal beliefs. Some peoples question whether it is eagles or vultures that are mentioned here in verse 28, and exactly how the Greek or English translation should read. Because they say, many eagles do not eat dead carcasses. This reasoning to my mind reader is an exercise in futility, because verse 28, like the rest of Matthew 24, is secular historical prophecy. Therefore, one must look to secular history for the answer.

Other biblical students feel that the verse relating to Eagles rests with the fact, that it supplies only a figurative expression for us to benefit from, "if we have Eagle eyes to see signs with" for the last days. Again reader, this to is an exercise on futility to try and understand with.

Note reader, that verse 28 within Matthew 24 is out of context with the verses each side of it. Because verses 26 to 31 deals with the changes within the earth's orbit etc. at the return of the "SON of man". Therefore, verse 28 is God's way of "hiding secrets", to be unravelled in the last days, which will give God's discerning children "hope"! Let us now go back to Daniel 11:33 and unravel the first sentence. "AND THEY THAT UNDERSTAND AMONG THE PEOPLE SHALL INSTRUCT MANY". As we have read many times before, "AND" is a word that connects verse 33 with the social times of verse 32, "and" introduces another clause to this continuing story. -"THEY"- means, their, or plural of these, people. -"THAT"- introduces a reason, an end or purpose. "UNDERSTAND"- means to apprehend or comprehend fully, to be informed and to learn, to interpret, and to have use of the intellectual faculties, to assume. -"AMONG" means, mixed, or mingled with, throughout, or associated with. - "THE PEOPLE"- the body of persons who compose a community, race, or nation, a body social, persons indefinitely. -"SHALL" this word forms part of a future tense, it implies control and authority by the speaker, Daniel. -"INSTRUCT"- this word imparts knowledge or information, to educate, or teach, to give directions to, it is to order, command, or advise and give notice. -"MANY"- this word means, comprising a number of persons or things, forming numerous.

In other words, verse 33 is saying, "THEY" or "THEIR" people, of whom we have been reading about in verse 32. Within these high and lower classes of the British Isles, will have a "REASON or a PURPOSE" to end their way of life. THEY, of the upper classes, who have the "use of their intellectual faculties" who should "comprehend fully" and who are able to "interpret" the situation around them in secular history. Who are "mixed" or "mingled" with all these PEOPLES. That "body of persons" who compose this community in the Isles, or wherever "this race or nation resides". - "SHALL", in "the future, and in an authoritative manner". Will give directions or command and give notice of their intentions. -To a numerous persons and things. It is obvious from this interpretation of these types of people, who use their "intellectual faculties", we speak of the "government of men" who also are mingled within this nation of Britain. Who are capable of directing a whole nation into a war etc. From which no man or person is able to withdraw from easily. This nation is now guided by those directions, and this command. To "INSTRUCT MANY" is another way of saying, "Mobilisation"! The "government" of nations are the classes of people who should have the comprehension of the various situations around them, and therefore "interpret and direct" their nations of numerous people, rightly or wrongly. These governments of men however, still come from the upper classes during these times, when class distinction prevailed.

Many Biblical students have translated verses 32 and 33 for Antiochus Epiphanes, and the Maccabees around BC 168, and by the time the next verses to 35 is reached, we are told we must overleap the centuries of 2,000 years to the "end" of man's time. What utter nonsense they make of our Heavenly Father's Law, these are large errors from lack of knowledge nothing more! These nonsense translations have come about through humping all things together according to man's reasoning and interpreting them out of "time" sequences. One must pay meticulous attention to each "word" meaning, in this vast jigsaw puzzle. Using my Lord's rule of measure. Matthew 5:18. "FOR VERILY I SAY UNTO YOU. TILL HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS, ONE JOT OR ONE TITLE SHALL IN NO WISE PASS FROM THE LAW, TILL ALL BE FULFILLED".

The words "INSTRUCT MANY" from Daniel 11:33 opens out into an "action" that is strictly a modern day happening. It is to pile up people into a structure and join them together, as one nation of Israel. "Mobilisation", is the act of putting peoples together on a war footing, it is a state of readiness to move or change into active service and that "command" can only come from this "government" of whom we speak in Daniel's verse 33. These words of Daniel to "INSTRUCT MANY" -or- "Mobilisation", had a devastating effect on all classes of people, nothing was ever the same again as secular history explains. From that time on life changed for the people as class distinction began to change, reorganising itself.

This is an excerpt from a book called "Milestones of the 20th Century". The Heading reads:- "Mobilising for Total War". -"THE GREAT WAR WAS THE FIRST TO DRAW WHOLE SOCIETIES INTO A WORLD-WIDE CONFLICT. ALL ABLE-BODIED MEN AGED 18 TO 41 WERE CALLED UP AND TOWARDS THE END OF THE WAR, SOME COUNTRIES EVEN CONSCRIPTED OLDER CITIZENS. IN AUSTRIA AND HUNGARY FOR EXAMPLE, 55 YEAR OLD MEN WERE CALLED UP TO TAKE ARMS. MOBILISATION OF TROOPS WAS ON A SCALE AS THE WORLD HAD NEVER SEEN. THE TOTAL NUMBER OF FRENCHMEN UNDER ARMS DOUBLED FROM 1914 TO 1918. GERMANY'S ARMED STRENGTH GREW BY 150 PERCENT AND BRITAIN'S INCREASED NINEFOLD. THE BRITISH ARMY WAS BOLSTERED BY THE FLOOD OF VOLUNTEERS FROM WITHIN THE EMPIRE. IN AUSTRALIA, 38.7 PERCENT OF MEN AGED 18 TO 44 ENLISTED (8.5 PERCENT OF THE POPULATION). IN NEW ZEALAND, IT WAS 43 PERCENT (10 PERCENT OF THE POPULATION). ENTHUSIASM QUICKLY FADED, HOWEVER, WHEN THE DOMINIONS SAW THAT THEIR TROOPS WERE BEING USED ON THE FRONT LINE AND THEREFORE SUFFERED THE GREATEST CASUALTIES. OVER 54 PERCENT OF THE AUSTRALIAN TROOPS WERE WOUNDED, KILLED OR REPORTED MISSING; FOR NEW ZEALAND THE NUMBER WAS OVER 51 PERCENT. WOMEN IN EVERY MAJOR BELLIGERENT NATION JOINED THE LABOUR FORCE TO REPLACE MEN SENT TO THE FRONTS. SUDDENLY, COUNTRIES WHICH TRADITIONALLY HAD, HAD WORK DOMINATED BY MEN WERE CONFRONTED BY THE SPECTACLE OF WOMEN MECHANICS, TRAFFIC POLICEMEN, AND BUS DRIVERS. MANY WOMEN WENT TO WORK IN THE MUNITIONS FACTORIES-ASSEMBLING HIGH EXPLOSIVE SHELLS AND OTHER MILITARY EQUIPMENT DESPERATELY NEEDED BY THE TROOPS. SOME EVEN INVADED THE SANCTUARY OF THE ARMED FORCES,-ENLISTING AS NURSES, CLERKS, STENOGRAPHERS AND DRIVERS. THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS PROVIDED FEMINISTS WITH A STRONG ARGUMENT FOR POST WAR SEXUAL EQUALITY". So, "Mobilisation" or to "INSTRUCT MANY", was industrial, which meant the transformation of a nations industry from peacetime activity to the production of weapons and supplies, to support a major military effort. "Mobilisation", or to "INSTRUCT MANY", was military, which meant assembling and organising large amounts of people of a nation and nations, for active military service. "Mobilisation" or "INSTRUCT MANY" meant a breaking down of the social barriers we have read so much about in other verses of Daniel's'. "Mobilisation" or to "INSTRUCT MANY" opened a doorway for other prophecies to be fulfilled at a later time. For example, in the role of women, and for some of those lawless children who were to be known as "teenagers". Isaiah 3:12. "AS FOR MY PEOPLE (both nations of Israel) CHILDREN ARE THEIR OPPRESSORS, (This we see in our modern world, the old saying "children should be seen and not heard," has vanished away) AND WOMEN RULE OVER THEM. (In both nations of Israel, we have seen queens in past history who have ruled this people. Then modern history brought forth Prime Ministers of women, etc, who directed their paths). O MY PEOPLE, THEY WHICH LEAD THEE CAUSE THEE TO ERR, AND DESTROY THE WAY OF THY PATHS". The nations err because there are no men strong enough to stop the rot in secular life and set them on a true course for a great purpose in a spiritual life. Men have made a hash of leadership, so they have passed it on to children and women. The door has been opened to secular women since the Great War. So they can also fulfil 2 paths of their secret prophecies, from out of the Bible.

In order for the British nations etc, to fulfil the words "INSTRUCT MANY" successfully, there had to be people of "UNDERSTANDING" for the logistics of the great amount of detailed planning for such an enormous move in all factors. Though indeed the Great War, was to prove that the magnitude of problems it brought about, was beyond the capacity of generals or governments alike to give direction, or clarity of that UNDERSTANDING. This is one of the reasons why the remainder of verse 33 of Daniel 11 was so utterly fulfilled. Verse 33, "YET THEY SHALL FALL BY THE SWORD, AND BY FLAME, BY CAPTIVITY AND BY SPOIL, MANY DAYS".

Let us again unravel this last sentence of these words. "YET"- means, in addition, over and above, further still, at or before some future time, nevertheless. -"THEY"- or the plural of this nation. -"SHALL"- or in the future tense by the authority spoken. - "FALL"- which is to sink from higher position to a lower position. It is to drop down, die, or be ruined. -"BY"- denotes a cause, manner, or the means. -"THE" is to specify how much. -"SWORD"- is a warlike offensive weapon consisting of a long steel blade fixed to a handle, which is used by man for cutting or thrusting. It has the power of death and destruction. -"AND"- meaning another clause is introduced to this picture. - "By FLAME"- which is a light emitted from a fire, a violent contention, rage or violence. -"By CAPTIVITY"- which is a state or condition of being taken prisoner, subjection, bondage, or slavery. -"AND BY SPOIL"- which is the act of plunder, booty taken in war, or to stop by violence, to render useless or worthless, corrupted and ruined. -"MANY"- a number of persons or numerous people or things. -"DAYS"- the time between the setting and rising of the sun of a 24-hour period, or time specified, any period of time distinguished from other time or age. Sometimes in Biblical terms a day can mean a thousand years. (2Peter 3:8). This verse of Peter's however is applicable to the timing processes of God, within sections of history and not of the life span of men.

Any history book on World War I, which one wishes to read, tells the terrible story that Daniel saw in these graphic words on total war. That time in history speaks of the "THEY" of the governing classes of "UNDERSTANDING" through their autocratic, self-important, arrogant, blundering ways, used peoples as if all human beings were going out of fashion overnight. Daniel's words tell us that the plural "THEY" of this British stock, whose branches of Joseph are in the Commonwealth countries and the United States of America plus their Germanic cousins, were in trouble.

The terrible picture in Daniel 11:33 follows. In addition, (YET) to these nations under Mobilisation, (INSTRUCT MANY) in the future which Daniel has seen. (THEY SHALL) will die, be ruined, will sink to the ground in anguish, (FALL). The cause and the means of them doing so, (BY) a war like weapon used for killing and cutting purposes (SWORD). Not only by the SWORD but by other things. (AND) that of a violent light emitted from a fire, (FLAME). By the state of being taken prisoner, or in subjection, (CAPTIVITY). They will be plundered in body, mind, and belongings. They will be stopped violently and ruined, (AND BY SPOIL). The length of time all these things will happen against numerous people, (MANY) are counted in 24-hour periods of time, going on and on within the period of a "time zone", set for these things to happen, (DAYS).

If we look quickly into secular history and those times, it tells of the incompetence of many within the governing classes of each nation. Whether they were allies or the enemy nations facing them. Many of their leaders failed to comprehend the magnitude of the war that they were entering into, for their own disguised reasons. Old leaders of men played out this Great War according to the rules of old war games, and battles preceding it, which were now outdated, outmoded, for the immensity of World War I. The ruling and governing classes of officers were in positions of ordering and directing, (INSTRUCT MANY), millions of men and women to their deaths, especially the men. Most officers, on both sides, fighting the Great War had held their positions through heredity factors. So, when the great slaughter of young men began it was the beginning of their undoing as a complete governing body. The British people alone had, had unlimited faith in Field Marshall Lord Kitchener their supreme General. History tells us also of Field Marshall Sir Douglas Haig of whom King George V had complete faith in. The British like the Germans, both relied upon God's help also. Both nations leaders fed their poor helpless men through that milling machine of death.

When one reads of the "SWORD" being used in the Great War in our modern times, the "SWORD" was, and is, an outdated implement of war. Used only it seems, by officers for decoration purposes. The "SWORD" indeed fits in well here for this story of verse 33 nevertheless, and in a murderous way indeed. Because it became known as the Bayonet, which is a short triangular sword or dagger fixed upon the muzzle of the rifle. That "SWORD" was thrust heavily into a man, sometimes in anger, sometimes through reasons of self-preservation and perhaps calculation.

My own paternal father who served through World War I, and was in many different battles including the Somme, recalled to mind what the use of a Bayonet did to men. "It was a very sickening thing indeed to thrust through a fellow creature", he said; "Because all one's senses were sharply aware of the "feel" of your opponent's flesh and bone striking that blade, and one's hands became an offence to the heart and stomach". When men Fell by "FLAME", as Daniel saw in his vision, this indeed is a modern way of killing. During Daniel's time "FLAME" would have been used perhaps only at the end of burning arrows, or utensils set alight for the purpose of burning tents or buildings etc. One cannot have "FLAME" unless one first has a fire of some sort, which is a heat or blaze from a combustion. The "FLAME" that Daniel witnessed, was a description as in a discharge of a large gun, or many firearms, hand grenades, bombs, etc. This blaze of violent rage of "FLAME" is best seen at night on a modern battleground, when the black night is criss-crossed with fire from the "FLAMING" fury of big guns and rockets. The bursts of machine guns, mortar shells and rifles lighting the darkness here and there in great bursts of light. That "FLAME" sent missiles to strike men down to the ground with terrible wounds, or they were blown to pieces. With great violence of passion on both sides these Germanic cousins, of Anglo/Saxon descent, etc. sent "FLAMES" and "SWORDS" amongst their men.

The word "CAPTIVITY" from verse 33, is dealing with the state of men who were prisoners of their enemies, they are confined and subdued during times of war. The word "SPOIL" during the Great War was not only to pillage and plunder, but it was to impair and render men and their surroundings useless, loosing valuable qualities. These men of nations fighting this Great War, along with women, children, and the old, who were caught up in this cauldron, were part and parcel of that "SPOIL". They were "SPOILED" through blindness or rendered useless because of legs and arms blown off by the "FLAMES". They were shell-shocked or became so injured and ruined that they paid the price with the remaining years of their lives in pain and suffering.

Such a dreadful picture of misery verse 33 paints for us to understand. It is a picture prophecy written over 2,000 years ago, and it seems almost unbelievable that Daniel could "see" World War I with such a magnitude, and the details of people involved. Especially when the then known world of Daniel's day mostly meant, such different times as far as Nebuchadnezzar or Cyrus ruled. He saw and envisaged millions across the world within verse 33. It's no wonder this great "seer" Daniel, became ill from time to time with the knowing of these terrible things, which would engulf his very own people of Judah/Israel. For this nation had to suffer and fulfil in secular history this torment they had brought upon themselves, for lack of turning to God's ways. The suffering of the Great War was to last "MANY DAYS", which eventually spanned the years from August 4th 1914 to November 11th 1918, a matter of 1,555 DAYS. Before those "MANY DAYS" were over, secular history tells us about those fearful losses. The approximate total of dead alone for France and Germany, each losing a million and a half men. The British Empire losses were nearly a million, Britain herself losing three quarters of a million. American losses were the smallest, 88,000. Russia must have lost more than all the nations put together. Those that were "SPOILED" were an army of wounded which amounted to greater millions again. To recap on Daniel's words under "INSTRUCTION", (Mobilised) Allies, 42,188,810. Those killed or died through "SWORD and FLAME" Allies 5,152,115. Those by "CAPTIVITY" or prisoners and missing, Allies, 4,121,000. By "SPOIL" or wounded, Allies 12,831,004. The British Israelite cousins, the Germans, and their allies called -the central powers- mobilised 22,850,000. Killed or died 3,386,200. Wounded 8,386,200. Prisoners and missing, 3,629,829.

Truly Daniel 11:33, is one of the most heart rending verses for the nation of Israel to have endured, and for the world as a whole. This ghastly misery called the "Great War" vibrated its sorrow into and through, the families of these peoples who were left behind. The aftermath for some brought starvation to thousands, destruction of homes and lands. It brought disease, and death through heartache from the hopeless loss of their loved ones.

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