38. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 18.
(This Verse "Only" out of Historical Sequence).
Beginning of British history under Emperor
Claudius I - King Caractacus (Prince Caradoc).
AD 43-54.

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Let us now unravel the beginning of British history under the Romans as we know it from ancient writings, set down by historians of their times. It is said that much of history written is sometimes biased towards their own nations and welfare. However, it is Daniel the Seer and Historian for Israel, and for God, who sets down the true basis for man's histories. In a few well-chosen words his, is the "truth" we must build our concepts of history upon.


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Here again is a very difficult verse to make sense of because it seems to give no idea as to the King this verse is concerned with, or even the era of history. So let us take it slowly, and remember that verse 17 gone before, -with the reign of Nero and the "corruption" of Boadicea,- opened for us the gates of Roman British Israelite history.

In verse 15 and 16 also, we saw how the history of the Jew of the House of Judah in the land of Israel, came to its end, closing the gates of Jerusalem to them. We saw their final death throes in the "Bar Kokhba" uprising.

Verse 17 has a setting of 2 different histories of East and West at the same time, each side of the scales of balance. The principal points showing us the tremendous upheavals going on right across that Roman world, 2,000 years ago.

Daniel 11:18 now sets us down in the West only upon a "starting line" for a race stretched out before us right to the finish line, in verse 45 of this same chapter. And as a runner with a foot being placed on the block, -as it were,- we are waiting for the sound of a gun to start us running towards the finish of this terrible race. The starting line is in verse 18 and the words:- "AFTER THIS SHALL HE TURN HIS FACE UNTO THE ISLES".

The two words "AFTER THIS" seems to imply that it is after what happened in previous verses, and verse 17. We now follow on our understanding of the historical matter for Israel in verse 18.

"AFTER THIS" means also that Daniel had seen and was told of all the histories of empires, kings, leaders of men with power over the 2 houses of Israel over many years. Daniel had been moved to sickness, seeing the destruction and bloodshed poured out upon the ground of his own people. Through other civilisations as they came and went in their various time zones in history, starting with Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, and ending with Jerusalem's total destruction, and his own nation of the House of Judah's total dispersion.

Daniel has told all of that story in those preceding 17 verses, and now that the "House of Judah's" (Jewish) history in the land of Israel is finished. We go now to the beginning of a new history for another nation of the "lost sheep of the House of Israel" in a new place.

The British Isles we must remember reader, Daniel is forever concerned first and foremost with the history of all the Hebrew nation, as Israelites, and where they have laid their heads throughout time.

Many Biblical historians have different ideas of translating what the word "Isles" in verse 18 means, some say it means the Greek Islands, and some say it should be translated as "coasts". The "Isles" is emphatically the Britannic Isles. Converted by the dragon Rome, for no other reason than it was "there" to be plundered or conquered. The unfurling of British history of the 10 horned, or Kingdomed Isles which lay before us to read in prophecy, will before this chapter 11 of Daniel is fully translated and understood. There is a lovely little verse in the Bible, which describes these "Isles" to perfection. Isaiah 40:15:- "BEHOLD, THE NATIONS ARE AS A DROP OF A BUCKET, AND ARE COUNTED AS THE SMALL DUST OF THE BALANCE; BEHOLD, HE TAKETH UP THE "ISLES" AS A VERY LITTLE THING".

How can translators say this word "Isles", here in this verse means coasts? When the sounds of God's love ring through this verse, towards a single separate little entity called the "Isles". These words in Isaiah are of tenderness applied to a small piece of earth with plural connotations that God has created for a purpose. It is so like our Heavenly Father to choose a "small thing" to fulfil a large undertaking in history! Remember reader he chose a babe in a manger. A little cloud to bring torrential rain, and of prophets who were of no importance in men's eyes. He chose a slither of land in the Middle East, namely Palestine - Israel, which name would be etched in men's minds forever more!

A "coast" is a shore line or limit of a country whether large or small, therefore, these many coasts surrounding these islands cannot be addressed with love singly, "as a very little thing", which Isaiah 40:15 speaks. Because this doesn't make much sense! The "Isles" is not emphatically translated as Greece either, because Greece was usually referred to as Grecian, the Greek Islands, or Macedonia, or Kittim-Chittim. Let us have a few quick references gleaned from secular history explaining who the "Isles" is of which Daniel refers.

The Islands of the Mediterranean from West to East in this Inland Sea, have been a meeting place of different races over the centuries. These islands therein have played a prominent part in history, out of them came leaders of men of renown, to fight wars of renown. During World War II the names of these "Isles" in the Mediterranean rang out their story like great bells sounding their positions of greatness in the earth. The "Isles" of Malta, Cyprus, Crete, Corfu, Corsica, and Sicily. We have heard the names of Sardinia, Majorca, of the Balearic Islands, and the Ionian Islands. The myriad of Islands in the Aegean Sea includes the Aegean Islands, the Dodecanese Islands, the Cyclades, etc.

The mainland of Greece is not an island but is a prolonged part of the Balkan Peninsula, whose neighbours bordering on to Greece are Albania, former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and Turkey. Of course, the many Greek islands are included into mainland Greece, the largest island of which is Crete. The history of ancient Greece is to many people a well-known subject taught to us from school days. We had heard of their various civilisations of Minoan, Achaean's of Thessalia, Ionians, etc. The names of some of their kings ring out of the memory such as Agamemnon and Creon. History writes of their Heroic age, weaving a web of gods and goddesses and their exploits, with Hercules, Perseus, etc. So much has men written of Greece that their story goes on and on, spilling over into the Bible. When Daniel tells us of Grecia and Alexander the Great, and his great exploits into the near and Middle Eastern countries around the Mediterranean Sea, on into Persia and India. Greek history, -so they tell us-, stretches back to 4,000 BC - 3,500 BC during the Stone and Bronze age, and by the 17th century BC the Minoan and Cretian cultures dominated the Aegean. The Greek word "archipelago", meant the "chief islands in the sea", when it once referred to the Aegean Sea.

But when the British Isles was discovered and grew in prominence in the world, this description gradually referred to them, as the "Chief Islands" in the sea. So, the "Isles" cannot be translated as Greece proper either, because that country cannot be classed "as a very little thing"; Which Isaiah 40-verse 15 does, because a large section of Greece is joined to the mainland and is not an island. The "British Isles" takes its name from the ancient Celtic peoples of Britons or Brythons, who crossed the English Channel in two great waves of people from Europe approx. between 1,000 BC and 600 BC. They established themselves in present-day Wales and England. Another Celtic tribe called Gaels or Goidels settled in Scotland and crossed over into Ireland and vice-versa.

These Celtic tribes were of Aryan stock, who they say originated in the region of the Caspian Sea. (North of Persia and into Asia). Through their constant migrations westward were to eventually people, all parts of Europe. The New Testament of the Bible contains the book of Galatians, written by Saint Paul on his visit to Corinth, these peoples were not Greeks but Gauls of the Celtic nations who had poured into Greece about 300 BC. The movement of peoples of nations within history all have a "reason" in the mysteries of life, nothing is really as haphazard as one imagines it.

It seems strange to read in history that when those second wave of Celts were moving into the Isles, Rome itself was an unimportant place in that ancient world, struggling to become great. The Celts of Gaul ranged all over Europe including Italy. The cluster of the British Islands portrayed on a map, seems small in comparison to the Mediterranean Sea and of Greece. The peoples of the "Isles" called English, Welsh, Irish, and Scots were to bring a worldwide culture and influence of ruling power, which would be among the greatest on the earth, and it was to begin in ntinent or the British Isles.

This "little" plot of land called the "Isles" is rather unimpressive, it is said; That no place therein is much more than sixty miles from salt water. Its unique position in the seas, with oceans to the West and south being surrounded by sea, has been the inhabitant's greatest factor in their historical isolation. Because, behind that strong frontier of sometimes-raging seas, the peoples were to develop their insular viewpoint which became part of their character. This isolation led to the British Isles never really feeling European or Continental.

It is said that Britain was once part of the continent of Europe and did not become an island until the Old Stone Age. The collective name of Great Britain and its islands is the British Isles -or- "Isles", it seems to go from the plural to the singular sense all as one entity.

Tradition and historical legend asserts that merchants of Tyre, in touch with the ancient civilisations of Egypt and Assyria, founded a trade in tin and copper between Cornwall in Britain, and the eastern Mediterranean. We read of the early merchants of the Phoenicians founding a steady trade in metals between Cornwall and Gaul. Later in 330 BC the Greek merchants of Marseilles sent an expedition under Pytheas which developed commerce in tin, lead, enamels, amber, and pearls. Later there was a currency of iron bars, gold, silver, and tin coinage struck roughly. Again, one reads that the Philosopher Aristotle in the 4th century BC used a Greek term of Britain, calling them the British Isles, when he was confessing his ignorance of its peoples and knowledge of the land.

In the 1st century BC Julius Caesar also called them the British Isles, and from then on, the "Isles" seemed to have begun its entry into the history of Western civilisation. The actual conquest of the "Isles" starting approx. 43 AD under the Roman Emperor Claudius.

The early history of the "Isles", however is very sketchy and is classed as "Prehistoric". Because this was long before written history, its early history is only to be seen in the British Museum London. Amongst artefacts of rough tools, and carvings etc. found in long forgotten gravel beds of old rivers. The "British Isles" is classed as being of great age, which cannot be measured by man, its geology changed by the destruction of the Great ice Age, which brought about a new geography and a new climate of that land.

We now ask the question how many islands are there within the British Isles? -Apart from the 2 larger islands of Greater Britain and Ireland.- It is surprising to learn that taking all the smallest islands into consideration around the seas, they number 5,000. Most are uninhabited, North around Scotland for instance there are 500 Hebrides, and 190 islands of the Orkneys and Shetlands, with 140 Scilly islands, etc. The British Isles have always been called the "Isles" though in different ways, sometimes. "The Tin Isles", in Julius Caesar's writings, or Insula Britannicus Island, or Isles of Britain. Many artists have depicted the Celts of the "Isles" during these early times of Rome's conquest, as painted savages, this to some extent was untrue. As a child I learned in school, that their leaders were ornately dressed great warriors, who fought masterly with horses and chariots, with round shields of bronze splendidly made. Some tribes we were told built boats, others built stone huts and fortresses etc. Of course, the lower classes of peoples amongst them were dressed either in skins or cloth and lived very rough indeed.

Let us now read a few verses from the Bible which help to put the word "Isles" more into focus. From Genesis chapter 10 we have only 4 verses explaining the progenitors of the nations of the west from Japheth. Whereas Ham's sons and their families are given 15 verses for their lineage, and Shem's sons and their families are given 11 verses. If one reads carefully these explanations of the beginnings of nations, one sees Japheth's sons are children of the Western nations, Ham's were sons of the black skinned and other nations, (or- some called heathen, meaning worshippers of other gods) and took a central position in the earth. Shem's children were of the Middle Eastern nations, all within the then known world.

Genesis 10:5 says:- "BY THESE (Japheth's sons and grandsons) WERE THE "ISLES" OF THE GENTILES DIVIDED IN THEIR LANDS; EVERY ONE AFTER HIS TONGUE, AFTER THEIR FAMILIES, IN THEIR NATIONS". Here we note the word "Isles", which refers to the western nations of the then earth from where Noah's ark rested, within the mountains of Ararat, near the Turkish, Armenian borders. When we read only, "AFTER THEIR FAMILIES, AFTER THEIR TONGUES, IN THEIR COUNTRIES, AND IN THEIR NATIONS, -AFTERWARD WERE THE FAMILIES OF THE CANAANITES SPREAD ABROAD". There is no mention of the "Isles" within any of these other numerous families of nations. One notices also that it is Japheth's children who are called Gentiles, and not as many other translations say. That it is a word applied to all nations, the word Gentile applies whether heathen, foreigner, or non-Israelite, all these under the umbrella of the Gentile. Daniel's prophecy of Nebuchadnezzar's image had the image, namely, Greece, Rome, and the 10 toed "Isles" holding the "children of Israel" within those Gentile nations. Japheth's eldest son was Gomer, who had 3 sons of whom descended the Cimbri or Celtic families who swept through those Western lands throughout history, going through Greece, Rome, Spain, Gaul (France), and into the British Isles. Therefore, we now narrow down a picture of the word "Isles" seen in Genesis to the West, and to those islands within this region and those Gentile nations. Eventually culminating into a 10 toed Kingdom of iron and clay of Nebuchadnezzar's image, under Roman influence, which we are translating in Daniel chapter 11 verse 18. Let us look further in the Bible for another picture of those "Isles". There are many many verses dealing with "Isles", or "Islands", some verses of which do not deal with the British Isles as such. Many verses in the New Testament and Saint Paul's journeys deal with the Greek islands, through which he travelled. When we read in the prophets however, verses dealing with the 2 nations of the children of Israel namely Jacob/Israel, then the "Isles" mentioned in that context of these children is indeed the "British Isles". Because it was to this far away "little thing" of which Isaiah speaks, that the families of the "House of Israel" were driven throughout the centuries. It was to "them" now living with the Gentiles, that our Lord Jesus turned to Redeem those "lost sheep" back from the world, where they had been swallowed up. Because they were His Kinsmen, buying back that which was part of His family.

We find in Isaiah 24:15 a nation who once glorified the Lord God of Israel. "WHEREFORE GLORIFY YE THE LORD IN THE FIRES, EVEN THE NAME OF THE LORD GOD OF ISRAEL IN THE "ISLES" OF THE SEA".

When we read here in this verse of the "FIRES", its meaning is one of indispensable use in many ways, the most important of which were the offerings made to God by the fires of sacrifice, which "He" took great delight in at times. Fire of course signifying the "Spirit" reaching out to the Almighty. So in Isaiah's verse 15 we have Israel's God, and people, in tune with each other in the "Isles". In Isaiah chapter 41 -we now see the Lord God, helping both nations of Israel -Jacob/Israel once more, wherever they live in the world today. Because, the branches of these nations are as the sands of the sea, and historical "time" given for all nations of the earth is running out!

Verse 5:- "THE "ISLES" SAW IT, AND FEARED; THE ENDS OF THE EARTH WERE AFRAID, DREW NEAR, AND CAME". Read all the chapter 41 reader, and it will put the "fear" these Israelite families feel at the end of our history, in the latter days into perspective. The whole earth is in "fear" from one end to the other, or from the British Isles to Australia. -Which latter nation today is counted as the "ends of the earth";- All these peoples should draw closely together in times of fear, because they have within them men and women of Israel. So, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, and North America which includes Canada and the United States, fear will be felt on all sides, and they will draw closer together with the "Isles".

Now we come to the "foundation" stone for the Isles, which cements this understanding into place as the "British Isles". Isaiah 42:1-4.
Verse 2
Verse 4

Yes, indeed! Isaiah speaks in these verses of our Lord Jesus Christ, our King and our Lawgiver. Who turned to the Gentiles in the West, when the Jew of the Middle East rejected Him, and many a Jew today still does.

During the early years of teaching Christ to the Gentiles as the Saviour of all mankind, men of God went to Greece, the Middle Eastern countries, Rome across Europe and into Spain. Ever preaching and searching for the "lost sheep of the House of Israel". As time and history slowly ticked away the years of the clock, the "British Isles" was to absorb many of the House of Israel's tribes, their princes eventually standing up for all mankind to see, from William the Conqueror as Reuben, to the House of Windsor as Ephraim It was as Isaiah said the British Isles indeed "waited", in those slow historical years for those Israelite people to come together. Time "waited" also for translations and printing of Biblical Law, which was to bring the people out of darkness of illiteracy of things pertaining to God.

Some of the best years for the people of the Isles was the Victorian era. When these historical times brought forth men and women of renown to teach the love of God, and the judgement on mankind through Christ. People began to read the Bible for themselves, and the search was on for "truth". Many turned away from the mumbo jumbo of priests wielding big sticks of liturgies, doctrines, dogmas, of high-sounding words, which supposedly led to faith. The judgement Christ had set within the histories of earth, and the Isles was being fulfilled to the letter of the Law.

If we turn to Jeremiah chapter 31, we read in this tremendous informative chapter of all the families of Israel. Which tribes make up the houses of Judah and Israel, during the last days of our history. Jeremiah's chapter tells of the love God has for Ephraim who is always remembered. It tells of the holy seed called Zion out of the House of Israel and speaks of Jacob's children (whose head is Judah). Let us read Jeremiah 31:10,11. "HEAR THE WORD OF THE LORD O YE NATIONS, AND DECLARE IT IN THE ISLES AFAR OFF, (Note, Jeremiah wrote during the Babylonian captivity BC and his prophetic sight saw the small place called the "Isles", far from where he was at that time, which was either in the land of Judah or Egypt. Jeremiah saw the House of Israel with Ephraim's children in the British Isles. They were promised to be gathered under the protection of the Shepherd), AND SAY, HE THAT SCATTERED ISRAEL WILL GATHER HIM, AND KEEP HIM, AS A SHEPHERD DOTH HIS FLOCK".
Verse 11:- "FOR THE LORD HATH REDEEMED JACOB, AND RANSOMED HIM FROM THE HAND OF HIM THAT WAS STRONGER THAN HE". (Jacob -or- the House of Judah which we call the Jew, here in the last days was brought out from utter destruction under the strong hand of Hitler's machinations. The Jew paid his price in fear and trembling in the world of men, where he did not have the blood of Jesus to wash him clean of his sins. So, his redemption was paid in his own blood, because of his refusal to bow to the Christ, who was born out of his own nation of Judah). Here then are the 2 nations or 2 families of Israel. One family under Ephraim in the British Isles, and its family of nations. The other family under the Jew of Judah, saved from Hitler and his henchmen returned to the land of Israel after paying that "price" in full. Daniel will start to unfurl British history from verse 18 onwards for you reader. So, all these other explanations of words within verses I have given will be seen to be truth. I am sorry I have to break off translating each verse in Daniel in a straightforward simple manner, but when we have problems to unravel, -such as the Isles- each of those problems requires its own solution to make sense out of the whole verse.

Daniel 11:18:- "AFTER THIS SHALL HE TURN HIS FACE UNTO THE ISLES, AND SHALL TAKE MANY". The British Isles is now to become the "10 horns" in the Roman dragon's head seen in Daniel 7/7. The first Roman general to awaken to that idea was Julius Caesar. Secular history though sketchy, tells us enough of these times to prove Daniel's prophecy correct. Julius Caesar approx. 55 BC fresh from his conquest of Gaul (France), saw the British Island was a new world to be conquered, all he had to do was cross a narrow strip of sea between Gaul and Britain. However, it was not the "set time" in history for Rome to do so. That conquering Emperor of Britain was to be Claudius, almost 100 years later. Because the oracles of God written by Daniel so many centuries before, had not spoken of Julius Caesar's ambitions towards the "Isles".

The sea of the British Channel played its part in keeping Caesar away, as it was to do so many times in British history when fending off would be conquerors. When Julius Caesar's ships, with 10,000 Roman soldiers aboard beat their way across the sea, a great wind troubled the waters and the waves rose up in violence scattering Caesar's ships, with the mists hanging heavy over the white cliffs of the Isles. Eventually, they landed in Kent being met on shore by the inhabitant's throwing spears and darts with their war chariots racing against the Roman soldiers now wading ashore. After some of the inhabitants of the Isles were killed, they withdrew inland, leaving Caesar to curse the sea which had delayed the arrival of his cavalry, this meant he could not chase his enemies. The following day, peace was offered to Caesar by the British tribes, and hostages were taken. Caesar however was uneasy and waited 4 days before his great ships were sighted coming up the Channel. Again, a great storm arose before Caesar's searching eyes, who was fully aware of his precarious position on shore. A high tide arose of such magnitude that the cargo ships and galleys were torn from their cables, crashing into each other in utter chaos. The Britons once more seized their chance to destroy the marooned Romans, but Caesar's legions were too well disciplined to be overcome so easily. The ships were patched up for a return journey to Gaul, and they no doubt breathed a sigh of relief in leaving.

Julius Caesar returned to Britain however one year later with 800 ships and 25,000 men fully intending to subdue the British Isles and the tribes therein. Once more a storm unleashed itself on them, first delaying them, then, the scenario almost repeated itself as before, with Caesar once more returning to Gaul this time never to return again.

Remembering Julius Caesar's written account of his triumphs in Gaul and his visit to Britain. The Emperor Claudius needed acclamation of military glory from the Senate and the people of his own, after his elevation to the Roman throne. The scholar and historian Claudius, set about conquering those British Islands in 43 AD. -Now we see Daniel's prophecy start to come to pass as predicted.- Because, the "he" in Daniel 11:18 is the Emperor Claudius, who was turning his face to the "Isles" and perhaps saying, here is the place from which will come accolades from Rome. It is said, he sent an expedition of 50,000 men to Britain and when the time was right, Claudius crossed the Channel to receive the victory of the Southeast of Britain, which was Kent, though he stayed but a short few days in that land. History tells us that this area of Southeast Britain had been ruled by Cunobelinus, father of the famous Caractacus and Togodumnus, who after his death the brothers ruled jointly.

Now enters onto the historical stage who the Roman called King Caractacus or called Prince Caradoc from the Welsh annals of legend and history, and it is to "him" that Daniel's oracles are so cleverly spoken in those unusual words of verse 18. "BUT A PRINCE FOR HIS OWN BEHALF SHALL CAUSE THE REPROACH OFFERED BY HIM TO CEASE; WITHOUT HIS OWN REPROACH HE SHALL CAUSE IT TO TURN UPON HIM".

When Emperor Claudius returned to Rome from his short spell in Britain, and only after a victory in the Southeast, he received from the Senate permission to celebrate a parade of Triumph and was given the title of Britannicus.

Meanwhile, King Caractacus was to harass the Romans, rousing the tribes of the Welsh border to follow him, and in AD 50 he was leading the Silures of Monmouthshire against the Romans. Six years in all did this great Chieftain fight a guerrilla warfare in swamps, forests, and mountains, trying to wear down the invader. But time and life were running out for some of the peoples of the "Isles" and Caractacus, who were finally defeated. Though Caractacus escaped the Romans and sought refuge with some of the people who shamefully handed him over to them, thus being taken captive by Ostorius the Roman General, after 9 years of war in the "Isles". When Daniel writes the words in verse 18:- "AND SHALL TAKE MANY". This indeed came to pass, when numerous Britons of men, women and children were taken as prisoners or slaves, they were to be included in the triumphant entry for the general Ostorius into Rome. The taking of many prisoners by the Romans was a usual occurrence in their enemy's defeat, who were paraded for all to see. The Romans having very little mercy on defeated foes. Usually, wholesale slaughter of barbarian warrior chiefs was the "lot" expected by all and must have been expected by the great Chieftain Caractacus. Amongst "the many" spoken by Daniel which were paraded in Rome were the British King's vassals, the King's brothers, wife, and daughter, all in chains. Lastly, at the end of the parade to give maximum disgrace marched King Caractacus.

History however tells us that the fame of this British Prince, who had held the legions at bay for so long, had caught the imagination of the Roman people, and they came from far and wide to behold him. Thousands lined decorated streets. The ceremony marched past Emperor Claudius and his now queen Agrippina, and it is here at the dais of the Emperor Claudius that Daniel's words came to pass methodically. History tells us that King Caractacus whose presence was tall, proud of bearing, with a dignified appearance, stopped and addressed Claudius with words, which Tacitus the Roman historian writes of him.

(From Churchill's "History of the English-Speaking Peoples"). "IF TO MY HIGH BIRTH AND DISTINGUISHED RANK I HAD ADDED THE VIRTUES OF MODERATION ROME HAD BEHELD ME RATHER AS A FRIEND THAN A CAPTIVE, AND YOU WOULD NOT HAVE REJECTED AN ALLIANCE WITH A PRINCE DESCENDED FROM ILLUSTRIOUS ANCESTOR AND GOVERNING MANY NATIONS. THE REVERSE OF MY FORTUNE TO YOU IS GLORIOUS, AND TO ME HUMILIATING. I HAD ARMS AND MEN, AND HORSES; I POSSESSED EXTRAORDINARY RICHES; AND CAN IT BE ANY WONDER THAT I WAS UNWILLING TO LOSE THEM? BECAUSE ROME ASPIRES TO UNIVERSAL DOMINION MUST MEN THEREFORE IMPLICITLY RESIGN THEMSELVES TO SUBJECTION? I OPPOSED FOR A LONG TIME THE PROGRESS OF YOUR ARMS, AND HAD I ACTED OTHER WISE WOULD EITHER YOU HAVE HAD THE GLORY OF CONQUEST OR I OF A BRAVE RESISTANCE? I AM NOW IN YOUR POWER. IF YOU ARE DETERMINED TO TAKE REVENGE MY FATE WILL SOON BE FORGOTTEN, AND YOU WILL DERIVE NO HONOUR FROM THE TRANSACTION. PRESERVE MY LIFE, AND I SHALL REMAIN TO THE LATEST AGES A MONUMENT OF YOUR CLEMENCY". Indeed, here we are in the "latest ages" of which King Caractacus speaks and remembering his words. These set down by Daniel for our learning, and proving how alive your God really is! -Daniel's words are echoed thus,- the "Prince" is Caractacus, speaking "on his own behalf", and that of his family, by speaking so honourably before Claudius "caused the reproach" of his capture as a prisoner of Rome with words "offered by himself to cease". Or immediately upon hearing Caractacus' words Claudius granted him and his family their liberty and was allowed to live somewhere in Rome.

Daniel's prophecy goes on:- "WITHOUT HIS OWN REPROACH", or to have "reproach" one bears shame, infamy, disgrace, or be an object of contempt. Which but a short time before that famous speech was Caractacus' lot. Now King Caractacus "own reproach" as a disgraced prisoner of Claudius, was turned around by "him" - Claudius- and now "him" Caractacus was no longer a prisoner in chains. Tacitus the Roman historian was able to write this episode down in history for all of us to remember!

Here is the hand of God in history very profound indeed!

History tells us that much of the writings dealing with king Caractacus and the Romans are lost. Doesn't it seem strange reader that the "one piece" of recorded history of this period we needed, proving Daniel's Oracles was not lost? It is also worth noting that these 2 men Caractacus and Claudius, were exact opposites in bearing. One so noble and dignified in chains as a prisoner, the other an elderly, stuttering, twitching, deformed small man, facing each other in a last-ditch effort in diplomacy of politics. As a last bit of information on the Britons of the "Isles" of that time period, many items of history are left as question marks for us to think on. Bringing all the "happenings" of that Roman world into a smaller focus for us to see the "whole" picture at once. During the days of King Cunobelinus, -father of Caractacus- our Lord Jesus Christ was born. Much of British history is doubtful, or sketchy what history does know to be true however is that, in those early years Christianity came to the Isles; Almost certainly before the last man or woman witnessed the Crucifixion of Jesus had died. How it began "or" where in the Isles it began, no person can now be sure of. But, by the 4th century British bishops were present at a council in France, proving it had grown considerably over those distant years.

Welsh legend had it that King Caractacus (Prince Caradoc) himself was a Christian, whether before or after his capture by Rome one cannot say for sure. He most certainly would have heard of Saint Peter or Paul, even if he hadn't heard them speak, and perhaps took note of Rome's heavy hand in the Holy Land at that time. Many a captive Briton from the "Isles" went to hear Saint Paul, one of whom -they say- was called Claudia, Saint Paul mentions in his letter to 2 Timothy 4-21.

Another "waymark" in history for the children of Israel to follow is in Daniel 11:19 and another proof that the "Isles" mentioned in the Bible is indeed factually the British Isles!

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