47. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 27.
William of Normandy, AD 106.
Normandy - France. King of England.

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Hiraeth 2002 - Notice: The author gives permission to download, print, duplicate, and share this book for personal use only; with the proviso that no alteration is made to the contents of this book. Other use of this book is with the express permission being granted by the author or agent.

Before we start to understand more of Daniel's prophecies, we must be reminded of Our Lord's words in Matthew 24:28. "FOR WHERESOEVER THE CARCASE IS, THERE WILL THE EAGLES BE GATHERED TOGETHER". That "Carcase" in its grave, has been overpowered by the Roman eagle in its many guises. But the dry bones of that "Carcase" are beginning to come together as they rattle and reach for the true light,-The Lord Jesus! From Daniel 11:27 and onwards, many skeletons of bodies of the Princes of Israel begin to stand up to be counted.

I will start this chapter by saying Daniel's verses of 27,28 & 29, are a "block" of verses that go together. Yet! Are separated by different time zones in secular history, the 3 verses covering a period of 443 years, from 1066 to 1509 AD. Each separate verse deals with the continual problems over centuries between the British Isles and France. Because the affairs of the "Isles", are linked with France. Always there has been an uneasy undercurrent -sometimes hatred- in secular history between these two nations. Both the English and the French are arrogant peoples, unable to conform to being dominated in various forms by each other. Daniel's verses 27-28-29 are a beautifully executed set of simple word forms that hide a magnitude of British history. Along with European history, the 3 verses set the stage for these countries entering into modern world history also. The quiet simplicity of hiding the meaning of much history in those simple words shouts like thunder when understood.

For me reader, understanding this particular block of verses made a memorable affect on me never to be forgotten! One can go for long periods of time week after week, month after month, with 2 words or 2 sentences hammering away over and over in one's brain. One never resting until the understanding of it. So near, yet so far away, to make complete sense of it all! Until one day, while looking down at that page of words the complete translation of it hits one full in the face, and the utter beauty of all the hidden secrets and meaning, overwhelms the senses in sheer joy! All the turmoil of one's endless seeking has slipped away into nothing. A feeling of elation makes one think of the verse in Isaiah 55-12. "FOR YE SHALL GO OUT WITH JOY, AND BE LED FORTH WITH PEACE; THE MOUNTAINS AND THE HILLS SHALL BREAK FORTH BEFORE YOU INTO SINGING, AND ALL THE TREES OF THE FIELDS SHALL CLAP THEIR HANDS". Such feelings like that bring forth the melody of "truth"!

Let us begin the translation of unravelling Daniel 11:27. "AND BOTH THESE KINGS' HEARTS SHALL BE TO DO MISCHIEF, AND THEY SHALL SPEAK LIES AT ONE TABLE; BUT IT SHALL NOT PROSPER; FOR YET THE END SHALL BE AT THE TIME APPOINTED". In keeping with the straight lines of prominent peoples in historical and prophetic utterances for kings, leaders, and nations with Daniel's words. We are still with the peoples of the Saxon England within the Isles and also the Viking.

The verses of history for the Isles gone before have dealt with Imperial Rome, the Celts, the Angles, Saxons etc. the Norsemen of Dane, Norway and Sweden, or the Viking. In between all these movements of nations entering the "Isles", we have the tightening strangle hold of Rome in the form of the Papacy, gobbling up nation after nation into its ever-hungry belly.

Daniel 11:27 now stands us at the doorway of Norman England, and with the Normans enters the first Prince of the "House of Israel" to sit upon a continuing throne. To fulfil this destiny long written for him thousands of years ago, in the Old Testament of Genesis and Deuteronomy.

The first sentence of verse 27 says;- "AND BOTH THESE KINGS' HEARTS SHALL BE TO DO MISCHIEF". Who then are "BOTH THESE KINGS", is the question to ask? The little word "and" in front of this sentence tells us that this prophecy is a continuing story within the British Isles of their secular history. Because it connects with the subject matter in the verse before it, and it also introduces another agreement with these peoples. The 2 kings therefore are connected to the Saxon and Viking which were in Daniel 11:26.

The prophet Daniel skilfully uses simple words as he expresses the stories of kings and leaders in various ways. In an attempt to show us the history played out in the ex: Roman Province of the British Isles. The history of this Island narrows and widens into Europe and beyond, as each occasion comes into focus. We left off in verse 26 at the lineage of Alfred the Great, Saxon kings of England, and the last weakling king of that line Edward the Confessor, which time-zone took us into the year 1066 AD. Because Edward died childless, the great House of Earl Godwin of Wessex stood to gain the throne through the Saxon Harold Godwin, who usurped the throne of England.

Secular history tells us the story how Harold seized that throne after Edward's death, and being a leader of men and a very able general indeed, had to consolidate his authority in the land first. Having to face 2 rivals for the English throne. One rival was Harold Hardrada King of Norway, and the other was William Duke of Normandy. Harold Godwin was to come face to face with Duke William however before the Battle of Hastings in 1066 AD. As the story unfolds in verse 27, we will see how that happened.

Let us first understand a little background of William of Normandy and why he came of the lineage of the Viking. When history says he also came from the famous place of Normandy in France.

From the chapter I have already written on Daniel 11:25, we read that the scourge of the Vikings in 885 AD rowed up the Seine River in France and for 6 years warred terribly in that land. To continue that story in 911 AD a Viking fleet of ships with their Danish leader Rollo landed on the shores of Normandy. It was their descendants who conquered Britain under the guise of William Duke of Normandy and his army. The name Norman of course being a reminder of their earlier name of Northmen or Viking. These new Normans had the same restless energies as their forebears, who had sailed the seas of the world in search of plunder, land, and adventure.

William, born in Falaise France was the illegitimate son of Robert I Duke of Normandy, and Arlette, who was a tanner's daughter. The name "William the Bastard" was given to him in his early life and was to haunt his personality always. The Norman nobles accepted him as his father's successor, upon his death in 1035 AD, having honoured a promise made to Robert I that it would be so. Nevertheless, rebellion to William's succession broke out and with the help of King Henry I of France, it was overcome by 1047 AD.

In 1042 AD William was only 15 years of age when he was successfully defending himself as a man.

During 1057 AD William visited his weak cousin King Edward the Confessor of England,-who was the last king of Saxon Alfred's line. Who, it is said, obtained Edward's agreement that William should succeed to that throne upon the childless Confessor's death. The astute William strengthened his claim to the English throne when he married Matilda of Flanders in 1053, who was a descendant of king Alfred the Great of England.

Now the secular historical stage is set, for Harold of Wessex England and William of Normandy to fulfil its destiny through Daniel's prophecy in verse 27. But as always, fulfilling that same prophecy two ways.

First, we read and understand, how, Daniel's prophecy was fulfilled in secular history, as these men have lived it and as it was written down. This story was for our learning by man's historians.

The second way of learning prophecy was also fulfilled; This time very quietly and in secret, as told in Biblical spiritual prophecy. But we must learn to translate it. William we will begin to understand was heir to Reuben of the House of Israel Birthright, written down in the building blocks of prophesy four our learning. "Bastard", men of history might have called him. Yet! His was a royal Legitimate lineage of Israelite princes, coming through the Vikings and the Gauls. The "House of Israel's" scattering of peoples in the Western nations, throughout the bygone centuries. Reuben's Birthright is as follows in Genesis 49, and Deuteronomy 33, which spells out for us the prophetic blessings that were for Reuben's lineage. Completed in the last days when William should begin to inherit the crown of the "House of Israel" in the British Isles.


Reuben should have - "the excellency of dignity, and the excellency of power". -This factual statement of Jacob's foresaw Reuben's future son, -William of Normandy- becoming pre-eminent in honour. As in the state of superiority over men, and in an excellent position of King and forceful ruler. Indeed! Because of William's forceful character European history has regarded him as one of its outstanding monarchs, and that ability as ruler was owed greatly to his own strength of character. His own efforts to overcome the disabilities of his early life as an illegitimate child, whose father had defiled another's couch, similar to Genesis 49. Because of this injury William was having to fight for his own noble place under the sun!


"BOTH THESE KINGS"- are Harold of Wessex England, and William of Normandy. They met without a preconceived meeting of their own volition; Because it was God who brought them together, within secular history, their paths crossing through a storm blowing in that temperamental mote of the "Isles", the English Channel! In 1064 AD Harold Earl of Wessex was aboard a ship, which was driven by fierce winds and shipwrecked off the Norman coast. He was taken prisoner by the Count of Ponthieu as ransom for his life. The news of Harold's plight was soon heard of in William's court who secured his release. Thus, bringing Harold into the court and presence of William. Now the stage was set for the "MISCHIEF" in BOTH THESE KINGS HEARTS, -which Daniel prophesied and this was towards the securing of England's throne.

"MISCHIEF" is a word, which means harm, evil intended to the other by design, it's a source of trouble or damage to the other. -William's "MISCHIEF" was designed to secure from Harold, the "right" to sit on England's throne when Edward the Confessor died. William being fully aware of how powerful Harold and the House of Wessex was in England, at that time. Because it was Wessex that had ruled England for many a year during the Confessors years as King. William knew full well Harold was now his prisoner and he, Harold, was in no position to say no to William's request. On the other hand, Harold's "MISCHIEF" was to take England's throne for himself, as soon as he could free himself from William's clutches. He had no intention of letting William take the throne of England. Harold knew he was in no position to bargain either, as he was more -or- less a prisoner. If he had refused William's overtures, he might never have left Normandy alive.

The rest of the sentence of Daniel 11:27 says; "AND THEY SHALL SPEAK LIES AT ONE TABLE". The table here in question in this sentence was a piece of furniture with a flat surface, supported perhaps by legs or a pillar. It could have been an ordinary table, but was most likely to have been a portable altar. Under which were concealed the remains, or sacred relic of a Roman Saint.

Some historians suggest that the bones of Saint Edmund were concealed within that table, thus, reinforcing the sanctity of the table. The "LIES" that Daniel saw them speak around that table, was taking of an "OATH", sworn by Harold that he should support William to become King of England upon Edward's death. Harold would only keep Wessex for himself, and he would also marry William's daughter to cement the agreement. Harold swore a solemn oath-under the then laws of the feudal system, that prevailed at that time, upon this table. Not knowing it is said that the sacred relics of Saint Edmund lay beneath, which would have made the oath binding. So, William and his Normans cheated Harold upon that table, hiding those sacred bones within. Both these men's hearts abounded in "MISCHIEF" with eyes fixed upon each other! The next few words of Daniel's verse 27 are. "BUT IT SHALL NOT PROSPER". The "IT" in question in these few words, was that same "oath" sworn upon that table which would not PROSPER, -When something PROSPERS, it increases in a healthy growth which causes it to succeed.- In this case however the "oath" between Harold and William was put aside as nothing when Harold returned to England, and Edward died in 1066 AD. The Witan -or- Council in England elected Harold as King. That "oath" spoken upon that TABLE, therefore did not increase nor grow to "PROSPER" William at all, in its fulfilment. For neither man intended to keep any "oaths" or promises, lying in their teeth for their own ends.

The last sentence of Daniel 11:27. "FOR YET THE END SHALL BE AT A TIME APPOINTED". This sentence covers a magnitude of complex understanding between the histories of the British Isles and France. So, one must take the understanding and slowly open it out to its fullest extent, starting from 1066 AD. Winston Churchill in his Books, History of The English-Speaking People, says. "1066 AD IS THE MOST FAMOUS DATE IN ENGLISH HISTORY, AND THE MOST FAMOUS EVENT OF THAT MOMENTOUS YEAR HAS TAKEN PLACE IN OUR NATIONAL MEMORY". Even though Churchill was such a marvellous writer of history, yet! He was not it seems, biblically aware of the full implication of this famous event of that momentous year. Which Daniel the prophet recorded for our learning. Biblical prophecy "IS" historical reliability, and we can put that reliability fully to the test, as we unravel so many detailed accurate verses which Daniel penned so long ago. The "APPOINTED TIME OF THE END" -of which Daniel speaks in verse 27, -for Harold Godwin of Wessex, was in 1066 AD. The Battle of Hastings in England was where he was killed, and at that time even the Roman Papacy was against him. William had secured the sanction of the Roman Pope for the Norman invasion of England. The "oath" sworn by Harold did not "PROSPER" for him, when that "MISCHIEF" was seen and fulfilled by Daniel in, 1064 AD.

Duke William had landed at Pevensey in September 1066, and by October 1066 the Normans had defeated and killed Harold and his army routed. William was crowned King of England on Christmas day at Westminster Abbey.

The English however did not accept a foreign King lightly, and much violent fighting followed. With great areas of the country devastated after untold strength of Norman measures, which finally brought about England's conquest in 1070. Scotland was yet to be overcome, so in 1072 William and his army invaded and Malcolm III King of the Scots was made to pay homage to him.

The Roman church was strengthened much in the "Isles" with the Norman Conquest. Roman reigns were in the hands of the prelate Lanfranc, who became Archbishop of Canterbury in 1070. Though William had the foresight to curtail church powers by separating ecclesiastical and secular courts in England. From 1072 AD William spent much of his time in Normandy usually defending his land, leaving the Norman Archbishop Lanfranc to the everyday government of England.

Under Alfred the Great's family England had become loosely unified under one ruler, and under the assembly of wisemen called the Witan. Under William the Conqueror it became one feudal state subordinate to its Norman lords. The Normans acquired large tracts of land which were fortified by a castle, from which their power, both military and administration was organised. Though William the Conqueror of England had the Roman Popes blessing in 1066, when he made a bid for that throne, later on in his reign however he refused to give homage to the pope for the realm of England. William made many ecclesiastical rules for England's church, laying down the rule that no pope was to be recognised in England without his decision on the matter. Both he, and Lanfranc, resisted Pope Gregory VII's claim to Papal supremacy in England.

In 1087 AD William was fighting the French King Philip I, and near a place called Mantes his horse fell injuring him badly. He died in Rouen in September of that year, and was partially buried in Caen, France. William was buried according to the custom of medieval Europe, his body was buried in St. Etienne, Caen, his heart was interred in Rouen Cathedral, and his entrails were interred in the church of Chalus. (To finish off the story William's burial, in 1562 the French Huguenots disinterred his remains, and scattered them).

So, William too met his "APPOINTED TIME" in history, spoken by Daniel 11:27. In an "Appointed Time" in secular history, William fulfilled Reuben's birthright and blessing spoken of in Genesis and Deuteronomy. He met his "APPOINTED TIME" coming out of France and going forth to England's throne. Then going back again to that southern land France, there to meet his "APPOINTED TIME" in his birthplace to die and be buried.

So much of behind the scenes of prophecy is fulfilled in William. It is hard for me to take that knowledge and put it down into simple words for you to understand reader, all I can do is try!

So, let us go a little deeper, into the Norman Conquest of the British Isles. It was unlike the migration of peoples gone before, who had overflowed and poured into the "Isles" many had been pushed towards that land. Even the Roman entry was different, because they wanted to subdue that province as plunder when it suited them and govern it from afar.

William the Conqueror however, had come to Britain as a "personal conqueror" under an oath for the throne of England. With his army of lesser nobles and mercenary soldiers. His careful nature reasoned against embarking upon an unprovoked attack upon England but made it one of holy religious crusade. Appealing for the blessing of the church, -which he didn't really need.- After Harold's death the council of Witan had no choice but to elect William as king, and his subsequent coronation.

Now we come to some very important verses to understand this prophecy for the British Isles, into which is mingling the 10 tribes of the House of Israel. The prophet Ezekiel writing for the 2 Houses of Israel -namely Judah and Israel- prophesies many parables and riddles for us to understand our past and present destinies. In Ezekiel chapter 21 is a parable concerning the princes of all Israel, because both houses/nations were ruled by their own kings after King David and Solomon died. In Ezekiel 21:19,20 it says:-
Verse 19:- "ALSO SON OF MAN APPOINT THEE 2 WAYS; (speaking here about the peoples of the Chaldeans) THAT THE SWORD OF THE KING OF BABYLON MAY COME; (Babylon from the land of the Chaldees) BOTH TWAIN SHALL COME FORTH OUT OF ONE LAND. (Or- 2 different peoples in 2 ways out of the land of the ancient nation of the Chaldeans, namely Assyrians, and Babylonians) AND CHOOSE IT AT THE HEAD OF THE WAY TO THE CITY"; (Or- the Northern land is the head of the way to Jerusalem).
Verse 20:- "APPOINT A WAY (Or- settle and determine) THAT THE SWORD MAY COME TO RABBATH OF THE AMMONITES, AND JUDAH IN JERUSALEM THE DEFENCED". (Rabbath, a city of the Ammonites which was within, and bordered on, the heritage land given to the tribe of Gad. With Reuben's land to the south of Gad. These 2 Northern Israelite tribes fell to the sword of the Assyrians, when incorporated into the "House of Israel" under their own princes).

Ezekiel 21 goes on to prophesy to the princes of all Israel, and how their day has come to an end, because of their profanities. (Or- unholy ways towards God.) In verses 25-27, Ezekiel tells how Israel will lose the crown in those ancient times and the diadems of princes, and the high born men of Israel shall be made low, and the low high.


We stop here reader to reassess what is meant by these last 3 overturns for the crown of Israel, and its peoples. Under the Assyrians, (out of the 2 nations of the Chaldeans) the House of Israel's people was taken and resettled in many places. Their Princes came to an end, Samaria, their capital city was rehoused with non-Israelites. The high and low born within the Northern Kingdom of Israel's people, were taken prisoners, some were assimilated into other nations. Then, they went on into their long journey of punishment through the eras of history and migrations of peoples. These Israelites of the Northern Kingdom of Israel became known as, the "lost" sheep. Finally, they were being regathered, and great waves of them were pushed into the British Isles as Celts, Romans, or Angles-Saxon, Dane and Viking etc. Each wave of peoples re-established, re-formed themselves into tribes of nations. They brought forth their own kings, and princes, councils, and the learned, to re-establish and civilise their cultures again.

Israel is the clay of prophecy that's why she can be moulded. First, we saw in history the Isles as Celtic Britain, who were "overturned" by the Romans. 2: We saw Roman Britain "overturned" by the Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Franks. 3: Saxon Britain was "overturned" by the Viking hordes. This was 3 complete "overturns" of the "Isles", in which resided many children of the "House of Israel" from out of those many peoples. They had strange faces, with strange names, out of strange nations from which they had come. Or Confusion of face, Daniel sees in chapter 9/8. The secular crown of Israel had come to its end, when the high and low born were mixed in strange nations, no more were they Israelites, but now Celts, or Saxon, etc.

After the 3rd "overturn" of the Isles eventually brought forth an Israelite Prince called Reuben To place a crown upon his head as a descendant of the Viking, and Gaul also. Because of Reuben's"blessing" given to him by Jacob, he inherits the "EXCELLENCY OF POWER" (crown), in the "last days", under the name of William the Conqueror.

Moses blessing of Reuben in the last days in Deuteronomy 33 said, "Let Reuben live and not die, because of the sins of that tribe". Because of that "blessing" of Jacob's it was Reuben's/William's -"RIGHT"- to inherit that crown, as Ezekiel chapter 21 verse 27 tells us. God blew His storm shipwrecking Harold on the French coast, and because of it God set up William on the throne of England.

Many biblical scholars automatically assume that the words, "WHOSE RIGHT IT IS"- from verse 25 of Ezekiel means it speaks of Jesus.

Well! Eventually that happens but not in the context of the 3 overturns. The taking up of the "crown" from the Conqueror, William, will then be passed on from Israelite tribe to the other, as each of their Princes inherits it and fulfils his own "blessing". Until we get to Joseph's son Ephraim, (which is the House of Windsor). It is from out of this Gentile, Christian, Israelite Britain, that the "STONE" (Jesus) was laid, for them to build on and it is to them that Jesus will return when the "Stone" will crash into the feet of Nebuchadnezzar's image. Only "then" does the crown belong to Jesus. But first and last in these lineages, it is Joseph's son Ephraim (Windsor) which is the most important, during our modern times. Whose lineage of Israel's princes this "crown" truly belongs. Because Joseph's blessing in the last days, is in Genesis 49:22-26 and is paramount, above his brothers. Remembering also the "BIRTHRIGHT", apart from the Blessing, was taken from Reuben and was given to Joseph's son. (1 Chronicles 5:1,2).

I must mention in passing reader, that I have read another translation of these 3 "overturns" of the Israelites, from out of Ezekiel 21, written by the late Herbert Armstrong in his book entitled, "The United States and British Commonwealth in Prophecy", published at that time by "The World Wide church of God". Whose church has since been divided. His translation is well researched and perhaps it looks as if it works. When Mr. Armstrong says, that the 3 "overturns" occurred when Jeremiah went into Ireland and set up a dynasty, through an Israelite princess. Which was then "overturned" again going to Scotland, and "overturned" again going to England. This ancient historical legend of 700 BC is so remote that like many of these historical legends it is hard to completely verify, therefore, cannot stand as the "SURE WORD OF PROPHECY", spoken of in 2 Peter 1:19,20. One must take into account that the reliability of prophecy with only "known" factual secular history must go hand in hand, with dates, times, and cross checking from other prophets. Which eventually makes it all stand out in a strong pattern. Namely, that this 10 Kingdomed "Isles" of that British province had its foundations laid in Daniel 2:40-43, also Daniel 7:7,8 etc. They then become the 10 Princely lineages of the 10 Israelite tribes crowned. All under one lineage in one kingdom called the British throne.

I am not doing Mr. Armstrong's book justice however by just picking out this little reference. So, I suggest one reads his book.

Let us now go back to that strange sentence in Daniel 11:27. "FOR YET THE END SHALL BE AT THE TIME APPOINTED". We will open out this sentence further with some more bits of information to fit this large jigsaw. Daniel, in continuing his historical prophecies in chapter 11 uses the words "AT THE TIME APPOINTED". Also in verse 29 these words are used, and again that verse is dealing with France, but towards another given time zone. Those words "TIME APPOINTED" finishes a long story in history, about the thrones of the British Isles and France. Which was prophesied for that particular middle period of secular history.

The next time Daniel uses the words,-"EVEN TO THE TIME OF THE END"; or because it is yet for "A TIME APPOINTED", -is in Daniel 11:35; Which verse is dealing with World War I. That time zone sees the British and French histories again played out. But this time in the battlefields of France. Again, Daniel 11:40 uses the words "TIME OF THE END" in this verse we have reached the end of World War II. Again, the southern lands of France is the battle ground, (south of the Isles), and a great army is seen pushing its way through Europe, starting from Normandy once more. It is not until we understand Daniel chapter 12 that the "TIME OF THE END" has finally been reached.

These expressions of TIMING are another way of fixing a firm date for an unforgettable occasion dealing with this nation of Israel.

Now however in verse 27 we must come back to simplicities, and work with the translations of the secular historical block of 3 verses. Namely Verses 27-29, of Daniel 11 because, the last line of Verse 27:- "THE END SHALL BE AT THE TIME APPOINTED", points the finger towards verse 29, which the first line of that verse says:- "AT THE TIME APPOINTED". These 3 happenings in these 3 verses are to do with French aspirations in history on British shores, performed in 3 different historical ways and times.

Despite the mistrust and undercurrent of hostility, these 2 countries have felt for each other throughout the centuries, nevertheless, their destinies have always been closely linked more than people have realised perhaps?

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