8. From Genesis Chapters 48 and 49.
The History of Israel's Sons in the Last Days.
(Ten toes of clay) - INDEX
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Hiraeth 2002 - Notice: The author gives permission to download, print, duplicate, and share this book for personal use only; with the proviso that no alteration is made to the contents of this book. Other use of this book is with the express permission being granted by the author or agent.

Genesis Chapter 49 - These are the 10 toes of clay, as seen by Daniel Chapter 2,
Verses 41-43 (See also Revelation 17- Horns).
Genesis Chapter 48 - Ephraim and Manasseh have a "Separate" lineage. (2 feet).

Ten Toes (Clay) - House of Israel

 1. REUBEN - France (William of Normandy) - 1066 AD.
 2. SIMEON - Plantagenet (Henry II of Anjou) - 1154.
 3. LEVI - is counted with "House of Judah" (Jew)
 4. JUDAH - is counted as "Jacob's son", "House of Judah" (Jew).
 5. ZEBULON - Lancaster (Henry IV). Etc;
 6. ISSACHAR - York (Edward IV). Etc;
 7. DAN - Tudor (Henry VII). Etc;
 8. GAD - Stuart (James I). Etc;
 9. ASHER - Hanover (George I to Victoria (Father Duke of Kent, son George III)).
10. NAPHTALI - Saxony (Edward VII) Albert(Victoria) Sax-Coburg-Gotha.
11. JOSEPH -
        Ephraim - Windsor (George V to Elizabeth II)
        Manasseh - United States of America.
12. BENJAMIN - is counted with Jacob not Israel.



Ten Toes (Iron) - Roman Kingdom - AD 43-410.

1. Dumnonii
2. Belgae
3. Atrebates
4. Cantii
5. Trinovantes
6. Iceni
7. Coritani
8. Brigantes
9. Ordovices
10. Silures.

THE ABOVE - Under Romans - Antoninus Wall - Hadrian's Wall, across the Firth of Clyde - and Firth
of Forth.

Ten Toes of Saxon Kingdom

1. Sussex
2. Wessex
3. Kent
4. Essex
5. Northumbria
6. Mercia
7. Strathclyde
8. Wales
9. Anglia
10. East Sussex

Before the Invasion of Danes in 815 AD. (Ten Toes).

1. East Anglia
2. Mercia
3. Northumbria
4. Strathclyde
5. North Welsh
6. West Welsh
7. Sussex
8. Essex
9. Wessex
10. Kent

Anglo Saxon Map - Click to Enlarge
William the Conqueror - Click to Enlarge
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