64. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 43.
Russia - Libya- Ethiopia - Egypt.

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Hiraeth 2002 - Notice: The author gives permission to download, print, duplicate, and share this book for personal use only; with the proviso that no alteration is made to the contents of this book. Other use of this book is with the express permission being granted by the author or agent.


Daniel 11:43, continues on with the "Overflowing" and "Passing Over" of the second destructive predominant leader of Russia. We must now unravel the full meaning of this same verse 43 in order to look deeper into this picture.

The expansionist nature of Russian Soviet policy makes this "HE" drive forward through, and into many countries unopposed, -it seems,- which is a strange thing indeed. Especially when the United States, with the Western Alliance nations as we see them today, would object loudly. Or bring a force of arms into the Middle East to try and put a break on Russian advancement. Here in Daniel's prophecy, the opposing forces from the Western nations etc. do not seem to make a forward impact against Russia until we reach verse 44.

The war, -or infiltrations of nations- that is prophesied going on, seems to be a war of nerves upon already weakened nations through economic and other internal crisis. In past secular history the world saw, and lived through, a similar unbelieving state with Adolf Hitler's machinations before World War II. Verse 43 is "not" a nuclear war here as yet! Though the verses 40 to 45, tell us it is the "time of the end". Many years will have passed before the "end time" of man's power of ruling is finally accomplished!

Have you noticed reader that these last 5 verses which speak of Russia's domination of countries, gives no length of time for spanning the third World War. Whereas World War I in its prophetic verses dealing with that war, -especially verse 33- gives one "MANY DAYS"- or years, to fulfil its "time zone" in history.

World War II the length of time for that war was when "THE INDIGNATIONS was ACCOMPLISHED", and "DETERMINED". Which would run its course when Hitlers Germany would go to war with the whole nation of Israel.- That of British stock of English-speaking nations,- and the terror of the "Holocaust", which would eventually drive the Fascism of Judah (Jew) back to the holy land, through that persecution. That "timing process" was under "that" determination.

Even the personalities of the two German Kings who started those two wars were taken into account. The Kaiser of Germany in verse 32 was classed as weak, wicked, and a flatterer and a wheedler amongst men.

The prophetic verses on Hitler's personality in Germany, who started World War II, run through the prophetic verses of 36, 37, 38, and 39, when all things were done according to "HIS" Will, which again is a "determined" time limit.

The verses describing Soviet Russia however, which are dominating the verses from 40 to 45 seem so impersonal, as if this "HE" is some kind of automaton, only interested mechanically in continuing his conquest of the world. It is only when we come to verse 44, and the words -"SHALL TROUBLE HIM", which give us some inclination of the Russian "HE's" thoughts and actions at all!

Today, we may draw our own conclusions of the Russian military leadership, from the fact that the missing "personality" within these verses, -is- because we are also dealing with a collective body of men. Once called, the Soviet High Command of the Communist Party. Which as the years roll on and situations change will also be called something else, who will actually lead this large mass of people within the Soviets sphere. An update in history, we see Mr Gorbachev had become Russia's "first" President, then Mr Yeltsin from the lineage of this "He" in Daniel's prophecy. Joseph Stalin came as near to an absolute leader that Russia, under the Communist Party, is likely to have had. Yet! His personality is not remarked on in verse 40.

So, it seems in these other verses of Daniel's prophecy to follow, we have another type of Joseph Stalin emerging also. One who is aloof, cold, and has no mercy or qualms at all about what he's doing in the earth. Because, "HE" views other countries as subordinate, or to be taken into mother Russia's sphere without a care for other nations, nor without any ruling from God.

Joseph Stalin was of peasant stock, finding his niche to higher things in the New World of Red Communism and Marxism, which style fitted his time zone in history. The new leader in Daniel's later verses, however, could be of a different calibre than Stalin. The Russian technical revolution in weapon systems etc. are in the hands of much younger and more educated capable officers, out of whom could step our "technocrat" to fill this role in Daniel 11:41-45.

Soviet policy has always been of an expansionist nature that's nothing new. What is new however is the young in today's educated military leadership, with much higher qualifications than their predecessors manipulating power. With no memories of the devastations that war would bring, which memories would put the brakes on older members of his party.

Let us go now to the first line of verse 43:- "BUT "HE" SHALL HAVE POWER OVER THE TREASURES OF GOLD AND OF SILVER, AND OVER ALL THE PRECIOUS THINGS OF EGYPT". When one has the POWER,-as this line predicts- one has the ability to act and do. Either by strength of force, predominance of the faculty of mind and body, to command and have dominion with absolute authority of ruling and completely influential.

That strength of absolute command Russia will use to the full in Egypt. Because no other force at that time is capable of getting this "HE" out of Egypt. When Nasser opened Egypt's doors to Russian aid, he signed Egypt's death knell, which is always remembered by Russian strategists!

The words of Daniel 11:43 are backtracking to verse 42, giving one a picture of what the Russian leader is capable of doing to Egypt. That "HE" has also done to other countries. Being cast in the same mould as Hitler, "HE" is collecting wealth from country to country.

The first word "BUT" in verse 43, is saying:- Except, besides, or nevertheless to what is going on, and in addition to the wealth of the other countries, "HE" turns also to Egypt, and from this country there are "TREASURES" surpassing his wildest dreams. The word "TREASURE" is wealth accumulated, or riches hoarded, a great quantity collected for future use, or something priceless and very much valued.

The last time we read of a forceful power in the earth taking TREASURES of "GOLD, SILVER, an pleasant things", was in Daniel 11:38. Then, it was Hitler who took for himself and his henchmen, the treasures of great art works and the regalia of European kings, princes, and of the great houses, etc. Here in verse 43 in like manner the Russian "HE" takes control of the "TREASURES of EGYPT.

Though late and modern Egypt has never been classed as a wealthy country, Yet! It has within its borders "TREASURES" unsurpassed from antiquity, which have come to light in our modern world.

Let us have a quick look upon just a few of the GOLD and SILVER items. Gold in Egypt was used lavishly under the ancient Pharaohs to cover furniture and chariots, apart from jewellery of many descriptions, most items ending up in the tombs. Silver, on the other hand was comparatively rare, though silver objects were also found in the tombs. Such as, silver ornaments and vessels for ceremonial services, and silver decorations dating as far back as 4,000 BC.

An Egyptian code on precious metals from Menes (3,000 BC) decreed that "one part of gold was equal to two-and-one half parts of silver in value". A sensational discovery was made in 1922 of the tomb of the Pharaoh Tutankhamen (18th dynasty), which was to reveal a fabulous treasure, -now famous,- with a mastery over gold attained by the Egyptian smiths. It is now in the Egyptian Museum. This treasure represents the largest collection of gold and jewellery in the world. The Sarcophagus, -the innermost coffin,- was made entirely of solid gold, and the mummy laying within was lavished in jewels. A great quantity of jewels of all descriptions were found in cases and boxes, within other rooms of the tomb. There were diadems, necklaces, pectorals, amulets, pendants, bracelets, earrings, and rings, of superb workmanship and quality. It is said that it is jewellery typical of early Egyptian work, using the symbols of scarab,(beetle) lotus flower, Isis knot, Horus eye, the falcon, a serpent, vulture, and sphinx. Which go hand in hand with the worship of their gods, the Pharaohs, and the cult of the dead. The use of gold by the Egyptians always predominated in their art forms, and the use of the materials of Cornelian, turquoise, and lapis lazuli, were used as decorative motifs, with gemstones. There were beautiful necklaces made of beads of gold, silver, stones, or ceramic, which in themselves are priceless things of antiquity. There is a magnificent diadem, which was found in another tomb, beautifully worked in gold and copper, from the fourth dynasty.

These treasures of jewellery were of a most important use in Egyptian apparel; therefore, it was highly developed and lavished in gold.

Finally, we are told that within Queen Ashhotep's tomb great "TREASURE" was found to contain beautiful gold jewellery and artefacts, from the eighteenth dynasty. When verse 43 of Daniel 11, goes on to say, "HE shall have "POWER" over all the PRECIOUS THINGS OF EGYPT". We are confronted with the knowledge that there are so many PRECIOUS THINGS OF EGYPT, it is difficult to pick out just "one" for close scrutiny. Let's just mention a few objects,- The "Rosetta stone", found during the campaign of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1798, which helped to provide the "key" to understanding Egyptian hieroglyphics.

We spoke of Tutankhamen's tomb before, which apart from gold, silver and jewellery was also filled with priceless objects of chariots, benches, bowls, chests, and chairs, etc.

In 1954 archaeologists made the discovery of a 125-foot funeral ship of Khufu, -or Cheops,- sumptuously furnished for the journey of the dead Pharaoh, from the fourth dynasty. Which is a treasure as great as Tutankhamen's tomb.

There are beautiful animal ceramics in blue glaze, and painted limestone heads, wall paintings of hunting, fishing, and life in Egypt of those times etc.

The world of sculpture is represented with portraits and carvings in relief. Statues uniquely Egyptian in their style cut into stone, some with eyes of crystal. There are massive sculptures rising to 65 foot high, such as the temple of Ramses II at Abu- Simbel. There are great temples at Luxor, Karnak, and Philae, these are tremendous treasures in their architecture.

These things are some of the "precious things of Egypt" that Daniel "sees" in his prophetic verse of 43. The word "PRECIOUS" translated as treasures much prized by mankind, very valuable and much esteemed.

Let us read the last sentence of verse 43. "AND THE LIBYANS AND THE ETHIOPIANS, SHALL BE AT HIS STEPS". This very sentence is beginning to be enacted out around us today, as the news of world affairs tell us what influence Russian SOVIET Imperial-Communism (or whatever it will be called), is bringing about within these two countries of Africa. The power of Russia is strategically tightening the noose around the world, taking under its wing, national areas that are either poor, volatile, or key positions to control sea lanes. Which in turn will control the world's oil, and precious metals etc., within its sphere. Russia is gathering for itself a meaningful horde of wealth to fill its treasury, after bringing other nations to their knees. It seems to be controlling those riches and peoples of many lands. For instance, if Russia alone controlled the energy sources of the Middle East, it then subjugates many nations, who will certainly become vassals of the Northern forces.

Because Daniel names LIBYA in verse 43, let us have a quick look at this area of North Africa. It was once called the United Kingdom of LIBYA, and former colony of Italy. Bounded on the north by the Mediterranean Sea, on the east by Egypt, the Sudan on the Southeast. Chad and Niger on the south, and the west by Algeria and Tunisia. LIBYA was under the domination of Turkey from the sixteenth century until Italy annexed it in 1911.

During World War II there was intense desert fighting between the Italian-German forces on one hand, and allied forces on the other, forging names to the memory as unforgettable as Tripoli, Tobruk, and Benghazi, to name three.

In 1949 debates in the United General Assembly approved independence to LIBYA by 1952. However, on December 24, 1951, King Idris I, proclaimed LIBYA's Independence. The powers of France and Britain, who had ruled Libya under the responsibility with the United States of America and the Soviet Union, came to an end. Both Britain and the United States retained a garrison and Airforce bases there. In 1956 the Soviet Union established diplomatic relations with LIBYA, though they rejected offers of economic aid.

In 1959 LIBYAN oil became a stepped-up production, and 1961 King Idris inaugurated a pipeline from the oil fields to the Mediterranean Sea. In 1962 there was much political unrest with prison terms given to a socialist group within the country.

When oil was discovered in 1950 the country was poor, with natural resources limited by the climate and the Sahara Desert. By 1970 however oil accounted for over 99 percent of its countries earnings and was indeed a convenient region for Western Europe needing that oil.

In 1969 the monarchy of King Idris I was overthrown in a military coup. At this moment in time is governed by a twelve-member Revolutionary Command Council, and by Col: Muammar Gaddafi, who is head, prime minister, defence minister, and commander-in- chief armed forces.

In 1970 Gaddafi had the bases of the United States and Britain removed. In 1973 he nationalised over 51 percent of foreign owned petroleum assets. He has supported revolutionary and terrorist causes, both in Middle East and elsewhere in the world. In 1977 Gaddafi, moving very much to the left in ideology declared that LIBYA was to be known as the Peoples Socialist Arab government, moving very much in tune with Russian music. He has remained ever since a strutting figure in the news around the world, always it seems itching for some sort of fight!

Daniel tells us in verse 43 that ETHIOPIA will also be at Russian steps. Let us again take a quick look why, and how, this has come about in secular history, and in the scheme of things. Ethiopia or Abyssinia is biblically the land of Punt, -as some scholars say.

It was a constitutional monarchy of eastern Africa, bounded in the north by the Sudan, on the east by the Red Sea -and Somalia, in the south by Kenya, and the west again by the Sudan.

ETHIOPIA, like Egypt's history is ancient, with Ethiopian history inscribed in hieroglyphics on columns and monuments in Egypt.

As time passed Ethiopia became an Egyptian province, and during the eleventh century BC revolted, regaining their independence from Egypt. In the eighth century BC they conquered Egypt until 660 BC. According to Ethiopian tradition, King Solomon of Israel and the Queen of Sheba were parents of Menelik, legendary first king of Ethiopia.

In the fourth century AD the Muslims drove the Ethiopians out of Arabia, towards the southwest. Who eventually became isolated from the outside world for a 1,000 years.

In the nineteenth century gradual diplomatic relations were established with other countries, and in 1923 they became a member of the League of Nations. Ras Tafari was crowned king in 1928, and became Emperor with the title of Haile Selassie, which name was well known in the Western world during the 30's. In 1935 the Italians under Benito Mussolini overwhelmed Ethiopia with their forces and mechanised might, and in 1936 King Victor Emmanuel of Italy became Emperor of Ethiopia.

Between 1940-41 British forces with Ethiopia patriots, were to drive the Italians from the country, and Haile Selassie once more restored to his throne. In 1949 the U.N. General Assembly voted the independence of Somaliland from Ethiopia, and in 1953 the United States signed a military pact with Ethiopia. In 1959-60 Ethiopia received aid from West Germany, Yugoslavia, and the Soviet Union.

The years to 1968 saw many changes in Ethiopia causing the overthrow of the Emperor Haile Selassie. Then their governing body became the Provisional Military Administrative Council, composed of 120 members of the military forces and the police.

The turmoil and the changes turned Ethiopia into a socialist country, abolishing the monarchy in 1975.

Also, in 1974-5 an Eritrean revolt, (which was a province of Ethiopia) with factions of the Peoples Liberation Front -a Marxist oriented group,- saw the Eritrean Liberation Front fighting the Central government. To lose Eritrea from Ethiopia means to loose its only seaports into the Red Sea, and its petroleum refinery.

This part of the world is classed as one of the worlds vital sea gates, jutting out into the Red Sea called the "horn of Africa". It is very important to commerce and its military significance Russia has not overlooked for one moment. Planners of strategy both in the west and the Soviets know "the horn" constitutes a lifeline through the Suez Canal for oil supplies and can become a strangle hold on the world whoever controls this area. Through the continual faction fighting within this region for control of this country, -for one reason or another- many thousands of people have died through starvation or poverty, from drought and the destruction of their way of life.

In 1980 the Ethiopians drove the Somalis back across their border, and some of those forces included 16,000 Cuban Marxist troops, and so-called Soviet advisers. The door now stands wide open for the Russian "HE" to do with ETHIOPIA and the "horn of Africa" whatsoever"HE" wishes. The Ethiopians will have no real say in their country, they will follow Russian "STEPS" and be pulled along by Russia as prophecy proclaims in Daniel 11:43.

The words ending Daniel's verse 43, -SHALL BE AT HIS STEPS,- completes Russian takeover of the 2 nations of LIBYA and ETHIOPIA. The root appliance for the word "STEPS" is to stand, or to move the legs and feet in walking, it is to advance and go forward or recede. It is to go a little distance with a special purpose in mind.

It doesn't seem necessary on the face of it, to look "into" a simple word, such as "STEPS". In Daniel's verses however to get the full implication it is absolutely necessary, because it's this exercise which unravels prophecy. Verse 43 says:- LIBYA and ETHIOPIA- "SHALL BE AT" Russian "STEPS". In other words,"SHALL" is a word of authority and what has to be atoned for.

"BE", to exist in the world of fact. "AT", commonly denotes nearness, to be engaged or employed towards something or someone. So then, the Russian leader has control and authority over these 2 nations of Libya and Ethiopia, and they will "pay" for relying on this leader because they have been closely engaged towards whatever Russia has in mind for the world. These nations will stand or fall according to Russia's power, this is fact and is carried out in secular history.

Because LIBYA, EGYPT, and ETHIOPIA, are North and East of the continent of Africa, the "little distance of the STEPS" the 2 nations will take is within Africa itself, so within this region much chaos will be taking place.

What a volatile area this Russian "HE" is taking on! The Middle East and all its faction differences is bad enough,- but when one goes into the African nations with its millions of people, one must have a common strong purpose to bind them together. To make them fight as one people, otherwise, they soon turn within themselves and into tribal fighting then one's initial purpose is lost.

When one reads of people being at one's "STEPS" it automatically suggests to the mind that these nations will follow Russia as a lap dog down at its feet. That rendering of the word "STEPS" could be applied here, but whatever meaning one places upon the word "STEPS" it is taken that the 2 nations of LIBYA and ETHIOPIA will go a short distance and with a special purpose in mind.

These 2 nations have fallen so far into the Russian net, they will have to atone for their folly. Because of their closeness to Russian needs and desires, they are employed and directed towards a goal in this area, irrespective of their own needs.

We started the block of verses in Daniel chapter 11, 41,42,and 43 saying, "this is the beginning of World War III," and it seems at first there are conventional killing movements in this direction. Which with hindsight towards LIBYA's activities in the world to this present day, these killing movements would also absorb terrorist organisations. Because these factions hide behind the Red Marxist Socialist flag. So, these murderous "STEPS" of mankind are gradually escalating wider and wider towards greater intensity within nations.

One must note within this block of verses that there is "no" time limit for these factors to begin their controversy, or that one can work with, so it is a gradual sliding into this state.

Therefore, it is obvious that the "HE" of Russia which came "in" like a whirlwind upon Germany in verse 40, (at the end of World War II), continues his road of obstruction and destruction, undermining nations in the world right up to verse 45. Therefore, showing one to all intents and purposes that even World War II has not really come to its final end. Though many years and many unnerving situations have passed. According to the war weary and the hopeful of the Western nations World War II ended in 1945. But not it seems according to the Russian warrior eagle.

The so-called "cold war" set in immediately after World War II. Berlin was under crisis, with Russia playing its cat and mouse games with European nations ever since. With the intelligence of nations spied upon or used, especially the Israelite nations of the Western World, (both houses of Judah/Israel).

Daniel is showing us that, this "power" of the NORTH has within its desires, the same deep-seated suspicion and aggression coupled with a long bitter memory that Hitler had. When he brought about World War II as a reprisal for Germany's shame, felt from the loss of World War I.

With hindsight of secular history itself, we all know we have seen periods of outright aggression within nations since World War II ended. The Soviet Union and the Allies of the western world have faced each other many times balanced on the brink of another war.

Towards the end of World War II Winston Churchill warned the world of Russian dreams of empire and spoke of the "iron curtain" coming down between Russia and the west, his calculation proved correct!

When Russia rushed out of their mother land like a "WHIRLWIND" towards the end of the World War II, she had already determined to take as many countries for its own as it could, before a halt was called by other nations.

Over the years since then one has heard or read, of Russian Marxism going into Cuba and causing problems for the United States of America. We read of Russia in Angola, Africa, in Afghanistan, of Russian expansionism of all sorts. Russian subversion in other countries, of Russian infiltration into other people's politics, and their Communist sentiments controlling the United Nations Assembly. Of course, their worldwide spy network has been written about, -especially on television- many times. They are indeed relentlessly "overflowing" this day into all walks of life. The manoeuvres of Russia which we have seen in prophecy have divided some of the Arab nations, within the Moslim world. Libya and Ethiopia are with Russia, Jordan and Edom's land escaping Russian hands. Saudi Arabia is in trouble, Egypt overrun and taken.

Daniel sees Russia firmly established in the Middle East and Africa. The interest that Russia has shown in the past all around the continent of Africa, has a well-planned policy in mind. It has built its navy to a great extent to ply the oceans and has established its influence around the African nations with its Marxist/Leninist doctrines. Recently on television we have seen the Russian naval ships rusting in the water, in various parts of their country, as if all power is lost. Russia has lived through many an era when their hopes seemed lost; only to rise again and fight, as they did against Hitler's organised army. With all sorts of "help" from their people and a strong leader in many spheres as a means to holding these nations to itself, in the event of another World War.

If Russia has command of the seas, oil in the Middle East, with the West shut out of Africa, etc. then indeed, the western nations are in serious trouble when events take the road to another war. -Which Daniel points his prophecy towards.- Russia's command of the seas would envelope the Indian Ocean, and the Persian Gulf also, bringing together both land and sea strength in these areas.

Today's turbulent South Africa will be important to the strategy during an event of World War III. Because, if Russia stands astride the Middle East and cuts off oil to the Western nations, then, ships belonging to these nations would have to travel the long sea routes around the Cape of South Africa. If the ships could not pass near Cape Town on their long journeys around the world, nor receive Africa's raw materials, then it would pose a serious threat to their survival indeed. Russia could choke off the sea gates and routes to other nations waging war against that nation.

It has been said that, not only the Middle East and Europe will be a battle ground during World War III, but there will be an all-out fight to retain South Africa in the hands of the white Boer's and other white populations whose generations were born in Africa. The Boer's will not give up the Transvaal, the Orange Free State, or Natal, etc. easily because they are the white homelands of these people.

Whatever the reasons, the black governed states will obtain much help from the spreading power of Russia, but at their eventual cost! The African continent will gear itself for war, if only for the desire to flex their muscles with Russian tanks, planes, and military aid.

The Russian "HE" of Daniel's prophecy, will want the independent wealth of South Africa, along with its ports and airfields etc.

The strong West African country of Nigeria with its large population, and very large armed forces, is a nation the South African government will find a problem, guided as it has been in the past by the Russians and Cubans.

Soviet money and materials along with Cuban advisers have meddled in the affairs of Ethiopia, Eritrea and the Sudan. Their training teams of men have advised and assisted in Africa, but they have to overcome the indifference within the peoples of these nations and their tribal rivalries, and much incompetence. Nevertheless, Russian strength in supplying arms and aid who will return to these peoples, will be at Russian "STEPS" as Daniel predicts. No doubt they will be assured of both air and sea bases, enabling them to take a strong hold on the "horn" of Africa, for an all-out war against the western nations, and by this means they will then go on to control both sides of the Gulf of Aden.

As I have said before, Russian Tsarist dreams of the 2 headed Eagle Empire stretching East and West is no different from the old Bolshevik/Communist dreams of a world revolution. Both dreams end up in subjugating lesser peoples that would in the end cause internal dissatisfaction, and those peoples would find a reason to a violent breakaway from that subjection.

In a recent update of the Soviet Republics trying to break away from Mother Russia, these nations smarting under Russian control will not suffer this indignity for long, and when Russia pulls out all the stops to bring about World War III, those lesser subjected people will undermine Russia's further aggression!

At this particular "time Zone" in history Russia cannot be stopped, no matter how other people object and act, until all secular history prophesied is consummated in the process of time, and prophecy fulfilled to the letter of the Law. Then, the Lord God puts a momentous end to the machinations of the Russian Eagle, as prophesied by Daniel, and the other prophets, which we will read of in verse 45.

Let us now go to those terrible fearful verses of 44 and 45, for in them is the world in great crisis, which the Russian/Asiatic "pale horse" has brought to its knees!

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